Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu vs Fedora

2010-05-27 Thread Michael Herger
> Nano
> clearly follows the vi/vim mode, but its not much of an improvement over
> vi.

Long live joe! It uses the same keyboard shortcuts as every WordStar or Turbo 
Pascal for DOS version _ever_ :-P


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu vs Fedora

2010-05-27 Thread bhaagensen

snarlydwarf;550971 Wrote: 
> vi does seem painful at first, but once you learn a certain amount of
> it, it is a great productivity tool.

I think that should read 'vi -is- painful at first...'


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu vs Fedora

2010-05-27 Thread Pat Farrell
gharris999 wrote:
> Why this devotion to vi?  

Just because some version of vi has been included in every unix-like OS
over the past 25+ years, and it works just fine over a TTY or command line.

The more the "visual" editors require something like X-windows. Nano
clearly follows the vi/vim mode, but its not much of an improvement over
vi. With vi, you can go anywhere, it is always installed. I even install
it on my Windows boxes.

Again, one of the reasons I install the GUI for servers is that during
setup, its nice to have a decent editor.

I actually kinda like vi, but I started programming on a PDP-10, which
used "teco" as an editor. Teco was the first that I used with the "i"
for insert mode up until you enter escape, just like vi. While teco was
not visual, it had an awesome macro/programming capability.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu vs Fedora

2010-05-27 Thread gharris999

Why this devotion to vi?  I mean, I'm sure I still have neural pathways
that are clogged with the motor memory of wordstar commands (I've
caught myself typing ctrl+k+d in my sleep)...neural pathways that might
otherwise be devoted to the remembrance of...I don't know...the
sehnsucht of a particular sunset, say.

Pretty much every distro includes nano out of the box.  Is nano not
manly enough as an editor?

Inspired by a post from Robin Bowes, I now throw these scripts into
/usr/local/sbin every time I set up a new linux box:



  export VISUAL=nano



  export VISUAL=nano
  crontab -e

sudo nanosudo


sudo nanocrontab


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu vs Fedora

2010-05-27 Thread snarlydwarf

JJZolx;550960 Wrote: 
> I certainly like the text/config file file approach for applications,
> and have a little experience with it having admin'd some Apache and
> MySQL servers on Windows.  I'm not exactly sure how I'll back it all up
> yet, with things seemingly scattered all over the file system.

It shouldn't be that hard.  Most of your configuration is going to be
in /etc.  Back that up.  A bit more is in /var in various places
depending on what you have installed. /var/lib/mysql would be important
if you used mySQL for something other than SBS... no big deal if the SBS
database gets wiped, since a rescan would rebuild it anyway.

/usr can almost certainly be ignored.  You can always redownload the
packages, so why bother backing it up.

Save a list of installed packages (dpkg --get-selections) and you can
restore the "what the heck was all the crap I installed" later with

It's very easy to do this with rsync to a USB drive.  I have a
'make-backup' script that does that for home.  (And a MUCH more complex
system at work...  a dedicated backup server that rsyncs from several
others and runs some scripts to adapt things... not just a backup, but
a swappable server that can take over for another server in case of

> Vi (vim) still gives me fits, but I learn a new trick every couple of
> days that makes me go "ah, yes".  I'm too lazy to sit down and try to
> learn some of the things that I should know how to do in any editor. 
> And I figure I'll forget most of it anyway if I don't use it daily.

I've used vi (the real one!), nvi, and vile daily for .. ages.  I still
find new tricks, but most of the time my fingers just do the right
thing.  I can't stand clicky micey thingies since it means moving a
hand over to the mouse, back to the keyboard, back to the mouse...  

vi does seem painful at first, but once you learn a certain amount of
it, it is a great productivity tool.  In my days of C programming
(alas, I miss C some days but these days it's perl and php...), vi was
a great IDE: I could start a 'make' and if there were errors from gcc,
it would capture the lines and step me through each line that made gcc
mad.  I could grab a coredump and gdb would tell me where the program
died, and could easily zip to the function even if it was scattered
somewhere in a couple dozen source files.

> I'm still in the midst of trying to run multiple instances of SbS on
> the box and have it almost figured out.  This has involved writing
> daemon init scripts and some additional shell scripts for managing
> things like doing SVN updates.  That's been fun.

It is though I'm lazy enough I don't wanna run two servers.  I get
confused enough with one some days and remembering to change alarm
times before I go to bed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu vs Fedora

2010-05-27 Thread JJZolx

AnotherTribe;550959 Wrote: 
> I throw Webmin on my headless Debian boxes allowing a GUI like interface
> to many of the common administrative scripts & config files (including
> IPtables).

I did this too, just to see what it could do.  But at this point I'm
not sure it really buys me anything.  I made the mistake of using it to
modify the configuration of a server or two in which I'd already edited
the config file (Samba and MySQL, IIRC) and while it doesn't break
anything, it certainly makes an unholy mess out of the files.

For the firewall, Ubuntu has ufw - "uncomplicated firewall" - which I
understand is just a simplified iptables management tool.  I'm not sure
how uncomplicated it is, but undoubtedly less so than dealing directly
with iptables.

Reminds me of another bit of frustration - just figuring out whether or
not the firewall was running by default (netfilter, right?).  I'm pretty
sure it's not by default, but I enabled it by enabling ufw and setting
up the necessary rules for the various services on the box.

And I also did a very un-Ubuntu like thing and enabled the root



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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu vs Fedora

2010-05-27 Thread JJZolx

gharris999;550949 Wrote: 
> If folks don't mind, I'll continue posting my Ubuntu server experiences
> here and let you all run color commentary.

As a Linux newbie, I'm following a similar path, having installed
Ubuntu Server 8.04 a couple months ago, then recently upgrading it to
10.04.  I elected to give myself a bit of a crash course in Linux by
not installing a gui and doing everything from the command line.  It's
been, well, ... interesting.

I spend a lot of time in google, sometimes not even knowing what
question to ask.  And I've bookmarked no less two dozen sites on Ubuntu
and Linux that I sometimes just browse, trying to learn something by

I certainly like the text/config file file approach for applications,
and have a little experience with it having admin'd some Apache and
MySQL servers on Windows.  I'm not exactly sure how I'll back it all up
yet, with things seemingly scattered all over the file system.

The file system hierarchy at this point still seems almost arbitrary. 
And many of the articles I've read about it have only enforced that
view.  Remembering where things are located in a directory structure
full of cryptic three and four letter names has been one of the more
difficult things to deal with.  I'm getting used to /etc/init.d/ and
/var/lib/, but the rest is still Chinese.

Vi (vim) still gives me fits, but I learn a new trick every couple of
days that makes me go "ah, yes".  I'm too lazy to sit down and try to
learn some of the things that I should know how to do in any editor. 
And I figure I'll forget most of it anyway if I don't use it daily.

I'm still in the midst of trying to run multiple instances of SbS on
the box and have it almost figured out.  This has involved writing
daemon init scripts and some additional shell scripts for managing
things like doing SVN updates.  That's been fun.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu vs Fedora

2010-05-27 Thread AnotherTribe

I throw Webmin on my headless Debian boxes allowing a GUI like interface
to many of the common administrative scripts & config files (including


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu vs Fedora

2010-05-27 Thread gharris999

If folks don't mind, I'll continue posting my Ubuntu server experiences
here and let you all run color commentary.

1st regret: installing eBox.  Pulls in way too much crap for not a
whole lot of benefit as far as I can see.

But, even after having added several ebox modules which pulled in yet
more crap, a simple:

apt-get autoremove ebox

..seems to get the job done.  So, changing one's mind about adding a
package seems to be fairly cost-free.  So..let's terms this a 'minor


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu vs Fedora

2010-05-27 Thread fragfutter

you can do netinstall for debian. Downloading a minimal iso and
installing a minimal debian results in about 300MB (If i remember this
correctly), way easier to not select anything then in ubuntu.
Kickstarting centos goes in the same region. In fact you can start
install using a 10MB image and then pull the rest over the net (using
http, with retries)

All Sytems (debian, ubuntu, redhat) can be administrated without gui.
It's about where is the focus in documentation, which method is
presented first. And in the end there is alway vi ;)


You're obviously not a Linux person. If you were, you'd know that the
most important feature of a GUI is the icon that opens a shell window.

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