Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread Zabizabo

chill wrote: 
> I have the cache on the same USB3 disk as my music, with the result that
> my pCP installation only uses 106Mb on the SD card.  I backup my SD card
> to a zipped image on the music disk every night via cron job, and the
> image is much bigger than it needs to be because I mistakenly expanded
> the partition to much bigger than necessary - 1000Mb.  In fact I'm quite
> surprised to see that the zipped image is ~600mb.  I didn't expect
> unused partition space to contribute to the backup size.  I should
> probably look into shrinking the partition to maybe 200Mb.


I don't know if I have to leave the cache on the SD Card or move it on
my USB disk.

So for you, what is the benefit to have the cache on the disk containing
your music ? Just a question of saved space on the sd card or LMS is
more reactive ?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread Paul Webster

There is no 100% certain place that it should be.

Some people do not like having LMS (or the system it is running on)
being able to write to the place where the music is stored to reduce the
possibility of something going horribly wrong and a carefully created
(but not backed up) collection gets destroyed (at least I assume that is
the reason).
Also - if the music is stored on a NAS and LMS is running somewhere else
(e.g. RPi) then having the cache over a network link may well make
things slower.

Having the cache on the local SD card where LMS is booted is the default
for pCP so is probably how it is set for many installations.
The fear there is that either the SD card is too small to hold the
database files that LMS uses (could easily be multiple GB when there is
a lot of artwork/artists along with plugins that fetch and store extra
info) or that having frequent writes to the SD card (LMS writes data
back to the card for logging and current playlist) might reduce the
lifetime of the card.

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] squeezeplay i386 does not display all cover art

2020-02-27 Thread D1eter

ralphy wrote: 
> My experience has been that the libsoxr resampling library included with
> squeezelite provides better default and configurable resampling settings
> compared to the default resampler used in alsa.  You can change the
> default resampler for alsa.
> If you use hw: with jive_alsa and the audio device doesn't support the
> sample rate of the stream, jive_alsa will close the hw: device and
> reopen with plughw: to use the alsa resampler as jive_alsa does not have
> native resampling support like squeezelite.

Oh, I misunderstood, thanks for the clarification. I plan to use a USB
DAC with capabilities that far exceed the demands of all my material or
streams. If I can get that to work resampling should never be needed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] HifiBerry Digi+ Pro not working on Picoreplayer

2020-02-27 Thread Yatsushiro

MohnJadden wrote: 
> Edit: I'm a dumbass, the HifiBerry HAT wasn't pushed down hard enough. 
> Disregard.?

I did the very same with an IQAudIO DigiAmp+; I was actually part way
through an email conversation with the supplier about a return when I
realised what the problem was and had to come clean. Some HATs really
need a solid push home, some don't.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread Zabizabo

Paul Webster wrote: 
> There is no 100% certain place that it should be.
> Some people do not like having LMS (or the system it is running on)
> being able to write to the place where the music is stored to reduce the
> possibility of something going horribly wrong and a carefully created
> (but not backed up) collection gets destroyed (at least I assume that is
> the main reason).
> The drive might also be noisy and will consume more power.
> Also - if the music is stored on a NAS and LMS is running somewhere else
> (e.g. RPi) then having the cache over a network link may well make
> things slower.
> Having the cache on the local SD card where LMS is booted is the default
> for pCP so is probably how it is set for many installations.
> The fear there is that either the SD card is too small to hold the
> database files that LMS uses (could easily be multiple GB when there is
> a lot of artwork/artists along with plugins that fetch and store extra
> info) or that having frequent writes to the SD card (LMS writes data
> back to the card for logging and current playlist) might reduce the
> lifetime of the card.

Ok thanks Paul. 
So, I have to decide what is the more important for me, my SD Card or my
music collection (even if I have two backups). I didn't realize that the
database could reach multiple of GB. I understand why I got problems
when I expand the file to only 300 MB :).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread chill

Zabizabo wrote: 
> Hi,
> I don't know if I have to leave the cache on the SD Card or move it on
> my USB disk.
> So for you, what is the benefit to have the cache on the disk containing
> your music ? Just a question of saved space on the sd card or LMS is
> more reactive ?
> Thanks
> Christophe

I'm not really sure what is best, to be honest.  My USB disk is a fast,
silent, locally attached SSD, and I'm obviously wearing it out a bit
faster than if it was a read-only music store, but I don't think that's
much of an issue these days.  It gets backed up every night, so the risk
of loss caused by corruption is minimised.  And of course, it removes
the risk of corruption to the SD card.  I can't say I've noticed any
speed difference wherever the cache is stored.  Saved space on the SD
card isn't an issue either these days, given that the cheapest SD cards
seem to be 16Gb.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread kidstypike

chill wrote: 
> I'm not really sure what is best, to be honest.  My USB disk is a fast,
> silent, locally attached SSD, and I'm obviously wearing it out a bit
> faster than if it was a read-only music store, but I don't think that's
> much of an issue these days.  It gets backed up every night, so the risk
> of loss caused by corruption is minimised.  And of course, it removes
> the risk of corruption to the SD card.  I can't say I've noticed any
> speed difference wherever the cache is stored.  Saved space on the SD
> card isn't an issue either these days, given that the cheapest SD cards
> seem to be 16Gb.

I too have my LMS cache on the same SSD as my music. It's very quick
(USB3 on a Pi4) and easy (for me) to backup the cache from Windows using

If the SD card in the Pi gets corrupted, just burn a new one, set up a
few bits and bobs, point it at the LMS cache on the SSD and you're away
playing again from the same playlist where it left off. :cool:

*Server - LMS 8.0.0 *Pi4B 4GB/Flirc case/pCP 6.0.0-rc1 18K library,
playlists & LMS cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread Zabizabo

chill wrote: 
> I'm not really sure what is best, to be honest.  My USB disk is a fast,
> silent, locally attached SSD, and I'm obviously wearing it out a bit
> faster than if it was a read-only music store, but I don't think that's
> much of an issue these days.  It gets backed up every night, so the risk
> of loss caused by corruption is minimised.  And of course, it removes
> the risk of corruption to the SD card.  I can't say I've noticed any
> speed difference wherever the cache is stored.  Saved space on the SD
> card isn't an issue either these days, given that the cheapest SD cards
> seem to be 16Gb.

Thanks for your answer.

Since I have also backups of my music library, I think I will give
priority to store the cache on my USB3 Hard Disk.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread Zabizabo

kidstypike wrote: 
> I too have my LMS cache on the same SSD as my music. It's very quick
> (USB3 on a Pi4) and easy (for me) to backup the cache from Windows using
> Samba.
> If the SD card in the Pi gets corrupted, just burn a new one, set up a
> few bits and bobs, point it at the LMS cache on the SSD and you're away
> playing again from the same playlist where it left off. :cool:

Could you tell me which folder/files are related to the cache ? I'm
asking because by storing the cache on my HDD and looking with Samba I
think I don't see it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread kidstypike

Zabizabo wrote: 
> Could you tell me which folder/files are related to the cache ? I'm
> asking because by storing the cache on my HDD and looking with Samba I
> think I don't see it.

Assuming you can see the contents of your HDD when attached to the Pi,
they're in the slimserver folder.


|Filename: slimserver.jpg   |

*Server - LMS 8.0.0 *Pi4B 4GB/Flirc case/pCP 6.0.0-rc1 18K library,
playlists & LMS cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2020-02-27 Thread harry

I'm running PCP on a Raspberry Pi 3, connected via ethernet and wifi.
It's used as an LMS server rather than as a player, and music is stored
on a WD My Cloud NAS. I'm still running version 3.2 because generally
speaking it works so reliably I haven't found the need to upgrade
although am happy to do so if it will help with this issue! 

Unfortunately we've been getting regular power cuts recently. When power
is restored, PCP / LMS restarts quicker than either our internet router
or the NAS. This means that PCP fails to set its time, and also fails to
restore the CIFS mount of the NAS. (And if we don't notice this, then
when you try to play music via LMS, it doesn't find the files, and
removes them from the library, necessitating an annoying library

What's the best way to fix this? Seems like the options would be either
to delay boot after an unexpected shutdown, or to keep trying for NTP
and the network filesystem if they're not available at first. I don't
know how to do either of these! I feel sure this must have been covered
somewhere so apologies if this is repetitive!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Alpine Linux on Dell M300

2020-02-27 Thread ralphy

sodface wrote: 
> Let me know when you have it and I'm going to take the link down.
Thank you.  I've grabbed the file.

sodface wrote: 
> I was going to post all this stuff up and put a repo online etc. but I
> wasn't quite ready to go just yet.
Guess I jumped the gun!  Something to look forward to.

sodface wrote: 
> I didn't add any kernel modules
> no kernel or initramfs
That's no problem. Kernels tend to be device specific and I already have
a couple kernels for the devices I want to try.

sodface wrote: 
> in the meantime, let me know if there's something specific you need.

sodface wrote: 
> Also, I tried the squeezelite settings you posted and the -a 120 didn't
> seem to help (or hurt) but the -a 16384:4096 made it way worse,
> basically unlistenable.
Try turning mmap off -a 120:::0 and if still no difference try
increasing 120 to 200, 300 and 400 just to see if you can get clean
audio with -a.  Beyond 200ms is really much higher than should be
needed.  Could be a specific decoder issue as well, try several
different audio formats if possible.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread Zabizabo

kidstypike wrote: 
> Assuming you can see the contents of your HDD when attached to the Pi,
> they're in the slimserver folder.

Ok, I will have a look tonight but I don't remember seeing a folder
named slimserver. May be I have to take an appointment with my
ophthalmologist :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread carsten_h

Zabizabo wrote: 
> I have to decide what is the more important for me, my SD Card or my
> music collection 

I am using the SD-card only for piCorePlayer. I have attached a
read-only SSD with the music on it and an USB Stick for the LMS-Data.
So the SD-card is only used for booting and sometimes updating and I
hope it will stay longer, the music library is only written from my Mac
and the USB Stick is written only when new music arrives.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Wandboard Muffled S/PDIF Audio

2020-02-27 Thread atrocity

atrocity wrote: 
> Thinking there may have been some odd setting going on in his receiver,
> we played a CD on a standard CD player and, via the Wandboard, a rip of
> the same CD with no alteration (i.e., ReplayGain turned off). We moved
> the same optical cable back and forth between the Wandboard and the CD
> player and again the difference was quite obvious.

Still have no idea what's going on here, but he "fixed it" by getting a
HifiBerry Digi+ and making the Pi the player.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2020-02-27 Thread paul-

I'm not sure I have a good solution for the NAS, You could increase the
number of mount retries.

As for the date issue, in pCP6, I've just added date check to the LMS
start sequence.  You could make the same edits on your side

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Alpine Linux on Dell M300

2020-02-27 Thread sodface

ralphy wrote: 
> Try turning mmap off -a 120:::0 and if still no difference try
> increasing 120 to 200, 300 and 400 just to see if you can get clean
> audio with -a.  Beyond 200ms is really much higher than should be
> needed.  Could be a specific decoder issue as well, try several
> different audio formats if possible.

Will continue to test.  I was originally only planning on using this as
an LMS / file server but it would be a nice bonus to have working audio
out too.

I've learned a lot working on this.  One thing that initially almost
made me give up was issues I had with Alpine's apk package manager.  It
took me a while to get to the point where I had a bootable base system
and then the one application that I wanted to work correctly, the
package manager, didn't.

If you are interested, you can read about it here:

Subject is "APK Package Name Issue on armel port".  The developers were
great and commited some patches to fix the problem (fixes included in
the tar ball you got.)  It was down to unaligned memory access, which
after I knew what I was looking for I was able to read up about but I
wouldn't have figured it out without the Alpine dev diagnosing it.

I haven't quite figure out why yet, but, Alpine on the pi zero w
defaults /proc/cpu/alignment to 2 (fixup) and I don't even think
unaligned access is an issue on that architecture (not sure) but on the
armel port I'm working on it was defaulting to 0 (ignore) which
basically caused all the weird stuff with the package manager.  I'm
setting alignment=2 now as a kernel boot param, even though they fixed
it in apk's code, just in case there are other apps that might cause

I tried to convince the guys over at the doozan forum where they were
working on this device (I used the .dts and kernel config there as a
starting point) that it was a potential problem on their Debian loads
but I don't think I was able to get my point across.  Not even 100% sure
I'm right but I think I am.

See starting here and on:,61344,96059#msg-96059

Anyway, just food for thought and if you have any opinions on anything
I'd like to hear them!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-02-27 Thread Zabizabo

kidstypike wrote: 
> Assuming you can see the contents of your HDD when attached to the Pi,
> they're in the slimserver folder.

Got it thanks

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Rpi

2020-02-27 Thread wl1

Having helped a few people with LMS and RPi with piCorePlayer, my BIL is
the only one having issues.

He is 200 miles away and helping him over TeamViewer is not ideal. I am
visiting this weekend, and would like to sort it out.

RPi 3b, running away LMS only, with local USB HDD for music. 
Picoreplayer v 3.22, Linux 4.9.50 pcpCore v7, piCore v 8.01, 
Logitech Touch
iPad with IPeng 

Spotify (only) is skipping.  iPeng momentarily loses the song too, and
the album art disappears, and Song Title.  Then comes back.

I’m not very good at interrogating logs...

I tried dropping Spotify from 320 to next lower setting, and no
I tried updating LMS and piCore version and got an error “downloading

Shall I just plan to update to v5 or v6 beta PiCore player - where I am
not getting this type of issue?  And if so, which one?  I guess there is
no upgrade path other than full wipe of SD card and start again. 

Any advice appreciated.

|Filename: 36E850C0-100D-4C08-A5A8-89CF190065ED.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] RPi and Spotify momentarily stopping (3.22)

2020-02-27 Thread Man in a van

You can check the 'hotfix' first and after see which upgrade version it
will allow.

Otherwise I would suggest a new image of v6.0.0.

Hotfix is on the main page of the pCP web gui, run that first then check
for pCP update


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] RPi and Spotify momentarily stopping (3.22)

2020-02-27 Thread paul-

There have been a ton of LMS/squeezelite changes to address these types
of issues.

pCP 6 is currently listed as a Release Candidate, but its basically
final.   At least final enough for you to put it in production.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Picore and HifiBerry DAC+

2020-02-27 Thread Peter2

Hi Folks

I read in the forum: it's so easy to get it working! I got an answer:
it's so easy.
So I thought: is it the hardware?
The PI gave sound: no problem! What is new? The DAC: out of the box!
So I cleaned the 40 pins connector and the 40 pins of the DAC with
alcohol (dangerous to drink!).
And after renewed connection: a green led on the DAC starts burning (I
had not seen before).
And what I then already expected: it's working fine!!!
So indirectly the forum helped me solving the problem.

Thank you all!
This post can be closed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] RPi and Spotify momentarily stopping (3.22)

2020-02-27 Thread wl1

Thanks for the quick response.  I’ll go with v6 RC.  I’ll try and find a
spare card and go prepared

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Alpine Linux on Dell M300

2020-02-27 Thread sodface

ralphy wrote: 
> Try turning mmap off -a 120:::0 

Quick testing indicates this may have fixed it!  In fact, just :::0
seems to fix it also.  Thanks ralphy.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Picore and HifiBerry DAC+

2020-02-27 Thread M-H

Peter2 wrote: 
> So I cleaned the 40 pins connector and the 40 pins of the DAC with
> alcohol 

Hi Peter,
I've never experienced that cleaning alcohol is needed on new hardware
and relative clean connectors like a pi uses in house.
But the scraping of the pins when inserting and extracting connectors
does help.
'Popping connectors' a few times is a wel known fix when debugging
computer hardware problems.
Especially when using old stuff.

Another mistake I once made was to  put the hat on wrong , with just 1
row of pins.
Obviously reconnecting it again ( correct ) helped a lot.


Pi based multi-room audio system powered by PiCorePlayer(s):
Pi3B with Phat-dac in a Rasptouch, 2 pi B+ with Cirrus Logic Audio Card,
Pi Zero with Phat-beat ,  and a few other tests...

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