Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] help -know when song is almost over because there comes a little garble, some bump

2021-03-17 Thread NoobNR7

Ok I got it running again...

Clean install on other raspberry. 

For now: no more hickups, no more weird stuff going on in the last
seconds of a song. :D:D:D

I think I made a crappy mess of it:o

I do not think my hardware was failing. I don't think picore was failing
it was just a user problem...

So happy, happy, joy, joy...

Thanks for people taking their time trying to help me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] help -know when song is almost over because there comes a little garble, some bump

2021-03-16 Thread NoobNR7

bpa wrote: 
> Sorry I don't know but I think it is similar.
> From a problem point of view - nobody else has reported similar. So need
> to localise the problem into speciifcally Deezer service or possibly
> more general your LMS/player.  The player with pcp and hifiberry is well
> used and nobody else reports this issue - so unlikley to be hardware
> unless you are using non standard squeezelite or other settings or did
> some custom tuning .
> Earlier you though it may related to crossfading - have you tried with
> all sorts of fading disabled ?

Hi bpa,

For now I fiddled  in buffer settings somewhere in squeezebox settings?
TI changed this option in webinterface at
Did not make a difference.? Still having same trouble. Or should I
restart services for these things to be activated?
Or is that the wrong place to configure settings?
I see buffer settings in PCP? I could try that?

I made account on Tidal but didn't follow through because I could not
get free trial and not filling in payment options. Maybe I will ,but not

As far as I know I am running PCP in as standard mode as standard can
That is why I like it, it worked reasonably easy. Even for me. However I
could easily configured something wrong? Because I do not really
understand what I am doing.

I was talking about fade in and out because that is what I found in
settings. I have no fading activated at the moment. When I first looked
it was set on: cross fading. Hoping it would make a difference/ dissolve
my problem...
Things go wrong in between songs. Some distortion. Not running

Hmmm because my knowledge is not that great about this stuff, I think I
would try starting over. Because if I configured it wrong somehow that
might be solved? I could pick a slightly better Raspberry.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] help -know when song is almost over because there comes a little garble, some bump

2021-03-15 Thread NoobNR7

bpa wrote: 
> The issue might relate to similar multitrack streaming services such as
> Spotify and Tidal rather than file based.  Any problem with other
> streaming services.?

Hi bpa,
I only have deezer account.
I will make free account at Tidal?
To find out what happens...

I will report back. Not sure if I can make it back tonight...
Would surely like to see this issue resolved though
So definitely coming back. Tomorrow evening I have more time.

Tidal Is that like Deezer? Installing plugin?

Thank you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] help -know when song is almost over because there comes a little garble, some bump

2021-03-15 Thread NoobNR7

bpa wrote: 
> Only with Deezer or does it happen with other playlist ? or haven't
> tested.

Hi bpa,
If I put some MP3 files (on my NAS) in a playlist. It does not seem to
give me problems at the end of a song. 
So that is working better than my songs from Deezer...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] help -know when song is almost over because there comes a little garble, some bump

2021-03-15 Thread NoobNR7

bpa wrote: 
> Only with Deezer or does it happen with other playlist ? or haven't
> tested.

Thanks for asking bpa.
Since Deezer I haven't played anything else. So I do not know exactly. I
will try and test other option.
And let you know soon.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] help -know when song is almost over because there comes a little garble, some bump

2021-03-14 Thread NoobNR7

mherger wrote: 
> Hi NoobNR7
> I believe you should start over by describing the problem you're having
> in just a line or two. Then add information about your LMS version, pCP
> version, player hardware, Squeezelite version etc. Otherwise it's hard 
> to get from your lengthy posting what we're after.

Ok Mherger. Thanks for advice. I'll try again.

My problem is happening at almost every song at the end.
in last seconds there comes a little garble... some sound rubbish that
should not be there... a  hickup... bump... 
This happens listening to playlists from Deezer.

The stuff I use on my raspberry:
piCorePlayer | piCorePlayer v7.0.1 | www v00015 | linux 5.4.83-pcpCore |
piCore v12.0pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.8-1287-pCP
LMS:Logitech Media Server Versie: 8.1.1 - 1610364019 @ Thu Jan 14
06:27:45 CET 2021

Raspberry Model: B+ Revison: 0010 Memory: 512 MB


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[SlimDevices: Unix] help know when song is almost over tbecause there comes a little garble, some bump

2021-03-12 Thread NoobNR7

Can anyone help me get rid of annoying problem?

Listening to deezer on my raspberry with picoreplayer drives me nuts...
I know when song is almost over because in last seconds there comes a
little garble... some sound rubbish that should not be :( there... a 
hickup... bump... 

I think it has to do with in and out fading, crossfading or no fading?
End part of song?
Tried different settings. To no avail?
Changing these setting seem to change things a little.
Anyhow at the end of most songs there seems to be a problem on my
rasberry picore player? Well I do not understand what the problem is. So
I do not blame it on picore. However that what reaches my ears is
getting quite irritating.

I do not even know if it's the way I have set it up?
I do not know if it can be fixed in the settings of LMS? tried it. Not
really solved my issue.
Or that my hardware is not capable enough?
Or is it settings in Deezer? Because that is where the problems seems to
occur. No problems with other regular radio streams...
Does it have to do with deezer plugin?:confused:

I use raspberry picore mainly for listening to deezer and other (free)
radio streams.
LMS says Lame is not installed... Is that nescesarry? Deezer streams

I am still running picore player on my first raspberry. I think it is a
old B model. It has 512 MB RAM if I understand picore system properties
info correct.

Lately I am trying to get more out of my raspberry. Enjoying ir remote
control recently, thanks to help on this forum...
I got wired connection now. I used to think the problem had to do with
wifi maybe not being good enough...
Today I upgraded LMS version. Never did that before. (I am
learning...(slow learner alert)):o
It did not help me to get rid of annoying problem...

I have picore player and LMS installed on the same old raspberry.
I have a hifiberry amp+ on top. Love the low power consumption of my
litlle music player. And the sound quality is good enough for me...
But that butt problem driving me nuts...

I am willing to change setup if needed. I can get a slightly newer pi
with 1 GB of RAM.
Or is it better to install LMS on seperate rapsberry?
Willing to invest in new pi 4 if that solves it?

What should/ can I do?
Is there info I failed to find?
Hoping someone knows the solution to my problem...
Thanks in advance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Howto create a linux kernel IR remote keytable for Jivelite on piCorePlayer 5

2021-03-09 Thread NoobNR7

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> When using the Flirc USB Dongle you do not use lirc or keytables, the
> FLIRC emulates a keyboard
> So program the FLIRC dongle to send the appropriate keys for the remote
> control operation you want
> Jeff

Jeff you saved my day/ saved me days...

You made me realize I was thinking the wrong way around...

It's working! :D:D:D

Man that was easy:cool:

I will try some other stuff. Very satisfying after struggling for hours.
Making it so difficult. Going way to deep for my knowing... lirc...
inputlircd... jivelite jivelite ir... tweaks bashing around,,,
Being a noob... in every possible way... :o
Ah man that feels fine... and stupid in another way. Anyhow I am so
happy it's working now.:):):)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Howto create a linux kernel IR remote keytable for Jivelite on piCorePlayer 5

2021-03-09 Thread NoobNR7

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> When using the Flirc USB Dongle you do not use lirc or keytables, the
> FLIRC emulates a keyboard
> So program the FLIRC dongle to send the appropriate keys for the remote
> control operation you want
> Jeff

Thank you Jeff for answering my question.

I bought the flirc some time ago. Hoping it would make my pcp life
I did not got it to work a while ago... The past weekend was my second

I programmed the flirc with some keys on my Windows PC.
If I use the flirc dongle on my Windows system I can see the keys I have
programmed when I use notepad. 
On my picoreplayer nothing happens?

If I understand you correct?
I do not need to activate lirc?
I do not have to activate jivelite and/or jivelite ir settings? Jivelite
was the keytable way?

Just put in the correct keys when I am programming the flirc usb
receiver? Ah ok... I just connected my Logitech wireless keyboard. It
works like that? Oh... well my Logitech keyboard works of course... I
used when I installed pcp for first time... 
I am going to try some things...
Will be back to let you know. You just put my thoughts on a different
track. Thank you Jeff :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Howto create a linux kernel IR remote keytable for Jivelite on piCorePlayer 5

2021-03-09 Thread NoobNR7

ralphy wrote: 
> .

Hi Ralphy,

Hoping you can help me out? I am struggling to get IR working on my old
raspberry with pcp.

Trying to install/ use flirc ir usb receiver with a remote lying around
in the house.
(wich is preferred ir remote (easiest/ future proof) method in
2021?(Jivelite or Lirc?))

Trying your steps from your first post.
With Jivelite IR enabled my Flirc usb dongle is not working.

sudo ir-keytable doesn't seem to show my flirc usb device?
I think it only shows gpio_ir_receiver? No usb device mentioned.
When i "sudo ir-keytable -t" I do not see anything being displayed. So I
have yet to make my own keytable file/ settings?

I had the remote working :D for a little while on pcp. But when I
rebooted I had to take all steps again. 
So I think the Philips remote and flirc do work?
The time I got it working was when I followed the steps mentioned
further down in this thread. I tried it with inputlircd. But now I do
not seem to get that working anymore?

I am sorry I am a noob.
Enjoying my pcp. Wish I could use ir remote with it. 
I do not know what is wrong: flirc usb dongle? My remote? Me trying to
config pcp?

I read quite some hours already. Believing de solution is around the
corner. I just can't see it.
Hoping you can help me find it.

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