Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] My Alpine Linux Repo for LMS and Squeezelite

2022-12-03 Thread Patricia P

sodface wrote: 
> I noticed this in Alpine's IRC logs yesterday:
> Which would be kind of disappointing. I have a bunch of original pi zero
> w's though I'm not really currently using them for anything. The
> chromebase/box is 32bit also but armv7 which I guess Alpine should
> support for a while yet, though I think the days are numbered for 32bit
> generally, not just for Alpine. Time marches on.

The chromebase works fine on its alpine os, so upgrading is optional as
long as squeezelite is supported. While it’s within the LAN (no ports
forwarded) I hope it is secure. Or as secure as the network anyway. 

It’s remarkable that a device sold new in 2019 was 32 bit.

SB Touch (Community firmware v8.01) UE Radio, SMSL Sanskrit MkII, Talk
Electronic Cyclone 1.2 amplifier. LMS 8.2 Snakeoil OS, HP t520 thin
BBCiPlayer, BBC Sounds, Shairtunes2 plugins, edo applet

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-04-23 Thread Patricia P

I have Touch with EDO installed. My dac is SMSL Sanskrit mkII and the
USB digital interface uses the advanced XMOS asynchronous processing
module.It supports both native DSD and Dop, Supporting up to
32Bit/768kHz and DSD256 decoding.

EDO on the Touch doesn't support DSD natively to the Sanskrit. However
my current lms instance is on my pc, and I didn't have DSF file native
checked when I installed it. 

I have been trying to decide whether to rip my SACD discs, so first l
need to confirm if i can play them.

If I install dsdplayer on PCP 7 can I connect to the Sanskrit dac via

Has anyone set up the Touch EDO to play dsf files with Sanskrit?

SB Touch (Community firmware v8.01) UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk
Electronic stereo. LMS 8.2 Snakeoil OS, HP t520 thin client. 
BBCiPlayer, BBC Sounds, Shairtunes2 plugins, edo applet

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-03-01 Thread Patricia P

I thought about my use of the rpi4 and decided not to install LMS. 
We have two LMS instances on our lan; four players and additional rpi4.

I use the rpi4 (with HAT) as a headphone amplifier in the home office
where the power is switched off every night. 
If I don't turn it off in the Material skin browser before it's switched
off, the piCore os should still reboot.

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 8.1 RPI4B piCore
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-03-01 Thread Patricia P

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> I must admit I have never seen resize fail.
> Have a look at the resize log, [Main Page] > [Diagnostics] > [Logs] >
> "resize"

There are two logs with mention of resize. 

Current bootsync 

# put other system startup commands here, the boot process will wait
until they complete.
# Use for system startup commands that can run in the
# and therefore not slow down the boot process.

# This file will be updated during updates, so do not place additional
commands here.

TCEMNT="/mnt/$(readlink /etc/sysconfig/tcedir | cut -d '/' -f3)"
if [ -f /home/tc/www/cgi-bin/pcp-functions ]; then
. /home/tc/www/cgi-bin/pcp-functions
elif [ -f /var/www/cgi-bin/pcp-functions ]; then
. /var/www/cgi-bin/pcp-functions
echo "Missing WWWROOT for resize." >> /var/log/pcp_boot.log
[ -f $WWWROOT/cgi-bin/ ] && (.
$WWWROOT/cgi-bin/ 2>&1 | tee -a
/usr/bin/sethostname "$HOST"
/opt/ &


lrwxrwxrwx1 root root58 Jan  1  1970
xtras_resize.cgi ->

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 8.1 RPI4B piCore
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-03-01 Thread Patricia P

Man in a van wrote: 
> I'm not very good with log files, sorry
> I would suggest using the SD Card formatter and wiping the card, it will
> only take five minutes or so
> ronnie

Yes I'll do that

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 8.1 RPI4B piCore
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-03-01 Thread Patricia P

I want to run pCP on my 4GB sd card as Player/Server but the expand
failed three times. I attach the dmesg

|Filename: dmesg.txt|

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 8.1 RPI4B piCore
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-03-01 Thread Patricia P

So I reinstall, create a backup; winscp to the backup and save to my
windows pc. 

I read the advice on using the backup and I'm totally at a loss. I'm
able to follow step by step instructions but the comments on the use of
the backup were not understood.

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 8.1 RPI4B piCore
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-03-01 Thread Patricia P

Currently I use rpi4b as Player/Server and twice yesterday I was unable
to boot up after power off. 

This is a different pi to the one that had a dodgy sd receptacle. This
has been rock steady until I powered it in my husband's office. 

I realize now he has been switching it off at the mains, and it may
happen again. I completely reinstalled once yesterday, can I avoid it by
using the backup?

How can I see the backup file using Windows when only the boot folder is
visible? How do I recover a working system?

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 7.9.1
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-23 Thread Patricia P

> However the router will not give it a ip address at all now, so I am
> inclined to think that the hardware is the problem.
I found the SD card slot is sticking and by pressing the card in hard i
can get the picore webpage to  work.

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 7.9.1
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-22 Thread Patricia P

Thanks everyone for your thoughts on this. 

The rpi3 uses ethernet cable 
Both rpi have different mac addresses 

"Can we assume you aren't using any type of access control on your
router that would block an unknown IP address?"

Correct it's a very simple modem/router set up that assigns ip
addresses by DHCP. 

I am no longer getting a ip address on router for the rpi3. Just one
green and one red light  
I'll re download the zip file tomorrow and try again. 

It definitely was given an ip address, yet would not open the picore web
page. That was the odd behaviour. 

However the router will not give it a ip address at all now, so I am
inclined to think that the hardware is the problem.

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 7.9.1
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-22 Thread Patricia P

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Should be http://ipaddress or hostname.local
Neither work, i set this up previously so I expect that the problem is
with some overlap in setting up two pcp rpi on the same LAN

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 7.9.1
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-22 Thread Patricia P

I have been struggling to install pCP on rpi3b today. The router
initially renamed the original one RPI4 with a new name, and the rpi3
now piCorePlayer and a different ip address.  The new instance was
unable to connect due to this. 

I renamed the original host name and player name, and rebooted. I tried
to connect to the pCP on http.ipaddress but every browser said a variant
of This site can't be reached. 

Restarting the router and RPI several times, not any further. 

What can I try next?  

v1.9.8-1344-pCP V7.0

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 7.9.1
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2019-07-31 Thread Patricia P

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Simple answer is no, the squeezeboxes require the LMS to serve music to
> the squeezeboxs.
> I have doen a quick search for LMS on OpenWRT but do not think that is
> possible (I may be wrong)
> A good way would be to get a Raspberry Pi (3 or 4 Pref) and install
> PicorePlayer (aka pCP)
> There plenty of support on these forums for this
> Jeff
> Edit: "squeezelite-mini " is a player BTW it emulates a Squeezebox.

Thanks Jeff, that saves me some time!

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 7.9.1
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2019-07-31 Thread Patricia P

I'm planning to set up a new router on openwrt, Linksys wrt1900acs.
The current set up has Virginmedia Superhub 3, two Logitech
squeezeboxes, running LMS 7.9 from a Win10 box.
Can I play music using only the router, a powered external drive plugged
into router's usb3, and the squeezeboxes?

SB3, UE Radio, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. LMS 7.9.1
BBCiPlayer, Shairtunes2 plugins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-10-20 Thread Patricia P

Hi Steen

its been years since I played music with my Pi, and it has sat on the
shelf for a few years. :o

I downloaded the piCorePlayer version 1.21b_RPI and burned it to a 2GB
microsd card, plugged it in to Ethernet, my amp and the lights are on,
but nothing shows on the router for Picore. I booted it a few times,
turned on and off the router.

Have I forgotten something?

I have yet to get to the web screen to change the DAC, as I dont have an
IP address on DHCP yet. I have a SB Classic, Mac Mini managing the LMS.
I also put a few gigs of music on the RPI with a 16GB pendrive.


SB3, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. Apple Mac Mini 2011 server,
Twonky server ver 6.3, ipad air 2, iTunes Music streaming.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-10-20 Thread Patricia P

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> And what are the lights on the ethernet port doing ?

It's odd, I didn't do anything but tried it again three hours later and
it is now working on my DHCP network

SB3, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. Apple Mac Mini 2011 server,
Twonky server ver 6.3, ipad air 2, iTunes Music streaming.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-10-20 Thread Patricia P

Thanks picore has appeared on the router, at last. I found it on my LMS
Server also.

Now I can try it out.

SB3, CA DacMagic, Talk Electronic stereo. Apple Mac Mini 2011 server,
Twonky server ver 6.3, ipad air 2, iTunes Music streaming.

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