Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Rpi4 + PCP 8 vs Audiophile Streamer

2022-12-26 Thread jophill

garym wrote: 
> if your new streamer will feed the same DAC, the odds of any difference
> in audio is virtually zero. Different DACs can have different sound,
> because of the analog side of the DAC design.Yes.  To my way of enjoying home 
> audio, if a streaming system delivers a
digital audio file intact and in timely fashion to the DAC input, with
no more than normal levels of digital-side noise, then there is no
-good- technical reason for any audible difference from "tweaking" the
-digital- side of the system.  I think the RPi/pCP system can achieve
this objective with most good quality modern DACs. 

I contributed recently to such a discussion online.  There was
insistence from some that digital-side noise made a difference to DAC
audio output, via various technical theories.  One contributor with an
expensive DAC insisted that people should try an extra switch in their
digital networks close to the DAC because for him it improved the audio
output by reducing digital-side noise.  His view was that this "tuned"
his DAC.  My view was that a DAC that responded this way was not well
enough designed and constructed, especially so if expensive.  Two views
on how to enjoy home audio that it does not seem possible to reconcile.

If someone enjoys having an audiophile streamer in his/her system then I
think that's fine.  It's a way to enjoy the hobby that I observe, do not
share, but refuse to contradict.  I have a few luxury products of my
own, which I enjoy without any need to explain technically. However, not
in the area of digital audio sources.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Rpi4 + PCP 8 vs Audiophile Streamer

2022-12-24 Thread jophill

sdiesel77 wrote: 
> Hum not sure to understand. What's the advantage?
> So you use the Rpi4 to access your music library?
> My Rpi4 is connected to my NAS to access the library@garym has described my 
> arrangement perfectly.  

I have only a small music library on a memory stick attached to the RPi4
running LMS.  It's just for music not available on Qobuz.  

Squeezelite on the RPi3A+ accesses LMS via 5 GHz WiFi.  It can safely
share my audio kit's master on/off power switch because it does not run

Advantage?  It's primarily for convenience and good practice (as @garym
also sets out) rather than any audiophile theory.  But in that context I
am just reporting my personal experience.  I observe that others seem
often to hear things differently.  So YMMV, as they say.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Rpi4 + PCP 8 vs Audiophile Streamer

2022-12-24 Thread jophill

sdiesel77 wrote: 
> Why do you use 2 RPI by the way?So that the RPi3A+/squeezelite box can be 
> safely powered on and off with
the audio kit, leaving the RPi4B/LMS permanently powered as required for
its database function, adjacent to my network router.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Rpi4 + PCP 8 vs Audiophile Streamer

2022-12-24 Thread jophill

sdiesel77 wrote: 
> Hi All,
> I've been using a Rpi4 with touch screen and Picoreplayer 8 on it for
> many years and I'm quite happy with it.
> However, for a while, I keep asking myself, would there be a difference
> of sound quality with a standalone "audiophile" streamer? (ie: Chord,
> Auralic, Rose, etc..)
> Anybody have been able to test and compare?A few years ago I set up an RPi3B+ 
> streamer using an earlier version
piCorePlayer.  It connected to the DAC in my ATC CDA2 Mk2 CD/DAC/preamp
via USB, driving active ATC 'speakers.   I had set up the RPi to learn
about how the components of a streamer went together, intending to
become an informed purchaser of a commercial product later on.  

After using it for some months I went on a couple of occasions to my
local audio dealer who demonstrated a couple of streamers.  One from
Innuos (the Zenith) and one from dCS (the Bartók).  Neither was
inexpensive (especially the latter).  The Bartók was demonstrated with
the same brand of 'speakers as mine but the next model up the range. 

They were both very fine products.  The comparison was not A vs B at
home. However, neither demonstration convinced me, either sonically or
functionally, to think about paying the substantial extra cost for a
"high-end" streamer.  

I now use separate LMS and Squeezelite implementations from piCorePlayer
8, running on an RPi4B and an RPi3A+.   I still don't feel any
temptation to change on either sonic of functional grounds.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCorePlayer Samba Password-Mapping network Drive

2022-11-21 Thread jophill

Viragored wrote: 
> I've got the same problem. I've just rebuilt my Pi 3B with LMS and
> external powered hard drive mounted at /mnt/LMSfiles. All done over the
> pCP GUI from my Windows 10 PC. 
> I've set up Samba shares for the music files and the LMS server data,
> exactly matching what I had before the previous SD card in the Pi died
> from a power blip. But...
> Windows Explorer is saying "Connection refused" when I enter the Id (tc)
> and password that I used on the Samba setup page. And trying to map the
> share as a network drive gets the same error. I've been round and round
> the same loop numerous times, resetting the Samba password, using a
> plain text source to copy/paste the password to ensure no typing errors
> creep in, so I need to find what the actual problem is - it's not simply
> id and password. Permissions somewhere, maybe, or Samba version changes?
> ...This is a long shot but have you tried re-booting Windows 10 after
setting (or changing) the LMS/Samba password but before trying to access
the share?  

I have an LMS/Samba share accessible from W10.  The original set-up was

However, I have just tried changing the LMS/Samba password via the pCP
GUI and then accessing the share from Windows 10.  It finally worked as
expected with one quirk.  W10 retained access to the share after the
password has changed on LMS, without needing new credentials.  But,
after a W10 re-boot, entering the new credentials worked just as

I don't know Samba under the hood and might fall flat on my face with
this thought.  However, is there some authentication token involved that
has to be cleared from a W10 cache before you can successfully use new
credentials (even the same ones for a share created at a different

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCorePlayer Samba Password-Mapping network Drive

2022-10-12 Thread jophill

jfo wrote: 
> I'm setting up a piCorePlayer server with LMS for a friend. After some
> initial problems, his Windows 11 PC has discovered the pi on his network
> but I can't get past the Network Credentials sign in when trying to map
> it as a network drive. I assume I should use tc as user name and piCore,
> the password I entered in the LMS-Samba setup section in picoreplayer?
> It won't accept these. Can I just re-enter and re-save the password in
> the Samba setup or is another method needed to check or change the Samba
> password? ... IIUC, Samba maintains its own credentials, independent of the 
> host.  So,
I think picoreplayer's standard host credentials can't be expected to
work by default, even though Samba does seem to have been set up to know
about a user called "tc".  

I just enter a password for user "tc" (not the same password as the
host) on the Samba part of the LMS tab.  That works for me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer Documentation

2021-02-22 Thread jophill

carsten_h wrote: 
> I used it too, but after the Release of "Raspberry Pi Imager" I don't
> know why to use another tool. There you can directly choose the standard
> Raspberry OS or a few others like LibreELEC and so on or you can choose
> an image. I don't need any other tool on the Mac for flashing to
> SD-cards or SSD.Doesn't -Raspberry Pi Imager- automatically eject the SD card 
> after
writing an image?  

Perhaps I am using it wrongly but I always have to re-insert the card to
add a copy of -wpa_supplement.conf-. If ejection is automatic the
information panel on the page about installing -wpa_supplicant.conf-
saying "Do not eject ..." after burning the image, is perfectly correct
but ejection is unavoidable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-11 Thread jophill

paul- wrote: 
> Only if you want to create/check/format an exfat filesystem.Many thanks.  I 
> wondered if I was doing something silly by not using a
piCorePlayer specific version of exfat-utils.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-11 Thread jophill

On a new installation of piCorePlayer 7.0.0 (32-bit) on a R.Pi4 server
with some of the music files on a USB flash drive I noted that both
*exfat-utils.tcz* and *pcp-exfat-utils.tcz* are available.  

I loaded exfat-utils.tcz to mount the drive, as the LMS tab helpfully
points out.  This works fine.  However is there any reason to load
pcp-exfat-utils.tcz instead?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Picoreplayer 7 + RPi4B. USB DAC output problems

2021-02-09 Thread jophill

bigq wrote: 
> In squeezelite settings USB output is selected with
> "front:CARD=v12,DEV=0" specified.
> Somehow after reboot Headphone becomes as default.:confused:A fix might be to 
> disable the on-board audio (Squeezelite Settings ->
Card Control), assuming that is what the Headphones card refers to.  I
have seen a case like yours on another forum where this is reported to
have worked.

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