Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-22 Thread ralphy

ScottAM wrote: 
> Point me to interface descriptions and I'll code anything. If you give
> me access to the frame buffer, sockets, and GPIO pins for an IR receiver
> (or allow the ability to track a mouse), I will code what I need. I just
> need to know how to get to things.

picoreplayer uses linux so the standard library apis for these devices /
services are available.

For jivelite we use the 'fbcon driver in SDL 1.2.15'

SDL also provides the 'keyboard and mouse interfaces'
for jivelite.

The 'touchscreen driver/library'
( we


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-22 Thread ralphy

ScottAM wrote: 
> Also, a question about squeezelite. You can set the MAC in it, but it
> deliberately prevents you from using MAC addresses in the range used by
> classics. I get it; you don't want to collide with existing hardware.
> But in my case I wanted to use the pi as a drop-in replacement for a
> dead classic, which should have meant cloning the classic's MAC. It
> would be nice if it could give you a warning but then allow MACs in that
> range to be used. Feasible?

Yes it is feasible, but for the reasons Paul has mentioned the pcp team
cannot provide one.

You have to modify the 'squeezelite source'
( to remove the restriction
and build squeezelite yourself.
There's an option in the picoreplayer webgui squeezelite page to use a
custom squeezelite build.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-21 Thread ScottAM

paul- wrote: 
> Logitech has licensing with some of the apps only permitted to run on
> “Real” SB hardware.  And therefore the restriction.
> As for displaying something on the screen.  Yes there is some pitfalls
> there.   There is no X Support, We are only running a Frame-buffer.  The
> OS is also very lean,  extra library support and package management is
> really different than what you may be used to.

Point me to interface descriptions and I'll code anything. If you give
me access to the frame buffer, sockets, and GPIO pins for an IR receiver
(or allow the ability to track a mouse), I will code what I need. I just
need to know how to get to things.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-21 Thread paul-

Logitech has licensing with some of the apps only permitted to run on
“Real” SB hardware.  And therefore the restriction.

As for displaying something on the screen.  Yes there is some pitfalls
there.   There is no X Support, We are only running a Frame-buffer.  The
OS is also very lean,  extra library support and package management is
really different than what you may be used to.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-21 Thread ScottAM

I have piCorePlayer running with a hifiberry, running headless. I
couldn't be more pleased. Donation shortly.

I do have some questions. I'd like to write a custom GUI app that runs
on the pi. Before I slap something together with python/tkinter, I'd
like to make sure there's no tricks involved in getting a GUI displayed
on screen. And maybe plug in a mouse... Is all that doable? Is there a
how-to somewhere for adding custom code?

Also, a question about squeezelite. You can set the MAC in it, but it
deliberately prevents you from using MAC addresses in the range used by
classics. I get it; you don't want to collide with existing hardware.
But in my case I wanted to use the pi as a drop-in replacement for a
dead classic, which should have meant cloning the classic's MAC. It
would be nice if it could give you a warning but then allow MACs in that
range to be used. Feasible?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-16 Thread ralphy

ScottAM wrote: 
> The first obstacle is that squeezelite expects to see a command sent to
> it from the server every ~30 seconds, or it disconnects. My server
> doesn't send anything periodically (and the original Classic was fine
> with that); and it's not obvious what I should send - I could do a hack
> like sending the volume over and over, but that can't be what's
> intended. The squeezelite code isn't heavily commented. I can slowly
> slog through the trial and error of "just keep trying stuff" but I'm
> hoping I can approach this more cleverly. What I probably need is the
> ability to contact the author and pester him with questions, but I don't
> know how. (Edit: or, I could hope that the Ralph I- of Githib is
> "ralphy" here. Hi?)

Yes that's me.

There was a period in lms evolution where client keep alive behaviour
changed between v6.5 and v7.2. 'This is a comment I made'
in the old squeezeslave code regarding it.  As sending the volume
command is keeping squeezelite active, this is purely out of interest.

ScottAM wrote: 
> Would it be difficult to add in all the buttons on the squeeze classic
> remote?

It should be straight forward to add most of them.  The complete list is
in ''
from lms.

ScottAM wrote: 
> Also, what's the simplest way to hook up an IR receiver? I'm not seeing
> anything cheaper than USB Infrared Toy v2 (~20$). Are there better
> options?

There's a short video describing how to connect an IR receiver to the
rpi and a link to the ones I use in the 'first post'
of an old thread.  Note that IR support has been integrated into
picoreplayer since this thread was created.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-15 Thread paul-

You can hook up a receiver to the RPI GPIO.

Something like this.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-15 Thread ScottAM

ralphy wrote: 
> Squeezelite doesn't relay all buttons as the IR support was only
> intended for player transport control. 
> You can see what commands are currently supported in 'ir.c'
> (

Would it be difficult to add in all the buttons on the squeeze classic
remote? My wife is very used to using the remote to get around.

Also, what's the simplest way to hook up an IR receiver? I'm not seeing
anything cheaper than USB Infrared Toy v2 (~20$). Are there better

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-15 Thread paul-

Hifiberry and Allo have good products.

The disconnect would be squeezelite's implementation, as it has the
ability to go look for another server if the server quits communicating.
Here is the squeezelite startup with logging set to
slimproto=sdebug..The player power is off, nothing is playing
right now.   So the stream command t is coming from the server every 4-5


  usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n Pi4-4G-devel -a 80:4::1: -d slimproto=sdebug -f 
  [19:41:52.732933] discover_server:788 sending discovery
  [19:41:52.733570] discover_server:799 got response from:
  [19:41:52.733781] slimproto:887 connecting to
  [19:41:52.734076] slimproto:926 connected
  [19:41:52.734097] sendHELO:142 mac: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  [19:41:52.734109] sendHELO:144 cap: 
  [19:41:52.736288] process:521 strm
  [19:41:52.736302] process_strm:274 strm command q
  [19:41:52.736316] sendSTAT:165 ms_played: 0
  [19:41:52.736326] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMf
  [19:41:52.736335] sendSTAT:194 received bytesL: 0 streambuf: 0 outputbuf: 0 
calc elapsed: 0 real elapsed: 323536 (diff: -323536) device: 46 delay: 3
  [19:41:52.736594] process:521 setd
  [19:41:52.736607] sendSETDName:248 set playername: Pi4-4G-devel
  [19:41:52.736692] process:521 setd
  [19:41:52.737000] process:521 aude
  [19:41:52.737011] process_aude:415 enable spdif: 0 dac: 0
  [19:41:52.737307] process:521 audg
  [19:41:52.737318] process_audg:433 audg gainL: 14080 gainR: 14080 adjust: 1
  [19:41:54.134711] process:521 strm
  [19:41:54.134789] process_strm:274 strm command t
  [19:41:54.134821] sendSTAT:165 ms_played: 0
  [19:41:54.134849] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMt
  [19:41:54.134873] sendSTAT:194 received bytesL: 0 streambuf: 0 outputbuf: 0 
calc elapsed: 0 real elapsed: 324934 (diff: -324934) device: 46 delay: 1401
  [19:41:59.011873] process:521 strm
  [19:41:59.011951] process_strm:274 strm command t
  [19:41:59.011983] sendSTAT:165 ms_played: 0
  [19:41:59.012011] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMt
  [19:41:59.012034] sendSTAT:194 received bytesL: 0 streambuf: 0 outputbuf: 0 
calc elapsed: 0 real elapsed: 329811 (diff: -329811) device: 46 delay: 6278
  [19:42:03.011705] process:521 strm
  [19:42:03.011785] process_strm:274 strm command t
  [19:42:03.011818] sendSTAT:165 ms_played: 0
  [19:42:03.011846] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMt
  [19:42:03.011870] sendSTAT:194 received bytesL: 0 streambuf: 0 outputbuf: 0 
calc elapsed: 0 real elapsed: 333811 (diff: -333811) device: 46 delay: 10278
  [19:42:07.011804] process:521 strm
  [19:42:07.011846] process_strm:274 strm command t
  [19:42:07.011859] sendSTAT:165 ms_played: 0
  [19:42:07.011871] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMt
  [19:42:07.011881] sendSTAT:194 received bytesL: 0 streambuf: 0 outputbuf: 0 
calc elapsed: 0 real elapsed: 337811 (diff: -337811) device: 46 delay: 14278
  [19:42:11.011441] process:521 strm
  [19:42:11.011522] process_strm:274 strm command t
  [19:42:11.011554] sendSTAT:165 ms_played: 0
  [19:42:11.011583] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMt
  [19:42:11.011608] sendSTAT:194 received bytesL: 0 streambuf: 0 outputbuf: 0 
calc elapsed: 0 real elapsed: 341811 (diff: -341811) device: 46 delay: 18278

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-15 Thread garym

The hifiberry Digi+ has Toslink output.   (also, I've been a happy user
of the hifiberry Dac+)

*Home:* VBA 4TB (2.5)>LMS 7.9.2>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio (all
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.4)>LMS 7.9.1>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom, Radio
w/Battery (ethernet, Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>LMS 7.9.2>Squeezelite
*The Wild (no internet): *PiCorePlayer 4.0 on rPi 3B+, hifiberry
Dac+Pro, 4TB USB (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone6 & iPadAir2 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, or SqueezePlay
7.8 on Win10(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpa > FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-15 Thread ScottAM

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Your best bet might be to install LMS somewhere in your network and then
> turn on slimproto debugging and hook up a Squeezelite to it to see what
> is going on - or run Squeezelite with debugging turned on since it does
> dump out quite a lot of slimproto info as it goes.
> LMS web UI/settings/advance/logging/(network.protocol.slimproto) -
> SlimProto (Squeezebox / Transporter) Protocol

Actually, I'm happy to report that when I worked around two problems
(the UDP discovery protocol changed so I just set squeezelite to look
directly for the server's ip; and; squeezelite wants to see messages
every few seconds, so I set the volume to what it already is at
internals), the rest just worked. I have lots of testing to do but at
least I have a solution. I will try putting up the standard LMS and
seeing how it gets around the timeout (since I doubt it sends volume
commands over and over), thanks.

Next up is getting audio off the awful 3.5mm jack. For my main stereo I
need optical (TOSlink) output. (Don't need a DAC, in other words). A
cheap soundcard I have has an optical out but only has 16 bit depth, and
it doesn't sound good. What's my best bet for getting TOSlink out from a
pi at 24-bit depth? (Having the additional option of DAC and stareo
analog outputs wouldn't be a bad thing.)

The other systems do need a DAC and RCA outputs, but my need for high
fidelity isn't quite as extreme.  Have people been happy with HIFIBERRY
DAC+ offering?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-15 Thread Paul Webster

Your best bet might be to install LMS somewhere in your network and then
turn on slimproto debugging and hook up a Squeezelite to it to see what
is going on - or run Squeezelite with debugging turned on since it does
dump out quite a lot of slimproto info as it goes.

LMS web UI/settings/advance/logging/(network.protocol.slimproto) -
SlimProto (Squeezebox / Transporter) Protocol

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-15 Thread ScottAM

paul- wrote: 
> Other than reading source code,  did you look at the wiki

I have; it doesn't all apply to squeezelite, which doesn't use several
of those commands. It's an improvement on what was available back when I
wrote my server, but it's nothing like enough. Where for example does it
mention that as of version x, command z has to be sent every n seconds
or there's an automatic disconnect?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-15 Thread paul-

Other than reading source code,  did you look at the wiki

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-15 Thread ScottAM

So I've set up a Raspberry pi with PiCore, and it boots fine and offers
a web page, which I was able to use to configure SqueezeLite to talk to
my custom squeeze server. Kudos, this seems like a well-thought-out web

I wasn't shocked to discover SqueezeLite and my server don't agree on
the slim protocol - my server was written for version 81 of the
squeezebox software, years ago, and of course things have changed.

The first obstacle is that squeezelite expects to see a command sent to
it from the server every ~30 seconds, or it disconnects. My server
doesn't send anything periodically (and the original Classic was fine
with that); and it's not obvious what I should send - I could do a hack
like sending the volume over and over, but that can't be what's
intended. The squeezelite code isn't particularly commented. I can
slowly slog through the trial and error of "just keep trying stuff" but
I'm hoping I can approach this more cleverly. What I probably need is
the ability to contact the author and pester him with questions, but I
don't know how.

What's my best resource for figuring out what I need to change? My goal
is to change only my server. I haven't found (helpful) documentation;
does anyone have experience with the slim protocol? If I should be
asking somewhere else, where? Any help welcome.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-14 Thread ralphy

ScottAM wrote: 
> I assume squeezelite can read signals from an attached IR device and
> ship them to the server in the same way the Classic did, in which case
> my server will see them and do what's needed.
> Yeah. This will become my next project. Kudos to whoever came up with
> squeezelite, as if this works it's going to save me hundreds of dollars
> and hours.

Squeezelite doesn't relay all buttons as the IR support was only
intended for player transport control. 

You can see what commands are currently supported in 'ir.c'


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-13 Thread ScottAM

mherger wrote: 
> > 
> You mentioned IR. Which makes me wonder whether you implemented a UI, 
> too? Or how else would you use the IR remote?
> Why don't you fire up one of your Pis with pCP and give it a try?

My server generates bitmaps (quite small ones for a Classic) and sends
them down as grfe commands. That gets used in all sorts of ways,
everything from date/time/weather to, of course, navigating the song
catalog. It's not my preferred way to pick songs - I have a separate GUI
that runs on my laptop for that - but it's how my wife picks songs,
adjusts volume, etc. So I will need to implement that. Since it doesn't
look like squeezelite implements the grfe command, I'll just write
something to run on the pi, send it those messages, and handle the
display separately. Since any display I plug into the pi will have more
available pixels than the classic did, it;'s a chance to display extra
information anyway.

I assume squeezelite can read signals from an attached IR device and
ship them to the server in the same way the Classic did, in which case
my server will see them and do what's needed.

Yeah. This will become my next project. Kudos to whoever came up with
squeezelite, as if this works it's going to save me hundreds of dollars
and hours.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-13 Thread Paul Webster

pputzer wrote: 
> One command that squeezelite does not support is the undocumented *blst*
> frame that triggers the IR blaster functionality in the original
> hardware. This is what the IRBlaster plugin uses, for example. One can
> work around this by listening to server events and configuring the
> commands on the client (e.g. using 'my little python daemon'
> (, or something
> similar).

Not sure if this helps ... but ... SqueezePlay support blst


  function blastIRTask( self, irstr)
local cmd = "cd /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/fab4-ir/0-0047; "
cmd = cmd .. "echo \"" .. irstr .. "\" > ir_blaster; "
cmd = cmd .. "echo 1 > ir_blaster; "
os.execute( cmd)

So might be straight-forward to include something similar in SqueezeLite
... perhaps it could invoke a script and let the user make the script
work with their IR sender.

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-13 Thread bpa

Paul Webster wrote: 
> I know of an implementation of LCD display with Squeezelite (using -L
> parameter to invoke) but it is based on an old Squeezelite version.
> If there is a "Ralphy" way of driving LCD then I would be interested
> because I could stop my messing around with Slimmer.

Don't think so. I haven't followed those LCD projects for  few years now
so my knowledge is not current.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-13 Thread Paul Webster

bpa wrote: 
> For squeezelite - there is an optional interface for a 2  line LCD
> display. I cant remember how data is sent to it. May be possible to mod
> your server to support this display.

I know of an implementation of LCD display with Squeezelite (using -L
parameter to invoke) but it is based on an old Squeezelite version.
If there is a "Ralphy" way of driving LCD then I would be interested
because I could stop my messing around with Slimmer.

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-13 Thread pputzer

paul- wrote: 
> Just to help clarify.  piCorePlayer is just a linux OS with a html
> interface for configuring tools.   Squeezelite is the full feature
> player that most are using now days.  It supports most modern audio
> formats.   You can use squeezelite on many many platforms.
> Source code for squeezelite is here. 
>   (slimproto.* are what you
> want to look at)
> The protocol documentation is in the wiki(on this forum), but might not
> be totally up to date

One command that squeezelite does not support is the undocumented *blst*
frame that triggers the IR blaster functionality in the original
hardware. This is what the IRBlaster plugin uses, for example. One can
work around this by listening to server events and configuring the
commands on the client (e.g. using 'my little python daemon'
(, or something

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-13 Thread bpa

I think the main problem would be the display. The Pcp player, jivelite,
Squeezplayer etc. do not support the VFD display commands.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-12 Thread Michael Herger

On the other hand, if piCorePlayer is accepting logitech's original
commend set, or something like it, I could adapt my server to send and
receive what piCorePlayer likes.

You mentioned IR. Which makes me wonder whether you implemented a UI, 
too? Or how else would you use the IR remote?

Because pCP does NOT implement the Classic's UI commands. That's part of 
the player protocol. But squeezelite doesn't support displays.

Simple playback commands should not have changed though.

Why don't you fire up one of your Pis with pCP and give it a try?

unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-12 Thread paul-

Just to help clarify.  piCorePlayer is just a linux OS with a html
interface for configuring tools.   Squeezelite is the full feature
player that most are using now days.  It supports most modern audio
formats.   You can use squeezelite on many many platforms.

Source code for squeezelite is here.   (slimproto.* are what you
want to look at)

The protocol documentation is in the wiki(on this forum), but might not
be totally up to date

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-12 Thread ScottAM

paul- wrote: 
> Some of what you have can be done with current applications.  The home
> integration is a bit tougher.pCP runs squeezelite software player,
> which is fully up to date with the current protocol.  I think you’ll
> need to be more specific as to the bugs you had, but lms is quite
> stable.

My problem wouldn't be with LMS's stability at this point - it's just
that all the software in the house talks to my custom server using a
custom protocol that LMS doesn't know. I'm tied to that protocol in a
dozen applications.  Using LMS is not an option for me.

On the other hand, if piCorePlayer is accepting logitech's original
commend set, or something like it, I could adapt my server to send and
receive what piCorePlayer likes. 

For example, I just traced through my code to where it sends an strm
command to the classic, with a 2 byte prefix for the length and an
HTTP-like payload, and then waits for the classic to connect back,
etc... it's moderately complex, and dates back to sdqueezebox classic
version 81, but if that's what priCoreplayer is still expecting, or
something close, I can adapt. 

There must be documentation on the exact protocol piCorePlayer receives
and sends back - someone presumably did the reverse engineering I did
years ago, with the newer server. Can you point me to the documentation
of what piCorePlayer expects? I'll know in short order if I can adapt my
code to it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Is piCore what I need? Help!

2019-09-12 Thread paul-

pCP runs squeezelite software player, which is fully up to date with the
current protocol.  I think you’ll need to be more specific as to the
bugs you had, but lms is quite stable.

We also run Jivelite, which is fully compatible with the RPI official 7”
display,  ir remotes are supported.  If you want to try, just use pCP
and install lms on a RPi and give it a spin.  I think you will be
surprised as to where the eco system s today.

As for audio outputs, there are many soundcard options available to bolt
onto a rpi.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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