Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-26 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Richmond  wrote:
> You are an extremely well educated chap if you can read anybody else's
> classical literature: I have
> been trying to get through Mably's "Histoire" of various 17th and 18th
> century republics, on-and-off
> for the last 10 years.

I made it a few chapters into Don Quixote . . . but classes got in the way.

My on & off again is an unabridged Decline & Fall . . . I even poke at
the Latin in the footnotes, and try to pronounce the Greek . . . :)

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-25 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Tom Holwerda writes beautifully in English, amazing for a non-native speaker,
and this is a very insightful piece about metro, which some will also be
writing for.

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-25 Thread Richmond

On 10/25/2012 09:01 PM, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

Richmond, be charitable!  The guy's first language is French.  The last time
I tried to write a serious document in a foreign language - and it was one
in which I can read its classical literature with pleasure - my colleagues
laughed sympathetically and said it reminded them of the colonial patois
variants of their language.

You are an extremely well educated chap if you can read anybody else's 
classical literature: I have
been trying to get through Mably's "Histoire" of various 17th and 18th 
century republics, on-and-off

for the last 10 years.

Please read my posting just prior to reading this one.

The article is worth reading if you are making any development investment in
IOS and Android and have limited resources, so to some extent you are facing
a choice of where to focus.  So it has relevance to people here.  I think
its quite penetrating.  If he is right, he is calling a turning point in the

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-25 Thread Richmond

On 10/25/2012 08:50 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

Teaching in Bulgaria (?) as you do, one would think you might recognize English 
as a non-native language.

Funny you should write that.

Yes, of course I do.

However, I also know that there are very many non-native speakers of 
English who can write

really very good English indeed.

I also know, as a speaker of extremely bad Bulgarian, that to attempt to 
write anything serious
in a foreign language one, first of all, achieve a high level of 
competence in that language.

I would never try to write anything of any real seriousness in any 
languages other than my
native language. Even trying to tell parents that little 'Twinkletoes' 
has been skiving off on the homework brings tears to their eyes; and 
whether that is shame at their kid's laziness (unlikely) or

suppressed laughter at my crappy Bulgarian (likely) it is hard to tell.

That article attempts to say serious things with an incredibly low level 
of competence in

English that quite a lot of the sense of the article is obscured.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-25 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Richmond, be charitable!  The guy's first language is French.  The last time
I tried to write a serious document in a foreign language - and it was one
in which I can read its classical literature with pleasure - my colleagues
laughed sympathetically and said it reminded them of the colonial patois
variants of their language.  

The article is worth reading if you are making any development investment in
IOS and Android and have limited resources, so to some extent you are facing
a choice of where to focus.  So it has relevance to people here.  I think
its quite penetrating.  If he is right, he is calling a turning point in the

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-25 Thread Scott Rossi
Teaching in Bulgaria (?) as you do, one would think you might recognize English 
as a non-native language.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

 Original message 
Subject: Re: [OT] Apple shrinks 
From: Richmond  
To: How to use LiveCode  

On 10/25/2012 08:16 PM, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

I don't know who wrote that article, but their grammar is crap:

"Innovation does not occurs alone.  There is no "epiphany" and no 
"Eureka" moment. There is no lone inventor that revolutionize an 
industry. All this is a myth as was Steve Jobs and Apple mystical 
innovation aura."

2 basic, basic errors with the Present Simple Tense followed by a 
missing definite article.

This, whatever the content of the article, serves as quite an initial 
turn off.

"Our brain is cabled to like simplistic and logical stories that 
explains otherwise very complex systems :"

Stories that explains . . .

A load of such grammatical cack I'm not going to read any further, sorry 


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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-25 Thread Richmond

On 10/25/2012 08:16 PM, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

I don't know who wrote that article, but their grammar is crap:

"Innovation does not occurs alone.  There is no "epiphany" and no 
"Eureka" moment. There is no lone inventor that revolutionize an 
industry. All this is a myth as was Steve Jobs and Apple mystical 
innovation aura."

2 basic, basic errors with the Present Simple Tense followed by a 
missing definite article.

This, whatever the content of the article, serves as quite an initial 
turn off.

"Our brain is cabled to like simplistic and logical stories that 
explains otherwise very complex systems :"

Stories that explains . . .

A load of such grammatical cack I'm not going to read any further, sorry 


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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-25 Thread Peter Alcibiades

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Richmond  wrote:
> Still going strong: no battery though.


I'll try to remember next time I stumble across mine in the garage . . .

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Dave McKee
You are suggesting that the Newton is a "Reverse Entropy" device ??

Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-10-24, at 1:11 PM, Bernard Devlin  wrote:

> I have the most appalling handwriting.  Longtime companions cannot read it.
> Even I sometimes cannot read my own handwriting.  Yet, once I'd gone
> through the training process, the Newton can transcribe it to text with
> considerable accuracy.
> Perhaps the Newton was the first device to reverse garbage-in, garbage-out
> Bernard
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Dr. Hawkins  wrote:
>> And for the Newton lovers, I suppose that we could make an app that
>> randomly garbles text . . .
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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Bernard Devlin
I have the most appalling handwriting.  Longtime companions cannot read it.
 Even I sometimes cannot read my own handwriting.  Yet, once I'd gone
through the training process, the Newton can transcribe it to text with
considerable accuracy.

Perhaps the Newton was the first device to reverse garbage-in, garbage-out


On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Dr. Hawkins  wrote:

> And for the Newton lovers, I suppose that we could make an app that
> randomly garbles text . . .
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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Richmond

On 10/24/2012 06:09 PM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 5:22 AM, Richmond  wrote:

, and have just revived my
Macintosh Powerbook 180
for when I get really desperate and cannot control myself until I get to a
stationary computer.



How in the world did you come up with a hard drive?  The failure rate
was close to 100%; apple replaced mine twice (the irony was that this
was an IBM drive!)

Still going strong: no battery though.

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Mike Kerner
The thing that amazes me is that the iPod Touch (5th Gen) is only $30 less
than the Mini.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Roger Eller
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Richmond wrote:

> On 10/24/2012 01:22 PM, Bernard Devlin wrote:
>> When it came to choosing a tablet earlier this year, I could not see
>> myself
>> using something in the original iPad form-factor - it just felt too
>> uncomfortable in my hand.  I went for a 7" HTC Android tablet.
>> The 7" form-factor is like going back to the good old days of the Apple
>> Newton.  Only the thinness of modern tablets is much to be desired
>> compared
>> to the chunkiness of the Newton!
> Ahah!
> So; while the iPad is a tablet computer, I suppose the iPad mini (trying
> to be cutesy with the
> lower case M) is a PDA.
> But . . .  "Every inch an iPad"

It still amazes me that parents give iPads to their young children.
 Whatever happened to giving them those fake 'educational' laptops from
Toys-R-Us for $30 so they don't break the real computer?  I expect now that
this Christmas, there will be many (or mini) iPad minis under the tree for
the young-uns.

I personally would still opt for a less-expensive option like the Android

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 5:22 AM, Richmond  wrote:
> , and have just revived my
> Macintosh Powerbook 180
> for when I get really desperate and cannot control myself until I get to a
> stationary computer.



How in the world did you come up with a hard drive?  The failure rate
was close to 100%; apple replaced mine twice (the irony was that this
was an IBM drive!)

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 5:04 AM, Richmond  wrote:
> But . . .  "Every inch an iPad"
> which, if you think about it, is not strictly true: it's a shrunken iPad.

50% less calories than the regular iPad?

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 5:22 AM, Richmond  wrote:
> , and have just revived my
> Macintosh Powerbook 180
> for when I get really desperate and cannot control myself until I get to a
> stationary computer.



How in the world did you come up with a hard drive?  The failure rate
was close to 100%; apple replaced mine twice (the irony was that this
was an IBM drive!)

. . .

And for the Newton lovers, I suppose that we could make an app that
randomly garbles text . . .

And as for typing, I'm already thumbing the regular keyboard on the
regular iPad.

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462

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RE: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Lynn Fredricks
> Over time this prompts some of us to ask, "Why am I carrying 
> a second Internet device with me when I already have my phone?"

Funny thing is that this question was asked back in the Palm Pilot days, and
so was born the first smart phone.

"Post PC" era is a marketing strategy to sell you on Apple's digital device
+ services plans.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Richard Gaskin

Richmond wrote:

I, being a crafty type, have solved this problem; I have a tatty-old,
second-hand Pentium IV in every
place I am likely to spend any length of time, and have just revived my
Macintosh Powerbook 180
for when I get really desperate and cannot control myself until I get to
a stationary computer.

You're a trend-setter, Richmond:

One of the ironies of the so-called "post-PC era" is that I find myself 
running into a growing number of people who are rediscovering their 
desktop computers.

Laptop sales overtook desktops in 2003, providing the portability people 
needed more than raw horsepower.  That portability was so important that 
a majority of customers are willing to pay much more for less 
horsepower-per-dollar than their desktop counterparts.

But these days, most computer users also have smartphones, the one 
computer we always have with us.

Tablets are fun, but they can't fit in a pocket (even the new 7" would 
require some pretty large cargo pants pockets ), so those lugging a 
tablet around in whatever carrying case they use still have their 
smartphone with them as well.

Over time this prompts some of us to ask, "Why am I carrying a second 
Internet device with me when I already have my phone?"

With things like the Macbook Air weighing almost the same as a tablet, 
since either needs a carrying case why not take the one that has more 
power, more RAM, offers the unmatched precision of a mouse, and runs all 
your work apps?

Some are answering this in an entirely different way:  the smartphone is 
the portable device, and when they need a more powerful computer they 
can get far more bang for the buck with a desktop machine.

I doubt this will be a dominant trend, but I'd be surprised if we didn't 
see at least a modest uptick in desktop sales by mid-2013.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 LiveCode training and consulting:
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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Richmond

On 10/24/2012 03:10 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

iPads work very nicely with Bluetooth keyboards. Also, close to 100% of the 
time you're using an iPad you're not needing to enter text. If you need 
something that is all about text entry, then either use an external keyboard or 
use a computer.

Try telling that to loads of people round here; lots of students at the 
University are attempting to
write essays and take lecture notes on iPads and other Tablet computers 
with the onscreen keyboard. Having spent buckets on an iPad they really 
don't have anything left for a laptop.

I, being a crafty type, have solved this problem; I have a tatty-old, 
second-hand Pentium IV in every
place I am likely to spend any length of time, and have just revived my 
Macintosh Powerbook 180
for when I get really desperate and cannot control myself until I get to 
a stationary computer.

Needless to say, I am the leading fashionista here in Bulgaria with my 
20 year old lump of grey

plastic, LOL.

On Oct 24, 2012, at 8:04 AM, Richmond  wrote:

The only problem is that PDAs tend to have some sort of physical keyboard you 
can tap with a stylus or pencil, and the iPad mini will have about 2-3 letters 
under my fat fingers on its virtual keyboard, and

it is unlikely that its screen is going to take nicely to being tapped with a 
sharp pencil.

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Colin Holgate
iPads work very nicely with Bluetooth keyboards. Also, close to 100% of the 
time you're using an iPad you're not needing to enter text. If you need 
something that is all about text entry, then either use an external keyboard or 
use a computer.

On Oct 24, 2012, at 8:04 AM, Richmond  wrote:

> >The only problem is that PDAs tend to have some sort of physical keyboard 
> >you can tap with a stylus or pencil, and the iPad mini will have about 2-3 
> >letters under my fat fingers on its virtual keyboard, and
> it is unlikely that its screen is going to take nicely to being tapped with a 
> sharp pencil.

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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Richmond

On 10/24/2012 01:22 PM, Bernard Devlin wrote:

When it came to choosing a tablet earlier this year, I could not see myself
using something in the original iPad form-factor - it just felt too
uncomfortable in my hand.  I went for a 7" HTC Android tablet.

The 7" form-factor is like going back to the good old days of the Apple
Newton.  Only the thinness of modern tablets is much to be desired compared
to the chunkiness of the Newton!


So; while the iPad is a tablet computer, I suppose the iPad mini (trying 
to be cutesy with the

lower case M) is a PDA.

But . . .  "Every inch an iPad"

which, if you think about it, is not strictly true: it's a shrunken iPad.

And, as such, should be seen as a PDA rather than a tablet computer.

The only problem is that PDAs tend to have some sort of physical 
keyboard you can tap with a stylus or pencil, and the iPad mini will 
have about 2-3 letters under my fat fingers on its virtual keyboard, and
it is unlikely that its screen is going to take nicely to being tapped 
with a sharp pencil.

Sorry to be negative, but the iPad mini looks like something for Paris 
Hilton and all the other

posers, and not much else.

I find it almost impossible to use the on-screen keyboard on my Android
phone (I find myself yearning for an old Nokia with a numeric keypad - it
would probably be quicker to type with that inappropriate design).  But on
the 7" form-factor I find the on-screen keyboard is surprisingly usable,
with the error rate a tiny fraction of that on the phone.  Whether or not
the error rate would drop further on a 10" screen I have no desire to find
out, as it is low enough on the 7" to be a non-issue.

When I was in the market for a tablet, I predicted to my style-conscious,
Apple-everything, metrosexual friends that Apple would have to release
something in that shape.  Shortly after my purchase, Google released a
tablet in that form-factor.  So Apple is late to the party.  Steve Jobs was
probably blinded by wanting the iPad not to be anything like the Newton
(the Newton being a landmark product when he was not a Apple).


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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Bernard Devlin
When it came to choosing a tablet earlier this year, I could not see myself
using something in the original iPad form-factor - it just felt too
uncomfortable in my hand.  I went for a 7" HTC Android tablet.

The 7" form-factor is like going back to the good old days of the Apple
Newton.  Only the thinness of modern tablets is much to be desired compared
to the chunkiness of the Newton!

I find it almost impossible to use the on-screen keyboard on my Android
phone (I find myself yearning for an old Nokia with a numeric keypad - it
would probably be quicker to type with that inappropriate design).  But on
the 7" form-factor I find the on-screen keyboard is surprisingly usable,
with the error rate a tiny fraction of that on the phone.  Whether or not
the error rate would drop further on a 10" screen I have no desire to find
out, as it is low enough on the 7" to be a non-issue.

When I was in the market for a tablet, I predicted to my style-conscious,
Apple-everything, metrosexual friends that Apple would have to release
something in that shape.  Shortly after my purchase, Google released a
tablet in that form-factor.  So Apple is late to the party.  Steve Jobs was
probably blinded by wanting the iPad not to be anything like the Newton
(the Newton being a landmark product when he was not a Apple).


On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Richmond wrote:

> a "mini" iPad . . .
> this looks like a case of neither one thing or the other; how on earth one
> will
> be able to type on the onscreen keyboard escapes me.
> Oh, Well, W.C.Fields forever.
> Richmond.
> __**_
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Re: [OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread stephen barncard
thumbs, like a phone

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Richmond wrote:

> a "mini" iPad . . .
> this looks like a case of neither one thing or the other; how on earth one
> will
> be able to type on the onscreen keyboard escapes me.
> Oh, Well, W.C.Fields forever.
> Richmond.
> __**_
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco Ca. USA

more about sqb  
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[OT] Apple shrinks

2012-10-24 Thread Richmond

a "mini" iPad . . .

this looks like a case of neither one thing or the other; how on earth 
one will

be able to type on the onscreen keyboard escapes me.

Oh, Well, W.C.Fields forever.


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