Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Chipp Walters

If it were only JavaScript, I'd say, SURE, I'll take that bet!

But it's not.

It's the ever-changing landscape of xHtml, HTML5, JavaScript, various DOM
versions, and it's about the vagaries and hassles in trying to create actual
working decent cross browser CSS. Its about learning Apache components, and
understanding caching techniques, and how to connect to different databases,
each requiring their own flavor of SQL or other language. And learning about
schemas and relational databases, how to set them up, how to access and
optimize them. It's about learning when and how to write stored procedures,
and in what language.

It's about deciding what framework is best, and what other client side AJAX
APIs you need to learn. And most importantly, it's about the full time job
of trying to keep up with all this technology and the HUGE and RAPID changes
that are being made.

There are individuals whose full time job is just keeping up with CSS. There
are companies who ONLY purpose is to convert a Photoshop layout to HTML/CSS.

That's the beauty of LC. You only have to learn a single IDE, and you CAN
develop for all these other platforms.

If I thought it was as simple as typing a few lines of JavaScript, then I'd
be there. Sadly, it's not.

But, look what RB is doing. They allow you to create a RB application which
runs fine on your desktop, then wrap it in a binary exe and run it AS IS on
a server as a CGI. And it returns a perfectly formatted HTML, JavaScript,
CSS full-featured cross browser solution, without the dreaded plugin. And
without the need for me to be on top of the latest CSS browser hack which
makes something look right in iOS Safari.

Now, I know RB is nowhere near as flexible as LC, Jerry tells me you can't
even change the color of the the text on a button without having to write a
C-plugin, and don't even think about rolling your own controls, BUT...

If they can figure out how to take a subset of their functionality and build
a full functioning web app, then surely it's in the realm of possibility for
LC? Just sayin'.

On Thursday, September 22, 2011, Richard Gaskin
 Keith Clarke wrote:

 But even if it isn't easy, if RunRev don't grasp the nettle on
 this, developers who must deploy standards-based rich apps into
 cloud and locked-down Enterprise environments will be forced
 elsewhere, which would be a shame.

 I wrote about this last year:

 Like too many of my posts that's a long one, but it represents pretty much
everything I came up with that's relevant to the discussion, and I've been
thinking about this a long time since two of my biggest projects are all
about the web and are based in LiveCode.

 In short:

 There are two sides to this, client and server.

 On the server side RunRev has already provided what may be the most
cost-effective solution for that with RevServer.

 But the client is a whole other game, fully immersed not only in a very
different language but also in a deeply well-defined object model that, in
many respects, bears little resemblance to LiveCode's.

 We use LiveCode because a good scripting language lets us build things
more quickly than we could do in a lower-level language like C.

 But JavaScript is not a low-level language.  It's almost as high-level as
LiveCode, and as well integrated into the object model it supports as
LiveCode is with its own.

 But the object models are very different.

 Attempting full translation of LiveCode to JavaScript would not be
impossible, but very expensive.  IMO, when you consider the limitations
inherent in such a task, it's probably much more expensive than just
learning JavaScript.

 That said, there are many opportunities for using LiveCode to generate
some portions of the client-side experience for the web.  A starting point
was outlined here in 2006:

 I haven't used the RB/web implementation, but I'd be surprised if it did
full RB-JavaScript translation; my guess is that the server side is very
much like RevServer and the client side is like the ToolBook approach I
outlined in 2006.

 We can have that too, and we needn't wait for anything from RunRev -
anyone with sufficient time and motivation can build this today.

 But somewhere along the way you'll eventually find limitations between
what LiveCode can do on the desktop and what a translation to a different
object model will be able to do on the web.  There's more to apps than

 And for those you'll want to use JavaScript.

 Fortunately, it's kinda fun to learn and there are orders of magnitude
more resources for that than we have for all the things we've learned about

 Dive in, the water's fine.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
  LiveCode training and consulting:
  Webzine for LiveCode developers:

Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Keith Clarke
Thanks for the response and reminder of your post, Richard. I read the 'first 
edition' but now understand more of the fundamental differences between 
LiveCode and web concepts (which I know slightly, but not much better)! ;-)

I accept that there is far more to a web app than a set of forms, but then 
again, I don't see the need to map everything LiveCode to Javascript. Web apps 
tend to use MVC architectures or similar, so that developers can lock their 
intellectual property in the relative safety of the server. So, LiveCode Server 
would contain the main Model and Controller code and therefore most of the app 
wouldn't touch the client. 

The LiveCode language isn't currently designed to manage web pages. However, 
it's flexibility means that it could be easily extended with the necessary 
objects and functions (either in the core functionality or via a library or 
external). Page controller functions could manage those cards to be rendered as 
pages, adding template capabilities, DOM, layout management, markup for the 
contained UI elements and support for Ajax calls. 

See this Visual Force Developer's guide to see how the 
Salesforce Apex language (analogous with LiveCode Server scripting) was exposed 
and extended for managing web pages IMHO LiveCode could 
be applied in a similar fashion to extend itself - indeed, this is the to do 

As I see it, with LiveCode Server in the back-end - with LiveCode page 
management functions in place - the only elements that would need to be mapped 
to HTML/CSS/Javascript would be the UI. And we have that to do list, too,  as 
it's the elements currently banned from an LC Sever stack!

So, if the LiveCode server stack contained cards (maybe in a designated 'pages' 
substack) that allowed UI components, the card UI controls could be associated 
with standard HTML blocks and CSS, with property mapping. Cards designated as 
pages could be complete 'LiveCode Pages' or divs to be rendered within pages of 
a web site managed outside of LiveCode.

OK, there would need to be some Javascript glue for static pages, but the 
basics that could be a generic LiveCode Javascript or jQuery library. And of 
course, once this support for static pages was in place, the real challenge of 
recreating the rich app experience of LiveCode 'moving UI parts' could begin. 

However, meanwhile - and crucially - LiveCode developers could start delivering 
native LiveCode web apps into the Cloud and Enterprise space, where the browser 
plugin is generally not available.
On 22 Sep 2011, at 15:39, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Keith Clarke wrote:
  But even if it isn't easy, if RunRev don't grasp the nettle on
  this, developers who must deploy standards-based rich apps into
  cloud and locked-down Enterprise environments will be forced
  elsewhere, which would be a shame.
 I wrote about this last year:
 Like too many of my posts that's a long one, but it represents pretty much 
 everything I came up with that's relevant to the discussion, and I've been 
 thinking about this a long time since two of my biggest projects are all 
 about the web and are based in LiveCode.
 In short:
 There are two sides to this, client and server.
 On the server side RunRev has already provided what may be the most 
 cost-effective solution for that with RevServer.
 But the client is a whole other game, fully immersed not only in a very 
 different language but also in a deeply well-defined object model that, in 
 many respects, bears little resemblance to LiveCode's.
 We use LiveCode because a good scripting language lets us build things more 
 quickly than we could do in a lower-level language like C.
 But JavaScript is not a low-level language.  It's almost as high-level as 
 LiveCode, and as well integrated into the object model it supports as 
 LiveCode is with its own.
 But the object models are very different.
 Attempting full translation of LiveCode to JavaScript would not be 
 impossible, but very expensive.  IMO, when you consider the limitations 
 inherent in such a task, it's probably much more expensive than just learning 
 That said, there are many opportunities for using LiveCode to generate some 
 portions of the client-side experience for the web.  A starting point was 
 outlined here in 2006:
 I haven't used the RB/web implementation, but I'd be surprised if it did full 
 RB-JavaScript translation; my guess is that the server side is very much 
 like RevServer and the client side is like the ToolBook approach I outlined 
 in 2006.
 We can have that too, and we needn't wait for anything from RunRev - anyone 
 with sufficient time and motivation can build this today.
 But somewhere along the way you'll eventually find 

Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Richard Gaskin

I agree with everything you wrote, but it cuts both ways:

The things that make it hard to anyone to write HTML/JS/CSS apps also 
make it hard for RunRev to do.

And similarly, the things that make it possible to write HTML/JS/CSS 
apps are things any of us can write today.

If RunRev wants to take this on that would be convenient, but if not 
it's all just text so there's nothing stopping anyone from building this 
right now.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 LiveCode training and consulting:
 Webzine for LiveCode developers:
 LiveCode Journal blog:

Chipp wrote:


If it were only JavaScript, I'd say, SURE, I'll take that bet!

But it's not.

It's the ever-changing landscape of xHtml, HTML5, JavaScript, various DOM
versions, and it's about the vagaries and hassles in trying to create actual
working decent cross browser CSS. Its about learning Apache components, and
understanding caching techniques, and how to connect to different databases,
each requiring their own flavor of SQL or other language. And learning about
schemas and relational databases, how to set them up, how to access and
optimize them. It's about learning when and how to write stored procedures,
and in what language.

It's about deciding what framework is best, and what other client side AJAX
APIs you need to learn. And most importantly, it's about the full time job
of trying to keep up with all this technology and the HUGE and RAPID changes
that are being made.

There are individuals whose full time job is just keeping up with CSS. There
are companies who ONLY purpose is to convert a Photoshop layout to HTML/CSS.

That's the beauty of LC. You only have to learn a single IDE, and you CAN
develop for all these other platforms.

If I thought it was as simple as typing a few lines of JavaScript, then I'd
be there. Sadly, it's not.

But, look what RB is doing. They allow you to create a RB application which
runs fine on your desktop, then wrap it in a binary exe and run it AS IS on
a server as a CGI. And it returns a perfectly formatted HTML, JavaScript,
CSS full-featured cross browser solution, without the dreaded plugin. And
without the need for me to be on top of the latest CSS browser hack which
makes something look right in iOS Safari.

Now, I know RB is nowhere near as flexible as LC, Jerry tells me you can't
even change the color of the the text on a button without having to write a
C-plugin, and don't even think about rolling your own controls, BUT...

If they can figure out how to take a subset of their functionality and build
a full functioning web app, then surely it's in the realm of possibility for
LC? Just sayin'.

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Pete
I guess that's what's been in my mind throughout this thread - we're all
pointing out how difficult it is to do this but RB have done it.  I know
nothing about other limitations of RB vs LC but it appears they have taken
the lead in this one area.
Molly's Revenge

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:12 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

 If they can figure out how to take a subset of their functionality and
 a full functioning web app, then surely it's in the realm of possibility
 LC? Just sayin'.

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Mike Felker
I must agree. If I want to create web forms I can use a zillion tools. No, I 
want to create graphically rich apps that are multimedia driven or games. It's 
great that I can use live code for more mundane database programming as well, 
but I need the more complex stuff to work on mobile devices and the web. 


Sent from my iPad

On Sep 23, 2011, at 2:22 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Pete wrote:
 I guess that's what's been in my mind throughout this thread - we're all
 pointing out how difficult it is to do this but RB have done it.  I know
 nothing about other limitations of RB vs LC but it appears they have taken
 the lead in this one area.
 In terms of perception, unquestionably.
 But in terms of actually moving projects to the web, it would require that 
 one of us here use it to determine the degree of flexibility it provides.
 The video on the page linked to in the OP showed a relatively simple example, 
 a master-detail form.
 How many of us *haven't* done that?  Yes, that sort of thing can definitely 
 be generalized easily.
 But then we have things like the stuff folks build using Malte's excellent 
 Animation Engine.  Can you write stuff like that in RB and have it 
 automatically output the corresponding HTML/JavaScript/CSS to make it happen 
 in a web browser?
 Or consider Jim Hurley's wonderful rainbow refraction stack.  Or Richard 
 Herz' Reactor Lab?  Or Glenn Fisher's RobinHood?
 How much gets done on the server, and how much is done in the browser?
 To what degree can we fulfill expectations of putting LiveCode stacks on the 
 Web if all that happens is that the server reproduces static layouts as 
 minimally-interactive pages?
 Heck, how do you write a JS equivalent of LC's Geometry Manager to reposition 
 things when the window gets resized?  And how to do translate the thousands 
 of resizeStack handlers we've all written?
 Doable, but not trivial.  Very, very expensive, and responding to resize 
 events is just a small corner of the breadth of tasks such a translation 
 system would need to address.
 There are limits to what seems to be RB's approach.  The server is only half 
 of the equation.  The user experience takes place in the browser, and all 
 interactivity there is driven by only one language, JavaScript.
 Confining the range of interactions that can take place in pages generated by 
 such a system is easily doable by anyone with time and motivation using 
 nothing more than the tools we have in our hands right now.
 But to reproduce the full range of user experiences we can build in LiveCode 
 inside of a browser is not a trivial task.
 I could be wrong, but I'd be very surprised if that's what RB/Web attempts.
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 LiveCode training and consulting:
 Webzine for LiveCode developers:
 LiveCode Journal blog:
 use-livecode mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Pete
I don't know the answers to your questions Richard, except that the demo
application does resize the controls when the window is resized.

As for the other question, you're right none of us have given it a try so
all it's all perception for now.

Molly's Revenge

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Richard Gaskin

 Pete wrote:

 I guess that's what's been in my mind throughout this thread - we're all
 pointing out how difficult it is to do this but RB have done it.  I know
 nothing about other limitations of RB vs LC but it appears they have taken
 the lead in this one area.

 In terms of perception, unquestionably.

 But in terms of actually moving projects to the web, it would require that
 one of us here use it to determine the degree of flexibility it provides.

 The video on the page linked to in the OP showed a relatively simple
 example, a master-detail form.

 How many of us *haven't* done that?  Yes, that sort of thing can definitely
 be generalized easily.

 But then we have things like the stuff folks build using Malte's excellent
 Animation Engine.  Can you write stuff like that in RB and have it
 automatically output the corresponding HTML/JavaScript/CSS to make it happen
 in a web browser?

 Or consider Jim Hurley's wonderful rainbow refraction stack.  Or Richard
 Herz' Reactor Lab?  Or Glenn Fisher's RobinHood?

 How much gets done on the server, and how much is done in the browser?

 To what degree can we fulfill expectations of putting LiveCode stacks on
 the Web if all that happens is that the server reproduces static layouts as
 minimally-interactive pages?

 Heck, how do you write a JS equivalent of LC's Geometry Manager to
 reposition things when the window gets resized?  And how to do translate the
 thousands of resizeStack handlers we've all written?

 Doable, but not trivial.  Very, very expensive, and responding to resize
 events is just a small corner of the breadth of tasks such a translation
 system would need to address.

 There are limits to what seems to be RB's approach.  The server is only
 half of the equation.  The user experience takes place in the browser, and
 all interactivity there is driven by only one language, JavaScript.

 Confining the range of interactions that can take place in pages generated
 by such a system is easily doable by anyone with time and motivation using
 nothing more than the tools we have in our hands right now.

 But to reproduce the full range of user experiences we can build in
 LiveCode inside of a browser is not a trivial task.

 I could be wrong, but I'd be very surprised if that's what RB/Web attempts.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
  LiveCode training and consulting:
  Webzine for LiveCode developers:
  LiveCode Journal blog:**blog.irv

 use-livecode mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
 subscription preferences:**mailman/listinfo/use-livecode

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Andre Garzia

Speaking as someone who actually (tried to) build lots LC to Web tools I
must say that the challenge is not rendering the controls or converting the
language to javascript. That is not where the main issue lies. To convert LC
to the Web, you would need what I call an LiveCode Kernel implemented in
Javascript. This would be basically a reimplementation of the features we
have in the engine such as message path, all the commands, all the
functions, all the externals, all the controls, all of everything, in
javascript. someting like:


Now, a translation process would begin by exporting the stackfile format to
a json structure with all the properties and ownerships so that in the end
you have a complete translation of all the data that is in the stackfile to
a format that can be manipulated by javascript. With this json alone, you
would be able to render the user interface but the scripts would require
more work.

Multiple steps would be needed to convert the scripts of the stack. They
would be parsed into an AST of sorts, a graph or some storage medium that we
could use to keep our representation of the script. This AST-like thing
would then be exported to unoptimized javascript where all the LiveCode
commands and functions are just wrapped in javascript calls so a script

  get totalTime
  add 1 to it
  put it into field total

would be converted to: = totalTime; += 1;
  lcSetObjectProperty(lcObjectReference(field,total), text,

You can see that there is no inteligence, it is a direct translation
changing all that would be LiveCode commands to javascript wrappers. a
global structure in the form of lc.env.* holds all the globals and special
variables. A helper function lcSetObjectProperty() is used to set any object
property using three parameters - the object reference, the property, the
value. Another helper function picks an object type and a name and returns
the reference that is used in the lcSetObjectProperty();

We're not translating LiveCode script to idiomatic Javascript, we're
wrapping LiveCode semantics in a JavaScript syntax. This would be very slow
but it would not be the hardest thing to build. Once you have a way to pick
an alternative stackfile representation like a JSON file and you have all
the engine features wrapped in your own javascript little kernel, you can
convert stacks to the web.

What many projects that boost their features as RAD tools for the web are
doing is something different. Instead of translating their stuff to
HTML+CSS+JS, what they do is wrap around the native program. They create a
virtual screen on the browser where the output that would usually go to X11
or something similar is sent to the browser in a CANVAS tag or SVG or JPG.
The raw mouse input such as coordinates and button status are constantly
sent back to the server along with the keyboard status. The server maintain
different client states for each connected user allowing the software to
mimic it being run as different instances. This can be accomplished with
closures and continuations. In this way, there is no conversion at all, you
have a wrapper that pipes output to the browser and pushes browser input
events to the server. All the logic and inteligence is on the server, there
is nothing business related on the browser.

This approach might sound more complicated but it is actually easier. Just
google for GTK on the Web and you will see a GTK adapter that just do that.
We can adopt that approach with LiveCode because we don't have multitasking
or closures or continuations so the user state management would be really

The previous approach of reimplementing the engine in javascript and passing
a stackfile representation around brings the logic and inteligence back to
the browser and the server has no dealing with it anymore. It is a harder
approach but it can be done. I started coding this during that Apple License
fiasco we had where they prohibited all the non-objc languages on the
appStore. I called the project RevImpossible and set a very slow pace. When
apple reverted their license, I saw no use in trying to reimplement
something that is so complex (it would take me years and a lot of smart
people with me). I shifted RevImpossible to another focus, it still converts
the visuals of stacks to the web but my focus is not the scripts anymore but
a quick way to prototype websites using RevIgniter.

My two cents
PS: REALStudio Web thing appears to use FastCGI. I demoed a Revolution
FastCGI library during RevConWest a long time ago...
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Richard Gaskin

Once again, a truly wonderful post from Andre on a subject he knows deeply.

The approach to translation through wrappers does indeed seem simpler 
than how I was envisioning, but also poses a question:  Would RunRev 
really want to publish what would be a form of their engine in 
openly-readable JS?

The other approach, a sort of virtualization, seems much simpler in 
many respects, a similar to Heizer's LiveCard (was that the name?) which 
ran HC as a sort of daemon process responding to minimal events over the 

But unless I missed something, wouldn't that require a daemon, and 
therefore exclude pretty much all shared hosting options?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 LiveCode training and consulting:
 Webzine for LiveCode developers:
 LiveCode Journal blog:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Pete
Thanks for such a clear explanation of what is involved, Andre!
Molly's Revenge

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Andre Garzia an...@andregarzia.comwrote:


 Speaking as someone who actually (tried to) build lots LC to Web tools I
 must say that the challenge is not rendering the controls or converting the
 language to javascript. That is not where the main issue lies. To convert
 to the Web, you would need what I call an LiveCode Kernel implemented in
 Javascript. This would be basically a reimplementation of the features we
 have in the engine such as message path, all the commands, all the
 functions, all the externals, all the controls, all of everything, in
 javascript. someting like:


 Now, a translation process would begin by exporting the stackfile format to
 a json structure with all the properties and ownerships so that in the end
 you have a complete translation of all the data that is in the stackfile to
 a format that can be manipulated by javascript. With this json alone, you
 would be able to render the user interface but the scripts would require
 more work.

 Multiple steps would be needed to convert the scripts of the stack. They
 would be parsed into an AST of sorts, a graph or some storage medium that
 could use to keep our representation of the script. This AST-like thing
 would then be exported to unoptimized javascript where all the LiveCode
 commands and functions are just wrapped in javascript calls so a script

  get totalTime
  add 1 to it
  put it into field total

 would be converted to: = totalTime; += 1;
  lcSetObjectProperty(lcObjectReference(field,total), text,

 You can see that there is no inteligence, it is a direct translation
 changing all that would be LiveCode commands to javascript wrappers. a
 global structure in the form of lc.env.* holds all the globals and
 variables. A helper function lcSetObjectProperty() is used to set any
 property using three parameters - the object reference, the property, the
 value. Another helper function picks an object type and a name and returns
 the reference that is used in the lcSetObjectProperty();

 We're not translating LiveCode script to idiomatic Javascript, we're
 wrapping LiveCode semantics in a JavaScript syntax. This would be very slow
 but it would not be the hardest thing to build. Once you have a way to pick
 an alternative stackfile representation like a JSON file and you have all
 the engine features wrapped in your own javascript little kernel, you can
 convert stacks to the web.

 What many projects that boost their features as RAD tools for the web are
 doing is something different. Instead of translating their stuff to
 HTML+CSS+JS, what they do is wrap around the native program. They create a
 virtual screen on the browser where the output that would usually go to X11
 or something similar is sent to the browser in a CANVAS tag or SVG or JPG.
 The raw mouse input such as coordinates and button status are constantly
 sent back to the server along with the keyboard status. The server maintain
 different client states for each connected user allowing the software to
 mimic it being run as different instances. This can be accomplished with
 closures and continuations. In this way, there is no conversion at all, you
 have a wrapper that pipes output to the browser and pushes browser input
 events to the server. All the logic and inteligence is on the server, there
 is nothing business related on the browser.

 This approach might sound more complicated but it is actually easier. Just
 google for GTK on the Web and you will see a GTK adapter that just do that.
 We can adopt that approach with LiveCode because we don't have multitasking
 or closures or continuations so the user state management would be really

 The previous approach of reimplementing the engine in javascript and
 a stackfile representation around brings the logic and inteligence back to
 the browser and the server has no dealing with it anymore. It is a harder
 approach but it can be done. I started coding this during that Apple
 fiasco we had where they prohibited all the non-objc languages on the
 appStore. I called the project RevImpossible and set a very slow pace. When
 apple reverted their license, I saw no use in trying to reimplement
 something that is so complex (it would take me years and a lot of smart
 people with me). I shifted RevImpossible to another focus, it still
 the visuals of stacks to the web but my focus is not the scripts anymore
 a quick way to prototype websites using RevIgniter.

 My two cents
 PS: REALStudio Web thing appears to use FastCGI. I demoed a Revolution
 FastCGI library during RevConWest a long time ago...
 use-livecode mailing list
 Please visit this url to 

Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Andre Garzia
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Richard Gaskin

 Once again, a truly wonderful post from Andre on a subject he knows deeply.

Thanks for the kind words Richard!!! I only know something because I've been
struggling with this for YEARS!

 The approach to translation through wrappers does indeed seem simpler than
 how I was envisioning, but also poses a question:  Would RunRev really want
 to publish what would be a form of their engine in openly-readable JS?

Yes this is something that RunRev would need to think of. A third party
could build that after all we had HyperCard, SuperCard, OMO, Gain Momentum
and other xTalk environments since a long time so people know how an xTalk
engine should work. Making it support unique LiveCode stuff such as
everything that starts with rev would be trickier because there is RunRev
intellectual property involved. I am not building this anymore, it was too
hard but a minimal set could be done. You don't need to support the datagrid
and arcadeEngine but if a minimal set of LC is supported so that people can
create master/details apps, then, why not?

 The other approach, a sort of virtualization, seems much simpler in many
 respects, a similar to Heizer's LiveCard (was that the name?) which ran HC
 as a sort of daemon process responding to minimal events over the socket.

 But unless I missed something, wouldn't that require a daemon, and
 therefore exclude pretty much all shared hosting options?

You missed nothing, this would probably require a networked daemon if the
application was to be kept running, or you went that far on virtualizing the
stack, then you can probably save/restore state to disk between requests
thus not needing a daemon but then, you better deal with all that
load/restore state really quick during your cgi launch.


  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
  LiveCode training and consulting:
  Webzine for LiveCode developers:
  LiveCode Journal blog:**blog.irv


 use-livecode mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
 subscription preferences:**mailman/listinfo/use-livecode

-- All We Do Is Code.
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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Andre Garzia
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Pete wrote:

 Thanks for such a clear explanation of what is involved, Andre!

Don't take it as the platonic truth... that was my approach only and what
I've seen thru the years. I bet there will be someone that will simply prove
me wrong.

Cheers and thanks for the kind words.

 Molly's Revenge

 On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Andre Garzia

  Speaking as someone who actually (tried to) build lots LC to Web tools I
  must say that the challenge is not rendering the controls or converting
  language to javascript. That is not where the main issue lies. To convert
  to the Web, you would need what I call an LiveCode Kernel implemented
  Javascript. This would be basically a reimplementation of the features we
  have in the engine such as message path, all the commands, all the
  functions, all the externals, all the controls, all of everything, in
  javascript. someting like:
  Now, a translation process would begin by exporting the stackfile format
  a json structure with all the properties and ownerships so that in the
  you have a complete translation of all the data that is in the stackfile
  a format that can be manipulated by javascript. With this json alone, you
  would be able to render the user interface but the scripts would require
  more work.
  Multiple steps would be needed to convert the scripts of the stack. They
  would be parsed into an AST of sorts, a graph or some storage medium that
  could use to keep our representation of the script. This AST-like thing
  would then be exported to unoptimized javascript where all the LiveCode
  commands and functions are just wrapped in javascript calls so a script
   get totalTime
   add 1 to it
   put it into field total
  would be converted to: = totalTime; += 1;
   lcSetObjectProperty(lcObjectReference(field,total), text,
  You can see that there is no inteligence, it is a direct translation
  changing all that would be LiveCode commands to javascript wrappers. a
  global structure in the form of lc.env.* holds all the globals and
  variables. A helper function lcSetObjectProperty() is used to set any
  property using three parameters - the object reference, the property, the
  value. Another helper function picks an object type and a name and
  the reference that is used in the lcSetObjectProperty();
  We're not translating LiveCode script to idiomatic Javascript, we're
  wrapping LiveCode semantics in a JavaScript syntax. This would be very
  but it would not be the hardest thing to build. Once you have a way to
  an alternative stackfile representation like a JSON file and you have all
  the engine features wrapped in your own javascript little kernel, you can
  convert stacks to the web.
  What many projects that boost their features as RAD tools for the web are
  doing is something different. Instead of translating their stuff to
  HTML+CSS+JS, what they do is wrap around the native program. They create
  virtual screen on the browser where the output that would usually go to
  or something similar is sent to the browser in a CANVAS tag or SVG or
  The raw mouse input such as coordinates and button status are constantly
  sent back to the server along with the keyboard status. The server
  different client states for each connected user allowing the software to
  mimic it being run as different instances. This can be accomplished with
  closures and continuations. In this way, there is no conversion at all,
  have a wrapper that pipes output to the browser and pushes browser input
  events to the server. All the logic and inteligence is on the server,
  is nothing business related on the browser.
  This approach might sound more complicated but it is actually easier.
  google for GTK on the Web and you will see a GTK adapter that just do
  We can adopt that approach with LiveCode because we don't have
  or closures or continuations so the user state management would be really
  The previous approach of reimplementing the engine in javascript and
  a stackfile representation around brings the logic and inteligence back
  the browser and the server has no dealing with it anymore. It is a harder
  approach but it can be done. I started coding this during that Apple
  fiasco we had where they prohibited all the non-objc languages on the
  appStore. I called the project RevImpossible and set a very slow pace.
  apple reverted their license, I saw no use in trying to reimplement
  something that is so complex (it would take me years and a lot of smart
  people with me). I shifted RevImpossible to another focus, it still
  the visuals of 

Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Pierre Sahores

Le 23 sept. 2011 à 21:30, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

 The other approach, a sort of virtualization, seems much simpler in many 
 respects, a similar to Heizer's LiveCard (was that the name?) which ran HC as 
 a sort of daemon process responding to minimal events over the socket.

If i right remember, it had to be started as a standard HC app and was 
communicating trough appelevents with WebSTAR 3 / MacOS 8 (single-threaded) I 
did't really use it even if i owned this tool ...

Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-23 Thread Chipp Walters
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Richard Gaskin

 I agree with everything you wrote, but it cuts both ways:

 The things that make it hard to anyone to write HTML/JS/CSS apps also make
 it hard for RunRev to do.

 And similarly, the things that make it possible to write HTML/JS/CSS apps
 are things any of us can write today.

I agree. Of course it would make it hard for RunRev to do. But once done, we
don't have to worry about it. Just like SiteGrinder ( spits out compatible HTML  CSS  Javascript from
Photoshop to all compatible browsers (iOS/Mac/PC/Chromebook).

With SiteGrinder, I don't have to stay on top of the code idiosyncrasies,
but can just focus on designing a website. The same is true with other high
level web authoring systems, like NOLOH (

The *whole point* is to provide an abstraction for HTML/Javascript and CSS--
just like the whole point in using LC to author cross compatible OS code--
you don't need to KNOW the API, or care about when it's changed. LC does the
hard work for you so you can focus on the business end of things. That's the

And regarding your comment about being able to do this today, please check
out RB's web demo at:

Let me know if you can write that easily using HTML/JS/CSS and AJAX. If so,
what JS framework would you use? And what database and connector? And how
long would it take you to write it? (Notice it resizes with the browser

I can write that same thing in a day (minus the Google Map-- might take a
bit more time) in Rev without a database connection.

If I could then hit a button and create a CGI from it, where the data is
stored as cards in a stack, then WOW. That's a winner product for sure.

I know it won't be possible to create a complete mirror of the functionality
of Rev. Andre knows this already. He provides 'symbols' or 'hints' in
RevImpossible to indicate where a field can resize, or an image is a
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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-22 Thread Keith Clarke
Indeed so - and until/unless they do, there is a big hole in LiveCode's web 
deployment capability - and it'll only going to get bigger and affect more 
platforms if Windows 8 / IE10 does go down the no-plugins route.

However, maybe they don't need to 'boil the whole ocean at once'. Whilst it 
would be great to simply deploy full-blown, native stacks as complete rich web 
apps, there are constraints imposed by the browser as a platform. 

So, is there any merit in starting with the basics - support for static 
LiveCode cards as forms? Could where specific cards in a LiveCode server stack 
be enabled with a subset of UI controls (with maybe a restricted property set 
in this context) and be embedded within HTML page template code elsewhere on 
the server?

If moving parts were ignored (initially) don't most properties of LiveCode 
cards, fields, buttons, menus, images mapped to HTML and CSS parameters? Could 
JSON be used for custom properties? Could a set of standardised, minimal, 
Javascript utilities be used as client-side glue - maybe a RunRev jQuery 
library? Could the new cookies be used with this library to manage client 
states? Could moving parts be added subsequently with additional mappings of (a 
subset of LiveCode features) to standardised HTML, jQuery and Ajax?

Obviously, any technical architect reading the above will realise that I've no 
idea what I'm talking about ;-) 

However, this it seems less than impossible - and with a modular KISS approach, 
some aspects seem relatively easy (at least to state the requirements!) 

But even if it isn't easy, if RunRev don't grasp the nettle on this, developers 
who must deploy standards-based rich apps into cloud and locked-down Enterprise 
environments will be forced elsewhere, which would be a shame.

On 21 Sep 2011, at 23:53, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Yeah, it's certainly the mothership would have to take on...
 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:
 I tried doing something similar but the one point that I could not solve
 how to maintain state for the different clients. Unless I converted
 everything to JS, then it was basically impossible. :-(
 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
 Looks to me like it compiles to a binary CGI which serves up the app as
 o. That's the solution for LC.
 Wouldn't it be cool to develop a modular website engine, which could
 be configured inside of RR? Or, take a really cool app, and put it on
 server, accessible for anyone with a browser, including iPhone, Android,
 Chromebook, Linux, Windows 8.9 and 10? And-- not have to worry about
 Chipp Walters
 CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
 use-livecode mailing list
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 subscription preferences:
 -- All We Do Is Code.
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 subscription preferences:
 Chipp Walters
 CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-22 Thread Pierre Sahores

Le 22 sept. 2011 à 09:56, Keith Clarke a écrit :

 Obviously, any technical architect reading the above will realise that I've 
 no idea what I'm talking about ;-) 

The only constraint to get in mind to achieve your proposal in a clean and 
rock-solid way is that the stack's to html+dom+js+css translated component 
will by definition become a multi-users application and this is what makes this 
project a little more complex - but full doable ! - task than just having 
simple stack's cards converted to html+dom+js+css widgets.
 However, this it seems less than impossible - and with a modular KISS 
 approach, some aspects seem relatively easy (at least to state the 
 But even if it isn't easy, if RunRev don't grasp the nettle on this, 
 developers who must deploy standards-based rich apps into cloud and 
 locked-down Enterprise environments will be forced elsewhere, which would be 
 a shame.

Again, this project is suitable in using LC to build the needed framework but 
this will need some time and invests to achieve the project in the needed 
professional-grade way.


Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-22 Thread Keith Clarke
Thanks for the sense-check Pierre - good to know that the concept isn't pure 
fantasy! :-) 

Yes, there is some complexity, but given what the RunRev team are achieving 
with the engine, iOS and Android ports and LiveCode Server, I'm certain that 
they could solve this - given the appropriate awareness, appetite, capacity and 
business case to act.

My point is that RunRev wouldn't necessarily need to sell-off the family silver 
to fund development of a basic, useful, standards-based web deployment toolkit 
- one that wouldn't take forever to realise. 
On 22 Sep 2011, at 11:18, Pierre Sahores wrote:

 Le 22 sept. 2011 à 09:56, Keith Clarke a écrit :
 Obviously, any technical architect reading the above will realise that I've 
 no idea what I'm talking about ;-) 
 The only constraint to get in mind to achieve your proposal in a clean and 
 rock-solid way is that the stack's to html+dom+js+css translated component 
 will by definition become a multi-users application and this is what makes 
 this project a little more complex - but full doable ! - task than just 
 having simple stack's cards converted to html+dom+js+css widgets.
 However, this it seems less than impossible - and with a modular KISS 
 approach, some aspects seem relatively easy (at least to state the 
 But even if it isn't easy, if RunRev don't grasp the nettle on this, 
 developers who must deploy standards-based rich apps into cloud and 
 locked-down Enterprise environments will be forced elsewhere, which would be 
 a shame.
 Again, this project is suitable in using LC to build the needed framework but 
 this will need some time and invests to achieve the project in the needed 
 professional-grade way.
 Pierre Sahores
 mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-22 Thread Admin

If only the web deployment module could output to either Ajax, Air,
Flex or HTML5 this would no longer be an issue. 


On Thu, 22 Sep
2011 11:44:02 +0100, Keith Clarke wrote: 

 Thanks for the sense-check
Pierre - good to know that the concept isn't pure fantasy! :-) 

Yes, there is some complexity, but given what the RunRev team are
achieving with the engine, iOS and Android ports and LiveCode Server,
I'm certain that they could solve this - given the appropriate
awareness, appetite, capacity and business case to act.
 My point is
that RunRev wouldn't necessarily need to sell-off the family silver to
fund development of a basic, useful, standards-based web deployment
toolkit - one that wouldn't take forever to realise. 

 On 22 Sep 2011, at 11:18, Pierre Sahores wrote:
 Keith, Le 22
sept. 2011 à 09:56, Keith Clarke a écrit : 
 Obviously, any
technical architect reading the above will realise that I've no idea
what I'm talking about ;-)
 The only constraint to get in mind to
achieve your proposal in a clean and rock-solid way is that the stack's
to html+dom+js+css translated component will by definition become a
multi-users application and this is what makes this project a little
more complex - but full doable ! - task than just having simple stack's
cards converted to html+dom+js+css widgets. 
 However, this it
seems less than impossible - and with a modular KISS approach, some
aspects seem relatively easy (at least to state the requirements!) But
even if it isn't easy, if RunRev don't grasp the nettle on this,
developers who must deploy standards-based rich apps into cloud and
locked-down Enterprise environments will be forced elsewhere, which
would be a shame.
 Again, this project is suitable in using LC to
build the needed framework but this will need some time and invests to
achieve the project in the needed professional-grade way. ww

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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-22 Thread Keith Clarke
...the issue is that there is currently no LiveCode web deployment module - 
there's only the proprietary, thick-client, LiveCode Player browser plugin, 
with its specific OS and browser dependencies. 

Hopefully, the RunRev team won't replace their Player with alternative 
proprietary thick-client technologies (such as Air or Flex). This would seem a 
retrograde step, especially when these competitor's technologies also face the 
challenge of supporting non-desktop web client devices, with smarter browsers, 
richer standards-based technologies to hand and pressure on plugins.

This seems to be shaping-up like most technology trends over the last few 
decades - the early days of proprietary technology innovation (and lock-in) 
eventually get supplanted by the chasing pack that gang-up and force market 
consolidation onto more open standards. In this case the 'VHS' seems to be 
HTML5/CSS/Javascript. Those who don't adopt or adapt, will retrench back into 
niches markets or fall by the wayside.

So, it will be interesting to see what the RunRev team have to say on this 
matter when they eventually break the silence on their web deployment plans. 
They have been very quiet in this area, though LiveCode Server did slip out 
into general release under the covering fire of all the iOS and Android 
'there's gold in them there hills' announcements. Who knows, LiveCode server 
might just prove to be a vital component in the web deployment strategy.

The one certainty is that the LiveCode Player is now showing its age and is in 
urgent need of overhaul or replacement. It would be surprising (and somewhat 
disappointing) if there isn't something better being cooked-up.

On 22 Sep 2011, at 14:04, Admin wrote:

 If only the web deployment module could output to either Ajax, Air,
 Flex or HTML5 this would no longer be an issue. 

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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-22 Thread Richard Gaskin

Keith Clarke wrote:

 But even if it isn't easy, if RunRev don't grasp the nettle on
 this, developers who must deploy standards-based rich apps into
 cloud and locked-down Enterprise environments will be forced
 elsewhere, which would be a shame.

I wrote about this last year:

Like too many of my posts that's a long one, but it represents pretty 
much everything I came up with that's relevant to the discussion, and 
I've been thinking about this a long time since two of my biggest 
projects are all about the web and are based in LiveCode.

In short:

There are two sides to this, client and server.

On the server side RunRev has already provided what may be the most 
cost-effective solution for that with RevServer.

But the client is a whole other game, fully immersed not only in a very 
different language but also in a deeply well-defined object model that, 
in many respects, bears little resemblance to LiveCode's.

We use LiveCode because a good scripting language lets us build things 
more quickly than we could do in a lower-level language like C.

But JavaScript is not a low-level language.  It's almost as high-level 
as LiveCode, and as well integrated into the object model it supports as 
LiveCode is with its own.

But the object models are very different.

Attempting full translation of LiveCode to JavaScript would not be 
impossible, but very expensive.  IMO, when you consider the limitations 
inherent in such a task, it's probably much more expensive than just 
learning JavaScript.

That said, there are many opportunities for using LiveCode to generate 
some portions of the client-side experience for the web.  A starting 
point was outlined here in 2006:

I haven't used the RB/web implementation, but I'd be surprised if it did 
full RB-JavaScript translation; my guess is that the server side is 
very much like RevServer and the client side is like the ToolBook 
approach I outlined in 2006.

We can have that too, and we needn't wait for anything from RunRev - 
anyone with sufficient time and motivation can build this today.

But somewhere along the way you'll eventually find limitations between 
what LiveCode can do on the desktop and what a translation to a 
different object model will be able to do on the web.  There's more to 
apps than forms.

And for those you'll want to use JavaScript.

Fortunately, it's kinda fun to learn and there are orders of magnitude 
more resources for that than we have for all the things we've learned 
about LiveCode.

Dive in, the water's fine.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 LiveCode training and consulting:
 Webzine for LiveCode developers:
 LiveCode Journal blog:

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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-22 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hello Richard,

Le 22 sept. 2011 à 16:39, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

 Attempting full translation of LiveCode to JavaScript would not be 
 impossible, but very expensive.  IMO, when you consider the limitations 
 inherent in such a task, it's probably much more expensive than just learning 

To stay full compliant with the best client-side JS libs (JQuey, MooTools, 
Prototype, Sliderman, etc...), i expect that a direct map from the LC 
client-side code to javascript would not be the most economical way to go. I 
would prefer instead to have (1) the LC client-side code mapped to the LC 
server-side code and (2) the LC server-side code mapped to HTML template's 
blocks (stored on the server's file system to stay updatable on demand) where 
(3) only those  HTML template's blocks would have to be linked to JS/Ajax libs. 
This design purpose is the way is build on.

Hope that my sad english is, at least, readable on the main idea ;-)

Best regards,
Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-21 Thread Roger Eller
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Looks to me like it compiles to a binary CGI which serves up the app as

 o. That's the solution for LC.

 Wouldn't it be cool to develop a modular website engine, which could easily
 be configured inside of RR? Or, take a really cool app, and put it on your
 server, accessible for anyone with a browser, including iPhone, Android,
 Chromebook, Linux, Windows 8.9 and 10? And-- not have to worry about stupid


 Chipp Walters
 CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.

Awesome idea, but a tremendous undertaking.  A few have tried before, and
some of them made good progress, but then...

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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-21 Thread Andre Garzia

I tried doing something similar but the one point that I could not solve was
how to maintain state for the different clients. Unless I converted
everything to JS, then it was basically impossible. :-(


On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Looks to me like it compiles to a binary CGI which serves up the app as

 o. That's the solution for LC.

 Wouldn't it be cool to develop a modular website engine, which could easily
 be configured inside of RR? Or, take a really cool app, and put it on your
 server, accessible for anyone with a browser, including iPhone, Android,
 Chromebook, Linux, Windows 8.9 and 10? And-- not have to worry about stupid


 Chipp Walters
 CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
 use-livecode mailing list
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 subscription preferences:

-- All We Do Is Code.
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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-21 Thread Pete
I have to admit, this realbasic thing has piqued my interest - not just the
web part of it but the whole package.  Has anyone on the list taken a look
at it?
Molly's Revenge

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Yeah, it's certainly the mothership would have to take on...

 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Andre Garzia

  I tried doing something similar but the one point that I could not solve
  how to maintain state for the different clients. Unless I converted
  everything to JS, then it was basically impossible. :-(
  On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
   Looks to me like it compiles to a binary CGI which serves up the app as
   o. That's the solution for LC.
   Wouldn't it be cool to develop a modular website engine, which could
   be configured inside of RR? Or, take a really cool app, and put it on
   server, accessible for anyone with a browser, including iPhone,
   Chromebook, Linux, Windows 8.9 and 10? And-- not have to worry about
   Chipp Walters
   CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
   use-livecode mailing list
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   subscription preferences:
  -- All We Do Is Code.
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 Chipp Walters
 CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-21 Thread David Glass
Haven't gotten involved in the Web Edition yet, but use RS on a regular 

On 09/21/2011 4:36 PM, Pete wrote:

I have to admit, this realbasic thing has piqued my interest - not just the
web part of it but the whole package.  Has anyone on the list taken a look
at it?

David Glass - Gray Matter Computing
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Re: Realbasic on the web without plugins

2011-09-21 Thread Mike Felker
At $1000 for enterprise, its a bit expensive for me (but I would need the cross 
platform and web capability).


Pete wrote:

I have to admit, this realbasic thing has piqued my interest - not just the
web part of it but the whole package.  Has anyone on the list taken a look
at it?
Molly's Revenge

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Yeah, it's certainly the mothership would have to take on...

 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Andre Garzia

  I tried doing something similar but the one point that I could not solve
  how to maintain state for the different clients. Unless I converted
  everything to JS, then it was basically impossible. :-(
  On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
   Looks to me like it compiles to a binary CGI which serves up the app as
   o. That's the solution for LC.
   Wouldn't it be cool to develop a modular website engine, which could
   be configured inside of RR? Or, take a really cool app, and put it on
   server, accessible for anyone with a browser, including iPhone,
   Chromebook, Linux, Windows 8.9 and 10? And-- not have to worry about
   Chipp Walters
   CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
   use-livecode mailing list
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   subscription preferences:
  -- All We Do Is Code.
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  subscription preferences:

 Chipp Walters
 CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
 use-livecode mailing list
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