Multilingual interface

2002-01-19 Thread Terry Vogelaar

Hi all,

Who has bright ideas on how to handle multilingual projects? Creating two
(or more) separate stacks gives a lot of extra work; especially during

I was thinking about some kind of a language-preference that gives all the
buttons another label and give some fields another content.

The main problem is that I don't understand how I can change the content of
a menu. There is something about dynamically changing a menu in the Rev
Encyclopedia: About menus and the menu bar. I have to put a mousedown
handler in the group. But what should it contain? Are there any examples of

Also, would I need to extend the switch stucture like:

on menuPick pWhich
  switch pWhich
  case Save
  case Bewaar -- Dutch for 'Save'
  case Quit
  case Stop -- Dutch; well that doesn't have to be explained
  end switch
end menuPick

Finally, can I discover what language the OS is, so I can set the standard
language preference setting of my stack to it?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Doesn't operate properly in Windows, answer command

2002-01-19 Thread Richard D. Miller


What you say is true...if you use the Distribution builder. If you try
running a stack by simply launching it first without Rev running, the Answer
command is not available. I understand what is happening now, but it should
either be pointed out or corrected. I like to think I can launch the stack
first and test it that way without going through the Distribution build
process. But maybe that's the only way with Rev.


 Recently, Richard D. Miller wrote:
 Secondly, I can't get the Answer command to work at all during runtime on
 Mac or Windows. ASK works fine, but Answer does nothing. Works fine in
 development mode, but not during Runtime.
 The answer dialog is simply an additional stack that you need to include in
 your own stack if you're going to distribute your stack separately from the
 development environment.  I think it's called Distribution Builder in Rev
 or something similar -- make sure review all the options here when building
 your stacks as standalones.
 Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia  Design
 Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Doesn't operate properly in Windows

2002-01-19 Thread Richard D. Miller

I'd really like to know if others are running it this. Is it possible to
build a stack on the MacOS side and then edit the same stack on the Windows
side? Perhaps I'm encountering a problem exclusive to VirtualPC?


 First problem. I created it in Mac OS 9.1. Using 1.1.1b. Dragged the Rev
 file over to my VirtualPC window. Opened the 1.1.1 Rev beta in Windows.
 Opened the stack (actually tried it with all my stacks). Can't edit anything
 in any of the stacks. Application Overview seems to see it (most of the
 time), but the Message box doesn't see it. The pointer tool just causes the
 stack to respond as if it was in browse mode. Anyone been down this route,
 specifically building 1.1.1b stacks first on the Mac, then transferring them
 to VirtualPC?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: FTP progress feedback

2002-01-19 Thread Dave Cragg

At 8:54 am -0500 17/1/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am using the put URL ftp command to transfer files to a server.
Can someone offer a suggestion of how to get the percent completed of an
FTP in progress to show in a progress bar?

Hi. Tracking the urlStatus isn't officially supported for ftp 
uploads at present. (But coming soon.)

However, you might try something this (no guarantees.).

local lcCanCheck

on mouseUp
  put whatever unto tUrl
  put whatever into tUploadData
  put true into lcCanCheck
  send ftpCheckStatus  quote  tUrl  quote to me in 50 milliseconds
  put tUploaddata into url tUrl
  put false into lcCanCheck
end mouseUp

on ftpCheckStatus pUrl
  get urlStatus(pUrl)
  put it ##or whatever
  if lcCanCheck then
   send ftpCheckStatus  quote  pUrl  quote to me in 50 milliseconds
  end if
end ftpCheckStatus

It's important that the send command comes before the put 
command, as the put command will block until the upload completes.

Dave Cragg
(Runtime Revolution -- It's got the power.)
use-revolution mailing list

Does destroystack work?

2002-01-19 Thread Richard D. Miller

I'd like to know the verdict on destroystack. I simply cannot get it to work
in the development environment in OS9. Does it work during Runtime on a Mac?
Does it work properly in Windows...during development and runtime?

I've got several thousand images I prefer to imbed in relatively small
stacks, rather than leave on the CD as external files. I need to copy an
image from one of those stacks into my main stack without having that image
stack stay in memory. I've got the destroystack and destroywindow in each
image stack, set to operate on the closestack command. My main stack copies
the image then sends a closestack command to each image stack. But the
memory remains unpurged (at least according to the revloadedstacks function
in Mac OS9 development and the Application Overview window).

Feedback on this problem would be appreciated. If this isn't a reliable way
of going, I'll have to stay with external files.

Richard Miller

use-revolution mailing list

Printing field text

2002-01-19 Thread Aurélien Durand

Do you know how i can print just the content (text) of a field, and not the
complete card, with the command print?



use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac

2002-01-19 Thread Klaus Major

Bonjour Yves, hi Devin and all,

 P.S. What you got is definitively a jpg-file, anyway...
 Try to set the filename of an MC image to that file
 et voila... :-D

 Yes I'm working on a Mac

 -- Greetings.


here is the promised explanation of how to copy an image (any binary 
on a mac correctly. It's a bit long. So be warned :-)

On the mac, the OS needs some specific information about a file,
to correctly handle doubleclicks etc...

We exspect Photoshop to be lauched, when we doubleclick a .PSD-file 
(with or
without the file extension, which is not necessary on the mac, as long 
as we see
that eye-icon !).

But the OS looks for the information about the Type (what kind of file 
is it)
and Creator code (what app created that file) INSIDE that namely file.

These info is stored in the resource-fork of an file.

But a resource-fork is something totally unknown on windows, so
it doesnt appear when copying a file from mac to win.

And that's the reson why a file looks corrupt when we copy it back
from win to mac. The resource-fork really got lost.

Windows simply trashed it :-(
(Hey, what's that ? That's not the kind of file i know ! Two parts in 
one file ?
Sorry ma'm, no way... Bye... :-)

So when using MC to copy files on a mac, one has to set the filetype,
which is a series of 8 chars, describing exactly the above mentioned.

First 4 chars represent the creator , the last four the type.


A jpeg-file created by Photoshop has 8BIM as its signature
and JPEG as the default code for jpg-files.

Filetype: 8BIMJPEG

A photoshop gif-file: 8BIM GIFf

So, noone can know all the filetypes, but we need that info to
get an exact copy of a file :-(

No problem, lets MC do the work :-)

Here we go:

##OldfilePath is the path to the file to copy
## We need to set the filetype BEFORE we copy the file.
##Here is a little function that will do the dirty work :-)

on mouseup ##or whatsoever
set the filetype to ye_olde_filetype(OldfilePath)
##this function will get one argument, the path to the file
##and will return the exact filetype :-D

put URL (binfile:  OldfilePath) into URL (binfile:  NewfilePath)
end mouseup

function ye_olde_filetype el_patho
   put the directory into old_dir
##always a good idea to save and restore the original directory !
##a MUST if you work with relative paths for images etc...

   set the itemdel to /
   put last item of el_patho into the_file
##the filename

   delete last item of el_patho
   set the directory to el_patho
##now we are in the folder where the file resides

   put the long files into all_files
##take a look in the reference about the long files
##that returns a list with lots of infos about the content of a folder
##(divided by a comma)
##like the filename, date of last modification, last saved ...
##and the filetype as the last item of each line

   get line(lineoffset(the_file, all_files)) of all_files
##now we extract that line containing the filename

   set the itemdel to ,
##restore the old itemdel. very important
   set the directory to old_dir
##restore the old directory

   return last item of it
##that's it
end ye_olde_filetype

Hope that helps.

Have a nice weekend.

Best from rainy germany

Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Multilingual interface

2002-01-19 Thread Rob Cozens

Who has bright ideas on how to handle multilingual projects?

Hi Terry,

Here is how I handle them:

* Dates, times, and numbers are are stored unformatted in a database and
are formated when displayed according to Mac OS Control Panel

* Data labels and other on-screen literal text are replaced with icons.

* The application is 100% button driven, and the function of each active
button is displayed in a Help field when the cursor enters the button.

* There is a Translation screen where the user is presented each button
prompt  other help message in turn, and can translate them to another

* There is a Configuration screen where the user selects a language and the
help prompts  other text for that language are loaded into the stack.

* The user manual is written in html so the user can translate it with any
html editor.

To see my design in action (in HyperCard), download the Mac demo at  When OenoLog Version III was
released, I touted it to the press as the world's first globalized
business application: capable of end-user translation and world-wide
distribution (on Macs) in a single version.

I can't help you with the menu bar, since my application hides it.  I know
the Mac Human Interface Guideline police don't like that but:

A.  OenoLog softwqre was originally designed as a dedicated driver for
specialized instrument, not as a cooperative application to work seamlessly
with other Mac apps; and

B.  Frankly, I consider the menubar of today to be the DOS Prompt () of
yesteryear.  The menubar GUI was developed close to 30 years ago.  Ever
notice how most major software apps use a palette in addition to the
menubar today?  I believe point  click is superior to pull down 
select in most user interfaces, and I find a button-driven interface MUCH
easier to program than a menu-driven interface...especially one where the
menubar changes with different tool selections.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

checking if a path is relative?

2002-01-19 Thread Almesjö

Is there any way to check if a path is relative or
absolute? On windows I think an absolute path always
contain a :, and a relative can not contain :. But on
Mac.. an absolute path does not contain :. Anything else
you can check for?
any ideas appreciated,

Revolution rocks!

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac

2002-01-19 Thread Ben Rubinstein

on 19/1/02 4:01 PM, Klaus Major at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (long description of how to copy a binary file on a Mac, without losing
 the type and creator codes snipped)

This is perfectly good as far as it goes, but will still lose anything that
might be in the resource fork of the file.  If you're going to go to that
much trouble to make a mac-specific file copy routine, you might as well get
the Finder to do it for you, which is a complete solution.

Some gotcha's along the way: AppleScript of course doesn't understand about
the Revolution use of the Unix filename conventions, so you have to switch
them; and as far as I could tell, there isn't directly a way to tell the
Finder to copy a file with right destination and name.  So you have to copy
it, then rename it.

The following script works as far as I can tell, with two exceptions I can
foresee - see below.  It has the advantage over the variations of using put
URL ... into URL that it doesn't require Rev to have enough memory to load
the whole file at one lump; it preserves the type and creator codes, but
also other information like the file date; and it preserves the resource
fork, which I don't think is possible using any solution entirely in

  function copyFileMac srcPath, dstPath

-- first need to work out whether the destination is available
-- (and whether the the source file is valid)
if there is not a file srcPath then
  return Source file does not exist
else if there is a file dstPath then
  return Destination file exists!
  -- an alternative implementation would delete the existing file
end if

-- we also only deal with absolute paths, only with files
if (first char of srcPath  /) or (first char of dstPath  /) then
  return invalid source or destination path (must be absolute)
else if (last char of srcPath = /) or (last char of dstPath = /)
  return invalid source or destination path (must be files)
end if

-- separate file names from folder paths, find out if source
-- and destination are in the same folder, check source folder
-- exists
set the itemDelimiter to /
put last item of dstPath into dstName
delete last item of dstPath
if there is not a folder dstPath then
  return invalid destination path (folder doesn't exist)
end if
put ((item 1 to -2 of srcPath) = dstPath) into sameFolder
put resPathToMacPath(dstPath) into dstPath
put resPathToMacPath(srcPath) into srcPath

-- create the applescript
put tell application  quote  Finder  quote  return into asCom
if sameFolder then
  put duplicate file  quote  srcPath  quote  return after asCom
  put copy file  quote  srcPath  quote \
to folder  quote  dstPath  quote  return after asCom
end if
put set newFile to the result  return after asCom
put set the name of newFile to  quote  dstName  quote \
 return after asCom
put end tell  return after asCom

-- do the work
do ascom as applescript
return the result
  end copyFileMac
  function resPathToMacPath p -- p
delete first char of p -- /
-- can't just do [replace / with : in p], because
-- wouldn't handle real / in file/folder names
set the itemDelimiter to /
put empty into macPath
repeat for each item i in p
  replace : with / in i
  put :  i after macPath
end repeat
delete first char of macPath -- :
return macPath
  end resPathToMacPath

One exception I can foresee is that quotes within the path will not be
handled correctly.  I imagine that this could be handled - I don't know
enough about how characters can be escaped in AppleScript, or how variables
can be passed in from Transcript.  Secondly, because it first copies the
file into the destination directory, then renames it, it would fail if the
destination directory already has a file with the same name as the source
(but not the destination name).  This could obviously be scripted round.

  Ben Rubinstein   |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600|  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Multilingual interface

2002-01-19 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Terry Vogelaar wrote:

 Who has bright ideas on how to handle multilingual projects?

I don't know if they're bright ideas, but here's what we did.

We used a single stack to display content, with all text content, button
labels, alerts, etc stored in external text files.  All the files were
grouped in folders by language, and were provided by the client's
translators.  The benefit of this arrangement was the client could edit
content as often as they wanted, and all we had to do was swap the new text
files with the old.  We could also give development versions of the stack to
the client, and they could edit text and see the results of the editing in
place, without having to know anything about MC.

The stack had a language selection screen presented at startup.  Selecting a
language simply told the stack which set of external content to use when
loading the content into fields on various cards.

Alert/error dialog messages were all stored in a single text file for each
language, and were read into a global variable at startup for easy access.

This setup seemed to work ok, especially since text translators were located
all over the place and had different schedules for turning around
translations.  It is a lot of external files to manage, but if there's going
to be a lot of editing taking place, external files are much easier to deal


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #125 - 5 msgs

2002-01-19 Thread Aurélien Durand

Thanks a lot Yves!!!:)
Effectivly Rev is sometimes limited but it's a real pleasure for an
HyperCard lover to be able to use millioncolors graphics and quicktime
movies!!! That's definitivly the Holy Grail i was looking for!;)

Thanks again!


(Yves is a french name, right? Because je suis moi-même français soŠ Is the
rev community full of french people?)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac - digression

2002-01-19 Thread William T. Simmons

OK, I've withstood my curiousity long enough - what do the uppercase S
letters stand for in text like the excerpt below:

So if you can ameliorate your function, it will be possible to copy

I've seen that use of the uppercase S in a few posts recently - is this a
new Internet thing that I'm just too behind the times to get, or is it a
different character set that's not coming across on my PC, or what? Hey, I
don't mind asking dumb questions!

Tommy Simmons
Employment Law Advisory Network, Inc.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac


 So if you can ameliorate your function, it will be possible to copy



use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac

2002-01-19 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Yves,


 function ye_olde_filetype el_patho
   put the directory into old_dir
 ##always a good idea to save and restore the original directory !
 ##a MUST if you work with relative paths for images etc...

   set the itemdel to /
   put last item of el_patho into the_file
 ##the filename

   delete last item of el_patho
   set the directory to el_patho
 ##now we are in the folder where the file resides

   put the long files into all_files
 ##take a look in the reference about the long files
 ##that returns a list with lots of infos about the content of a folder
 ##(divided by a comma)
 ##like the filename, date of last modification, last saved ...
 ##and the filetype as the last item of each line

   get line(lineoffset(the_file, all_files)) of all_files
 ##now we extract that line containing the filename

   set the itemdel to ,
 ##restore the old itemdel. very important
   set the directory to old_dir
 ##restore the old directory

   return last item of it
 ##that's it
 end ye_olde_filetype

 Hope that helps.

 Have a nice weekend.

 Best from rainy germany

 The function ye_olde_filetype doesn't work.
 But your explication is correct.
 So I write :

 set the fileType to 8BIMJPEG BEFORE copying the image and it works 

 The problem comes from the fact that your funciton doesn't return a 
 it only returns empty !

Funny thing.

It works for me here on my mac... ?!

I always test my scripts before posting ;-)


Klaus Major

 So if you can ameliorate your function, it will be possible to copy 
 -- Greetings.

Wow, i do not have a dictionary at hand. What does that mean: 
ameliorate ?

Wait, since i had latin at school, melior means better ;-)

So if i could make my script better...

See above...


use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac - digression

2002-01-19 Thread Troy Rollins

William T. Simmons  wrote:

 So if you can ameliorate your function, it will be possible to copy

Odd. Actually on the Mac this shows as an ellipsis e.g.  ...

So if you can ameliorate your function, it will be possible to copy

Er, no William - actually yesS, of courseS, we hip peopleS do this all the


use-revolution mailing list

RAPID SEQUENCE of audioclips using the PREPARE command

2002-01-19 Thread J. Scott Saults

In use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #112, Kevin Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Have you tried using the prepare command on all the audioClips before you
attempt to run the script that Scott Rossi supplied?

Kind regards,


I made a couple of attempts to incorporate the 'prepare' command into 
the scripts Scott Rossi  (Thank you, Scott) supplied to play a 
sequence of audioclips.

First, I tried to 'prepare' the next audioClip right after playing 
one audioClip:

on runAudio
   if the sound is done then
 if the uCurrClip of me  the number of items of fld cliplist then
   set the uCurrClip of me to empty
   exit runAudio
 end if
 play audioClip (item (the uCurrClip of me) of fld cliplist)
 set the uCurrClip of me to the uCurrClip of me + 1
 prepare audioClip (item (the uCurrClip of me) of fld cliplist)
   end if
   send runAudio to me in 5 milliseconds
end runAudio

The 'play' commands begins playing its audioClip, which is quickly 
interrupted by the 'prepare' command playing the same sound. (Putting 
a 'wait until done' after the prepare command simply results in the 
complete sound being played twice and taking twice as long.)

Next, I tried to 'prepare' the complete set of audioClips in the 
initial mouseUp handler:

on mouseUp
   if the sound is not done then
 play stop
 set the uCurrClip of me to empty
 exit mouseUp
   end if
   repeat with i = 1 to the number of items of field clipList
 prepare audioclip (item 2 of field clipList)
  wait until the sound is done
   end repeat
   set the uCurrClip of me to 1
end mouseUp

The successive 'prepare' commands plays each of the 10 sounds 
(presumably loading them into memory, as well) Then  'runAudio' plays 
the sounds at a rate of a little more than 500 ms per audioClip, when 
the audioClips are each 250 ms long. That rate (2/second), pretty 
erratic and about half what it should be (4/sec), is not 
significantly different from what I get without using the 'prepare' 

In summary, using Scott Rossi's scripts, Revolution could only play 
the 250 ms audioclips at a rate of about 2/second, and the prepare 
command did make it any faster. (I was running on a Mac PowerPC G3 
220 MHz cpu under OS 9.0.4. Naturally, it's faster on a faster 
Pentium 4.)

In fact, I can't tell if the 'prepare' command works any differently 
than the 'play' command!

Keven suggested you should try the prepare command, it will buffer 
before playback.  Let me know if that works for you?

Well, it does not seem to work.  Is this a bug? How is 'prepare' 
supposed to work?

I'm still open to suggestions, but it looks like I'll have to work on 
extracting and combining the audio file data, as suggested by Geoff 
Canyon and Sjoerd Op 't Land (Both have supplied useful information 
that I still need to digest and apply.)

Thanks and best regards,
Scott Saults

J. Scott Saults, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Department of Psychology
210 McAlester Hall
use-revolution mailing list

Building in serial number scheme

2002-01-19 Thread Richard D. Miller

I'd appreciate hearing any thoughts on ways to build in serial number least into one main opening stack. I'm not concerned with a
foolproof system (should one even exist!)...just something that will stop
most folks from running my program without a correct serial number. Is there
a standard approach to this?

Last time I did this (five years ago), I simply had a list of some 50
numbers in a text field inside the program. Users had to have one of them to
get into the program. Worked OK. Certainly not very elegant. Of course, that
means there were only 50 numbers out there, making it fairly easy for
someone to get into the program if they caught onto what was going on. But
for the most part, it kept people out.


Richard Miller

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #125 - 5 msgs

2002-01-19 Thread yves COPPE

Thanks a lot Yves!!!:)
Effectivly Rev is sometimes limited but it's a real pleasure for an
HyperCard lover to be able to use millioncolors graphics and quicktime
movies!!! That's definitivly the Holy Grail i was looking for!;)

Thanks again!


Salut, je suis belge. Ma langue maternelle est le bilinguisme !

Je suis d'accord avec toi, Revolution est vraiment le digne 
successeur d'Hypercard qu'on attendait depuis longtemps. Encore 
quelques bugs à corriger et quelques fonctionnalités à implémenter 
(entre autre au niveau du print ou de la présentation en table ou 
encore l'accès direct au appearance mgr sur mac) et ce sera presque 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac

2002-01-19 Thread yves COPPE


Sorry Klaus, my English is absolutely not perfectŠ
ameliorate means better
your script indeed doesn't work on my mac but your theory is correct;
If I write set the typefile to 8BIMJPEG Šit works fineŠ
I'll work on it furtherŠ

I want to thank you very much for your help in this big problem on mac.
Without you I surely wouldn' have found any solutionŠ


use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac

2002-01-19 Thread yves COPPE


J'y pense : au lieu de m'exciter à écrire le plus correctement 
possible en anglais, je peux écrire directement en français. Là il 
n'y aura pas de fautes !
Comprenne qui pourraŠ


use-revolution mailing list

sort container

2002-01-19 Thread yves COPPE


in the doc, I read :
The sort container command is a stable sort. This means that if the 
sortKey for two items or lines is the same, sorting does not change 
their order, so you can do two successive sorts to create 
subcategories within the major sort categories.

I can't apply it to the following problem :

Let's suppose a tabstop fld

the first column contains dates
the second text

I'd like to sort the fld so that
it's sorted by date (first column)
and afterwards sorted by text (alphabetically)

in this case the sortkey changes first it's item 1 of fld xxx and 
then it's item 2 of fld xxx

How ?



use-revolution mailing list

Type and Creator - Klaus Major

2002-01-19 Thread yves COPPE
Title: Type and Creator - Klaus Major


I've found why your function doesn't work :

function ye_olde_filetype
 put the directory into old_dir
 set the itemdel to /
 put last item of el_patho into the_file
 delete last item of el_patho
 set the directory to el_patho
 put the long files into all_files
 get line(lineoffset(the_file, all_files)) of all_files
 set the itemdel to ,
 set the directory to old_dir
 return last item of it
end ye_olde_filetype

the FileName of
el_patho contains a date :

so you will see what kind of strange chars are returned with
put the long files into

That's why
otherwise the function is correctŠ






Re: Multilingual interface

2002-01-19 Thread Rob Cozens

Who has bright ideas on how to handle multilingual projects?

Terry, et al:

You should also take a look at Revolution's Profile Manager Tutorial.

From page 2: can use the Profile Manager to create multiple
language versions of your application,...

I have not looked further into this yet; but if there is a method built
into Revolution via the Profile Manager, it's the obvious place to start.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac - digression

2002-01-19 Thread David Vaughan
Well, I'm on a Mac (OS X 10.1.2) and I get the funny "" as well. Mine have a little mark atop them. Perhaps it is a PC mail handler in between us. No worries. What with Yves testing my French and Klaus calling on Latin (and happily not saying so in Deutsch)  this site is fascinatingly diverse as well as informative.


On Sunday, January 20, 2002, at 07:22 , yves COPPE wrote:

OK, I've withstood my curiousity long enough - what do the uppercase "S"
letters stand for in text like the excerpt below:

"So if you can ameliorate your function, it will be possible to copy

I've seen that use of the uppercase "S" in a few posts recently - is this a
new Internet thing that I'm just too behind the times to get, or is it a
different character set that's not coming across on my PC, or what? Hey, I
don't mind asking dumb questions!

Tommy Simmons
Employment Law Advisory Network, Inc.

No I haven't type any "S", and I don't know why it comes on your mail. I think it's because I use a Mac and you a PC and the translation may fail elsewhereŠ
I hope you can read my mail without too many added chars !
-- Greetings.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Building in serial number scheme

2002-01-19 Thread Rob Cozens

I'd appreciate hearing any thoughts on ways to build in serial number least into one main opening stack.

Hi Richard,

Before I describe my approach, let me point out its limitations:

1.  It is Mac-specific.

2.  It only works on hardware/OS combos where the Apple System Profiler
returns the computer serial number.

3.  It works for me because my product is designed and priced for a limited

That being said, the AppleScript script:

on getSerial()
tell application Apple System Profiler
copy SerialNumber to myNumber
quit application Apple System Profiler
end tell
return myNumber
end getSerial

will return the Mac's serial #.  (BTW, Apple System Profiler does NOT quit;
but that's another issue.)

When a winemaker orders, or subscribes to, OenoLog, the license is specific
to the her/his Mac by serial number...which he/she retrieves using the
System Profiler and includes on the order form.  I burn a CD for that
specific installation with the serial # encrypted in the stack.

As I look to the future, I must determine which of the Mac-specific
features in OenoLog can be reprogramed to be platform independent, and
which must be given up if I am to achieve cross-platform compatability.  It
would be nice if Revolution had a built-in method of uniquely identifying
the computer it's running on.  Some people have suggested the Ethernet
address as a possibility; but for my purposes the serial # is more easily
retrieved by the user.

I'd be happy to participate in any effort address the issue by RunRev or
MetaCard staff and/or users.  I'd also be interested in hearing from anyone
who knows what toolbox call ASP uses to retrieve the serial # (some
argument to gestalt(??)).  If I knew that, I could ditch AppleScript; but
I'm too cheap to pay Apple $200 so I can ask them directly.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: replacetext

2002-01-19 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 5:40 PM -0800 1/18/2002, Bob Rasmussen wrote:
To Rev documentation folks:

Given the subtle distinction between commands and functions, I think
it would be a good idea in the Rev documentation to give examples
only of usage in proper context.  That is, please don't show functions
alone on a line in a way that makes them look like commands.

I've thought about doing this, especially since the problem has cropped up
on the list twice now. The problem with it is that embedding the function
in a complete statement makes it more complicated - especially when the
function call itself is complex, I'm concerned about it causing confusion.

Of course, I could just stick get in front of all the examples, but that
doesn't always make a statement you'd actually use in a real-world handler.
And I'm a little concerned about new developers getting the impression that
get is the only way to use a function, as opposed to using it in a
conditional, etc.

Does anyone else have an opinion about this? Any other ways to make it
crystal clear that a function can't be used as a complete statement, and
avoid confusing people?

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

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