Re: Help for a non-code newbie!

2003-07-21 Thread David Vaughan
On Tuesday, Jul 22, 2003, at 14:34 Australia/Sydney, "J. Landman Gay" 
Good solution. I bet you typed it from memory though. ;)
Dead right Jacque!
I think this works the way you meant:

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: XML library reliable?

2003-07-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 12:07 AM, Alex Rice wrote:

©2003 by Joël Guillod

Joel, the little I've used the XML lib I've not had any reliability 
problems. In your example I can tell you what the error is, but not 
WHY. I don't know enough about XML.

If you make the second parameter to revCreateXMLTree to be "true", 
that's parseBadData, you will get the error message back from the 
function, instead of a xml tree ID:

xmlerr, can't parse xml
Entity 'euml' no defined
My XML pocket reference (which may be outdated) shows only five 
predefined entity references:

Plus, you can have hexadecimal character references.

Maybe there is a way to define entities.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: XML library reliable?

2003-07-21 Thread Alex Rice
On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 11:35  PM, Joël Guillod wrote:

©2003 by Joël Guillod

Joel, the little I've used the XML lib I've not had any reliability 
problems. In your example I can tell you what the error is, but not 
WHY. I don't know enough about XML.

If you make the second parameter to revCreateXMLTree to be "true", 
that's parseBadData, you will get the error message back from the 
function, instead of a xml tree ID:

xmlerr, can't parse xml
Entity 'euml' no defined
I don't know what's "bad" about that entity, but I do know that most 
html, found in web pages out in the wild, is not valid XML. Apparently 
not all htmlText is not valid XML either.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but is revCreateXMLTree negating the 
meaning of parseBadData? That is, it's parsing bad data when you have 
parseBadData = false, but when I set parseBadData = true, then it stops 
parsing with the error message?  It's late and I'm weary so please 
confirm and if so I'll file a bug.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to make an Unclickable Check Box

2003-07-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 11:26 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:

Or perhaps there is a preferred strategy to accomplish this goal other  
than use of a check button...
To me a check-box seems strange as an indicator, but that may be just  
me.  I'd explore graphics or buttons with images.

Dar Scott

  Dar Scott Consulting  

use-revolution mailing list

understanding modeless stacks on OS X

2003-07-21 Thread Alex Rice
I have a preferences stack that I want to have the pinstripe background 
pattern on OS X, and I want to get rid of the ugly black box around the 
default button (OS X appearance manager button).

In the IDE, I just set the style to modeless, and it looks correct. In 
a standalone, the stack seems to be toplevel because there is a gray 
background instead of pinstripes and there is a black box around the 
default button. However, the stack reports that it is modeless. Here is 
the handler used to open the prefs stack.

on mouseUp
  set the loc of stack "Prefs" to the screenloc
  go stack "Prefs" -- also tried "as modeless"
  answer the style of stack "Prefs" -- says "modeless"
end mouseUp
Again, in the IDE, this handler shows a modeless stack that appears how 
I want it to. In standalone, it looks bad. Is this a bug?

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to make an Unclickable Check Box

2003-07-21 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Sannyasin Sivakatirswami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using a check box button to indicate to the
> user that he is or is  
> not connected to the internet. on openCard, the
> script pings for a file  
> on  a particular server... if it is downloaded and
> is not a 404, then  
> the check box hilite is set to true. Problem is, I
> don't want the user  
> to be able to click the button (thereby incorrectly
> toggling the check  
> mark) Of course, one can do this:
> on mouseup
>set the hilite of me to not the hilite of me
> end mouseup
> to preserve the button state an a click attempt...
> but, is there no  
> property that can be set that would simply not let
> the user click the  
> button (other than disabled, which dims the button.)
> ??
> Or perhaps there is a preferred strategy to
> accomplish this goal other  
> than use of a check button...

Hi Sannyasin,

Turn off the autoHilite of the checkbox, and leave the
script of the checkbox empty. Now it won't be hilited
unless you set its hilite from a script.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

XML library reliable?

2003-07-21 Thread Joël Guillod
1) Consider that you:

set the htmltext of field 1 to that -- : ...

©2003 by Joël Guillod

2) execute this test script:

on test
  put "" & (the HTMLtext of fld 1) & "" into xmldata
  put revCreateXMLTree(xmldata,false,true,false) into fldTreeID
  put revXMLText(fldTreeID,"/fld1",false) into xmlDataRestored
  put xmlData &cr& xmlDataRestored
  revDeleteXMLtree fldTreeID
end test

3) Why dont I get the same than the original data: i.e. why xmldata is not
xmlDataRestored? The procedure looses the diacritics (the euml for ë and
nothing for the copyright character). I actually get:

2003 by Jol Guillod

4) If this is not a bug, please help and point me to some xml rev
documentation. Or it is something to do with the uniEncode() and uniDecode()
And do *NOT* give another way to do the job (using the RTFText of the field
instead of the htmltext will work but in that case, we will loose the
linktext and imagesource properties of the text and that I actually need

5) OK, another workaround for preserving html as far as I have tested is:

on test
  put "" & conv(the HTMLtext of fld 1) & "" into xmldata
  put revCreateXMLTree(xmldata,false,true,false,"UTF-7") into fldTreeID
  put revXMLNodeContents(fldTreeID,"/fld1") into xmlDataRestored
  put xmlData &cr& xmlDataRestored &cr& the HTMLtext of fld 1 &cr&
  revDeleteXMLtree fldTreeID
end test

function conv d
  return base64encode(compress(d))
end conv

function revconv d
  return decompress(base64decode(d))
end revconv

6) The problem is that the htmltext of fields is xml based, so including it
in an xml tree and restoring it should work whatever the diacritics,
shouldn't it?

Happy to use RR and hope all users will contribute a bit and more to do it
better and more reliable.

Joël G -- Joël G

use-revolution mailing list

How to make an Unclickable Check Box

2003-07-21 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
I am using a check box button to indicate to the user that he is or is  
not connected to the internet. on openCard, the script pings for a file  
on  a particular server... if it is downloaded and is not a 404, then  
the check box hilite is set to true. Problem is, I don't want the user  
to be able to click the button (thereby incorrectly toggling the check  
mark) Of course, one can do this:

on mouseup
  set the hilite of me to not the hilite of me
end mouseup
to preserve the button state an a click attempt... but, is there no  
property that can be set that would simply not let the user click the  
button (other than disabled, which dims the button.) ??

Or perhaps there is a preferred strategy to accomplish this goal other  
than use of a check button...

btw, since there are a lot of new Rev users here... you may enjoy  
hacking our latest simple presentation teacher's aid for "Good Conduct"  
for youth.

run this in your msg box:

go stack url  

It demonstrates a lot of relatively simple stuff.

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Help for a non-code newbie!

2003-07-21 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 7/21/03 10:57 PM, David Vaughan wrote:

...and here is another one but this one is a general solution rather 
than specific to one project. I include this in stacks fairly routinely.

on hideFields
  put the paramCount into k
  repeat with x = 1 to k
hide field x
  end repeat
end hideFields
Put that in your stack script and wherever you want to hide fields, make 
a call

hideFields 1,7,3,8 -- (etc)
Good solution. I bet you typed it from memory though. ;)

I think this works the way you meant:

on hideFields
  put the params into k
  delete word 1 of k -- this is the handler name
  replace quote with empty in k
  repeat for each item x in k
hide field x
  end repeat
end hideFields
Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread Joel Rees
> The thought of many simpleton standalones at 2.5Mb each with the RR logo
> blasted across them seems a sure fire way to create the impression that RR
> is not a professional tool. Once this impression is created, it will be VERY
> difficult to change. This in-product advertising is NOT in the best interest
> of RR or it's developers.

So, maybe the Express edition (and player only, if such is considered) should
have a completely different name?

For a player, Runtime Pawn? Pawn of the Revolution? Runtime Propoganda?

For the Express edition, Runtime Strategy? End-user Games? Pockets of
the Revolution?

Maybe war is not the right theme ...

Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Help for a non-code newbie!

2003-07-21 Thread David Vaughan
On Tuesday, Jul 22, 2003, at 10:03 Australia/Sydney, Sarah 
Hi Lars,

Other people have suggested various loops
...and here is another one but this one is a general solution rather 
than specific to one project. I include this in stacks fairly routinely.

on hideFields
  put the paramCount into k
  repeat with x = 1 to k
hide field x
  end repeat
end hideFields
Put that in your stack script and wherever you want to hide fields, 
make a call

hideFields 1,7,3,8 -- (etc)

Notice you can pass it any number of fields and do not first have to 
put them in sequence or groups or anything else.

Create a corresponding handler for showing fields, and you might also 
want a reversing one, whose main line in the repeat loop is:
set the visible of field x to (not the visible of field x)

You can also pass it field numbers or names, although if you are using 
names you should make sure they are not also variables or reserved 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Date calculation for Sean

2003-07-21 Thread Shao Sean
actually it's something that seems to have gotta changed
some where along the way.. what needs to be done is to
create the custom handlers in the card/stack script to trap
the public handlers that are in the calendar object.. all
the public handlers in the object will have "pass
" as the last line.. this allows you, as the
developer, to trap what the user has done so your app can do
what you want it to do without having to muck around too
much in my (badly written) scripts ;-)

- Original Message Follows -
> > It gives me an error when I try to change month (click
> > on prev or next arrow).
use-revolution mailing list

Re: revolution/evolution

2003-07-21 Thread Shao Sean
how about instead of the 30-day limit, they take the
microsloth route and you can only run the full studio
version 50 times and it will slowly start removing features,
even though you've already paid 1000$ for it, entered your
serial number and jumped through some more hoops.. i can
already see the money rolling in ;-)

- Original Message Follows -
> explore. If luring in real newbies is a goal, a one  time,
> 30 day trial isn't enough, especially  if one is squeezing
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Basic question - how to use a variable to refer to an object(button) -Thanks

2003-07-21 Thread Judy Perry
Don't feel bad, Erik -- done it myself (and felt like a royal idiot!)


On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, erik hansen wrote:

> I found the specific problem though its a little
> more subtle, it seems that
> you can't label a button with a number and do
> this sort of thing.
> Unfortunately this is exactly what I did!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread Bill Vlahos

No problem. Your existing free edition of Revolution version 2 will 
continue to work forever! You can complete your project and distribute 
it without any problems.

If you want to upgrade to 2.1 and can afford the $75 get the new 
Express version on sale before the end of next month. You won't have 
the 10 line limit of your current free version and will be able to help 
save your tribe's language on your Mac and even be able to freely 
distribute the application to other Mac users.

As far as Windows you could do the following...
1. You were hoping to scrape up $299 for the previous SBE version. That 
is the same as 1 Mac + 1 Windows Express versions at list price. The 
current sale price makes it even cheaper. All you would have to do is 
find someone with a Windows computer you can install Revolution Express 
on, copy over your finished stack and build it on the PC.

2. Alternatively you could partner up with a Windows purchaser of the 
Express version and work together and each build the finished 
standalones for distribution.

3. If your application was successful enough you could upgrade the 
Express version to the Studio version. I don't believe RunRev has 
posted the upgrade prices but they have been pretty close to just the 
cost differences of the various versions with previous versions. If you 
can swing this before the end of August then the Studio version will be 
$100 cheaper than what the SBE version ever was. You would be able to 
build distributions for all of the platforms from your Mac.

Bill Vlahos

On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 06:21  PM, Duane Poncy wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 14:55:23 -0400, Wilhelm Sanke 

This is another late response to the new pricing scheme. As a user of 
the "Free Edition" I realize I don't have much standing to complain 
about the new pricing, but it does bring up a couple of questions for 

I am more than a hobbyist, but I am not a professional programmer. I 
have been working on a Cherokee dictionary for some months now. The 
hundred plus hours I have put into this dictionary is gratis. I am 
very low income, and and have not been able to afford the SBE. I 
expect to have this project ready for use in a few months, and will 
distribute if for free, because it is important to me to help save my 
tribe's language.

For this software to continue to be useful, I need cross-platform 
capability. Most education people and many writers, like me, use 
MacIntosh, but the majority of people who will use this dictionary are 
PC users. I have been thinking that if it went well, I could maybe 
scrape together enough to buy the SBE. With the new pricing there is 
no way I can afford to buy into cross-platform capability.

I would like to continue to build Cherokee lanquage learning tools, 
but I guess I will have to find some other tool than Revolution. Or I 
will have to continue to use Revolution 2.0 free edition.

I don't know if there are others out there like me, and I know a 
company can't make decisions based on just a few users, but, 
nevertheless, I am truly disappointed.

Duane Poncy

visit Elohi Gadugi: poetry, software,
Cherokee culture and Native American rights.

Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.  - Arundhati Roy
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread Chipp Walters

My understanding is that you could purchase a Studio copy of RunRev for your
Mac platform for $199 and an Express copy to debug on Windows for $75 and
you're still under the $299 Small Business Edition.

The Studio Copy will let you compile standalones for all Windows versions.
You can debug your code using the Express Copy.

Another option is purchase two Express Copies (if you don't mind the "Made
with Revolution" message when the user quits.) This would only set you back
$150...still much cheaper than the small business edition used to be.



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Duane Poncy
> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 8:21 PM
> Subject: Re: Rev 2.02/New pricing
> On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 14:55:23 -0400, Wilhelm Sanke
> This is another late response to the new pricing scheme. As a
> user of the "Free Edition" I realize I don't have much standing
> to complain about the new pricing, but it does bring up a couple
> of questions for me.
> I am more than a hobbyist, but I am not a professional
> programmer. I have been working on a Cherokee dictionary for some
> months now. The hundred plus hours I have put into this
> dictionary is gratis. I am very low income, and and have not been
> able to afford the SBE. I expect to have this project ready for
> use in a few months, and will distribute if for free, because it
> is important to me to help save my tribe's language.
> For this software to continue to be useful, I need cross-platform
> capability. Most education people and many writers, like me, use
> MacIntosh, but the majority of people who will use this
> dictionary are PC users. I have been thinking that if it went
> well, I could maybe scrape together enough to buy the SBE. With
> the new pricing there is no way I can afford to buy into
> cross-platform capability.
> I would like to continue to build Cherokee lanquage learning
> tools, but I guess I will have to find some other tool than
> Revolution. Or I will have to continue to use Revolution 2.0 free edition.
> I don't know if there are others out there like me, and I know a
> company can't make decisions based on just a few users, but,
> nevertheless, I am truly disappointed.
> Duane Poncy
> visit Elohi Gadugi: poetry, software,
> Cherokee culture and Native American rights.
> Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
> On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.  - Arundhati Roy
> -
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Magnifier (script!)

2003-07-21 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
And, this is actually the proper way to do this, a bit more "esoteric" 
but the resize occurs  only once instead of twice... a tad faster.

local tSizeChange

on mouseup
  if optionkey()="Down" then
put (-10) into tSizeChange
exit mouseup
  end if
  put (+10) into tSizeChange
end mouseup
on changeSize
put (the height of the target/the width of the target) into tRatio
put the rect of the target into tImageRect
put  (item 3 of tImageRect+tSizeChange) into item 3 of tImageRect
put (((item 3 of tImageRect-item 1 of tImageRect)* tRatio)\
 +item 2 of tImageRect) into item 4 of tImageRect
set the rect of the target to tImageRect
  end changeSize
On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 06:17  AM, Ken Norris wrote:

Hi Yves
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 09:51:20 +0200
Subject: Re: Magnifier (script!)

I'd like that the RECT of the target stays at  "30,20,330,220" with 
zoomed image in that rect.
OK, try this:
1) Make a substack the size and position you want and uncheck its 
or set its resizeable() to false.

2) Set its decorations to empty.

3) Import the image you want.

4) Put Sannyasin's script into the image script and DELETE the last 
line ("set the loc of the target to the mouseloc") from it.

Tested; works.

Of course it's expected for you to set it up your own way. For 
example, I'd
have a "Zoom" menu with "increase" and "reduce" and use [cmd/+] for
increasing zoom and [cmd/-] to reduce it, and I'd set min/max limits. 
like that.

Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread Duane Poncy
On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 14:55:23 -0400, Wilhelm Sanke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

This is another late response to the new pricing scheme. As a user of the "Free 
Edition" I realize I don't have much standing to complain about the new pricing, but 
it does bring up a couple of questions for me. 

I am more than a hobbyist, but I am not a professional programmer. I have been working 
on a Cherokee dictionary for some months now. The hundred plus hours I have put into 
this dictionary is gratis. I am very low income, and and have not been able to afford 
the SBE. I expect to have this project ready for use in a few months, and will 
distribute if for free, because it is important to me to help save my tribe's language.

For this software to continue to be useful, I need cross-platform capability. Most 
education people and many writers, like me, use MacIntosh, but the majority of people 
who will use this dictionary are PC users. I have been thinking that if it went well, 
I could maybe scrape together enough to buy the SBE. With the new pricing there is no 
way I can afford to buy into cross-platform capability. 

I would like to continue to build Cherokee lanquage learning tools, but I guess I will 
have to find some other tool than Revolution. Or I will have to continue to use 
Revolution 2.0 free edition.

I don't know if there are others out there like me, and I know a company can't make 
decisions based on just a few users, but, nevertheless, I am truly disappointed. 

Duane Poncy

visit Elohi Gadugi: poetry, software, 
Cherokee culture and Native American rights.

Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. 
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.  - Arundhati Roy

use-revolution mailing list

Re: cannot close modeless stack

2003-07-21 Thread Richard Gaskin
Alex Rice wrote:

> I have a modeless stack that I cannot close (from a handler) unless I
> first change it to toplevel. Why is this?

It cannot be determined until we see the handler in question.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

nevermind (was: cannot close modeless stack)

2003-07-21 Thread Alex Rice
Sorry, this wasn't the problem at all.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Alex Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon Jul 21, 2003  6:53:55  PM America/Denver
Subject: cannot close modeless stack
I have a modeless stack that I cannot close (from a handler) unless I 
first change it to toplevel. Why is this?

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

cannot close modeless stack

2003-07-21 Thread Alex Rice
I have a modeless stack that I cannot close (from a handler) unless I 
first change it to toplevel. Why is this?

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

RE: gradient background

2003-07-21 Thread Chipp Walters real well. Course if you do see banding, then (as you said
previously) add a bit of noise...

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dar Scott
> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 7:13 PM
> Subject: Re: gradient background
> On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 04:14 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
> > I generally import a small JPG gradient image and then stretch it to
> > fit.
> > Keeps the filesize small.
> Cool!  I woulda thought the steps would be too big.
> Dar
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Help for a non-code newbie!

2003-07-21 Thread Sarah
Hi Lars,

Other people have suggested various loops to try, but you might also 
find that smaller groups may work for you. If you have 8 fields & 8 
buttons, so they all need to be shown individually at some time? If 
not, perhaps you could group the objects that always show or hide 
together and then use a loop to show/hide the others.

One other tip: if you put "lock screen" before a show or hide loop, the 
speed will be enormously increased.

On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 07:34  am, Lars Brehmer wrote:

Hi there!

I am one of those COMPLETELY non-programming people trying to use 
Revolution to develop a good idea into an inexpensive commercial 
product.  The manual is currently unavailable (I will buy a copy the 
second it is available and am waiting to hear about any 3rd party 
books on Revolution!) and I have 2 absolute beginner's questions:

1. Is there a way to hide multiple objects without a line for each one 
in the handler?  If I have to have a code line for each object and 
there are 8 fields and 8 buttons on each card, the stack gets real big 
real fast.  I've tried

hide field 1,2,3,etc
hide fields 1,2,3,etc
hide field 1-8
hide fields1-8
and so far nothing works.  I obviously have no clue about code syntax!

I also tried grouping themand hiding the group, but when other 
handlers need to show individual objects, it either doesn't work or I 
need to ungroup the group and am right back where I started!  Can 
anyone help me?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: gradient background

2003-07-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 04:14 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

I generally import a small JPG gradient image and then stretch it to 
Keeps the filesize small.
Cool!  I woulda thought the steps would be too big.


use-revolution mailing list

RE: Re: AW: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread Edwin Gore
Also, from what I have read, Realbasic is going to be able to DEPLOY on linux. THe IDE 
is not being moved over.

>- --- Original Message --- -
>From: Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 15:25:55
>Alex Rice wrote:
>> =B3By adding support for Linux, REALbasic could
>be the only
>> high-productivity rapid application development
>tool for all three
>> platforms, Windows, Mac and Linux,=B2 said Dan
>> I guess RR does not exist in their reality
>distortion field.
>Nor, it seems, do 4GLs, which offer greater
>productivity by nearly every
>objective measurement.
> Richard Gaskin=20
> Fourth World Media Corporation
> Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on
>any site
> Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM:
>use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: AW: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread Richard Gaskin
Alex Rice wrote:

> ³By adding support for Linux, REALbasic could be the only
> high-productivity rapid application development tool for all three
> platforms, Windows, Mac and Linux,² said Dan Farrand
> I guess RR does not exist in their reality distortion field.

Nor, it seems, do 4GLs, which offer greater productivity by nearly every
objective measurement.
 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread Chipp Walters
Geoff and RR,

There's one other issue about adding a splash screen to the basic version of
RR. A friend of mine mentioned this to me. There may be standalones and
stacks you *don't wish* to be associciated with. Think about pornography or
hacker programs, each ending with a "Made with Revolution" splash screen.
This may have the opposite effect you desire, IOW, creating a very POOR
image of the company rather than a GOOD one.

On another point, just so there is no confusion. Geoff, I've always admired
your work and abilities. You are one of the smartest and best ambassadors
for this platform, and are most appreciated! :-)



use-revolution mailing list

RE: gradient background

2003-07-21 Thread Chipp Walters
I generally import a small JPG gradient image and then stretch it to fit.
Keeps the filesize small.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dar Scott
> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 2:32 PM
> Subject: Re: gradient background
> On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 10:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I want to create a gradient background for my stack without having to
> > import an image for that purpose. Can anyone tell me how to accomplish
> > this?
> One approach: Group an image.  Set the backgroundBehavior to true.
> Make a group handler that makes sure the image size is right (a little
> hand waving, here) computes the gradient, builds an imageData string
> and sets the imageData of the image.  Perhaps it is based on custom
> properties and stack size.  At design time run the handler using the
> "Send Message" submenu on the context menu.  If it is fast enough, you
> might be able to do this at run time.  You might get bands; maybe
> adding a little noise before rounding to color values will help.
> Dar Scott
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Help for a non-code newbie!

2003-07-21 Thread Chipp Walters
> 1. Is there a way to hide multiple objects without a line for each one
> in the handler?  If I have to have a code line for each object and
> there are 8 fields and 8 buttons on each card, the stack gets real big
> real fast.  I've tried
> hide field 1,2,3,etc
> hide fields 1,2,3,etc
> hide field 1-8
> hide fields1-8
> and so far nothing works.  I obviously have no clue about code syntax!

here's an idea...

put "fred,john,stan,jill" into tFldNames
repeat for each item I in tFldName
   hide fld I
end repeat

> 2. Is there a way to build a feature into a stack so that once the
> stack is a standalone and installed from a disk it requires the disk it
> was installed from to be present in the drive in order to continue?
> I don't know whether what I am saying makes sense, I just know that
> lots of reference works that are installed on my machine require that I
> insert the disk they came on in order to use them.  I would like my app
> to do the same.  Is there a stack script that creates a message to the
> user like "Please insert disk "xyz" to continue?"

If you want you can check for a (hidden) file on a specific drive. If it
doesn't exist, you can prompt the user to put the CD in...

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Help for a non-code newbie!

2003-07-21 Thread Edwin Gore
Welcome to the Revolution Lars!

On the first question:

I don't know of a way to do it in one line, but I can help you do it in fewer than 8!

You have two choices - either manage the numbers of the fields so that they are 
consecutive (which is hard, and boring) or include a number in the name. In either 
case you then hide and show them using a repeat loop - as in

fields and buttons are named like



Then use code like:

repeat with x = 1 to 8
hide field ("fieldToHide" & x)
hide button ("buttonToHide" & x)
end repeat

On the second question, well, it's complicated. There is probably some way that you 
could do it, but as copy protection it will be pretty useless. Unless the actual CD is 
copy protected, anybody will still be able to start your application using a copy of 
the original CD.

What you might find more useful (depending on how you expect the CD to be used) is to 
look at maybe doing some kind of an online registration check when the user tries to 
perform certain functions.

The application I am working on for example, won't the the user change a very 
important parameter without first checking against an encrypted list of registered 
users online.

Good luck!

Edwin Gore

>- --- Original Message --- -
>From: Lars Brehmer 
>Sent: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 15:29:28
>Hi there!
>I am one of those COMPLETELY non-programming people
>trying to use 
>Revolution to develop a good idea into an
>inexpensive commercial 
>product.  The manual is currently unavailable (I
>will buy a copy the 
>second it is available and am waiting to hear about
>any 3rd party books 
>on Revolution!) and I have 2 absolute beginner's
>1. Is there a way to hide multiple objects without
>a line for each one 
>in the handler?  If I have to have a code line for
>each object and 
>there are 8 fields and 8 buttons on each card, the
>stack gets real big 
>real fast.  I've tried
>hide field 1,2,3,etc
>hide fields 1,2,3,etc
>hide field 1-8
>hide fields1-8
>and so far nothing works.  I obviously have no clue
>about code syntax!
>I also tried grouping themand hiding the group, but
>when other handlers 
>need to show individual objects, it either doesn't
>work or I need to 
>ungroup the group and am right back where I
>started!  Can anyone help 
>2. Is there a way to build a feature into a stack
>so that once the 
>stack is a standalone and installed from a disk it
>requires the disk it 
>was installed from to be present in the drive in
>order to continue?
>I don't know whether what I am saying makes sense,
>I just know that 
>lots of reference works that are installed on my
>machine require that I 
>insert the disk they came on in order to use them. 
>I would like my app 
>to do the same.  Is there a stack script that
>creates a message to the 
>user like "Please insert disk "xyz" to continue?"
>Revolution is terrific and I think I have some
>pretty simple yet 
>interesting ideas and am making good progress, but
>until there is a 
>comprehensive manual available, slogans like
>"software development 
>without knowlege of code writing" aren't quite
>accurate.  Some of us 
>know literally NOTHING and struggle with Revolution
>even though it is 
>well designed and made for simplicity!
>Thanks a million!
>Lars Brehmer
>use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: pi approximation day [OT]

2003-07-21 Thread Jim Hurley
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 10:38:59 -0600
Subject: pi approximation day [OT]
From: Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tuesday is pi approximation day (aka pi appreciation day).  I think
that is because some folks write July 22 as 22/7.
In honor of this day, I plan to order 14" pizzas to enjoy with friends.
  For some pizzas I plan to arrange the pieces on a rectangular cookie
sheet in an alternating pattern to form an rectangle about 7" by 22". 
I will then badger friends into saying "Oooh" and "Ah" before letting
them eat.


Close, but not quite squaring the circle :-)

Illustrating this with a stack (in my losing struggle to make this
on-topic) seemed too much work.  However, those who want to ponder pi
on Tuesday might type this into the message box:
 put pi & LF & 22/7

Appreciate wonders both large and very small.

Dar Scott

I share your appreciation for pi and will join you in celebrating on 22/7.

A day is also needed to celebrate that momentous quartet in 
mathematics: e, i, pi and -1.

And putting them all together:

   e^(i*pi) = -1

It could be a religion.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Basic question - how to use a variable to refer to an object (button) -Thanks

2003-07-21 Thread erik hansen

Stephen King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi,

Thanks for the info - it sort of backed up my own
thoughts so thats really
useful in telling me I'm on the right track.

I found the specific problem though its a little
more subtle, it seems that
you can't label a button with a number and do
this sort of thing.
Unfortunately this is exactly what I did!


btn label = "1"
btn name = "b1"
put 1 into n
refer to button ("b" & n)

this label feature saves you the bother of...
never mind.


Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
use-revolution mailing list

Help for a non-code newbie!

2003-07-21 Thread Lars Brehmer
Hi there!

I am one of those COMPLETELY non-programming people trying to use 
Revolution to develop a good idea into an inexpensive commercial 
product.  The manual is currently unavailable (I will buy a copy the 
second it is available and am waiting to hear about any 3rd party books 
on Revolution!) and I have 2 absolute beginner's questions:

1. Is there a way to hide multiple objects without a line for each one 
in the handler?  If I have to have a code line for each object and 
there are 8 fields and 8 buttons on each card, the stack gets real big 
real fast.  I've tried

hide field 1,2,3,etc
hide fields 1,2,3,etc
hide field 1-8
hide fields1-8
and so far nothing works.  I obviously have no clue about code syntax!

I also tried grouping themand hiding the group, but when other handlers 
need to show individual objects, it either doesn't work or I need to 
ungroup the group and am right back where I started!  Can anyone help 

2. Is there a way to build a feature into a stack so that once the 
stack is a standalone and installed from a disk it requires the disk it 
was installed from to be present in the drive in order to continue?
I don't know whether what I am saying makes sense, I just know that 
lots of reference works that are installed on my machine require that I 
insert the disk they came on in order to use them.  I would like my app 
to do the same.  Is there a stack script that creates a message to the 
user like "Please insert disk "xyz" to continue?"

Revolution is terrific and I think I have some pretty simple yet 
interesting ideas and am making good progress, but until there is a 
comprehensive manual available, slogans like "software development 
without knowlege of code writing" aren't quite accurate.  Some of us 
know literally NOTHING and struggle with Revolution even though it is 
well designed and made for simplicity!

Thanks a million!

Lars Brehmer

use-revolution mailing list

Re: pi approximation day [OT]

2003-07-21 Thread miscdas
Dar Scott writes: 

Tuesday is pi approximation day (aka pi appreciation day).  I think that 
is because some folks write July 22 as 22/7. 

In honor of this day, I plan to order 14" pizzas to enjoy with friends.  
For some pizzas I plan to arrange the pieces on a rectangular cookie sheet 
in an alternating pattern to form an rectangle about 7" by 22".  I will 
then badger friends into saying "Oooh" and "Ah" before letting them eat. 

Illustrating this with a stack (in my losing struggle to make this 
on-topic) seemed too much work.  However, those who want to ponder pi on 
Tuesday might type this into the message box: 

put pi & LF & 22/7 

Appreciate wonders both large and very small. 

Dar Scott

I've always liked 355/113 (Thank you Leo Brodie, "Starting Forth") 

Indiana State legislation: Indiana House Bill #246 of 1897 would've set 
pi=3.2, but the bill was killed in the state Senate 

use-revolution mailing list

What are you developing?

2003-07-21 Thread Rod McCall
Hi everyone,

I'm currently trying to gain some further information on what sort of  
products are being developed in Revolution. If you're already shipping  
a commercial/shareware product or have one due for completion (or  
upgrade) in the next six months please email me off list.

Also don't forget our user contributions section at: 

Kind regards,


Dr. Rod McCall
Runtime Revolution Ltd
91 Hanover Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1DJ
t: +44 (0)131 718 4333 f: +44 (0) 131 718 4334
Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought
All incoming emails are subject to virus and spam checking, this may  
delay receipt and any response. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: gradient background

2003-07-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 10:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to create a gradient background for my stack without having to 
import an image for that purpose. Can anyone tell me how to accomplish 
One approach: Group an image.  Set the backgroundBehavior to true.  
Make a group handler that makes sure the image size is right (a little 
hand waving, here) computes the gradient, builds an imageData string 
and sets the imageData of the image.  Perhaps it is based on custom 
properties and stack size.  At design time run the handler using the 
"Send Message" submenu on the context menu.  If it is fast enough, you 
might be able to do this at run time.  You might get bands; maybe 
adding a little noise before rounding to color values will help.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread Wilhelm Sanke
Returning from a time-out of several days, I dare add my very personal
view to the many voices commenting on the proposal for new prices and
categories of Revolution.

On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 Geoff Canyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The problem with the 10 line limit in the Starter Kit is that it's both
> too big and too small.
> It's too small in that anyone unfamiliar with Revolution thinks it's
> worthless.
> (snip)
> But it's also too large, in that anyone who knows what they're doing
> and are willing to put out the effort can get almost anything done in
> ten lines or less.
> So the Starter Kit has the dual problem of not being as effective as it
> could be at bringing in new users, and also of hurting sales because
> people find they can do whatever they need with it.
> regards,
> Geoff Canyon
These points could also be seen from a different perspective.

My impression is that the Starter Kit did *not* hurt sales. It did not
hurt you (the Revolution team) in amassing enough money so you could buy
out Metacard. The Starter Kit and the Free Edition helped you to get the
necessary money in the medium run, because quite a number of people
tried the Free Edition for a time longer than the meager thirty days of
a trial version and then bought a full license.

The Free Edition compares favorably with a number of other low-end
authoring systems (in the price range up to 150 US$) - in that is has at
least their potential - and will therefore diminish the sale of such

On the other hand you are right when you say that "almost anything (can)
be done in ten lines or less" with the Starter Kit - that is one of the
many (may I say "former") beauties of Metacard/Revolution.
There may be indeed  that occasional programmer that puts out a
wonderful application, because he has overcome the ten-lines barrier
with much effort and ingenuity. But for any  programmer - other than a
casual hobbyist - that intends to create applications on a more regular
basis, the effort and time needed to overcome the ten-lines barrier by
far outweighs the money saved by not buying a regular license.
This occasional programmer will not hurt sales, on the contrary, by
showing what could be achieved with so much effort, his application
could be an incentive to buy a regular license that allows creating
similar programs without such tremendous effort and  in much less

We have a special problem here in case the Starter Kit should really

In addition to a full license we have used the Starter Kit for a number
of years as an introductory tool for the (university) students in our
multimedia seminars and workshops. The students need to be able to work
on projects at home outside class hours. They can experiment,  try out
basic functions, and put together small projects. On the other hand,
they can get - or download from our ftp server (or from the many sites
that offer Metacard and Revolution stacks) - examples that have been
developed with a full edition and run them with the Starter Kit. These
stacks will be mostly small, because they are not standalones, and
because of that can be downloaded quickly (which is an important
consideration, because not many students have a DSL connection at home).

The students get a printed documentation  introducing them to a basic
set of commands and algorithms and a number of sample stacks especially
designed for this level.
When the semester finishes, they still have the Starter Kits and can
take second looks and maybe start anew exploring Revolution and showing
it to others.

Both by experimenting on their own and by looking at examples (and their
scripts) - also such produced with a full version -they can develop a
feeling for the rich potential of Metacard/Revolution and could either
be prospective buyers or people that spread the word and encourage
others to buy such a wonderful product.

>From obvious reasons it would be out of the question to expect that
these students would buy a product for 75 US$ (assuming this will be the
educational price for the Express version) at the beginning of a
workshop, a product they do not yet know at this point. Given our budget
restrictions it would be likewise impossible that our institution could
buy a number of new licenses each semester for the students.

Quite a  number of students have written research papers connected to or
supported by a Metacard/Revolution project. Since the pressure to
produce research papers is great - in most courses of studies leading to
M.A. level about 60 research papers have to be handed in before
admission to the M.A. examination process - students that have
participated in classes using the Starter Kit like to take advantage of
this creative situation and combine their projects with a research

Others have chosen topics related to educational programming and
xtalk-languages for the oral parts of their final examinations or even
produced  M.A. theses with included Metacard/Revolution projects

Re: Magnifier (script!)

2003-07-21 Thread Ken Norris
Hi Yves
> Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 09:51:20 +0200
> Subject: Re: Magnifier (script!)

> I'd like that the RECT of the target stays at  "30,20,330,220" with the
> zoomed image in that rect.
OK, try this:

1) Make a substack the size and position you want and uncheck its resizeable
or set its resizeable() to false.

2) Set its decorations to empty.

3) Import the image you want.

4) Put Sannyasin's script into the image script and DELETE the last body
line ("set the loc of the target to the mouseloc") from it.

Tested; works.

Of course it's expected for you to set it up your own way. For example, I'd
have a "Zoom" menu with "increase" and "reduce" and use [cmd/+] for
increasing zoom and [cmd/-] to reduce it, and I'd set min/max limits. Things
like that.

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Date calculation for Sean

2003-07-21 Thread Yves COPPE
Le mercredi, 16 juil 2003, à 17:44 Europe/Brussels, Ubaldo Passamonti a 
écrit :

Hi Sean,
I downloaded your stack and it works nice when I click on "Draw 
calendar" or
on any day of the month.
It gives me an error when I try to change month (click on prev or next

"TypeHandler: can't find handler
Help :-)

try this

send  calendar_goPreviousMonth to grp 

hope this help

use-revolution mailing list

Re: About MC/RR applications servers

2003-07-21 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hello Bernard,

On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 03:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi Pierre,
> Thanks for answering my other questions.  Just one more question,
> based on your answer to Alex.
> I had a quick look in the Metcard archives and found this snippet:
> >>
> put "" into DbAuteurs
> get shell("echo" && quote & "select distinct auteur__ from citations
> order by
> auteur__" && quote && "| psql -h localhost citalis")
> repeat for each line l in line 3 to -3 of it
>put word 1 to -1 of l & return after DbAuteurs
> end repeat
> <<
> This is more or less how I imagined you were shelling out to the psql
> interpreter. Am I correct in thinking this is how you are invoking
> postgresql?

You are right.
> I can understand Alex's disbelief in this regard.  I share his
> understanding of how things are supposed to work using the combination
> the PHP Apache module, and persistent connections.

I use PHP as an Apache module too, but only as sockets listener and
proxying app between Apache and Metacard. If i use, for yet, a shell()
command to bind MC to Postgres, i will, for sure, goes to the native RR
middleware or ODBC driver, after upgrading to RR 2, as soon as
> One of my apps is running on Linux and querying Firebird via ODBC.
> All the queries have configurable debug parameters, so I can actually
> change the parameter to time each step of the process.  So I can
> isolate how long that app takes to connect and return a result set.
> I will see if I can find some details on running Rev 2.01 as a command
> line application, and I will try to find some time next week to
> compare the speed of the two methods.

Thanks for letting us know about the results :-)
> Bernard 
> Pierre Sahores
> Sent by:
> 13/07/2003 01:40
> Please respond to
> use-revolution
> To:  
> cc:
> Subject:  
> Re: About MC/RR
> applications servers
> On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 01:19, Alex Rice wrote:
> > On Saturday, July 12, 2003, at 04:56  PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
> > >
> > > Just do tests and you will see as me that this works perfectly,
> faster
> > > for example, than in using ASP's or PHP commands, because the
> linux 
> > > bash
> > > optimisations, because the psql perfect design to work in
> command-line
> > > pipe mode
> > 
> > This doesn't make any sense to me. I would like to see the shell 
> > command you are using.
> Hum... It's, even for you, freely, available on the Metacard archive
> list.
> > 
> > You're saying what you are doing is faster than PHP direct to 
> > PostgreSQL? PHP direct to PosgreSQL can have a persistent connection
> > already open, and PHP (as apache module) is running already in
> memory?!
> > 
> > Your way: have to open a socket from PHP, launch the shell, then
> launch 
> > the psql command line program, which THEN finally connects to the 
> > database.
> Did you learn a little (aka lots) about WebSphere Weblogic or
> WebObjects
> before. Have you any idea about how applications servers works...
> > 
> > It absolutely impossible that your way could be faster.
> Perhaps are you too sure of you about how unixes are handeling
> multiples
> processes tasks. Did you ever watch at the processor idle average time
> of a linux box ? To the end, you are not alone to think so... even if 
> my clients are, probably, not only too rich and stupid persons...
> > 
> > Again, why are you even using Revolution instead of just going from
> PHP 
> > to PostgreSQL? Call me confused,
> Did you ever ask you about the difference it makes to use real
> application server instead of just including sql replies in web forms
> ?
> > 
> > Alex Rice, Software Developer
> > Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
> >
> > 
> > ___
> > use-revolution mailing list
> >
> -- 
> Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
> Serveurs d'applications & bases ACID SQL
> Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications & bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2003-07-21 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  wrote:

> I want to create a gradient background for my stack without having to import
> an image for that purpose. Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this? Thanks!

The easiest way would be to use a gradient image.

If you want to do it the hard way, you can create a series of rectangle
graphics whose backColors are set to progressively changing RGB values.  If
you wanted to get really complicated, you could divide the change in color
of the gradient over the distance covered by the gradient and create an
efficient number of graphics on the fly, when resizing the stack.

There may be also some kind of QuickTime filter/effect that applies a
gradient to a movie, and thus a player object (QT is pretty deep), but you'd
have to investigate this.

I would suggest using an image.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Mac OS X Problems (character encoding)

2003-07-21 Thread Joel Rees
I have to preface this with a disclaimer -- I am NOT criticizing Scott
or any of the technical teams at runrev/mc. I am not really criticizing
the Unicode Consortium, either. I am criticizing the entire industry. So
make sure any flames are aimed correctly ...

And Scott replied, 
> On Tue, 08 Jul 2003 Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> Yves wants to create new folders in the Finder. A custom font would
> > >> require that he set the Finder to use that font, which could
> > >> potentially alter any existing folder names containing diatricitals.
> > >> If Yves is planning to distribute his stack to others, it would
> > >> require that all his users also install the font and risk the same
> > >> changes to their existing folder names. I don't see it as a viable
> > >> solution.
> > > 
> > > I think the only good solution is that the Rev team makes it possible
> > > again as it was with Rev 1.1.1
> > 
> > I guess the obvious next question is:  what is different between the 1.1.1
> > implementation and v2.0, and what went into the decision to change it?
> The difference is that in 2.0 the engine was converted to Mach-O
> format and uses UNIX system calls to access the filesystem whereas 1.X
> used the older (and slower and much less capable) File Manager calls.
> The real problem here is rooted in the circa 1982 decision by the
> Apple developers to use a proprietary character encoding for the
> Lisa/Mac rather than the ISO standard. 

Scott, there were no standards then. Suggested standards, yes, and a
number of them. Going off on your own was in fact the correct thing to
do back then.

> This decision has now bitten
> them (and you!) in the ass because the display system uses a different
> character encoding than the UNIX filesystem does, making stuff like
> this very hard to deal with because you have to do character-set
> conversions all over the place.

That is entirely misplacing the blame. It's not Apple's fault, any more
than it's Metacard or RunRev's fault. 

> It should be possible for us to fix or at least work around this in
> the engine, but in the mean time using a script-level workaround is
> your best bet.

There is no fix except for work-arounds. Unicode is huge, and it is not
really compatible with any other existing encoding. (Round tripping is
not the same as one-to-one correspondence.) It is still under
development in some of the most telling areas (example, rules for
collating), and that is where much of the pain comes from.

Pardon me for tossing out potential flame bait in my first post.

Joel Rees

use-revolution mailing list

Date calculation for Sean

2003-07-21 Thread Ubaldo Passamonti
Hi Sean,
I downloaded your stack and it works nice when I click on "Draw calendar" or
on any day of the month.
It gives me an error when I try to change month (click on prev or next

"TypeHandler: can't find handler

Help :-)

use-revolution mailing list

Revolution and Page setup

2003-07-21 Thread Neil Phillips
Hi all,
I'm developing a method of producing a report from a Revolution stack. I've
made a custom report stack that I'm happy with but I need to ensure that
the user's printer is set to landscape format when the report prints. Can I
script such a change into the print report script? If not, can I find out
whether or not the user's printer is set to landscape format and, if it's
in portrait format, put up a dialog box asking the user to set it to



use-revolution mailing list

Re: About MC/RR applications servers

2003-07-21 Thread bernard . devlin

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for answering my other questions.  Just one more question, based on your answer to Alex.

I had a quick look in the Metcard archives and found this snippet:
put "" into DbAuteurs
get shell("echo" && quote & "select distinct auteur__ from citations order by
auteur__" && quote && "| psql -h localhost citalis")
repeat for each line l in line 3 to -3 of it
    put word 1 to -1 of l & return after DbAuteurs
end repeat
This is more or less how I imagined you were shelling out to the psql interpreter. Am I correct in thinking this is how you are invoking postgresql?

I can understand Alex's disbelief in this regard.  I share his understanding of how things are supposed to work using the combination the PHP Apache module, and persistent connections.

One of my apps is running on Linux and querying Firebird via ODBC.  All the queries have configurable debug parameters, so I can actually change the parameter to time each step of the process.  So I can isolate how long that app takes to connect and return a result set.

I will see if I can find some details on running Rev 2.01 as a command line application, and I will try to find some time next week to compare the speed of the two methods.


Pierre Sahores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
13/07/2003 01:40
Please respond to use-revolution

        To:        "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: About MC/RR applications servers

On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 01:19, Alex Rice wrote:
> On Saturday, July 12, 2003, at 04:56  PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
> >
> > Just do tests and you will see as me that this works perfectly, faster
> > for example, than in using ASP's or PHP commands, because the linux 
> > bash
> > optimisations, because the psql perfect design to work in command-line
> > pipe mode
> This doesn't make any sense to me. I would like to see the shell 
> command you are using.

Hum... It's, even for you, freely, available on the Metacard archive
> You're saying what you are doing is faster than PHP direct to 
> PostgreSQL? PHP direct to PosgreSQL can have a persistent connection 
> already open, and PHP (as apache module) is running already in memory?!
> Your way: have to open a socket from PHP, launch the shell, then launch 
> the psql command line program, which THEN finally connects to the 
> database.

Did you learn a little (aka lots) about WebSphere Weblogic or WebObjects
before. Have you any idea about how applications servers works...
> It absolutely impossible that your way could be faster.

Perhaps are you too sure of you about how unixes are handeling multiples
processes tasks. Did you ever watch at the processor idle average time
of a linux box ? To the end, you are not alone to think so... even if 
my clients are, probably, not only too rich and stupid persons...
> Again, why are you even using Revolution instead of just going from PHP 
> to PostgreSQL? Call me confused,

Did you ever ask you about the difference it makes to use real
application server instead of just including sql replies in web forms ?
> Alex Rice, Software Developer
> Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications & bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Rev 2.02/New pricing/Currency - Dollars Sterling Euro Yen

2003-07-21 Thread Gary Rathbone
I'm not 'upgrading' yet...I'll 'upgrade' when I need to...depending on the
new features available...and after the bug fixes...and when the global
currency markets dictate :-)

Can we please have options to pay in fixed prices and not have to
translate US dollars according to current market trends?

It appears Rev users are highly and widely geographically diverse, and to
find the purchase price from a Scottish company is solely based in USD is
perhaps 'single minded', and not to everyone's taste.

Just my 2p.


Gary Rathbone BSc MBCS
Chartered Information Systems Practitioner
Leeds, UK

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Magnifier (script!)

2003-07-21 Thread wouter
Hi all,

From: Yves COPPE
Subject: Re: Magnifier (script!)
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 00:51:14 -0700
Le lundi, 21 juil 2003, à 06:36 Europe/Brussels, Sannyasin   
Sivakatirswami a écrit :

does this work for you?  (zooms in 10 pixel increments)

 local tSizeChange

on mouseup
  if optionkey()="Down" then
put (-10) into tSizeChange
exit mouseup
  end if
  put (+10) into tSizeChange
end mouseup
on changeSize
   put (the height of the target/the width of the target) into tRatio
set the width of  the target to (the width of me +tSizeChange)
set the height of  the target to (the width of the target * tRatio)
set the loc of the target to the mouseloc
  end changeSize
To optimize the speed in the changeSize routine consider setting the  
rect at once as explained in "Fwd: Shrink Image quickly"  at 
(This also can be done by setting the icon of a button (of the desired  
demensions) to the id of the image and setting the rect of the image to  
the rect of the button.)

 Hi Sannyasin, Ken and others,

 We are very close to a solution but there still remains a problem :

 I'd like that the RECT of the target stays at  "30,20,330,220" with  
the  zoomed image in that rect.

 Can you provide for that ?
There are several solutions depending on which part of the image you  
want to show if  after the resizing the rect of the resulting image is  
larger than the above rect.
 If this is not the case then there is no problem.

 Many thanks.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: AW: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread Alex Rice
On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 10:52  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


how does this news fit into the new pricing scheme:

"REAL Software, Inc. announced today its plans to support Linux in
REALbasic 5.5, the next major upgrade to the award-winning 
visual development environment.
Well I think realbasic announced their Windows IDE about 12 months 
before they delivered it :-) Running on Unix will be unfamiliar 
territory for realbasic, whereas RR has Unix down solid. We have 
nothing to worry about.

	“By adding support for Linux, REALbasic could be the only 
high-productivity rapid application development tool for all three 
platforms, Windows, Mac and Linux,” said Dan Farrand

I guess RR does not exist in their reality distortion field.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: pi approximation day [OT]

2003-07-21 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 10:51 AM, Klaus Major wrote:

Could you please be so kind and explain this "wonder" to a person (or 
more ;-)
who is/are not able to start cheering right away, just becaues they 
lack a
deeper understanding of the glamour of maths ;-)
Maybe it takes a few beers.

** Irrational numbers can be approximated by rational numbers. **

And, of course, the appropriate response is "Well, duh!"  Yet that is 
the basis of much computation.  That is why we can do much of the math 
we do in Revolution.

Also, this allows us to order pizza.  Or pumpkin pie. Or whatever.

Now the 22X7...  Well, the formula for the area of a circle is this:

A = pi * (r^2)

A = (pi * r) * r

since (pi * r) is half the circumference C, then

A = (C/2) * r

The rectangle approximation has an area computed like that.

If we use 22/7 for pi and 7 for r, then the original formula reduces to

A = 22 * 7

Friends say, "Dar has a firm grasp on the obvious."  I take it in the 
most generous way.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Magnifier

2003-07-21 Thread Ken Norris
on 7/21/03 9:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

> Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 03:34:05 -0700
> Subject: Re: Magnifier
> From: Scott Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> --
>> I'd love to build one for my mom to use for
>> reading emails (she has macular degeneration).
>> Mind if I take a gander at the scripts?
> That's why it's offered as a demo stack... :-)
OK, Thanks.
> Note that screen magnification is built into OSX as Universal Access and
> might be available under OS9 as CloseView or Easy Access.
> Also, you might want to check out the following resource (contains links to
> several older Mac accessibility enhancements and link to Screen Magnifiers
> Home page):
Thanks, I'll take a look, but my mom has a PC with Windows. Will the demo
scripts work for Windows (98 I think)?

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

AW: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread claus

how does this news fit into the new pricing scheme:

"REAL Software, Inc. announced today its plans to support Linux in
REALbasic 5.5, the next major upgrade to the award-winning cross-platform
visual development environment.

 Claus Dreischer.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: pi approximation day [OT]

2003-07-21 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Dar,

Tuesday is pi approximation day (aka pi appreciation day).  I think 
that is because some folks write July 22 as 22/7.

In honor of this day, I plan to order 14" pizzas to enjoy with 
friends.  For some pizzas I plan to arrange the pieces on a 
rectangular cookie sheet in an alternating pattern to form an 
rectangle about 7" by 22".  I will then badger friends into saying 
"Oooh" and "Ah" before letting them eat.

Illustrating this with a stack (in my losing struggle to make this 
on-topic) seemed too much work.  However, those who want to ponder pi 
on Tuesday might type this into the message box:

put pi & LF & 22/7

Appreciate wonders both large and very small.
this is what i got...

Could you please be so kind and explain this "wonder" to a person (or 
more ;-)
who is/are not able to start cheering right away, just becaues they 
lack a
deeper understanding of the glamour of maths ;-)

Thanks a lot in advance.

Dar Scott

Klaus Major
I want the free StarterKit back!!!

Get your "greyscale" multimedia services (and more...) at


(Very internal joke ;-)

use-revolution mailing list

pi approximation day [OT]

2003-07-21 Thread Dar Scott
Tuesday is pi approximation day (aka pi appreciation day).  I think 
that is because some folks write July 22 as 22/7.

In honor of this day, I plan to order 14" pizzas to enjoy with friends. 
 For some pizzas I plan to arrange the pieces on a rectangular cookie 
sheet in an alternating pattern to form an rectangle about 7" by 22".  
I will then badger friends into saying "Oooh" and "Ah" before letting 
them eat.

Illustrating this with a stack (in my losing struggle to make this 
on-topic) seemed too much work.  However, those who want to ponder pi 
on Tuesday might type this into the message box:

put pi & LF & 22/7

Appreciate wonders both large and very small.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

(no subject)

2003-07-21 Thread rtamesis
I want to create a gradient background for my stack without having to import an image 
for that purpose. Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this? Thanks!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-21 Thread Robert Brenstein
It's not about developers.  It's about end-users.

End-users don't generally care what their apps were made with so long as
they provide a great software experience.
When a developer wants to know what tool a ware was written in, she'll go to
the About box to look at the copyright string.
Yes, it is time to stand up and be counted.  But before we can be counted we
must first stand up, and stand proudly.  Hampering an app's exit is not a
proud moment.
Enabling the highest degree of excellence in software design will do far
more for Revolution than the cleverist of branding strategies.
Forget Runtime Revolution Ltd., forget Fourth World/Sons o'
Thunder/Altuit/et al.   We don't matter; ultimately, only the end-user
Place the end-user experience above all else and the rest will sort itself
out naturally.
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
Yes! Adding a start or end screen might sound like a great marketing 
scheme, but I agree with others that Rev will live to regret it. The 
About dlog should be the place for such credits. Simply having to 
wait an extra second for that screen to go away will become annoying 
soon enough.

use-revolution mailing list

How to use revXML functions in CGI?

2003-07-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all,

How do you use revXML functions in CGI mode?

Need instructions for Linux, Darwin and Windows.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Magnifier (script!)

2003-07-21 Thread Yves COPPE
Le lundi, 21 juil 2003, à 06:36 Europe/Brussels, Sannyasin 
Sivakatirswami a écrit :

does this work for you?  (zooms in 10 pixel increments)

local tSizeChange

on mouseup
  if optionkey()="Down" then
put (-10) into tSizeChange
exit mouseup
  end if
  put (+10) into tSizeChange
end mouseup
on changeSize
   put (the height of the target/the width of the target) into tRatio
set the width of  the target to (the width of me +tSizeChange)
set the height of  the target to (the width of the target * tRatio)
set the loc of the target to the mouseloc
  end changeSize

Hi Sannyasin, Ken and others,

We are very close to a solution but there still remains a problem :

I'd like that the RECT of the target stays at  "30,20,330,220" with the 
zoomed image in that rect.

Can you provide for that ?

Many thanks.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: multiple players

2003-07-21 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, sims wrote:

> I have 12 players on a cd.
> I use a repeat to give each of them a filename (so they can display an image).
> Is the order in which the players are assigned a filename determined
> by the layer of the player?

If you refer to the players by number (ie player 1), then yes.

Keep in mind, you can also reference players by name and/or ID, as well as
by number.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

multiple players

2003-07-21 Thread sims
I have 12 players on a cd.
I use a repeat to give each of them a filename (so they can display an image).
Is the order in which the players are assigned a filename determined 
by the layer
of the player?

If not, how is it done?



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