Re: Rev Crash Again! ... cardImage() function

2004-01-09 Thread Dar Scott
On Wednesday, January 7, 2004, at 10:00 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

Here is my function:
Here is a revision that handles the unusual case of the stack in 
defaultFolder not being open or otherwise not containing a valid value.

-- Returns an image (PNG) of current card even if obscured
-- or off screen.  In addition this works when
-- lock screen is on, allowing PNGs of other cards to be obtained.
-- This is based on code by Ken Ray and Brian Yennie.
function cardImage
  local tCurrentCardImage, tOldBuffer, tID
  put the alwaysBuffer of this stack into tOldBuffer
  set the alwaysBuffer of this stack to false
  set the alwaysBuffer of this stack to true
  put the windowID of this stack into wID
  put the pixMapID of this stack into pID
  if not ((pID is wID) or (pID is 0)) then
create invisible image
put the imagePixMapID of last image into tID
set the imagePixMapID of last image to (the pixMapID of this stack)
export last image to tCurrentCardImage as PNG
set the imagePixMapID of last image to tID
set the alwaysBuffer of this stack to tOldBuffer
delete last image
  end if
  return tCurrentCardImage
end cardImage
If one tries making a variation of this that is more like imag007, then 
the stack should be checked to be among the lines of openStacks().  If 
this function is used as is to look at other stacks, then care must be 
made in setting the default stack and openStacks() can be checked then, 

In tinkering with this, one might ask whether the temporary image 
should be in the stack getting its portrait or in some utility stack.  
I suspect create invisible image will put it on this card, the one 
getting its picture taken.  Is that good or bad?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] new Mac software: GarageBand and iLife'04

2004-01-09 Thread Scott Rossi
On 1/8/04 10:40 PM, Mark Wieder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hard to tell much on the show floor with all the other activity
 around, but with all that the samples sounded good to my ears. If the
 loops really are intrument samples, then transposing them *should*
 affect the quality somewhat. You can't change the key and keep the
 same timbre. Commercial musical instruments that are based on samples
 typically use several samples per octave.

Yes, my mistake, with transposing (not tempo changes) there would be some
quality loss, but I would think the change in quality is probably not as
overt as tweaking a simple five second audio clip.  Out of curiosity, have
you used Soundtrack and if so, what is your impression of that app?

One thing they also told me was that there's no real mixing facility in GB;
you can only affect some overall eq/filter settings for the entire set of
tracks when exporting the final tune.  Maybe the next version...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Uh... yet Game Programming... or Is there a way to build tilemap graphics in Rev?

2004-01-09 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, January 8, 2004, at 11:52 PM, Alex Rice wrote:

Dar- why would you use a button instead of an image, if there is only 
1 instance of a particular tile? Just curious about game dev 
advantages of buttons, other than the ability to kind of clone an 
image by referencing it.
I was thinking of multiple instances for background.  I (some time ago) 
saw Cold Stone (or something) and it was big on tiling little pictures 
to made a big world.

A Myst or Manhole game might be fun, too.  Different style.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Uh... yet Game Programming... or Is there a way to buildtilemap graphics in

2004-01-09 Thread Jeremy Smith
I once made a Role Playing game in metacard, back then I used a background 
(group) that had buttons sized 64x64 pixels filling the whole screen (ended 
up with over a hundred buttons). I programmed a scripting language that 
would save and load files which contained the icons and name/label of all 
the buttons, so in other words these files were the maps, each time i went 
to a new screen i would load a map which would create a whole new screen 
while only using a few tiles over and over again. Eventually i was able to 
load another map while still displaying part of the other map, this allowed 
for smooter scrolling.

The name/label of the buttons were saved as if the game character was within 
a button and it had a special name it would look that name up in a list and 
do an action, usually something like 'load,map12,5,6 so if the game 
character walked into that button it would load the map file map12 and place 
the character at location 12,6.

So you eventually end up programming your game with your own customized 
scripting language and not metacard/revoltion. This will work for most 
games, platform games are a step up in difficultly from the top-down ones, 
when i did a platform game i usually displayed a large graphic as the 
background and placed invisible buttons as ledges for the game character, 
the scrolling was much smoother and the game was more optimized as 
platformers require more speed than your typical top-down / isometric game.

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Uh... yet Game Programming... or Is there a way to buildtilemap graphics in

2004-01-09 Thread Scott Rossi
As a follow up to the game development discussion, you can take a look at a
small demo stack that illustrates the use of tiled buttons in a grid which
reference common images.  As stated earlier, the main benefit of this
technique is low memory overhead needed for displaying a large image area.

Paste the following in your message box:

  go url;

I believe several folks on the list have already built some tiled
environments.  They may offer some additional guidance.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev Crash Again!

2004-01-09 Thread Wouter
On 09 Jan 2004, at 07:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 5
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 23:17:08 -0700
Subject: Re: Rev Crash Again!
To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
On Thursday, January 8, 2004, at 07:34 PM, Wouter wrote:

When in metacard   a stacks pixmapIDits windowid
then Dar's handler is working as a charm (here at least)
 From the TD on alwaysBuffer:

You can find out whether a stack is currently being buffered by
comparing its pixmapID property to its windowID property: if these two
properties are not the same, the stack is buffered.
 From the imag007 tip at

   -- The next two lines force the current card image into the 
   set the alwaysBuffer of stack pStackPath to false
   set the alwaysBuffer of stack pStackPath to true

(My function only works on this stack, so this does not apply.
If you want your crash with your this stack do the reverse because
  it sets a stacks pixmapID =  its windowid (no buffering as you said)

Maybe a good test to add to my function and to the imag007 tip is a
check on the pixMapID and windowMapID.  If they are the same generate
an error and don't set the imagePixmapID.

 set the alwaysBuffer of stack pStackPath to false
   set the alwaysBuffer of stack pStackPath to true

(If a stack is not in memory, I don't know if setting the alwaysBuffer
does what we want.  I haven't looked at that.)
You have set the cantmodify of the stack to false
before setting its alwaysbuffer to true otherwise t
the stack will not be buffered

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Update a global when going to a stack as modal

2004-01-09 Thread Robert Brenstein

 This doesn't work because LINE 3 gets executed right after
 LINE 2, not
 after the dialog is closed (i.e. Revolution doesn't wait for
 the modal
 dialog to be closed before it executes LINE 3).
Actually, that's exactly what Rev does. When you call modal stack,
execution stops at that line until the modal dialog that was called is
closed. I'm pretty sure open stack as modal does the same as modal
stack, but if it *is* different, try modal stack instead (that's
the one I'm used to).
The approach you described of calling two separate handlers would be the
way I would have done it in SuperCard; I'm glad Rev stops execution
until you return from a modal dialog. :-)
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

Modal command does NOT ALWAYS stop the execution. I have discovered 
this dual behavior way back with MetaCard 2.4.1 almost 2 years ago 
(see email from Scott below). I'd hoped this has been changed by now 
but apparently not. Fortunately, there is ways around this.

Robert Brenstein

Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 11:34:53 -0700 (MST)
From: Scott Raney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Robert Brenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: modal stacks
  A propos modal, I have observed and verified that the modal command
  does not always suspend execution of the current script.
  If the modal command is used to open a substack, the execution of the
  current script is suspended until the modal stack is closed.
  If my script first goes invisibly to the substack (to fill in some
  fields), then do modal, the script finishes executing and the modal
  stack shows up afterwards.
  Is this the expected behavior?
Possibly.  When you go to a stack, even if it's invisible, it's
already opened, which will disrupt the behavior of modal.  open
inv is poor technique in MC anyway (it's only there as a SuperCard
compatibility feature), as is setting up fields in one stack from
another directly.  Instead, do the init in a preOpenStack handler, and
get the data in the dialog from a well known place (use the dialogData
property if you don't already have such a place).
use-revolution mailing list

How to distinguish between multiple clones of a stack?

2004-01-09 Thread Doug Lerner
If I do a 

clone stack myStack

Then a clone of the stack appears with the name Copy of myStack.

If I then clone again I get *another* stack with the same name - Copy of
myStack and same ID.

How do I distinguish between them?

Can I decide the cloned stack name myself?


use-revolution mailing list

A question about setting custom properties

2004-01-09 Thread Doug Lerner
It's a scope and identifier confusion question.

Suppose I have a local variable thisVar. And suppose I want to set a
property of that name in stack myStack.

If I do:

set the thisVar of stack myStack to thisVar

then the *name* of the created property is the *value* of the local variable

Well, I guess my question isn't so much of a question as it is a caution. I
guess that's just the way it is, right?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev Crash Again! ... cardImage() function

2004-01-09 Thread Wouter
On 09 Jan 2004, at 13:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 5
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 00:12:41 -0700
Subject: Re: Rev Crash Again!  ... cardImage() function
To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
On Wednesday, January 7, 2004, at 10:00 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

Here is my function:
Here is a revision that handles the unusual case of the stack in
defaultFolder not being open or otherwise not containing a valid value.
-- Returns an image (PNG) of current card even if obscured
-- or off screen.  In addition this works when
-- lock screen is on, allowing PNGs of other cards to be obtained.
-- This is based on code by Ken Ray and Brian Yennie.
function cardImage
   local tCurrentCardImage, tOldBuffer, tID
   put the alwaysBuffer of this stack into tOldBuffer
   set the alwaysBuffer of this stack to false
   set the alwaysBuffer of this stack to true
   put the windowID of this stack into wID
   put the pixMapID of this stack into pID
   if not ((pID is wID) or (pID is 0)) then
 create invisible image
 put the imagePixMapID of last image into tID
 set the imagePixMapID of last image to (the pixMapID of this 
 export last image to tCurrentCardImage as PNG
 set the imagePixMapID of last image to tID
 set the alwaysBuffer of this stack to tOldBuffer
 delete last image
   end if
   return tCurrentCardImage
end cardImage

If one tries making a variation of this that is more like imag007, then
the stack should be checked to be among the lines of openStacks().  If
this function is used as is to look at other stacks, then care must be
made in setting the default stack and openStacks() can be checked then,
In tinkering with this, one might ask whether the temporary image
should be in the stack getting its portrait or in some utility stack.
I suspect create invisible image will put it on this card, the one
getting its picture taken.  Is that good or bad?
Dar Scott
Here is a little change on that:

 = changed
function cardImage theStack 
  local tCurrentCardImage, tOldBuffer, tID
  put the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack into tOldBuffer
  put the cantmodify of stack theStack into tCMOldBuffer  
  set the cantmodify of  stack theStack to false   
  set the alwaysBuffer of  stack theStack to false
  set the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack to true
  put the windowID of stack theStack into wID
  put the pixMapID of  stack theStack into pID
  if not ((pID is wID) or (pID is 0)) then
create invisible image
put the imagePixMapID of last image into tID
set the imagePixMapID of last image to (the pixMapID of stack 
export last image to tCurrentCardImage as PNG
set the imagePixMapID of last image to tID
set the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack to false
set the cantmodify of stack theStack to tCMOldBuffer  
delete last image
  end if
  return tCurrentCardImage
end cardImage



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is a stack source code?

2004-01-09 Thread T. R. Ponn

Dar Scott wrote:

This export regulations stuff doesn't fit into my head very well.

To your credit, sir!  Score: Right Brain 1, Left Brain zip.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Uh... yet Game Programming... or Is there a way to build tilemap graphics in Rev?

2004-01-09 Thread Dave Beck

I wrote a game that uses a rev app as a level editor. I used the same
tilemap approach that is being discussed, with a grid of buttons which take
on different images depending on what is being 'painted' on the level. There
are close to 600 buttons in all and the speed is remarkable. Painting
objects takes place in real time. Entire levels load in a few seconds on my
400 Mhz G4. I don't know about scrolling though..

Both the game and the level editor are available at:

There are both Macintosh and Windows versions, but you need to register to
use the Macintosh world editor (soon to be changed). Windows users can
already use the world editor without registering.

I found that it is imperative for decent performance to NOT keep the
information about what is in what position in the buttons themselves. For
instance, to query what is in grid pos (2,4), you should NOT have to find
the button at (2,4), and then access some custom property of that button (or
the button's name or icon) to determine what occupies that grid spot. A much
faster approach is to keep a behind-the-scenes field of what is where, each
line representing a row of the grid and each item representing a column.
When you need to find out what is at pos (2,4), inspect item 2 of line 4 of
your field. Also, I found it helpful to keep a separate 'lookup' field of
button ids, again each line representing a row of the grid and each item
representing a column. When you need set the button's icon at (2,4), you can
lookup the button's ID from item 2 of line 4 of your lookup field. Probably
both these fields could be replaced by arrays (perhaps with a speed bonus?),
but I have had some trouble with two dimensional arrays in the past and
opted to steer clear.

Abstracting the logic that keeps track of what is where in the level as well
as giving the right icons to the right buttons into a 'brick wall' library
was also helpful.

From what I've seen I think a scrolling game could be feasible using the
button-grid approach but speed would definately be a problem it it wasn't
structured correctly. All game logic should take place 'behind the scenes'
and should NOT depend on getting or storing information in the buttons
themselves. Just my 2-sense. Good luck!


use-revolution mailing list

Poor technique?

2004-01-09 Thread depstein
Robert Brenstein quoted Scott Raney:

inv is poor technique in MC anyway (it's only there as a SuperCard
compatibility feature), as is setting up fields in one stack from
another directly.  Instead, do the init in a preOpenStack handler, and
get the data in the dialog from a well known place (use the dialogData
property if you don't already have such a place).

Why is setting up fields in one stack from another directly a worse 
technique than writing data to a global property and having the preOpenStack 
handler transfer the data to that stack?  I can see that the latter might be 
convenient in some cases, but is there any important reason not to do the 
former?  Similarly:  is it in any way better to set custom properties of the 
second stack before opening it than to set the text of its fields before 
opening it?  

The ability to read and write to fields of unopened stacks is very powerful; 
Raney's remarks suggests there are some limits on how this should be used.  
Can anyone clarify this?

David Epstein

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to distinguish between multiple clones of a stack?

2004-01-09 Thread Thomas J McGrath III

From what I understand, this is not a good thing to do. FWIW you can 
clone a stack and then change the name and then set it to the mainStack 
Whatever and for that matter change it's size location and add 
scripts to it all via scripts.

In fact my experience shows that this is preferred over the single line 
message box method. I experienced very weird behavior so switched to 
putting a script in my main stack temporarily to build clones and 
change them in one step.

The big thing to watch out for is in the naming of the clones!! Do not 
use just numbers!! It will crash the stack and mess things up. I used a 
series of numbers to build substacks like 13i , 13ii etc based upon 
certain things and then one clone was 17 with on i in it and wham 
there came the crash and a substack that could not be deleted and 
caused the stack to not work. Luckily this list helped me and I had a 
back up.


On Jan 9, 2004, at 7:01 AM, Doug Lerner wrote:

If I do a

clone stack myStack

Then a clone of the stack appears with the name Copy of myStack.

If I then clone again I get *another* stack with the same name - Copy 
myStack and same ID.

How do I distinguish between them?

Can I decide the cloned stack name myself?


use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

Re: A question about setting custom properties

2004-01-09 Thread Thomas J McGrath III
yeah, I hit that too, now i just:

put the thisVar of stack myStack into myVar
put yada into myVar
and then

set the thisVar of stack myStack to myVar
set the thisVar of this stack to myVar

On Jan 9, 2004, at 7:05 AM, Doug Lerner wrote:

It's a scope and identifier confusion question.

Suppose I have a local variable thisVar. And suppose I want to set a
property of that name in stack myStack.
If I do:

set the thisVar of stack myStack to thisVar

then the *name* of the created property is the *value* of the local 

Well, I guess my question isn't so much of a question as it is a 
caution. I
guess that's just the way it is, right?


use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

ODD open stack behavior

2004-01-09 Thread Thomas J McGrath III
Hello list,

I have a stack with hundreds of substacks. 'All of a sudden' when I 
open a substack via button; the substack opens  and then goes away! i 
think it goes to the back? I have to push the button again.

What can cause the substack to go to the back?

I was using 'open stack mystack '.

I now went and changed it to 'go to stack mystack '. (which is the 
same amount of chars if you include the spaces ;-)

This did not fix it and it only happens once in a while.

Should I be using a toplevel or something?

Thank you all for my first successful distribution using REV.


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
use-revolution mailing list

An alternative to the one pixel editing of an image

2004-01-09 Thread Wouter
An alternative to the one pixel editing of an image
proposed by Scott Raney a while ago :^)
(to keep the transparency of an image in this case)
is the use of the export command. (works for me)
export img  imagename  to aVar as PNG -- or RLE
set the text of img  imagename  to aVar
(don't forget to save)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: ODD open stack behavior

2004-01-09 Thread xbury . cs
I've seen this technically absurd behavior opening HC stacks in MC. Checko
 ut the 
rect of the stack to see if it is not with negative numbers. If that's thec
 ase, it could 
be that the stack is reduced or hidden.

Hope that helps, hope they fix it!

On 09/01/2004 15:52:56 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
Hello list,

I have a stack with hundreds of substacks. 'All of a sudden' when I
open a substack via button; the substack opens  and then goes away! i
think it goes to the back? I have to push the button again.

What can cause the substack to go to the back?

I was using 'open stack mystack '.

I now went and changed it to 'go to stack mystack '. (which is the
same amount of chars if you include the spaces ;-)

This did not fix it and it only happens once in a while.

Should I be using a toplevel or something?

Thank you all for my first successful distribution using REV.


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III   ? 2003 ?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

Visit us at

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or subsidiaries.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to distinguish between multiple clones of a stack?

2004-01-09 Thread Doug Lerner

Are you saying something like:

1. clone a stack
2. set the name of the stack to something unique
3. close the stack again and
4. set the name of the stack to something unique

rather than leaving them all with the name Copy of stack thisStack?

What about the fact that the ids are the same?


On 1/9/04 11:30 PM, Thomas J McGrath III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From what I understand, this is not a good thing to do. FWIW you can
 clone a stack and then change the name and then set it to the mainStack
 Whatever and for that matter change it's size location and add
 scripts to it all via scripts.
 In fact my experience shows that this is preferred over the single line
 message box method. I experienced very weird behavior so switched to
 putting a script in my main stack temporarily to build clones and
 change them in one step.
 The big thing to watch out for is in the naming of the clones!! Do not
 use just numbers!! It will crash the stack and mess things up. I used a
 series of numbers to build substacks like 13i , 13ii etc based upon
 certain things and then one clone was 17 with on i in it and wham
 there came the crash and a substack that could not be deleted and
 caused the stack to not work. Luckily this list helped me and I had a
 back up.
 On Jan 9, 2004, at 7:01 AM, Doug Lerner wrote:
 If I do a
 clone stack myStack
 Then a clone of the stack appears with the name Copy of myStack.
 If I then clone again I get *another* stack with the same name - Copy
 myStack and same ID.
 How do I distinguish between them?
 Can I decide the cloned stack name myself?
 use-revolution mailing list
 Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev
 Advanced Media Group
 Thomas J McGrath III€ 2003 €[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: ODD open stack behavior

2004-01-09 Thread Thomas J McGrath III
Actually the substack shows up for a couple of milliseconds and then 
the main stack is all that can be seen. Once I hit the button again the 
window does come to the front.

The size is 800x600
The rect is 240,132,1040,722
It does not appear that the substack is resizing but rather that it 
disappears or is being sent back to behind the main stack.


On Jan 9, 2004, at 10:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've seen this technically absurd behavior opening HC stacks in MC. 
 ut the
rect of the stack to see if it is not with negative numbers. If that's 
 ase, it could
be that the stack is reduced or hidden.

Hope that helps, hope they fix it!
On 09/01/2004 15:52:56 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
Hello list,

I have a stack with hundreds of substacks. 'All of a sudden' when I
open a substack via button; the substack opens  and then goes away! i
think it goes to the back? I have to push the button again.
What can cause the substack to go to the back?

I was using 'open stack mystack '.

I now went and changed it to 'go to stack mystack '. (which is the
same amount of chars if you include the spaces ;-)
This did not fix it and it only happens once in a while.

Should I be using a toplevel or something?

Thank you all for my first successful distribution using REV.


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev
Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III   ? 2003 ?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
use-revolution mailing list

Visit us at


Internet communications are not secure and therefore Clearstream 
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The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be 
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those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically 
states them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of 
its affiliates or subsidiaries.

use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

Cloning a stack as a substack of the main stack?

2004-01-09 Thread Doug Lerner
When I use the clone command as in

clone stack myStack

even though myStack is a substack of the main stack, the *cloned* stack is
its own main stack - so it can't find the handlers in the real main stack.

Does anybody know how to clone a substack so that it also is a substack?



use-revolution mailing list

Cloning a stack as a substack of the main stack?

2004-01-09 Thread Doug Lerner
Nevermind my previous message. I see you have to set the mainStack property
for all new stacks.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: ODD open stack behavior

2004-01-09 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Thomas,

Actually the substack shows up for a couple of milliseconds and then 
the main stack
is all that can be seen. Once I hit the button again the window does 
come to the front.

The size is 800x600
The rect is 240,132,1040,722
It does not appear that the substack is resizing but rather that it 
disappears or is being
sent back to behind the main stack.
Maybe there is something in the mainstack-script that could cause the 
mainstack to
become toplevel again?

Check the pre-/openstack scripts...


Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Cloning a stack as a substack of the main stack?

2004-01-09 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Doug,

When I use the clone command as in

clone stack myStack

even though myStack is a substack of the main stack, the *cloned* 
stack is
its own main stack - so it can't find the handlers in the real main 

Does anybody know how to clone a substack so that it also is a 
Add another line:

clone stack yourStack
set the mainstack of it to yourMainStackHere
### IT will be: stack Copy of Stack yourStack

Hope that helps...


Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to distinguish between multiple clones of a stack?

2004-01-09 Thread Thomas J McGrath III

1. clone the stack (via a script in a button etc.)
2. immediately rename that stack (then another copy can't be the same 

Now you have your main stack and another main stack. If you want the 
cloned stack to be apart of the main stack then do 3. if not you can 
close it or whatever you want or skip 3. and move on to 4. etc.

3. set the mainStack of cloned stack to MyMainStack

This way there is no need to close the cloned stack and IDs are 
resolved via the IDE. This of course works only if you want the cloned 
stack to be a substack of the main stack.
If not it should not matter because they are at this time completely 
different stacks so the IDs should not matter.

I go the extra step and:
4. set the size of the cloned stack (now a substack)
5. set the position of the cloned stack
6. set the title of the cloned stack
7. set the name of the cloned stack
8. set any other things that need done.
I do all of this before cloning another stack or substack and have no 


On Jan 9, 2004, at 10:06 AM, Doug Lerner wrote:


Are you saying something like:

1. clone a stack
2. set the name of the stack to something unique
3. close the stack again and
4. set the name of the stack to something unique
rather than leaving them all with the name Copy of stack thisStack?

What about the fact that the ids are the same?


On 1/9/04 11:30 PM, Thomas J McGrath III [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


From what I understand, this is not a good thing to do. FWIW you can
clone a stack and then change the name and then set it to the 
Whatever and for that matter change it's size location and add
scripts to it all via scripts.

In fact my experience shows that this is preferred over the single 
message box method. I experienced very weird behavior so switched to
putting a script in my main stack temporarily to build clones and
change them in one step.

The big thing to watch out for is in the naming of the clones!! Do not
use just numbers!! It will crash the stack and mess things up. I used 
series of numbers to build substacks like 13i , 13ii etc based 
certain things and then one clone was 17 with on i in it and wham
there came the crash and a substack that could not be deleted and
caused the stack to not work. Luckily this list helped me and I had a
back up.


On Jan 9, 2004, at 7:01 AM, Doug Lerner wrote:

If I do a

clone stack myStack

Then a clone of the stack appears with the name Copy of myStack.

If I then clone again I get *another* stack with the same name - 
myStack and same ID.

How do I distinguish between them?

Can I decide the cloned stack name myself?


use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev
Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

Re: ODD open stack behavior

2004-01-09 Thread xbury . cs
here's a trick
a little preopenstack script like

on preopenstack
get the time
 pass openstack
end preopenstack
(do the same with preopencard just in case)

debug the get the time line
and trace to see if there is not another stack that is 
intercepting or overiding your open stack behavior...

still hoping...

On 09/01/2004 16:12:51 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
Actually the substack shows up for a couple of milliseconds and then
the main stack is all that can be seen. Once I hit the button again the
window does come to the front.

The size is 800x600
The rect is 240,132,1040,722

It does not appear that the substack is resizing but rather that it
disappears or is being sent back to behind the main stack.


On Jan 9, 2004, at 10:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've seen this technically absurd behavior opening HC stacks in MC.
  ut the
 rect of the stack to see if it is not with negative numbers. If that's
  ase, it could
 be that the stack is reduced or hidden.

 Hope that helps, hope they fix it!

 On 09/01/2004 15:52:56 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
 Hello list,

 I have a stack with hundreds of substacks. 'All of a sudden' when I
 open a substack via button; the substack opens  and then goes away! i
 think it goes to the back? I have to push the button again.

 What can cause the substack to go to the back?

 I was using 'open stack mystack '.

 I now went and changed it to 'go to stack mystack '. (which is the
 same amount of chars if you include the spaces ;-)

 This did not fix it and it only happens once in a while.

 Should I be using a toplevel or something?

 Thank you all for my first successful distribution using REV.


 Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev

 Advanced Media Group
 Thomas J McGrath III   ? 2003 ?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

 use-revolution mailing list

 Visit us at


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 use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III   ? 2003 ?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Cloning a stack as a substack of the main stack?

2004-01-09 Thread Thomas J McGrath III
immediately set the cloned stack's mainStack to the main stack - now 
it IS a part of the main stack - IDs are resolved - Names are not - so 
rename the cloned stack(now a substack) and you got it.


On Jan 9, 2004, at 10:14 AM, Doug Lerner wrote:

When I use the clone command as in

clone stack myStack

even though myStack is a substack of the main stack, the *cloned* 
stack is
its own main stack - so it can't find the handlers in the real main 

Does anybody know how to clone a substack so that it also is a 



use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

Re: ODD open stack behavior

2004-01-09 Thread Thomas J McGrath III
OK I will try that.

Do you know how to check the script of each of my hundreds of substacks 
for an PreOpenStack, PreOpenCard and if so then add the code to it and 
if not than copy the code to that stack and card VIA scripting



On Jan 9, 2004, at 10:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

here's a trick
a little preopenstack script like
on preopenstack
get the time
 pass openstack
end preopenstack
(do the same with preopencard just in case)
debug the get the time line
and trace to see if there is not another stack that is
intercepting or overiding your open stack behavior...
still hoping...
On 09/01/2004 16:12:51 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
Actually the substack shows up for a couple of milliseconds and then
the main stack is all that can be seen. Once I hit the button again 
window does come to the front.

The size is 800x600
The rect is 240,132,1040,722
It does not appear that the substack is resizing but rather that it
disappears or is being sent back to behind the main stack.

On Jan 9, 2004, at 10:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've seen this technically absurd behavior opening HC stacks in MC.
 ut the
rect of the stack to see if it is not with negative numbers. If 
 ase, it could
be that the stack is reduced or hidden.

Hope that helps, hope they fix it!
On 09/01/2004 15:52:56 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
Hello list,

I have a stack with hundreds of substacks. 'All of a sudden' when I
open a substack via button; the substack opens  and then goes away! 
think it goes to the back? I have to push the button again.

What can cause the substack to go to the back?

I was using 'open stack mystack '.

I now went and changed it to 'go to stack mystack '. (which is the
same amount of chars if you include the spaces ;-)
This did not fix it and it only happens once in a while.

Should I be using a toplevel or something?

Thank you all for my first successful distribution using REV.


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III   ? 2003 ?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
use-revolution mailing list

Visit us at


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prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail 
those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically
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its affiliates or subsidiaries.

use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev
Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III   ? 2003 ?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to distinguish between multiple clones of a stack?

2004-01-09 Thread Robert Brenstein
If I do a

clone stack myStack

Then a clone of the stack appears with the name Copy of myStack.

If I then clone again I get *another* stack with the same name - Copy of
myStack and same ID.
How do I distinguish between them?

Can I decide the cloned stack name myself?


Interesting. I just tried this out and it seems that the cloned stack 
has the same id as the original (and so do any further clones). 
Moreover, it contains the long name not the long id. But yes, in 
order to distinuguish clones, you need to rename each right after 
generating it.

use-revolution mailing list

A couple of weird things with cloned stacks

2004-01-09 Thread Doug Lerner
(1) If I use the 

set mainStack

command to cause cloned stacks to be a substack of the main stack it has the
inconvenient side-effect of storing all the created cloned substacks in the
main file when I save everything in the IDE.

It's probably better to duplicate main stack handlers in the clone itself
and leave it out of the mainstack.

(2)  If I use the

set name

command to change the name of the newly cloned stack, the Application
Browser does not reflect the change. This is probably an Application Browser


use-revolution mailing list

Linux Filepath problem

2004-01-09 Thread T. R. Ponn
Hello all!

I'm developing on Mac OS9.2.2, RunRev2.0.3 for multiple platform 

One of the first things I do in my app (on openstack) is to:

on openStack
 global warming -- :-)
 set the itemDelimiter to /
 put (item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of this stack)/ into 
line 26 of warming

This puts the pathname into a global, which is used for MANY file 
functions (put blah into url...get url...etc) in my app.  I've found 
it to be a handy way for me to look for various cfg files I've placed in 
the same folder with the app.  If the user moves a cfg file out of the 
folder, I have a function that rebuilds it and puts it where it should be.

So...on the mac and problems.  But on my Linux build, it puts 
./ into the global.  What gives here?  Any Linux lovers know a 
work-around?  Any special ways to use effective filename of this stack 
to get the explicit path name?

Thanks for any assistance you can lend!

Best Regards,

Tim Ponn
use-revolution mailing list

Linux dist build problem

2004-01-09 Thread T. R. Ponn
Hello all!

I'm developing with MacOS9.2.2, RunRev2.0.3 for multi-platform 

Apparently, one of my Linux beta sites reports that the app is not 
appearing as an executable.  So...he manually sets that flag before he 
uses the app so that Linux will treat it properly.  Any clues?  Is this 
a distribution buider problem, or some setting that I've overlooked?  I 
don't recall having this problem with 1.1.1, I think it just started 
with 2.0.3, although I'll be looking through previous versions of my app 
very quickly now :-[

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best Regards,

Tim Ponn

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Uh... yet Game Programming... or Is there a way to build tilemap graphics in Rev?

2004-01-09 Thread Alex Rice
On Jan 9, 2004, at 5:53 AM, Dave Beck wrote:

Also, I found it helpful to keep a separate 'lookup' field of
button ids, again each line representing a row of the grid and each 
representing a column. When you need set the button's icon at (2,4), 
you can
lookup the button's ID from item 2 of line 4 of your lookup field. 
both these fields could be replaced by arrays (perhaps with a speed 
but I have had some trouble with two dimensional arrays in the past and
opted to steer clear.
I bet you could gain some speed by moving that field lookup into a 
custom property. Field accesses are slower than custom property 
accesses. You could continue to use item and line chunking instead of 
2D arrays.

It would be interesting to know if 2D arrays would be faster than 
item/line chunking. I am guessing not.

 Just my 2-sense. Good luck!
Thanks for the info  looking forward to checking out this Rev game.

Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] new Mac software: GarageBand and iLife'04

2004-01-09 Thread Alex Rice
On Jan 8, 2004, at 11:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And isn't it true that newer Macs can't install OS9 even as a second 
startup disk?
I am wondering the same thing. I have a newer G4-dual-800 Mac. I 
installed OS X without having OS 9 installed first. Later I failed 
utterly trying to install MacOS9 to use for Classic. Finally I just 
plugged into a LAN and copied a OS 9 folder from another Mac. Now OS 9 
shows up in my Startup Disks... but I haven't needed to boot into it 

Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
use-revolution mailing list

Full keyboard Access

2004-01-09 Thread Thomas J McGrath III
I posted about the keyboard access on Windows showing up in my app. I 
turned on Keyboard access in OSX but it does not seem to work.

Is there another thing that lets the Mac access the buttons like the 
Windows is? traversal is on


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
use-revolution mailing list

Real time voice transmission

2004-01-09 Thread Kirby Glad
What if you had an internet game and you wanted participants to be able to
talk to each other by voice over T1.  It would not have to be the quality of
full VOIP.  It could even be simplex rather than duplex.  This problem
should be similar to broadcasting a web camera output, except you just want
to send to a specific IP address.

How could you do this using Rev?

Thanks in advance for the use of all your clever brains.


use-revolution mailing list

RE: Win98 loses path

2004-01-09 Thread Ken Ray

 The windows app acts like it is at the root level even though 
 it is in 
 a sub folder. I guess the autorun.inf makes the rev 
 standalone 'think' 
 it was launched at the root level even though it wasn't. I also guess 
 that windows does not like the autorun.inf and the app it launches to 
 be at the same level. So against my logic it works.

I think you hit the nail on the head... in the dim recesses of my mind I
remember something like this happening with autorun in earlier versions
of Windows. Good catch!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

use-revolution mailing list

stack diff tool?

2004-01-09 Thread Alex Rice
Are there any diff like tools that I can compare stacks with - like 
say the altArchive numbered backup stacks, to see what changes were 
made between different versions?

Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
use-revolution mailing list

Converting Hexadecimal in Binary

2004-01-09 Thread Alejandro Tejada
Hi developers,

I use this handler to convert a jpg embedded in
an Adobe Ilustrator file (version 6 or 7) as
Hexadecimal data in a binary image within Runrev.

But it takes so long. Comments to make this faster
are welcome.

on mouseUp
  put the ticks into zxc
  show img id 1088
  put fld hexadecimal into asd
  replace return with empty in asd
  put numtochar(0) after qwe
  repeat until asd is empty
put numtochar(baseconvert(char 1 to 2 of
asd,16,10)) after qwe
put numtochar(baseconvert(char 3 to 4 of
asd,16,10)) after qwe
put numtochar(baseconvert(char 5 to 6 of
asd,16,10)) after qwe
delete char 1 to 6 of asd
put numtochar(0) after qwe
  end repeat
  delete last char of qwe
  put chartonum(char -4 of qwe),chartonum(char -3 of
qwe),chartonum(char -2 of qwe),chartonum(char -1 of
  create img
  set the height of it to fld imgheight
  set the width of it to fld imgwidth
  set the imagedata of it to qwe
 hide img id 1088
  put ((the ticks - zxc) / 60)  seconds to create
the binary imagedata from hexadecimal data
end mouseUp

I post this stack to download, so you could run
the code with the hex data:

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Rev Crash Again! ... cardImage() function

2004-01-09 Thread Wouter
 This thread should now be called : No rev crash again and metacard 
or something :^))

On 09 Jan 2004, at 22:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 10
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 13:03:35 -0800 (PST)
From: Alejandro Tejada [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Rev Crash Again!  ... cardImage() function
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


How did you call this function?

I wrote in the message box the following

get cardImage(Home)
put it
and the result is the binary PNG data in
the message box and a temporal image that
dissapears when I click on it.

Ok here is an example  based on the idea of
Jim  to make thumbnails. But this are not real thumbnails,
only resized images. To make a real thumbnail take a screenshot
(import or export can both be used) from the produced image.
1.  make list field named list
2.  a btn to put the windows in fld list
3. a second btn with the following script:

on mouseup
  put line (the hilitedline of fld list) of fld list into sname
  if sname is not in the windows then
answer First update the window list
exit to top
  end if
  if sname is not empty then put cardImage(sname) into a
  if there is not an img test then
create invisible img
set the name of last img to test
  end if
  if there is an img test then set the text of img test to a
  put the width of img test into x
  put the height of img test into y
### if a resizing is wanted you can do this for example
### adapt to your own needs
  if x  y then put x div 100 into theFactor
  else put y div 100 into theFactor
  if theFactor  0 then
set the width of img test to x div theFactor
set the height of img test to y div theFactor
  end if
  show img test
  choose browse tool
end mouseup
 = changed
function cardImage theStack 
  local tCurrentCardImage, tOldBuffer, tID
  put the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack into tOldBuffer
  put the cantmodify of stack theStack into tCMOldBuffer  
  set the cantmodify of  stack theStack to false   
  set the alwaysBuffer of  stack theStack to false
  set the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack to true
  put the windowID of stack theStack into wID
  put the pixMapID of  stack theStack into pID
  if not ((pID is wID) or (pID is 0)) then
create invisible image
--put the imagePixMapID of last image into tID ### you can safely 
omit this line
set the imagePixMapID of last image to (the pixMapID of stack 
export last image to tCurrentCardImage as PNG
--set the imagePixMapID of last image to tID  ### you can safely 
omit this line
set the alwaysBuffer of  stack theStack to false
set the cantmodify of stack theStack to tCMOldBuffer  
delete last image
  else   add your own error text here
answer Sorry no deal, no picture data could be taken
exit to metacard
  end if
  return tCurrentCardImage
end cardImage

Have fun


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev Crash Again! ... cardImage() function

2004-01-09 Thread Wouter
On 09 Jan 2004, at 22:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 9
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 14:02:42 -0700
Subject: Re: Rev Crash Again!  ... cardImage() function
To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
On Friday, January 9, 2004, at 05:10 AM, Wouter wrote:

 = changed
function cardImage theStack 
  local tCurrentCardImage, tOldBuffer, tID
  put the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack into tOldBuffer
  put the cantmodify of stack theStack into tCMOldBuffer  
  set the cantmodify of  stack theStack to false   
  set the alwaysBuffer of  stack theStack to false
  set the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack to true
  put the windowID of stack theStack into wID
  put the pixMapID of  stack theStack into pID
  if not ((pID is wID) or (pID is 0)) then
create invisible image
  --  put the imagePixMapID of last image into tID ### not really needed
set the imagePixMapID of last image to (the pixMapID of stack
export last image to tCurrentCardImage as PNG
  --  set the imagePixMapID of last image to tID
set the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack to false
set the cantmodify of stack theStack to tCMOldBuffer  
delete last image
answer No picture data could be obtained with Sorry
exit to metacard
end if
  return tCurrentCardImage
end cardImage
I like it!  Maybe theStack can be made optional, too.  If so, should it
be defaultStack or topStack?
Anybody have ideas on specifying the card?

Dar Scott

That depends on the application of this handler. Your choice :^)

But anyway, the buggyness was ours.
Though some more  elaborate elucidation on this kind of things
in the TD would not be a luxury.
A happy man greeting,

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev Crash Again! ... cardImage() function

2004-01-09 Thread Dar Scott
On Friday, January 9, 2004, at 01:59 PM, Jim Carwardine wrote:

You guys are way beyond me.  :-!  I think I'll use another strategy to 
users to jump to a certain card.
I always assume that I'm way beyond me, too.  That is why I tend to 
package things like this into functions and then I can then think about 
the function and not the insides.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev Crash Again! ... cardImage() function

2004-01-09 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Fri, 9 Jan 2004 14:02:42 -0700
Dar Scott wrote:

 I like it!  Maybe theStack can be made optional,
 too.  If so, should it 
 be defaultStack or topStack?
 Anybody have ideas on specifying the card?

Look at these additions:

In a button this handler calls the function:

on mouseUp
  create img
  set the text of it to cardsImage(MyTestStack,5)
end mouseUp

where MyTestStack is the stack name and 5 is the
card number.

additions marked as -- 

function cardsImage theStack theCard   -- 
  local tCurrentCardImage, tOldBuffer, tID
  put the topstack into qwerty -- 
  lock screen  -- 
  go to card theCard of stack thestack -- 
  toplevel qwerty  -- 
  unlock screen-- 
 put the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack into
 put the cantmodify of stack theStack into
  set the cantmodify of  stack theStack to false  
  set the alwaysBuffer of  stack theStack to false
  set the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack to true
  put the windowID of stack theStack into wID
  put the pixMapID of  stack theStack into pID
  if not ((pID is wID) or (pID is 0)) then
create invisible image
put the imagePixMapID of last image into tID
set the imagePixMapID of last image to (the pixMapID
of stack theStack) 
export last image to tCurrentCardImage as PNG
set the imagePixMapID of last image to tID
set the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack to false
set the cantmodify of stack theStack to tCMOldBuffer  
delete last image
  end if
  return tCurrentCardImage
end cardsImage


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Re: Real time voice transmission

2004-01-09 Thread Dar Scott
On Friday, January 9, 2004, at 10:43 AM, Kirby Glad wrote:

What if you had an internet game and you wanted participants to be 
able to
talk to each other by voice over T1.  It would not have to be the 
quality of
full VOIP.  It could even be simplex rather than duplex.  This problem
should be similar to broadcasting a web camera output, except you just 
to send to a specific IP address.

How could you do this using Rev?
Unless you use some outside service, some form of sockets communication 
should work.  If there are several games listening to the sound, then 
multicast would be great, but that is not supported in Revolution.

Right now record and play are to files.  That would create a delay and 
might not work well.  It would be nice if sound input and output (as 
well as MIDI) could be open as a stream, in a manner much as sockets 
are used.

I heard somebody mention connecting a player object to a QT stream.  I 
don't know if that works well and even if it does, you still have the 
problem of setting up a server.

Maybe there are external apps that can do this that can be controlled 
from within a Revolution application.

And then there are externals...

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev Crash Again! ... cardImage() function

2004-01-09 Thread Dar Scott
On Friday, January 9, 2004, at 04:26 PM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

function cardsImage theStack theCard   -- 
  local tCurrentCardImage, tOldBuffer, tID
  put the topstack into qwerty -- 
  lock screen  -- 
  go to card theCard of stack thestack -- 
Should the body of this function go here?

And then go back?

  toplevel qwerty  -- 
Is this
  unlock screen-- 
 put the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack into
 put the cantmodify of stack theStack into
  set the cantmodify of  stack theStack to false
  set the alwaysBuffer of  stack theStack to false
  set the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack to true
  put the windowID of stack theStack into wID
  put the pixMapID of  stack theStack into pID
  if not ((pID is wID) or (pID is 0)) then
create invisible image
put the imagePixMapID of last image into tID
set the imagePixMapID of last image to (the pixMapID
of stack theStack)
export last image to tCurrentCardImage as PNG
set the imagePixMapID of last image to tID
set the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack to false
set the cantmodify of stack theStack to tCMOldBuffer
delete last image
  end if
  return tCurrentCardImage
end cardsImage
Will all this restore defaultStack, too?

If go to is used, then maybe the a function that calls the older 
smaller function might be used; the stack references in the body of 
this might not be needed.

If go to goes to a card and the stack is already there, are there 


Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: An alternative to the one pixel editing of an image

2004-01-09 Thread Dar Scott
On Friday, January 9, 2004, at 08:01 AM, Wouter wrote:

export img  imagename  to aVar as PNG -- or RLE
set the text of img  imagename  to aVar
RLE is not listed in the TD as an option.  I see this:

paint, JPEG, GIF, PNG

On my setup, the paint format will generate PBM (P6).  P6 is binary 
after the header.

Is export as RLE an undocumented feature?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 4, Issue 60

2004-01-09 Thread Wouter

On 09 Jan 2004, at 22:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 12:35:50 -0500
From: Thomas J McGrath III [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Full keyboard Access
To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=WINDOWS-1252;   format=flowed
I posted about the keyboard access on Windows showing up in my app. I
turned on Keyboard access in OSX but it does not seem to work.
Is there another thing that lets the Mac access the buttons like the
Windows is? traversal is on

have a look in the TD at everything starting with accel or mnemonic




use-revolution mailing list

cardImage() function

2004-01-09 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Fri Jan 9
Dar Scott wrote:

 function cardsImage theStack theCard   -- 
   local tCurrentCardImage, tOldBuffer, tID
   put the topstack into qwerty -- 
   lock screen  -- 
   go to card theCard of stack thestack -- 

Should the body of this function go here?
And then go back?

I don't remember any other way to go to a selected
card in another stack.
Notice that I suppose that the stack that you want to 
take the card image is not hidden, but if you prefers 
to hide that stack probably you could erase the lines 
that lock and unlock the screen.

  toplevel qwerty  -- 

Is this

  unlock screen-- 
  put the alwaysBuffer of stack theStack into
   return tCurrentCardImage
 end cardsImage

Will all this restore defaultStack, too?
If go to is used, then maybe the a function 
that calls the older smaller function might be 
used; the stack references in the body of 
this might not be needed.

If go to goes to a card and the stack is already 
there, are there messages?

Yes, but using Lock Messages could stop them.


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Converting Hexadecimal in Binary

2004-01-09 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Fri Jan 9 13:58:09 EST 2004 
Dar Scott wrote:

Do these help?

unhex(h) is the string equivalent of a hex sequence 
function unhex h
   return binaryEncode(H*,h)
end unhex

This function could help, but I was thinking about
some way to convert this long hexadecimal string
in an array or convert the repeat until empty
to repeat for each.

How much time does it takes in your machine to
convert the data in an image?


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Re: Scrolling Cards

2004-01-09 Thread Jim Carwardine
How do I change the size of the group.  In the inspector, if I use the Size
and Position section, I don't seem to be able to resize the group and get
the scroll bar to work correctly.  I created a long, narrow group that
extends off the card and I loaded it with buttons.  Exactly what part of the
inspector do I use to shrink the group... or do I use a rev statement in the
msg box?  Jim

on 12/17/03 1:49 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 On 12/16/03 6:32 PM, Jim Carwardine wrote:
 I¹m very new to Revolution and I have a question.  I¹m designing a database
 that is relational in the sense that there are parent/child relationships
 between records that can go many levels deep.  When I look at a parent
 record, I want to see all of the first level children of that record in a
 list.  Each record has a number of fields I want to show.  What I seem to be
 reading in the docs for Rev is that I can place a vertical scroll bar on the
 card that will allow the fields in the card to scroll, which is exactly what
 I want to do.  Is that clear enough for someone to get me started?  How do I
 do it?   Jim
 The easiest way is to create a very tall card with enough space to lay
 out all your fields. The card can be taller than the screen if
 necessary. Then group all the fields and objects on the card. In the
 property inspector, set the group to have a vertical scrollbar. Then
 resize both the group and the stack window to be smaller than the card
 so that the scrollbar becomes active. If you set the size of the group
 to be the same size as the stack window, it will look just like a
 scrolling document.


OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Conceptual question about opening multiple windows of thesamekind

2004-01-09 Thread Wouter
On 08 Jan 2004, at 12:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 9
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2004 19:31:50 +0900
From: Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Conceptual question about opening multiple windows of the
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
This is a basic conceptual question. I'm trying to decide how to 

Let's say I wanted to open multiple windows (stacks, not cards) of a 
type. Examples might be multiple drawing windows for a paint program. 
multiple chat windows for different chat rooms.

What concepts should I be looking at? Templates? Groups and background
attributes? Cloning?
For example, let's say I already have one window/stack that is working 
as I
like. But maybe I want more than than that one window, with some 
settings, opened up. Should I clone that stack and then delete it when 
Is there a better approach?

I know the question is sort of vague, but I am looking for a general
conceptual pointer or best practices suggestion rather than a cookbook 
answer at this stage.


Doug Lerner, Tokyo


Have a real good look at Klaus Major's Analyze_It stack.
You will discover a beauty.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Scrolling Cards

2004-01-09 Thread Jim Carwardine
Figured it out... Jim

on 1/9/04 9:13 PM, Jim Carwardine wrote:

 How do I change the size of the group.  In the inspector, if I use the Size
 and Position section, I don't seem to be able to resize the group and get
 the scroll bar to work correctly.  I created a long, narrow group that
 extends off the card and I loaded it with buttons.  Exactly what part of the
 inspector do I use to shrink the group... or do I use a rev statement in the
 msg box?  Jim
 on 12/17/03 1:49 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
 On 12/16/03 6:32 PM, Jim Carwardine wrote:
 I¹m very new to Revolution and I have a question.  I¹m designing a database
 that is relational in the sense that there are parent/child relationships
 between records that can go many levels deep.  When I look at a parent
 record, I want to see all of the first level children of that record in a
 list.  Each record has a number of fields I want to show.  What I seem to be
 reading in the docs for Rev is that I can place a vertical scroll bar on the
 card that will allow the fields in the card to scroll, which is exactly what
 I want to do.  Is that clear enough for someone to get me started?  How do I
 do it?   Jim
 The easiest way is to create a very tall card with enough space to lay
 out all your fields. The card can be taller than the screen if
 necessary. Then group all the fields and objects on the card. In the
 property inspector, set the group to have a vertical scrollbar. Then
 resize both the group and the stack window to be smaller than the card
 so that the scrollbar becomes active. If you set the size of the group
 to be the same size as the stack window, it will look just like a
 scrolling document.


OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list

Setting custom properties for a newly cloned stack

2004-01-09 Thread Doug Lerner
What is the best way, timing-wise, to set the custom properties of a newly
cloned stack.

I (stupidly) tried

clone stack myStack
set the myProperty of Copy of myStack to 123

But... if in the openStack handler of the cloned stack I need to make
immediate use of that property it seems it is too late. The clone command
opens up the stack *first*, right? Then *after that* the set command runs.

So how to best set custom properties in the cloned stack if they need to be
used during the openStack handler?

Global variables?


use-revolution mailing list

problems pasting text into the IDE (mac os x)

2004-01-09 Thread Alex Rice
I work in MS Excel extensively, copy pasting text between it and 

I experience problems with the Rev IDE when I copy-paste text from MS 
Excel into the IDE, on OS X. Like:

- script won't compile
- find and replace dialog won't find correctly
- answer dialog won't properly display text stored in a custom property
clipboard() just says text. But most fields in the IDE seem to be 
perfectly happy to accept extended or control characters in a 
copy-paste operation, but that causes trouble later on.

What makes me think it's a bug with Rev:

If I delete the pasted text in the IDE, and then type the same text 
directly into the IDE, then the problems go away. Also if I paste the 
same text from Excel into Emacs, or into, no control 
characters or extended characters are shown. So even if Excel *is* 
putting weird characters into the pasteboard, shouldn't Rev be able to 
deal with it?

Are there any 3rd party apps I can use to clean up the text of what's 
on the clipboard.

I guess I could write a smart pasteKey handler and try to insert it 
into the message path before the IDE's pasteKey handler, but what a 
pain to track this down.

Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
use-revolution mailing list

RE: dotted lines in windows around back layer button

2004-01-09 Thread Ken Ray
 For Mac OS X you can turn on full keyboard navigation in the System 
 Preferences.  In OS X.3 it is under Keyboard  Mouse - Keyboard 
 Shortcuts - Turn on full keyboard access.  I use this all of 
 the time 
 for navigating dialog boxes.  I haven't ever tested it with Rev apps 

That's very cool, Trevor! I didn't even know that Macs could do that
now... sweet!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

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