Re: Mac to Windows -- maybe text encoding

2004-08-26 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
At 11:08 PM -0600 8/25/2004, Steve and Lee Ann Setzer wrote:
(E) I do all my work on a Mac running OS X, but I have access to RunRev for
Windows and a decent Windows 2000 PC.
(F) The games involve buttons that have IPA characters in their names
 (Inspector--Text Formatting--Font--IPAPhon Roman)
(G) When I move the stack to Windows, many of the button names show the
wrong character, either a rectangle or just a different letter/glyph.
Try the macToISO function:
  set the name of button 1 to macToISO(the name of button 1)
This function (and the companion function ISOToMac) converts between 
the Mac and Windows character sets. (Field text is converted 
automatically when you move between platforms, but object names 
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Mac to Windows -- maybe text encoding

2004-08-26 Thread Signe Marie Sanne
At 23:08 25.08.2004 -0600, you wrote:
I have a problem that I think is related to text encoding, and I'm looking
for suggestions.
Here is the issue:
(A) I wrote a HyperCard stack years ago to teach the International Phonetic
Alphabet to students using games.
(B) I used the excellent PalPhon font to display the IPA characters.
(C) This year I decided to port the stack to Mac OS X, and hopefully
Windows, using RunRev.
(D) I switched to a newer font, IPAPhon, built by the original author of
PalPhon. It comes in both Mac and Windows TrueType versions; since OS X can
use either format, I used the windows TTFs for maximum compatibility).
(E) I do all my work on a Mac running OS X, but I have access to RunRev for
Windows and a decent Windows 2000 PC.
On my Windows XP there is no trace of IPAPhon, so I guess it is not part of 
the preinstalled fonts. If your students work in a Windows lab, you have to 
install the font on the computers.

I have chosen this strategy: When students have to work with phonetical 
symbols at home computers, I have always avoided to let them have to 
install any fonts. Instead I have done the development on the platform with 
the phonetical font, in this case on Mac. Then - for each symbol I have 
used Import -- Snapshot to create a small image of it. Voilà, no more need 
for having phonetical fonts present on either platform.

Hope this may give you some ideas to go on with.
Signe Marie Sanne
use-revolution mailing list
1. amanuensis Signe Marie Sanne  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Romansk Institutttel:  +47 55 58 21 27
Øisteins gt. 1
5007 Bergen
use-revolution mailing list

Text to Speech in windows

2004-08-26 Thread Stephen King
Thanks Tuviah..much appreciated.
Judy wrote
Well, I, as a Mac user, for one, do not agree.  I was happy when TTS was
made available for Windows, as well as when Jonathan made a Windows
version of Shakobox.
Of course you are right. Its a target machine issue rather than a developer 
machine issue anyway.
I guess the real reason is we all thought it was in hand anyway.

All we need now... is Windows to improve SAM :-)
Cheers Steve 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: revspeech.dll - three questions

2004-08-26 Thread tuviah snyder
When the 2.5 release is ready for public consumption (I don't have it),
where would the revspeech.dll file be placed in order to provide the
text-to-speech function?
It will replace revspeech.dll in the standard distro and the sapi 4 version
will be renamed revspeechold.dll. They use entirely different apis
internally, so one dll cannot be compatible with both SAPI and SAPI5.

Will there be any difference in how I am to code the handler between OSX
XP versions of the distribution?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: writing an OS X package from a custom property

2004-08-26 Thread Klaus Major
Bom dias Andre,
PS: if you're trully masoquist, you can create the DMG, use uucode and 
store it on a field... but man that's evil!
Sounds like you already have some experience in this area... :-D
-Scott Morrow
Elementary Software
Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
Best from germany
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list


2004-08-26 Thread doupsy
With Hypercard, it was very very simple to dial a phone number ( dial 
05 02 00 00 00 for ex with modem ).
Only you click  with one hand on a button to dial and with other hand 
you take your téléphone to your ear.

Why it is impossible to dial with Revolution ?
(I am under OS X)
I try :
close driver /dev/cu.modem
open driver /dev/cu.modem
write ATDTPhoneNumberCR to  driver /dev/cu.modem
read from driver /dev/cu.modem until eof
(write ATHcr to driver /dev/cu.modem
read from driver /dev/cu.modem until eof)
With Revolution you must think when you must click on the button to 
dial, when you must lift the receiver, when you must hang up, etc
And most often, the application crash.

Could you help me, or not ?
I am not an informatician.
use-revolution mailing list

Printing records from the database

2004-08-26 Thread Marko Manninen
My name is Marko Manninen and i just downloaded the trial version of 
Revolution because i needed to examine if it's going to be my developing 
tool for some projejects. After reading database faq i still didn't get 
answer to my biggest interest. Is it possible to print all records ( two 
records in one paper) straight from the database in Revolution v 2.xx? I 
need to put information in card like in to traditional form. 
Other question is, if it's possible to print to the custom sized paper 
from the revolution (from the database records)? And what is the 
procedure with both printing cases?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: writing an OS X package from a custom property

2004-08-26 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
custom prop. Be aware that using zip compression might destroy the 
data fork of
The resource fork, actually.  The data fork is what would be retained.
An alternative method to solving this problem would be to use array 
notation (custom property set ?) to read in and store each individual 
file in the bundle, rather than try to read it as a whole.  Bear in 
mind that this would mean recreating the bundle's internal structure -- 
directories and all -- when spitting it back out later on.

If you are distributing a standalone for OS X, it might be easier to 
simply copy the needed bundle into the resources folder of your 
standalone app bundle, then copy it back out when it needs to be 

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10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: anyone here would use simple httpd or ftpd code?

2004-08-26 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Well, we talked about this in the chat...
Basica ftp upload would be very helpful if one of the chatters is 
behind a firewall/non-configurable router, but I'll take what I can 
get, so having a ftp server to download stuff directly from someone 
would be nice already!

On Aug 26 2004, at 06:07, Andre Garzia wrote:
hi folks,
I am building this huge lib for handling netservices like http and 
ftp. Although I am not near my milestone 1, it's pretty usable so I 
was wondering if anyone here is really waiting for this and would like 
a libNetServices Lite version. What it can currently do is:

* Serve Pages, both dynamic stacks and static pages.
* Serve files by ftp both passive and active ftp.
* XML-RPC Server Side.
missing parts are: FTP Resume and Upload, Cookie Handling (actually 
you can read them, not set them right now).

Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Chat with other RunRev developers:
go stack URL;
use-revolution mailing list

Re: anyone here would use simple httpd or ftpd code?

2004-08-26 Thread Mark Brownell
On Wednesday, August 25, 2004, at 09:07 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:
missing parts are: FTP Resume and Upload, Cookie Handling (actually 
you can read them, not set them right now).

I was going to begin working of FTP Upload from my standalone apps on 
user's own machines.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Two feature requests

2004-08-26 Thread Mark Brownell
On Wednesday, August 25, 2004, at 10:33 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
This is well-known as bugzilla entry #670, and has an impressive 
number of votes to its credit. I believe it may well be the single 
most requested feature to date.
Now that I know how to use bugzilla I think I'll add five.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Two feature requests

2004-08-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 26, 2004, at 3:04 AM, MisterX wrote:
What's wrong with the table object anyway?
Let's just say that a Rapid Application Development tool should offer a 
versatile data grid as part of the toolkit. The table object does not 
qualify, neither does a field.
RPSystems, Ltd.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Two feature requests

2004-08-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 26, 2004, at 12:07 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:

This is well-known as bugzilla entry #670, and has an impressive  
number of votes to its credit. I believe it may well be the single  
most requested feature to date.
Now that I know how to use bugzilla I think I'll add five.
As lousy as bugzilla is, it is worthwhile to at least get the basics  
down, so that you can add your voice to what is important to you. 

Note, that for a supposedly Mac-Centric company as RunRev is often  
suggested to be, the choice in Bugzilla is a rather contrary one, since  
it behaves extremely poorly in Safari. Ken Ray's RevZilla is a good  
alternative, otherwise you need to get access to Safari's debug menu so  
that you can tell Safari to identify itself as MSIE to the server - at  
which point Bugzilla will work OK.
RPSystems, Ltd.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: new speech dll and standalone

2004-08-26 Thread Meitnik

In a message dated 8/26/04 12:04:47 PM, 

 It will replace revspeech.dll in the standard distro and the sapi 4 version
 will be renamed revspeechold.dll. They use entirely different apis
 internally, so one dll cannot be compatible with both SAPI and SAPI5.
 -- Good, and thank you. How will SB handle the different critters?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: anyone here would use simple httpd or ftpd code?

2004-08-26 Thread Andre Garzia
On Aug 26, 2004, at 1:05 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:
I was going to begin working of FTP Upload from my standalone apps on 
user's own machines.

when you say upload, you're talking about what point of view, the 
server or the client, we have built-in functions in Rev to make uploads 
to a given server, the missing part of FTPd is to accept uploads from a 
client (it's easy, I just don't have the time to doit)


Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Two feature requests

2004-08-26 Thread Richard Gaskin
Troy Rollins wrote:
Note, that for a supposedly Mac-Centric company as RunRev is often  
suggested to be, the choice in Bugzilla is a rather contrary one, since  
it behaves extremely poorly in Safari. Ken Ray's RevZilla is a good  
alternative, otherwise you need to get access to Safari's debug menu so  
that you can tell Safari to identify itself as MSIE to the server - at  
which point Bugzilla will work OK.
That's a good tip -- thanks for posting that.
As far as choosing Bugzilla, it's one of the leading bug-tracking 
systems and the price is unbeatable:  free (as in both beer and speech). 
 It's not easy finding something at that price with equivalent features.

Yes, Bugzilla has some rough edges and yes, Apple has some weird merde 
going on with Safari (I switched to Mozilla last year and never looked 
back -- thank you Jacque for the recommendation).

You can help see these issues corrected by reporting them to those who 
can address them -

   Select Report Bugs to Apple... from the Safari menu.
If you would like to contribute directly to Bugzilla's evolution there 
are many opportunities for lending a hand -- not just programming, but 
also with documentation and testing:

I agree they could use some help in the UI department and if I wasn't 
already committed to other open source projects I'd volunteer to help 
document either Bugzilla or Mozilla, but alas my landlord expects me to 
give priority to client work (as soon as we get open source housing and 
open source groceries I'll happy devote all of my time to open source 
software). :)

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread Klaus Major
Hi all,
can someone please enlighten me if i am missing something here?
This is one of my feature requests, Bugzilla 1032:

To be able to position the label-text of buttons directly on top of 
their icons.
This way we wouldn't need so many workaround to make this happen ;-)

Thank you...
Klaus Major
Posted by RevZilla 1.1
--- Additional Comment  #1 From  Mark  2004-03-21 04:19 ---
Something like changing the textHeight of a button?
 --- Additional Comment  #2 From  Klaus Major  2004-03-21 06:20 
##Something like changing the textHeight of a button?
I have no idea...
But as long this will position the label on top of the icon, its OK ;-)

Klaus Major
 --- Additional Comment  #3 From  Kevin Miller  2004-04-29 18:53 
This is now included in the shipping version 2.2.  Thanks for the 

I added 2 other comments, but no response, the thing is resolved as 

I searched desparately, but did not find this included new feature...?
Please help :-)
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

RE: anyone here would use simple httpd or ftpd code?

2004-08-26 Thread william griffin
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 01:07:13 -0300
From: Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: anyone here would use simple httpd or ftpd code?
hi folks,
I am building this huge lib for handling netservices like http and ftp.
Although I am not near my milestone 1, it's pretty usable so I was
wondering if anyone here is really waiting for this and would like a
libNetServices Lite version. What it can currently do is:
* Serve Pages, both dynamic stacks and static pages.
* Serve files by ftp both passive and active ftp.
* XML-RPC Server Side.
missing parts are: FTP Resume and Upload, Cookie Handling (actually you
can read them, not set them right now).
Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
Sounds good, I think this would be a great addtion to the ChatRev, 
especially for getting
our individual user modifications of the server and client up to a 
central location,
and for serving up games and game data files in the future.

Hit me up for testing when you need some.
See you in ChatRev :)
Mr Bill
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/26/04 12:43 PM, Klaus Major [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I added 2 other comments, but no response, the thing is resolved as
 I searched desparately, but did not find this included new feature...?

Actually, it's not the textHeight, but the margins. If you set the margins
to a large value, the button text shifts up. It's still an odd effect,
though, because if you're showing the button itself (i.e. it's border, etc.)
the icon and the text that goes over it is not vertically centered to the
button - the icon remains where it would be if there was text below it; it's
just that the text moved.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Aug 26, 2004, at 10:43 AM, Klaus Major wrote:
Hi all,
can someone please enlighten me if i am missing something here?
This is one of my feature requests, Bugzilla 1032:

To be able to position the label-text of buttons directly on top of 
their icons.
This way we wouldn't need so many workaround to make this happen ;-)
I don't know what to tell you except that I would really like to see 
this as well.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

2004-08-26 Thread Ken Ray
I'm getting ready to have some time available to enhance RevZilla, and want
to make sure that I am adding things in the order that people will most want
them. The current version is 1.1.2, and I have a 1.1.3 that hasn't been
released yet, but has the following additions:

- Added support for Firefox to the OS X browser list
- Added info about trying to use AOL with RevZilla
- A few cosmetic adjustments

So for those of you who use RevZilla, can you please let me know what would
be your top 2 features you'd like to see added? Based on feedback, that will
allow me to determine which is most needed by the Rev community.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: hiliteColor

2004-08-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 25, 2004, at 7:06 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
I just tried it under Rev 2.2 on XP (created a simple stack with a 
and executed your set the hiliteColor from the message box), and it 
just fine here.
Still having some difficulty with this. What is the name of the 
property which determines the color a bevel button uses when pressed? 
It is also the same property which a popup menu uses to show the 
currently selected line, but it is apparently *not* the hiliteColor, 
which is what is used for the selected line in a field.
RPSystems, Ltd.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Aug 26, 2004, at 11:21 AM, Ken Ray wrote:
It's still an odd effect,
though, because if you're showing the button itself (i.e. it's border, 
the icon and the text that goes over it is not vertically centered to 
button - the icon remains where it would be if there was text below 
it; it's
just that the text moved.
Which creates problems if the button style is transparent since the 
user can still click on that area (which appears as if there is nothing 

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: need advise on grid like control...

2004-08-26 Thread Hershel Fisch
What is the docking handler ?
On Tuesday, August 24, 2004, at 07:29 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:
On Tuesday, August 24, 2004, at 04:25 PM, Mark Talluto wrote:
Nothing too magical under the hood.  It is a bunch of fields aligned 
next to each other.  I will see what it takes to rip it out of my 
program and post it.  I expect to be back into that program next  week.
Don't hurry on my account. I don't need it. I would just work on the 
docking handler if I had nothing better to do. (I wish)

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Two feature requests

2004-08-26 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/26/04 12:28 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Yes, Bugzilla has some rough edges and yes, Apple has some weird merde 
going on with Safari (I switched to Mozilla last year and never looked 
back -- thank you Jacque for the recommendation).
I love it like no other. Oh wait. That's a different software product. ;)
(as soon as we get open source housing and 
open source groceries I'll happy devote all of my time to open source 
software). :)
Trust me, you don't want open-source groceries.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread Phil Davis
That's funny - this is identical to one of my bugs, #819:
## start 819 #
Give option to show text ON (not below) buttons with icons
Add a feature that lets you position the name or label of a button 
within the button's rect, even when the button has icons. When icons 
are used, the label should appear in the button's foreground, with 
the icon in its background, behind the label.

This would eliminate the need for the two buttons workaround in 
many cases.

Currently you can get the label to appear within the rect of an icon 
button by manipulating the margins prop, but the label currently 
appears behind the icon. No joy.

Posted by RevZilla 1.0
--- Additional Comment
  #1 From
  Tuviah Snyder
  2004-03-28 20:42 ---
OK anyone have any problem with me changing this for 2.2?
Only thing I can see this breaking is people who already obscure 
text using an image.

 end 819 ##
Phil Davis

Klaus Major wrote:
Hi all,
can someone please enlighten me if i am missing something here?
This is one of my feature requests, Bugzilla 1032:

To be able to position the label-text of buttons directly on top of 
their icons.
This way we wouldn't need so many workaround to make this happen ;-)

Thank you...
Klaus Major
Posted by RevZilla 1.1
--- Additional Comment  #1 From  Mark  2004-03-21 04:19 ---
Something like changing the textHeight of a button?
 --- Additional Comment  #2 From  Klaus Major  2004-03-21 06:20 ---
##Something like changing the textHeight of a button?
I have no idea...
But as long this will position the label on top of the icon, its OK ;-)
Klaus Major
 --- Additional Comment  #3 From  Kevin Miller  2004-04-29 18:53 
This is now included in the shipping version 2.2.  Thanks for the request.

I added 2 other comments, but no response, the thing is resolved as fixed
I searched desparately, but did not find this included new feature...?
Please help :-)
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/26/04 1:21 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
On 8/26/04 12:43 PM, Klaus Major [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I added 2 other comments, but no response, the thing is resolved as
I searched desparately, but did not find this included new feature...?

Actually, it's not the textHeight, but the margins. If you set the margins
to a large value, the button text shifts up. It's still an odd effect,
though, because if you're showing the button itself (i.e. it's border, etc.)
the icon and the text that goes over it is not vertically centered to the
button - the icon remains where it would be if there was text below it; it's
just that the text moved.
This is weird. If you set the margins using a single number (set the 
margins to 20,) you get what you describe above. If you set the margins 
using a series of four numbers (set the margins to 5,10,20,10), it 
only uses the first one.

BUT: If you set the margins using a single number, which forces the text 
label upward, and then you set the topmargin separately -- voila -- the 
icon moves down.

And THEN: thinking that setting the bottomMargin separately would then 
move the text upward again, I did that. And both the icon and text moved 
up together.

At any rate, it looks like you can get good results by doing this:
  set the margins to 20
  set the topmargin to 25
Or something similar.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Table Field features (for v2.5)

2004-08-26 Thread Barry Levine
Just played with the table field (and locked up the beta when tabbing out of
the second column or returning out of the second row).

Reviewing the commentary about the requested feature set for this object, I
can only point to RB's implementation as what I want. Head over to the RB
website to see this.

The number of columns and rows are user-defined so no extras are seen
hanging over from outside the object's rect (partially scrolled out of view,
so to speak). With a small amount of code (about 12 lines), support for
returns and tabs selects the content of the next cell (down or across,
respectively) and wraps around in a logical manner (to the next row or
column, respectively).

There is code within RB to populate such a list from a database. Rev, also,
has such code.

But we should not zero in on this table field as only having a use with
databases! Rev's stack-of-cards metaphor permits this object to be quite
useful for a number of purposes beyond a vessel for SQL retrieval.

Let's consider what might happen when a user tabs into the cell; perhaps it
triggers a handler to bring up a choice list (like  FileMaker or Access). I
realize that feature is a big jump from a simple block of editable cells
so I won't request this for v2.5 (maybe 3.5). However, causing a drop-down
list or popup menu or even a little modal dialog to appear at the
appropriate location is do-able given the current (stable release) state of

What about when a user clicks on (or keyboards into) a cell (whether its
contents are editable or not). Such an event (on activate x,y where x,y
indicates the cell) could be the trigger for spreadsheet-like calculations
(with the existing math functions and plain old Transcript handlers;
nothing new required for this). Example: Enter 1000 into a cell, tab out
of it, and the adjacent cell gets a new value based upon some handler.
Asssuming this cell is not editable (by setting a property in an openCard
handler presumably), a tab would skip over this cell and activate the next
(in the tab order or whatever we set in a handler or property). Again, I'm
not calling for this object to handle hidden formulae (like Excel) so that
only the value is displayed; do we really need another Excel or AppleWorks?

What I had to do in HyperCard (in 1988) to emulate a multi-column edit field
was to line up as many list fields as I required but I could not permit the
user to enter any data in the fields; rather, I had to intercept the
mouseClick and present a dialog in which the user could enter the data for
each cell. I was finally able to improve the interface to a larger dialog
which would permit a row at a time worth of data. Haven't we progessed in
16 years? Well, considering the v2.5 Rev beta, it looks like we're getting

So I really hope people won't look at this posting as a diatribe nor as a
series of complaints; rather, this is a list of suggestions. It is entirely
possible that 2.5beta has the on activate type of handler for a cell but I
haven't been able to get much out of this object in the beta yet.


use-revolution mailing list

RE: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

2004-08-26 Thread Jay Madren

Well, I've got 3 that are all equally important. :)

Either make the bug display form wider or make it remember its size when I
change it.  Needed because, at least on my system, line breaks in the
description seem to be hard coded, so then of course your line wrapping
doesn't really reformat it properly to better fit the space.

Add Version to the bug list table.  To help with conserving space, you could
get rid of the Priority column (no one hardly uses it - almost all of them
are P2).

Need a way to easily select a range of choices from the drop-down lists in
search.  On bugzilla I can do this by clicking on one entry then
shift-clicking on another to select all entries in between.  This is useful
for, lets say, quickly selecting all versions except 2.5.

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ken Ray
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 14:27
To: Use Revolution List; Improve Revolution List
Subject: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

I'm getting ready to have some time available to enhance RevZilla, and want
to make sure that I am adding things in the order that people will most want
them. The current version is 1.1.2, and I have a 1.1.3 that hasn't been
released yet, but has the following additions:

- Added support for Firefox to the OS X browser list
- Added info about trying to use AOL with RevZilla
- A few cosmetic adjustments

So for those of you who use RevZilla, can you please let me know what would
be your top 2 features you'd like to see added? Based on feedback, that will
allow me to determine which is most needed by the Rev community.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Table Field features (for v2.5)

2004-08-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 26, 2004, at 4:04 PM, Barry Levine wrote:
So I really hope people won't look at this posting as a diatribe nor 
as a
series of complaints; rather, this is a list of suggestions. It is 
possible that 2.5beta has the on activate type of handler for a cell 
but I
haven't been able to get much out of this object in the beta yet.
AFAIK, the table in 2.5 hasn't seen any significant differences from 
that in 2.2. Which is to say, it still makes a poor data grid in 
relation to what we would like to see.
RPSystems, Ltd.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reading data from BLOB objects

2004-08-26 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Bugzilla Bug #369 indicates that there was a problem with BLOBs and 
PostgreSQL, but that it was fixed.  Does anyone know which version of 
Rev this was fixed in?  I've been trying with version 2.2.1, but it 
does not seem to be working for me.

Thank you!

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/26/04 2:57 PM, Phil Davis wrote:
That's funny - this is identical to one of my bugs, #819:
## start 819 #
Give option to show text ON (not below) buttons with icons
Add a feature that lets you position the name or label of a button 
within the button's rect, even when the button has icons. When icons are 
used, the label should appear in the button's foreground, with the icon 
in its background, behind the label.

This would eliminate the need for the two buttons workaround in many 

Currently you can get the label to appear within the rect of an icon 
button by manipulating the margins prop, but the label currently appears 
behind the icon. No joy.
Try this: Make a button 128 pixels square. Give it a big icon (I used 
803). Then:

set the margins of btn 1 to 40
set the topmargin of btn 1 to 60
set the textcolor of btn 1 to blue
set the textstyle of btn 1 to bold
set the textsize of btn 1 to 20
On my Mac, I get a blue label over the picture (not behind it) and the 
icon is vertically centered (well, close. Play with the numbers.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Phil,
That's funny - this is identical to one of my bugs, #819:
Well, that's funny and true :-)
## start 819 #
Give option to show text ON (not below) buttons with icons
Add a feature that lets you position the name or label of a button 
within the button's rect, even when the button has icons. When icons 
are used, the label should appear in the button's foreground, with the 
icon in its background, behind the label.
This would eliminate the need for the two buttons workaround in many 
Currently you can get the label to appear within the rect of an icon 
button by manipulating the margins prop, but the label currently 
appears behind the icon. No joy.
Posted by RevZilla 1.0

--- Additional Comment
  #1 From
  Tuviah Snyder
  2004-03-28 20:42 ---
OK anyone have any problem with me changing this for 2.2?
No, apparently :-)
Only thing I can see this breaking is people who already obscure text 
using an image.
 end 819 ##
But looks like they did NOT impelement this one :-(
And dealing with the margins is a pain in the arsch ;-)
Any comments from edinborough?
Phil Davis

This is one of my feature requests, Bugzilla 1032:

To be able to position the label-text of buttons directly on top of 
their icons.
This way we wouldn't need so many workaround to make this happen ;-)
Thank you...
 --- Additional Comment  #3 From  Kevin Miller  2004-04-29 18:53 
This is now included in the shipping version 2.2.  Thanks for the 
If yes, then it is a very well kept secret :-D
I added 2 other comments, but no response, the thing is resolved as 
I searched desparately, but did not find this included new 
Please help :-)
Klaus Major
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Jaqueline,
On 8/26/04 2:57 PM, Phil Davis wrote:
That's funny - this is identical to one of my bugs, #819:
## start 819 #
Give option to show text ON (not below) buttons with icons
Add a feature that lets you position the name or label of a button 
within the button's rect, even when the button has icons. When icons 
are used, the label should appear in the button's foreground, with 
the icon in its background, behind the label.
This would eliminate the need for the two buttons workaround in 
many cases.
Currently you can get the label to appear within the rect of an icon 
button by manipulating the margins prop, but the label currently 
appears behind the icon. No joy.
Try this: Make a button 128 pixels square. Give it a big icon (I used 
803). Then:

set the margins of btn 1 to 40
set the topmargin of btn 1 to 60
set the textcolor of btn 1 to blue
set the textstyle of btn 1 to bold
set the textsize of btn 1 to 20
On my Mac, I get a blue label over the picture (not behind it) and the 
icon is vertically centered (well, close. Play with the numbers.)
Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but this is not the real McCoy :-D
Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/26/04 3:36 PM, Klaus Major wrote:
 Try this: Make a button 128 pixels square. Give it a big icon (I used
 803). Then:

 set the margins of btn 1 to 40
 set the topmargin of btn 1 to 60
 set the textcolor of btn 1 to blue
 set the textstyle of btn 1 to bold
 set the textsize of btn 1 to 20

 On my Mac, I get a blue label over the picture (not behind it) and the
 icon is vertically centered (well, close. Play with the numbers.)

 Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but this is not the real McCoy :-D
I guess I don't understand then; what are you looking for exactly?
Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reading data from BLOB objects

2004-08-26 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
At least, I think this code is right; a simplified version::
  put UPDATE aTable SET aBLOB=:1 WHERE aNumberField=aValue into z
  put image anImage into dbImage
  revExecuteSQL the database of this stack, z, *bdbImage
Am I doing this right?
Thank you!
On Aug 26, 2004, at 4:25 PM, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:
Bugzilla Bug #369 indicates that there was a problem with BLOBs and 
PostgreSQL, but that it was fixed.  Does anyone know which version of 
Rev this was fixed in?  I've been trying with version 2.2.1, but it 
does not seem to be working for me.

Thank you!

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use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Arrows nudge or not?

2004-08-26 Thread Mark Talluto
Should the arrows nudge controls when they are selected with the 
pointer tool in standalones as they do in the IDE?  Is this an IDE 
feature or something in the engine?

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla nr. 1032

2004-08-26 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Jaqueline,
On 8/26/04 3:36 PM, Klaus Major wrote:
 Try this: Make a button 128 pixels square. Give it a big icon (I 
 803). Then:

 set the margins of btn 1 to 40
 set the topmargin of btn 1 to 60
 set the textcolor of btn 1 to blue
 set the textstyle of btn 1 to bold
 set the textsize of btn 1 to 20

 On my Mac, I get a blue label over the picture (not behind it) and 
 icon is vertically centered (well, close. Play with the numbers.)

 Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but this is not the real McCoy 

I guess I don't understand then; what are you looking for exactly?
Well, i think dealing with the margins is just too much fuss, i don't
want to play with the numbers ;-)
I'd like to see a simple checkbox or an additional radio-button for
the text formatting that does that with a single click or a one-liner
in the message box...
Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
Klaus Major

Dear RunRev team:
I promise to not drop RR and convert to RB in case this feature not 
to make it into the 2.5 release :-D

use-revolution mailing list

Altuit releases MagicCarpet (finally!)

2004-08-26 Thread Chipp Walters
Hey all, just thought I'd let you know we just released our latest 
product- MagicCarpet. It runs on both MacOSX and WinXP.

MagicCarpet is version control software and has a plugin for Rev users 
as well. The Rev team has used it in developing the latest version of 
Revolution and we're hoping to ship it with a future version of Enterprise.

The website is at:
We've also added a pretty cool learning system we call
Video Classroom which walks you through step-by-step, setting up and 
using MagicCarpet.

Chipp Walters
Altuit, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Altuit releases MagicCarpet (finally!)

2004-08-26 Thread Alex Tweedly
At 17:36 26/08/2004 -0500, Chipp Walters wrote:
Hey all, just thought I'd let you know we just released our latest 
product- MagicCarpet. It runs on both MacOSX and WinXP.
Is it really WinXP, or Windows in general  (i.e. how about W2000) ?
I would have assumed it was not XP specific, just the way you happened to 
say it, except that the About page also says WinXP PCs ...

-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

Altuit releases MagicCarpet (finally!)

2004-08-26 Thread Chipp Walters
Hey all, just thought I'd let you know we just released our latest
product- MagicCarpet. It runs on both MacOSX and WinXP.
MagicCarpet is version control software and has a plugin for Rev users
as well. The Rev team has used it in developing the latest version of
Revolution and we're hoping to ship it with a future version of Enterprise.
The website is at:
We've also added a pretty cool learning system we call
Video Classroom which walks you through step-by-step, setting up and
using MagicCarpet.
Chipp Walters
Altuit, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Altuit releases MagicCarpet (finally!)

2004-08-26 Thread Marian Petrides
From the video, this looks like one sweet app, Chipp. Congratulations!
And the video is a superb way to take people through the function of 
Magic Carpet.  I especially like the way you take the time to explain 
the nuances of the various files in the files list, how they are made, 
stored and retrieved...down to making sure that people know that a 
version number entered in Magic Carpet does NOT affect the version 
number set in the app itself.  A really nice touch!

On Aug 26, 2004, at 7:38 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
Hey all, just thought I'd let you know we just released our latest
product- MagicCarpet. It runs on both MacOSX and WinXP.
MagicCarpet is version control software and has a plugin for Rev users
as well. The Rev team has used it in developing the latest version of
Revolution and we're hoping to ship it with a future version of 

The website is at:
We've also added a pretty cool learning system we call
Video Classroom which walks you through step-by-step, setting up and
using MagicCarpet.
Chipp Walters
Altuit, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

[ANN] Web Photos Pro 1.0b11 and FREE License Keys...

2004-08-26 Thread Frank Leahy
Hello all,
Version 1.0b11 of Web Photos Pro for Mac OS X and Windows XP/2000 is 
available for download.  This is a quick turnaround version based on 
feedback from the beta10 release on Monday.  Many thanks to everyone 
who sent in feedback!

I'm offering a free license key to Web Photos Pro v1.0 to anyone who 
uses the product to upload 3 or more albums with at least 10 photos in 
each album.  Simply send me a url of the albums you've uploaded, and 
I'll send you a free license key when the product ships (offer good 
until September 7, 2004).

Home page:
Release notes:

Kind regards,
-- Frank Leahy
Web Photos Pro: Software for Photo Bloggers and Other Photo Power Users
See us on the web at
use-revolution mailing list

Link to an Educational Stack

2004-08-26 Thread Mark Greenberg
Alejandro Tejada has been kind enough to help me post one of my 
educational stacks on his server space:

This is one of my simpler stacks, but effective.  It does not teach the 
students from scratch, the teacher does that.  Instead it gives the 
students practice with the concept so they can feel comfortable with it 
and remember it.

The stacks cover many high school subjects and could be adapted to 
lower grades.  I also have stacks written in HyperStudio if anyone is 
interested in those.

I have included the .rev stack and the standalone for Windows.  If 
there is interest in my type of stacks, perhaps I can post them one at 
a time.  Feel free to contact me off list too if you want.

Mark Greenberg
English Teacher
PS  The New York Times featured me and this teaching approach in the 
Circuit section last Thursday (front page).  That's me in the picture.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Altuit releases MagicCarpet (finally!)

2004-08-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 26, 2004, at 8:05 PM, Marian Petrides wrote:
From the video, this looks like one sweet app, Chipp. Congratulations!
Indeed. Outstanding.
RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

2004-08-26 Thread Bill
Please fix it so that the update function which loads the pop-up buttons
always works. I can't use Revzilla anymore to post a bug because it will say
Retreving data from Bugzilla but never load it into the pop-up buttons.
 Version 1.1.2

Also when reporting bugs with the 2.5b2 we are supposed to upload the
compressed log. It would be nice if we had a button for that..

On 8/26/04 2:27 PM, Ken Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm getting ready to have some time available to enhance RevZilla, and want
 to make sure that I am adding things in the order that people will most want
 them. The current version is 1.1.2, and I have a 1.1.3 that hasn't been
 released yet, but has the following additions:
 - Added support for Firefox to the OS X browser list
 - Added info about trying to use AOL with RevZilla
 - A few cosmetic adjustments
 So for those of you who use RevZilla, can you please let me know what would
 be your top 2 features you'd like to see added? Based on feedback, that will
 allow me to determine which is most needed by the Rev community.
 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
 Web site:
 use-revolution mailing list

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

2004-08-26 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/26/04 3:15 PM, Jay Madren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, I've got 3 that are all equally important. :)
 Either make the bug display form wider or make it remember its size when I
 change it.  Needed because, at least on my system, line breaks in the
 description seem to be hard coded, so then of course your line wrapping
 doesn't really reformat it properly to better fit the space.

Agreed. I'll add that to my list.

 Add Version to the bug list table.  To help with conserving space, you could
 get rid of the Priority column (no one hardly uses it - almost all of them
 are P2).

Sounds good.

 Need a way to easily select a range of choices from the drop-down lists in
 search.  On bugzilla I can do this by clicking on one entry then
 shift-clicking on another to select all entries in between.  This is useful
 for, lets say, quickly selecting all versions except 2.5.

Actually, if you select more than one thing from the same popup menu in
Search (the ones under the separator line), the label will change to
Multiple and you'll get multiple checkmarks next to them which will
indicate that you can search on mutiple items within a popup menu. Let me
know if this will work for you; if not, let me know what you'd like to do
instead (or in addition).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Printing records from the database

2004-08-26 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/26/04 12:27 AM, Marko Manninen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My name is Marko Manninen and i just downloaded the trial version of
 Revolution because i needed to examine if it's going to be my developing
 tool for some projejects.

Hey, Marko - welcome to the Revolution List!

 After reading database faq i still didn't get
 answer to my biggest interest. Is it possible to print all records ( two
 records in one paper) straight from the database in Revolution v 2.xx? I
 need to put information in card like in to traditional form.

The short answer is yes, but the longer answer is what needs to be done in
order to get what you're looking for. Revolution has a simple structure for
printing sets of cards to the printer, but for a more serious reporting
package, we'll have to wait a short time - a third party is in the final
stages of a full blown reporting product for Revolution and this will
certainly allow you to do what you are asking for more easily. Prior to the
reporting package being released, you can do it, but it takes more work to
set up and test.
 Other question is, if it's possible to print to the custom sized paper
 from the revolution (from the database records)? And what is the
 procedure with both printing cases?

Revolution allows you to build printable areas as large or as small as you
like, so you'd just have to design a card so that it wasn't too large for
your paper. (This may have to be done by trial and error a couple of times,
but then it will work properly from that point on.)

Hope that helps,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

2004-08-26 Thread Mark Talluto
On Aug 26, 2004, at 11:27 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

So for those of you who use RevZilla, can you please let me know what 
be your top 2 features you'd like to see added? Based on feedback, 
that will
allow me to determine which is most needed by the Rev community.

1.  It would be cool if we could add comments to an existing bug.
2.  Would also be useful if we could resize the main window.  Sometimes 
I find myself using the horizontal slider way too much.

I use this program everyday.  You are doing a good job Ken.
Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: need advise on grid like control...

2004-08-26 Thread Mark Brownell
On Thursday, August 26, 2004, at 12:06 PM, Hershel Fisch wrote:
What is the docking handler ?

Don't hurry on my account. I don't need it. I would just work on the 
docking handler if I had nothing better to do. (I wish)

It's a reference to a possible library of duplicatable functions that 
would doc individual fields into columns and rows and size them 
properly based on border sizes for each row or column. It should also 
set line hight and font types and sizes. It should probably be done as 
an array or set of arrays and stored using a pull-parser in MTML. :-) 
There should also be global attributes for column formatting. All this 
should be like a spreadsheet layout processor. It should even handle 
the naming conventions for each field with names like r1c1, r2c1, r1c2, 
etc... It should even handle math attributes for running calculations 
from one field, ranges of fields into another field or fields. In other 
words it should be a stack that acts like a storable spreadsheet. 
Having object control over individual field objects could lead to 
extremely powerful acting spreadsheets.

Now there's a bit of work for the person that has nothing better to do.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Mac to Windows -- maybe text encoding

2004-08-26 Thread Steve and Lee Ann Setzer
Thanks to Jeanne A. E. DeVoto for the suggestion on the MactoISO and
ISOtoMac functions, I'll try that.

The other suggestion (from Signe Marie Sanne) was interesting and I may look
at designing future stacks around it, but would require a significant
rewrite for me at this point. Thanks though.

Steve Setzer

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

2004-08-26 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/26/04 10:42 PM, Mark Talluto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1.  It would be cool if we could add comments to an existing bug.


 2.  Would also be useful if we could resize the main window.  Sometimes
 I find myself using the horizontal slider way too much.

That's 2 votes... :-)

 I use this program everyday.  You are doing a good job Ken.

Thanks, Mark!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: grid-like control

2004-08-26 Thread Barry Levine
Why re-invent the wheel? This sounds just like the RB multi-column edit
field although you don't have an option for entering functions (and seeing
values). In RB you also have checkboxes that may be used for a column in
this object.

The RB implementation of this object is exactly what we need in Rev (IMHO).
However, to carry this thought experiment a bit further, perhaps a hidden
column could contain the formulae which would display its result in the
column to its right? Just a thought.


On 8/26/04 10:20 PM, Mark allegedly flung into the void:

 It's a reference to a possible library of duplicatable functions that
 would doc individual fields into columns and rows and size them
 properly based on border sizes for each row or column. It should also
 set line hight and font types and sizes. It should probably be done as
 an array or set of arrays and stored using a pull-parser in MTML. :-)
 There should also be global attributes for column formatting. All this
 should be like a spreadsheet layout processor. It should even handle
 the naming conventions for each field with names like r1c1, r2c1, r1c2,
 etc... It should even handle math attributes for running calculations
 from one field, ranges of fields into another field or fields. In other
 words it should be a stack that acts like a storable spreadsheet.
 Having object control over individual field objects could lead to
 extremely powerful acting spreadsheets.
 Now there's a bit of work for the person that has nothing better to do.

Barry Jay Levine
The Mac Guy

Macintosh  Windows Troubleshooting, System Engineering, Training,
Server Setup, System Upgrades and Enhancements,
Multi-platform Application Development
Backup Strategies and Implementations

On-Site service for K20, Business, Consumer

Phone/VoiceMail: 915-581-1105
Fax: 915-581-8167

use-revolution mailing list

RE: RevZilla - What Should Be Done Next?

2004-08-26 Thread Jay Madren
 Need a way to easily select a range of choices from the drop-down lists
 search.  On bugzilla I can do this by clicking on one entry then
 shift-clicking on another to select all entries in between.  This is
 for, lets say, quickly selecting all versions except 2.5.

Actually, if you select more than one thing from the same popup menu in
Search (the ones under the separator line), the label will change to
Multiple and you'll get multiple checkmarks next to them which will
indicate that you can search on multiple items within a popup menu. Let me
know if this will work for you; if not, let me know what you'd like to do
instead (or in addition).

Yes, I know you can select multiple entries, but it's not a easy, quick way
to select a lot of entries.  In my example, to select all versions except
the 2.5 ones, you have to individually select the 18 non-2.5 choices from
the version popup.  I don't know of anyone who wants to sit there and do

So what's needed is a feature like the one on bugzilla (which is really just
a feature of popups/dropdowns in web forms), where you can shift-click to
select a whole range of choices.  If that's not easy to do, then maybe a
checkbox or button to invert the selection, e.g., select the 2.5 choices,
then select invert which would invert or reverse the checkmarks on all
entries in that field.

Another feature which would also help alleviate this tedious
multiple-selection problem would be the ability to save search criteria.  So
then I could just call up a saved search, maybe modify it a little, and run
it.  Of course, this is a worthy feature on its own, no matter if you fix
the multiple selection problem or not.

Jay Madren

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Altuit releases MagicCarpet (finally!)

2004-08-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 26, 2004, at 6:36 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
Hey all, just thought I'd let you know we just released our latest 
product- MagicCarpet. It runs on both MacOSX and WinXP.
Chipp, this product looks really really great - and it resolves one of 
my next rants before it could even happen - team functionality is 
critical to me. So, all I can say is... :-D
RPSystems, Ltd.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Mac to Windows -- maybe text encoding

2004-08-26 Thread Steve and Lee Ann Setzer

Jeanne's suggestion worked for the primary problem. I ran ISOToMac and all
my buttons now appear correctly.

However, part of my game logic compares the button name to text stored in a
field. So, I need to also get the text in the field back into Mac encoding
even when running on Windows. I tried the following script but it didn't
seem to change things:

repeat with countVar = 1 to the number of fields
 get field countVar
 put ISOToMac(it) into field countVar
end repeat

Is there something wrong with my script? If not, then is there any way to
get RunRev on Windows to use Mac-encoded text in a field, or will it always
automagically turn it to Windows encoding?

Steve Setzer
 Message: 17
 Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 23:51:34 -0700
 From: Jeanne A. E. DeVoto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Mac to Windows -- maybe text encoding
 To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii ; format=flowed
 At 11:08 PM -0600 8/25/2004, Steve and Lee Ann Setzer wrote:
 (E) I do all my work on a Mac running OS X, but I have access to RunRev for
 Windows and a decent Windows 2000 PC.
 (F) The games involve buttons that have IPA characters in their names
  (Inspector--Text Formatting--Font--IPAPhon Roman)
 (G) When I move the stack to Windows, many of the button names show the
 wrong character, either a rectangle or just a different letter/glyph.
 Try the macToISO function:
  set the name of button 1 to macToISO(the name of button 1)
 This function (and the companion function ISOToMac) converts between
 the Mac and Windows character sets. (Field text is converted
 automatically when you move between platforms, but object names
 jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list