RE: Encryption & Prime Numbers

2004-09-06 Thread MisterX
the 32 bit word is just a long word...
bitXOR is used as a small time encryption. Just bitxor any number, you
will get aonther number. If you reverse the operation, you get your
number back. The bitXOR function is limited to 2^48-1 or 2^64-1.

If you use a non-prime number, it's possible that you get multiple numbers
that can unlock this number. BitXOR is extremely weak since the number
of attacks is quite small. In RSA, they started with (approx.) 2^56 bit
primes, then 2^128, and they way higher now, 2^4096 possibly.

Random padded cypher blocks are just padding to fool the cracker into
thinking he's attacking real data - usually. There's 20 million different
types of pading possible to make their lives an eternity but these guys
can use almost any resources! ;)

The private key systems use an obscure elliptical geometry topology
which is also used solve the problem or crack the key. The ellipse allows
to have 2 answers for any points on the curve of an ellipse. 

Here's more information on how it works.

and a few more links here

Note that cryptography is a wide and deep subject, too many links or
code to make sense of ;)

Hope that helps.

> At 17:23 06/09/2004 -0700, Mark Brownell wrote:
> >from here:
> >,3604,1298728,00.html
> >
> >I fail to see the relationship between a 32 bit word, bitXOR, and random 
> >padded cypher block chaining having to do anything with Prime Numbers. As 
> >far as Blowfish goes there doesn't look like there are any connections to 
> >prime numbers. Perhaps AES openSSL 128 bit encryption is based on random 
> >prime numbers. Any guesses as to how the above information can be 
> >considered useful beyond the scope of it being a new internet urban legend?
> Don't know about Blowfish specifically; it's a private-key algorithm, so 
> may have no requirement on primes.
> In general public/private key systems depend on the inability to decompose 
> very large numbers into their prime factors. So to generate a suitable 
> private key, you generate a number of primes, and multiply them together; 
> if someone could easily decompose that, they would be a large part of the 
> way towards discovering your private key.
> More mathematically, but less understandably ...
> >RSA is a public-key cryptosystem for both encryption and authentication; 
> >it was invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. It 
> >works as follows: take two large primes, p and q, and find their product n 
> >= pq; n is called the modulus. Choose a number, e, less than n and 
> >relatively prime to (p-1)(q-1), which means that e and (p-1)(q-1) have no 
> >common factors except 1. Find another number d such that (ed - 1) is 
> >divisible by (p-1)(q-1). The values e and d are called the public and 
> >private exponents, respectively. The public key is the pair (n,e); the 
> >private key is (n,d). The factors p and q maybe kept with the private key, 
> >or destroyed.
> >
> >It is difficult (presumably) to obtain the private key d from the public 
> >key (n,e). If one could factor n into p and q, however, then one could 
> >obtain the private key d. Thus the security of RSA is related to the 
> >assumption that factoring is difficult. An easy factoring method or some 
> >other feasible attack would "break" RSA.
> >
> >Here is how RSA can be used for privacy and authentication (in practice, 
> >the actual use is slightly different:
> >
> >RSA privacy (encryption): Suppose Alice wants to send a message m to Bob. 
> >Alice creates the ciphertext c by exponentiating: c = me mod n, where e 
> >and n are Bob's public key. She sends c to Bob. To decrypt, Bob also 
> >exponentiates: m = cd mod n; the relationship between e and d ensures that 
> >Bob correctly recovers m. Since only Bob knows d, only Bob can decrypt.
> >
> >RSA authentication: Suppose Alice wants to send a message m to Bob in such 
> >a way that Bob is assured that the message is authentic and is from Alice. 
> >Alice creates a digital signature s by exponentiating: s = md mod n, where 
> >d and n are Alice's private key. She sends m and s to Bob. To verify the 
> >signature, Bob exponentiates and checks that the message m is recovered: m 
> >= se mod n, where e and n are Alice's public key.
> >
> >Thus encryption and authentication take place without any sharing of 
> >private keys : each person uses only other people's public keys and his or 
> >her own private key. Anyone can send an encrypted message or verify a 
> >signed message, using only public keys, but only someone in possession of 
> >the correct private key can decrypt or sign a message.
> (quote from
> -- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Download videos? (OT: What is Labor Day)

2004-09-06 Thread Pierre Sahores
Thanks Marian and Mark,
 Le travail est l'aliment des âmes nobles. Generosos animos labor 
nutrit. Work is the food of noble hearts.

Letters to Lucilius, XXXI
Best, Pierre
Le 7 sept. 04, à 04:50, Marian Petrides a écrit :
Labor Day is a national holiday in the US to celebrate working 
Americans.  It traditionally marks the end of the summer, just as 
Memorial Day--late in May-- (remembering all those who died in the 
service of our country) marks the start of summer.

Quoting from the department of Labor website   :

"Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor 
movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of 
American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the 
contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and 
well-being of our country."

There's lots more information on how Labor Day came about at the above 
URL if you are interested.

Monday, September 6, 2004, 10:30:35 AM, you wrote:
PS> Hello Marian :-)
PS> Can you relate what's the Labor Day we have n't at all, there in 
PS> ? Thanks for helping to expend my little Worldaround knowedge :)

I'll fill in for Marian for a moment...
We're a bit behind the times here in the US. While the rest of the
world celebrates labor on the first of May, we wait until the first
Monday until September because of the "unpleasant" connections of
Mayday with... er... labor. Although if I remember correctly, Maggie
Thatcher also tried to move the UK off the standard and substitute a
holiday for the Queen Mum's birthday.

On Sep 6, 2004, at 1:30 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
Can you relate what's the Labor Day we have n't at all, there in 
France ? Thanks for helping to expend my little Worldaround knowedge 
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Externals in OS X

2004-09-06 Thread Sarah Reichelt
Hello everyone,
I'm having a really bad day, only about 80% of which is due to 
Revolution :-( At the moment I feel like running around screaming 
before ending up sobbing a corner, so any help would be gratefully 

I am trying to compile an app which uses MySQL but it won't work.
I'm trying to compile another app which uses XML but it won't work.
I'm trying to compile a third app which uses speech but it won't work.
They all work perfectly in the IDE.
I have just filed a bug reporting how the speech & XML externals do not 
get copied into the bundle when making a standalone in OS X and how 
even if they are copied over manually, they still don't work.

In the case of the database externals, they ARE copied over 
automatically, but they still don't work. This may be the same problem, 
but I never had any such problems with earlier versions although I 
haven't used externals in standalones much.

I have tried the usual techniques of explicitly setting the externals 
and making sure I start using the stack with the externals, but nothing 
is working. If anyone has any ideas, I would be very grateful. I am 
using Rev 2.5 build 1 (or whatever today's version is called).

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Passing flds as Parameters?

2004-09-06 Thread Brian Yennie
send "hander" && fld "f" to btn "b"
How about this:
put fld "f" into myVar
send "hander myVar" to btn "b"
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Passing flds as Parameters?

2004-09-06 Thread Sarah Reichelt
How can I pass a fld in a send command and still retain the multiple
lines of that fld? I'm trying the following:
While I can't fix my problem, I have narrowed it down to having commas 
the source data. I suspect the send command is truncating my data at 
first comma it finds expecting further parameters. Got  any ideas? 
rather absurd that I would have to "escape" all my commas and then 

Yes, I've run into the same thing. One way is to use the "replace" 
command to change all the commas to another character before sending 
the field, then change them back in the called handler. Alternatively, 
pass the name of the field and let the called handler get it's own 
data. A third possibility that I have never tried would be to use the 
"paramCount" function or "the params" and get the complete set of info 
passed to the handler, even if it thinks it is broken up into multiple 

use-revolution mailing list

OT--sort of

2004-09-06 Thread Jim Hurley
I would like to write a RR application which automates an email task we have.
To do this I need to be able to load all emails in the current IN box 
into a RR field.

I can do this in Eudora on my Mac; the IN box file is in the Eurora 
folder and is titled "In". Simple enough.

But I can't locate the corresponding file for Express. Little help 
please--Mac and Windows file names.

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Passing flds as Parameters?

2004-09-06 Thread Arthur Urban
> > How can I pass a fld in a send command and still retain the 
> multiple 
> > lines of that fld? I'm trying the following:
> > 
> >send "hander" && fld "f" to btn "b"
> > 
> > This only sends line 1 of the fld. If I try:
> > 
> >send "handler" && quote & fld "f" & quote to btn "b"
> > 
> > then I get all the lines but unwanted quote marks. How do others 
> > handle this situation?
> Arthur, I set up two fields and two buttons. In the first 
> field I put a bunch of text (multiple lines).
> The script of btn 1 was:
> on mouseUp
>   send "doIt" && fld 1 to btn 2
> end mouseUp
> The script of btn 2 was:
> on DoIt pWhat
>   put pWhat into fld 2
> end DoIt
> I then clicked button 1 and my text appeared in fld 2, 
> multiple lines and all. Perhaps it's something else?

While I can't fix my problem, I have narrowed it down to having commas in
the source data. I suspect the send command is truncating my data at the
first comma it finds expecting further parameters. Got  any ideas? Seems
rather absurd that I would have to "escape" all my commas and then reinstate

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Copying Menus

2004-09-06 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 9/6/04 12:04 PM, James Spencer wrote:
I can copy the main stack's group by temporarily making it a windows 
style menu (on the card) selecting the group and copying it and then 
restoring the main stack's menu to the top of the screen.  I can then 
paste this into the substack but, of course, it appears on the card and 
when I set it to be at the top of the screen,  Rev moves my content up. 
 Problem, of course is that I didn't forsee a problem in copying the 
menu bar so I didn't leave space at the top of the card and I'm losing 
part of my content.  I've tried variations of this some of which at 
least show the menus but Menu Builder won't edit them.
That's how menus work on Macs; you need to make room on the card for 
them. You can see an explanation about it here:

The next page in the tutorial after this one is called "Adding a Menu 
Bar" and does what you are looking for. There is a handler script in 
there called "pushdown" that will move all your objects down for you and 
make a space for a previously unplanned menubar.

You might want to look at some of the other sections in the tutorial 
too, as it explains some of the differences between how HyperCard and 
Revolution work.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: insert script

2004-09-06 Thread Richard Gaskin
For more:
Extending the Runtime Revolution Message Path:
An introduction to using libraries, frontScripts, and backScripts
in Revolution's Transcript programming language

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

printing PDF's

2004-09-06 Thread John

I do a lot of printing with government forms that I change from a PDF to a
.png file (works much better than .jpg both for speed, size of file, and
resolution of print-out). I experimented with .gif too.
I'm trying to do the same. Do you convert the PDF to .png from within 
Rev or do you use another app for that?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: CGI Problem Solved [was Re: CGI Fiction Search Example]

2004-09-06 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 9/6/04 1:35 PM, Gregory Lypny wrote:
While I'm here, I do have another question for anyone out there with 
Revolution cgi experience, and this concerns the speed with which a 
Revolution cgi returns a result the first time it is called by a 
client.  My first search of Fiction Search takes a long time, say, 
thirty seconds, to return a page of hits.  Subsequent searches are 
completed in the blink of an eye.  Is this a client-side or server-side 
thing?  In other words, will all visitors to my projects experience a 
potentially confusing slow first response, or is it just a matter of me 
somehow priming or loading the Revolution engine into memory on my 
server in advance, so that it's ready for visitors?
I'm not sure what to tell you, except that I've never seen that kind of 
lag, even the first time I run the cgi. There must be something else 
going on. On my Mac, I can't tell the difference between the first time 
I run it and subsequent times.

Each time the cgi runs a new instance of Revolution is launched, so you 
can't really "preload" it. The OS will cache the engine usually by 
itself, so maybe your machine is doing something that mine isn't?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Copying Menus

2004-09-06 Thread Sarah Reichelt
Hi James,
I suggest making a separate sub-stack and MOVING your original menu 
group to it, where it can be set to non-Mac style for easy editing. If 
you call it "Menu1", then in your main stack's preOpenStack handler, 
you can say:
	set the menuBar of this stack to "Menu1"

Back to the menu editing stack, duplicate the group, edit the new one 
as you see fit, call it "Menu2" or whatever you like, and use the same 
type of script to set the menubar for stack 2.

I have given up using the Mac-style menus in favor of having them in 
separate stacks. It makes them easier to edit and I don't have any 
problems with the objects being relocated or the stack window being 

On 7 Sep 2004, at 3:16 am, James Spencer wrote:
It strikes me that this should be easy but I'm a dolt and can't figure 
it out.  Nor can I find anything in the "documentation" (one more 
voice in the wilderness: the documentation is great for looking up 
specific Transcript elements but stinks for figuring out how to use 
the development environment).

I have a project based on three related stacks (at this point, they 
are arranged as a main stack and two substacks in a single file) which 
is intended to run exclusively under OS X (which matters only because 
the menus are intended to only be at the top of the screen and no 
space has been left in any of the stacks for a menu bar on the card).  
All three have related but slightly different menus.  What I would 
like to do is,  having developed my menus for the main stack,  to be 
able to copy that menubar group from the main stack to the other two 
stacks where I want to be able to edit them without having to recreate 
the menus and their scripts from scratch for each substack.

I can copy the main stack's group by temporarily making it a windows 
style menu (on the card) selecting the group and copying it and then 
restoring the main stack's menu to the top of the screen.  I can then 
paste this into the substack but, of course, it appears on the card 
and when I set it to be at the top of the screen,  Rev moves my 
content up.  Problem, of course is that I didn't forsee a problem in 
copying the menu bar so I didn't leave space at the top of the card 
and I'm losing part of my content.  I've tried variations of this some 
of which at least show the menus but Menu Builder won't edit them.

I thought I might be able to copy and pasting the original menu bar 
group from the Application Browser but this doesn't seem to be 
permitted: when I paste the group, regardless of what is selected and 
displayed in the Browser, a second copy of the group is placed in the 
original stack.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: lock up a stack

2004-09-06 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On 6 Sep 2004, at 2:57 pm, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
I want to be able to "lock up" a stack such that the user cannot 
select text in fields, but all the buttons run.. then, when he clicks 
"edit" the application drops a "in use" semaphore file on the server 
so that others can read the stack from the server but not make 
changes... and the user with edit privileges can now edit text and 
when he saves, the changes are saved to a temp stack on disk and the 
app FTP's the changed stack back to the server and delete the 
semaphore file.

How about a large transparent button that covers all the fields. Your 
actual buttons could be on top of this transparent button so they are 
clickable, but by toggling the visibility of the big transparent 
button, you could toggle the ability to type or select any field data.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Download videos?

2004-09-06 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, September 6, 2004, 10:30:35 AM, you wrote:

PS> Hello Marian :-)

PS> Can you relate what's the Labor Day we have n't at all, there in France
PS> ? Thanks for helping to expend my little Worldaround knowedge :)

I'll fill in for Marian for a moment...

We're a bit behind the times here in the US. While the rest of the
world celebrates labor on the first of May, we wait until the first
Monday until September because of the "unpleasant" connections of
Mayday with... er... labor. Although if I remember correctly, Maggie
Thatcher also tried to move the UK off the standard and substitute a
holiday for the Queen Mum's birthday.

PS> About saving QT videos to disk, i use QuickTime Pro (US $ 29 or so)
PS> witch include the "save to disk" feature. There are probably other ways
PS> (Rev QT libs, QT Java Libs, etc...) to do the same but it's the onest i
PS> know about, at this time.

I've gotten so used to the "save to disk" feature of QTPro that I tend
to forget that the normal QT version doesn't normally support it. If
the QT browser plugin is configured for it, though, you can also find
QT videos in the browser cache directory.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: lock up a stack

2004-09-06 Thread Marian Petrides
I do the following at the very end of development to ensure that all 
field text is locked. The second loop ensures that all fields are not 
focusable, either.

To lock text in all fields and make the fields not focusable create a 
button on card 1 with the following script

on mouseUp
repeat with j = 1 to the number of cards
go card j
repeat with x = 1 to the number of fields
  set the lockText of field x to true
end repeat
end repeat
  repeat with j = 1 to the number of cards
go card j
repeat with x = 1 to the number of fields
  set the traversalOn of field x to false
--make field not focusable
end repeat
  end repeat
end mouseUp
Once the scripts have executed, just delete the button from cd 1.

On 9/5/04 11:55 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
What is wanted is a kind of global lock text function that does not 
require scripts to run through all fields in the mains stack and 
substacks. but simply lock all the text in one go...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Download videos? (OT: What is Labor Day)

2004-09-06 Thread Marian Petrides
Labor Day is a national holiday in the US to celebrate working 
Americans.  It traditionally marks the end of the summer, just as 
Memorial Day--late in May-- (remembering all those who died in the 
service of our country) marks the start of summer.

Quoting from the department of Labor website   :

"Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor 
movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of 
American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the 
contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and 
well-being of our country."

There's lots more information on how Labor Day came about at the above 
URL if you are interested.

On Sep 6, 2004, at 1:30 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
Can you relate what's the Labor Day we have n't at all, there in 
France ? Thanks for helping to expend my little Worldaround knowedge 
use-revolution mailing list

problems with ftp

2004-09-06 Thread rand valentine
 Hi, everyone. I'm having a vexing problem with ftp-downloading a series of
files in a repeat loop. I need to download three files. The loop is very
simple, something akin to:

repeat with counter = 1 to 3
  put decompress(url ftpPath/file&counter&".gz") into temp
  put temp into fld counter
end repeat

 The ftp commands are straightforward, but what happens is that the first
file gets put in the third field, and the other fields aren't updated. So it
seems like the put command _isn't_ blocking. What can I do to fix this? I'm
still using rev 2.2. Thanks.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Encryption & Prime Numbers

2004-09-06 Thread Mark Brownell
On Monday, September 6, 2004, at 06:06 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
Don't know about Blowfish specifically; it's a private-key algorithm, 
so may have no requirement on primes.
It has none. It uses a symmetric key encryption process.
In general public/private key systems depend on the inability to 
decompose very large numbers into their prime factors. So to generate 
a suitable private key, you generate a number of primes, and multiply 
them together; if someone could easily decompose that, they would be a 
large part of the way towards discovering your private key.
Interesting. After checking out the AES algorithm the variable length 
key and variable block size look like they were designed to work well 
with RSA.  If this weakness has been discovered by a mathematician  
then they will need to come up with a suitable private key system. 
There appears to be no tricks out there to clobber AES or Blowfish 
other than a brute force attack.

Thanks for the info on RSA,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: insert script

2004-09-06 Thread Ken Ray
On 9/6/04 7:59 PM, "Hershel Fisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday, September 6, 2004, at 08:06 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
>> On 9/6/04 5:16 PM, "Hershel Fisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi all ,
>>> I'm trying to figure out how the insert script works.
>>> I have a "script Lib." stack containing only custom handlers and
>>> functions
>>> I have a sub stack "myStack" in an openStack message I  put in "insert
>>> script from stack "script Lib" into back"
>>> Now when I open the sub stack "mySTack" the on openStack message
>>> triggers the handler from the script lib. even its into back and I
>>> have
>>> an on openStack in the main stack.  Also when open another sub stack
>>> with no insert script in it , it triggers that same script as said
>>> above , wondering , what is the proper understanding of the "insert
>>> script" .
>> The use of "insert script" is much like the use of libraries - you
>> place an
>> entire script in the message passing hierarchy, but *after* the
>> "normal"
>> stacks receive the message. This allows you to trap messages that other
>> object have not trapped (if you insert into the back - a
>> "backScript"), or
>> to trap messages before they hit their intended target (if you insert
>> into
>> the front - a "frontScript"). This applies to all open stacks and
>> substacks
>> - backscripts are "behind" every stack, and frontScripts are "in front
>> of"
>> every stack.
> What I understand (and what I see)  is that if sub stack "A", handler
> "a" has an insert script "tScript" into "back or front"
> then sub stack "B" will react the same way even if sub stack "B"
> doesn't have the insert. Is this the way it suppose to work ?

Yes. As I mentioned this applies to *all* open stacks and substacks -
backscripts are behind them all, and frontScripts are in front of them all.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: insert script

2004-09-06 Thread Hershel Fisch
On Monday, September 6, 2004, at 08:06 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
On 9/6/04 5:16 PM, "Hershel Fisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all ,
I'm trying to figure out how the insert script works.
I have a "script Lib." stack containing only custom handlers and
I have a sub stack "myStack" in an openStack message I  put in "insert
script from stack "script Lib" into back"
Now when I open the sub stack "mySTack" the on openStack message
triggers the handler from the script lib. even its into back and I 
an on openStack in the main stack.  Also when open another sub stack
with no insert script in it , it triggers that same script as said
above , wondering , what is the proper understanding of the "insert
script" .
The use of "insert script" is much like the use of libraries - you 
place an
entire script in the message passing hierarchy, but *after* the 
stacks receive the message. This allows you to trap messages that other
object have not trapped (if you insert into the back - a 
"backScript"), or
to trap messages before they hit their intended target (if you insert 
the front - a "frontScript"). This applies to all open stacks and 
- backscripts are "behind" every stack, and frontScripts are "in front 
every stack.
What I understand (and what I see)  is that if sub stack "A", handler 
"a" has an insert script "tScript" into "back or front"
then sub stack "B" will react the same way even if sub stack "B" 
doesn't have the insert. Is this the way it suppose to work ?
Thanks, Hershel
The reason you're getting what you're getting is that when a stack 
opens, a
number of messages are triggered (openCard, preOpenCard, openStack,
preOpenStack, etc.), and so if the stack that opens doesn't trap all of
these (and most don't), they will make their way "up" (it's how I 
it) the message passing hierarchy and eventually hit the backscript 
will get it and activate it. In your case, it's the openStack message.

Personally, I would put the common handlers and functions into another
object and insert *its* script into the back. I commonly do this with a
button called "BS" (for backscript) or "FS" (for frontscript) as in:
  insert the script of btn "BS" into back
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Status Window Questions

2004-09-06 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Sep 6, 2004, at 4:26 PM, David Egbert wrote:
I also wasn't aware of Script Local Variables (You can declare them at 
the beginning of a script and all the handlers in the script can 
recognize them).  Cool stuff!
Script locals are your friends.  Just be aware that the value will be 
reset every time you edit the script.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Encryption & Prime Numbers

2004-09-06 Thread Alex Tweedly
At 17:23 06/09/2004 -0700, Mark Brownell wrote:
from here:,3604,1298728,00.html
I fail to see the relationship between a 32 bit word, bitXOR, and random 
padded cypher block chaining having to do anything with Prime Numbers. As 
far as Blowfish goes there doesn't look like there are any connections to 
prime numbers. Perhaps AES openSSL 128 bit encryption is based on random 
prime numbers. Any guesses as to how the above information can be 
considered useful beyond the scope of it being a new internet urban legend?
Don't know about Blowfish specifically; it's a private-key algorithm, so 
may have no requirement on primes.

In general public/private key systems depend on the inability to decompose 
very large numbers into their prime factors. So to generate a suitable 
private key, you generate a number of primes, and multiply them together; 
if someone could easily decompose that, they would be a large part of the 
way towards discovering your private key.

More mathematically, but less understandably ...
RSA is a public-key cryptosystem for both encryption and authentication; 
it was invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. It 
works as follows: take two large primes, p and q, and find their product n 
= pq; n is called the modulus. Choose a number, e, less than n and 
relatively prime to (p-1)(q-1), which means that e and (p-1)(q-1) have no 
common factors except 1. Find another number d such that (ed - 1) is 
divisible by (p-1)(q-1). The values e and d are called the public and 
private exponents, respectively. The public key is the pair (n,e); the 
private key is (n,d). The factors p and q maybe kept with the private key, 
or destroyed.

It is difficult (presumably) to obtain the private key d from the public 
key (n,e). If one could factor n into p and q, however, then one could 
obtain the private key d. Thus the security of RSA is related to the 
assumption that factoring is difficult. An easy factoring method or some 
other feasible attack would "break" RSA.

Here is how RSA can be used for privacy and authentication (in practice, 
the actual use is slightly different:

RSA privacy (encryption): Suppose Alice wants to send a message m to Bob. 
Alice creates the ciphertext c by exponentiating: c = me mod n, where e 
and n are Bob's public key. She sends c to Bob. To decrypt, Bob also 
exponentiates: m = cd mod n; the relationship between e and d ensures that 
Bob correctly recovers m. Since only Bob knows d, only Bob can decrypt.

RSA authentication: Suppose Alice wants to send a message m to Bob in such 
a way that Bob is assured that the message is authentic and is from Alice. 
Alice creates a digital signature s by exponentiating: s = md mod n, where 
d and n are Alice's private key. She sends m and s to Bob. To verify the 
signature, Bob exponentiates and checks that the message m is recovered: m 
= se mod n, where e and n are Alice's public key.

Thus encryption and authentication take place without any sharing of 
private keys : each person uses only other people's public keys and his or 
her own private key. Anyone can send an encrypted message or verify a 
signed message, using only public keys, but only someone in possession of 
the correct private key can decrypt or sign a message.
(quote from
-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Print - A4 - wysiwyg

2004-09-06 Thread Bill
I do a lot of printing with government forms that I change from a PDF to a
.png file (works much better than .jpg both for speed, size of file, and
resolution of print-out). I experimented with .gif too.

My print command looks  like this:

  set the printmargins to 0,0,0,0
  open printing with dialog
  print card from 0,0 to 612,792
  close printing

And even though the card is much smaller than the image it prints exactly
the size of the 8.5 X 11 page that the PDF was made for. It would be
wonderful if we could use the PDF directly but...

On 9/6/04 5:30 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I scan an A4 form (300 ppi) and name it "Formulaire.jpg".  The size of
> this image is 595X842  (points X points).
> I have a stack which size is 595,842.
> I import "Formulaire.jpg" in this stack. I reduce the size of this
> image to 595,842.
> I want to print this cd to have the same form printed as the original
> form that I scanned (I mean with the same sizes).
> I tryed different things, but it was never good.
> For example, I tryed this :
> open printing with dialog
> set printpapersize to 595,842--- A4
> set printmargins to 10,10,10,40   --- I have an EPSON Stylus Color 800
> (minimum margins of this printer : 3mm, 3mm, 3mm, 14 mm)  (1 inch =
> 25,4 mm)
> print this cd from 10,10 to 595-10,842-40 into 0,0,595-20,842-50
> close printing
> I don't know how to obtain exactly the same size as the original after
> printing.
> Thanks.
> Leo
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

   )_)  )_)  )_)
---\   /-
 ^ ^

24 hour cell: (787) 378-6190
fax: (787) 809-8426

Blue Water Maritime
P.O. Box 91
Puerto Real, PR 00740

use-revolution mailing list

Encryption & Prime Numbers

2004-09-06 Thread Mark Brownell
from here:,3604,1298728,00.html

The Riemann hypothesis would explain the apparently random pattern of 
prime numbers - numbers such as 3, 17 and 31, for instance, are all 
prime numbers: they are divisible only by themselves and one. Prime 
numbers are the atoms of arithmetic. They are also the key to internet 
cryptography: in effect they keep banks safe and credit cards secure.

This year Louis de Branges, a French-born mathematician now at Purdue 
University in the US, claimed a proof of the Riemann hypothesis. So 
far, his colleagues are not convinced. They were not convinced, years 
ago, when de Branges produced an answer to another famous mathematical 
challenge, but in time they accepted his reasoning. This time, the 
mathematical community remains even more sceptical.

"The proof he has announced is rather incomprehensible. Now 
mathematicians are less sure that the million [prize-see full article] 
has been won," Prof du Sautoy said.

"The whole of e-commerce depends on prime numbers. I have described 
the primes as atoms: what mathematicians are missing is a kind of 
mathematical prime spectrometer. Chemists have a machine that, if you 
give it a molecule, will tell you the atoms that it is built from. 
Mathematicians haven't invented a mathematical version of this. That 
is what we are after. If the Riemann hypothesis is true, it won't 
produce a prime number spectrometer. But the proof should give us more 
understanding of how the primes work, and therefore the proof might be 
translated into something that might produce this prime spectrometer. 
If it does, it will bring the whole of e-commerce to its knees, 
overnight. So there are very big implications."
I fail to see the relationship between a 32 bit word, bitXOR, and 
random padded cypher block chaining having to do anything with Prime 
Numbers. As far as Blowfish goes there doesn't look like there are any 
connections to prime numbers. Perhaps AES openSSL 128 bit encryption is 
based on random prime numbers. Any guesses as to how the above 
information can be considered useful beyond the scope of it being a new 
internet urban legend?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: ANN: FTP Commander (the ftp browser Frank asked for...)

2004-09-06 Thread Roger . E . Eller
On Monday, September 6, 2004, at 02:31 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> don't forget the ending slash in the FTP URL like:
> ftp://myUser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mySweetFolder/
> let me know if this works for you!!! :D
> Cheers
> andre

Almost everything works for me. I had to comment out the
-- delete last char of tFilename
in the download button, otherwise it was chopping the last char of the 
actual filename. My local system is running Rev 2.2 on Win2k. The FTP site 
was an SGI Octane running Irix 6.4. The directory listing works fine, but 
it will not download a file to my local desktop. The log info says the 
transfer completed.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /shared_files/ting.wav' (5886 
226 Transfer complete.

Still it's very impressive for 5 hours of work!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Passing flds as Parameters?

2004-09-06 Thread Ken Ray
On 9/6/04 7:01 PM, "Arthur Urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How can I pass a fld in a send command and still retain the multiple lines
> of that fld? I'm trying the following:
>send "hander" && fld "f" to btn "b"
> This only sends line 1 of the fld. If I try:
>send "handler" && quote & fld "f" & quote to btn "b"
> then I get all the lines but unwanted quote marks. How do others handle this
> situation?

Arthur, I set up two fields and two buttons. In the first field I put a
bunch of text (multiple lines).

The script of btn 1 was:

on mouseUp
  send "doIt" && fld 1 to btn 2
end mouseUp

The script of btn 2 was:

on DoIt pWhat
  put pWhat into fld 2
end DoIt

I then clicked button 1 and my text appeared in fld 2, multiple lines and
all. Perhaps it's something else?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Progress Bar too small on MacOS X?

2004-09-06 Thread David Egbert
The progress bar widget looks unusually small (in height) on MacOS X. 
When I tried to adjust the height of the progress bar it just re-sizes 
the selectable area of the bar, not the bar itself. Is there a way to 
change the real height?

I double checked the progress bar height in Interface Builder. There's 
a regular bar at 16px tall, a small bar at 10px, and a mini (not sure 
how tall). The Rev bar seems to be stuck at 11px tall. Is that a bug? A 
feature?  :-)

Rev 2.5 GM
MacOS X 10.3.5
Dave Egbert
use-revolution mailing list

Re: ANN: FTP Commander (the ftp browser Frank asked for...)

2004-09-06 Thread Ken Ray
On 9/6/04 4:31 PM, "Andre Garzia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frank,
> don't forget the ending slash in the FTP URL like:
> ftp://myUser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mySweetFolder/
> let me know if this works for you!!! :D
> Cheers
> andre

That's awesome, Andre! Thanks!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: insert script

2004-09-06 Thread Ken Ray
On 9/6/04 5:16 PM, "Hershel Fisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all ,
> I'm trying to figure out how the insert script works.
> I have a "script Lib." stack containing only custom handlers and
> functions
> I have a sub stack "myStack" in an openStack message I  put in "insert
> script from stack "script Lib" into back"
> Now when I open the sub stack "mySTack" the on openStack message
> triggers the handler from the script lib. even its into back and I have
> an on openStack in the main stack.  Also when open another sub stack
> with no insert script in it , it triggers that same script as said
> above , wondering , what is the proper understanding of the "insert
> script" .

The use of "insert script" is much like the use of libraries - you place an
entire script in the message passing hierarchy, but *after* the "normal"
stacks receive the message. This allows you to trap messages that other
object have not trapped (if you insert into the back - a "backScript"), or
to trap messages before they hit their intended target (if you insert into
the front - a "frontScript"). This applies to all open stacks and substacks
- backscripts are "behind" every stack, and frontScripts are "in front of"
every stack. 

The reason you're getting what you're getting is that when a stack opens, a
number of messages are triggered (openCard, preOpenCard, openStack,
preOpenStack, etc.), and so if the stack that opens doesn't trap all of
these (and most don't), they will make their way "up" (it's how I visualize
it) the message passing hierarchy and eventually hit the backscript which
will get it and activate it. In your case, it's the openStack message.

Personally, I would put the common handlers and functions into another
object and insert *its* script into the back. I commonly do this with a
button called "BS" (for backscript) or "FS" (for frontscript) as in:

  insert the script of btn "BS" into back


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Passing flds as Parameters?

2004-09-06 Thread Arthur Urban
How can I pass a fld in a send command and still retain the multiple lines
of that fld? I'm trying the following:

   send "hander" && fld "f" to btn "b"

This only sends line 1 of the fld. If I try:

   send "handler" && quote & fld "f" & quote to btn "b"

then I get all the lines but unwanted quote marks. How do others handle this

~~~ Arthur

"Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake."

use-revolution mailing list

Re: ANN: FTP Commander (the ftp browser Frank asked for...)

2004-09-06 Thread Mark Brownell
On Monday, September 6, 2004, at 02:31 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:
don't forget the ending slash in the FTP URL like:
ftp://myUser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mySweetFolder/
let me know if this works for you!!! :D
Works great. Now I get it. In just a few guesses I got the correct 
configuration of the URL with my proper connection information and I 
was in. Now a double click on folder names to append the folder name to 
the current URL in combination with a mouseUp simulation or 
refreshftpfilelist and you have effectively replaced my old fetch 
program running Mac 9.2 on my MacOSX.

Now I'll test it to see if I can upload. What about  "as text" or "as 
raw binary data?"

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Status Window Questions

2004-09-06 Thread David Egbert
Thanks Trevor,
It works great!
I also wasn't aware of Script Local Variables (You can declare them at 
the beginning of a script and all the handlers in the script can 
recognize them).  Cool stuff!

Thanks again.
Dave Egbert
On Sep 6, 2004, at 4:29 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:
On Sep 6, 2004, at 3:14 PM, David Egbert wrote:
I'm trying to implement a status window in an app I'm building.
I'd like to user to click a "Process" button and have the app open a 
status window indicating the status of the stuff they are processing 
(with a progress bar, cancel button, and other useful information). 
The main script for the processing is located in a sub stack where 
the main interface is located. I thought I could just open the status 
stack, have a button on that stack that sets a global to cancel the 
process, and have the processing script check the global each time it 
processes an item.  Here's basically what the processing script looks 

repeat with x = 1 to theNumberOfItems
global gCancelStuff
processStuff theItem
if gCancelStuff is true then exit to top
end repeat
The problem is the script prevents all interaction to buttons until 
it has completed processing all of the items. Is there a way to 
script it so the Cancel button can be clicked (and the process 
aborted)? Is there an example stack somewhere I can learn from?
Maybe try using send rather than a repeat loop.  Something like the 
following may give you the results you are after.

local sNumberOfItems
local sItemCounter
on startProcessing
put 20 into sNumberOfItems
put 0 into sItemCounter
send "processStuff" to me in 0 seconds
end startProcessing
on processStuf
add 1 to sItemCounter
-- do stuff to item sItemCounter

if sItemCounter < sNumberOfItems AND gCancelStuff <> true then
send "processStuff" to me in 10 milliseconds
end if
end processStuff
Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Status Window Questions

2004-09-06 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Sep 6, 2004, at 3:14 PM, David Egbert wrote:
I'm trying to implement a status window in an app I'm building.
I'd like to user to click a "Process" button and have the app open a 
status window indicating the status of the stuff they are processing 
(with a progress bar, cancel button, and other useful information). 
The main script for the processing is located in a sub stack where the 
main interface is located. I thought I could just open the status 
stack, have a button on that stack that sets a global to cancel the 
process, and have the processing script check the global each time it 
processes an item.  Here's basically what the processing script looks 

repeat with x = 1 to theNumberOfItems
global gCancelStuff
processStuff theItem
if gCancelStuff is true then exit to top
end repeat
The problem is the script prevents all interaction to buttons until it 
has completed processing all of the items. Is there a way to script it 
so the Cancel button can be clicked (and the process aborted)? Is 
there an example stack somewhere I can learn from?
Maybe try using send rather than a repeat loop.  Something like the 
following may give you the results you are after.

local sNumberOfItems
local sItemCounter
on startProcessing
put 20 into sNumberOfItems
put 0 into sItemCounter
send "processStuff" to me in 0 seconds
end startProcessing
on processStuf
add 1 to sItemCounter
-- do stuff to item sItemCounter

if sItemCounter < sNumberOfItems AND gCancelStuff <> true then
send "processStuff" to me in 10 milliseconds
end if
end processStuff
Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

insert script

2004-09-06 Thread Hershel Fisch
Hi all ,
I'm trying to figure out how the insert script works.
I have a "script Lib." stack containing only custom handlers and 
I have a sub stack "myStack" in an openStack message I  put in "insert 
script from stack "script Lib" into back"
Now when I open the sub stack "mySTack" the on openStack message 
triggers the handler from the script lib. even its into back and I have 
an on openStack in the main stack.  Also when open another sub stack 
with no insert script in it , it triggers that same script as said 
above , wondering , what is the proper understanding of the "insert 
script" .
Thanks a mill. Hershel

use-revolution mailing list

Status Window Questions

2004-09-06 Thread David Egbert
I'm trying to implement a status window in an app I'm building.
I'd like to user to click a "Process" button and have the app open a 
status window indicating the status of the stuff they are processing 
(with a progress bar, cancel button, and other useful information). The 
main script for the processing is located in a sub stack where the main 
interface is located. I thought I could just open the status stack, 
have a button on that stack that sets a global to cancel the process, 
and have the processing script check the global each time it processes 
an item.  Here's basically what the processing script looks like:

repeat with x = 1 to theNumberOfItems
global gCancelStuff
processStuff theItem
if gCancelStuff is true then exit to top
end repeat
The problem is the script prevents all interaction to buttons until it 
has completed processing all of the items. Is there a way to script it 
so the Cancel button can be clicked (and the process aborted)? Is there 
an example stack somewhere I can learn from?

Thanks in advance.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: ANN: FTP Commander (the ftp browser Frank asked for...)

2004-09-06 Thread Andre Garzia
don't forget the ending slash in the FTP URL like:
ftp://myUser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mySweetFolder/
let me know if this works for you!!! :D
On Sep 6, 2004, at 6:27 PM, Frank Leahy wrote:
Well I'll be a son of a gun...
Andre...I'll let you know how it goes.
-- Frnak
Web Photos Pro: Software for Photo Bloggers and Other Photo Power Users
See us on the web at
On Sep 6, 2004, at 10:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

From: Andre Garzia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ANN: FTP Commander (the ftp browser Frank asked for...)
To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=MACINTOSH; format=flowed
FTP Commander
By Andre Alves Garzia 2004
Motivated by a email from Frank Leahy, I decided to see how fast I
could make a FTP client for the masses. The result is 5 hours. At 1:17
I received the email, at 6:09 I am writing this email. Conclusion
Revolution Rulz!
I was inspired by old XTree Gold, on the left side is local, on right
side is Server side. You can type the full path in the field or press
browse. You must type in the full FTP URL (including user and pass) on
the field. Pressing refresh will refresh the list. Top listbox on each
side is folder list, botton listbox is file list. You can select
multiple files. Operations will work on multiple files. Theres a 
log field below. So far I tested all the operations. You can upload,
download, traverse, rename one or multiple files. you go tagging the
files, and press the desired operation button. It works, I think I'll
market this one soon...

so far so good, two apps in one day... pretty good.
Happy FTP!!!
use-revolution mailing list

Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Print - A4 - wysiwyg

2004-09-06 Thread doupsy
I scan an A4 form (300 ppi) and name it "Formulaire.jpg".  The size of 
this image is 595X842  (points X points).

I have a stack which size is 595,842.
I import "Formulaire.jpg" in this stack. I reduce the size of this 
image to 595,842.

I want to print this cd to have the same form printed as the original 
form that I scanned (I mean with the same sizes).

I tryed different things, but it was never good.
For example, I tryed this :
open printing with dialog
set printpapersize to 595,842--- A4
set printmargins to 10,10,10,40   --- I have an EPSON Stylus Color 800 
(minimum margins of this printer : 3mm, 3mm, 3mm, 14 mm)  (1 inch = 
25,4 mm)
print this cd from 10,10 to 595-10,842-40 into 0,0,595-20,842-50
close printing

I don't know how to obtain exactly the same size as the original after 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: ANN: FTP Commander (the ftp browser Frank asked for...)

2004-09-06 Thread Frank Leahy
Well I'll be a son of a gun...
Andre...I'll let you know how it goes.
-- Frnak
Web Photos Pro: Software for Photo Bloggers and Other Photo Power Users
See us on the web at
On Sep 6, 2004, at 10:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

From: Andre Garzia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ANN: FTP Commander (the ftp browser Frank asked for...)
To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=MACINTOSH; format=flowed
FTP Commander
By Andre Alves Garzia 2004
Motivated by a email from Frank Leahy, I decided to see how fast I
could make a FTP client for the masses. The result is 5 hours. At 1:17
I received the email, at 6:09 I am writing this email. Conclusion
Revolution Rulz!
I was inspired by old XTree Gold, on the left side is local, on right
side is Server side. You can type the full path in the field or press
browse. You must type in the full FTP URL (including user and pass) on
the field. Pressing refresh will refresh the list. Top listbox on each
side is folder list, botton listbox is file list. You can select
multiple files. Operations will work on multiple files. Theres a libURL
log field below. So far I tested all the operations. You can upload,
download, traverse, rename one or multiple files. you go tagging the
files, and press the desired operation button. It works, I think I'll
market this one soon...
so far so good, two apps in one day... pretty good.
Happy FTP!!!
use-revolution mailing list

ANN: FTP Commander (the ftp browser Frank asked for...)

2004-09-06 Thread Andre Garzia
FTP Commander
By Andre Alves Garzia 2004
Motivated by a email from Frank Leahy, I decided to see how fast I 
could make a FTP client for the masses. The result is 5 hours. At 1:17 
I received the email, at 6:09 I am writing this email. Conclusion 
Revolution Rulz!

I was inspired by old XTree Gold, on the left side is local, on right 
side is Server side. You can type the full path in the field or press 
browse. You must type in the full FTP URL (including user and pass) on 
the field. Pressing refresh will refresh the list. Top listbox on each 
side is folder list, botton listbox is file list. You can select 
multiple files. Operations will work on multiple files. Theres a libURL 
log field below. So far I tested all the operations. You can upload, 
download, traverse, rename one or multiple files. you go tagging the 
files, and press the desired operation button. It works, I think I'll 
market this one soon...

so far so good, two apps in one day... pretty good.
Happy FTP!!!
Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: constellation!

2004-09-06 Thread Meitnik
Jerry D.,

Thank you, thank you! Keep it up!


btw, yes I am back from dealing with windy Fla days
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Multiprocessing proposed solution

2004-09-06 Thread Andre Garzia
Wow... that's hard... I solved some issues with multiprocessing in the  
new instance of HTTPd, I think it works, the only problem is that if  
some handler on user stack blocks, then I think the whole server will  
block, but at least we can listen and answer to multiple sockets at the  
same time. Theres a "ServerWorkz RC2" inside that can do this kind of stuff. The new  
version libNetServices, is a hell better, it's a complete rewrite and  
it's not available till I solve FTP upload and the inform engine...

I really would like to see this external you made we could make a rock  
solid webserver using fork() like stuff and semaphores... for now,  
libNetServices is a pure transcript solution, but I could fork the  
codebase and open it so that other developers with more experience with  
C code and externals could help.

Your effort is very welcome! You'll be the first to receive a  
libNetServices T-Shirt when I am finished making them! (yes, I am  
making them...)

On Sep 6, 2004, at 4:58 PM, K wrote:
Okay, Andre Garzia inspired me to investigate multi-processing using  
Runtime Revolution with his httpd stack.  At first glance it seemed  
impossible nut through trial and error I have a semi-functional  
solution.  I created a external wich is using a named sockets, pipes,  
mutexes, semaphores, events and even shared memory.  Here is the break  

Process A (Parent)
Process B (Child)
Process 'A' using the sockets library in the GLIBExternal creates and  
listens on a selected port (in my case 80).  Process 'A' accepts the  
call on a "named" socket.  Then shell invokes process 'B' with the  
command line option --socket  (you can use any name you  
like) process B can now read and write to the named socket using the  
GLIBExternal socket interface.  Process A and B can then cordinate  
their activities via named mutexes, semaphoes, events and shared  
memory blocks. Of course Process A must uniquely name each socket and  
provided that name to the GLIBExternal as well as the child process  
(demostrated below).  I have not worked out the kinks of the shared  
memory on all platforms but I should be able to solve them in time.   
The implementation on Win32 is easier on Win32 and Linux since I am a  
experienced developer on those platforms.

The low down is that Andre's httpd stack could operate simular to the  
Apache httpd using child processes to handle individual clients.


--Create a simple universal unique idenity
[EMAIL PROTECTED] aSuffix just to customize the key a bit.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] empty success
function generateUUID aSuffix
  local tTime --Time portion of UUID
  local tRandom --Random portion of UUID
  local tAddress --Localhost address
  local tData --UUID Data
  put ticks() * 1000 into tTime
  put random( CONST_MAX_UUID_RANDOM ) * 1 into tRandom
  put hostNameToAddress( hostName() ) into tAddress
  put tTime & tRandom & tAddress & aSuffix into tData
  put md5Digest( tData ) into tData
  put base64encode( tData ) into tData
  return tData
end generateUUID
Any resemblance between the above views and those of my
employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely
Any resemblance between the above and my own views is  

 The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to  
is left as an exercise for the reader. The question of the existence of
the reader
 is left as an exercise for the second god coefficient.
(A discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the
scope of this article.)

Join Excite! -
The most personalized portal on the Web!
use-revolution mailing list

Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: palette question

2004-09-06 Thread Richard Gaskin
Rich Lague wrote:
If I run the following script from a button that is on the stack I'm  
working with it works. However, if I try to run it from a button on a  
palette it does not work. The stack I'm trying to work on is the  
topstack, right under the palette.

on mouseUp
  set the name of this card to the selectedText
  put the selectedText into field "resultFld"
end mouseUp
Since the script is in the palette, "this card" refers to the card in 
the palette.  You can shift the focus to the topstack using the 
defaultStack, which governs how relative object references are 
interepreted by default:

on mouseUp
  set the defaultStack to the topStack
  set the name of this cd to the selectedText
  put the selectedText into fld "resultFld"
end mouseUp
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Multiprocessing proposed solution

2004-09-06 Thread K

Okay, Andre Garzia inspired me to investigate multi-processing using Runtime 
Revolution with his httpd stack.  At first glance it seemed impossible nut through 
trial and error I have a semi-functional solution.  I created a external wich is using 
a named sockets, pipes, mutexes, semaphores, events and even shared memory.  Here is 
the break down

Process A (Parent)
Process B (Child)

Process 'A' using the sockets library in the GLIBExternal creates and listens on a 
selected port (in my case 80).  Process 'A' accepts the call on a "named" socket.  
Then shell invokes process 'B' with the command line option --socket  
(you can use any name you like) process B can now read and write to the named socket 
using the GLIBExternal socket interface.  Process A and B can then cordinate their 
activities via named mutexes, semaphoes, events and shared memory blocks. Of course 
Process A must uniquely name each socket and provided that name to the GLIBExternal as 
well as the child process (demostrated below).  I have not worked out the kinks of the 
shared memory on all platforms but I should be able to solve them in time.  The 
implementation on Win32 is easier on Win32 and Linux since I am a experienced 
developer on those platforms.

The low down is that Andre's httpd stack could operate simular to the Apache httpd 
using child processes to handle individual clients. 



--Create a simple universal unique idenity
[EMAIL PROTECTED] aSuffix just to customize the key a bit.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] empty success
function generateUUID aSuffix
  local tTime --Time portion of UUID
  local tRandom --Random portion of UUID
  local tAddress --Localhost address
  local tData --UUID Data
  put ticks() * 1000 into tTime 
  put random( CONST_MAX_UUID_RANDOM ) * 1 into tRandom 
  put hostNameToAddress( hostName() ) into tAddress
  put tTime & tRandom & tAddress & aSuffix into tData
  put md5Digest( tData ) into tData
  put base64encode( tData ) into tData
  return tData
end generateUUID


Any resemblance between the above views and those of my
employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely
Any resemblance between the above and my own views is non-deterministic.

 The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to hold
is left as an exercise for the reader. The question of the existence of
the reader
 is left as an exercise for the second god coefficient. 
(A discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the
scope of this article.)

Join Excite! -
The most personalized portal on the Web!
use-revolution mailing list

palette question

2004-09-06 Thread Rich Lague
If I run the following script from a button that is on the stack I'm  
working with it works. However, if I try to run it from a button on a  
palette it does not work. The stack I'm trying to work on is the  
topstack, right under the palette.

Rich Lague

on mouseUp
  set the name of this card to the selectedText
  put the selectedText into field "resultFld"
end mouseUp
use-revolution mailing list

Re: CGI Problem Solved [was Re: CGI Fiction Search Example]

2004-09-06 Thread Gregory Lypny
Hello Rick,
I haven't tried it yet, but my gut feel on tokens is that they 
shouldn't be any more cumbersome than in FileMaker.  In FM, if you 
haven't assigned user names and passwords to your clients, you have to 
use tokens to track them, and that means inserting a token tag in every 
html page they might visit.  I figure that tokens can be handled in 
Revolution through a log-in or sign up stack that has some personal 
identification, such as a serial number that can be passed to each 

My disappointment with FM, as I've expressed previously on this list, 
is that it is expensive (I can't afford to dish out another $1,500, or 
whatever the amount, to upgrade from Unlimited to Server Advanced) and, 
more importantly, the inflexibility of its scripting.  I've been 
tinkering with 4D and finding it quite powerful, but also discovering 
that the learning curve is steeper than it ought to be.  I always find 
myself coming back to Revolution or MetaCard.  I'll let you know when 
I've completed my first web-based Revolution project.  Perhaps some of 
you may want to critique it.

While I'm here, I do have another question for anyone out there with 
Revolution cgi experience, and this concerns the speed with which a 
Revolution cgi returns a result the first time it is called by a 
client.  My first search of Fiction Search takes a long time, say, 
thirty seconds, to return a page of hits.  Subsequent searches are 
completed in the blink of an eye.  Is this a client-side or server-side 
thing?  In other words, will all visitors to my projects experience a 
potentially confusing slow first response, or is it just a matter of me 
somehow priming or loading the Revolution engine into memory on my 
server in advance, so that it's ready for visitors?

Associate Professor of Finance
John Molson School of Business
Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec
On Sep 6, 2004, at 12:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Sep 5, 2004, at 5:49 PM, Gregory Lypny wrote:
The cgi appears to run faster than FileMaker.  Very cool.  Now, in my
upcoming projects, I will have to develop something akin to tokens and
handlers that can generate html tables dynamically, perhaps based on
GoLive templates.
If you ever get tokens and handlers to work, let me know.
I have a lot of FileMaker Pro/Lasso 7 code that I'd dump in a quick
if the Revolution CGI stuff were totally up to the task.
Good luck and keep plugging away!
Rick Harrison
use-revolution mailing list

Re: ANN: ScreenSaver Primer.

2004-09-06 Thread Roger . E . Eller
> Hope you all like
> andre
> --
> Andre Alves Garzia ? 2004
> Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL


Wonderful primer! This style of tutorial reminds me so much of HyperCard. 
This would be a perfect inclusion for new DreamCard users, especially if 
you add a couple of example screensavers. Very Cool!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Download, change and upload, from RAM

2004-09-06 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hello Katir,
Le 6 sept. 04, à 06:56, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami a écrit :
Is it possible to have a standalone app download and run a stack,
which then resides in memory only,
user makes changes and then clicks a button and the stack is  
No but you can, instead, use an "POST" http proc. (sticked in the 
client-side stack) witch will save the stack's filled fields and 
buttons selections to your server back, via a rev's  cgi or, best, a 
rev's application server, witch will let you save the datas where you 
want (a backend file, stack or database). Perhaps could this feet your 
needs ;)

Best, Pierre
all without writing the stack to disk, even once?
use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours
GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
WEB/EAI services & ACID DB over IP
"Mutualiser les deltas de productivité"
use-revolution mailing list

Re: responding to clicks in QT wired sprites?

2004-09-06 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Sep 6, 2004, at 10:05 AM, Troy Rollins wrote:
On Sep 6, 2004, at 12:56 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:
As Troy and Klaus mentioned there are functions for interacting with 
wired sprites though no general action like hotSpotClicked which is 
triggered when any sprite is clicked.  Do you need a general message 
when a sprite is clicked or can you add a DebugStr or 
ApplicationNumberAndString message when creating the wired movies?  I 
don't know if QT sends a message whenever sprites are clicked but if 
you need something like this I can ask on the QT API list and see if 
it is possible.
I believe there has to be some initiative sent by the QT, in one of 
the forms you've mentioned. AFAIK, if the sprite is wired internally, 
but does not generate a message in one of those forms, then there 
isn't any way to "extract" the event.
I just ran some quick tests and it doesn't look like any messages are 
sent but I sent an inquiry to the QT API list in case there is some way 
to register a listener or something along those lines.  I'm not sure if 
this would be useful or not as I've always just wired movies for 
communication with the host app but now I'm intrigued by the 
possibility :-)

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: lockup a stack

2004-09-06 Thread Mark Smith
Probably better if you substituted 'me' for 'this stack' in the 
handlers, so it will work for any sub-stacks as well.

Bit of a quiet afternoon over here :)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 12, Issue 26

2004-09-06 Thread Mark Smith
On 6 Sep 2004, at 17:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
on openField
  global gEditFlag
  if gEditFlag then pass openField
  else select empty
end openField
To jump in here, the above worked, but made the border of the fields 

so this seems to work:
you have two custom properties of the stack : the fldLock which is the 
editable/uneditable flag, and the fieldsToUnlock which is a list of, 
um, fields to unlock when the coast is clear.

on mouseEnter
  if the fldLock of this stack is true then
if the name of the target contains "field" AND the lockText of the 
target is false then ---leaves normally locked fields alone
  put the fieldsToUnlock of this stack into ftu
  set the lockText of the target to true
  put the long ID of the target into line (the number of lines in 
ftu +1) of ftu
  set the fieldsToUnlock of this stack to ftu
end if
  end if
end mouseEnter

--Then call this at the appropriate time:
on unLockFields
  repeat for each line L in the fieldsToUnlock of this stack
set the lockText of L to false
  end repeat
  set the fieldsToUnlock of this stack to empty
end unLockFields

Hope this helps,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Download videos?

2004-09-06 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hello Marian :-)
Can you relate what's the Labor Day we have n't at all, there in France 
? Thanks for helping to expend my little Worldaround knowedge :)

About saving QT videos to disk, i use QuickTime Pro (US $ 29 or so) 
witch include the "save to disk" feature. There are probably other ways 
(Rev QT libs, QT Java Libs, etc...) to do the same but it's the onest i 
know about, at this time.

Bests, Pierre
Le 6 sept. 04, à 14:33, Marian Petrides a écrit :
Hi all. And a happy Labor Day to those of you in the US!
Does anyone know of a way to save the videos to disk for viewing at 
times when one doesn't have an internet connection?

I took a long trip this past weekend and was planning on working with 
Rev, in particular doing the things I don't seem to have time for 
during the week--chiefly watching the videos.  Then I realized I 
couldn't download them and did not have an internet connection in the 
air or at the airports I was passing through. Being able to download 
and watch again without re-downloading would be really helpful.

use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours
GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
WEB/EAI services & ACID DB over IP
"Mutualiser les deltas de productivité"
use-revolution mailing list

Re: responding to clicks in QT wired sprites?

2004-09-06 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 6, 2004, at 12:56 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:
As Troy and Klaus mentioned there are functions for interacting with 
wired sprites though no general action like hotSpotClicked which is 
triggered when any sprite is clicked.  Do you need a general message 
when a sprite is clicked or can you add a DebugStr or 
ApplicationNumberAndString message when creating the wired movies?  I 
don't know if QT sends a message whenever sprites are clicked but if 
you need something like this I can ask on the QT API list and see if 
it is possible.
I believe there has to be some initiative sent by the QT, in one of the 
forms you've mentioned. AFAIK, if the sprite is wired internally, but 
does not generate a message in one of those forms, then there isn't any 
way to "extract" the event.

RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

Copying Menus

2004-09-06 Thread James Spencer
It strikes me that this should be easy but I'm a dolt and can't figure 
it out.  Nor can I find anything in the "documentation" (one more voice 
in the wilderness: the documentation is great for looking up specific 
Transcript elements but stinks for figuring out how to use the 
development environment).

I have a project based on three related stacks (at this point, they are 
arranged as a main stack and two substacks in a single file) which is 
intended to run exclusively under OS X (which matters only because the 
menus are intended to only be at the top of the screen and no space has 
been left in any of the stacks for a menu bar on the card).  All three 
have related but slightly different menus.  What I would like to do is, 
 having developed my menus for the main stack,  to be able to copy that 
menubar group from the main stack to the other two stacks where I want 
to be able to edit them without having to recreate the menus and their 
scripts from scratch for each substack.

I can copy the main stack's group by temporarily making it a windows 
style menu (on the card) selecting the group and copying it and then 
restoring the main stack's menu to the top of the screen.  I can then 
paste this into the substack but, of course, it appears on the card and 
when I set it to be at the top of the screen,  Rev moves my content up. 
 Problem, of course is that I didn't forsee a problem in copying the 
menu bar so I didn't leave space at the top of the card and I'm losing 
part of my content.  I've tried variations of this some of which at 
least show the menus but Menu Builder won't edit them.

I thought I might be able to copy and pasting the original menu bar 
group from the Application Browser but this doesn't seem to be 
permitted: when I paste the group, regardless of what is selected and 
displayed in the Browser, a second copy of the group is placed in the 
original stack.

Am I overlooking something obvious or does anyone have any suggestions?
James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
"Badges??  We don't need no stinkin badges!"
use-revolution mailing list

Re: responding to clicks in QT wired sprites?

2004-09-06 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Sep 5, 2004, at 9:46 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Is there any way to translate clicks on wired sprites inside a QT 
movie to Revolution?

I know there's a hotSpotClicked message for QTVRs, but I don't know if 
that's also sent with clicks on wired sprites.

If not, Trevor, you got something for that in your QT externals?
As Troy and Klaus mentioned there are functions for interacting with 
wired sprites though no general action like hotSpotClicked which is 
triggered when any sprite is clicked.  Do you need a general message 
when a sprite is clicked or can you add a DebugStr or 
ApplicationNumberAndString message when creating the wired movies?  I 
don't know if QT sends a message whenever sprites are clicked but if 
you need something like this I can ask on the QT API list and see if it 
is possible.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

ANN: ScreenSaver Primer.

2004-09-06 Thread Andre Garzia
Hi Folks,
since my cable connection died for some days (in the third day, it 
ressurected...) I used my free time to code a little stack with 
instructions on how to build screensavers with Revolution. It will 
teach how to build screensavers for Windows only, for MacOS X I think 
you need external or some even bigger thing, for Classic I don't know, 
but I might inspect this if someone convince me, for linux is no a sane 
thing to do. Well, at least we can build for 90% of the computer 
market... (sigh.)

there goes the link:
Hope you all like
Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: standalone and XML

2004-09-06 Thread Carlo Ricchiardi
On 06/set/04, at 16:46, Jan Schenkel wrote:

Hi Carlo,
Is it possible that the stack where it is not working
is not part of the mainStack of the standalone?
In other words : do you have a stack A which opens
another stack (not substack) B which uses the XML
externals ?
If so, the problem is that stack B doesn't know the
externals of stack A. The solution is to "start using"
stack A when the standalone opens.
Hope this helped,
Jan Schenkel.
no way, I use only one stack...
use-revolution mailing list

Re: FTP browser in Transcript?

2004-09-06 Thread Andre Garzia
On Sep 6, 2004, at 1:16 PM, Frank Leahy wrote:
Has anyone implemented an FTP browser in RunRev/Transcript?  I'm 
interested in something that lets the user login to their web site, 
and then drill down, or move up directories?

If so, would you mind sharing it?
-- Frank

I created the other half, the server... heheheheh :D
if pretty easy to do one of this I think

Web Photos Pro: Software for Photo Bloggers and Other Photo Power Users
See us on the web at
use-revolution mailing list

Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

FTP browser in Transcript?

2004-09-06 Thread Frank Leahy
Has anyone implemented an FTP browser in RunRev/Transcript?  I'm 
interested in something that lets the user login to their web site, and 
then drill down, or move up directories?

If so, would you mind sharing it?
-- Frank
Web Photos Pro: Software for Photo Bloggers and Other Photo Power Users
See us on the web at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Download videos?

2004-09-06 Thread Marian Petrides
Thanks, Jay.  That's where one finds the videos on OS X also.  And, in 
case anyone else is curious, they download as AVI files which play fine 
in QT player independent of Rev.

That is also the location to which the associate PDF file downloads (if 
you click on it to get it--the download is not automatically linked to 
viewing the video).

On Sep 6, 2004, at 9:40 AM, Jay Madren wrote:
Once you have clicked on the video and pdf in revOnline and it says 
they are
cached, you can find both files in components\save\resources\video (at 
that's the folder on Windows).

Jay Madren
Does anyone know of a way to save the videos to disk for viewing at
times when one doesn't have an internet connection?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: CGI Problem Solved [was Re: CGI Fiction Search Example]

2004-09-06 Thread Rick Harrison
On Sep 5, 2004, at 5:49 PM, Gregory Lypny wrote:
The cgi appears to run faster than FileMaker.  Very cool.  Now, in my 
upcoming projects, I will have to develop something akin to tokens and 
handlers that can generate html tables dynamically, perhaps based on 
GoLive templates.
If you ever get tokens and handlers to work, let me know.
I have a lot of FileMaker Pro/Lasso 7 code that I'd dump in a quick 
if the Revolution CGI stuff were totally up to the task.

Good luck and keep plugging away!
Rick Harrison
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Mac Classic Apps Run Under OS X but Not On Native Classic

2004-09-06 Thread Bill Vlahos
OS 9.2 runs fine by itself. I believe 9.2.2 is the current latest 
version of Classic MacOS.

On Sep 5, 2004, at 9:36 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:
My problem went away when I put the unstuffed version on a CD and 
manually loaded it on the OS 9 machine.

One possible clue. OS 9.2 is, I think, not recommended for running 
outside the OS X compatibility layer. I could be wrong about that but 
it may be worth checking.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Download, change and upload, from RAM

2004-09-06 Thread Richard Gaskin
Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
Is it possible to have a standalone app download and run a stack, which 
then resides in memory only, user makes changes and then clicks a button 
and the stack is  uploaded... all without writing the stack to disk, 
even once?
Not yet, but you can vote for it here:

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: lock up a stack

2004-09-06 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 9/5/04 11:55 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
What is wanted is a kind of global lock text function that does 
not require scripts to run through all fields in the mains stack and 
substacks. but simply lock all the text in one go...
I haven't tried it, but you might want to experiment with something like 

Declare a global variable that will serve as a flag. If it is empty or 
false, no editing is allowed. If it is true, editing is allowed. Then in 
the stack script:

on openField
 global gEditFlag
 if gEditFlag then pass openField
 else select empty
end openField
Theoretically this would cause any click in a field to abort, but as I 
say, I haven't actually tested it. The cursor will turn into an I-beam 
when it is over a field, no matter what the flag is, so you might want 
to add a warning message saying that they can't edit the stack right now.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Download videos?

2004-09-06 Thread Richard Gaskin
Marian Petrides wrote:
Hi all. And a happy Labor Day to those of you in the US!
Does anyone know of a way to save the videos to disk for viewing at 
times when one doesn't have an internet connection?

I took a long trip this past weekend and was planning on working with 
Rev, in particular doing the things I don't seem to have time for during 
the week--chiefly watching the videos.  Then I realized I couldn't 
download them and did not have an internet connection in the air or at 
the airports I was passing through. Being able to download and watch 
again without re-downloading would be really helpful.
Or at least the videos could be streamed so that you wouldn't have to 
wait through the whole download to start viewing.

I'm told that QT movies with the "Quick Start" option set work well in 
players as they do in the browser, starting playback as soon as enough 
has been buffered, continuing the download as it goes.

One can also wrap any QT movies in a SMIL document for stream-like 
playback on any server.

Ideally there would be both: quick-start playback AND a local cache for 
immediate playback next time.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Why!!! Why no good documentation about important changes?

2004-09-06 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- François Cuneo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> RE Hello!
> I have written a few minutes ago a mail about a big
> evolution for the French
> users.
> And how do you want that we know that? Have we
> really every time a lot of
> hours to find how the things are changed???
> Thank you Runrev to do something easy about this
> kind of things!
> Amicalement
> François

Bonjour François,

While I understand your frustration, I do believe
that's what the beta and release candidate rounds were
for : to see if anything broke for you that slipped
through the cracks.
A lot can b tested through automtion, but some things
only mortals like you and me will spot as we give it a

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages! 
use-revolution mailing list

Re: standalone and XML

2004-09-06 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- carlo ricchiardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> hi all,
> anyone knows if there is some problem with the
> standalone creation, 
> using the xml library? my application works fine in
> rev, but don't work 
> at all as standalone...
> this is the error log:
> Executing at 11:16:52 PM on Sunday, September 5,
> 2004
> Type: Function: error in function handler
> Object: open
> Line: put
> revCreateXMLTree(xml_text1,true,true,false) into
> xml_tree1
> Hint: revCreateXMLTree
> ps. I've included the xml library in the standalone
> preferences.
> I work with rev 2.5 demo, Mac OS X 10.3.5.
> Thanks in advance, carlo ricchiardi

Hi Carlo,

Is it possible that the stack where it is not working
is not part of the mainStack of the standalone?
In other words : do you have a stack A which opens
another stack (not substack) B which uses the XML
externals ?
If so, the problem is that stack B doesn't know the
externals of stack A. The solution is to "start using"
stack A when the standalone opens.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage! 
use-revolution mailing list

Re: checkmark glyph across platforms

2004-09-06 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Scott Morrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While a check mark is a reliably mapped symbol on
> the Mac I am finding 
> it predictably elusive with Windows fonts. (Nor is
> it an HTML entity... 
> rats!)  My application needs to allow the user to
> insert a checkmark 
> symbol... perhaps hundreds.  I can't be the first. 
> Any suggestions?
> -Scott Morrow

Hi Scott,

On card 2 of stack revIcons you'll find an image
called "menucheckwinmac.gif" which looks remarkably
like what you want.
You can then use the 'imagesource' property of field
chunks to place the checkmark image into your field.

To get a copy of that image, place a button and set
its script to :
on mouseUp
  copy image "menucheckwinmac.gif" of card 2 \
   of stack "revIcons" to this card
  -- after copy it's way too big
  set the rect of image "menucheckwinmac.gif" to \
  the rect of image "menucheckwinmac.gif" of \
  card 2 of stack "revIcons"
  -- make sure the size sticks
  set the lockLoc of image "menucheckwinmac.gif" \
  to true
end mouseUp

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish. 
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Download videos?

2004-09-06 Thread Jay Madren
Once you have clicked on the video and pdf in revOnline and it says they are
cached, you can find both files in components\save\resources\video (at least
that's the folder on Windows).

Jay Madren

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Marian
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 08:33
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Download videos?

Hi all. And a happy Labor Day to those of you in the US!

Does anyone know of a way to save the videos to disk for viewing at
times when one doesn't have an internet connection?

I took a long trip this past weekend and was planning on working with
Rev, in particular doing the things I don't seem to have time for
during the week--chiefly watching the videos.  Then I realized I
couldn't download them and did not have an internet connection in the
air or at the airports I was passing through. Being able to download
and watch again without re-downloading would be really helpful.



use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Download videos?

2004-09-06 Thread Marian Petrides
Hi all. And a happy Labor Day to those of you in the US!
Does anyone know of a way to save the videos to disk for viewing at 
times when one doesn't have an internet connection?

I took a long trip this past weekend and was planning on working with 
Rev, in particular doing the things I don't seem to have time for 
during the week--chiefly watching the videos.  Then I realized I 
couldn't download them and did not have an internet connection in the 
air or at the airports I was passing through. Being able to download 
and watch again without re-downloading would be really helpful.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Project Builder Question (External Related)

2004-09-06 Thread Thierry Arbellot
After checking on the Apple site, the function itoa is not included in  
the system libraries provided with OS X. You should replace it with the  
function printf. 

On Sunday, Sep 5, 2004, at 19:38 Europe/Paris, K wrote:

I am sorry for my Project Builder ignorance I am used to using Code  
Warrior (*NIX development) and Visual Studio (Win32 Development).  I  
seems to be experiencing linking problems with the stanard C/C++  

Simple example:
NOTE: This is a C version I experience simular problems with may c++  

void somefunction( )
  int  result ;
  char *mcResult_ptr = calloc( (sizeof(int)*8+1), sizeof(char) ) ;
  //Do something..
  itoa( result, mcResult_ptr, 10 ) ;
Here even though itoa is included via stdlib.h the linker will be  
unable to locate it.  I assume the glibc/c-lib is  not being linked.   
How do I correct this in Project Builder?

Any resemblance between the above views and those of my
employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely
Any resemblance between the above and my own views is  

 The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to  
is left as an exercise for the reader. The question of the existence of
the reader
 is left as an exercise for the second god coefficient.
(A discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the
scope of this article.)

Join Excite! -
The most personalized portal on the Web!
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: responding to clicks in QT wired sprites?

2004-09-06 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Richard,
Is there any way to translate clicks on wired sprites inside a QT 
movie to Revolution?
I know there's a hotSpotClicked message for QTVRs, but I don't know if 
that's also sent with clicks on wired sprites.
There is a "qtdebugstring" message that can be used...
This is reliable but requires that the movies are created accordingly,
means does not work right out of the box...
If not, Trevor, you got something for that in your QT externals?
"qtExecuteSpriteEvent" and "qtGetSpriteVariable" in the external, but 
this also
requires that the movies are "prepared" accordingly...

Hope that helps...
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Project Builder Question (External Related)

2004-09-06 Thread James Spencer
On Sep 5, 2004, at 12:38 PM, K wrote:
I am sorry for my Project Builder ignorance I am used to using Code 
Warrior (*NIX development) and Visual Studio (Win32 Development).  I 
seems to be experiencing linking problems with the stanard C/C++ 

Simple example:
NOTE: This is a C version I experience simular problems with may c++ 

void somefunction( )
  int  result ;
  char *mcResult_ptr = calloc( (sizeof(int)*8+1), sizeof(char) ) ;
  //Do something..
  itoa( result, mcResult_ptr, 10 ) ;
Here even though itoa is included via stdlib.h the linker will be 
unable to locate it.  I assume the glibc/c-lib is  not being linked.  
How do I correct this in Project Builder?
You really should ask this in a basic C group or list as it not only 
has nothing to do with Rev but actually has nothing to do with 
ProjectBuilder (or Xcode which is what you should be using) or, for 
that matter, isn't really a linker error.  (It is also hard to give  
help when you don't give us the error messages but the immediate error 
is fairly obvious in the above).

Having said that, the problem in your example is that itoa() is NOT 
part of the standard lib and a basic search of stdlib.h will tell you 
that it is not declared there.  If  you try to build this code in 
CodeWarrior, with the standard settings, you will get a compile time 
error for failing to declare itoa.  (I don't know what Visual Studio 
will do; they may have defined itoa() in the environment; if not, then 
you will get some kind of error there but it could be a compiler error 
like CW or a linker error like Xcode.)  In XCode (and I assume PB but 
its been awhile since I've used it) the standard settings will permit 
the code to compile but then the linker complains that you haven't 
defined atoi and I assume this is what the error message you are 
getting tells you.  You can test that the std library is in fact being 
linked simply by commenting out the itoa line and the code should link 
even though you have a call to calloc() which is in the standard 

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
"Badges??  We don't need no stinkin badges!"
use-revolution mailing list

checkmark glyph across platforms

2004-09-06 Thread Scott Morrow
While a check mark is a reliably mapped symbol on the Mac I am finding 
it predictably elusive with Windows fonts. (Nor is it an HTML entity... 
rats!)  My application needs to allow the user to insert a checkmark 
symbol... perhaps hundreds.  I can't be the first.  Any suggestions?
-Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust !)
use-revolution mailing list

Re : Re : And the Preferences MenuItem has problems too!

2004-09-06 Thread François Cuneo
Hello! Not in the 2.5, shure.

But I received the same kind of mail yesterday:


   What|Removed |Added


So, the bug was already reported! But I searched it with "Preferences" and
not founded it!

I think I have some problems in my head!:-)


François Cuneo
Au Champ du Pré
1353 Bofflens

e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Web Cuk New Technologies, programmes éducatifs pour Mac:
Web CUK, humeurs et tests sur le mac:

Tél: ++41 (024) 441.17.81
Fax: ++41 (024) 441.17.05

> De : Thierry Arbellot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Répondre à : How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date : Sun, 5 Sep 2004 20:14:36 +0200
> À : How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Objet : Re: Re : And the Preferences MenuItem has problems too!
> François,
> I have received this mail today, the bug should be fixed, but it
> doesn't say in which version, 2.5 or next release ?
> Regards
> Thierry

use-revolution mailing list