Re: [ANN][EN][FR] New Sophisticated Plugin from So Smart Software

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the kind words :-)
Thanks for the feedback too: comments and requests are very important  
and useful.

At the moment, there is no option to get all the results in one fell  
I did not provide such a feature since searching in deeper mode can  
be a bit long:

FAQ: 479 xml files
Dictionary: 1497 xml files
Topics: 17 xml files
Recipes: 55 cards

And one of my ergonomic goals was to *appear* much faster than the  
docs itself :-)
Letting the user beginning to read the more relevant results (always  
at top) while the search goes on.
On the other hand, there would be no technical problem to add a  
Search All menu item.

So such an enhancement could appear in the next version ;-)

Le 15 juil. 05 à 01:00, Mark Swindell a écrit :

Very nice!  Is there an option to get ALL the results in one fell  
swoop?  (i.e. the FAQ, Dictionary, Topics, Cookbook all at once  
without having to choose each and re-search?)

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

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Re: videoClip does stop playing????

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Ban,

By definition, all code you put after a close stack command can't be  
executed :-)

So try to stop you movie *before* closing the stack.

Le 15 juil. 05 à 00:28, Ban Nguyen a écrit :

on mouseUp
  close this stack
  stop playing videoClip my movie
end mouseUp

The problem is:  the stack is closed but the video still play (you can
here it)

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

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Re: videoClip does stop playing????

2005-07-15 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Ban,


I have a video (.mov)

I create a button (play) with this code:

on mouseUp
   play videoClip my movie
end mouseUp

I also create another button (close) with this code:

on mouseUp
  close this stack
  stop playing videoClip my movie
end mouseUp

The problem is:  the stack is closed but the video still play (you can
here it)

I don't know any other command to stop the video.  Please help.  Thank

use reverse order and the correct syntax for you commands,
that should do the trick :-)

on mouseUp
  play stop vc
  close this stack
end mouseUp

vc = short for videoclip

No need to specify the name of the clip, since only one clip can be  

at a time...


Klaus Major

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Re: help with loading audio clips into a stack

2005-07-15 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Scott and Ban,

This is exactly what I need but the only thing is I don't want  
user to

play songs from his/her hard drive.  I want to import 9 songs in the
stack and they can only play 9 songs,  and I don't want them to copy
these songs into there hard drive, because these songs are  

Well, what may not be news to you is that anything that is played  
over the
computer's speakers can be captured and saved, regardless of  
whether or not

the files reside on the drive.

That being said, AFAIK you can't get good playback control without  
using a
player object that references external audio files.  Combine this  
with the
previous comment that any audio delivered with the stack will be  
loaded into
memory, potentially eating up a lot of space (are the songs full  
length, 3

to 5 minutes each?).

If you deliver the songs with the stack, you might write them out  
to the

temp directory before playing and then delete when done.

Or, instead of including audio in the stack and and writing out to the
drive, you might consider storing the audio on the Web and  
accessing the
files with a player object via URLs (makes for a smaller stack).   
Again, not
a foolproof system for copy protection but a little less accessible  

placing on the drive.

Trevor Devore or Klaus Major might know some more tricks here.

Thanks for the flowers but there is no way (that I know) to use a  
player with
internal fiels command except the above mentioned way of storing the  
internally and spit them out into the temp directory or somewhere  


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development  Design


Klaus Major

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Re: App Browser Woes.....

2005-07-15 Thread David Burgun


Well whoever allowed this to go into a production product need their
brains testing! Sorry but that's the plain truth of the matter. Talk
about shooting yourself in the foot! At the VERY VERY VERY least it
should be a Preference that is defaulted to off, and the caption of
this pref should read Do you want to save a small amount of refresh
time but totally confuse yourself and make RunRev look as if it has
been programmed by idiots

Sorry for this Rant, and in general RunRev is a really cool tool and
I love using it, but I am really getting sick of stupid little IDE
bugs/features that cause me lots of wasted time.

Take for example this particular refresh problem, is there ANYONE on
this list that would want this functionality? Who in their right mind
would sacrifice an up to date list view for a split-seconds worth of
refresh time?

I was slighly upset when I thought it was a genuine bug that had
slipped in, now I know it was done deliberately I am FUMING! How
do I officially complain to RunRev about this?

Eric, If you do work out a patch Stack I would be really grateful if
you would send me a copy.

All the Best

Hi Dave and Chris,

To be precise, the problem came with Rev 2.5.1. (no problem with 2.5)
In order to save time, runRev guys imagined to keep the current
controls list into a cache and rebuild this list only when a control
was deleted or added.
So, you have just to open the script of the revApplicationOverview
stack and search for the revControlList function and comment the
following lines:

 if the number of lines in lControlCache[pCard] is tNumControls
 then return lControlCache[pCard]

I have no time now but may be I shall find a couple of minutes to
write a patch stack to morrow :-)

Le 14 juil. 05 à 15:17, David Burgun a écrit :

How come when I change something in my stack, like the layer number
or the object name etc. It doesn't change in the App Browser Window?
I am running RunRev 2.6.5 build 108 on Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.2.
Does anyone else have this problem??

Copy to runRev support.

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

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Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
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Re: App Browser Woes.....

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Dave,

I don't want to blame runRev guys too rudely: they got a false good  
idea :-)

As a programmer, I have to confess that it can happen to me too...
But, on the other hand, as a user of a commercial product named  
Revolution, I expect more serious testing before any release...

As Jim pointed it, my Objects Picker plugin works pretty well and, as  
for layers management provides arrows buttons to reorganise objects  
layers in a very convenient graphical way. You can even change  
multiple objects layers (non contiguous if you wish it) in one fell  
swoop and the list is of course immediately updated :-)

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

Le 15 juil. 05 à 09:28, David Burgun a écrit :


Well whoever allowed this to go into a production product need their
brains testing! Sorry but that's the plain truth of the matter. Talk
about shooting yourself in the foot! At the VERY VERY VERY least it
should be a Preference that is defaulted to off, and the caption of
this pref should read Do you want to save a small amount of refresh
time but totally confuse yourself and make RunRev look as if it has
been programmed by idiots

Sorry for this Rant, and in general RunRev is a really cool tool and
I love using it, but I am really getting sick of stupid little IDE
bugs/features that cause me lots of wasted time.

Take for example this particular refresh problem, is there ANYONE on
this list that would want this functionality? Who in their right mind
would sacrifice an up to date list view for a split-seconds worth of
refresh time?

I was slighly upset when I thought it was a genuine bug that had
slipped in, now I know it was done deliberately I am FUMING! How
do I officially complain to RunRev about this?

Eric, If you do work out a patch Stack I would be really grateful if
you would send me a copy.

All the Best

Hi Dave and Chris,

To be precise, the problem came with Rev 2.5.1. (no problem with 2.5)
In order to save time, runRev guys imagined to keep the current
controls list into a cache and rebuild this list only when a control
was deleted or added.
So, you have just to open the script of the revApplicationOverview
stack and search for the revControlList function and comment the
following lines:

 if the number of lines in lControlCache[pCard] is tNumControls
 then return lControlCache[pCard]

I have no time now but may be I shall find a couple of minutes to
write a patch stack to morrow :-)

Le 14 juil. 05 à 15:17, David Burgun a écrit :

How come when I change something in my stack, like the layer number
or the object name etc. It doesn't change in the App Browser Window?
I am running RunRev 2.6.5 build 108 on Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.2.
Does anyone else have this problem??

Copy to runRev support.

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
Mobile33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: App Browser Woes.....

2005-07-15 Thread David Burgun

Hi Eric,

Yes, I agree, I don't want to blame the programmers too much either,
but their really should be more control on what goes into a
Production piece of software that is being used to generate other
programs.More testing, but also someone that makes a decision of what
goes in and what does not. It should NOT be left to a programmer to
make this decision. Usually they are too focused on the problem in
hand and do not see the big picture or the terrible chaos that can be
caused by their Quick-Fixes.

As a programmer I have been guilty of this in the past. Thankfully we
had a good QA and Release manager that threw my efforts out so as not
to inflict my good intentions of the unsuspecting public!

Programmers should remember the old saying - The Road to Hell is
Paved with Good Intentions.

Where can I get your object picker from? I will download it, I would
rather do that then patch RunRev.

And Best Regards to you from a Very Hot and Sunny London! Glad I got
up early so I can get off early - TGIF!

And a Great Weekend to all RunRev'ers wherever you may be!

Hi Dave,

I don't want to blame runRev guys too rudely: they got a false good idea :-)
As a programmer, I have to confess that it can happen to me too...
But, on the other hand, as a user of a commercial product named
Revolution, I expect more serious testing before any release...

As Jim pointed it, my Objects Picker plugin works pretty well and,
as for layers management provides arrows buttons to reorganise
objects layers in a very convenient graphical way. You can even
change multiple objects layers (non contiguous if you wish it) in
one fell swoop and the list is of course immediately updated :-)

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

Le 15 juil. 05 à 09:28, David Burgun a écrit :


Well whoever allowed this to go into a production product need their
brains testing! Sorry but that's the plain truth of the matter. Talk
about shooting yourself in the foot! At the VERY VERY VERY least it
should be a Preference that is defaulted to off, and the caption of
this pref should read Do you want to save a small amount of refresh
time but totally confuse yourself and make RunRev look as if it has
been programmed by idiots

Sorry for this Rant, and in general RunRev is a really cool tool and
I love using it, but I am really getting sick of stupid little IDE
bugs/features that cause me lots of wasted time.

Take for example this particular refresh problem, is there ANYONE on
this list that would want this functionality? Who in their right mind
would sacrifice an up to date list view for a split-seconds worth of
refresh time?

I was slighly upset when I thought it was a genuine bug that had
slipped in, now I know it was done deliberately I am FUMING! How
do I officially complain to RunRev about this?

Eric, If you do work out a patch Stack I would be really grateful if
you would send me a copy.

All the Best

Hi Dave and Chris,

To be precise, the problem came with Rev 2.5.1. (no problem with 2.5)
In order to save time, runRev guys imagined to keep the current
controls list into a cache and rebuild this list only when a control
was deleted or added.
So, you have just to open the script of the revApplicationOverview
stack and search for the revControlList function and comment the
following lines:

 if the number of lines in lControlCache[pCard] is tNumControls
 then return lControlCache[pCard]

I have no time now but may be I shall find a couple of minutes to
write a patch stack to morrow :-)

Le 14 juil. 05 à 15:17, David Burgun a écrit :

How come when I change something in my stack, like the layer number
or the object name etc. It doesn't change in the App Browser Window?
I am running RunRev 2.6.5 build 108 on Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.2.
Does anyone else have this problem??

Copy to runRev support.

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
Mobile33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

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Re: Revolution Bsd unix engine doesn't start

2005-07-15 Thread Damien Girard
Le Jeudi 14 juillet 2005 à 15:57 -0300, Andre Garzia a écrit :
 On Jul 14, 2005, at 3:43 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
  On 7/14/05 9:40 AM, Damien Girard wrote:
  Hi all,
  I am under FreeBSD 5.4, so I wan't to see if Runrev work under  
  Bsd, I am
  going to the Runtime Revolution website, I download the Bsd engine
  (2.2.1) and Revolution 2.6 (linux tgz).
  I uncompress all files, I open a terminal emulator, and I done that :
  And nothing else is done, Runrev doesn't start.
  Runrev bug ?
  I have also tryed with Revolution.x86 (FreeBSD have Linux emulation
  binaries), and I have got this error :
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ./revolution.x86
  ./revolution.x86: error while loading shared
  libraries: /usr/X11R6/lib/ ELF file OS ABI invalid
  This happens with CGIs too in Apache if certain libraries are not  
  installed. Even though this library isn't used much, Revolution  
  requires it to be there. Install it and you should be fine.
 if your trouble is with libGDK, there's a workaround setting a  
 enviroment variable. If it is about some other lib, then I don't have  
 a clue...
I haven't got trouble with libGDK because the GTK+ Look and feel have
been included in Revolution 2.5 (not 2.2.1)

And what is these library that runrev require ?


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[ANN] Patch Stack for App Browser 2.5.1 and 2.6

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi all,

I you have followed the thread App Browser Woes. on this list,  
you know the facts:

How come when I change something in my stack, like the layer number  
or the object name etc. It doesn't change in the App Browser Window?

And my answer:

To be precise, the problem came in with Rev 2.5.1. (no problem with  
prior versions)
In order to save time, runRev guys imagined to keep the current  
controls list into a cache (good idea) and refresh this list only  
when a control is deleted or added (very bad idea).

Here is a patch stack to correct the devastating side effects ;-)
Just run the line below in the message box:

go url 

In topic and as a reminder, you will find below a short  
specification of my Objects Picker plugin you can download from my  

Objects Picker makes it possible to edit properties and scripts in  
one click.
It also offers dozens of powerful functions like the graphical  
reorganization of layers or the moving of objects, copying and  
pasting of properties or styles, the incremental denomination of  
objects, the management of profiles, and improved script edition, the  
bookmarking of objects as well as other functions...
Objects Picker fits in well with Revolution IDE: it uses objects  
lists as in Rev Application Browser and uses the same shortcuts you  
specified for it as well it takes care of Revolution UI Elements In  
Lists preference.
In a word, Objects Picker uses contextual menus to perform varied  
(and what are sometimes boring :-) actions, all at once, with just  
one mouse-click, on multiple objects: features are derived directly  
from programming experience and will help you save a lot of time when  
you are developing.
Note that this heavy plugin (850 KB zip archive, 1.9 MB on disk) is  
the only one which is not free but you will get yours money's worth  
(€ 12 :-)

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
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funtions on windows

2005-07-15 Thread Muaadh salih

My apology for the typos of yesterday message .
 Still upon further investigation  we found that  the following function:

function plural count, textw
  if count  1 then put s after textw
  if count = 0 then put no into count
  return  count  textw
end plural
  works perfectly on Rev 2.6 on Mac G4 with OSX 10.3.9. However it 
does not work on Rev. 2.6 on Windows XP ( when called : Plural ( 3, 
Book) it returns  ( 3 s) only

again is this a bug on the XP version ?!

any idea ?

Muaadh Salih

All the best

Muaadh Salih
Department of Near  Middle Eastern Studies
Tel . +44 (0)2078984354
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Re: funtions on windows

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Muaadh,

No time to test on Win XP but just a thought: avoid unnecessary  
spaces in your formulations:

You write Plural ( 3, Book). Try Plural (3,Book)

Le 15 juil. 05 à 12:23, Muaadh salih a écrit :

My apology for the typos of yesterday message .
 Still upon further investigation  we found that  the following  


function plural count, textw
  if count  1 then put s after textw
  if count = 0 then put no into count
  return  count  textw
end plural
  works perfectly on Rev 2.6 on Mac G4 with OSX 10.3.9. However it  
does not work on Rev. 2.6 on Windows XP ( when called : Plural ( 3,  
Book) it returns  ( 3 s) only

again is this a bug on the XP version ?!

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
Mobile33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

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Re: funtions on windows

2005-07-15 Thread Alex Tweedly

Muaadh salih wrote:

My apology for the typos of yesterday message .
 Still upon further investigation  we found that  the following function:

function plural count, textw
  if count  1 then put s after textw
  if count = 0 then put no into count
  return  count  textw
end plural
  works perfectly on Rev 2.6 on Mac G4 with OSX 10.3.9. However it 
does not work on Rev. 2.6 on Windows XP ( when called : Plural ( 3, 
Book) it returns  ( 3 s) only

again is this a bug on the XP version ?!

I created a new Mainstack, created a button, copied the above lines from 
your email, pasted them into the button script - and it works just fine. 
2.6 on Win XP

If it were me, I'd add
  put param(1)  param(2)  cr  after msg in as the first line of 
the function
  put textw  cr after msg   immediately before and immediately after 
the line that should change textw

and then see what I learn.  (or, as I said off-list, send me a copy of 
the stack - but be sure to send it from the Windows machine in case 
there was some problem copying the script from the Mac to the PC - line 
endings etc.).

Alex Tweedly

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Re: Quartam Reports, day late, dime short

2005-07-15 Thread Jon


I know nothing about this situation, other than what I read in the past 
day or two, but it seems to me that, tone aside, some of what Paul is 
saying IS professional.  He explained to Jan specifically what his 
customers needed, and hoped that Jan had listened.  As to trite remarks 
about ... missed deadlines, I'm not so sure that such remarks, if 
they're true, are trite.  Explaining to the rest of us that a particular 
developer may not meet announced deadlines, while depressing, is 
actually useful to professional programmers who need to plan their 
schedules carefully.

I know nothing about Jan or the product, but sometimes the knee jerk 
reaction on this list is if you don't have something nice to say, don't 
say anything.  I'm not sure that is really in anyone's best interest.

That said, I too hope that this product does well.


Brian Yennie wrote:


Saying you don't mean to be disrespectful doesn't make it so. Flaming 
Jan repeatedly on-list immediately after a product release is quite 

Here's a suggestion. Make a feature request. Buy a copy of Quartam to 
support development. See if lots of other Rev users also want the 
feature. Watch it get implemented.

Please be finished with the trite remarks about frosting on cakes, 
missed deadlines and your individual needs, and try a professional 
approach. Otherwise you are more than likely just going to be tuned out.

- Brian

 I don't mean to be disrespectful but you have delivered the 

without the cake.

 Quartam Reports does a lot of things we don't need:
- data fields using everyday Transcript expressions
- data groups with separate header and footer
- flexible formatting options
- aggregate functions without a line of code
- support for printing conditions, color and inks
- simplified printing commands for stacks, database
cursors and automated queries
- an advanced callback architecture that lets you
combine data from multiple sources

 and does not deliver what we do need:
- the ability to take information stored in a Revolution stack and 
print it

in standard business format.

 Did anyone actually ask for the Quartam feature set? Did anyone 

test QR?

 You always tend to dismiss 9 to 5 Reports, but the fact is they 
got it
right.   Reports with HyperCard is a powerful business tool. That's 
why I
invested the time in showing it to you, explaining what it meant to 
my business
users, urging you to incorporate its basic functionality. We have all 
waited a
long time for a Revolution solution. Based on missed deadlines to 
date, I am

not optimistic about QR v 1.1 shipping in any sort of timely manner ;-)

 I am extremely disappointed.
Paul Looney

PS Are you saying definitively that v 1.1, if it ever ships, WILL 

scrolling fields - and be a free upgrade?
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Re: funtions on windows

2005-07-15 Thread Pat Trendler
I've just tried you script on Win XP Pro Rev 2.6. It returns the correct 

Plural (3, Book) returns: 3 Books.
Plural (0, Book) returns: no Books.
Plural (1, Book) returns: 1 Book

Doesn't seem like a bug in Win XP


function plural count, textw
  if count  1 then put s after textw
  if count = 0 then put no into count
  return  count  textw
end plural
  works perfectly on Rev 2.6 on Mac G4 with OSX 10.3.9. However it does 
not work on Rev. 2.6 on Windows XP ( when called : Plural ( 3, Book) it 
returns  ( 3 s) only

again is this a bug on the XP version ?!

any idea ?

Muaadh Salih

All the best

Muaadh Salih
Department of Near  Middle Eastern Studies
Tel . +44 (0)2078984354
use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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Third party Patch Manager

2005-07-15 Thread Jim Bufalini
Anyone out there have a *Third party patch manager stack?*

By this I mean, I've applied some patches provided by Chipp and Eric and
maybe others. I forget exactly, and this is my point. For example, I'm still
running 2.51 and *trying* to get to 2.6. I say trying, because my 2.51 key
didn't unlock 2.6 and I've requested another key, but haven't gotten it
yet - but that's another story.

The point is, I know that 2.6 will require some of the same patches applied
as 2.51. However, it may not need others, and I may not remember exactly
what patches I applied prior, that need to be applied to the newer version
(until, I suppose, a problem occurs and I remember I have a patch for that,
although I probably won't remember who wrote it, and where I got it from).

It would be nice, if when I apply a patch, I could drag it to a Patch
Manager stack that, when I upgrade to newer versions, would show all
previously applied patches with checkboxes, and I could choose to apply the
patch or not. Maybe a date of when the patch was applied (dragged into the
manager), so I can remember what version I applied the patch to.

Otherwise, I can see myself hesitating to upgrade and cut over to a newer
*official* version of Rev.

A MUCH BETTER alternative (hint, hint) to this would be for Rev, itself, to
maintain a Third Party Patches web page for developers, where developers
could post their patches (instead of their individual WebPages) and Rev
could edit the descriptions and categorize them by version number, as being
applicable to a version.

For example the recent app browser fix from Eric might be classified as:
Applies to versions 2.51 to 2.6xx ONLY. Prior versions do not require this
patch, and as of version 2.6yy, it's no longer applicable, as we took the
silly if...then statement out ourselves. (OK, put a period after the word

This would take some of the *fear* out of upgrading and in the long run make
Rev more money...

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Re: Third party Patch Manager

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Jim,

Your idea is a good idea, but is it to us to make for free Rev job  
that they asked us to pay for?

As for the patches I write:

. They test the running version in order to tell if the patch is  

. They test if the patch has been already applied or not.
. They save the current stack as stack name old in order to let the  
user reverse the process if needed.

. They apply the patch only when all conditions have been filled.

Can I do more?

Finally, a *Third party patch manager* makes me feel weird...

Le 15 juil. 05 à 14:30, Jim Bufalini a écrit :

Anyone out there have a *Third party patch manager stack?*

By this I mean, I've applied some patches provided by Chipp and  
Eric and
maybe others. I forget exactly, and this is my point. For example,  
I'm still
running 2.51 and *trying* to get to 2.6. I say trying, because my  
2.51 key
didn't unlock 2.6 and I've requested another key, but haven't  
gotten it

yet - but that's another story.

The point is, I know that 2.6 will require some of the same patches  
as 2.51. However, it may not need others, and I may not remember  
what patches I applied prior, that need to be applied to the newer  
(until, I suppose, a problem occurs and I remember I have a patch  
for that,
although I probably won't remember who wrote it, and where I got it  

It would be nice, if when I apply a patch, I could drag it to a Patch
Manager stack that, when I upgrade to newer versions, would show all
previously applied patches with checkboxes, and I could choose to  
apply the
patch or not. Maybe a date of when the patch was applied (dragged  
into the

manager), so I can remember what version I applied the patch to.

Otherwise, I can see myself hesitating to upgrade and cut over to a  

*official* version of Rev.

A MUCH BETTER alternative (hint, hint) to this would be for Rev,  
itself, to
maintain a Third Party Patches web page for developers, where  
could post their patches (instead of their individual WebPages) and  
could edit the descriptions and categorize them by version number,  
as being

applicable to a version.

For example the recent app browser fix from Eric might be  
classified as:
Applies to versions 2.51 to 2.6xx ONLY. Prior versions do not  
require this
patch, and as of version 2.6yy, it's no longer applicable, as we  
took the
silly if...then statement out ourselves. (OK, put a period after  
the word


This would take some of the *fear* out of upgrading and in the long  
run make

Rev more money...

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

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RE: Quartam Reports, day late, dime short

2005-07-15 Thread Lynch, Jonathan
Hi Jan...

If you need a script for properly printing a scrolling field, I have
such a thing. I'd be happy to share it with you, if it would help you.
It probably would not be too difficult to incorporate into your larger
printing scripts.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jan
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 1:39 AM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Quartam Reports, day late, dime short

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't mean to be disrespectful but you have
 delivered the frosting 
 without the cake.
  Quartam Reports does a lot of things we don't
 - data fields using everyday Transcript expressions
 - data groups with separate header and footer
 - flexible formatting options
 - aggregate functions without a line of code
 - support for printing conditions, color and inks
 - simplified printing commands for stacks, database
 cursors and automated queries
 - an advanced callback architecture that lets you
 combine data from multiple sources
  and does not deliver what we do need:
 - the ability to take information stored in a
 Revolution stack and print it 
 in standard business format.
  Did anyone actually ask for the Quartam feature
 set? Did anyone beta 
 test QR?
  You always tend to dismiss 9 to 5 Reports, but
 the fact is they got it 
 right.   Reports with HyperCard is a powerful
 business tool. That's why I 
 invested the time in showing it to you, explaining
 what it meant to my business 
 users, urging you to incorporate its basic
 functionality. We have all waited a 
 long time for a Revolution solution. Based on missed
 deadlines to date, I am 
 not optimistic about QR v 1.1 shipping in any sort
 of timely manner ;-)   
  I am extremely disappointed.
 Paul Looney
 PS Are you saying definitively that v 1.1, if it
 ever ships, WILL support 
 scrolling fields - and be a free upgrade?

Hi Paul,

As stated in my previous email, version 1.0, when it
ships, WILL support scrolling fields - and be a free

I meant no disrespect towards 9-to-5 Reports: it is a
tremendous tool that made HyperCard a viable solution
for building business applications.

But there are more ways to store data than in stacks.
There are databases, xml-files and all the other
places that I mentioned before. I felt these were
important itms to integrate with.

Incidentally, you can easily take data from a stack
and print it in a report. A simplified command for
this allows you to script a printing button:
  qrtReports_PrintReportForStack \
 layout filepath,stack name,preview flag

And then the report printing library will do the heavy
lifting by itself, going through your stack one card
at a time, and filling the report.
An optional fourth parameter lets you specify a range:
all (default), marked, unmarked or an MS-Word style
range (think 1-7,9,14 to print the data on cards 1
through 7, card 9 and card 14)

Quartam Reports was in public beta from the end of
April, and while I primarily looked at what I expected
from a report tool, I did ask for feedback from public
and private beta testers.
They have provided me with ideas for years to come.
But while scrolling fields are high on every wish
list, all you need to print reports is there, and

I have most certainly not forgotten the great demo you
showed me at MacWorld last year. But I can't help but
be reminded of the paradox of software development:
users want it shipped yesterday, packing features they
haven't even thought they needed tomorrow, while never
needing an upgrade.
Now there's a challenge for a developer -- maybe I
should get Jacque to send me a beta of her time warp
stacks ;-)

Best regards,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam - Tools for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same
time.  (La Rochefoucauld)

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Re: Quartam Reports, day late, dime short

2005-07-15 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On Jul 15 2005, at 13:09, Jon wrote:

I know nothing about Jan or the product, but sometimes the knee jerk 
reaction on this list is if you don't have something nice to say, 
don't say anything.  I'm not sure that is really in anyone's best 

Hi Jon

I think that people object not to the content of the raised comments, 
but to the tone of them (at least that was my reaction). Simply saying 
Why didn't you incorporate feature... instead of I demand a 
feature... goes a long way towards a nice and cool atmosphere on a 


Now running: the first ChatRev coding contest!
Andre Garzia
Fourth World
Karl Becker
Runtime Revolution
TidBITS in cooperation with eHUG

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RE: Third party Patch Manager

2005-07-15 Thread Jim Bufalini

The idea is: You upload your patch to some Rev WebPage, ,just as you would
upload it to your own Website or to RevOnline, or to your own user space.
Initially, it shows up as *Not reviewed, use at your own risk.* List users
(i.e. developers - please don't limit to some financial consideration - as
in, did you buy our latest update pack, with such and such included?), at
that point, can choose to download the patch, and apply it, just as they do

The only difference is, when someone at Runrev gets around to it, they look
at your patch and add commentary. The advantage is, all the Third Party
patches are in *one* place! And, it gives  Rev the convenience of reviewing
all Third Party Patches in *one* place. And, it gives developers *one* place
to go to find all the Third Party patches and determine what they need to
*apply* to do upgrade to a new version.

Fear of loss is a major motivating factor. If someone fears they may loose
something, even minor, by upgrading, they won't do it.

You don't need to *do more.* It's actually a *do less,* as I see that many
messages on the list server are to the effect of, *Where can I find...?*


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Eric
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 3:15 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Third party Patch Manager

Hi Jim,

Your idea is a good idea, but is it to us to make for free Rev job
that they asked us to pay for?
As for the patches I write:

. They test the running version in order to tell if the patch is
. They test if the patch has been already applied or not.
. They save the current stack as stack name old in order to let the
user reverse the process if needed.
. They apply the patch only when all conditions have been filled.

Can I do more?

Finally, a *Third party patch manager* makes me feel weird...

Le 15 juil. 05 à 14:30, Jim Bufalini a écrit :

 Anyone out there have a *Third party patch manager stack?*

 By this I mean, I've applied some patches provided by Chipp and
 Eric and
 maybe others. I forget exactly, and this is my point. For example,
 I'm still
 running 2.51 and *trying* to get to 2.6. I say trying, because my
 2.51 key
 didn't unlock 2.6 and I've requested another key, but haven't
 gotten it
 yet - but that's another story.

 The point is, I know that 2.6 will require some of the same patches
 as 2.51. However, it may not need others, and I may not remember
 what patches I applied prior, that need to be applied to the newer
 (until, I suppose, a problem occurs and I remember I have a patch
 for that,
 although I probably won't remember who wrote it, and where I got it

 It would be nice, if when I apply a patch, I could drag it to a Patch
 Manager stack that, when I upgrade to newer versions, would show all
 previously applied patches with checkboxes, and I could choose to
 apply the
 patch or not. Maybe a date of when the patch was applied (dragged
 into the
 manager), so I can remember what version I applied the patch to.

 Otherwise, I can see myself hesitating to upgrade and cut over to a
 *official* version of Rev.

 A MUCH BETTER alternative (hint, hint) to this would be for Rev,
 itself, to
 maintain a Third Party Patches web page for developers, where
 could post their patches (instead of their individual WebPages) and
 could edit the descriptions and categorize them by version number,
 as being
 applicable to a version.

 For example the recent app browser fix from Eric might be
 classified as:
 Applies to versions 2.51 to 2.6xx ONLY. Prior versions do not
 require this
 patch, and as of version 2.6yy, it's no longer applicable, as we
 took the
 silly if...then statement out ourselves. (OK, put a period after
 the word

 This would take some of the *fear* out of upgrading and in the long
 run make
 Rev more money...

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

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Re: [ANN][EN][FR] New Sophisticated Plugin from So Smart Software

2005-07-15 Thread Dennis Brown


Perhaps a check mark for each resource to search with a search all  
selected resources button would solve both problems.  Then the user  
can decide if he want to do a long search and go get some coffee, or  
just search all the easy places now.


On Jul 15, 2005, at 2:14 AM, Eric Chatonet wrote:

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the kind words :-)
Thanks for the feedback too: comments and requests are very  
important and useful.

At the moment, there is no option to get all the results in one  
fell swoop.
I did not provide such a feature since searching in deeper mode can  
be a bit long:

FAQ: 479 xml files
Dictionary: 1497 xml files
Topics: 17 xml files
Recipes: 55 cards

And one of my ergonomic goals was to *appear* much faster than the  
docs itself :-)
Letting the user beginning to read the more relevant results  
(always at top) while the search goes on.
On the other hand, there would be no technical problem to add a  
Search All menu item.

So such an enhancement could appear in the next version ;-)

Le 15 juil. 05 à 01:00, Mark Swindell a écrit :

Very nice!  Is there an option to get ALL the results in one fell  
swoop?  (i.e. the FAQ, Dictionary, Topics, Cookbook all at once  
without having to choose each and re-search?)

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Re: [ANN][EN][FR] New Sophisticated Plugin from So Smart Software

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Dennis,

Good idea.
We have to wait for version 1.1 ;-)

I take the opportunity to tell how much are important all ideas and  
feedback from advanced users or beginners too.

I don't make these tools for me...
So all comments which can help me to improve the job are welcome.
Nevertheless don't be too rude ;-)

Le 15 juil. 05 à 16:22, Dennis Brown a écrit :

Perhaps a check mark for each resource to search with a search all  
selected resources button would solve both problems.  Then the user  
can decide if he want to do a long search and go get some coffee,  
or just search all the easy places now.

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
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Snap To

2005-07-15 Thread MisterX
Hi revvers!
Im wondering if anyone has a snap-to point script or algorithm they might
want to share. Doesn't need to be a script but i would prefer a
proven-working model or concept. 
I made a few test but none seem to work as i would like to... It's meant for
window resizing and moving...
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Re: Third party Patch Manager

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi again Jim,

I think the users and not the patches providers may ask runRev in  
order to obtain such a thing :-)

I think it would be useful for the community.
I think it would be courageous from runRev to accept it.

Le 15 juil. 05 à 16:17, Jim Bufalini a écrit :

The idea is: You upload your patch to some Rev WebPage, ,just as  
you would
upload it to your own Website or to RevOnline, or to your own user  
Initially, it shows up as *Not reviewed, use at your own risk.*  
List users
(i.e. developers - please don't limit to some financial  
consideration - as
in, did you buy our latest update pack, with such and such  
included?), at
that point, can choose to download the patch, and apply it, just as  
they do


The only difference is, when someone at Runrev gets around to it,  
they look
at your patch and add commentary. The advantage is, all the Third  
patches are in *one* place! And, it gives  Rev the convenience of  
all Third Party Patches in *one* place. And, it gives developers  
*one* place
to go to find all the Third Party patches and determine what they  
need to

*apply* to do upgrade to a new version.

Fear of loss is a major motivating factor. If someone fears they  
may loose

something, even minor, by upgrading, they won't do it.

You don't need to *do more.* It's actually a *do less,* as I see  
that many
messages on the list server are to the effect of, *Where can I  

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
Mobile33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

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Re: arcadeEngine

2005-07-15 Thread Jim Hurley


Congratulations on arcadeEngine. Looks like lots of fun--and a lot of work.

Does it included changes in the engine specific to your routines? If 
so, are they specific to Dreamcard, or will they be available in 
future releases of Studio and Enterprise?

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Re: Third party Patch Manager

2005-07-15 Thread Alex Tweedly

Eric Chatonet wrote:

Hi again Jim,

I think the users and not the patches providers may ask runRev in  
order to obtain such a thing :-)

I think it would be useful for the community.
I think it would be courageous from runRev to accept it.

If I was RunRev, I wouldn't be that courageous :-)  And, to be honest, 
I'd rather that RunRev kept their efforts for the things that we, the 
community, can't do . and organizing a list of known patches is 
something we can do.

I think we could satisfy the needs with a scheme like the following :

Someone hosts a site that collects a list of known patches. (I'll 
happily volunteer to do this,  it's about time I used some of my web 
space for something useful - though in some ways it would be better if 
it were hosted by one of the already well-known sites like Ken or 
Richard (or revJournal ??))

The list consists of, for each patch,
author, date, URL for the patch, description, version it was written 
for, Bugzilla number, fixed-in version

Note the most important part of that is the Bugzilla number - either of 
a bug report or enhancement request. This ensures that RunRev are aware 
of the need (desire) for a change, and provides a reliable mechanism to 
verify whether the feature (or fix) has been incorporated into a later 
release.  The fixed-in version can be filled in later, based on the 
changes in the BZ database when a new release comes out.

The list of patches could be accessed via web browser, or via a small 
stack (again, I'll write this if there is interest  but I won't be 
doing that until mid-August onwards). The stack would pick up any 
updates from the URL, allow the user to mark which patches she has 
applied to which version on which machines, etc.

So at any time you could go run this stack, and determine if there are 
patches you'll need to apply to a new version, or whether there are new 

The quality of the patches would be entirely up to the author of any 
patch - no judgment to be applied by the list-holder.

The patches remain on the author's own web-site - and hence can be 
withdrawn, updated, or otherwise changed. Optionally, they could also be 
uploaded to the patch-list site, e.g. if the author didn't have web 
space available.

Alex Tweedly

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Re: Third party Patch Manager

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Alex,

Sounds good.
On the other hand, you are really mature to join the revInterop (Rev  
Interoperability) project :-)

Le 15 juil. 05 à 17:20, Alex Tweedly a écrit :

Eric Chatonet wrote:

Hi again Jim,

I think the users and not the patches providers may ask runRev in   
order to obtain such a thing :-)

I think it would be useful for the community.
I think it would be courageous from runRev to accept it.

If I was RunRev, I wouldn't be that courageous :-)  And, to be  
honest, I'd rather that RunRev kept their efforts for the things  
that we, the community, can't do . and organizing a list of  
known patches is something we can do.

I think we could satisfy the needs with a scheme like the following :

Someone hosts a site that collects a list of known patches. (I'll  
happily volunteer to do this,  it's about time I used some of my  
web space for something useful - though in some ways it would be  
better if it were hosted by one of the already well-known sites  
like Ken or Richard (or revJournal ??))

The list consists of, for each patch,
author, date, URL for the patch, description, version it was  
written for, Bugzilla number, fixed-in version

Note the most important part of that is the Bugzilla number -  
either of a bug report or enhancement request. This ensures that  
RunRev are aware of the need (desire) for a change, and provides a  
reliable mechanism to verify whether the feature (or fix) has been  
incorporated into a later release.  The fixed-in version can be  
filled in later, based on the changes in the BZ database when a new  
release comes out.

The list of patches could be accessed via web browser, or via a  
small stack (again, I'll write this if there is interest  but I  
won't be doing that until mid-August onwards). The stack would pick  
up any updates from the URL, allow the user to mark which patches  
she has applied to which version on which machines, etc.

So at any time you could go run this stack, and determine if there  
are patches you'll need to apply to a new version, or whether there  
are new patches.

The quality of the patches would be entirely up to the author of  
any patch - no judgment to be applied by the list-holder.

The patches remain on the author's own web-site - and hence can be  
withdrawn, updated, or otherwise changed. Optionally, they could  
also be uploaded to the patch-list site, e.g. if the author didn't  
have web space available.

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
Mobile33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

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Re: Third party Patch Manager

2005-07-15 Thread Dennis Brown


Very good idea, and well put!
Where did you get that brain of yours?
Do you have a URL where I can download one like it?
Perhaps I could just download a patch for mine :^)


On Jul 15, 2005, at 11:20 AM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

I think we could satisfy the needs with a scheme like the following :

Someone hosts a site that collects a list of known patches. (I'll  
happily volunteer to do this,  it's about time I used some of my  
web space for something useful - though in some ways it would be  
better if it were hosted by one of the already well-known sites  
like Ken or Richard (or revJournal ??))

The list consists of, for each patch,
author, date, URL for the patch, description, version it was  
written for, Bugzilla number, fixed-in version

Note the most important part of that is the Bugzilla number -  
either of a bug report or enhancement request. This ensures that  
RunRev are aware of the need (desire) for a change, and provides a  
reliable mechanism to verify whether the feature (or fix) has been  
incorporated into a later release.  The fixed-in version can be  
filled in later, based on the changes in the BZ database when a new  
release comes out.

The list of patches could be accessed via web browser, or via a  
small stack (again, I'll write this if there is interest  but I  
won't be doing that until mid-August onwards). The stack would pick  
up any updates from the URL, allow the user to mark which patches  
she has applied to which version on which machines, etc.

So at any time you could go run this stack, and determine if there  
are patches you'll need to apply to a new version, or whether there  
are new patches.

The quality of the patches would be entirely up to the author of  
any patch - no judgment to be applied by the list-holder.

The patches remain on the author's own web-site - and hence can be  
withdrawn, updated, or otherwise changed. Optionally, they could  
also be uploaded to the patch-list site, e.g. if the author didn't  
have web space available.

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Re: [ANN] Patch Stack for App Browser 2.5.1 and 2.6

2005-07-15 Thread Devin Asay


Have you posted this problem as a bug fix or feature request on  


On Jul 15, 2005, at 4:06 AM, Eric Chatonet wrote:

Hi all,

I you have followed the thread App Browser Woes. on this  
list, you know the facts:

How come when I change something in my stack, like the layer  
number or the object name etc. It doesn't change in the App  
Browser Window?

And my answer:

To be precise, the problem came in with Rev 2.5.1. (no problem with  
prior versions)
In order to save time, runRev guys imagined to keep the current  
controls list into a cache (good idea) and refresh this list only  
when a control is deleted or added (very bad idea).

Here is a patch stack to correct the devastating side effects ;-)
Just run the line below in the message box:

go url 

In topic and as a reminder, you will find below a short  
specification of my Objects Picker plugin you can download from my  

Objects Picker makes it possible to edit properties and scripts in  
one click.
It also offers dozens of powerful functions like the graphical  
reorganization of layers or the moving of objects, copying and  
pasting of properties or styles, the incremental denomination of  
objects, the management of profiles, and improved script edition,  
the bookmarking of objects as well as other functions...
Objects Picker fits in well with Revolution IDE: it uses objects  
lists as in Rev Application Browser and uses the same shortcuts you  
specified for it as well it takes care of Revolution UI Elements In  
Lists preference.
In a word, Objects Picker uses contextual menus to perform varied  
(and what are sometimes boring :-) actions, all at once, with just  
one mouse-click, on multiple objects: features are derived directly  
from programming experience and will help you save a lot of time  
when you are developing.
Note that this heavy plugin (850 KB zip archive, 1.9 MB on disk) is  
the only one which is not free but you will get yours money's worth  
(€ 12 :-)

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: [ANN][EN][FR] New Sophisticated Plugin from So Smart

2005-07-15 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

Mark Swindell [EMAIL PROTECTED] (14 Jul ) wrote:

Very nice!  Is there an option to get ALL the results in one fell  
swoop?  (i.e. the FAQ, Dictionary, Topics, Cookbook all at once  
without having to choose each and re-search?)


Eric Chatonet wrote:

I did not provide such a feature since searching in deeper mode can be 
a bit long:

FAQ: 479 xml files
Dictionary: 1497 xml files
Topics: 17 xml files
Recipes: 55 cards
And one of my ergonomic goals was to *appear* much faster than the 
docs itself Letting the user beginning to read the more relevant 
results (always at top) while the search goes on.

Dennis Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jul 15) wrote:

Perhaps a check mark for each resource to search with a search all  
selected resources button would solve both problems.  Then the user  
can decide if he want to do a long search and go get some coffee, or  
just search all the easy places now.


and Eric Chatonet [EMAIL PROTECTED] (July 15) wrote:

Hi Dennis,

Good idea.
We have to wait for version 1.1

I take the opportunity to tell how much are important all ideas and  
feedback from advanced users or beginners too.

I don't make these tools for me...
So all comments which can help me to improve the job are welcome.
Nevertheless don't be too rude.

Hi Eric.

I appreciate your open-mindedness and your valuable contributions to the 
Rev community.

Hope I am not too rude when I direct your attention to my SearchDocs 

This documentation search stack indeed allows simultaneous searches (as 
an option) of Dictionary, Faqs, and Topics - the Cookbook is not included.
Search time through the about 2000 XML-files takes an average of 200 
milliseconds, so there is no need to get some coffee while having to wait.
This search time includes displaying all found lines with the 
searchstrings colored (as in your plugin) and providing full links to 
the involved XML files at the same time (so you can instantaneously view 
the found lines in full context).

I did a test search with your and my tool seaching the Dictionary for 
the term abbreviated. The results differ, because you might apply a 
different search algorithm?

Result for the Resource Picker:

3 related entries found (containing 32 lines according to my count)

Result for Searchdocs XML 2.6:

43 found lines in 17 XML-files

Different versions of my Searchdocs XML can be found and downloaded 
from, page Samples and Tools for 
Development or Screenshots (with commentaries and screenshots).

Direct download of the latest version for Rev 2.6 is

All versions have an update button to adapt to new Rev versions and 
changes of the XML-files.


Wilhelm Sanke

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Re: Quickly find out if database is available

2005-07-15 Thread Devin Asay


This is sort of indirect but might work. Is there also a web server  
running on these servers? If so, you could do a simple get URL on the  
IP address, which should tell you very quickly whether the server is  
running or not.


On Jul 15, 2005, at 5:10 AM, Ton Kuypers wrote:


Is there a way to find out if there is a mySQL database on a  
specific ip-address?

The question seems strange, but the reason is obvious: I have a  
mySQL database running on 2 servers and if the primary is not  
running, I need to switch to the second one.
I can try to open a connection to the first one and on failure try  
to open the second one, but due to the timeout of this try to  
connect action, this takes to long.

I need to to do this using OS9, OSx and Windows application...

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers
Digital Media Partners bvba
Tel. +32 (0)477 / 739 530
Fax +32 (0)14 / 71 03 04

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Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: Search/Replace Strange Behavior

2005-07-15 Thread Mark Swindell

On Jul 14, 2005, at 10:47 PM, Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:

At 11:58 AM -0700 7/14/2005, Mark Swindell wrote:

I just had a strange behavior I wonder if anyone can explain.  I  
have a card with 3 fields containing many pages of narrative text.  
They are extensively formatted with linked text, colors, etc.  I  
used the search and replace to change occurrences of two spaces (I  
learned to type long ago on manual typewriters and can't shake the  
habit) to only one space.   I just typed in two spaces in the find  
field, and one in the replace field.  I limited the find/replace  
function to field text.  I pressed replace, and all formatting was  
lost on all three fields.  Is this a bug, or a feature?  I  
certainly didn't expect it.

It's a nuance or a design flaw, depending on how charitable  
you're feeling. The replace command treats its parameters as pure  
text, so if you do something like

  replace foo with bar in field Stuff

you'll lose all formatting in the field. Replace seems to make a  
copy of the target text, then do the replace operation, and then  
swap the target text back into the field.

The find/replace dialog really ought to be using htmlText, I think,  
although then a certain amount of conniptions would be required to  
avoid replacing text in an HTML tag

It's a pretty nasty nuance, then.  How's that?  :)

It renders the find and replace function useless for formatted text.   
And it did come as a shock, as it almost destroyed hours of work,  
because it can't be undone.  (No one had ever mentioned that I should  
back up my stacks regularly.) This seems like a pretty big thing that  
ought to be addressed by the engineering corps up in Edinborough, no?


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stupid dialogs

2005-07-15 Thread MisterX
Just wondering if you also get this?
When i close a stack and get asked to save a stack, any stack behind and
below the top of the answer dialog gets moved smoothly below the dialog.
The most stupid thing is that:
1: i have to move it back myself (not smoothly thanks)
2: when in the prefs is the button (haven't we heard that today already?)
3: why doesn't it move the stacks higher than the bottom of the stack
above itself?
This too should go in the annals of great but embarassing and on top of it,
the totally counter productive programming practices awards!
A good thing that 4: it doesn't do it for all windows correctly!
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Re: [ANN][EN][FR] New Sophisticated Plugin from So Smart

2005-07-15 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

Sorry for the typo in my last post.

The correct link for the direct download of the latest version of my 
documentation search stack for Rev 2.6 is (MetaMedia 
has to be left out).


Wilhelm Sanke, Prof
Educational Technology
University Media Center
University of Kassel

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Revolution friendly virtual desktop managers. WinXP

2005-07-15 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All.

I am looking for a virtual desktop manager for windowsXP. Now the reason
that this has relevance to the runrev list is, some of these don't hide all
the runrev palletes on switching screens. The one I prefer at the moment
that does do this properly (Managedesk) has some probelems with explorer and
I'd prefer one that could perform drag and drop of files between desktops (I
could do this on RISC OS in 1992). 

Does anyone have any virtual desktop recomendations that are revolution
friendly? IE put all the rev windows in one screen per running revolution.
This is handy when working on 2-3 rev apps.

All the best
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Re: [ANN][EN][FR] New Sophisticated Plugin from So Smart

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Dear Wilhelm,

Please, read the plugin docs before posting such a mail which hurts  
me and don't tell the truth.
You search for abbreviated in the quick search mode i.e. through  
the headers only: there are indeed 3 headers in the dictionary which  
contain abbreviated. This intelligent search takes about 120  
If you uncheck the Quick Search box to search deeper, you will not  
find 17 entries but 21 (145 contextual found lines when you find  
only 43).

Why this difference?
Your stack does not search the actual dictionary but through custom  
properties you have implemented (BTW a good idea for speed).

Resources Picker searches always the real dictionary.
As youts, the plugin provides full links to the involved entries. Did  
not you see that too?

Do you allow me to add that Resources Picker is a research centre,  
providing many other search types than through the Docs: mailing  
lists, Rev On line, RevNet, customisable Web database (for instance,  
did you try to search for  Searchdocs in the Web database? :-), all  
the web, etc.


Eric Chatonet.

Le 15 juil. 05 à 18:23, Wilhelm Sanke a écrit :

Hi Eric.

I appreciate your open-mindedness and your valuable contributions  
to the Rev community.

Hope I am not too rude when I direct your attention to my  
SearchDocs stack.

This documentation search stack indeed allows simultaneous searches  
(as an option) of Dictionary, Faqs, and Topics - the Cookbook is  
not included.
Search time through the about 2000 XML-files takes an average of  
200 milliseconds, so there is no need to get some coffee while  
having to wait.
This search time includes displaying all found lines with the  
searchstrings colored (as in your plugin) and providing full links  
to the involved XML files at the same time (so you can  
instantaneously view the found lines in full context).

I did a test search with your and my tool seaching the Dictionary  
for the term abbreviated. The results differ, because you might  
apply a different search algorithm?

Result for the Resource Picker:

3 related entries found (containing 32 lines according to my count)

Result for Searchdocs XML 2.6:

43 found lines in 17 XML-files

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
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Re: Quartam Reports, day late, dime short

2005-07-15 Thread Jon

Can't argue with that!

Björnke von Gierke wrote:

On Jul 15 2005, at 13:09, Jon wrote:

I know nothing about Jan or the product, but sometimes the knee jerk 
reaction on this list is if you don't have something nice to say, 
don't say anything.  I'm not sure that is really in anyone's best 

Hi Jon

I think that people object not to the content of the raised comments, 
but to the tone of them (at least that was my reaction). Simply saying 
Why didn't you incorporate feature... instead of I demand a 
feature... goes a long way towards a nice and cool atmosphere on a list.


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Re: Revolution friendly virtual desktop managers. WinXP

2005-07-15 Thread Jon


If these desktop managers work for everything BUT Rev, does that say 
something? I'm always annoyed when I alttab away from Rev and then 
try to alttab back, only to discover that 1) most of the Rev windows 
remain hidden, and 2) the Rev window that does appear is rarely the one 
I was using most recently. I then have to manually start hiding windows 
until I can work in Rev again.  To be honest, I would be hard pressed to 
write such a mis-behaving program in Windows if I were trying to.

Perhaps another approach would be to lobby Rev to try to make the entire 
IDE more friendly in this particular regard.


Bob Hartley wrote:

Hi All.

I am looking for a virtual desktop manager for windowsXP. Now the reason
that this has relevance to the runrev list is, some of these don't hide all
the runrev palletes on switching screens. The one I prefer at the moment
that does do this properly (Managedesk) has some probelems with explorer and
I'd prefer one that could perform drag and drop of files between desktops (I
could do this on RISC OS in 1992). 

Does anyone have any virtual desktop recomendations that are revolution
friendly? IE put all the rev windows in one screen per running revolution.
This is handy when working on 2-3 rev apps.

All the best
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Re: arcadeEngine

2005-07-15 Thread Malte Brill

Hi Jim,

Congratulations on arcadeEngine. Looks like lots of fun--and a lot of 

Thanks a lot! It was both lots of fun and work. It took almost 2 years 
to get it all done. (including research and rewrites)

Does it included changes in the engine specific to your routines?
If so, are they specific to Dreamcard, or will they be available in
future releases of Studio and Enterprise?

No. It is all written in pure Transcript. :-) It works with every 
version of Revolution and Dreamcard I have available. (including 1.1.1 
on classic)

All the best,


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RE: videoClip does stop playing????

2005-07-15 Thread Ban Nguyen


 I have a video (.mov)

 I create a button (play) with this code:

 on mouseUp
play videoClip my movie
 end mouseUp

 I also create another button (close) with this code:

 on mouseUp
   close this stack
   stop playing videoClip my movie
 end mouseUp

 The problem is:  the stack is closed but the video still play (you can
 here it)

 I don't know any other command to stop the video.  Please help.  Thank

use reverse order and the correct syntax for you commands,
that should do the trick :-)

on mouseUp
   play stop vc
   close this stack
end mouseUp

vc = short for videoclip

No need to specify the name of the clip, since only one clip can be  
at a time...

Thank you it works

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Re: Search/Replace Strange Behavior

2005-07-15 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 9:34 AM -0700 7/15/2005, Mark Swindell wrote:
It's a nuance or a design flaw, depending on how charitable 
you're feeling. The replace command treats its parameters as pure 
text, so if you do something like

  replace foo with bar in field Stuff

you'll lose all formatting in the field. Replace seems to make a 
copy of the target text, then do the replace operation, and then 
swap the target text back into the field.

It's a pretty nasty nuance, then.  How's that?  :)

Sounds about right. ;-)

It renders the find and replace function useless for formatted text.
And it did come as a shock, as it almost destroyed hours of work, 
because it can't be undone.  (No one had ever mentioned that I 
should back up my stacks regularly.) This seems like a pretty big 
thing that ought to be addressed by the engineering corps up in 
Edinborough, no?

Agreed. I thought there was a report on the replace command's 
behavior, but I wasn't able to find it, so I've bugzillad this as 
3008 and 3009.

jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Revolution friendly virtual desktop managers. WinXP

2005-07-15 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:


Hi Jon
 If these desktop managers work for everything BUT Rev, does that say

Well not exactly, they also dont always work with GIMP. However The one I am
using seems to be OK-ish now. There must have been a conflict with another
app. Mind you still not as good as the RISC OS implementation. 

I'm always annoyed when I alttab away from Rev and then try
 to alttab back, only to discover that 1) most of the Rev windows
 remain hidden, and 2) the Rev window that does appear is rarely the one I
 was using most recently. I then have to manually start hiding windows
 until I can work in Rev again. 

I do have slight annoyances, not with this particular scenario but others,
however, this is only because I have multiple instances of rev running. Just
my preference, and indeed there are benefits to not do this, stack swapping
being one particular example. 

 To be honest, I would be hard pressed to
 write such a mis-behaving program in Windows if I were trying to.

Well all my questions can be answered with virtual desktops. Perhaps it is
because my original computing environment was so lean in memory useage
(Easiwriter reads/writes word2003 and is only 800K) that I grew up on a
system with 2-3 monitors or 6-9 virtual desktops. I habe now been incluined
to go to the virtual desktop route again and am instantly more productive.
But really I'm pretty laid back about things, and actually only interested
in a virtual desktop manager. :-)

As for rev being poorly written, well I think it is actually marvelous. It
has its problems but so do other things. Probably from a Pro point of view
it may be slightly irritating when seing all these windows; however, from my
point of view, I actually love the ease of writing transcript and I'm not
annoyed by the IDE.
 Perhaps another approach would be to lobby Rev to try to make the entire
 IDE more friendly in this particular regard.

Considering the amount of money they make in comparison to Microsoft,
perhaps I should lobby MS to get virtual desktops implemented. 

Anyway: Every cloud has a silver lining. Or as Monty Python suggested I
should Always look on the bright side.. I now have virtual desktops,
just not the ideal one.

All the best
Bob; Sunny (honest) Scotland
 Bob Hartley wrote:
  Hi All.
  I am looking for a virtual desktop manager for windowsXP. Now the reason
  that this has relevance to the runrev list is, some of these don't hide
  all the runrev palletes on switching screens. The one I prefer at the
  moment that does do this properly (Managedesk) has some probelems with
  explorer and I'd prefer one that could perform drag and drop of files
  between desktops (I could do this on RISC OS in 1992).
  Does anyone have any virtual desktop recomendations that are revolution
  friendly? IE put all the rev windows in one screen per running
  revolution. This is handy when working on 2-3 rev apps.
  All the best Bob ___
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  this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
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Re: Snap To

2005-07-15 Thread Jim Lyons

I didn't see a reply to this yet:

Im wondering if anyone has a snap-to point script or algorithm they 

want to share. Doesn't need to be a script but i would prefer a
proven-working model or concept.

The idea is to round off the coordinates to the nearest multiple of 
your grid points. If you put this in a button script, the button will 
only move to points at coordinates that are multiples of 8.

on mouseDown
  repeat while the mouse is down -- (this is just for testing 

show me at 8*(mouseH() div 8 ), 8*(mouseV() div 8)
  end repeat
end mouseDown

HTH, sorry if this isn't what you meant.

Jim Lyons

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Re: Revolution friendly virtual desktop managers. WinXP

2005-07-15 Thread Chipp Walters

Already done:

See Deskman at:


Bob Hartley wrote:

Considering the amount of money they make in comparison to Microsoft,
perhaps I should lobby MS to get virtual desktops implemented. 

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Arcade Engine

2005-07-15 Thread Thomas Cole
I have a couple of textbooks and I have created Runtime Rev arcade games
to go with them. I just make them simple with fish jumping around and
things like that by hiding and showing buttons and graphics -- that sort
of thing. Very labor intensive.

Is this Arcade Engine a good buy for me? I'd like to make something that
has a more modern look than my 80-90s-looking games. I have Rev 2.1
studio. There isn't much info on the RunRev page. Anyone know anything
about how it would be to create (royalty free) standalones for
distribution with Arcade Engine?

Thanks very much,
Tom in Arizona
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development tools question

2005-07-15 Thread Hamburger1
Is it possible to have the horizontal development tools bar to float like the 
vertical one does?

Joe in Orlando, Florida
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Re: Arcade Engine

2005-07-15 Thread Malte Brill

Hi Thomas,

I have a couple of textbooks and I have created Runtime Rev arcade 

to go with them. I just make them simple with fish jumping around and
things like that by hiding and showing buttons and graphics -- that 

of thing. Very labor intensive.

Sounds interesting!

Is this Arcade Engine a good buy for me? I'd like to make something 

has a more modern look than my 80-90s-looking games. I have Rev 2.1
studio. There isn't much info on the RunRev page. Anyone know anything
about how it would be to create (royalty free) standalones for
distribution with Arcade Engine?

ArcadeEngine will allow you to add very smooth and pretty animation. It 
will add life to your apps. The best thing to judge if it can do what 
you want is to download the demo that you can find on runrevs website:

This is just a small demonstration of what arcadeEngine can do. If you 
like that, I recommend that you download the library and Getting 
Started stack at the same URL. Once you've played with it, you'll see 
that scripting is very easy to do.

Regarding the distribution: The only limitation on AE is that you can´t 
use it in Development mode unless you register. If you want to 
distribute your work, you can simply embed it as a substack to your 
stack. Compile your work for any platform you like or distribute to or 
release the stack with AE on board for use in the Dreamcard player. No 
more royalties for that. Your end users won´t have to register the 
library as it works in a standalone or the player without limitation.

In addition you get free online support for the library. If you need 
help on using AE you can join the support forum at

and your questions will be answered as soon as possible. I will prepare 
(and already have posted) some tutorials on using the library. And of 
course I am eager to see what users do with it. :-)

All the best,


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Re: Arcade Engine

2005-07-15 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Thomas Cole  wrote:

 Is this Arcade Engine a good buy for me? I'd like to make something that
 has a more modern look than my 80-90s-looking games. I have Rev 2.1
 studio. There isn't much info on the RunRev page. Anyone know anything
 about how it would be to create (royalty free) standalones for
 distribution with Arcade Engine?

ArcadeEngine is not about a look per se (although last I saw, there were a
few spirograph-esque functions included) -- it's about functionality.  Malte
has provide many useful functions and commands for creating
movement/animation/gameplay.  The look is still up to you.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Revolution friendly virtual desktop managers. WinXP

2005-07-15 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Already done:
 See Deskman at:

I Chipp.
Thanks for the info.
I've seen that one before. When you change screens it doesn't clear the

The other one I have is only $35 so not too bad.


 Bob Hartley wrote:
  Considering the amount of money they make in comparison to Microsoft,
  perhaps I should lobby MS to get virtual desktops implemented.
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Re: Quartam Reports, day late, dime short

2005-07-15 Thread Brian Yennie


I know nothing about this situation, other than what I read in the 
past day or two, but it seems to me that, tone aside, some of what 
Paul is saying IS professional.

That's exactly the point. The tone is not aside, and it wasn't subtle. 
It was an angry, rude, demanding rant. Saying I don't mean to hurt 
you is pretty pointless right before you intentionally step on 
someone's foot.

 He explained to Jan specifically what his customers needed, and hoped 
that Jan had listened.  As to trite remarks about ... missed 
deadlines, I'm not so sure that such remarks, if they're true, are 

Truth has nothing to do with whether they were trite. Calling them 
trite means they were overused and lost their meaning due to the angry, 
unprofessional presentation. Shouting weakens your point sometimes.

Explaining to the rest of us that a particular developer may not meet 
announced deadlines, while depressing, is actually useful to 
professional programmers who need to plan their schedules carefully.

Again, I never said that all of the content of the posts was false. 
Software schedules are notorious for slippage, and it's bad form to 
have your development rely on any unreleased software at all. If 
someone can calmly show me where a particular vendor is notoriously 
worse than others, with some real evidence, I'm all ears. Otherwise, 
it's hearsay.

I know nothing about Jan or the product, but sometimes the knee jerk 
reaction on this list is if you don't have something nice to say, 
don't say anything.  I'm not sure that is really in anyone's best 

No. If there is a valid criticism, just present it in civil manner. It 
happens several times a day every day on this list, and it works quite 

Hey, don't get me wrong. If anyone wants to exercise their right to 
voice their opinion in whatever tone they want, there's nothing I can 
do about it. But the heck if it makes me want to help them, which is 
what this list is all about. And that's a pity.

The signal to noise ratio on this list is damn good, and I would hate 
for that to change. With that said, I think I've put in my 2 cents.

Brian Yennie
Chief Technology Officer
QLD Learning, LLC

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RE: Snap To

2005-07-15 Thread MisterX
Thanks Jim

That i could do already. The problem is that finding approximated rects of
corners of other windows can be taxing if not confusing... 

I've tried to do a double filter on h and v vectors but the same it's
confusing... Though this gives me a new sub-filtering idea... 


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Jim Lyons
 Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 21:01
 Subject: Re: Snap To
 I didn't see a reply to this yet:
  Im wondering if anyone has a snap-to point script or algorithm they 
  might want to share. Doesn't need to be a script but i 
 would prefer a 
  proven-working model or concept.
 The idea is to round off the coordinates to the nearest 
 multiple of your grid points. If you put this in a button 
 script, the button will only move to points at coordinates 
 that are multiples of 8.
 on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down -- (this is just for testing
  show me at 8*(mouseH() div 8 ), 8*(mouseV() div 8)
end repeat
 end mouseDown
 HTH, sorry if this isn't what you meant.
 Jim Lyons
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Re: Search/Replace Strange Behavior

2005-07-15 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Mark Swindell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The find/replace dialog really ought to be using htmlText, I think,  
 although then a certain amount of conniptions would be required to  
 avoid replacing text in an HTML tag

It's a pretty nasty nuance, then.  How's that?  

It renders the find and replace function useless for formatted text.   
And it did come as a shock, as it almost destroyed hours of work,  
because it can't be undone.  (No one had ever mentioned that I should  
back up my stacks regularly.) This seems like a pretty big thing that  
ought to be addressed by the engineering corps up in Edinborough, no?


Hi Mark,

at least Jeanne A. E. DeVoto pointed into the right direction:

- Put the HTMLtext of the field into a variable
- do the replace in the variable
- set the HTMLtext of the field to the variable

 put the htmltext of fld X into tInterim
 replace searchstring with replacestring in tInterim
 set the htmltext of fld Xto tInterim.

This is applicable in most cases,

e.g. the coloring of the searchstrings in my Searchdocs stack is 
brought about by the lines

 put the htmltext of fld X into tInterim
 replace searchstring with FONT 
color=#FFsearchstring/FONT in tInterim

 set the htmltext of fld Xto tInterim


Wilhelm Sanke

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Re: Text Hyperlink

2005-07-15 Thread Douglas Gilliland
I'd like to thank you both for your quick response. It is appreciated.
Doug Gilliland
Sarasota, FL

On 7/14/05, Lynch, Jonathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Linktext is the way to go...
 Such as...
 Set the linktext of word 2 of field myField to myCard
 Then, in order to respond to it, you can do one of the following:
 If it is a locked field, do this:
 On linkclicked pLink
   If exists(card pLink of this stack) = true then go card pLink
 End linkclicked
 If this is in an unlocked field, linkclicked won't work. For an unlocked
 field, use this:
 On selectionchanged
   -- make sure it is a click action, rather than a highlighting action
   If word 4 of the selectedchunk = word 2 of the selectedchunk then
 exit selectionchanged
   -- then get the link information of the selected text and respond to
   Put the linktext of the selection into tLink
   If exists(card tLink of this stack) = true then go card tLink
 End selectionchanged
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Douglas
 Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:04 PM
 Subject: Text Hyperlink
 How can I select a word in a scrolling text field and assign it
 actions? I have been placing transparent buttons over text in
 non-scrolling fields- works great but won't work for scrolling fields.
 Searched the documentation and Dan's book but no answers. Tried
 selecting the text and using link (hoping for a hyperlink) but that
 looks like it is more for grouping text.
 I know this is a simple question (as all questions are when you know
 the answer) but being a newbe who authored in HyperStudio for years, I
 can't figure it out.
 I do appreciate all the advice I have received in previous posts.
 Doug Gilliland
 Sarasota, FL
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ZMODEM protocol support in Rev

2005-07-15 Thread Glen Bojsza
Happy Friday.

Has anyone worked with ZMODEM protocol in Rev? I need to upload and
download files from a telco blackbox that I am connected to via a
telnet session.

The box's command that I want to support is:

copy masterfile-conf zmodem:

If you use windows Hyperterminal to telnet in there is support for the
zmodem protocol and the command copies the file from the box to the
Hyperterminal folder.

But I would like to use Rev as the Telnet client and everything else
works fine other than the ability to support the copy command.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Re: [ANN][EN][FR] New Sophisticated Plugin from So Smart

2005-07-15 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

On Fri Jul 15 Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at wrote:

Dear Wilhelm,

Please, read the plugin docs before posting such a mail which hurts  
me and don't tell the truth.


Dear Eric,

Despite my earnest intention not to be rude it seems I underestimated 
this task (Here is the place for an appropriate smiley).

What I tried to respond to was the question of the joint search of 
Dictionary, Faq, Topics etc. at the same time and your reservations 
about the longer search time needed then.

Indeed I did not explore the many options you implemented in your 
research centre,  and my comment about the differences of the found 
lines was more of an afterthought after a first test.

Your stack does not search the actual dictionary but through custom  
properties you have implemented (BTW a good idea for speed).

Resources Picker searches always the real dictionary.

My tool SearchDocs XML searches the real dictionary, too, the only 
difference being that I stripped the XML tags and stored the pure text 
in arrays. The additional advantage of this procedure - apart from a 
momentous gain in speed - is that you can search for any length of a 
string in  the docs.
As an example, you could search for a longer string like move an 
animation to its starting frame, which in most cases would not be 
possible with the search functions in the Rev docs, because the 
searchstring would probably be interrupted by XML tags in the real XML 

I surely will explore your tool in full and provide feedback if 
questions or recommendations come up.

Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

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Re: ZMODEM protocol support in Rev

2005-07-15 Thread Andre Garzia

On Jul 15, 2005, at 6:39 PM, Glen Bojsza wrote:

Happy Friday.

Has anyone worked with ZMODEM protocol in Rev? I need to upload and
download files from a telco blackbox that I am connected to via a
telnet session.

The box's command that I want to support is:


are you using what operating system?


copy masterfile-conf zmodem:

If you use windows Hyperterminal to telnet in there is support for the
zmodem protocol and the command copies the file from the box to the
Hyperterminal folder.

But I would like to use Rev as the Telnet client and everything else
works fine other than the ability to support the copy command.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Re: ZMODEM protocol support in Rev

2005-07-15 Thread Andre Garzia

On Jul 15, 2005, at 6:39 PM, Glen Bojsza wrote:

Happy Friday.

Has anyone worked with ZMODEM protocol in Rev? I need to upload and
download files from a telco blackbox that I am connected to via a
telnet session.

The box's command that I want to support is:

copy masterfile-conf zmodem:

well, don't really needed the answer for my previous email. I think  
the fastest way to use ZModem with Rev is using the same tecnique  
used by BBS back in the good old days. Use a shell program.

If you're lucky to be on windows (argh, never thought I'd say that),  
you have tons of command line tools to do Z/X/YModem and Kermit. You  
would just use shell() to launch the program, that was the way that  
old BBS coped with file transfers. Altough some have builtin X and  

if you're on unixland you also have some tools available.

The wonderfull BBS Documentary site got all those tools for download...


If you use windows Hyperterminal to telnet in there is support for the
zmodem protocol and the command copies the file from the box to the
Hyperterminal folder.

But I would like to use Rev as the Telnet client and everything else
works fine other than the ability to support the copy command.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Re: Arcade Engine

2005-07-15 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Remember that Malte will answer any questions you can imagine about the 
Arcade Engine on Sunday 19.30 CET in ChatRev.

 get your copy at

The time for the chatrev in seconds is: 1121621400

Put this into your message box to get your local time:
convert 1121621400 to internet date;put it

Now running: the first ChatRev coding contest!
Andre Garzia
Fourth World
Karl Becker
Runtime Revolution
TidBITS in cooperation with eHUG

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Re: Search/Replace Strange Behavior

2005-07-15 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, July 15, 2005, 9:34:12 AM, you wrote:

MS because it can't be undone.  (No one had ever mentioned that I should
MS back up my stacks regularly.) This seems like a pretty big thing that


There. Now you've been told. Not just your stacks, either. You *do*
make backups, yes?

I use Chipp's altArchive plugin to save a copy just before I'm about
to make a major change.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: [ANN] Patch Stack for App Browser 2.5.1 and 2.6

2005-07-15 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Devin,

No I did not sent this to Bugzilla.
As I do each time I provide the answer too, I sent a copy to support  
and to Mark Waddingham.

May be it's not the right way.
What's your opinion?

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

Le 15 juil. 05 à 18:22, Devin Asay a écrit :


Have you posted this problem as a bug fix or feature request on  


On Jul 15, 2005, at 4:06 AM, Eric Chatonet wrote:

Hi all,

I you have followed the thread App Browser Woes. on this  
list, you know the facts:

How come when I change something in my stack, like the layer  
number or the object name etc. It doesn't change in the App  
Browser Window?

And my answer:

To be precise, the problem came in with Rev 2.5.1. (no problem  
with prior versions)
In order to save time, runRev guys imagined to keep the current  
controls list into a cache (good idea) and refresh this list only  
when a control is deleted or added (very bad idea).

Here is a patch stack to correct the devastating side effects ;-)
Just run the line below in the message box:

go url 

In topic and as a reminder, you will find below a short  
specification of my Objects Picker plugin you can download from my  

Objects Picker makes it possible to edit properties and scripts in  
one click.
It also offers dozens of powerful functions like the graphical  
reorganization of layers or the moving of objects, copying and  
pasting of properties or styles, the incremental denomination of  
objects, the management of profiles, and improved script edition,  
the bookmarking of objects as well as other functions...
Objects Picker fits in well with Revolution IDE: it uses objects  
lists as in Rev Application Browser and uses the same shortcuts  
you specified for it as well it takes care of Revolution UI  
Elements In Lists preference.
In a word, Objects Picker uses contextual menus to perform varied  
(and what are sometimes boring :-) actions, all at once, with just  
one mouse-click, on multiple objects: features are derived  
directly from programming experience and will help you save a lot  
of time when you are developing.
Note that this heavy plugin (850 KB zip archive, 1.9 MB on disk)  
is the only one which is not free but you will get yours money's  
worth (€ 12 :-)

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website

Web site
Phone33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
Mobile33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

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Re: [ANN] Patch Stack for App Browser 2.5.1 and 2.6

2005-07-15 Thread Alex Tweedly

Eric Chatonet wrote:

Hi Devin,

No I did not sent this to Bugzilla.
As I do each time I provide the answer too, I sent a copy to support  
and to Mark Waddingham.

May be it's not the right way.
What's your opinion?

I think it would be good to have it in Bugzilla.

1. More likely to be found by anyone searching to see if this problem 
they've just discovered is a already a known problem or not.   
(Searching the list archive isn't as reliable, nor as sure to be done, 
as searching BZ).

2. Gives everyone else the opportunity to vote for it.

3. Gives everyone a chance to be notified when it is fixed (or rejected, 
in the unlikely event that it was intended behaviour for some subtle 
reason that we didn't think of).

3a. Gives a reference number for the Patch Tracker to use :-)

-- Alex.

Alex Tweedly

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Re: [ANN] Patch Stack for App Browser 2.5.1 and 2.6

2005-07-15 Thread Devin Asay

On Jul 15, 2005, at 5:09 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

Eric Chatonet wrote:

Hi Devin,

No I did not sent this to Bugzilla.
As I do each time I provide the answer too, I sent a copy to  
support  and to Mark Waddingham.

May be it's not the right way.
What's your opinion?

I think it would be good to have it in Bugzilla.

1. More likely to be found by anyone searching to see if this  
problem they've just discovered is a already a known problem or  
not.   (Searching the list archive isn't as reliable, nor as sure  
to be done, as searching BZ).

2. Gives everyone else the opportunity to vote for it.

3. Gives everyone a chance to be notified when it is fixed (or  
rejected, in the unlikely event that it was intended behaviour for  
some subtle reason that we didn't think of).

3a. Gives a reference number for the Patch Tracker to use :-)

-- Alex.

I'm inclined to agree with Alex, for the reasons he listed. I am  
happy you've alerted Mark W. separately, however, because it lights  
another little fire under this issue, and we would hope it will be  
fixed sooner.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: [ANN] Patch Stack for App Browser 2.5.1 and 2.6

2005-07-15 Thread Andre Garzia

On Jul 15, 2005, at 7:06 AM, Eric Chatonet wrote:

go url 

The stack is reporting that I am not using 2.5.1 or higher, here it's  
2.5.1RC2... is something wrong?

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Re: Quartam Reports, day late, dime short

2005-07-15 Thread Dan Shafer
Nope, I don't think that's the knee-jerk reaction, at least not very  

The knee-jerk reaction is more like, If you must criticize, please  
do so with consideration for the feelings of the object(s) of your  
criticism and keep the tone civil.

I can't argue with that.

On Jul 15, 2005, at 10:37 AM, Jon wrote:

sometimes the knee jerk reaction on this list is if you don't  
have something nice to say, don't say anything.  I'm not sure  
that is really in anyone's best interest.

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Re: development tools question

2005-07-15 Thread Dan Shafer

If you download Chipp Walters' mini-me plug-in, it is.



On Jul 15, 2005, at 12:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is it possible to have the horizontal development tools bar to  
float like the

vertical one does?

Joe in Orlando, Florida
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Re: [ANN] Patch Stack for App Browser 2.5.1 and 2.6

2005-07-15 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 7/15/05 6:19 PM, Devin Asay wrote:

On Jul 15, 2005, at 5:09 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

Eric Chatonet wrote:

Hi Devin,

No I did not sent this to Bugzilla.
As I do each time I provide the answer too, I sent a copy to  
support  and to Mark Waddingham.

May be it's not the right way.
What's your opinion?

I think it would be good to have it in Bugzilla.

1. More likely to be found by anyone searching to see if this  problem 
they've just discovered is a already a known problem or  not.   
(Searching the list archive isn't as reliable, nor as sure  to be 
done, as searching BZ).

2. Gives everyone else the opportunity to vote for it.

3. Gives everyone a chance to be notified when it is fixed (or  
rejected, in the unlikely event that it was intended behaviour for  
some subtle reason that we didn't think of).

3a. Gives a reference number for the Patch Tracker to use :-)

-- Alex.

I'm inclined to agree with Alex, for the reasons he listed. I am  happy 
you've alerted Mark W. separately, however, because it lights  another 
little fire under this issue, and we would hope it will be  fixed sooner.

It should go into Bugzilla, because Mark isn't always the one who fixes 
this type of bug. Putting it into Bugzilla automatically assigns the bug 
to the right person. Mark gets pretty busy; sending everything to him 
could actualy slow down the process.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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