Re: [OFF] Input/Info Requested

2007-03-17 Thread Marielle Lange


In theory I approve. However (1) we have been asking for this for  
more than 3 years and this hasn't happened and (2) Revolution never  
shows himself keen on a structure where contributions can easily be  

The scripting conference success was to a huge extent thanks to the  
work, time, dedication that Jacque did put into that.

Apart for Bill (the resident bug chaser) and Lynn (the principal  
revdeveloper editor), I don't see much evidence of this.

On the revdeveloper wiki, there is now a copy of the Revolution user  

There is also some text according to which : The wiki version of the  
Revolution User’s Guide will differ from the printed documentation.  
The wiki will include additional headings and a Wiki Notes footer at  
the bottom of each page. This will include any important notes from  
the wiki editor. The wiki version may also contain user supplied  
notes, comments and addendums. These may be incorporated into the  
printed guide at some time in the future. [funny, in my latin  
classes, I learned that the plural of addendum was addenda... however,,184844,00.html  
proposes addendums as the form to adopt... though the addenda form  
obviously exists]

But I have been discussing off list months ago, to ask and how things  
could be set to make it possible for members of the community to make  
contributions. Though I have been told that there was interest in  
this on runrev side, no progress whatsoever has been made.

As I said. That's 3 years that this request has been made. In terms  
of time available on runrev side, I don't see anybody who can take  
responsibility for this. Unless Bill comes up with a description of a  
structure that makes it realistic for things to start to happen, a  
wikibook seems the best way to go.

You may enjoy the reading of this excellent article
How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Relinquish Control
Control = nothing ever happens.

I don't mind it being on a runrev website, but provided that's in a  
zone where users have some ability to change and update the  
content... eventually via some edition process by which the changes  
are not shown to the public before the content has been approved by  
an editor in charge.


On 16 Mar 2007, at 21:00, Devin Asay wrote:

You're right Bill. It ought to be shepherded by runrev and kept in  
a consistently-maintained repository at That's gonna be  
stop 1 for newbies looking for online help with Rev.


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OFF] Input/Info Requested

2007-03-17 Thread Marielle Lange

Hi Joe,

A few weeks back I broached that very issue. Or, maybe, even more  
ambitiously, about the total scope of available resources for RunRev.

Can you point me to this post... I am afraid, I don't find the time  
to read each single post on this list.

It had become pretty obvious to me that there are just tons and  
tons of materials, suggestions, approaches, et. out there, but the  
newbie to Rev has got to be bewildered.

I do my best to provide such a list at: 

there is dmoz directory, where persons can add mention of their website
Richard has a similar list:

And oh, as pointed by mblackman on the forums:
There is a good list of sites in the documentation but it doesn't  
pop out at you.
Go to documentation, click on the Search button at the right hand  
side, in the window that pops up click on 'web database' which pops  
up a menu, choose 'Go to' and presto there's a list. Maybe they  
should make this easier to find !

Then the problem I experienced is that if a link gets outdated, they  
don't get changed. I signaled that the link was not  
valid a while ago (replaced by about a year ago). I was  
told that the change would take place in the next version. The next  
version comes. No change.

I don't mind the place where this information appears being  
revolution. What I do mind however is that this is a place where  
information can be kept up to date, with the responsibility for this  
being shared by various persons rather than it being a single person  

When I was working heavily with FutureBasic, I was pushing for the  
design of a few really good templates to be used by newbies of FB a  
starting point. We even did a few; and, except for its Mac only  
capabilities, FB is the best, fastest and easiest there is. Lots of  
it are in assembly language, and like this list, the FB lists are  
impressive, though not as hurried.

You see, the big problem is that I am about to reply to this post on  
the forums
Help! I've built an application in Enterprise (2.7.1 build 236)  
booting up in OSX on an external drive - everything is fine,  
including the custom Image Library I created to hold about thirty  
icons used by my application's buttons. 

I have already replied to this type of question 3-5 times over the  
past 2 years. That's really a classical one.

meaning that an evaluation of the available resource when pursuing  
a specific type of design, plus a heads up with respect to the  
potential gotchas, is probably a better approach. Break down the  
kinds of things that might be attempted by someone, and they  
outline an approach that they might use to achieve those ends. I  
don't think there is a lot of new ground that would have to be  
broken, just guidance as to where to look for an specific  
challenge; since you can spend a lifetime reading all the stuff  
that is available, but not really find the things that a person  
might need at the time. I'm just running off at the mouth, so  
excuse me. I know you understand, probably far better than I do.

That was expressed far better than I would have been able to ;-).

Various things I was thinking about :

1. Book formats

Wicked cool?

Demo chapter for Wicked java
Wicked cool shell scripts
Wicked cool perl scripts

Phrase Book?

PHP Phrasebook (Sample Chapters)


PHP Hacks (Sample Hacks)

2. Design Patterns

Design Patterns / Interface Design?

Ajax Design Patterns (Sample chapter, pdf)

Designing Interfaces

3. Benchmarking data

See this forum post by Richard,
as an excellent example.

I'm actually having to take an hiatus from my column on Revolution  
there; perhaps for as long as a couple of months.

That's the same for me. I can contribute time and effort. However, I  
cannot do that continuously over a year period. Hence the idea of  
going for a structure which allows for different persons to take  
responsibility for this.

With FB, I tried to recruit a team to work with me on the  
template approach, and got a few takers, but ended up doing most  
of it 

Re: OT Adobe Serial/Ethical Question

2007-03-17 Thread Kay C Lan

On 3/17/07, Mark Swindell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ethics and logistics question:

I just bought a used iMac with GoLive CS installed on it.  It didn't
come with the install disks, but the program is authorized for the
computer.  I'm wondering if I technically have the right to use it?

I'll save myself the need to answer the  logistics question by saying No to
the ethics question. Really this is how the pirate industry works. Buy one
legal copy and distribute it on everything they make. This video is old, but
little has changed.

I'm not saying that the person who sold you the computer was intentionally
pirating software. I'd say your choice is simple, contact the seller and ask
them for the original GoLive install discs. If they indicate that they are
still using the program then it's pretty clear you shouldn't be. If they no
longer use the program and send you the discs, great, if they say they 'no
longer use the program but can't find the discs' then, and this is purely my
opinion, I'd reckon a legal eagle for the software companies would still say
you can't use it, but  for me personally, you've made sure (as best you can)
that only one person is using the program so then you can deal with your
logistics problem:-) You never know, when you contact them they might be
able to give you the serial No and so solve your logistics problem.

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more info

2007-03-17 Thread Marielle Lange

Bill Marriott wrote:

That library should be at, and actively maintained.

I guess this information is a useful one to give.

I had signed a community partner agreement with runrev about two  
months ago, with the view of helping things *LIKE THIS* to happen.

I tried. I asked what was possible or not with respect to stuff like  
this. I received no information. I was invited to share the  
information I had collected at BETT (British Education Trade Show,  
the biggest inthe UK). I did so. No interest was shown in the  
information or ideas I exposed. I was proposed to become a vendor,  
lobby a given school to persuade them to buy a few licenses and get  
my cut out of the deal.

I signaled I was not interested in this. I asked what else was  
possible. I didn't receive any clear answer. As it was too unclear to  
me what my role was supposed to be and what room for action I had in  
that role, I have come to choose to resign from it, a bit more than a  
week ago.

I am still keen on taking up a role with runrev which would allow me  
to do something positive for the education community but would  
refrain from doing so till things become clearer.

In particular, in my interactions with runrev it became clear to me  
that due to already great time pressure on staff, other priorities,  
or I don't know what, it wouldn't be possible to set up a structure  
where (1) things would be created and (2) things will be actively  

A structure exists where things can be created and be actively  
maintained. This structure is called wikibooks.


Marielle Lange (PhD),
Bite-size Applications for Education

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answer file of type ... ?

2007-03-17 Thread kee nethery
I have some iCal export files I want to select with the answer file  
command. I'd like to limit the answer file selection to just the iCal  
export files.

Two questions:

What are the scripts I would use on MacOSX, Windows, and Unix to  
limit the selection in answer file to be just the iCal export files?

How did you determine the file type or filter with parameters to use  
for each of the answer file scripts?

The docs imply there are different answer file scripts required for  
each OS but the examples are not marked as OS specific. The docs show  
types and filters but for the types, they don't tell you how to  
obtain the desired type or filter information from a path specified  
file. Filters do not appear to work on Mac OS X (or there is some  
magic that I'm just not performing to get a simple .ics filter to work).

Thanks in advance.

Kee Nethery
use-revolution mailing list
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2007-03-17 Thread kee nethery
I have to delve into the world of Unicode. Is there a sample stack or  
set of sample stacks that people would recommend that I start with?

In specific I'll grab unicode from a database via HTTP POST, display  
it in a field, allow it to be edited, and then save the results back  
into the database using HTTP POST.

I get the feeling from all I have read on this list that unicode is a  
mind field of things that do not work as expected or as documented.


Kee Nethery
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: answer file of type ... ?

2007-03-17 Thread kee nethery
I have some iCal export files I want to select with the answer file  
command. I'd like to limit the answer file selection to just the  
iCal export files.

Two questions:

What are the scripts I would use on MacOSX, Windows, and Unix to  
limit the selection in answer file to be just the iCal export files?

How did you determine the file type or filter with parameters to  
use for each of the answer file scripts?

I found a format that works on Mac OS X.

answer file select the .ics file with type iCal file|ics

that is iCal file then a pipe | then the file suffix without the  
dot ics

iCal file can be seen as the Kind of file in the Mac OS X finder  
window with the files in a list. The file suffix is visible as part  
of the file name. The example I pulled this from had a file type as  
the third element iCal file|ics|RCSK where RCSK would be the  
Finder File Type but this appears to be optional.

This is not an example displayed in the answer file command docs.  
The pipe as a separator is not in any example in the answer file  
command docs and the examples there imply that you need wildcard dot  
before the file suffix *.ics versus just ics

My questions above still remain but at least now I have a way to  
select specific file suffixes on the Mac.


Kee Nethery
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Re: [OFF] Input/Info Requested

2007-03-17 Thread J. Landman Gay

Devin Asay wrote:

Thanks, Jacque for that reminder--I took the chance to revisit some of 
the scripting conference stacks, and was reminded again how well-done 
they are. It seems like this series could be easily adapted and extended 
beyond just the scripting conference. I'd be happy, for instance, to 
contribute a unicode tutorial.

That would be *very* useful. I'll try to find out what RR thinks about 
expanding the conference stack library (I'm pretty sure they'll like the 
idea) and then, if approved, I'll put the template stack online so that 
others can use it.

I'll let the list know how this pans out in a few days.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OFF] Input/Info Requested

2007-03-17 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Hi Marielle,

I'm amazed at your fluency with the English language. I should do  
even half as well. I fully appreciate your dilemma and would love to  
collaborate with you and some others; but, as mentioned previously,  
I'm really swamped right now, and don't see things clearing up until  
the end of June. I'm working on my various projects 7/16 with little  
time to spare. I don't even read most of the RunRev posts. I've set  
up a folder for yours so I can go back and check on things like the  
one you asked me about. I don't clutter my email folders any more  
than necessary, so it is long gone I suspect. I could probably do a  
Spotlight search if I could think of a good keyword for which to  
search. This is just to let you know that I'm not going to be able to  
help anytime soon. Thanks for all your efforts. They do not go  
unappreciated - at least not by me. (smile)

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 3:57 AM, Marielle Lange wrote:

Hi Joe,

A few weeks back I broached that very issue. Or, maybe, even more  
ambitiously, about the total scope of available resources for RunRev.

Can you point me to this post... I am afraid, I don't find the time  
to read each single post on this list.

It had become pretty obvious to me that there are just tons and  
tons of materials, suggestions, approaches, et. out there, but the  
newbie to Rev has got to be bewildered.

I do my best to provide such a list at: 

there is dmoz directory, where persons can add mention of their  
Richard has a similar list:

And oh, as pointed by mblackman on the forums:
There is a good list of sites in the documentation but it doesn't  
pop out at you.
Go to documentation, click on the Search button at the right hand  
side, in the window that pops up click on 'web database' which pops  
up a menu, choose 'Go to' and presto there's a list. Maybe they  
should make this easier to find !

Then the problem I experienced is that if a link gets outdated,  
they don't get changed. I signaled that the link was  
not valid a while ago (replaced by about a year ago). I  
was told that the change would take place in the next version. The  
next version comes. No change.

I don't mind the place where this information appears being  
revolution. What I do mind however is that this is a place where  
information can be kept up to date, with the responsibility for  
this being shared by various persons rather than it being a single  
person effort.

When I was working heavily with FutureBasic, I was pushing for the  
design of a few really good templates to be used by newbies of FB  
a starting point. We even did a few; and, except for its Mac only  
capabilities, FB is the best, fastest and easiest there is. Lots  
of it are in assembly language, and like this list, the FB lists  
are impressive, though not as hurried.

You see, the big problem is that I am about to reply to this post  
on the forums
Help! I've built an application in Enterprise (2.7.1 build 236)  
booting up in OSX on an external drive - everything is fine,  
including the custom Image Library I created to hold about thirty  
icons used by my application's buttons. 

I have already replied to this type of question 3-5 times over the  
past 2 years. That's really a classical one.

meaning that an evaluation of the available resource when pursuing  
a specific type of design, plus a heads up with respect to the  
potential gotchas, is probably a better approach. Break down the  
kinds of things that might be attempted by someone, and they  
outline an approach that they might use to achieve those ends. I  
don't think there is a lot of new ground that would have to be  
broken, just guidance as to where to look for an specific  
challenge; since you can spend a lifetime reading all the stuff  
that is available, but not really find the things that a person  
might need at the time. I'm just running off at the mouth, so  
excuse me. I know you understand, probably far better than I do.

That was expressed far better than I would have been able to ;-).

Various things I was thinking about :

1. Book formats

Wicked cool?

Demo chapter for Wicked java
Wicked cool shell scripts
Wicked cool perl scripts

Phrase Book?

PHP Phrasebook (Sample Chapters)


PHP Hacks (Sample Hacks)

Re: answer file of type ... ?

2007-03-17 Thread J. Landman Gay

kee nethery wrote:

I found a format that works on Mac OS X.

answer file select the .ics file with type iCal file|ics

that is iCal file then a pipe | then the file suffix without the dot 

iCal file can be seen as the Kind of file in the Mac OS X finder 
window with the files in a list. The file suffix is visible as part of 
the file name. The example I pulled this from had a file type as the 
third element iCal file|ics|RCSK where RCSK would be the Finder File 
Type but this appears to be optional.

This is not an example displayed in the answer file command docs. 

It has its own entry listed under answer file with type. The entry is 
also listed as a see also under the older answer file command entry. 
The new format was introduced in Rev 2.6 and will work cross-platform. 
If  you use the older answer file syntax, you need to branch the 
answer command depending on platform. The newer entry works with the 
same command everywhere.

An example of the newer syntax is:

answer files Select images: with type JPEG Images|jpg|JPEG

The types you use should be a return-delimited list of values of the 
form tag|extensions|filetypes. This lets you list Windows extensions 
in the second piped item and Mac file types in the last one. If you omit 
the last string (which you say works okay) then I'm guessing the command 
may only look at file name extensions and may not include any files of 
the correct type that don't have extensions in their names. I haven't 
tested that though.

Regarding discovery of Mac file types, another way to find out what 
these are is to get the detailed files of a folder that contains a 
file whose type you want to know. (See the files entry in the docs.) 
The last item of each line in the list will be the Mac creator and type 
codes, provided you are on a Mac when you do it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OFF] Input/Info Requested

2007-03-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Interesting. I thought I was sending this off-list, but it had been a
long day at work and I wasn't paying attention. Hope someone finds
this useful anyway.

I thought the list software didn't handle attachments, but I guess
that's not quite true... good to know.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: [OFF] Input/Info Requested

2007-03-17 Thread J. Landman Gay

Mark Wieder wrote:

Interesting. I thought I was sending this off-list, but it had been a
long day at work and I wasn't paying attention. Hope someone finds
this useful anyway.

I did, it it helps.

I thought the list software didn't handle attachments, but I guess
that's not quite true... good to know.

It doesn't, but your attachment was an inline text file so the listbot 
apparently thought it was just a text entry.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Duration of non supported applications

2007-03-17 Thread David Bovill

On 16/03/07, Bill Marriott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 1) Redevelop the software using standard web technology for which there
 many developers available.
 2) Buy a commercial package
 3) Adopt a mixed open source strategy

Unfortunately I cannot agree with you on *ANY* of these recommendations.

Strange I agree with most of yours!

If you really believe this, why the heck are you using Rev at all?

It's my prefered development platform. I can do pretty well anything I need
with it, more reliably and faster than with any other platform.


arguments could be used against any desktop application

Which is why rightly or wrongly desktop apps are moving increasingly to web
based apps. For apps that can oly be delivered on the desktop your arguments
hold strong - it may be that this is true for Signe's app - but there are
less justifications now than there used to be for Desktop apps.

I think for all practical purposes the answer to the original poster is:

Find a Vista machine and try your stuff out. If for some reason it doesn't
work, try re-building the standalone with Rev 2.8. It will undoubtedly
great and continue to do so for the forseeable future.

Could well be. I'd find it hard to think of an application in a University
setting that has that sort of requirements stability - which is why I'd
stand by going with the people and not the technology - maybe an app will
not technically need updating over the next 3 years - but most University
applications I come across need annual updates because the requirements
change - new teachers demand new things - and courses evolve pretty fast
(with some exceptions). Perhaps this is the case for Signe - I can't picture
it in the courses I know about.

I'f I'm somehow misunderstanding you, please help clarify.

3) is a bit of a shorthand, and I'd agree with your caution. I tried to word
what I said without promising it to be an easy path. Most open source
projects are a have for bugs and truly shoddy work. The larger communities
are pretty solid by now though - personally i find Firefox rock solid and
upgrading basic installations of MediaWiki or WordPress are in the main done
for you with a one click upgrade in many hosting set-ups - its the custom
bits and small projects that cause the problems. Again this says to me - go
with the people not the technology (both WordPress and MediaWiki are not
strong technically) - as the upgrades come for free.

A main reason to stick with Rev is this community and the help given - the
time taken with your reply is no exception. My advice was to stick with a
human centered approach - if there is a Rev developer or a teacher that
wants to learn stick with that - if not don't encourage the university to
put more resources into an application without the human resources to mange
the inevitable change in requirements.
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Re: Implications of limited wash to flash drives

2007-03-17 Thread John Craig
My current flash drive got washed at 40 degrees when I accidentally left 
it in my jeans pocket - still seems to work perfectly, but be warned;
Like all flash memory devices, flash drives can sustain only a limited 
number of wash and rinse cycles before failure.

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Re: Implications of limited wash to flash drives

2007-03-17 Thread Richard Gaskin

John Craig wrote:
My current flash drive got washed at 40 degrees when I accidentally left 
it in my jeans pocket - still seems to work perfectly, but be warned;
Like all flash memory devices, flash drives can sustain only a limited 
number of wash and rinse cycles before failure.

I'll keep that in mind. :)

I haven't run that test myself, but I have run some durability tests: 
I've dropped mine many times while backpacking and hiking, watched it 
tumble over rocks, sand, and cactus, and this lightweight full-featured 
(yes, with voice recording -- sorry, Apple) unit just keeps on working 
like a champ.

My main interest in the original thread about writes was less about my 
own usage than the viability of delivering such devices with my app 
pre-installed to customers as a bundle.  I've found some great outlets 
that do custom logos and replication, and the prices are unbelievably 
low (sorry, Apple).

But if I encourage customers to run their stuff from the flash drive, 
I'll want to do so in a way that gives them some lifespan.  At a minimum 
this means turning off any auto-save features, or at least turning down 
the save interval over what we have in the desktop version.

If anyone here has had experiences with failing devices it would be good 
to know about to help determine the viability of such bundling.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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Re: Implications of limited wash to flash drives

2007-03-17 Thread Chipp Walters


I've used them from the beginning, and have yet to have one fail. I keep one
or two in my pocket at all times. I suspect they're a bit like Plasma
screens. A lot of talk about the shelf-life, but when you actually figure
out how much you're using it, you see it will last for years and years.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: answer file of type ... ?

2007-03-17 Thread kee nethery

you are truly a goddess! thanks.

To the runrev powers that be, in the docs,

1. when the search is answer file, please have answer file with  
type command appear in the search results
2. in the answer file entry, please include the notation that this  
format is being depreciated and that answer file with type command  
is recommended for new code.
3. in the answer file with type command add Jacgue's note:  
Regarding discovery of Mac file types, another way to find out what  
these are is to get the detailed files of a folder that contains a  
file whose type you want to know. (See the files entry in the  
docs.) The last item of each line in the list will be the Mac creator  
and type codes, provided you are on a Mac when you do it.


On Mar 17, 2007, at 10:25 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

kee nethery wrote:

I found a format that works on Mac OS X.
answer file select the .ics file with type iCal file|ics
that is iCal file then a pipe | then the file suffix without  
the dot ics
iCal file can be seen as the Kind of file in the Mac OS X  
finder window with the files in a list. The file suffix is visible  
as part of the file name. The example I pulled this from had a  
file type as the third element iCal file|ics|RCSK where RCSK  
would be the Finder File Type but this appears to be optional.

This is not an example displayed in the answer file command docs.

It has its own entry listed under answer file with type. The  
entry is also listed as a see also under the older answer file  
command entry. The new format was introduced in Rev 2.6 and will  
work cross-platform. If  you use the older answer file syntax,  
you need to branch the answer command depending on platform. The  
newer entry works with the same command everywhere.

An example of the newer syntax is:

answer files Select images: with type JPEG Images|jpg|JPEG

The types you use should be a return-delimited list of values of  
the form tag|extensions|filetypes. This lets you list Windows  
extensions in the second piped item and Mac file types in the last  
one. If you omit the last string (which you say works okay) then  
I'm guessing the command may only look at file name extensions and  
may not include any files of the correct type that don't have  
extensions in their names. I haven't tested that though.

Regarding discovery of Mac file types, another way to find out what  
these are is to get the detailed files of a folder that contains  
a file whose type you want to know. (See the files entry in the  
docs.) The last item of each line in the list will be the Mac  
creator and type codes, provided you are on a Mac when you do it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

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Re: Duration of non supported applications

2007-03-17 Thread Luis

Is it just me or is that as clear as Ribena?



On 17 Mar 2007, at 5:40, Bill Marriott wrote:

I can't answer all your Windows question with authority, but let  
me  just
point out that if you have Rev 2.7 already, 2.8 is a free   
upgrade, as 2.9

will be.

- Revolution 2.8 is free to users who had an active license as of its
release on February 19, 2007, per the usual licensing arrangement.

- Revolution 2.9 will be free to anyone who had an active license  
as of

February 1, 2006, or purchased any version after that date.

Thus, there are some customers for whom 2.9 will be free, but 2.8  
is not.

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Re: Implications of limited wash to flash drives

2007-03-17 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 But if I encourage customers to run their stuff from the flash drive,
 I'll want to do so in a way that gives them some lifespan.  At a minimum
 this means turning off any auto-save features, or at least turning down
 the save interval over what we have in the desktop version.

Not the answer to your original question but how about encouraging initial
backup on the user's drive at first launch, or providing backup as an
automatic feature?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Implications of limited wash to flash drives

2007-03-17 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

 I've used them from the beginning, and have yet to have one fail.

You know those thumb drives from the first RevCon?  ALL the data on the
drive I received became corrupt at some point, without my using it.  Just
popped it into a USB port one day, and while I could see all the files, non
would open or decompress.  I was able to reformat the drive, and it has
worked since, but the experience has made me a tiny bit leery of the


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Duration of non supported applications

2007-03-17 Thread Bill Marriott

 Is it just me or is that as clear as Ribena?

I'm not sure what's unclear about what I wrote. Maybe you mean, it's unusual 
to charge for an update when a future one will be free. But that's the way 
it is.

 - Revolution 2.8 is free to users who had an active license as of its
 release on February 19, 2007, per the usual licensing arrangement.

 - Revolution 2.9 will be free to anyone who had an active license  as of 
 February 1, 2006, or purchased any version after that date.

 Thus, there are some customers for whom 2.9 will be free, but 2.8  is 

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Re: Implications of limited wash to flash drives

2007-03-17 Thread Jim Ault
A little poem flashed into my head...

Not to be trusted,
especially when rusted.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 3/17/07 3:49 PM, Scott Rossi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:
 I've used them from the beginning, and have yet to have one fail.
 You know those thumb drives from the first RevCon?  ALL the data on the
 drive I received became corrupt at some point, without my using it.  Just
 popped it into a USB port one day, and while I could see all the files, non
 would open or decompress.  I was able to reformat the drive, and it has
 worked since, but the experience has made me a tiny bit leery of the

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Re: Duration of non supported applications

2007-03-17 Thread Bill Marriott
 Strange I agree with most of yours!

That's the power of logic for you ;)

 Could well be. I'd find it hard to think of an application in a University
 setting that has that sort of requirements stability - which is why I'd
 stand by going with the people and not the technology - maybe an app will
 not technically need updating over the next 3 years - but most University
 applications I come across need annual updates because the requirements
 change - new teachers demand new things - and courses evolve pretty fast
 (with some exceptions). Perhaps this is the case for Signe - I can't 
 it in the courses I know about.

The point about updating the content is valid; however if there is a 
facility, or front-end, for doing this with the app(s) in question, that may 
not be a consideration. I'm sure there's a wide range of universities... 
dynamic ones like Brigham Young and perhaps more conservative ones. But 
let's say that Signe's is one of the faster-moving ones and it would need to 
be updated based on changing requirements

 A main reason to stick with Rev is this community and the help given [...]
 My advice was to stick with a human centered approach - if there is a Rev 
 developer or a teacher that wants to learn stick with that - if not don't 
 encourage the university to put more resources into an application without 
 the human resources to mange the inevitable change in requirements.

I'd wager that a first-year comp sci undergraduate with no prior knowledge 
of xTalk could be sat down in front of the typical Revolution stack and make 
any updates required in the time it took for the other three routes to get 
past the research/requirements phase. That's the great strength of our 
beloved platform.

 I can do pretty well anything I need with [Revolution], more reliably and 
 faster than with any other platform.

Ah, maybe we agree after all!

- Bill 

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Re: Implications of limited wash to flash drives

2007-03-17 Thread Stephen Barncard
That REVCON drive didn't work very well when I got it. I had to 
reformat right away. Also PC formatted drives on Macs seem to be a 
bad idea in general if you don't have to.

Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

 I've used them from the beginning, and have yet to have one fail.

You know those thumb drives from the first RevCon?  ALL the data on the
drive I received became corrupt at some point, without my using it.  Just
popped it into a USB port one day, and while I could see all the files, non
would open or decompress.  I was able to reformat the drive, and it has
worked since, but the experience has made me a tiny bit leery of the


Scott Rossi


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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Re: Unusual Problem

2007-03-17 Thread Jim Lambert

Why is the user not returned to
the third card where the print button is after printing is completed?

Push and Pop could be handy here.

Jim Lambert 

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Re: Implications of limited wash to flash drives

2007-03-17 Thread Bill Marriott
You know, thumb drives are getting cheaper and cheaper. TigerDirect has 
512MB models from Kingston and Memorex for $9.95, no rebate required. And a 
PNY 128MB one for $4.99 after rebate. NewEgg has a 256 MB one for $6.99, 
free 3-day shipping:

Would be easy enough to write a stack to determine how long a stick can 
sustain constant writes and the performance curve of those writes. 

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Re: Implications of limited wash to flash drives

2007-03-17 Thread Stephen Barncard

The 2Gig drives are now $49 at CompUSA - two different companies.
It's fast enough to write 44.1k stereo audio in real time.

You know, thumb drives are getting cheaper and cheaper. TigerDirect has
512MB models from Kingston and Memorex for $9.95, no rebate required. And a
PNY 128MB one for $4.99 after rebate. NewEgg has a 256 MB one for $6.99,
free 3-day shipping:

Would be easy enough to write a stack to determine how long a stick can
sustain constant writes and the performance curve of those writes.


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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Re: Implications of limited wash to flash drives

2007-03-17 Thread Roger . E . Eller
 The 2Gig drives are now $49 at CompUSA - two different companies.
 It's fast enough to write 44.1k stereo audio in real time.

You can even get an 8Gig drive for $79 at It comes with 
excellent backup software for PC. This is not a U3 drive, so you don't 
have to use the included software. I have used it to backup all of my Rev 
stack files on my PC at the end of each day. It synchronizes to any 
folders I have configured, and does so very quickly. Currently, I 
reformatted it and have OS X installed on it (including Revolution and a 
few other apps) with 2Gig to spare. A MacPro can boot from USB drives as 
well as Firewire (not sure about other models). OMG! I have a pocket Mac! 
(almost anyway) lol


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Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Sarah Reichelt

I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve what
should be a simple problem.

I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown handler in
the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.

Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I want to
detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is released.
Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
times while the mouse is down.

The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it doesn't tell
me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.

It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
other suggestions.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Jim Ault
how about:
Use the within function to determine whether a point is inside the specified

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 3/17/07 7:32 PM, Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve what
 should be a simple problem.
 I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown handler in
 the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.
 Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I want to
 detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is released.
 Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
 times while the mouse is down.
 The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
 is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
 mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it doesn't tell
 me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
 mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.
 It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
 know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
 other suggestions.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins


I don't  fully understand what you're trying to do, but something  
like the following should get you continuous x,y that you should be  
able to use in some manner or another to determine which button is  

on mousedown
  repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseloc
-- do something with it
  end repeat
end mousedown

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 7:32 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve what
should be a simple problem.

I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown handler in
the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.

Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I want to
detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is released.
Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
times while the mouse is down.

The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it doesn't tell
me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.

It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
other suggestions.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Sarah Reichelt

Thanks Jim  Joe,

That works OK, using a repeat while the mouse is down loop and then
checking the mouseLoc to see whether it is within the rect of any of
my 400 buttons each time.

I thought this sort of polling was not considered a good idea. It
seems fine on my 2GHz Intel Mac, but I'm not sure how it would go on
slower machines.

It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having to do this.


On 3/18/07, Joe Lewis Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't  fully understand what you're trying to do, but something
like the following should get you continuous x,y that you should be
able to use in some manner or another to determine which button is

on mousedown
   repeat while the mouse is down
 get the mouseloc
 -- do something with it
   end repeat
end mousedown

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 7:32 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

 I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve what
 should be a simple problem.

 I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown handler in
 the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.

 Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I want to
 detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is released.
 Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
 times while the mouse is down.

 The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
 is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
 mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it doesn't tell
 me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
 mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.

 It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
 know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
 other suggestions.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Bill Marriott

Try this script in the card:

global trackMouse

on mouseDown
put true into trackMouse
end mouseDown

on mouseMove
if trackMouse = true then
put mouseMove  the target  return after fld 1
pass mouseMove
end if
end mouseMove

on mouseRelease
if trackMouse = true then
put mouseRelease  the target  return after fld 1
pass mouseRelease
end if
end mouseRelease

on mouseLeave
if trackMouse = true then
put mouseLeave  the target  return after fld 1
pass mouseLeave
end if
end mouseLeave

on mouseEnter
if trackMouse = true then
put mouseEnter  the target  return after fld 1
put false into trackMouse
pass mouseEnter
end if
end mouseEnter

I think you will find that once you press the mouse button:

- mouse down is sent to the original button
- mouseMoves are continually sent to the original button wherever you move 
the mouse
- when you release, you get a mouseRelease sent to the original button
- then a mouseMove is sent to the button you released over,
- then a mouseLeave sent to the original button,
- then a mouseEnter sent to the button you released over

- Bill

Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote in message 
 Thanks Jim  Joe,

 That works OK, using a repeat while the mouse is down loop and then
 checking the mouseLoc to see whether it is within the rect of any of
 my 400 buttons each time.

 I thought this sort of polling was not considered a good idea. It
 seems fine on my 2GHz Intel Mac, but I'm not sure how it would go on
 slower machines.

 It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having to do 


 On 3/18/07, Joe Lewis Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I don't  fully understand what you're trying to do, but something
 like the following should get you continuous x,y that you should be
 able to use in some manner or another to determine which button is

 on mousedown
repeat while the mouse is down
  get the mouseloc
  -- do something with it
end repeat
 end mousedown

 Joe Wilkins

 On Mar 17, 2007, at 7:32 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

  I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve what
  should be a simple problem.
  I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown handler in
  the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.
  Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I want to
  detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is released.
  Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
  times while the mouse is down.
  The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
  is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
  mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it doesn't tell
  me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
  mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.
  It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
  know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
  other suggestions.
  use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Stephen Barncard
Jerry figured it out a while ago -- Galaxy always shows the object 
name and path of the object it is hovering above. I think mousemove 
may be part of it.

from the docs: Sent periodically while the mouse button is being held down.

this gets close to what you want I think.

ON mouseMove
 put the target
END mouseMove

It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having to do this.



stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins


By and large, I would not put this in the category of polling;  
since nothing can be done while the mouse is down anyway. That's just  
the way it is. Now, if this repeat loop was being used in a mouseup  
handler, then it would be polling because all sorts of things can  
take place once the mouse button is released. So, I wouldn't feel  
badly about using this. Even fairly slow machines are going to react  
in exactly the same manner. They're just waiting for the user to make  
up her mind. (smile)

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 8:22 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

Thanks Jim  Joe,

That works OK, using a repeat while the mouse is down loop and then
checking the mouseLoc to see whether it is within the rect of any of
my 400 buttons each time.

I thought this sort of polling was not considered a good idea. It
seems fine on my 2GHz Intel Mac, but I'm not sure how it would go on
slower machines.

It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having  
to do this.


On 3/18/07, Joe Lewis Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't  fully understand what you're trying to do, but something
like the following should get you continuous x,y that you should be
able to use in some manner or another to determine which button is

on mousedown
   repeat while the mouse is down
 get the mouseloc
 -- do something with it
   end repeat
end mousedown

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 7:32 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

 I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve  

 should be a simple problem.

 I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown  
handler in

 the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.

 Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I  
want to
 detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is  

 Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
 times while the mouse is down.

 The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the  

 is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
 mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it  
doesn't tell

 me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
 mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.

 It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
 know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
 other suggestions.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread J. Landman Gay

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

Thanks Jim  Joe,

That works OK, using a repeat while the mouse is down loop and then
checking the mouseLoc to see whether it is within the rect of any of
my 400 buttons each time.

I thought this sort of polling was not considered a good idea. It
seems fine on my 2GHz Intel Mac, but I'm not sure how it would go on
slower machines.

It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having to do 

Yeah, bad idea. At least, according to Mr. Raney. Sometimes it's the 
only way though.

A more politically correct way is to use a mousemove handler. Set a 
script local when the mouse goes down or up. Then use mousemove to check 
whether the variable flag is set. If not, pass mousemove. If so, check 
the mouse location. Off the top of my head:

local sFlag

on mouseDown
 put true into sFlag -- or you could use the button ID as the flag
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
 put false into sFlag
end mouseUp

on mouseMove x,y
 if sFlag  true then pass mouseMove
 repeat with n = 1 to the number of btns
  if x,y is within the rect of btn n then
put n into tTarget
exit repeat
  end if
 end repeat
end mouseMove

I use this method in my Klondike game.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Revolution and Unicode

2007-03-17 Thread kee nethery
My primary problem is that I need to access a web page that is UTF8,  
and convert it to unicode so that I can edit it and save it out as a  
file of unicode. There are a few good examples of how to deal with  
unicode in revolution but so far no examples of using get URL  
http:// ... to obtain the UTF8 web page and convert it to unicode.

Here are things I have learned about revolution and unicode after  
many hours of searching:

The DVD from Revcon 2006 has the talk by Devin Asay on unicode and it  
covers lots of the gotchas on using Unicode.

Devin has a web page with some similar content

His stack from the Revcon 2006 presentation has the example scripts  
that he referred to and although I have a copy from the conference, I  
cannot find any references to it online to provide a url.

The name revolution is terrible when doing google searches because it  
is so generic. The hits on Revolution and Unicode rarely discuss  
runtime revolution and it's unicode capabilities.

The thing that does seem useful is searching in google with this:
unicode url

and the closest entries to the problem I am running into are:

If this is hopeless using
get URL http:// ...
to grab utf8 and convert it to unicode it would be great to know that  

Thanks in advance,
Kee Nethery
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Stephen Barncard
Sorry Joe, polling is just plain bad practice and could interfere 
with other messaging code. Rev gives plenty of ways to deal with 
messages that one should never have to use idle.

You still have your hypercard hat on. Untie the chains!



By and large, I would not put this in the category of polling; 
since nothing can be done while the mouse is down anyway. That's 
just the way it is. Now, if this repeat loop was being used in a 
mouseup handler, then it would be polling because all sorts of 
things can take place once the mouse button is released. So, I 
wouldn't feel badly about using this. Even fairly slow machines are 
going to react in exactly the same manner. They're just waiting for 
the user to make up her mind. (smile)

Joe Wilkins


stephen barncard
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins


So you're saying that with Rev, when the Mouse is Down, other  
messages can still be sent/received unless a repeat loop of the  
nature I suggested is invoked, so that it IS polling in the sense  
that it interrupts the normal flow? I guess things have gotten more  
complicated than I think they should. Of course, that's mostly  
because I'm content to do one thing at a time. Guess you could say  
I'm a stick in the mud! Thank for the observations, nonetheless.

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 9:22 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

Sorry Joe, polling is just plain bad practice and could interfere  
with other messaging code. Rev gives plenty of ways to deal with  
messages that one should never have to use idle.

You still have your hypercard hat on. Untie the chains!



By and large, I would not put this in the category of polling;  
since nothing can be done while the mouse is down anyway. That's  
just the way it is. Now, if this repeat loop was being used in a  
mouseup handler, then it would be polling because all sorts of  
things can take place once the mouse button is released. So, I  
wouldn't feel badly about using this. Even fairly slow machines  
are going to react in exactly the same manner. They're just  
waiting for the user to make up her mind. (smile)

Joe Wilkins


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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Re: [OFF] Input/Info Requested

2007-03-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, March 17, 2007, 10:26:14 AM, you wrote:

 I thought the list software didn't handle attachments, but I guess
 that's not quite true... good to know.

 It doesn't, but your attachment was an inline text file so the listbot
 apparently thought it was just a text entry.

It's not, actually. It's a text file attached to a text message.
That's two different MIME encodings. IF you look at the message
header, the message part gets a 7bit tag and the text file is
base64-encoded with a Content-Disposition of attachment.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Jim Ault
 On Mar 17, 2007, at 9:22 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:
 Sorry Joe, polling is just plain bad practice and could interfere
 with other messaging code. Rev gives plenty of ways to deal with
 messages that one should never have to use idle.
 You still have your hypercard hat on. Untie the chains!
On 3/17/07 9:54 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So you're saying that with Rev, when the Mouse is Down, other
 messages can still be sent/received unless a repeat loop of the
 nature I suggested is invoked, so that it IS polling in the sense
 that it interrupts the normal flow? I guess things have gotten more
 complicated than I think they should. Of course, that's mostly
 because I'm content to do one thing at a time. Guess you could say
 I'm a stick in the mud! Thank for the observations, nonetheless.

The Hypercard way of doing this was to use a repeat loop checking for
but mouseMove is better since Rev sends this to the card of the topmost
stack all the time, unless blocked, even when you are not checking for it.
Yep, all the time, but only when the cursor is within a Rev stack window,
which makes sense, since it sends the x,y with the message.

 Now you can have each button receive the messages:
which are sent by Rev.  Blocking means the buttons will not see them.

Malte is an expert at this stuff.  Chipp found a bug about a year ago in the
mouseLeave sequence with buttons and posted a fix, but I cannot remember the

Hope this helps you Sarah.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Bob Warren

Sarah Reichelt wrote:
I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around

Mouse messages while down: SQUEAK! (poor thing)

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