Re: HC convert: help with text as graphic or rotated text

2009-12-25 Thread Jacques Hausser

Le 24 déc. 2009 à 20:35, Mark Swindell a écrit :

> Does anyone know whether the Rev development team looking seriously at 
> improving text management/manipulation in future releases?
> Mark

Recurrent question, since the beginning ! Typical case of selective deafness... 
A firm promise from Edinburgh would be a very nice Chrismas gift for everybody 
on this list.

Happy Chrismas


Prof. Jacques Hausser
Department of Ecology and Evolution
Biophore / Sorge
University of Lausanne
CH 1015 Lausanne
please use my private address:
6 route de Burtigny
CH-1269 Bassins
tel/fax:++ 41 22 366 19 40
mobile: ++ 41 79 757 05 24

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Re: HC convert: help with text as graphic or rotated text

2009-12-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

On 25/12/2009 10:39, Jacques Hausser wrote:

Le 24 déc. 2009 à 20:35, Mark Swindell a écrit :


Does anyone know whether the Rev development team looking seriously at 
improving text management/manipulation in future releases?


Recurrent question, since the beginning ! Typical case of selective deafness...

There seems to be an increasingly large amount of this.

Either RunRev should demonstrably listen to their loyal customer base, 
fairly quickly and responsively;


they should stop pretending while sending out other signals.

Of course the situation with the Edinburgh conference DVDs also gives a 
'funny' impression.

  A firm promise from Edinburgh would be a very nice Chrismas gift for 
everybody on this list.


In the light of earlier 'promises' I am not entirely sure whether any 
future promises
would have much value. Commercial companies ALWAYS cross their fingers 

their backs when making promises.

Also; as I once discovered to my chagrin; RunRev, despite its "social" 
image, is a commercial
company trying to make money. RunRev will bother about better text 
stuff when, either, enough financial pressure is brought to bear, or one 
of their big-time
customers (???) demands it. If you want to believe RunRev's 
propaganda, they are
doing 'fine-and-dandy' right now with people trampling bodies in the 
streets just to get
a copy of Studio or Enterprise; personally I don't believe that at all - 
the rather low level of
attendance at the Edinburgh conference what a complete shock to me; as 
was the number
of attendees (like myself) who can count the shillings they have made 
from using RunRev

on the fingers of one hand.

Many, many of Runtime Revolution's long-term users (and 'abusers' like 
myself) do a lot of
FREE advertising for RunRev; they could, at the very least, demonstrate 
some sort of gratefulness
for that by demonstrating that they really care about these users and 
their opinions.

Supercard can do all sorts of things with text that RunRev cannot; now, 
it seems that RunRev
look down their collective nose at Supercard because it is no doing all 
the "jazzy" things
that RunRev is doing. One wonders why, when the text manipulation 
capabilities in Supercard
are better than those in RunRev. For RunRev to really "better" than 
Supercard it has to have
ALL the capabilites of Supercard and then all sorts of stuff that 
Supercard does not.
The argument that RunRev can deploy on Mac, Win, Lin and all sorts of 
other "funny" platforms
that most people have absolutely nothing to do with; while Supercard 
cannot, is not enough

in and of itself to claim superiority over Supercard.

I am sorry if my RANT upsets your post-festal digestion (whether 
Christmas, Pancha Ganapati, or
Kwanza [ and, Please, do not take offence that I did not pop the name of 
your festival down
here, just ascribe it to my ignorance and forgive me]), but on this 
topic I feel extremely strongly.


I wish everybody, regardless of persuasion, an Extremely Happy and 
Fruitful New Year.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.
use-revolution mailing list
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

2009-12-25 Thread Kevin Miller
Hi everyone,

Just opened the computer for two minutes to send you a Christmas e-card. I
hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and all the very best
for 2010.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ ~
RunRev - Software construction for everyone

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Re: HC convert: help with text as graphic or rotated text

2009-12-25 Thread Emmett Gray

Thanks, Mark, your "attempt" works. Here's my functioning handler:

on doSpine -- called on closing the field "Spine Text" and again when 
printing, to be safe

   set  tool to pointer --to delete existing spine graphic
   click at 49,166
   click at 455,166
   set tool to browse
   select empty --to be sure source field is not selected, otherwise 
blue hilite border is included in snapshot

   import snapshot from field "Spine Text"
   set the angle of the last image to 90
   move the last image to 49,166 in 1 ticks
   copy the last image
   set the angle of the last image to 270
   move the last image to 455,166 in 1 ticks
end doSpine

The rotated text is a bit fuzzy but is perfectly adequate for the 
purpose. I'm very happy to be aboard this list and get such good and 
speedy help. RunRev is beginning to be fun to use. I bought a copy 
way way back when Rev had a special offer for HC users, paid good 
money for the package, gave up in frustration. Just last week I 
decided to have another go with the free version since SheepShaver 
has been getting on my nerves lately. In fact it crashed the whole 
machine last week...

On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 09:44:14 -0800, Mark Wieder  wrote:

 If there is a way to rotate text in Rev I would have an easy
 solution. I didn't find it, nor can I find a text as graphic tool in
 Rev to do it the HC way... TIA for help.

Here's my attempt at it - this code in a button script will create a
graphic from the text, then rotate it 90 degrees:

on mouseUp pMouseBtnNo
import snapshot from field "fldTextToRotate"
set the angle of the last image to 90
end mouseUp

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Happy Holidays!

2009-12-25 Thread Jim Bufalini
Dear Everyone,

As I reflect back on this year, it is with a great sense of gratitude,
appreciation and admiration, that I wish everyone on this list Mele
Kalikimaka and Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!)

Aloha from Hawaii

Jim Bufalini

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Re: [ANN] tRev Pre-holiday Update!

2009-12-25 Thread Len Morgan

Merry Christmas, Jerry!

Where exactly are we supposed to "see" you this morning?  Is it just 
going to be a video update or is this a "live" event?


Jerry Daniels wrote:

Dear tRev fanciers,

We have just posted a fairly significant pre-holiday update for tRev. 
We're making room for the revelation of our Easter Egg feature on 
Christmas day. No one has found the egg, btw.

Below you'll see a link to a 4 minute video showing you our new 
Transparent Inspection feature. It has a much enhanced UI that does 
not require the use of the option key. This, in turn, has freed up the 
use of the option key. Details on the page to which this link points:


Jerry Daniels
Want to edit something? We can help.

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[ANN] tRev Feature Friday: drag a handler to a new tab

2009-12-25 Thread Jerry Daniels

Merry Christmas!

That's right, we now have spring-loaded tabs in tRev!
- Drag a handler over a tab and that tab opens.
- Drop the handler wherever you like in the new tab's handler list.

Watch this video to be amazed:

NOTE: tRev users do not need to update in order to use this feature.  
You have all had spring-loaded tabs for a week now. None of y'all  
found it, though!

- Dragging to a tab also works with folders.
- You can copy (even folders) using option key.

Use drag-to-a-tabs to extend your use of RevTalk:
- Reuse: make a scrapbook "drag-from" stack of often-used handlers.
- Inheritance: drag handlers up/down the message path for wider or  
selective use.

The argument for switching to tRev has—over the last months—become  
quite compelling. What started as a modest, pre-release product has  
become a tool that extends the utility of the RevTalk language while  
simultaneously greatly improving developer productivity. We have 492  
licenses sold, 26 Feature Fridays posted, and 86 posted articles on  
our site. Over 2,900 unique individual humans have visited our site,  
and they've viewed 15,400 pages.

Why the interest in tRev? Here's why:

- Handler links within scripts and across tabs
- Search across all open tabs
- Runs outside Revolution IDE (so what if Rev crashes?)
- Decoder for modeless debugging (even dialogs!)
- Seamlessly integrated Object Browser with inline name editing
- Card snapshots within Browser
- Drag and drop handlers within or across tabs
- Drag and drop objects to relayer
- Auto-complete
- Folders for handlers
- Transparent inspection (without leaving tRev!)
- Chalkboard motif for sensitive eyes
- Great interoperability with Revolution IDE
- Auto-update components (often no restart!)
- A spare, Zen mode without tooltips or headers/footers
- Up to 20 scrollable tabs

Excess tRev licenses situation...

Those tRev users who--via the MegaBundle--find themselves with more  
than one license to tRev, should click the link above to learn about  
transferring your excess licenses to friends, colleagues, etc. We'd  
much rather have real users than just sales. Click the link above for  
details on this. It's toward the end of today's Feature Friday post.

Thank you all for your business and interest.


Jerry Daniels
Want to edit something? We can 
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Re: [ANN] tRev Pre-holiday Update!

2009-12-25 Thread Jerry Daniels


See my last post to the list. The goodies are on the site. See link  


Jerry Daniels

The latest Rev Editor Video:

On Dec 25, 2009, at 10:03 AM, Len Morgan wrote:

Merry Christmas, Jerry!

Where exactly are we supposed to "see" you this morning?  Is it just  
going to be a video update or is this a "live" event?


Jerry Daniels wrote:

Dear tRev fanciers,

We have just posted a fairly significant pre-holiday update for  
tRev. We're making room for the revelation of our Easter Egg  
feature on Christmas day. No one has found the egg, btw.

Below you'll see a link to a 4 minute video showing you our new  
Transparent Inspection feature. It has a much enhanced UI that does  
not require the use of the option key. This, in turn, has freed up  
the use of the option key. Details on the page to which this link  


Jerry Daniels
Want to edit something? We can help.

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Re: [ANN] tRev Pre-holiday Update!

2009-12-25 Thread Len Morgan

Got it.  Looks cool.

Just to let you know, it appears that tRev working on XP is now 
(unofficially) now longer possible.  Don't get me wrong, SOMETHING is 
happening, and I still get a nice picture of tRevor in the upper right 
hand corner of my screen, and I even get the completely blank screen 
every time control is passed back and forth between tRev and the Rev 
IDE, but there is no tRev editor screen visible.

Just thought you might like to know so you can post somewhere that tRev 
on (at least 1) XP system does not work.  Let's hope there are some nice 
after Christmas sales at BestBuy so I can get a new machine and get my 
tRev back.

R.I.P. XP  :-(


Jerry Daniels wrote:


See my last post to the list. The goodies are on the site. See link 


Jerry Daniels

The latest Rev Editor Video:

On Dec 25, 2009, at 10:03 AM, Len Morgan wrote:

Merry Christmas, Jerry!

Where exactly are we supposed to "see" you this morning?  Is it just 
going to be a video update or is this a "live" event?


Jerry Daniels wrote:

Dear tRev fanciers,

We have just posted a fairly significant pre-holiday update for 
tRev. We're making room for the revelation of our Easter Egg feature 
on Christmas day. No one has found the egg, btw.

Below you'll see a link to a 4 minute video showing you our new 
Transparent Inspection feature. It has a much enhanced UI that does 
not require the use of the option key. This, in turn, has freed up 
the use of the option key. Details on the page to which this link 


Jerry Daniels
Want to edit something? We can help.

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Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread Tim Lambert
Could anyone point me to a 'How-to' to get QT vids to play from an uploaded 
revlet? The vids are in the same folder as the uploaded Revlet, but nowr 


Tim ___
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread Klaus on-rev
Hi Tim,

> Hi
> Could anyone point me to a 'How-to' to get QT vids to play from an uploaded 
> revlet? The vids are in the same folder as the uploaded Revlet, but nowr 
> happens.

I am not sure, but I think you will have to set the filename to the full URL 

At least worth a try :-)

Happy holidays!

> TIA.
> Tim ___



Klaus Major

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Re: [ANN] tRev Pre-holiday Update!

2009-12-25 Thread Jerry Daniels
As you know, Len, we have never officially supported XP (OS X, Vista/7  
only), although we do have tRevers out there using XP. There are so  
many variants of XP and so much going on with screens and sockets, we  
decided from day one to avoid those headaches.

Eager to have you back!


Jerry Daniels

The latest Rev Editor Video:

On Dec 25, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Len Morgan wrote:

Got it.  Looks cool.

Just to let you know, it appears that tRev working on XP is now  
(unofficially) now longer possible.  Don't get me wrong, SOMETHING  
is happening, and I still get a nice picture of tRevor in the upper  
right hand corner of my screen, and I even get the completely blank  
screen every time control is passed back and forth between tRev and  
the Rev IDE, but there is no tRev editor screen visible.

Just thought you might like to know so you can post somewhere that  
tRev on (at least 1) XP system does not work.  Let's hope there are  
some nice after Christmas sales at BestBuy so I can get a new  
machine and get my tRev back.

R.I.P. XP  :-(

Jerry Daniels wrote:


See my last post to the list. The goodies are on the site. See link  


Jerry Daniels

The latest Rev Editor Video:

On Dec 25, 2009, at 10:03 AM, Len Morgan wrote:

Merry Christmas, Jerry!

Where exactly are we supposed to "see" you this morning?  Is it  
just going to be a video update or is this a "live" event?


Jerry Daniels wrote:

Dear tRev fanciers,

We have just posted a fairly significant pre-holiday update for  
tRev. We're making room for the revelation of our Easter Egg  
feature on Christmas day. No one has found the egg, btw.

Below you'll see a link to a 4 minute video showing you our new  
Transparent Inspection feature. It has a much enhanced UI that  
does not require the use of the option key. This, in turn, has  
freed up the use of the option key. Details on the page to which  
this link points:


Jerry Daniels
Want to edit something? We can help.

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Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

On 25/12/2009 20:18, Tim Lambert wrote:

Could anyone point me to a 'How-to' to get QT vids to play from an uploaded 
revlet? The vids are in the same folder as the uploaded Revlet, but nowr 

Well, unless they are socking-great "memory suckers" I would
be inclined to embed them as one would in a 'normal'
standalone. . .
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: HC convert: help with text as graphic or rotated text

2009-12-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

RunRev will bother about better text management/manipulation
stuff when, either, enough financial pressure is brought to bear, or one 
of their big-time customers (???) demands it.

Or when they can work out how to provide seamless text capabilities 
across multiple operating systems, each with its own specs. This will 
require a complete rewrite of the field object. I've spoken to Mark 
Waddingham about this and believe me, it isn't a trival task.

Rewriting the field object, which is indeed on their list of things to 
do, will also integrate unicode so that it works without any special 
commands or settings. When I asked Mark when this might happen, he told 
me to go read the 6,000 pages of the unicode specs and get back to him.

The field object is one of the most complex and snarly bits of code in 
the entire engine. Raney called it "the beast" and I'd be surprised if 
privately the team didn't have even stronger words for it.

If you want to believe RunRev's propaganda, they are
doing 'fine-and-dandy' right now with people trampling bodies in the 
streets just to get a copy of Studio or Enterprise; personally

> I don't believe that at all -

But you should. As a RevSelect vendor, I see how many new people are 
coming in and the response has been astounding. Most of the newcomers do 
not join the mailing list, some are on the forums instead. And many 
don't join either one. The current megabundle promotion has been one of 
the most successful in RR's history. Kudos to them for that.

the rather low level of
attendance at the Edinburgh conference what a complete shock to me

It shouldn't have been. I almost didn't go myself. Scotland is far away 
and fairly costly to get to if you live in a distant country.

Supercard can do all sorts of things with text that RunRev cannot

Yes. They only have to write for OS X, which has built-in hooks for all 
sort of text manipulation. Now multiply the effort by several operating 
systems, each of which does it differently. The scope of the endeavor is 
huge. Mark's been working out how to manage it for some time now.

The argument that RunRev can deploy on Mac, Win, Lin and all sorts of 
other "funny" platforms
that most people have absolutely nothing to do with; while Supercard 
cannot, is not enough

in and of itself to claim superiority over Supercard.

RR supports OS X, three kinds of Windows, and Linux. Seems pretty 
standard to me.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

On 25/12/2009 20:18, Tim Lambert wrote:

Could anyone point me to a 'How-to' to get QT vids to play from an uploaded 
revlet? The vids are in the same folder as the uploaded Revlet, but nowr 


I wrote:

"Well, unless they are socking-great "memory suckers" I would
be inclined to embed them as one would in a 'normal'
standalone. . ."

too soon, i fear!

Just embedded a movie of my older son "moshing" on his base guitar with
friends and hived-off a revlet:

No joy (mind you, his teenage music doesn't give me exactly 'joy' anyway);

On both Safari 4 and Firefox (Mac PPC) I heard the noise (err . . . 

but no picture at all.

Tried a stack with an externally referenced movie:

play "Volumes/HD3/" at 500,350

nothing doing, even in the stack . . .

however, by choosing a Quicktime Player and setting its Source via the
preference palette the stack 'behaves' . . .

now, let's see what happens if I hive-off a revlet:

Well, well, well . . .

(and this is strictly local - not from a distant server)

revet loads with first frame of the movie (8.7 MB movie) and
control bar; and then I end up with everybody's favourite
spinning ball and the browsers cannot cope.
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Re: HC convert: help with text as graphic or rotated text

2009-12-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

On 25/12/2009 21:02, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

RunRev will bother about better text management/manipulation
stuff when, either, enough financial pressure is brought to bear, or 
one of their big-time customers (???) demands it.

Or when they can work out how to provide seamless text capabilities 
across multiple operating systems, each with its own specs. This will 
require a complete rewrite of the field object. I've spoken to Mark 
Waddingham about this and believe me, it isn't a trivial task.

Well, one would suppose both what you have written and what I have 
written will combine to a certain extent as motivating
factors - I don't quite know why it seems rude to mention the fact that 
we live in a capitalist world and that Runtime Revolution

is part of that world.

Rewriting the field object, which is indeed on their list of things to 
do, will also integrate unicode so that it works without any special 
commands or settings. When I asked Mark when this might happen, he 
told me to go read the 6,000 pages of the unicode specs and get back 
to him.

The field object is one of the most complex and snarly bits of code in 
the entire engine. Raney called it "the beast" and I'd be surprised if 
privately the team didn't have even stronger words for it.

Why, Jacques, cannot all postings from "those in the know" be as 
informative as your are?

Wow; integrating unicode would be marvellous. I have read about 300 
pages of the unicode specs and can quite honestly say

that I understood very little indeed.

If you want to believe RunRev's propaganda, they are
doing 'fine-and-dandy' right now with people trampling bodies in the 
streets just to get a copy of Studio or Enterprise; personally

> I don't believe that at all -

Well, as RunRev seem quite good at keeping some of the information you 
mention below close to their collective chest

I can only go on what I see.

But you should. As a RevSelect vendor, I see how many new people are 
coming in and the response has been astounding. Most of the newcomers 
do not join the mailing list, some are on the forums instead. And many 
don't join either one. The current megabundle promotion has been one 
of the most successful in RR's history. Kudos to them for that.

I am very glad to hear it; as I am well aware of the very great 
difference between RR 2.6 (my previous version) and RR 4, and they

can only have come about through a tremendous amount of work.

It might behoove RunRev to announce the number of sales slap-bang in the 
middle of their website (lots of other companies

do that); it would impress at least one person 'out here'.

the rather low level of
attendance at the Edinburgh conference what a complete shock to me

It shouldn't have been. I almost didn't go myself. Scotland is far 
away and fairly costly to get to if you live in a distant country.

I wonder whether RunRev wouldn't be better, in future, to have a North 
American conf. and a European conf.  However, I suspect

a European conf. wouldn't pay for itself.

I am sad to see that a Scots Software company is not more supported on 
the Scots side of the pond.

Supercard can do all sorts of things with text that RunRev cannot

Yes. They only have to write for OS X, which has built-in hooks for 
all sort of text manipulation. Now multiply the effort by several 
operating systems, each of which does it differently. The scope of the 
endeavor is huge. Mark's been working out how to manage it for some 
time now.

I am well aware of that; I use RunRev because its advantages over 
Supercard well outweigh its disadvantages (which, as far as I am

concerned are only the text aspects).

The argument that RunRev can deploy on Mac, Win, Lin and all sorts of 
other "funny" platforms
that most people have absolutely nothing to do with; while Supercard 
cannot, is not enough

in and of itself to claim superiority over Supercard.

RR supports OS X, three kinds of Windows, and Linux. Seems pretty 
standard to me.

Very much so (at the moment); but . . .

Um; Intel SPARC, SUN, Iris, UNIX . . . off in the boondocks, nicht?

Thank you very much indeed for answering my 'onslaught' in a fairly 
comprehensive fashion, that, at least in
my case, explains all sorts of things I was wondering about for ages and 
felt nobody had explained adequately.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: HC convert: help with text as graphic or rotated text

2009-12-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Well, as RunRev seem quite good at keeping some of the information you 
mention below close to their collective chest

I can only go on what I see.

Well, I didn't think that a field rewrite was a secret, but now I hope I 
haven't overstepped my NDA. Mostly I just wanted people to know that RR 
is aware of the necessity but it isn't easy to do and is going to take a 
lot of work.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: HC convert: help with text as graphic or rotated text

2009-12-25 Thread Jim Ault
I think you were merely stating the obvious.  I have no connection to  
RR and I use Rev every day to satisfy many client needs as well as my  
own.  My guess is that there will be more than one field object, since  
many apps would not require an 'all singing all dancing' object in  
every project.  This would mean that the programmer could check off a  
list of features to include depending on the project.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

PS  I will be working on a new internet business venture everyday for  
the next couple weeks that includes the On-Rev server, so see you on  
the list !!

On Dec 25, 2009, at 12:15 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Well, as RunRev seem quite good at keeping some of the information  
you mention below close to their collective chest

I can only go on what I see.

Well, I didn't think that a field rewrite was a secret, but now I  
hope I haven't overstepped my NDA. Mostly I just wanted people to  
know that RR is aware of the necessity but it isn't easy to do and  
is going to take a lot of work.


use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: HC convert: help with text as graphic or rotated text

2009-12-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

On 25/12/2009 22:15, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Well, as RunRev seem quite good at keeping some of the information 
you mention below close to their collective chest

I can only go on what I see.

Well, I didn't think that a field rewrite was a secret, but now I hope 
I haven't overstepped my NDA. Mostly I just wanted people to know that 
RR is aware of the necessity but it isn't easy to do and is going to 
take a lot of work.

Well, I don't know about your NDA; mine is now used by my wife up at the 
University as an example
of English-language legalese . . . I only hope the students don't find 
it as boring reading as I did . . .  :)

[Yes, I did read the thing!]

Certainly at that meeting (to which the NDA refers) I have no memory of 
anything being said about text
fields - mind you, come to think of it, I was so soaked by the Edinburgh 
rain that I can recall almost nothing
at all; so, in my case at least, an NDA was completely unnecessary. 
After that meeting I 'escaped' as quickly as possible
and headed back to my lodgings for a good long soak in a hot bath; where 
my mind was filled with thoughts
about my family far more than what had been discussed . . . either my 
memory is as sieve-like as some people would
have me believe, or nothing of any great moment was mentioned at the 

What ever, I wonder about your word 'necessity' and whether it might not 
be better replaced with 'need'.

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Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread Richard Miller


Put "file:.///" before the actual location of the QT video. So if the 
video is here "c:/", set the filename to:   "file:///c:/". 
If you're doing this on a Mac, be sure the actual location of the QT 
video starts with the name of your HD volume in the filename (but still 
following the "file:///" syntax).

Best regards,
Richard Miller

Tim Lambert wrote:

Could anyone point me to a 'How-to' to get QT vids to play from an uploaded 
revlet? The vids are in the same folder as the uploaded Revlet, but nowr 


Tim ___
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use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

Tim Lambert wrote:

Hi Could anyone point me to a 'How-to' to get QT vids to play from an
uploaded revlet? The vids are in the same folder as the uploaded
Revlet, but nowr happens.

That's how I do it. The videos are in the same folder with the revlet, 
then the script references them like this:

set the filename of player 1 to "";

I don't use the "file://" syntax, because a revlet is like a local 
stack, and a fully qualified URL is fine as a reference. The "file://" 
designation is only for files you want to retrieve from the user's local 
hard drive, not for those on your server.

Unless it got fixed without my noticing, players in revlets only work 
reliably if the alwaysBuffer property is set to false. That may be the 
issue in your revlet.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread Richard Miller


Jacqueline is right if the videos you are trying to access are on a 
remote server.

It's not been my experience that the alwaysBuffer setting matters in a 
revlet. Seems they'll always default to "alwaysbuffer" is true.


J. Landman Gay wrote:

Tim Lambert wrote:

Hi Could anyone point me to a 'How-to' to get QT vids to play from an
uploaded revlet? The vids are in the same folder as the uploaded
Revlet, but nowr happens.

That's how I do it. The videos are in the same folder with the revlet, 
then the script references them like this:

set the filename of player 1 to "";

I don't use the "file://" syntax, because a revlet is like a local 
stack, and a fully qualified URL is fine as a reference. The "file://" 
designation is only for files you want to retrieve from the user's 
local hard drive, not for those on your server.

Unless it got fixed without my noticing, players in revlets only work 
reliably if the alwaysBuffer property is set to false. That may be the 
issue in your revlet.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

Richard Miller wrote:

It's not been my experience that the alwaysBuffer setting matters in a 
revlet. Seems they'll always default to "alwaysbuffer" is true.

Oops, I had it backward. Seems that alwaysbuffer needs to be true -- or 
at least, it did. I just checked the QCC but I don't see anything about 
it in there so I'm not sure what the current status is. But if it works 
either way for you, then that's very good news.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread Richard Miller


One other point. Check to make sure the path to the video is 
case-proper. In my case, I often store videos on GoDaddy. I've found the 
filenames to be case-sensitive.


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Happy Holidays!

2009-12-25 Thread Neal Campbell
Say Hi to the Prez for me!

Best wishes to everyone in 2010, I think we could all use a lift from these
dark days!

Neal Campbell
Abroham Neal Software
(540) 242 0911

Amateur Radio: K3NC
DXBase bug reports: email to
Abroham Neal forums: http:/

On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Jim Bufalini  wrote:

> Dear Everyone,
> As I reflect back on this year, it is with a great sense of gratitude,
> appreciation and admiration, that I wish everyone on this list Mele
> Kalikimaka and Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!)
> Aloha from Hawaii
> Jim Bufalini
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
> subscription preferences:
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread Sarah Reichelt
>> Hi Could anyone point me to a 'How-to' to get QT vids to play from an
>> uploaded revlet? The vids are in the same folder as the uploaded
>> Revlet, but nowr happens.
> That's how I do it. The videos are in the same folder with the revlet, then
> the script references them like this:
> set the filename of player 1 to "";

Is there a way for the revlet to know where it is?
I would prefer not to have to hard-wire the path, so that the revlet
would work no matter where it was moved to, assuming that the media
files were kept in the same relative location.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

2009-12-25 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 13:30:26 +
Kevin Miller wrote:

> Just opened the computer for two minutes to send you a Christmas e-card. I
> hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and all the very best
> for 2010.

You are welcome! My great good wish for each member of
RunRev Family is a 2010 blessed in every way.

Many thanks to Runrev for jumpstart this platform
in this 2009!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

RE: [ANN] tRev Pre-holiday Update!

2009-12-25 Thread Jim Bufalini
Jerry Daniels wrote:

> As you know, Len, we have never officially supported XP (OS X, Vista/7
> only), although we do have tRevers out there using XP. There are so
> many variants of XP and so much going on with screens and sockets, we
> decided from day one to avoid those headaches.
> Eager to have you back!
> Best,
> Jerry Daniels
> The latest Rev Editor Video:
> On Dec 25, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Len Morgan wrote:
> > Got it.  Looks cool.
> >
> > Just to let you know, it appears that tRev working on XP is now
> > (unofficially) now longer possible.  Don't get me wrong, SOMETHING
> > is happening, and I still get a nice picture of tRevor in the upper
> > right hand corner of my screen, and I even get the completely blank
> > screen every time control is passed back and forth between tRev and
> > the Rev IDE, but there is no tRev editor screen visible.
> >
> > Just thought you might like to know so you can post somewhere that
> > tRev on (at least 1) XP system does not work.  Let's hope there are
> > some nice after Christmas sales at BestBuy so I can get a new
> > machine and get my tRev back.
> >
> > R.I.P. XP  :-(
> >
> > len

For what it's worth, I have found that whenever something works on Vista/7
and not on XP (it's usually the other way around), greater than 9 times out
of 10 it has nothing to do with versions of XP (Home Premium or
Professional, etc.) or 64 bit or 32 bit, etc. It has to do with spaces in a
file path.

If you shell, or open process or pass a parameter to a process, it will work
in Vista and not work in XP because of the spaces in the file path. Even if
you are just writing to a user's Documents directory, in Vista this is
*C:\Users\\Documents\* (notice no spaces unless a user put a space
in their user name). But, in XP it's C:\Documents and Settings\\My

See all those spaces in the file path in XP? They wreak havoc when passed as
params, etc. This is the main reason MS renamed directories like *Documents
and Settings* to *ProgramData* and *My Documents* to *Documents* and *All
Users* to *Default*. 

The answer is just enclose any file paths in quotes. So do *quote &
"C:\" & quote*, and almost always your non-XP-working-Rev-app magically
starts working on XP. Without this, it goes off into lala land. This just
happened to me yesterday. I had something working perfectly in Vista but
would not work on any XP machine. Luckily I remembered about spaces and
quoting and got it working in short order.

The other tip is even in Vista/7 avoid using directories that involve the
user name as users will do things like firstNamelastName and this
will cause the identical problem on Vista/7. It's why I recommend against
using a user's Documents directory.

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: [ANN] tRev Pre-holiday Update!

2009-12-25 Thread Jerry Daniels


I do the quote thing already.

Happy holidays,

Jerry Daniels

The latest Rev Editor Video:

On Dec 25, 2009, at 10:15 PM, Jim Bufalini wrote:

Jerry Daniels wrote:

As you know, Len, we have never officially supported XP (OS X,  

only), although we do have tRevers out there using XP. There are so
many variants of XP and so much going on with screens and sockets, we
decided from day one to avoid those headaches.

Eager to have you back!


Jerry Daniels

The latest Rev Editor Video:

On Dec 25, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Len Morgan wrote:

Got it.  Looks cool.

Just to let you know, it appears that tRev working on XP is now
(unofficially) now longer possible.  Don't get me wrong, SOMETHING
is happening, and I still get a nice picture of tRevor in the upper
right hand corner of my screen, and I even get the completely blank
screen every time control is passed back and forth between tRev and
the Rev IDE, but there is no tRev editor screen visible.

Just thought you might like to know so you can post somewhere that
tRev on (at least 1) XP system does not work.  Let's hope there are
some nice after Christmas sales at BestBuy so I can get a new
machine and get my tRev back.

R.I.P. XP  :-(


For what it's worth, I have found that whenever something works on  
and not on XP (it's usually the other way around), greater than 9  
times out

of 10 it has nothing to do with versions of XP (Home Premium or
Professional, etc.) or 64 bit or 32 bit, etc. It has to do with  
spaces in a

file path.

If you shell, or open process or pass a parameter to a process, it  
will work
in Vista and not work in XP because of the spaces in the file path.  
Even if

you are just writing to a user's Documents directory, in Vista this is
*C:\Users\\Documents\* (notice no spaces unless a user put  
a space
in their user name). But, in XP it's C:\Documents and Settings 


See all those spaces in the file path in XP? They wreak havoc when  
passed as
params, etc. This is the main reason MS renamed directories like  
and Settings* to *ProgramData* and *My Documents* to *Documents* and  

Users* to *Default*.

The answer is just enclose any file paths in quotes. So do *quote &
"C:\" & quote*, and almost always your non-XP-working-Rev-app  
starts working on XP. Without this, it goes off into lala land. This  
happened to me yesterday. I had something working perfectly in Vista  
would not work on any XP machine. Luckily I remembered about spaces  

quoting and got it working in short order.

The other tip is even in Vista/7 avoid using directories that  
involve the
user name as users will do things like firstNamelastName and  
will cause the identical problem on Vista/7. It's why I recommend  

using a user's Documents directory.

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Pointers to Quicktime videos in Revlets

2009-12-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

Is there a way for the revlet to know where it is?
I would prefer not to have to hard-wire the path, so that the revlet
would work no matter where it was moved to, assuming that the media
files were kept in the same relative location.

The revlet thinks it's on the user's machine, so you need some kind of 
link back to your server. If you're putting the revlet on your on-rev 
site, then you could probably get the server variables to see what the 
REQUEST_URI is and get the page name from that.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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