Re: Do ... as Applescript, bugs??

2010-04-12 Thread Andrew Meit
My error msg: Execution Error

The file name changes each time its run for its created via Rev script. So no 
file is made till the end. And I have to go through AS editor because am 
creating AS files on the fly for later use. It appears Rev is somehow not 
letting go of its connection to the AS Editor. I am trying not to have to type 
stuff out a lot due to my disabilities thats why am creating this. Please, Thanks.

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Do ... as Applescript, bugs??

2010-04-11 Thread Andrew Meit
I give up. It appears do AS is somehow picky/buggy or is my simple 

copy to clipboard this: --testing code

I have the AS code below in a field:

tell application "AppleScript Editor"
set fpath to "/Users/ScholarMeit/Desktop/As tests/moving window"
make new document with data the clipboard
compile document 1
save document 1 in POSIX file fpath as "script"
close window 1
end tell

With this script for the field:

on enterinfield
do (text of me) as Applescript
put the result
end enterinfield

I tried both the latest beta and latest shipping version, both hang. I am using 
10.6.3. iMac 21.5.
It will work once and then on next time its called Rev hangs a long time then 
report an error. 
AS code works without error in Script editor.

It was supposed to help me work faster...any clues? Thanks. 
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escaping hyphen char in menus

2010-04-11 Thread Andrew Meit
I can't find a way to escape the hyphen char for a menu, it just always give a 
divider line. Clues? Thanks

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Do ... as Applescript, bugs??

2010-04-11 Thread Andrew Meit
Ahh I had an insight to rework it and now it works. However, am always wanting 
to work smart than hard...
I am creating AS statements on the fly via Rev then sending them to Applescript 
editor to be compiled and saved via clipboard.
Is there a way to send a list of AS statements to AS to be compiled and saved?

Like this?

do "Tell process "&"Applescript"&cr&"to compile "&AS_stmts as Applescript

thanks, andrew___
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Do ... as Applescript, bugs??

2010-04-11 Thread Andrew Meit
I am struggling to figure out why do as Applescript works once correctly but 
second time its fired off, Rev hangs and returns "execution error". My As code 
works correctly within the As editor all the time. I am talking directly to the 
Applescript editor with my do statements. I am using 4.0. Are there known bugs 
with As with Rev at this time? 
Any As gurus willing to help please contact me off list. 
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web browser and Rev interactivity, help

2009-03-21 Thread Andrew Meit


I am wanting to edit the selected text of a text box on a web page  
presented on a card of a stack. As for as I can tell, I can't directly  
replace selected text in the text box. Anyone has a way to do this  
please share. What I would like to do is press a button and have it  
insert text into a text-box or replace the selected text. I hope this  
can be done.

Thank you.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}

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Re: Subject: Drawing a curved shape - 2nd attempt

2009-02-01 Thread Andrew Meit
For over 20 years I have been waiting and wanting an xtalk supporting  
PS like graphics objects.
I sent some years ago a classic curve drawing stack to Rev I created.  
I have seen others do it within xtalk but not smoothly however well  
done. Teasing me all the more of the rich, cool possibilities.
There is much code for doing curve drawing on web, in textbooks, all  
in public domain. Yes, there are knotty tech issues to work out for an  
xtalk; yes, it must be done at the engine level. But it can be done I  
would hope so.
I can only guess why (I have theories but I need to leave that  
unsaid), but frankly it is a painful mystery to me why Rev is not  
"getting it". Please, prove me wrong Rev. Please.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}
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Re: Arrays: new and old keys, ii

2008-09-15 Thread Andrew Meit

One point of speculation which would make a huge difference is how Rev
is actually implementing the arrays. If it is truly a hash table,
providing any sort of in-order traversal of the array elements won't
be happening any time soon. A hash table is an unordered piece of
data, and so to provide any sort of built-in sorting, RunRev would
have to implement workarounds under the hood similar to what people
are already scripting. On the other hand, if they are using something
more like red-black trees, it is trivial to walk the tree in order and
return the elements. Or backwards. Or "next" and "prev" functionality.
But... I have no idea what data structure they are using.

-- Ok, this an important clue why I see and sense some missing aspects/ 
functionality etc in the new arrays.
And I fear it may mean a much longer time before really, really true  
Arrays are fully in Rev.
I don't want or need clever hacks to do simple things that the  
language should be doing for me.
Yes, its good mental exercise figuring what's it all about, but why  
waste that time.

I rather work smart than hard, for what's an x-talk for?
Besides, why is there not a full tutorial explaining you can or cant  
do with the new arrays???

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}

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Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i

2008-09-11 Thread Andrew Meit
Me too! I am frustrated that once again Rev ships new features without  
full docs or full examples.
Please anyone who deeply understands the new arrays teach all,  
thanks. :-)

Better yet a small library of wrappers that finish them off.
Just for the record, I did bug report the missing doc while testing.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}

On Sep 11, 2008, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Oh - and anyone know where to find some documentation on the
multidimensional arrays in Rev3.0?

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Re: 1st class via arrays, some comments...

2008-08-22 Thread Andrew Meit
I cant speak to Lua, but after spending (and filing lots of bugs) a  
lot of time with rev arrays in RC1 that I can speak about.

I'm frustrated.
On one hand finally a key feature that brings transcript into a more  
complete language is here; however, how its given to us appears far  
from complete. I am hoping RC2 will really shine on polished arrays.  
Rev cant afford to be so lax on this feature like so many features  
given but not finished over the years. This is the first test of how  
Rev handles major paradigm shifts in the language.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}

On Aug 22, 2008, at 8:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

So this move to arrays within arrays - does that mean we moving  
towards Rev

being a first class language?

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concerning 2.9 as "free"

2008-02-25 Thread Andrew Meit


I would like a clear, detailed statement from Rev explaining who does  
and doesn't get 2.9 as a free upgrade/update, and how is any 2.9.x  
updates understood as free or paid for too.
For example, if one has any 2.7.x, 2.8.x versions does one get 2.9.0,  
but any 2.9.x updates will be a required to paid.
For example, if one gets 2.9.0 but 2 months later, a 2.9.2 goes out,  
and you have not paid to renew your 2.7.x, 2.8.x, you wont be able to  
install that 2.9.2 version; so its "free" for only during that 2  
months period.

Thank you.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}

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window manager code

2008-02-19 Thread Andrew Meit


Since there are many kinds of screen resolutions for monitors, I am  
looking for code that tiles windows based on proportions of the  
screen and fixed window size. Sorta a geometry manager for  
windows...any one having code to share?

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}

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Macintosh Modifier symbols in menuitem

2008-01-31 Thread Andrew Meit

So, no takers on my question ;-)

I spent some time experimenting and it appears there is no way to  
show for example "option + return" symbols in a pulldown menu in a  
menubar. Oh, I can get the symbols to show after dancing with various  
settings for the button, but not as a true macintosh menuitem thingy.
Why should I be constrained to using only alphabets for my shortcut  

If there is some other way to do this, please let me know.

Rev, don't you find this strange for a Macintosh app to be missing???
Rev, please stop chasing after wizbang eye-candy stuff and finish  
real bread&butter GUI stuff--Now!
I am really getting tired of waiting for 7 years for stuff long, long  
over due and at break-neck update/upgrade prices.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}

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Apple symbols in menus

2008-01-30 Thread Andrew Meit

hi all,

So, is there a way to get the shift/option/arrow etc.. symbols to  
show in rev menuitems?

I am running out of alphabets! thanks :-)

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}

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dimming of Edit menu items after using OsX file dialogue

2008-01-16 Thread Andrew Meit


I have found both in 2.8.1/2.9b10 that after calling OsX's standard  
file dialogue to open a file the first 4 menuitems under my Edit menu  
(stand editing stuff) becomes disabled until I force a redraw of the  
window by either iconizing it in the dock and uniconizing it or by  
opening another window and then bring the main stack window frontmost  
again. btw, yes when I use a hardwired file path, the edit menuitems  
do remain enabled; hence, know its how Rev is calling the OsX.

I hoping this is not an engine bug for this is an important demo for  
a commercial product! I can't afford to wait another year or months  
for a fix! Please share any solution thats not too badly a hack.

Thank you. :-)

10.4.10, ibook g4 1.42mhz, 1g ram
menubar made via Rev menubar tool

Shalom, Andrew
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Re: disabed edit menuitems [Richard]

2008-01-14 Thread Andrew Meit
ahhh, its not wanting editing while ask/answer file is up, its after  
it goes away that the standard cut/copy/past/undo *remains disabled*,  
surely thats not standard. Somehow the menubar is not being updated  
correctly both within the IDE and as a standalone.

Shalom, Andrew

On Jan 14, 2008, at 5:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

At first glance the current behavior appears to follow convention.
Which edit menu items do you want enabled while a system sheet is up
that are currently disabled?

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Bug 3509 and an open letter to Rev

2008-01-14 Thread Andrew Meit

I found some-else have been having problems with edit menu-items  
becoming disabled. Its a 3 year old bug! Why would Rev allow a bug  
that blocks real full editing to fail after using Ask/answer/ask file/ 
answer file remain unfixed
I have found no work arounds given at the report. Oh, I can hack a  
forced update only within the Ide, BUT for a standalone fails.

Shalom, Andrew

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update on my dimming edit menuitems

2008-01-14 Thread Andrew Meit
I found out after making a standalone that forcing a redraw of the  
window by either iconizing it in the dock and uniconizing it or by  
opening another window and then bring the main stack window frontmost  
again does not enabled the edit menuitems, only within IDE. Anyone  
seen this or have a work around?? Thank you.

Shalom, Andrew
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My Enterprise has been sold.

2007-12-16 Thread Andrew Meit

Just to let folks know.
I hope in the year(s) ahead Rev can finally rethink cost of renewal  
for Studio so I wont have to be priced out of ownership like I had  
been with Enterprise. Just a plea.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}
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Selling my Enterprise license

2007-12-06 Thread Andrew Meit

Happy Holidays folks,

Due to my needing funds for medical reasons I am selling my  
Revolution Enterprise 2.7.1 edition for $100.00. A new license is  
$999.00, the renewal pack for my license is $499.00. (Heather, if its  
different let me know, thanks.)

From today to Jan 31 my offer stands.
My pricing gives a hefty discount. :-)

Rev knows of my offer and is allowing me to sell it.
Please contact me off list, thank you.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}
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[OT] Selling my Enterprise

2007-07-16 Thread Andrew Meit


Due to the cost of obtaining a Hearing-aid I have to sell my  
Enterprise Edition of version 2.7.1
Interested buyers please contact me off list. email: meitnik(at)

Thank you!

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}

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Singing praise...for Galaxy 1.5...

2007-02-20 Thread Andrew Meit

Wow...and wow...

	For all the money I spent paying for updates over the years for IDE  
bug fixes...I wish I could have sent to Galaxy! Rev, dump your IDE  
and stick to engine fixes and long requested bread/butter features  
and leave the IDE to outside folks who really have the time and  
talent to do it right. I didn't want a video game to get my work  
done, just done.
	I am sorry, however, I don't have the funds to buy 1.5. Anyone  
willing to hire me to for a short project for a 100.00 to help pay  
for Galaxy? I live on very limited income due to disabilities. I want  
Galaxy to be around a long timeso I an create -- effectively--a  
long time too ;-)
Oh I am aware there is room for much improvements yet (I need more  
mouse support than typing), but I rather start with Galaxy than the  
Rev IDE.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

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Re: altbrowser chewing on link cursor...,i

2007-01-26 Thread Andrew Meit

I am using OSX 10.4.8, Rev studio 2.7.4.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

On Jan 26, 2007, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

It would help to know a little about what's going on:
   - What version of Revolution are you using?
   - What Operating System and Version are you using?

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Altbrowser chews on cursor for links...

2007-01-26 Thread Andrew Meit

Narrowed down the hacked cursor
when the cursor is over any link object (text or button) it hacks the  
cursor shape...

Anyone else can confirm this?

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

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cursor problems in Altbrowser??

2007-01-26 Thread Andrew Meit
Anybody else seeing their cursor hacked up when used in the browser  
demo of AltBrowser??

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

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Crash reporter, Apples for use in Rev??

2007-01-26 Thread Andrew Meit
Is there a reason Rev has yet to make use of Crash reporter to email  
crash logs to them??

And btw, so when is the next open beta coming?

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

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Altplug-ins demo stacks...

2007-01-19 Thread Andrew Meit

I have found bugs using the altfont demo

1. installing the plug-in:
Unzip problem:
ditto: Couldn't read PKZip signature

3. running the demo
after I installed manually the altfont bundle in externals, I ran  
demo. It crashed.

Any help would be valued now.. :-)

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

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Some thoughts on testings...

2007-01-13 Thread Andrew Meit
I recently had been forced to move all my files to my ibook and make  
it my main computer while I figure out what to do with my old iMac G4  
LCD dying...while doing so, I came across a file I saved and thought  
it important to post on the list in light of the open beta of slowly:

Subject: Should Testers Be Allowed to Do Their Job?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edward V. Berard)
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 1995 07:35:23 -0400

Should testers be allowed to do their job? Before I can answer that,  
I need to define a few terms:

- To slightly paraphrase Glen Myers (author of "The Art of Software  
Testing"), testing is the process of examining some material with the  
intention (or goal) of finding errors. The "material" can include the  
material produced during the development part of the software life- 
cycle (e.g., the products of the analysis, design, and coding  
efforts), and the specifications for the test cases themselves.

- Testing is a comparison process. Specifically, it compares one set  
of material (e.g., object code) with some correspondingly related  
material (e.g., the specification for that object code). Symptoms of  
errors are detected when what is expressed in one set of material  
does not agree with what is expressed in its corresponding material.  
(It is not the job of the tester to find the exact source of the  
error. That is the job of the creator (developer) of the material.)

- To be considered minimally adequate, the testing effort would have  
to detect the symptoms of all critical errors, and the symptoms of  
most, if not all, of the symptoms of all other errors.

I propose that the job of the tester is to do at least minimally  
adequate testing, as defined above.

Consider the following (unfortunately true) story. A few years ago, I  
was teaching a testing course at a firm that made implantable medical  
devices, e.g., pacemakers. Modern pacemakers not only contain  
software, but they are also programmed, monitored, and adjusted by  
systems that contain software. The people in the class were charged  
with testing the software associated with pacemaker systems.

- During the class, the students were required to specify test cases  
for software. Part of any test case is the purpose for that test  
case. One of the students insisted that "the purpose of test case xyz  
is to _prove_ _that_ _some_ _particular_ _function_ _is_  
_accomplished_." When I informed this person that, while this may  
have been the goal of the developer of the software, the goal of the  
tester was exactly the opposite.

- Later, in the same class, one of the testers noted that developers  
"felt bad" when they were informed of errors in the software products  
for which the developers were responsible. The tester said that she  
felt it was part of her job to provide some encouragement to the  
developers. Other testers admitted that they were often uncomfortable  
with being "the bearers of bad bad news" (i.e., reports of errors).

I was astonished. Was the ego of the developers more important than  
the health of the patients using the implanted medical devices? Were  
testers also required to be "psychological counselors" for the  
developers? Were both the testers and the developers aware of the  
negative impact on testing created by the reluctance of the testers  
to "make the developers feel bad?"

Should testers be allowed to do their job? Based on my experience  
over the past 15 years, the answer to that question in most shops is"  
"up to a point."

- Managers, developers, and testers often cannot distinguish between  
a _social_ situation and a _business_ situation. In a _social_  
context, I would agree that people must seriously consider whether it  
is worthwhile to point out "problems." Specifically, one must weigh  
the feelings of the individuals involved against any "improvements"  
that might result from bringing a problem to light. In a business  
situation the rules change. The parties to a business arrangement are  
supposed to be aware of the terms and conditions of the business  
arrangement, and are required to act accordingly.

One should _expect_ testers to find symptoms of errors. That is their  
job. Further, testers that routinely do not uncover symptoms of  
serious errors are not performing their jobs successfully.

When a tester informs a developer of the symptoms of the errors he or  
she has uncovered, the tester is _not_ making a statement about the  
basic goodness or badness of the developer as a human being. The  
tester _is_ making a statement about some material for which the  
developer is responsible.

- The time, staff, and other resources that are allocated to  
developers are often woefully inadequate. However, the time, staff,  
and resources that are allocated to the testing effort are, by in  
large, a joke. In all my years of training and consulting, I have run  
across fewer than 3 organizations that had anything even appro

Re: Macpool...ii

2006-12-21 Thread Andrew Meit

As for as I can figure out it is

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

On Dec 21, 2006, at 6:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Andrew, was it made with Revolution?

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Re: MacPool 4.0...

2006-12-21 Thread Andrew Meit


If you want to finally play pool on Mac osX then download MacPool, see 
versiontracker for more info. Due to my very limited vision, I cant 
play nearly all sim games, but pool. So I was thrilled to find this. At 
last to have some fun with my mac!


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Studio resizeing stack behind back of user...,ii

2006-08-29 Thread Andrew Meit
Am not doing nothing with menus of any kind and am not doing a full  
screen stack either. Yes, all my OS X apps resize large for me I when  
I set them too. I can't stand Rev taking over my design. I would like  
to pass preopenstack to ide but discovered if I do Rev changes my  
stack again on reload. Tessler used to wear a t-shirt at PARC, "DONT  
MODE ME IN" It works for me. So how do I hack the IDE to give me an  

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

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Re: Studio resizeing stack behind back of user..., i

2006-08-29 Thread Andrew Meit
For Mac Studio 2.7.3 users, there is a nasty bug. It will resize your  
stacks thinking it has to consider a taskbar. For a workaround I put  
in my preopenstack:

set the windowBoundingRect to 0,20,1024,764

currently its set by rev as 0,50,1024,764. If someone can tell me  
where in IDE I can fix it, I would love it.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

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Re: Studio resizeing stack behind back of user...

2006-08-29 Thread Andrew Meit
Mac Studio 2.7.3 users out there, does Studio resize your saved  
stacks when you later reopen them? That is it thinks you have a Win  
Taskbar and clips the stack height to account for it. I can't even  
imagine why Rev would touch a users stack behind a developer's back.  
That is a big no-no. And nothing I can do overrides Rev editing my  
stack size.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

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Re: U3 and Mac and possible tool....

2006-08-21 Thread Andrew Meit
I would love to see someone make this work for Rev with a smart gui  
front end...

Read and create!

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love...}

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2005-03-31 Thread Andrew Meit
Version 4.1 of the Unicode(R) Standard Released
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., March 31 /PRNewswire/ -- The Unicode(R) 
Consortium announced today the release of the latest version of the 
Unicode Standard, Version 4.1.0. This version adds 1,273 new 
characters, including those necessary to complete roundtrip mapping of 
the HKSCS and GB 18030 standards, five new currency signs, some 
characters for Indic and Korean, and eight new scripts. In addition, 
there have been a number of significant additions and changes to the 
Unicode Character Database properties, which determine the behavior of 
characters in modern software.

Unicode 4.1 adds two new Unicode Standard Annexes: UAX #31: 
Identifier and Pattern Syntax and UAX #34: Unicode Named Character 
Sequences, and makes significant changes to other Unicode Standard 
Annexes. UAX #31 is of particular interest as a result of the broader 
incorporation of Unicode in protocols and programming languages. 
Applications from programming languages to international domain names 
require stable mechanisms for distinguishing both identifiers and 
syntax characters, even as characters for additional languages are 
added to the Unicode Standard.

The release of Unicode 4.1 will be soon followed by a new release 
of the Unicode Collation Algorithm, for language-sensitive sorting, 
searching, and matching; by Unicode Regular Expressions, setting the 
standard for handling Unicode character in regular expressions; and by 
a new draft of Unicode Security Considerations, for dealing with 
security issues posed by the large number of visually-similar 
characters in Unicode.

For complete details on Unicode 4.1, see . Those interested in the latest 
developments in software globalization can attend the next Unicode 
conference, April 6-8, 2005 in Berlin, Germany.

About the Unicode Standard
The Unicode Standard is a fundamental component of all modern 
software and information technology protocols. It provides a uniform, 
universal architecture and encoding for all languages of the world -- 
with over 96,000 characters currently encoded -- and is the basis for 
processing, storage, and seamless data interchange of text data 
worldwide. Unicode is required by modern standards such as XML, Java, 
C#, ECMAScript (JavaScript), LDAP, CORBA 3.0, WML, IDN, etc., and is 
the official way to implement ISO/IEC 10646.

About the Unicode Consortium
The Unicode Consortium is a non-profit organization founded to 
develop, extend and promote software globalization. The membership of 
the consortium represents a broad spectrum of corporations and 
organizations in the computer and information processing industry. Full 
members (the highest level) are: Adobe Systems, L'Agence 
intergouvernementale de la Francophonie, Apple Computer, Government of 
India -- Ministry of Information Technology, Government of Pakistan -- 
National Language Authority, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Monotype 
Imaging, Oracle, RLG, SAP, Sun Microsystems, and Sybase. In addition, 
there are about 100 Supporting, Associate, Liaison, and Individual 

For more information, please contact the Unicode Consortium .

SOURCE  Unicode Consortium
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Re: ANN Nine ball pool

2005-03-24 Thread Andrew Meit
On Mar 24, 2005, at 1:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

It's so cool it needs some
nice graphics...  so I added some: beat me to it...
Thank you, may your guis always be chewy and yummy!
-{Choose Life, Create hope, Nurture Love...}-
use-revolution mailing list

ANN Nine ball pool

2005-03-24 Thread Andrew Meit
On Mar 24, 2005, at 1:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Subject: ANN Nine ball pool
-- Its been over 8yrs since I could play pool as a mental break for 
nearly all games require much better eye/hand control than my body will 
allow -- until now! Bless you a ten thousand handlers to bloom for your 
work. I was depress I never got to play games too ;-) THANK YOU!
Nicely done too. I hope to get under its hood and improve it too if you 
dont mind. ;-)

-{Choose Life, Create hope, Nurture Love...}-
use-revolution mailing list

Re: really OT.... who is living Ireland?

2005-01-28 Thread Andrew Meit
Anyone on list who lives in or near Galway, Ireland? If so, please 
contact me off-list. Thanks.

-{Choose Life, Create hope, Nurture Love...}-
use-revolution mailing list

Re: search patch...

2005-01-24 Thread Andrew Meit
On Jan 24, 2005, at 6:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Until RunRev delivers a fully revised set of docs that includes this, 
created a "patch" stack that will change your current version of the 
Docs so that it will no longer attempt to search or filter after 
typing, but
*only* after you hit . This eliminates the annoying "No match"
dialog box that many of you have experienced.
-- thank you ken, the man! :-)
I had hoped the rev updater service within RR would have had this by 

-{Choose Life, Create hope, Nurture Love...}-
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Shafer Books...a thank you.

2005-01-24 Thread Andrew Meit
	I thank you for your candor and willingness to seek a solution for 
your book project. I personally own many of your books over the years, 
so I know you can do the job when things are in sync for you. I respect 
your talents.
	I hope others would learn from your example. ;-)

-{Choose Life, Create hope, Nurture Love...}-
use-revolution mailing list

Re: RAD challenge, ii

2005-01-22 Thread Andrew Meit
On Jan 22, 2005, at 7:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Four tutorials, plenty of code and screenshots
that guide novice users to create each of these
apps... That would be a challenge.
Who will learn quickly? Those novices starting RR? or Those starting 

-- Amen! 
I notice that RB ships with full working examples of each nearly all 
key concepts in depth and breath and how-tos ... roughly 20mb! And that 
is free to download and learn from even for the trail versions. I often 
wish I could point newbies and wanna-owns the same for RR... I hope 
that can happen one day.

-{Choose Life, Create hope, Nurture Love...}-
use-revolution mailing list