Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

2003-10-06 Thread Júlio César Ködel
Did you tried to create a manifest for Revolution? If revolution uses the
default Windows System Button, then the manifest would draw it as Luna or
other style on XP.

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

 i'd rather have my buttons looking native in winXP ;-)

 -Original Message-
   Set the lookAndFeel to MacOSX -- would be a nice Christmas present

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Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

2003-10-05 Thread Júlio César Ködel
I think that would be a problem, since both Windows XP and MacOS X use, in a
large scale, alpha blending (those shadows and a lot of other window
gadgets). Would be impossible to achieve a complete MacOS X look and feel in
Windows 32, Windows NT 4 and Linuxes environments.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

  At 10:44 PM -0300 10/4/2003, Júlio César Ködel wrote:
 My question was: it is possible to make this look and feel of Classic
 MacOS in a Rev. application running in Windows (i.e. I make a
 that is distributed for Windows machines, and want to apply ClassicMacOS
 style on it, as it is possible in the development stage)
  Set the lookAndFeel property to Macintosh to get the Platinum
  appearance. (This is what the menu item in the development
  environment does.)
  Jeanne DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
  Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
  ~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions  special offers ~~~


 Are there any plans for Rev to simulate the Aqua appearance in the same
 way? It would be nice for those of us who develop apps on Windows that
 will be used on OS X to be able to preview the look and feel.

 Set the lookAndFeel to MacOSX -- would be a nice Christmas present this

 Roger Eller
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Why this doesn't work? =(

2003-10-05 Thread Júlio César Ködel

HTMLText property of a field = 

"a href=""file://c:\teste.htm"  quote 

The link is shown, but it won't open nothing =(

What I'm doing wrong???

(Notice: this text has to be setted FROM CODE, not editing the contents of 
fields in IDE)

Re: Drivers for Firebird/Interbase (Was Re: JDBC instead of ODBC)

2003-10-05 Thread Júlio César Ködel
You are talking about commercial drivers, I'm talking about free software.
You're right, 'cos I didn't mention this before, but, for users like me,
from Brazil, it's almost impossible to buy foreign softwares (the software
must be VERY good to compensate all the troubles that we have to make such

- Original Message - 
From: Bernard Devlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2003 2:41 PM
Subject: Drivers for Firebird/Interbase (Was Re: JDBC instead of ODBC)


 Even if ODBC would be a TRUE reality on all
 plataforms, we'd need a ODBC driver for Firebird, wich exists only for
 Windows (there is plans for a Linux one, but it's not available yet). For
 Macintosh, Firebird is nothing.

 You are mistaken. There are ODBC drivers for Interbase (and Firebird) for
 Linux, Solaris, Windows, and OS X.

 Have a look at:


 Nevertheless, if there was only one external database for which Runrev
 provided native Rev drivers, it should be Interbase/Firebird.

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Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

2003-10-05 Thread Júlio César Ködel
'Cos is beaultiful??? =P

For Windows XP, it's not a problem, since there is Aqua-like styles for
Windows XP wich make Windows works as Aqua does. But, for other Windows
(like 95 and 98), the user is REALLY bored of that non-gracefull gray
window, every day, year by year...
It's just a cosmetic trick to bring more hapiness to the user, just this ;-)
(Besides: someone here knows of a Media Player that works in a default
window, with default buttons and all those gray stuffs? No. Almost all
media players are skinned to have a better appearence. Sometimes it's good
to change the user experience within your application).

Windows XP uses Luna interface, MacOS uses Platinum, MacOSX use Aqua, Linux
use, well, I don't know what the hell is that, he he he... It's just
graphics... nothing more.

And I'm not asking nothing about Aqua... Just Platinum =)

- Original Message - 
From: Ken Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

 Hi Richard,

  Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2003 11:33:13 -0700
  Subject: Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution
  From: Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  One of the
  downsides to implementing Aqua emulation would be to encourage a false
  confidence for things that might look good buy do not work properly once
  actually deployed there.
 Dumb question from someone who hasn't followed all of this. Why would
 someone want to emulate Mac OSX Aqua on a Windoze platform to begin with?

 Ken N.

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Re: JDBC instead of ODBC

2003-10-04 Thread Júlio César Ködel
Easier than a ODBC/JDBC/whateverDBC engine is a custom engine for a specific
database. For example, FireBird (or Interbase 6, which is almost the same),
there is a VB OCX and some LIBs for C to direct connect to Firebird servers
without using ODBC... The most right would we achieve the maximum
information (and source codes) of determined engine and then give it to
Revolution developers... This way, I think new native engines for Revolution
will be more easy made than we just ask I need a driver for sbrobow
database engine ;-)
And there is a advantage in this process: as native database engines doesn't
work uppon ODBC, and considering that all database servers are equal
(plataform independent), a engine made for revolution would work in any
plataforms (different from ODBC, which is a problem in MacOS and, I guess, a
really pain in *nix stations).

By the way... Some developer wants the source code for some libs to
FireBird? ;-)

- Original Message - 
From: Bernard Devlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: JDBC instead of ODBC

 But what about all those database engines that can use JDBC?

 Todd, maybe you are thinking of things in the converse.  Are you seeing
 Rev stacks as databases, and asking for a JDBC driver so that people could
 connect to a stack from a Java application?  That is the only sense in
 which the databases you mention have JDBC drivers - so that Java
 applications can connect to them.

 Rev uses ODBC in the opposite way - that is, so that Rev _applications_
 can connect to these _other_ databases.

 The Rev drivers for Oracle, MySQL, Valentina etc. are the Rev equivalents
 of the JDBC drivers - drivers which enable an application to make direct
 (network) calls to a database (that may be local) from within the

 With the databases you cite, the JDBC drivers are provided (effectively)
 by the database providers to enable Java applications to communicate with
 their DB.

 As for Rev apps, there is only really three ways to interface with an
 external database:
 1) the Runrev-supplied drivers
 2) ODBC  (or maybe a JDBC-ODBC bridge, although usually they are the other
 way round)
 3) Shelling out to a command line SQL processor

 I expect some more imaginative individual may come up with others


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Some doubts 'bout Revolution

2003-10-04 Thread Júlio César Ködel

Each day I'm more convinced that Revolution is a 
great program tool. Some things are amazing easy to do, and seems so powerfull 
that I think no program CAN'T be developed in Rev. But, I must ask some 
questions: (first, sorry by comparing Rev with VB, but I'm a BASIC programmer 
since 1986, and VB is my current world ;-] )

1) Nowadays, more and more applications (especially 
those developed in RAD tools) are using HTML, for display data, forms, or 
whatever. In my case, I use HTML for custom relats (my program parses tags in 
HTML file and then replace them with some data. It's a easy way to make relats 
customizable for the final user). Revolution doesn't have a control that show 
HTML pages (I know there is a DLL, which I assume that use IE engine, but work 
only for Windows). There is some way to display full HTML pages within cards, in 
all plataforms (or, at least, Windows and *nix)? Or, if not, at least a 
"standard" way to "execute" a HTML file (some kind of shell that would open the 
default Web Browser of OS and display a local file).

2) Someone know a site where there is some Rev. 
applications to download (to study, of course, open source)?

3) Since Windows 95, both Mac and *nix plataforms 
are using controls like the Windows TreeView and ListItems controls. There is 
something like this for Revolution (TV and LI objects are used, for example, in 
a Windows Explorer window, wich TreeView is the object that shows a "tree" of 
folders and ListItems is the object that show items with icons, tabs and 

4) Is therea IDE for Revolution other than 
the current?

5) Revolution IDE is capable of showing the "look 
and feel" of other plataforms (for example, MacOS and Motif). In a distributed 
application, there is some way to make it look like a Mac, for example, by 
default (in other words:Can Imake a Revolution application in 
Windows that mantain the "look" of Mac?)

6) When making a compiled application from 
Revolution, I noticed that it would NOT support Microsoft icons other than 16 
colors... There's no way to use 256 colors icons? (the best would be if Rev. 
could use TrueColor or RGBA icons, but 256 colors are the minimal to nowadays 
Windows stardards).

Well... I guess it's "only" this... Thanx in 
advance for all ;-)

Re: JDBC instead of ODBC

2003-10-04 Thread Júlio César Ködel
I'm not suggesting nothing ;-) I was just saying that it's easier to work on
a native engine than support a Java ODBC engine ;-)
Therefore, Java it's NOT so good as it seems (especially on Windows XP).
And, other thing I said: I think it is more applicable we give the maximum
information we have instead of just ask for something... As those tools are,
almost always, open source. For example, my case (FireBird). I know that
there is a lot of drivers and libs that are open source... With this in
hands, it's a lot easier to devs to make something 'bout FB than just ask
for support to FB, don't you agree?


- Original Message - 
From: Bernard Devlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: JDBC instead of ODBC

 Easier than a ODBC/JDBC/whateverDBC engine is a custom engine for a


 If you are asking for native Rev drivers for Firebird (to go alongside the
 drivers that are provided for PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc), I suggested it to
 Runrev before, but have heard nothing for a year or so.

 If you are suggesting something else, I'm afraid I don't understand. Could
 you give more detail?


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Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

2003-10-04 Thread Júlio César Ködel

 What's a relat?

Ops... It's a report, he he he...
Well... Opening a local html file it's fine.
I don't know if is possible on all systems, but, in Windows, it's possible
to get a HTML Browser within a OLE Object. I know that Macitosh also have
OLE Objects support from Microsoft (and, if there is a IE for Macs, I think
it would be possible to make this trick on Mac), but I don't know about

 Classic, but not OS X.  That's the only one you can't at this time.  While
 the other OS appearances are emulated it would be way too much work to
 emulate Apple's Aqua Appearance Manager.

My question was: it is possible to make this look and feel of Classic
MacOS in a Rev. application running in Windows (i.e. I make a application,
that is distributed for Windows machines, and want to apply ClassicMacOS
style on it, as it is possible in the development stage)

Thanx for the help ;-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: 'bout Revolution and FireBird]

2003-10-03 Thread Júlio César Ködel

 ODBC can be used with remote databases. When creating the DSN you
 specify the hostname or IP address of the server.

That's the point... I didn't found this option... It only permits create DSN
for local databases =(
In VB, we use connection string, not DSN... I know it's not a Revolution
issue, but could you give-me more information about remote databases and
DSNs? (I will not program for Macs, only for IBM, in both Microsoft and *nix

 Are you confusing the database server with the database client
 libraries? No matter what database you choose, if it's running on a
 remote server, then the client user should not need to download and
 install the database- all they need is the client libraries, whether
 they be ODBC drivers, or revDB drivers.

Indeed, there is a ODBC driver for FireBird, and works fine, but, as I said,
VB works with connection string (which gives me possibilities to declare
provider (FireBird ODBC), host, database (in host), username and password.
In ODBC with DSN, I can't declare host, thus, only local databases can be
used =(

Thanx for all the help ;-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: 'bout Revolution and FireBird]

2003-10-03 Thread Júlio César Ködel
I get it!
The database name CONTAINS the hostname =\

This works with 2 ODBC drivers that I get... Only in the second driver there
was a minimal tip of achieving this... People are a little lazy 'bout
documentation =(

Thanx for the help of all of you, now I can start to program with Revolution
(and fill this list with doubts, he he he)...


For those who want to use FireBird and have the same problem o'mine:

Use any ODBC driver for FB (I recommend IBOLEDB, which is easier to install
and faster to connect), then, when creating a DSN, put the hostname before
the path:


- Original Message -
From: Bernard Devlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: 'bout Revolution and FireBird]


 In ODBC with DSN, I can't declare host, thus, only local databases can be
 used =(

 I have connected Windows clients to remote Firebird databases via ODBC.
 Can you provide me with

 - the server name where your remote Firebird db is located
 - the port being used (if other than that used with the default Firebird
 - the path to the database on the server.

 Which ODBC driver are you using?  Can you send me a screenshot of what you
 are seeing?

 Please send me this off-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- I
 will post my response back to the list for you and any other interested


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Re: JDBC instead of ODBC

2003-10-03 Thread Júlio César Ködel
Those links that I passed in my messages are both for open source ODBC
engines (for both Windows and Linux). I think would not be hard to make a
MacOS X version, but, for MacOS, I don't know (therefore, I hate macs ;-] )

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: JDBC instead of ODBC

 On Friday, October 3, 2003, at 01:01  PM, Todd Geist wrote:
   Is it particular hard to build this kind of driver?

 If you are programming in Java it's not hard, I would imagine.
 But JDBC makes no sense for Rev because it's not related to Java in any

 Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |

 what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
 to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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'bout Revolution and FireBird

2003-10-02 Thread Júlio César Ködel

I was developing a commercial system 
in VB 6, but many clients request me Linux compatibility, which I can't achieve 
with VB, then, I found Revolution and downloaded a trial version to see its 
capabilities... I already know that Revolution have support for MySQL and ODBC, 
but I using FireBird (a Interbase compatible database engine). In Windows, I 
have an OCX DLL that implement ODBC with FireBird (and thus, allowing VB access 
to FireBird). But, I don't know how this work on Linux systems... It will be 
possible to use FireBird on Linux, or even ODBC? Any help on this issue will be 
welcome... ;-)

Thanx in advance,
Tenebree Software