I think that would be a problem, since both Windows XP and MacOS X use, in a
large scale, alpha blending (those shadows and a lot of other window
gadgets). Would be impossible to achieve a complete MacOS X look and feel in
Windows 32, Windows NT 4 and Linuxes environments.

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

> > At 10:44 PM -0300 10/4/2003, Júlio César Ködel wrote:
> >>My question was: it is possible to make this "look and feel" of Classic
> >>MacOS in a Rev. application running in Windows (i.e. I make a
> application,
> >>that is distributed for Windows machines, and want to apply ClassicMacOS
> >>style on it, as it is possible in the development stage)
> >
> >
> > Set the lookAndFeel property to "Macintosh" to get the Platinum
> > appearance. (This is what the menu item in the development
> > environment does.)
> > --
> > Jeanne DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
> > Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
> > ~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions & special offers ~~~
> Jeanne,
> Are there any plans for Rev to simulate the Aqua appearance in the same
> way? It would be nice for those of us who develop apps on Windows that
> will be used on OS X to be able to preview the look and feel.
> Set the lookAndFeel to "MacOSX" -- would be a nice Christmas present this
> year.
> Thanks.
> Roger Eller
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