Re: Database vs Array

2008-02-04 Thread viktoras didziulis

3.  Can it be protected?

Ye, but it is not a free feature. Check this:

On the other hand you can use revolution to encode/decode data before it gets 
into the database and when extracting...

Best wishes

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OT: some news on MySQL...

2008-02-01 Thread viktoras didziulis
...MySQL AB being acquired by Sun Microsystems Inc for 1000 000 000 USD 
. Hmmm, interesting...

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broken windows in screen mirroring mode (Tiger)

2008-01-26 Thread viktoras didziulis I connected my macbook to media projector, switched to mirror 
mode to have the same view in both screens, started my application 
(compiled on windows xp), and saw its windows broken into parts and 
pieces, all the formatting lost... Is it a bug of Revolution or MacOSX ?

When using the default extended desktop mode then everything looks 
correctly, so the bug manifests itself in screen mirroring mode only. 
Did anyone observe anything like this ? At least I did not find any 
reports in quality center...

Best wishes
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Re: 'the files' and 'the folders' and diacriticals

2008-01-26 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Mark,

forwarding the original posts on non-english file names by Kenji Kojima 
(2008-01-16) that describe a possible solution of your problem :-):

put cd ~/Desktop cr ls into tScript
set the unicodeText of fld 1 to uniencode(shell(tScript),utf8)

The first line was shell command got list names of files in working 
directory. You got UTF8 filenames. Then it's converted to UTF16 and set 
the test field 1.

Best regards

Mark E. Powell wrote:

Want to give this one last swag before throwing in the towel. If I want to use 
shell() to point a command line application to the folder below.


How do I do it?

I am currently running 2.8.0.  Perhaps something has changed in later versions 
that improves Rev's ability to preserve diacriticals in file and folder names 
when using 'the files' and 'the folders'?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Look and Learn . . .

2008-01-20 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Richmond,

commenting on #4 of your post - b.t.w. this is a so called visual 
programming or dataflow programming where you draw boxes, link them 
with arrows and it works... There are lots of tools for this already, 
starting with dataflow scripting in Idrisi GIS system and continuing 
with a list of  52 other languages like Microsoft VPL:
or Tersus for web applications:
or see wikipedia for more:
But so far they do not seem very popular...

Well,  me personally prefers writing and reading, i think it is easier, 
or maybe I am just used to symbolic thinking or don't know how this is 
called ;-), so I am happy with Revolution as it is. On the other hand, 
given some motivation ($$$) someone can try and implement a plugin for 
Revolution for drawing the scripts as dataflow diagrams instead of 
writing them. Indeed, why not?..

All the best!

4. {admittedly not an quote from Mark Swindell}
Richmond is a pain in the ***.

Yes, I am a pain in the ***, and aim to continue to be
until this HUGE problem is resolved.

When I was a child, way back in 1976, the British
government was pumping schools full of propaganda that
stated that in the great and glorious future we could
order up anything we wanted from computers without an
additional cognitive load  (well, they didn't go as
far as using fancy pseudo-psychological terms as
'cognitive load') caused by having to learn to
navigate our way round increasingly complex GUIs both
of operating systems, and of RADs; and learning
programming languages.

Runtime Revolution has a lot of good buried under the
hood; and 
non-experts have to spend such a long time learning

how to see and interpret what is under the hood that
it is hardly worth the bother.

Runtime Revolution with a fully automated interface
based on a vast decision tree should blow the pants of
every other RAD (or silly PowerPoint thingy) out

Sorry to keep plugging; but I did develop an extremely
primitive seed of what could be done as my MSc
project; it is enormous, clunky and incredibly
inefficient - but it proves its point:

(all the code is there)

my recent 'Splash Screen Designer' (revOnline) uses
exactly the same principle; which, I believe, is the
principle, the whole RR GUI is based around.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

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Re: Look and Learn . . .

2008-01-20 Thread viktoras didziulis
well, then it looks like Revolution Media on steroids :-). An integrated 
decision support system with zillions of templates and wizards in its 
knowledge base (remote server or gigabytes stored locally) to assist in 
filling in those templates. Lots of work and should be based on massive 
feedback from these same professors, and teachers, but do they know what 
they want and will they have time for the feedback ?..

I imagine this would require efforts of many people and is possibly a 
good idea for an open source or a wiki initiative...

Best wishes

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Viktoras Didziulis wrote:

this is a so called visual 
programming or dataflow programming

I know about that, but that is not what I meant;
what I mean is Agent-guided program creation (as
demonstrated at

files 1 to 12)

both visual programming and/or dataflow
programming still demand thinking which should not be
required of the specialist who has spent years
specialising in their field and has not either the
time nor the inclination of going down that road (nor
may be capable of thinking in that way).

I worked with Primary School teachers at Greyfriar's
Primary School in St Andrews who described their
computer skills to me as:

1. turn on/off Windows PCs

2. create a document in MS Word

3. Pop CDs into the CD drives for pupil use.

[Unfortunately this is what education departments
describe as computer literacy:]

They blew their minds when I showed them the few,
small things KALA-rev could do . . .

I held out the promise that at the end of a long day
whipping the tinies into line (and Primary Teachers
work very hard indeed) over a cup of tea they could
rapidly be guided by an Agent to put together programs
that could subsequently be used by children to
reinforce knowledge/information that they had
previously studied.


On a personal basis, having started with MiniFortran
(who remembers that?) I think xTalk, and particularly
the RR version, is wonderful; and rather like my
attitude to automatic cars; give me a gear-stick any
day so I don't feel out of control.

However, there are millions of educators, librarians
and so forth who are just gasping for an automatic
car to do the driving for them.


But so far they do not seem very popular...

Of course they don't; they have been developed by
programmers with a mind-set that still:

expects people to think either visually or in terms
of dataflow; both which presuppose all sorts of
things which historians, doctors, and so forth may not
be prepared to deal with.

cannot escape from the idea that one has to sweat
one's way through a steep learning curve to do
something that, in actual fact, with good GUI
automation, should require only the following

1. Turn on the PC,

2. Start the automated GUI  [this is if the automated
GUI is not already configured as either all or part of
the GUI of the OS],

3. Mouse-Click on choice buttons,

4. Type text into text-boxes,



While that does not (at least as far as I am
concerned) in any way constitute computer literacy;
computer literacy should not be required of the vast
majority of people- they should however be able to
deliver information relating to their specialist field
via computers and computer-related media without any
computer literacy whatsoever.


At the Primary School where I did my alpha-testing
there was a dedicated classroom containing some 15
Pentium 3s running Windows 98 just pulsing with
unrealised potential.

Children were taught (2004) how to use a PAINT
program, TYPE a letter, use a variety of CD-ROMs
containing encyclopedias (which would have been just
as good in book format), and a few fairly mindless
games of no pedagogical value whatsoever (beyond,
possibly, giving the poor, overworked and underpaid
teacher, a few minutes to breath).

All that is effectively rubbish when Runtime
Revolution (for instance) can produce programs that
children can interact with to reinforce, reiterate and
deliver content (and :) allow the teacher a break).

Imagine a language teacher with 15 vocabulary items in
a target language. The teacher needs the pupils to be
able to use the vocab items in context, and does not
have the time to check the 26 pupils s/he teaches.
Teacher sits down in front of the PC and is guided
through to a program that lets children check those
vocab items against the mother-tongue, and use them in
a variety of contexts (statements, questions,
word-to-picture matching . . .).

Now I (and, presumably 99% of the subscribers to this
Use-lIst) can knock something half-way useful of this
sort out in 45 minutes. But that is at a price of
quite a bit of time learning the programming language,
learning the object metaphor, and so forth.

Most teacher, lecturers, profs, business conference
presenters do not have the time to learn all the

Re: Rev on OLPC Sugar OS?

2008-01-10 Thread viktoras didziulis
try LiveCD: I tried running Revolution 
and apps compiled with it on Puppy Linux. It worked there... There is 
probably no reason why it shouldn't run on this XO Sugar thing :-)

Best wishes

John Patten wrote:

Hi All!

Just curious... 

How possible would it be, now that Rev is also fairly Linux capable, would it be to get a version of Rev to work on the OLPC XO Sugar driven laptop? 

Thank  You!

John Patten

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Re: advice on a Rev-plus-internet setup (off-topic)

2008-01-06 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Nicolas,

any communication between the client and the server can be sniffed. So 
passwords that client passes to the server are not sufficient to protect 
the database. As Ken wrote, you can try setting up different access 
levels for different users in MySQL. And never trust the submitted 
content, which means your relay script has to prevent any access to the 
database unless the submitted string is not what it is supposed to be.

For example you can use regular expressions in the serverside script to 
detect anything that should not come from the client - something like this:
unless ($q=~m/|alter |insert|truncate|drop |modify|create|\0|use |check 
| key /i)

#pass sql string ($q) to the database and return result
# Access denied to prevent SQL injection attempt
print sorry, you can't;
exit 0;

Best wishes

Nicolas Cueto wrote:

Many thanks to Viktoras and Len for the server side relay

I can now use Rev to connect with a MySQL database stored on my
web-host's server thru a php relay-script that is also on the same

One other thing, now. The issue of security has been brought up. For
my solution has been to place my server-side php relay-scripts in a
protected folder. This way, when my Rev stack calls the php
relay-script, I
include the user name and password for that folder in the url.

Is that sufficient? Or, what's the other avenue I should now be

Again, many thanks for both the help and patience.


Nicolas Cueto

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Re: Want a Window with a vertical scroll

2008-01-06 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Thomas,

group these 5 fields and add a vertical scroll to the group.


Thomas Bähler wrote:

Dear RunRev List
In my project I have five list-fields next to each other with equal 
but varying number of lines.
I wanted a common vertical scroll to see all lines when there are to 
many to display in the window.
First I experimented with a table-field but the formating was too 
complicated. I then thought I calculate
the height of the fields according to the number of lines, and put a 
vertical scroll to the window. But,

there is no vertical scroll for a window, is there?

Another thing I stumbled over: sorting lines by item x of a variable 
won't work when the linedelimiter and itemdelimiter

have been changed.

Thanks for hints

Thomas Bähler

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Re: advice on a Rev-plus-internet setup (off-topic)

2008-01-05 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Nicolas,

Leaving an open port for remote access to any database would it be MySQL 
or Postgress is considered a serious web server security breach and most 
providers are aware about this. Besides your data would never be secure 
on such an open system - anyone that is able to sniff your password can 
drop all your tables, and do even more harm... You should use a server 
side relay script which would ensure secure communication between the 
database and you application by filtering all the input and stopping any 
potentially dangerous strings. This also allows database-enabled 
application to be distributed without MySQL drivers, so you won't owe 
anything to MySQL AB.

A while ago a simple relay script written in Perl was posted to this 
list - see archives (October 3, 2007) look for the thread 'serverside 
relay script'. It can also be implemented in PHP or any other 
server-side scripting language.

Best wishes

Nicolas Cueto wrote:

 However, how are the
text files maintained now?  Since you can use get URL textfile the
same as reading a file on the (file) server, it seems to me that it
could be as simple as adding the characters URL to your get/put

Thanks for the reply.

I had thought about using get/put URL if I continued to rely on txt
I'll give it a try.

But the reason I was thinking databases instead was the possibility
of several users getting/putting information simultaneously thru the

So, with this in mind, back onto the topic of databases...

After looking around the RunRev archives, one unexpected thing
came up. It seems that because licensing is an issue, some members
have suggested PostgreSQL over MySQL, given the former's clearly
stated (and free!) licensing policy.

Another thing I learnt from the archives (and from experience with
my current web host) is that connecting remotely to a database
is not popular among web hosts. They seem to prefer online management.

One web host that does allow remote access, and which is repeatedly
recommended by Rev users is Dreamhost. But, their set up is only

So, my next question is, would anyone care to recommend a webhost
that allows remote connections (via Rev, of course!) to a PostgreSQL


Nicolas Cueto

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Re: Recipes application

2008-01-01 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Peter,

it works fine on Windows XP, but does not start on my MacOSX 10.4.11 
MacBook (Intel).

By the way it would be useful to have a few filters not just to select 
from vegetarian/vegan/sugar-free but also to limit list of recipes to 
e.g. soups, pancakes, cakes. And maybe a central database of recipes 
online, so once somebody enters new soup, this information becomes 
available to all :-)

Best wishes

Peter Brigham wrote:
FYI, I just finished up creating my first standalone (with help from a 
variety of people on this list). It's a little application that allows 
you to store, print, import and export recipes. Tired of trying to 
read those old butter-stained pieces of paper in that overstuffed 
folder you keep somewhere in your kitchen? Try printing out a copy of 
the recipe each time you cook. That way you can easily give copies to 
your friends when they say I've got to have that recipe! Plus, you 
can easily import/export a recipe to or from the clipboard for 
exchanging recipes by email, for instance. Import recipes in 
Meal-Master or MasterCook formats, so you can easily collect recipes 
from the web. Freeware. Available at:

I'm particularly interested in feedback from the Windows users out 
there, as I have limited access to a Windows machine for testing. The 
Windows version should work fine (I hope), but the look-and-feel might 
need some tweaking.

Not a very sophisticated app, but useful -- I've been using a version 
of it in the Mac IDE for several years, and my wife has come to depend 
on it. The hidden agenda is that it's a dry run on building a 
standalone out of a much more complex stack system I use in my 
practice, for eventual marketing, so the experience has been good for 

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

--I try to take one day at a time, but occasionally several days 
attack me at once.

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Re: How download revolution 2.9 beta ?

2007-12-28 Thread viktoras didziulis
Download failed. Do you want to try again? - this is what happens on MS 


Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On Dec 28, 2007 7:38 PM, Peter Alcibiades [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tried to get Beta3 from within the Beta2 program.  It does indeed download, or
says it is, and then a small window appears, and it appears from the progress
bar to complete the download, but everything then freezes.  Tried a couple of
times.  The small window seems to be showing a snapshot of the desktop
contents under it when it was created.  If you drag stuff across the window
it shows a sort of stripy repetition of what was dragged across. Never seen
this before.   If you click all over the small window, nothing happens.

This is on Debian Lenny, Gnome.  I'll have a go with a different desktop
manager just to make sure.

I had to do the complete download. The Check for updates never
completed. This was OS X. In Mark's notification email, he gave the
direct download links, so you might be better trying that.

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Re: Is there such thing as a univeral abort command

2007-11-17 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Mark,

exit to top
aborts all running handlers

see also:
exit handler (e.g. exit mouseup)
exit repeat

Best wishes

Mark E. Powell wrote:

Maybe a very simpleton question:  Is there a universal abort command that will 
stop (in a standalone) any running handler?  Or must each handler that I want 
to be abortable have some polling?



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Re: Massive joins

2007-11-16 Thread viktoras didziulis
The query needed to left join 3 tables (with 10 000 (species), 30 000 
(donor regions) and 200 (region definitions) records.) on the forth with 
40 000 records (species introduction events) and filter the result list 
of regions using constraints (WHERE...) on 1 or 20 fields. Using LEFT 
JOINs in this case was very slow - up to 10 minutes. I rewrote joins (as 
described in SQL by Martin Gruber) in a form like this:

SELECT DISTINCT, sir.start_year, sir.end_year
FROM species_in_region sir WHERE sir.idspecies IN(
SELECT sp.idspecies FROM species sp WHERE sp.ordo IN(1,10,23,15)
AND sir.id_sp_region IN(
SELECT da.id_sp_region FROM donor_areas da WHERE da.regionid 

AND /etc/
ORDER BY sir.end_year

Implemented in this form it takes less than a second. SQLite is a very 
small database engine and likely (???) does not perform any query 
optimizations internally. In comparison with MySQL, which does optimise 
joins, the same unoptimised query with joins in MySQL database server is 
executed just a little (~0.2 sec.) slower than manually-optimised query 
in SQLite.


Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

Can you explain this?

JOIN on RAM db/tables SqlLite do so slowly ???
why? What reason?


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Re: Massive Speed difference between Mac/PC with SQLite

2007-11-16 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Dave,

try building your database in :memory:  mode. Then dump it to hard disk 
when ready. I do this routinely in an Rev/SQLite program that deals with 
100 000 records distributed over 25 tables with about and 127 fields and 
it takes less then 2 seconds to copy the entire database to RAM and no 
query returning thousands of records from the database takes longer then 
7 secs on a  modest 1,4 GHz Windows XP system with 256 Mb RAM. Well, 
queries had to be manually optimised, otherwise traditional joins of a 
few tables took ~10 min. to execute returning the same result set.

One more alternative hint for sqlite (this won't work with in-RAM 
databases launched from within Rev, but will for any hard-disk based db) 
is to NOT use SQL to populate the entire database with large amounts of 
data. Use shell to sqlite3 executable to .import FILE TABLE. This works 
much, much, much faster.


Dave wrote:


I have an application that works on Mac and PC. There is a process 
that read an XML file, re-arranges the data and writes a record to an 
SQLite database. On the Mac, to build a 10,000 Tracks database takes 
around 90 seconds, how ever on the PC the same code (both in the 
Standalone and the IDE) runs, much, much, slower. The same 10,000 
records takes over 10 minutes!

Does anyone have an idea why this should be?

All the Best

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Re: Massive joins

2007-11-16 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Ruslan,

Well, it seems to me this is simple task, and small tables.
Valentina should resolve such joins in e.g. 0.01 - 0.1 sec or less.
V: Yes, I can imagine this and Valentina is in my considerations for a 
very special project which has already started... What keeps me from 
purchasing it now is actually the price tags in a list of all the very 
useful things and software I would need to purchase for my work :-).. 
Anyway, I guess for the end user there is no big difference whether a 
single query executes in 0.1, 0.3 or 3 secs. The vital part is to ensure 
that she/he is not forced to wait any longer then ~10 secs. And this is 
already achievable.

I rewrote joins (as
described in SQL by Martin Gruber) in a form like this:

But this looks like nightmare!

Where from you get this magic numbers

A) You did before this many other small queries to collect them?
B) And later you build this big SQL string?  (also time at last of end).

If yes, then you need also count time of (A) + (B) + (C)
Well, IMHO its very hard in real life write for each join

such MANUAL optimizations :-)

V: True, but in this particular situation Rev script makes such a query 
from user's selections in lists. So A) is executed only once, when 
program initializes its list fields (where it takes the magic numbers 
from) from lookup tables, then B) takes the exactly same amount of time 
the end-user defines the selections and C) executes within 7 secs at max 
(when there are thousands of matching cases to be returned) but usually 
within 1-2 sec. This is quite acceptable.

Best wishes!
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Re: How do I create an Icon View

2007-11-15 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Mark,

if I understood you correctly, you need a field which displays contents 
of a folder (table, database, etc) in a list where icons indicate the 
type of a resource displayed.

Basically you will need to set the imageSource of char 1 to yourimg 
for each line in a field describing a resource. If you wish to show it 
in 2 or 3 columns - just insert tabs where appropriate, set the 
itemdelimiter to tab, and set the imageSource of char 1 to yourimg  
for each item...

An example that might serve you as a source of ideas is described (and 
can be downloaded and reused) at


mfstuart wrote:

If I may explain a little more...
I would like the display to behave like the Icons View. This view is loaded
dynamically from say the contents of a folder, or selected rows in a SQL
database, or whatever the criteria. Even links to PDF files. User clicks on
the icon and the script launches and opens the file.

If I were to load each of the icons (an image) and icon text name
dynamically onto a form, what kind of container (or object) would I load
them into? A table object?
Would the contents be something like...?
First row:
Load the table object with an icon then TAB (as the delimiter) then icon,
etc., with the row height say upto something like 80.
Alternate row:
Name of the icon TAB (as delimiter) then icon, etc.

Is this how to approach it?

And would I have to set the property of this table object to HTMLtext, or
something? Not sure.

Thanx again,
Mark Stuart

Björnke von Gierke wrote:
You need buttons which have an icon, but no showBorder, threeD and no  
hiliteBorder. Look them up in the docu, as well as the icons  border  
part of the inspector.

On 14 Nov 2007, at 21:46, mfstuart wrote:

Hi all,

On Mac and Win platforms, the Explorer and Finder have an Icon View.
Where each icon (and icon name) appear in a grid type of layout?

How would I create this type of layout with RunRev?

Mark Stuart
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Re: Anyone noticing stalled uploading? find a solution?

2007-11-10 Thread viktoras didziulis

hi Josh,

if you upload via ftp try increasing libURLSetFTPStopTime to anything 
more than the default 15 seconds. Dictionary says: use the 
libURLSetFTPStopTime command to increase the efficiency of multiple FTP 
transfers. The timeout set by libURLSetFTPStopTime controls when 
Revolution closes the connection from its end.

or try setting the socketTimeoutInterval to some astronomic value like 
30 000 (the default is 10 000, which means 10 sec). Some time ago this 
solved my problems with stalled downloads :-)

Best wishes

Josh Mellicker wrote:

I am uploading a list of files.

After uploading a few files with no problem, uploading stalls with 
no progress, and no timeout message is sent.

The first thing I tried was implementing a red light/green light to 
make the upload blocking, so the second file would wait (with 
messages) for the first file to successfully finish uploading before 
proceeding, and so on. This seemed to help a little, but uploading 
still stalls intermittently.

Big Watcher
The next thing was, once the uploading begins, to start a Big 
Watcher callback loop, that acts as a Supervisor to monitor the 
libURLSetStatusCallback callback, with a 2 second non-blocking loop- 
send checkForStalledUpload to me in 5 seconds

If the status and bytes downloaded match, the Supervisor assumes the 
current upload is stalled and does a resetAll and starts over on the 
first unuploaded file.

In theory, this sounds good, but so far, we haven't been able to get 
the resetAll to work...

Has anyone else experienced stalled libURL operations when uploading 
or downloading a list of files? Did you find a solution?

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Re: SQLite3 - problems connecting to database

2007-11-09 Thread viktoras didziulis

if you are on MS Windows try this fix:
1) delete dbsqlite3.dll and Database_Drivers.txt from ...\My 
Documents\My Revolution Studio\Externals\Database Drivers
2) delete dbsqlite3.dll and Database_Drivers.txt from ...\My 
Documents\My Revolution Studio\Runtime\Windows\x86-32\Externals\Database 

You do not need any password for the sqlite to work. If you use relative 
paths make sure the defaultfolder is set to the folder where your stack 
resides. Connect to the existing database like this

put revOpenDatabase(sqlite,dbPath) into dbId

and query like that:
get revDataFromQuery(tab,return,dbId, vSQL)

Best wishes
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Re: Question on RunRev/SQLite

2007-11-09 Thread viktoras didziulis
when you select database Type : SQLite in the database query builder 
under Connection tab there are only 2 fields you can type something in: 
Name (query name) and Database (path to the db with file browser). There 
are no fields for password or any logon there...

Make sure the field Type contains only 1 instance of SQLite. Otherwise 
(if it allows choose 2 SQLite options) it displays the older 
installation of altSQLite and you need to delete those old 
dbsqlite3.dlls and the related entries from Database_Drivers.txt to fix 
your system..

Anyway, I would prefer scripting to access and query the database :-)


william humphrey wrote:

Please I still need the new logon and password to use in the database query
builder for SQLite if anyone knows it.

THanks for the help


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Re: libURLDownloadToFile stops downloading on status = requested

2007-10-27 Thread viktoras didziulis

Thanks Sarah, Dave,

with your help problem is solved. It was socket timeout, indeed... So I 
set the socketTimeoutInterval to 30. Now everything works as expected.

Best regards
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Re: libURLDownloadToFile stops downloading on status = requested

2007-10-27 Thread viktoras didziulis

Whoops, extra zero moved the whole thing to Mars ;-)
Well, anyway the point is that it works now. For some reason delay 
between requested and the actual loading of data is still about 
15-20 sec. But once it starts, it goes fast.


Klaus Major wrote:

Hi friends,

Am 27.10.2007 um 21:03 schrieb Andre Garzia:

is that the mars rovers external people been talking about?

On 10/27/07, Dave Cragg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 27 Oct 2007, at 17:26, viktoras didziulis wrote:

So I set the socketTimeoutInterval to 30...

;-) What are you doing, Viktoras, where a 30 timeout is
expected. Have you got an ISP on Mars?

With envy


Wonderful guys, you made my day!

Best from germany

Klaus Major

New page: KM, bassplayer :-)

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libURLDownloadToFile stops downloading on status = requested

2007-10-26 Thread viktoras didziulis
Created an updater for my application and now stuck with a problem - 
libURLDownloadToFile freezes while attempting to download 4 Mb size 
Revolution stack from my own website. libURLSetStatusCallback returns 
requested and here it stops for eternity. Server log contains no 
errors but file is not being downloaded. What could be a possible reason 
for this? I would expect Revolution's internet library to return at 
least error, timeout or empty on failure, but it simply stops at 
requested point. Does not hang, crash, whatsoever - just stops 
downloading the file...

Besides, it works with html or any other smaller text files and it 
worked a few days ago with that stack before it reached 4 Mb size ..-_

Scripts are as simple (paths changed) as:
on mouseUp

 libURLSetStatusCallback showStatus, the long ID of me
end mouseUp

on showStatus theURL,theStatus
 put theURL  theStatus into fld fStatus of stack Updater 
end showStatus

Would I deliberately change url to any nonexisting filename on server, 
it returns error as expected.

any good ideas or suggestions are very welcome :-)
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Re: Preference Files on Linux

2007-10-14 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi, Bridger

user specific configuration files on Linux systems are stored in the 
user's home directory in a file that starts with '.' character (a dot 
file). If an application needs to create more than one dot file then 
they should be placed
in a subdirectory with a name starting with a ’.’ character, (a dot 
directory). In this case the configuration files

should not start with the ’.’ character.

Applications must never create or require special files or 
subdirectories in the root directory. Other locations in

the FHS hierarchy provide more than enough flexibility for any package.

Check for more answers.


Bridger Maxwell wrote:

Where is the standard place for preference files to be stored on a Linux
machine?  Also, where is the right place to store externals when installing?

 Thank You,
   Bridger Maxwell
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Re: Moving Rev apps to the web (why isn't this on the horizon?)

2007-10-13 Thread viktoras didziulis
May a subset of Revolution engine implemented in JAVA solve the problem? 
Besides, no need to use plugins - Java (JVM) is omnipresent today and 


Derek Bump wrote:

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:

Andre told me about ... I might end up
spending a lot more time using that app!

Now this is what I'm talking about!  Something like Ext JS should be
available for Revolution. The ability to create a stack, and then embed
it within a web page.

I can just imagine the possibilities of something like this (except I'd
have to use Ext JS to do it).

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software

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Re: Moving Rev apps to the web (why isn't this on the horizon?)

2007-10-13 Thread viktoras didziulis
another way to go could be expanding Revolution's functionality. First 
by describing something like Document Object Model for Revolution 
stacks. Defining structure (objects, nesting, properties), formatting 
(stylesheets), function (scripts). Then implementing it in any sort of 
xml/css/scripts configuration. From this point on one would be able to 
directly translate to corresponding objects, structures and formating of 
other xml based formats like XHTML/CSS/jscript, or SVG, or anything else...

This would not require tackling with Revolution internals in any way, so 
can be accomplished by anyone motivated highly enough to do this :-)


Derek Bump wrote:

It may, but I feel it would still require a conversion.  And after
thinking about this issue overnight I am seeing more on the side of
Richard and others regarding the cost and timeline for implementing such
a feature.

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Re: Splash Screen Launcher

2007-10-10 Thread viktoras didziulis
Thanks Sean for reminding about the existence of the on startup handler 
! I used to catch all openStack and closeStack in each and every stack 
of my apps. Now have to chant on startup, on startup, on startup 
so next time I code I would not forget this :-). However it seems that 
on startUp will not work if you are launching your app from within Rev 
IDE, so one may still test things with on openStack before turning this 
into on startup handler.

John, I also use this wait 2 sec for the end users to 'enjoy' my 
splashscreens too :-).
There is one more trick for eye-candiness. An example stack with similar 
effect was posted to this list some time before, but, sorry, now I can't 
remember who did this (?..).
1) in property inspector set the Float above everything of splash 
stack to true.

2)  Align both stacks on top of each other.
3) Then set the script of splashscreen stack to anything like that:
on openStack #change handle to on startup in a compiled app
go stack thatOtherStack
 set the blendlevel of me to 0
 wait 1 sec
 repeat with i = 1 to 50
   set the blendlevel of me to 2*i
   wait 2 ticks
 end repeat   
end openStack

Now the spashscreen smoothly dissolves leaving thatOtherStack alone. I 
tried also hide me with visual effect dissolve, but for some reason it 
does not work for stacks :-(.


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Re: revBrowser and spaces in URLs

2007-10-10 Thread viktoras didziulis

try replacing empty spaces in the url with  %20


Henk van der Velden wrote:

Hi Eric,

I've tried that already, but without succes.
Urlencode turns pdtex 1-2.jpg into pdtex+1-2.jpg. However this 
doesn't display the file and it doesn't produce an error message either.

In the mean time I've tested this on Win XP and there all works fine.

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Re: Splash Screen Launcher

2007-10-09 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Mark,

1) create 2 stacks: one is going to be your launcher splashscreen app, 
the other - stack to be run via the splashscreen;
2) in stack inspector for the launcher stack set Stack Files pointing 
to that other stack;

3) in the launcher stack's script editor write:
on openStack
go stack thatOtherStack
set the visible of me to false
end openStack

4) compile the launcher stack;
5) create a button on that other stack;
6) set the script of that button to:
on mouseUp
save this stack
end mouseUp
7) set the script of that other stack to:
on closeStack
quit #to make sure closing the stack closes entire application and not 
just this stack

end closeStack

That's it. Should work now.


Mark Greenberg wrote:
I need to make a tiny standalone that will launch a stack file so that 
the user, who doesn't have Rev, can save changes in the stack.  I've 
done this years ago, but, for the life of me, can't figure out how I 
did it.  Probably all I need is the script command that will start up 
the stack file.

Thanks in advance,

Mark Greenberg
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Re: Splash Screen Launcher

2007-10-09 Thread viktoras didziulis

correction for the launcher's handler:
on openStack
hide me in 1 sec
go stack thatOtherStack
end openStack

Hi Mark,

1) create 2 stacks: one is going to be your launcher splashscreen app, 
the other - stack to be run via the splashscreen;
2) in stack inspector for the launcher stack set Stack Files 
pointing to that other stack;

3) in the launcher stack's script editor write:
on openStack
go stack thatOtherStack
set the visible of me to false
end openStack

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Re: Web-based Application in Revolution

2007-10-08 Thread viktoras didziulis
 i guess problem with multiple instances can be solved by using Apache 
sqlite module modsqlite which adds db server functionality to the Apache 
web server. It resides in memory all the time, so no new instances are 
initiated, no application startup overheads and cash is not stressed... 
What rocks is the possibility to access sqlite databases directly over 
HTTP like


However because of the security issues database access is possible only 
from and on the localhost. This means that you will not be able to do, but you can easily do 
http://localhost/test?db=... from any cgi application without running an 
external database server.

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Re: latest rev newsletter - database stack

2007-10-07 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Peter,

it is not a good idea to run anything from desktop if you are on 
Windows. I sort of remember having this problem with some stacks of 
mine. Moving it to C:/anyfolder should solve the problem. Then execute 
set the defaultdirectory to C:/anyfolder to make sure the app makes a 
mess here and not in the Revolution's root.

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Re: serverside relay script

2007-10-03 Thread viktoras didziulis
actually me too use server side Perl script to communicate with desktop 
application created in rev and a MySQL database on a server. First of 
all it is actually the only secure way to do this, because leaving mysql 
port open for everybody is a highly UNSECURE and unrecommended practice. 
Besides using the relay srcipt one gains additional control over the 
communication between the db  the client. In my case queries had to be 
limited to SELECT only with user passwords. Additionally it filters out 
some potentially dangerous commands like drop. User must post two 
parameters to communicate with the database:[password]q=[sql 
query] and as a result gets back the resultset in form of tab delimited 
text. The Perl script is:

#! /usr/bin/perl -wT

use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use DBI;

print header;
my $sth;
my $q=param('q');
my $p=param('p');
my @line;

if ($p eq password_goes_here)
unless ($q=~m/update|delete|alter |insert|truncate|drop 
|modify|create|\0|use |set |values\(|check | key /i)

my $dbh = 
or die $DBI::errstr\n;

   $sth = $dbh-prepare($q);
   while (my @line = $sth-fetchrow_array)

   if (@line) {print join(,@line).\n;}

$sth = $dbh-disconnect();
print \err.#1000: Access denied; #Wrong password
print \err.#1001:\$p\ Access denied; #Potentially dangerous commands 
in query

exit 0;

and the clientside Revolution function (stack's script) is as simple as:

function Q vQ
local myServer
local myData

put; into myServer
   put  p=authentication password  q=  URLencode(vQ) into myData
   post myData to URL myServer  
   wait 1 sec  
   if it is not empty then

 return it
 return No matches found or timeout
 exit to top
   end if
end Q

Now we can send any sql select statement or multiple statements and get 
back the result from any handler using:

get Q(SELECT * FROM invasions)

It works, though sometimes timeouts happen...

All the best!
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proportional resizing group of graphics

2007-09-29 Thread viktoras didziulis
is there any property that allows proportional resizing of grouped 
graphics when group's size changes. Or all one can do is setting width 
and height of each and every graphic within the group from within a script ?

Making a world map with countries represented by polygons. Now trying to 
figure out what is the best way to make it zoomable :-)

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Re: proportional resizing group of graphics

2007-09-29 Thread viktoras didziulis

Thanks, Bjoernke!

I naively expected an existing but yet undiscovered possibility for the 
group and its contents to behave like window on resize by setting 
properties in geometry manager. So the answer turned out to be no-no - 
need scripting for this...

Actually the map contains European, North African and Levantine 
countries and then oceans and continents for the rest of the world. As a 
backdrop I use public domain map from the CIA factbook converted to png 
(originally it is in pdf):

There was an idea about extraction of country polygons from shapefile - 
but then these have to be thinned, reprojected to match my backdrop 
(which is in Robinson projection) , etc, etc, etc... Finally I ended up 
drawing polygons manually - well, couple of days of work, not too long. 
Map's stack communicates with a database and either shows or hides 
polygons whose identifiers are fetched from the database in a query 
result like:

repeat foreach item identifier in dbOut
set the visible of graphic identifier to true
end repeat

of course all the polygons have to be switched off before this in 
another cycle. That's all to it...

Now trying to smoothly and eye-candilly (with zoom out/in animation) 
switch perspective from Europe to Entire world and vice versa without 
messing the polygons on  the map.

Thanks again for your help and Regards!

Björnke von Gierke wrote:
Any chance of sharing  the country generation code? I am trying to 
generate random maps myself.

Resizing polygons of unknown size, all in the same aspect is a 
somewhat complicated matter. Here some random thoughts of mine:

You could multiply all dimensions by a modifier, and then the original 
location by the same multiplier:

put the loc of graphic 1 into theLoc
set the width of graphic 1 to the width of graphic 1 div 2
set the height of graphic 1 to the height of graphic 1 div 2
set the Loc of graphic 1 to item 1 of theLoc div 2, item 2 of theLoc 
div 2

If you want to size them to an arbitrary size, you need to know the 
total width and height of all polygons combined, and then find out 
what ratio the new total size produces (If you don't need perfect 
precision, you can also group all your polygons, and get the size of 
that group, which will give you an approximation of the size of all 
polygons combined):

put 100 into oldWidth
put 50 into oldHeight
put 40 into newWidth
-- 40/100= 0.4 (ratio)
-- 0.4 * 50 = 20 (newHeight)
put round(newWidth / oldWidth * oldHeight) into newHeight

If you want the result to be pixel precise, it's best to store the 
points of the polygons in a multiple of any actually shown size, to 
reduce rounding/trunctuation problems.

If you have AnimationEngine from Malte, you can use the aspect... 

For speed, lock screen once then set all polygons. Alternatively, you 
can get the points of your polygon, multiply all entries by your 
ratio, and then set the points of the polygon to that. This might be 
faster then resizing visual objects (untested).

Hope this will get you thinking (and that I haven't made any grave 
thinking errors)


On 29 Sep 2007, at 14:20, viktoras didziulis wrote:

is there any property that allows proportional resizing of grouped 
graphics when group's size changes. Or all one can do is setting 
width and height of each and every graphic within the group from 
within a script ?

Making a world map with countries represented by polygons. Now trying 
to figure out what is the best way to make it zoomable :-)

Best regards

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webcams and Rev

2007-09-21 Thread viktoras didziulis the way, how do we access webcams through Revolution? Any hints?

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Re: revBrowser or revGoURL?

2007-09-11 Thread viktoras didziulis
If you are on MS windows, one option is to load your tests in a separate 
hta window. To do this first create an empty html file template and save 
it with .hta extension, then insert the following tag into the head 
section of the html (right after title section):

APPLICATIONNAME=write app name here

everything else is like in an ordinary html document, including 
javascript and css. So either put your tests right there (it can be run 
from a website too), or additionally create a frame or an iframe where 
you load your tests in. In this case the iframe should contain a few 
additional properties: src=http://tests.html; application=yes trusted 
= yes. If you store this hta file locally, then tests can be loaded 
and executed in the iframe. I am not experienced with revBrowser though...

One more way would be to load the tests in a popup window using 
javascript like this:
a href=# onClick=', test, toolbar=0, 
status=0, top=1, left=100, height=50, width=500);'test1/a

Maybe someone will provide better alternatives...

Sharon Stamps wrote:

Hello all,

I am looking at two possible ways to approach a requested feature...I 
am working with ESL teachers and they are using a service to create a 
grammar test - an HTML javaScript test.  They would like to use these 
pre-created tests in conjunction with a login and would also like to 
make sure the students cannot navigate from the test or see the 
address of the test.  So, my questions...

1.  I tried to work with revBrowser but was unable to get the 
javaScript to work.  Is there a way to get javaScript to function in 
revBrowser like it does in the web browser?

2.  Can I call the file to open in the web browser using revGoURL but 
make sure the navigation bar isn't visible and prevent students from 
navigating away from the test?

Answers to these questions and/or any other suggestions/solutions 
would be much appreciated!  I am still wrapping my mind around all of 
Rev's internet capabilities and I'm sure I've missed something...



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Re: Well guess what? Guess what? Congratulations and Welcome!

2007-09-08 Thread viktoras didziulis
Yah! One more important fix is fixed unicode character mapping 
issues for a few languages (including my native) on Windows. Thanks and 
all the best!


Peter Alcibiades wrote:
Yes, its 2.9 Beta for Linux.  It will not be necessary to say more.  It will 
not be possible anyway, since I'm off to play with it. 

 This is great news, thanks and congratulations to everyone.

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Re: How am I supposed to answer a Post???

2007-08-20 Thread viktoras didziulis
afair there is a size limit for a message, so if it is a large post it 
may not get through. Also be sure to send it in plain text - no html, 
attachments whatsoever... Sometimes it just takes time - the record 
delay of one of my messages was approx 1 hour after sending!


Len Morgan wrote:
How exactly am I supposed to answer on this list?  I asked a question 
this morning, recieved a reply from Eric.  I tried to clarify my 
question and it hasn't shown up on the mail archives.  I tried to send 
it twice.  I'm using RE: and the original subject of the question.  
What am I doing wrong?

I get the digest version and I'm using the address at the top of the 
digest emails.  Do I HAVE to receive individual emails (most on 
subjects that don't interest me) in order to engage in a 
conversation on a problem?

len morgan
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Re: including images from standard library...

2007-08-15 Thread viktoras didziulis
Thanks Sarah for the reply! Seems the only option is to copy images from 
standard library to the actual stack before using them. Thanks again.

Best regards

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

I use Revolution 2.6.1 to build executables (for Windows, MacOSX and
Linux) that use images from Revolution's own standard image library. In
a script images are referred to using their numeric id. Everything works
within the IDE, but these images do not appear in the compiled
application. How can I enforce the images from the standard library be
imported during compilation of a stack ? Or is manual placement of these
standard images on a stack the only way to do this?

There used to be an option in the standalone builder to include these
standard images, but that disappeared a while ago. It always seemed a
bit extravagant to include every image when you on;y needed one or two
anyway. My preference is to place the images in my stack, give them a
high ID number so they cannot conflict with any standard icons, then
hide them. After that your buttons can use them as icons whenever

Some people like to make a 2 card stack with all the images on the 2nd
card, or to make a sub-stack that contains all their images. If you do
either of these, then you don't have to hide them. I guess it just
depends how many images you need to deal with.

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including images from standard library...

2007-08-12 Thread viktoras didziulis

I use Revolution 2.6.1 to build executables (for Windows, MacOSX and 
Linux) that use images from Revolution's own standard image library. In 
a script images are referred to using their numeric id. Everything works 
within the IDE, but these images do not appear in the compiled 
application. How can I enforce the images from the standard library be 
imported during compilation of a stack ? Or is manual placement of these 
standard images on a stack the only way to do this?

Best wishes
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Re: Inserting images as BLOBs - any way to avoid using base64encode?

2007-08-07 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Terry,

it is too easy to extract images from sqlite database unless they are 
encrypted somehow. So if you simply store them in the database as blobs, 
they wont be protected from stealing. Alternative way to go is to store 
images in an encrypted stack as custom properties (instead of using a 
folder) and store names of these properties in the database.


Terry Judd wrote:

Thanks Andre - I've used that sort of approach in the past but the guys
providing the content on this project are very protective of their stuff
(images) and a 'real' database seems the best option.




why not keeping the images as external files and putting a field in the
database with the file path? this would lead to databases with less chunk in
it since to use the images you'd have to output them to files anyway.

something like this:

Hard Drive   Image ID Table
  My Database
myImage.jpg - Record that match id to file --
 field image_id

This is a simple solution where you use a intermediary table to match id's
with files, this way if you change a file name or path, you just need to
update one table entry and not all your database entries that deal with that
file. This makes easy to reconnect lost media files if things move around
in the Hard Drive.

I would not put media files inside SQL Databases.



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data stream processing

2007-08-02 Thread viktoras didziulis


I have a console application that constantly spews out numbers at a rate 
of 3 numbers per second. The task is to read the number and display it 
in a field, then as soon as the next number arrives it should replace 
the field's contents with new number visualise it graphicaly and so on 
ad infinitum in realtime...
I can't figure it out - Revolution expects the data stream coming from 
outside will end at some point and therefore waits. But the process is 
in fact never ending. Is there a way to handle this kind of constant 
data stream in Revolution ?

Best wishes

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Re: The Ancient Art of the Animated GIF

2007-07-29 Thread viktoras didziulis

I frequently use a minimalistic unfreez (Windows):

Its free. Simply drag your images into, set or unset loop animation and 
frame delays (in cs) and save... Works like a charm :-)


Mike Hughes wrote:
I know Animated GIF's probably seem a little arcane to many on this 
list however for me they work brilliantly in one of my projects. 
Almost brilliantly, that is.

Quite simply, I'd like to create animated GIF's that use transparency. 
There are a few freebie apps on the Mac that do poor jobs creating 
them. Then there are tools like Fireworks and Adobe ImageReady. These 
apps allow me to create exactly the Animated GIF's I need and that 
render perfectly in a web browser.

But when I import them to Revolution, they run at hyperspeed and show 
strange areas of transparency. Can anyone point me in the direction of 
either a solution for the Fireworks/Adobe ImageReady problem or 
towards a competent GIF creator liked by Revolution (Mac or Windows)?



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Google code search

2007-07-26 Thread viktoras didziulis
Anyone tried this: ? I was not able to 
find anything in Revolution, but at least they say everybody can submit 
their code in any language here:

Best wishes!
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Re: [OT] Funny folk joining Yahoo Groups

2007-07-24 Thread viktoras didziulis
Does this mean that Yahoo groups are safer than Google ? Are there any 
other groups service providers comparable to Yahoo?


Stephen Barncard wrote:

complete email addresses are obfuscated on Yahoo.


On 24 Jul 2007, at 14:21, Mikey wrote:

in Google Groups you can set new
members to have their posts moderated so that they can't pull that
kind of crap.

By the time the messages get moderated and the user removed from the 
group they've already harvested the email addresses of everyone who 
posted to the list since they joined. :-(


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Re: More Free Icons

2007-07-23 Thread viktoras didziulis

Thanks Richmond!

and here are even more free icons:

Best wishes

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

What a cheap-jack: I'm always on the look out for free

This lot require a link back to their website, but
apart from that the icons are free:

worth a look!

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

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paintCompression and speed

2007-07-21 Thread viktoras didziulis
Any pointers on how paintCompression works... Dictionary says: When an 
image is changed with a paint tool, it is recompressed the next time you 
leave the card it's on. Is this also true if imageData was directly 
updated - i.e. image gets compressed next time I leave the card it is 
on, isn't it? Or is image recompressed each time its imageData gets 
updated ? If so, likely RLE is the fastest method to choose or is it 
possible to disable paintCompression for images to get  more speed for 
image updates or RLE is the only option to go ? Or if imageData and not 
the actual image is what is displayed on screen, then may 
paintCompression have no impact on how fast imageData is being redrawn.

Best wishes

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Re: paintcompression and speed

2007-07-21 Thread viktoras didziulis

Thanks Wilhelm!

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Re: OT: Silverlight - Comments?

2007-07-19 Thread viktoras didziulis
for me it seems more like enhancement of browser-side scripting 
capabilities. Formerly MS Explorer was limited with jscript and 
VBscript. With silverlight one can use Javascript (well, now they call 
it AJAX...), Python, Ruby, whatever else for client-side scripting. I 
remember Netscape allowed scripting in both Javascript and Perl 
(perlscript) already in the second half of the XXth century ;-).


Stephen Barncard wrote:

Well, they have a mac plugin...but it crashed twice. It is a beta.
My question is...

WHY...yet another video 'standard'? Hasn't this all been done?

Micro$oft: Silverlight... pretty cool!

Wish it were Revolution!

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Re: some stuff about languages and web dev. Re: OT: Silverlight - Comments?

2007-07-19 Thread viktoras didziulis

Thanks for correcting me Andre!

It is just when I opened and saw familiar titles 
(.NET, AJAX, VB, C#, Python and Ruby) + integrates with existing web 
applications so ..delivering of high quality video to all major 
browsers... went to the second plan as it is at the very end of the 
introduction. Does this mean that Microsoft now openly competes with Adobe ?

However that's interesting to see Microsoft becoming more and more a 
cross platform player recently... I tend to agree with your post about 
the bubble of in-browser web apps. It is true and correct from 
developers position. However I guess the situation may be quite 
different on users front. People like browsers, they are used to them - 
when you mention Internet, the browsers archetype is the first thing 
to associate with it because the browser is such a flexible thing 
where you can write of your choice and something will 
definitely pop out with flash, AJAX whatever - user don't cares. It 
works, they are playing flash games (without knowing what the heck that 
flash is...), reading newspapers, buying things there, managing their 
bank accounts, and so on... And many of them are in panic when they need 
to install new application into their PCs. They are scared because of 
security concerns or if something goes wrong who is going to fix my 
machine?...  So the bubble may not explode as we expect. One may 
extrapolate that future browsers 10 years from now will be even more 
suitable for application deployment then they are now. But future is 

Best wishes

Andre Garzia wrote:

I think you're mistaken, silverlight is an alternative to flash so 
it's main

point is to allow interactive vector animation. The language used for
programming silverlight is not important, the important part is the 

set that will be bundled. The strongest point about Flash is not
ActionScript (or whatever they call it) but the fact that it is present
everywhere and that it allows good interactive animations.

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Re: Paste into field issue (cross platform unicode library)

2007-07-18 Thread viktoras didziulis
there exists a crossplatform C/C++ and Java Unicode  Globalization 
library (being used by sqlite very recently) - ICU:

May it be of some use to RunRev people ?


J. Landman Gay wrote:

Well...yes and no. If Rev were just a Mac app, then they could use the 
Apple libraries (that's what HC did.) Or if it were just a Windows 
app, they could use Windows libraries (which are different.) And then 
there's the 'nix issues too, and I'm not sure exactly what's available 
there. At any rate, RR needs to pretty much write (or adapt) their own 
libraries for this so that it will go cross platform for everybody and 
integrate well with the field object.

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Re: Need for Speed (databases)

2007-07-17 Thread viktoras didziulis
sharing the info on how to use sqlite in memory databases from within 
Revolution. Just tested in on my Rev, it works, so it may be useful for 
you too. Say we have my.db database file. We wish to load it as an in 
memory database to increase query performance. Here is the algorithm in SQL:

#first creating an in memory db
sqlite3 :memory:
ATTACH 'my.db' AS cpDb
#now repeat the sql string below for each table in the attached cpDb to 
copy all of them into memory


Ready to use. Now the former my.db file is loaded as in-memory database. 
This provides a big performance gain for complex queries!

So in Rev you would do:
put revOpenDatabase(sqlite,:memory:) into dbID
revExecuteSQL dbID, ATTACH 'C:/my.db' AS cpDb
repeat for each line myTable in dbTables #assuming dbTables contains a 
list of tables in the database

revExecuteSQL dbID, CREATE TABLE :1 AS SELECT * FROM cpDb.:1, myTable
end repeat

Do not forget to close the database (revCloseDatabase dbID) before 
creating a new one. As far as I understand SQLite permits multiple in 
memory databases, so if you do not close the previous database and 
create new one you are likely to waste your RAM.

Best wishes

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Re: Wireframe animation engine examples?

2007-07-15 Thread viktoras didziulis

This may be useful:
Examples are for flash, but same principles may apply for 3D graphics in 
Revolution too.


David Bovill wrote:

I'd like to take a look at some examples of wire frame animation  - for
speed and flexibility -are there any knocking around?
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Re: Need fore speed...

2007-07-14 Thread viktoras didziulis


use the filter:
1) Modify your table so that each line starts with line number as the 
first item;
2) Copy the original table variable (say it is called myTable) to 
tableCopy. Filter modifies contents of variable, so make sure it won't 
touch the original data;

3) use the filter like this:
   filter tableCopy with  *2267.10*
4) now all lines that contain anything between 2267.1000 and 2267.1099 
are stored in tableCopy
5) as these lines contain line numbers too (that's what step 1 was used 
for), now you can cycle through the 1st item of each line in the result 
and find line numbers of the original data that matched the criteria:

set the itemdelimiter to tab
repeat for each line myFilteredLine in tableCopy
   put item 1 of myFilteredLine into lineNo
   put line lineNo of myTable into varModifiedLine
   #modify varModifiedLine contents here
   put varModifiedLine into line lineNo of myTable
end repeat

6) you can put multiple obsMass values and corresponding modifications 
into a variable (e.g. varObsMass) as tab delimited list:

*2267.10*   modified_string_1
*2267.11*   modified_string_2
*2271.16*   modified_string_n

and then cycle through each pair of pepMass value and a corresponding 
modification string:

set the itemdelimiter to tab
repeat for each line myConstraintsLine in varObsMass
   put item 1 of myConstraintsLine into varConstraint
   put item 2 of myConstraintsLine into varModifiedLine
   put myTable into tableCopy
   filter newVar with varConstraint

   repeat for each line myFilteredLine in tableCopy
   put item 1 of myFilteredLine into lineNo
   put varModifiedLine into line lineNo of myTable
   end repeat

end repeat

Best wishes!

Beynon, Rob wrote:

Some questions - is there advantage in sorting the list by mass first?

Would I gain speed by using integer arithmetic (is that even possible?) or by 
matching the numbers as strings?


And most importantly..

Is there an elegant rev way of handling this that I don't even know about?!





Prof R J Beynon[h]
Proteomics and Functional Genomics Group
Faculty of Veterinary Science
University of Liverpool
Crown Street, Liverpool L69 7ZJ

Phone: +44 151 794 4312

Fax: +44 151 794 4243



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Re: Need fore speed...

2007-07-14 Thread viktoras didziulis

one more alternative - works very fast - use sqlite in-memory database:
1) download sqlite3 command-line executable
2) run shell (cmd on windows) and create an in-memory database by executing:
sqlite3 :memory:
3) assuming your data consists of 4 fields (columns) that are tab 
delimited and stored in file table.csv type or copy paste and execute 
the following commands in your sqlite3 session:

create table myTable (a varchar, b varchar, pepMass float, d integer);
.separator \t
.import table.csv myTable

4) Now all you need to do is to store a list of update statements like 
this in text file (lets name it q.sql):
UPDATE myTable SET  a='whatever', b='whatever',  d='100' WHERE pepMass 
BETWEEN   2267. AND 2267.;
UPDATE myTable SET a='whatever', b='whatever',  d='1000' WHERE pepMass 
BETWEEN   2268. AND 2268.;

5) execute the following sql string in sqlite:
.read q.sql

6) Thats it. Now you can get your result:
.output myTable.csv
SELECT * FROM myTable;
.output stdout

Here you can use Revolution to create a list of multiple UPDATES :-). 
But I do not know how to use in memory sqlite database directly from 
Revolution :-(.



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Re: Need fore speed...

2007-07-14 Thread viktoras didziulis

Yest it is at
full text search with recently added complete Unicode support via ICU 


David Bovill wrote:

Interesting I read somewhere that Google added full text search to
sqlLite codebase recently (last 6 months)?

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Re: launch app from browser

2007-07-13 Thread viktoras didziulis
The only way to get this working would be using HTA. Note, it works on 
MS windows (98 and up) only.

It is an html file that starts like this:
titlePut your title here/title
ID=ID of the app
a href=myapp.exeClick here to launch the myapp.exe/a
Save this file as test.hta. Thats it. HTA's have same restrictions as 
any other applications on windows. Now you can use javascript (jscript), 
vbscript, activex components and whatever you need...

If there are frames in the hta application then each frame must be 
allowed to get access to system by setting it to application and 
trusted like application=yes trusted=yes
IFRAME src=res://resources.dll/GUI/my_app name=main_fr 
application=yes trusted=yes width=100% height=97% marginwidth=0 
marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=auto/IFRAME


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Re: launch app from browser

2007-07-13 Thread viktoras didziulis

David, trap reloadStack message:

on reloadStack
end reloadStack

this will prevent two main stacks with the same name from being open 

Best wishes

David wrote:

The question I have is if you want to get the html link to open a rev
document - either by your application or the IDE - it seems on tests
on OSX to open multiple instances of the application and not let the
application open multiple stacks. I know this can be got around using
text files to implement locks - and I remember some issue and I think
IDE or engine enhancements to work with these issues - but can't find
them :)

How do you get an html link to a .rev file not to open multiple
instances of the app?

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Re: What I did with Rev last night - few lines of code for graphical file/folder/volume navigator

2007-07-06 Thread viktoras didziulis
Didn't expect programming an embedded volumes/folders/files navigator 
can be so easy. If you need something like this in your application, use 
the source below - just copy/paste the 3 handlers from this message into 
a scrolling field. In object inspector check the lock text and the list 
behavior of the field to true or execute:

set the lockText of fld yourField to true
set the listBehavior of fld yourField to true
in the message box. Then click the field with mouse and start using it.

on mouseDown
 if me is not empty then
   pass mouseDown
   put the folders  return  return  the files into me   
 end if

end mouseDown

on selectionChanged
 local myLine   
 if .. is in the selectedtext then
   set the defaultfolder to (the defaultfolder  /  char 3 to -1 of 
the selectedtext)

 else if char 2 to 3 of the selectedtext =then
   #insert your handler for the selected files here
answer file:  the defaultfolder  /  char 4 to -1 of the 

 else if : is in the selectedtext then
   set the defaultfolder to (char 3 to -1 of the selectedtext  /)
   set the defaultfolder to (the defaultfolder  /  char 3 to -1 of 
the selectedtext)
 end if

end selectionChanged

on drawList
 local myLine
 local flag
 put 0 into flag 
 lock screen
 put the defaultfolder  return  the volumes  return  the folders  
return  return  the files into me

 repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in me
   put line i of me into myLine
   if myLine is empty then
 put 1 into flag
 next repeat  
 if flag = 1 then #files   
   put before line i of me   
   set the imageSource of char 1 of line i of me to 201066  
 else #folders or volumes  
   putbefore line i of me  
   set the imageSource of char 1 of line i of me to 210087

 end if
   end if 
 end repeat 
 set the imageSource of char 1 of line 1 of me to 210088
 set the textStyle of line 1 of me to bold 
 unlock screen

end drawList

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Re: What I did with Rev last night - few lines of code for graphical file/folder/volume navigator

2007-07-06 Thread viktoras didziulis
Whoops, Thunderbird reformatted the e-mail, so likely you won't be able 
to get it running after copying/pasting the code from my previous message.
Here is a sample stack with a field using these 3 short handlers if 
anyone is interested:

go stack URL;

feel free to reuse it :-)

All the best

viktoras didziulis wrote:
Didn't expect programming an embedded volumes/folders/files navigator 
can be so easy. If you need something like this in your application, 
use the source below - just copy/paste the 3 handlers from this 
message into a scrolling field. In object inspector check the lock 
text and the list behavior of the field to true or ---

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Re: What I did with Rev last night

2007-07-05 Thread viktoras didziulis


here are few more examples of recreational programming with Rev :-).

One stack is an experiment to see whether the well known game of chaos 
where seemingly random process creates a deterministic outcome 
(sierpinski fractal) produces similar results for any configuration of 
points or just for the triangle. It turned out that for shapes other 
than triangle it produces random clouds of points, so the triangle is 
special. It is also an alternative random way to draw a line between 
any two points in space. You can draw and see these fractals and clouds 

go stack URL;

Another stack was an attempt to reproduce a few graphic algorithms in 
Revolution. For water ripples (like in java applet at ) Revolution engine 
unfortunately was too slow. But for the fire effect it performed 
reasonably fast for small images (100x100 pixels). So I created a 
completely useless stack where one can load any picture which is then 
automatically resized to 100x100 and used as a cooling map for fire 
algorithm so that animated burning fire patterns emerge in a small 
100x100 image area nearby.

go stack URL;

When loaded it contains 2 snapshots of an image and fire with cooling 
patterns from the image. To see the animated fire you would have to load 
your own image by clicking Fire!!! button. To stop the show click shift 
or mouseclick on any of the 2 images in the stack.

One more interesting algorithm to test on Rev would be Warp Map 
( I saw it 
implemented in C++ and Rebol (where surprisingly worked reasonably fast 
on large images). But recently found more catching topic where 
Revolution will be very useful - conversion of TFT monitors to 
holographic screens. Well, actually not really holographic but rather 
stereoscopic (no glasses required) where image is formed from parts of 2 
images and 3D object pops-out of in front or beyond the screen. All what 
is needed is a high resolution printer, transparency and a tool to 
calculate and produce parallax barrier mask based on monitor resolution 
and pixel size (and then printed onto a transparency) and calculate a 
gap between the LCD monitor and the barier. The tool will also combine 
images suitable for viewing within such a system and be able to make 1 
pixel offset adjustments to make images match with parallax barrier 
mask. Going to use hints as in

All the best!

J. Landman Gay wrote:

It is so satisfying to be able to write whatever I need. Anyone else 
done little personal stacks with Rev lately?

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Re: Converting Image to Line Drawing

2007-07-02 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
---Original Message--- 
Date: 07/02/07 16:35:19 
Subject: Converting Image to Line Drawing 
I'm looking to make a small application that converts an image to a line 
Any help would be appreciated. 
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Re: Converting Image to Line Drawing

2007-07-02 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
the very end should be lineart.mspx 
---Original Message--- 
From: Judy Perry 
Date: 02/07/2007 20:21:22 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: Converting Image to Line Drawing 
I get a 404 on this. 
Anybody else? 
On Mon, 2 Jul 2007, Viktoras Didziulis wrote:
 ---Original Message--- 
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Re: AW: The Art of Dissolving Splash Screens

2007-06-29 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
one can stuff almost anything - images, scripts, stylesheets into a dll file
and then use these resources through res:// protocol. Occasionally I used
Microsoft's HTA (Html application) technology before I found Revolution. It
allows to develop an application using html/css/javascript+activex, create
the front start.hta that loads and uses all the things (stylesheets,
javascripts, bitmaps) on request from whatever.dll like a href=
res://mysoft.dll/GUI/SOFT_SQLSQL query/a.
Drawback of HTA is that it is MS Windows only and patented by Microsoft, so
unlikely to become multiplatform. However Adobe with its AIR somehow managed
to overcome patenting issues and is releasing similar thing for all
---Original Message--- 
From: Scott Kane 
Date: 29/06/2007 15:43:42 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: AW: The Art of Dissolving Splash Screens 
From: Stephen Barncard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I didn't know that. I always thought a Windoze app usually consisted of a 
bunch of little files. I guess a multi stack project still is with Rev. 
We call it a file. It is a file. But the file is broken up into segments 
(header etc). Works exactly the same as a bundle. It's just that we 
think of it as a file because that's how it's presented to us in the OS. 
The same can be said for folders (directories). They are no more real 
than files. ;-) 
Scott Kane 
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burn, burn ;-)

2007-06-29 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Just played a little with real-time image manipulation in Rev. Initially
tried using arrays, but then the chunk based approach with binary
encode/decode seemed to perform faster (strange, have to try arrays again..
). Here is a small joke-stack in legacy format:
go stack url
it burns any selected image :-), click the fire button, choose image and
watch it burning. Different patterns emerge depending on image selected.
Click the mouse again or press Shift to stop burning.
Any ideas on how to make it work reasonably faster (on, say, 1.7 Ghz proc.)
so to let it digest larger imagedatas ?
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Re: character to justify text

2007-06-27 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
you can try adjusting the size of space characters like this: 
repeat with i=1 to the number of chars in fld fText 
set the textSize of char x of fText to y 
end repeat 
where char x is space character and y is a number between 4 and whatever the
upper limit is... If the fixedLineHeight of field is set to true, then the
only thing that changes would be the width of space character. 
The hard point here is to get a length of a text line in pixels so you could
calculate the necessary size of space character for each line. As I imagine
first you would need to find the longest line in the field and then justify
the remaining lines in relation to this maximum. 
Of course you may try creating an index of all possible characters and their
widths for different fonts and sizes, then get the length of line in
characters and use the index to sum up the length in pixels... Then find a
difference subtracting length of current string from maximum length,
counting number of spaces in a line and then calculate what size all space
characters should be set to compensate for the difference. 
In principle not so hard once you know a way to measure absolute length of
text string in pixels. 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Kay C Lan 
Date: 27/06/2007 05:43:10 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: character to justify text 
On 6/27/07, -= JB =- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 The problem with making a font and 
 then using my own character it would change the character count. 
 Of course I could easily add the character and then subtract it but 
 who knows what other weird things I might find. 
One thought, if you're going to go to all the trouble of making your own 
font, is to include several versions of the space character, ie a 3 pixel 
space, a 4 pixel space, etc etc. Maybe accessible via spacebar = 3px, 
option+spacebar = 4px, shift+option+spacebar = 5px. Then I assume a simple 
'repeat for each' replacing each standard 3px space with a 4px space until 
you get to the required width, and if you replaced all in a line and it 
still wasn't wide enough you go on to 5px, 6px etc etc. 
That way the char count wouldn't change. 
Just a thought, but then again, the thought of creating a font from scratch 
seems pretty daunting to me ;-) 
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Re: reading CSV text file

2007-06-22 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
In cases like this I usually open the csv with my OpenOffice and save it
with record delimiter set to tab and no text delimiter (e.g. ordinary tab
delimited file). Then I go to my Revolution studio :-). Otherwise it is a
real headache to process the correct csv files as some clever programs
also put quotes around text strings only and don't put quotes around numbers
 etc, etc... 
You can also load that real csv into mysql and then get it out as tab
delimited. SQLite might also be of some help - just put it into the db and
get it back with select *. 
---Original Message--- 
Date: 06/23/07 00:36:15 
Subject: reading CSV text file 
i have to read a textfile, which is comma separated and contains  as text
identifier. The item delimiter is , 
My problem is, i do not know, how can i read the file and detect each item
of a line, as the items are sepearated by comma and the textfield/items
could contain comma, too. How can i tell Revolution to ignore the comma in
the tesxtarea of an item 
Heres an example line 
7722, ,Fuji Cleaning Cartridge fr DLT Streamer, retail,DLT
Reinigungskassette fr bis zu 20 Reinigungen nicht fr DLT 1 und VS!,,,
BAND,183,Diverse Hersteller,42419,31.03,38.79,35.27,34.48,34.48,34.48
As you can see, some fields/items are included in  ,others (the numeric
values) are not. The field included in  could contain , . 
Any idea, how i can solve that. I have to mention that in the
textfields/items there could be also the  as product description e.g. TFT
19 or HDD 2.5 
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Re: the files functions doesn't work correctly withdiacriticalcharacters

2007-06-21 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Hi Xavier, 
this may be related to a collection of semi-resolved/partially-fixed (engine
 unicode support?..) bugs where characters outside of the standard Western
European character set are not being translated correctly. I guess it is the
same problem that prevents me from developing software in my own native
language as revolution does not understand input from my keyboard when set
to LT. These issues are fixed for some languages (it was reported for Polish
 Hungarian, Czech some time ago and now it seems like it is fixed), and not
fixed for others. 
See the quality reports 4677, 441, 1038, 1040, 1358. Look like a
long-standing issues with priority downgraded to minor... 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
Date: 20/06/2007 16:21:46 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: the files functions doesn't work correctly
I think i found the problem: 
The font (ms sans serif) of the fields in the revVariableWatcher doesn't 
show the diacriticals as expected!!! 
The Tahoma font works fine... well, sometimes... 
set the directory to fld path 
put the files into fld log -- works great at least in a tahoma field. 
Which doesn't explain why the filename comparisons dont work yet but the 
files functions works correctly at least! 
I changed all the revVariableWatcher's field to Tahoma but the shell's 
output was still unreadable! 
So it's the shell! But in the shell (cmd.exe) dir displays correctly !!! 
Next step was to change the encoding of the shell from the standard 850 
western1 codes to 1252. Because i found out 
meanwhile that when piped to a file dir didn't show the text as expected 
(sorry rev if i blamed this on you)!!! 
And with chcp 1252 it did work as expected! 
But then wabam, I can't get shell to do the right thing now! 
I need to tell the shell that it needs to do first a chcp 1252 and then in 
the same shell call, a dir of the folder but ... 
Only the first line of the shell gets evaluated it seems! This is a 
serious limitation in this case... And a speed problem since 
the shell can't be done in rev but needs to be sent via a start.exe then 
piped out then reinjected in rev in the right chr set... 
And I thought rev was easy all over! If anyone is interested in multiline 
shell calls in rev let me know, i'll make a bugzilla... 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 20/06/2007 13:42:56: 
 Hi everyone, 
 I have this file scanner that does some file listings and which needs to 
 compare outputs with a shell dir.exe command (in windows 2003). 
 The shell is too slow but it is the only one that shows me which files 
 DHSM based (offline storage off the main storage). 
 The problem i found is that the shell based dir output works correctly 
 the runrev the files functions doesn't. 
 The runrev output doesn't translate correctly the diacritical characters 
 such as umlauts, or other german/french style characters. 
 Has anyone seen this and better resolved it? Is there already a bugzilla 
 for this? 
 For the funny part, when i ask in rev if the file is there with the 
 shell's file name output, rev does recognize it but i do a comparison of 
 strings between 
 the shell and rev's the file output, they do not match!!! Meaning that 
 files functions is not compliant with windows? 
 The shell's codepage is 850 in case anyone wondered. Is there anyway to 
 change the codepage of rev's output? 
 Thanks in advance for any help 

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Re: Programming challenge : spelling corrector

2007-06-19 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
By the way, and this is off-topic, except that it is about the coming Perl 6
programming language, the interesting citation: 
the vision for Perl 6 is more than simply a rewrite of Perl 5. By separating
the parsing from the compilation and the runtime, we're opening the doors
for multiple languages to cooperate. You'll be able to write your program in
Perl 6, Perl 5, TCL, Python, or any other language that there's a parser
written for. Interchangable runtime engines let you interpret your bytecode
or convert it to something else (e.g., Java, C, or even back to Perl).
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Perl 6 project

2007-06-19 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
By the way, the snapshot of Perl 6 technology (called Parrot) can be
downloaded from 
Parrot is a virtual machine designed to efficiently compile and execute
bytecode for dynamic languages. Parrot currently hosts a variety of language
implementations in various stages of completion, including Tcl, Javascript,
Ruby, Lua, Scheme, PHP, Python, Perl 6, APL, and a .NET bytecode translator.

Thought, this might be of interest to a few on this list (including myself).
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Re: create field on specific positoin

2007-06-19 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
I do this like that (just copied from an existing app):
lock screen 
create group gLegendKeeper in group gLegend of card mainCard 
repeat with i=1 to 100 
put f  i into gName 
create field gName in group gLegendKeeper of group gLegend of card 
set the left of field fName of card mainCard to (myLeft + 22) 
set the top of field fName of card mainCard to graphicTop 
end repeat 
unlock screen 
note that a new group gLegendkeeper is created to make it easy to delete
the created fields when necessary by simply deleting the whole group.
All the best
---Original Message--- 
Date: 19/06/2007 09:10:09 
Subject: create field on specific positoin 
i need to create several fields, 3 at a line, from a script. The number of
fields depends on the number of lines a textfile contains. Each field then
must contain an item of the text file. Excatly said, 3 items of each line of
the text file have to be put into the 3 fields. 
Creating the fields from within the script should be no problem. 
My problem is, i do not know: 
How can i place the fields automatically on a specific postion, so i have 3
fields on each line? 
How would you name them, so they could be accessed later.? 
e.g. Field_1_3 should mean field from line 1, which contains item 3 from
line 1 of the textfile 
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Re: create field on specific positoin

2007-06-19 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
whoops, omitted a typo - it should be : 
lock screen 
create group gLegendKeeper in group gLegend of card mainCard 
repeat with i=1 to 30 
put f  i into fName 
create field fName in group gLegendKeeper of group gLegend of card
set the left of field fName of card mainCard to (myLeft + 22) 
set the top of field fName of card mainCard to graphicTop 
end repeat 
unlock screen 
---Original Message--- 
From: Viktoras Didziulis 
Date: 19/06/2007 10:40:20 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: create field on specific positoin 
I do this like that (just copied from an existing app): 
lock screen 
create group gLegendKeeper in group gLegend of card mainCard 
repeat with i=1 to 100 
put f  i into gName 
create field gName in group gLegendKeeper of group gLegend of card 
set the left of field fName of card mainCard to (myLeft + 22) 
set the top of field fName of card mainCard to graphicTop 
end repeat 
unlock screen 
note that a new group gLegendkeeper is created to make it easy to delete 
the created fields when necessary by simply deleting the whole group. 
All the best 
---Original Message--- 
Date: 19/06/2007 09:10:09 
Subject: create field on specific positoin 
i need to create several fields, 3 at a line, from a script. The number of 
fields depends on the number of lines a textfile contains. Each field then 
must contain an item of the text file. Excatly said, 3 items of each line of

the text file have to be put into the 3 fields. 
Creating the fields from within the script should be no problem. 
My problem is, i do not know: 
How can i place the fields automatically on a specific postion, so i have 3 
fields on each line? 
How would you name them, so they could be accessed later.? 
e.g. Field_1_3 should mean field from line 1, which contains item 3 from 
line 1 of the textfile 
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Re: 281 installer problems

2007-06-19 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
In 2.8.1 annoucement it warned: 
..I recommend you do a full install from the downloads page rather than
using your update button inside the program, as this version corrects a
number of issues with the installer/uninstaller, and you will not see the
benefit of this unless you do a full installation... 
So I did not experienced the problems that you describe. Still there was one
problem related with previous installs of SQLite. The way to fix this is
described in quality report 5140: 
All the best 
---Original Message--- 
Date: 06/19/07 12:35:03 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: 281 installer problems 
Hi everyone, 
anyone having problems with the 2.8.1 installer? 
I had a previous install of 2.8 (gm1, 2, 3, 4 - all too buggy to be used) 
and decided to test the 2.8.1. 
First the custom install path c:\app doesn't work. 
second the default path c:\app\revolution enterprise wont work either! It 
refuses to install where the old versions is even though the folders are 
not named the same! 
3rd, the installer creates not 46MBs of data as advertised but 90 MBs! 
Then 4th, the app doesn't launch, when i check, the rev exe is only 32KBs! 
No wonder it didn't ask me for my license... 
And when i try do redownload the thing it stalls... And resume downloading 
doesn't work either! 
Naturally, the 5th time works but the old folder again is disturbing the 
Finally the install works! 
Then i try the update in the help menu and it tells me GM2 is available 
(but the download is still gm1). When i try to update the engine tells me 
my license is expired! 
But my license is from 2007!!! WTF? 
Can someone shed some light on this? 

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Re: strange posting problems

2007-06-13 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Hi Eddie, 
there is also size limit for posts (just can't remember the right number)
and it should be text-only (no html) message, no attachments. 
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Re: puzzeld with database path Was: invalid database path

2007-06-11 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Hi Tiemo, 
I have the same trouble on MS Windows with my 2.8.1 studio. Just filled the
You can add more comments/votes there. 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Tiemo Hollmann TB 
Date: 06/06/2007 11:02:58 
To: Revolution mailing list 
Subject: puzzeld with database path Was: invalid database path 
Hello all, 
I got SQLite to run in my XP standalone, but I don't understand why - but I 
would like to for the next time :-) perhaps someone likes to correct my 
- In Standalone App Settings I selected: Script Library: Database and 
Database Support: SQLite 
- I don't use revSetDatabaseDriverPath (because otherwise my IDE doesn't 
find the db anymore) 
- I put revdb.dll and dbsqlite.dll in my standalone directory 
- I left the dbsqlite3.dll in the directory \Externals\database_drivers\ 
What I don't understand is: 
- The standalone builder copied the revdb.dll into the \Externals\ 
folder - what didn't worked, from where I put it into the root 
- The standalone builder didn't copy the dbsqlite.dll at all (I took 
it manually from runtime directory) 
- It runs only with dbsqlite.dll in the root and dbsqlite3.dll in 
the subfolder database_drivers - why do I need both and what the heck is 
Thanks for any hints 
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Re: puzzeld with database path Was: invalid database path

2007-06-11 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
By the way, for me compiled application started to work after I copied
dbsqlite.dll into Externals/database_drivers and revdb.dll is just where it
is supposed to be - in Externals folder. 
---Original Message--- 
From: Viktoras Didziulis 
Date: 06/11/07 12:25:24 
To: Revolution mailing list 
Subject: Re: puzzeld with database path Was: invalid database path 
Hi Tiemo, 
I have the same trouble on MS Windows with my 2.8.1 studio. Just filled the 
You can add more comments/votes there. 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Tiemo Hollmann TB 
Date: 06/06/2007 11:02:58 
To: Revolution mailing list 
Subject: puzzeld with database path Was: invalid database path 
Hello all, 
I got SQLite to run in my XP standalone, but I don't understand why - but I 
would like to for the next time :-) perhaps someone likes to correct my 
- In Standalone App Settings I selected: Script Library: Database and 
Database Support: SQLite 
- I don't use revSetDatabaseDriverPath (because otherwise my IDE doesn't 
find the db anymore) 
- I put revdb.dll and dbsqlite.dll in my standalone directory 
- I left the dbsqlite3.dll in the directory \Externals\database_drivers\ 
What I don't understand is: 
- The standalone builder copied the revdb.dll into the \Externals\ 
folder - what didn't worked, from where I put it into the root 
- The standalone builder didn't copy the dbsqlite.dll at all (I took 
it manually from runtime directory) 
- It runs only with dbsqlite.dll in the root and dbsqlite3.dll in 
the subfolder database_drivers - why do I need both and what the heck is 
Thanks for any hints 
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Re: sqlite question

2007-05-29 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Hi Peter, 
go to . At the very end of this page there
are instructions on using sqlite3 in a shell script. Some time ago I
successfully applied these to query my own sqlite3 databases like this: 
on mouseUp 
local cSQL 
local tmpTab 
put sqlite3 my.db  quote  field fSQL  quote into cSQL 
replace return with   in cSQL 
set the itemdelimiter to | 
set the hideconsolewindows to true 
put shell(cSQL) into tmpTab 
replace | with tab in tmpTab 
put tmpTab into fld fOut #here the results go into text field with grids
put empty into tmpTab 
end mouseUp
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Peter Alcibiades 
Date: 28/05/2007 17:51:09 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: sqlite question 
Hi all, 
I have created an sqlite database with that wonderful tool, sqlitebrowser,
got my data into it by hacking it into a csv import with regular expressions
So far so good. 
Now, how do I connect to it from rev? The revdb commands only seem to work 
with Mysql. Do I have to go out to the shell for everything and pass sqlite 
commands to it? Is there any documentation on this stuff anyplace? 
Note that this is Linux, so there is no altsqlite available nor query 
builder - this is 2.6.1. 
Thanks in advance for any hints, however cryptic, 
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sqlite in-memory databases

2007-05-29 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
does anyone know if after I create an in-RAM database using 
sqlite3 memory 
and then do for any stored database file: 
ATTACH db_file AS db_ram 
does it also load the attached database into RAM or continues to query the
attached database as it is (e.g. disk file) ? Any experiences with this?
Best wishes 
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Re: Abode Tools Died -- Back To RunRev!

2007-05-26 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
It would be nice to have a direct interface from Rev. However it is also
possible to use in batch mode and command line, accessible from many other
programing languages and environments (Perl, Python, etc...). 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Sivakatirswami 
Date: 26/05/2007 23:30:04 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Abode Tools Died --  Back To RunRev! 
It seems with the upgrade to CS3, as some are saying over at the Adobe 
we have paid for a downgrade 
Specifically, Adobe dropped ImageReady and it is no longer possible to 
create and share droplets for photo processing. Sure you can buy 
Fireworks and learn it's powerful batch processing methods, but 
then we would need to spend another $2,000 to purchase 20 seats 
just to let other process photos. (Photoshop's droplets, are still 
deficient... end of the actions will *not* let you over write existing files

without asking...) 
OK, so, I'm back to Revolution to do what I've wanted to do for years: 
Process the photos right inside Run Rev. 
Downsizing, rotating, setting the image data of a new image to the 
scaled image 
and saving as jpeg... all works fine... 
But, I would like to build into the process a few discreet filters 
I know about the macho photo processing stack that I think 
(was it Klaus, or some other Big Rev Brain in Europe) made 
but the interface was a maze of things I would never use 
(I don't need to turn real photos into Van Gogh! however 
cool that might be...) 
What we need is to extract specific filters as discreet tools. 
right now, all I want is: 
-- auto levels 
-- unsharp mask with a specific preset setting. 
Has anyone done that yet? Extracted such 
filters as discreet handlers? 
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how to do .import with revdb_execute (sqlite)?

2007-05-23 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
revdb_execute(dbID,.import '  myFile  ' 'Lookup') throws an error:
near . syntax error. Same command works from shell with external sqlite
installation or from commandline. Is there any other way to import tab
delimited file into database table directly through revdb_execute ? Are
there any alternative recipes? SQL INSERTs are so much slower, therefore I
would prefer .import... 
Thanks in advance! 
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Re: Code Signing Anyone?

2007-05-22 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
I'm interested. Write it, please :-). 
---Original Message--- 
From: Scott Kane 
Date: 05/22/07 03:54:20 
Subject: Code Signing Anyone? 
This pertains to people using Rev to build Windows Stand Alones. 
In XP SP2 Microsoft started warning you that a download may be unsafe and in

the dialog box you get when you open the downloaded file you are warned that

it's probably not a good idea to use software from suppliers who are not 
Trusted If you haven't seen it has a big red icon shield telling you the 
software has no digital signature and tells you it is from an unknown 
publisher. It's quite threatening. If the file is signed then you get a 
nice yellow shield, some warnings but the companies information is displayed

(the software company from whom you downloaded the file from) in summary and

it all looks much safer. Now - some claim this is just a Microsoft Tax as 
they license the signing technology to the likes of Verisign (of whom they 
own a large chunk) and Comodo etc. However in Vista the messages look even 
nastier and I am pretty sure that this will become even uglier in SP's of 
Vista yet to come. 
I sign my executables (installers and program or stand alones) having 
purchased a certificate. My question is how many people here sign there 
executables? Would you be interested in an article in the Revolution 
newsletter about code signing (and how to get a hefty discount on your 
certificate) ? 
Scott Kane 
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start 
today and make a new ending. -- Maria Robinson 
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Re: OT: Descent FTP Client for Windows?

2007-05-19 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
SmartFTP ( ?.. 
---Original Message--- 
From: Derek Bump 
Date: 05/20/07 00:10:06 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: OT: Descent FTP Client for Windows? 
I'm looking for a descent FTP Client for Windows XP. I loved Transmit 
on the Mac, but I'm unable to find anything that compares to it's 
Does anyone have any suggestions? 
I'm looking for something that supports Drag  Drop, Queuing, and 
Multiple Sockets. 
Derek Bump 
Dreamscape Software 
Compress photos easily with JPEGCompress 
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Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Completely agree with you, Mark! 
As a relatively new user of Revolution 2 years (with a few software projects
completed during this time which would not be possible without Rev) I was
also extremely satisfied to see Altuit products eventually integrated into
the IDE. Now it is not anymore a buy-in-pieces-puzzle that was very
frustrating for me as a newcomer to Rev at that time. I see this as a major
quality and end users experience improvement for any newcomer ! 
Meanwhile I would like to attract few votes for bug 4677, or now it is
confirmed and marked as a duplicate of 441 which is partially solved for
some languages, but not for mine :-) The problem is that characters outside
of the standard Western European character set are not being translated
correctly during keyboard entry, therefore I can't do projects in my native
and a few other national languages... 
And bug 3992 - it is confirmed, and is still in the latest release candidate
of open beta. If briefly - property inspector loads file contents into wrong
unrelated text fields replacing their contents and thus damaging data. If
you are new to the IDE you may get deeply depressed after seeing this ;-),
later you learn and get used to put url file:etc into field etc and
forget that the problem is there. Nevertheless I think it is important.
I have also voted for bug 2498. It causes situation where 2 tabbed buttons
put on same card do interfere with each other on mouseover event. Not a big
tragedy but looks messy (e.g. in a spreadsheet which is a part of a larger
application with tabbed buttons)... 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Mark Talluto 
Date: 18/05/2007 09:26:11 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the
remaining 1879? 
On May 17, 2007, at 9:19 PM, Bjrnke von Gierke wrote: 
 Of course with such small numbers, one can not really draw a 
 conclusive decision, 
I think the answer to how successful this release and any other 
release is will be very subjective. I don't think it is reasonable 
to expect the bug count to change by a given percentage. I was one 
of the people that gave this release rave reviews simply because I 
can see and feel the difference from this version and my previous 
reliable 2.7.4. 
I still have bugs that are over 2 years old that have not been 
fixed. I have bugs that were only days old that did get fixed. In 
my very subjective measure, 2.8.1 is a huge step forward when I look 
at the projects I am working on and how they perform. Everyone's 
mileage will vary when it comes to gaging how significant a given 
release is. 
If I am able to produce the commercial projects I am working on then 
all is good from my perspective. 
Mark Talluto 
CANELA Software 
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Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way

2007-05-14 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Something is wrong with Bills e-mail account (server issue?..). When I tried
resending my feedback (top 5) on beta, I received mail not delivered in a
few days again for both mailboxes... All produced same error: 
451 Could not complete sender verify callout (in reply to RCPT TO command) 
But once I received feedback from programmers at runrev these bugs getting
attention, I think now they are being handled anyway... 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Heather Nagey 
Date: 05/14/07 13:11:02 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way 
I'm puzzled that you say you have emailed Bill and not received a 
reply. In my experience Bill is extremely punctilious about 
responding to email, and my first reaction would be to ask whether 
there could be an email issue, maybe somebody's email is getting 
stuck somewhere? 
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Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way

2007-05-14 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
this explains the problem: 
unfortunately, sender address verification cannot simply be turned on for
all email - you are likely to lose legitimate mail from mis-configured
systems. You almost certainly will have to set up white lists for specific
addresses, or even for entire domains. 
As far as I know spammers also use address_verification to make sure they
are sending spam to existing mailboxes. Therefore some legitimate domains
block these requests to prevent spam... 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Viktoras Didziulis 
Date: 14/05/2007 13:30:41 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way 
Something is wrong with Bills e-mail account (server issue?..). When I tried

resending my feedback (top 5) on beta, I received mail not delivered in a 
few days again for both mailboxes... All produced same error: 
451 Could not complete sender verify callout (in reply to RCPT TO command) 
But once I received feedback from programmers at runrev these bugs getting 
attention, I think now they are being handled anyway... 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Heather Nagey 
Date: 05/14/07 13:11:02 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way 
I'm puzzled that you say you have emailed Bill and not received a 
reply. In my experience Bill is extremely punctilious about 
responding to email, and my first reaction would be to ask whether 
there could be an email issue, maybe somebody's email is getting 
stuck somewhere? 
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Re: Spreadsheet

2007-05-14 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
By the way, here is a list of expressions and functions implemented in
All the best! 
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Re: Spreadsheet

2007-05-13 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Hi David, 
regarding the formula processing and scripting, in one project I am using
sqlite to store and process tables because the SQL92 standard supports
things like as well as all major mathematical operators: 
SELECT a, b, 
CASE WHEN ab AND a2 THEN 'a is greater' 
WHEN a=b THEN a+b 
WHEN ab THEN 'b is greater' 
ELSE 'unknown' 
FROM mytable; 
SQL95 standard brings SQL even closer to complete programming languages, but
it is not yet implemented in litesql which however and luckily is (almost)
SQL92 compliant. 
Anyway I see this as the only way to implement any scripting and formula
translation in Revolution, otherwise your end users are likely to smash into
the infamous scriptlimit which is 10 lines of Revcode. 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: David Bovill 
Date: 12/05/2007 18:17:35 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Spreadsheet 
I am just starting work on a basic spreadsheet in Rev - I have a few 
fragments but was wandering if anyone has some work they would be willing to

The bits I have: 
1. altTable like component with headers 
2. data model 
3. bits to read and write to OpenOffice documents 
I don't have any GUI or code for viewing, adding and editing formulae, or a 
general way of taking standard formulae and applying them to cells. Any 
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Re: Spreadsheet

2007-05-13 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Hi Bill,
check the Rev documentation (2.8.0) dictionary on scriptLimits and script
..when using a standalone application, an object's script property may not
be set to a string containing more than ten statements. This limit is set by
line 1 of the scriptLimits function. (This does not limit scripts that are
already written: standalone applications can run scripts of any length.
However, if the standalone attempts to change an object's script property,
and the script contains more than the allowable number of statements, the
attempt to set the script causes an error.)... 
It is likely to prevent somebody using Revolution studio to create a
competing RAD environment. Unfortunately this also prevents from
implementing any kind of scripting, or complex formula translations which
would not compete with the RAD in any way. Therefore in order to implement
end-user scripting for own products (like allowing user to create decision
trees with formulas in nodes) some of us have to resort to other languages
via shell or SQL92/95 as alternatives. I guess the most efficient way is to
use SQL because of its tight integration with Revolution through its
database modules.
---Original Message--- 
From: Bill 
Date: 13/05/2007 16:07:45 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: Spreadsheet 
I never heard of this script limit other then in early demos. Can you 
Also I like the idea of your use of the SQLite functions in your project. 
On 5/13/07 6:57 AM, Viktoras Didziulis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Anyway I see this as the only way to implement any scripting and formula 
 translation in Revolution, otherwise your end users are likely to smash
 the infamous scriptlimit which is 10 lines of Revcode. 
| | | 
)_) )_) )_) 
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^ ^ 
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Re: Cluster analysis

2007-05-09 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Hi David, 
You may find these resources helpful:
Best wishes
---Original Message--- 
From: David Glasgow 
Date: 09/05/2007 12:16:05 
Subject: Cluster analysis 
Anyone out there in Revland understand cluster analysis? 
How hard would it be to 
a/ script the analysis 
b/ draw a visual representation of clusters 
Even better, anyone out there who has already done it? 
Best Wishes, 
David Glasgow 
Carlton Glasgow Partnership 
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Re: OT : equivalent of BBEdit on Windows ?

2007-05-09 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Try Crimson editor: 
Supports syntax highliting of lots of languages, regular expressions,
replace on multiple documents. Extendable via custom syntax files. Multiple
redo and undo, macros, spell checker, etc... 
There is a project to port it to multiple OSes: http://www.emeraldeditor
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: jbv 
Date: 09/05/2007 12:17:40 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: OT : equivalent of BBEdit on Windows ? 
Hi list, 
Could someone advise a text editor with functions similar 
to BBEdit on Windows ? 
Thanks in advance, 
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smartDraw and alternatives

2007-05-05 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
what software for easy drawing eye-candy diagrams (Tree diagrams, ER, block
diagrams from templates) do you usually use? I tried smartDraw (www but for some reason it is very unstable and almost unusable
on my system, so decided to ask for your advice again on comparable
alternatives (MacOSX, Linux, Windows). Thanks in advance! 
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Re: Crashes with 2.8.1 dp4

2007-05-03 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Can it be related to bug #3992 (already confirmed, but not yet fixed in dp5)
---Original Message--- 
From: Malte Brill 
Date: 05/03/07 10:55:33 
Subject: Re: Crashes with 2.8.1 dp4 
Hi Joe, 
if you say the inspector changes things for your players this might 
be related to bug 4711. 
If you have anything to add to that (maybe a good recipe, as I find 
it to happen randomly that the inspector suddenly does act 
strangely), please add to the report. 
All the best, 
 But on subsequent openings of the Inspector, when things appeared not 
 to be going right, the number would be changed from 1 to 2; sometimes 
 from 2 to 3, depending on which player since there are a total of 9 
 of them. 
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Re: can't reach Rev Beta Test Manager via e-mail

2007-05-02 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Hi Bill, 
I have already re-sent my feedback this morning (09:08) to both addresses.
May it be that both are still undelivered ?.. Once I had similar no-delivery
problems when our national ISP servers were blacklisted by AOL. In case
you have not yet received them I will try to resend these later today from
my other mailing account. 
All the best! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Bill Marriott 
Date: 02/05/2007 15:33:27 
Subject: Re: can't reach Rev Beta Test Manager via e-mail 
 A few days (25 04 2007) ago I have sent my feedback on top 5 problems of 
 latest Revolution beta release. Today (01 05 2007) I found the following 
 message in my inbox : 
[failure report] 
 Is there another way to submit the top 5? The bugs are already submitted 
 quality center. 
I've been getting plenty of email so this may be a temporary problem, or 
something solvable at least. Don't worry there's still time to get your 
request in to me. 
Please try to re-send to and if this fails, you 
may write to me at wjm(at) 
- Bill 
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can't reach Rev Beta Test Manager via e-mail

2007-05-01 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
A few days (25 04 2007) ago I have sent my feedback on top 5 problems of the
latest Revolution beta release. Today (01 05 2007) I found the following
message in my inbox : 
This is the Postfix program at host 
I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not 
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. 
For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster 
If you do so, please include this problem report. You can 
delete your own text from the attached returned message. 
The Postfix program 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (expanded from [EMAIL PROTECTED]): host[] said: 451 Could not complete sender verify callout 
(in reply to RCPT TO command) 
Is there another way to submit the top 5? The bugs are already submitted to
quality center. 
All the best! 
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slightly off-topic: software marketing issues

2007-04-27 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Can anyone recommend any good books or online resources on how to market and
sell software products, arrange beta testing, choose suitable type of
licensing, avoid pitfalls (unsatisfied customers, money-back and related
things), creating product website, user groups, forums, mailing lists,
software registration database; source code protection means and policies,
and what-else-to-take-care-of... Thanks in advance! 
Best wishes 
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Irregularly shaped hotspots on image

2007-04-22 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
Is there a standard method of setting irregularly shaped invisible
hotspots on images displayed on a stack ? 
I have a few images with lots of fish on them. Need to highlight each fish
and display its name on mouseEnter. Now I am drawing a polygon around each
fish, setting its tool tip to fish name and putting a script that passes the
long id of the polygon to a handler to change polygon's ink from noop to
blend. And vice versa on mouseLeave. Additionally it displays contents of
polygon's tooltip in a separate field (in case the tooltip does not appear
immediately on mousenter). 
The drawback of this approach is that while highlights are irregular,
hotspots are still rectangular and sometimes hotspot of a large fish blocks
all the small fishes around. So I have to adjust ordering of polygons
sending larger to back and bringing the smallest to front to avoid blocking.
 Are there other alternative techniques ? 
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Re: Obtaining the size of a file

2007-04-21 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
This is an example from documentation,
assuming your file is MyFile.txt:
get the detailed files 
filter it with MyFile.txt,* 
put item 2 of it + item 3 of it into myFileSize
There is also  size property which reports the amount of disk space taken by
an object to judge how much memory an object takes when displayed. E.g.: 
get the size of image myImage
However the size property of a stack does not report any meaningful value
and is always 1.
All the best!
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Revolution license

2007-04-20 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
I have just red Using Revolution with Filemaker Pro and Bill mentions that
the Revolution license simply asks you to put one line, Portions
(c)2000-2008 Runtime Revolution Limited, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
below your own copyright notice... Does this mean any program that I
distribute should have this lengthy copyright notice or otherwise I am
violating the terms and conditions of the Run Rev license ? If I put my
copyright notice on a splash- screen then does this mean that Revolution's
copyright notice should appear next ? Isn't it all right to mention Created
with Revolution with a link to somewhere deeper (in about
section or end user license agreement). In some cases I would also prefer
not to reveal any technical details on how my app was created. Isn't it
enough then create a link to Runtime Revolution's website from my own
website (I promise to do this) without explicitly disclosing technologies
used for each particular application? 
All the best! 
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Re: Bootcamp and Parallels

2007-04-15 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
You may try an alternative - VMware player ( It is free of
charge even for commercial use. I use it on my Windows machine and it can
virtualize all flavours of Linux, BeOS, Solaris and NetWare. I tried it with
Puppy, PCLinux, Slackware Vector Linux, DSLinux, Open Solaris (Belenix),
FreeBSD (PC-BSD). It also runs other 'nixes or MS Windows inside a host
Linux, etc, etc.. It can be used as a sandbox for secure Internet browsing
on Windows via the browser appliance (Linux/Firefox). The only thing you
may need to start with is a livecd iso image of the guest OS and a simple
configuration file. As far as I know it is also available for MacOSX - check
for VMware Fusion, but it may be still in beta stage... 
They also offer commercial packages like VMware ESX server, VMware virtual
center, Virtual SMP which allows a guest operating system to see up to 4
cpus in the virtual machine, vmware distributed resource scheduler and
vmware consolidated backup... 
configuration file template for vector linux: 
config.version = 8 
virtualHW.version = 4 
scsi0.present = FALSE 
memsize = 256 
ide1:0.present = TRUE 
ide1:0.fileName = VLSOHO-5.1.2-LIVE-5.iso 
ide1:0.deviceType = cdrom-image 
floppy0.present = FALSE 
ethernet0.present = TRUE 
usb.present = TRUE 
sound.present = TRUE 
sound.virtualDev = es1371 
displayName = Vector Slackware LiveCD 
guestOS = otherlinux 
nvram = otherlinux.nvram 
workingDir = . 
Just thought this might be of some use... 
All the best 
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