Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-19 Thread Dick Kriesel
On 3/18/07 12:12 AM, Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm now doing the politically correct mouseMove instead of using
 repeat while mouse is down. But it still leaves me having to check the
 location all the time to see whether it is inside one of my 400
 buttons. It seems that the mouseControl should be able to report where
 the mouse is without me having to check it manually. But mouseControl
 gets stuck when you click down and never changes until the mouse comes
 up again.

Here's another technique for identifying the object at the mouseLoc. This
technique is different because it works with no repeat loop, no checking the
visible or the rect of any object, no formulas based on the mouseLoc, and no
reference to the mouseControl.

Create a button named mouseObject with the following script:

-- script
local sMouseObject

on mouseObject
  if line 1 of the frontscripts is not long id of me then
insert script of me into front
lock screen
click at the mouseloc
unlock screen
remove script of me from front
return sMouseObject
  end if
end mouseObject

on mousedown
end mousedown

on mouseUp
  put long id of the target into sMouseObject
end mouseUp
-- script/

Then to test it, put the following handler into the stack script:

-- script
on mouseMove
  call mouseObject of button mouseObject of me
  put the result
end mouseMove
-- script/

The technique passed my tests.  Does it work for you?

-- Dick

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Sarah Reichelt

 I thought this sort of polling was not considered a good idea. It
 seems fine on my 2GHz Intel Mac, but I'm not sure how it would go on
 slower machines.

 It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having to do

Yeah, bad idea. At least, according to Mr. Raney. Sometimes it's the
only way though.

A more politically correct way is to use a mousemove handler. Set a
script local when the mouse goes down or up. Then use mousemove to check
whether the variable flag is set. If not, pass mousemove. If so, check
the mouse location. Off the top of my head:

The top of your head worked fine thanks Jacque :-)

I'm now doing the politically correct mouseMove instead of using
repeat while mouse is down. But it still leaves me having to check the
location all the time to see whether it is inside one of my 400
buttons. It seems that the mouseControl should be able to report where
the mouse is without me having to check it manually. But mouseControl
gets stuck when you click down and never changes until the mouse comes
up again.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and suggestions.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Dick Kriesel
On 3/18/07 12:12 AM, Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But it still leaves me having to check the
 location all the time to see whether it is inside one of my 400

Hi, Sarah.  You could build an array using points as keys, so that when you
look up any x,y pair you get the control id.  If that would use too much
memory, you could build two arrays, one for x and one for y.  If the x array
identifies for each value of x the controls that share that value of x, any
the y array is analogous, then intersecting of the values for the current x
with the values for the current y would yield the current control id. For
buttons in a simple arrangement, you could probably use even less memory.
Whichever design you choose, you could store the arrays as custom property
sets of the card, so your user could never perceive the delay even for a
huge number of buttons.  Of course you'd need to rebuild the arrays if you
move a button.  Do you feel the need the speed enough to write the code?

-- Dick

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

 It seems that the mouseControl should be able to report where
 the mouse is without me having to check it manually. But mouseControl
 gets stuck when you click down and never changes until the mouse comes
 up again.

You may not be able to check the mouseControl while the mouse is pressed,
but you *can* check the mouse position on mouseMove while the mouse is down.

The main reason to avoid polling is because you have 400 objects to check --
it could be demanding and possibly prevent stuff from executing.  But you
could establish a coordinate grid defined by the rects of the buttons, and
monitor the X,Y in a mouseMove handler.

Assume a grid of btns on a card:

a1 b1 c1 d1
a2 b2 c2 d2
a3 b3 c3 d3

Put the following in the card script (actual mouseMove code would be more

local W,H,L,T,gridRect,checkPos
on mouseDown
  put width of btn 1 into W
  put height of btn 1 into H
  put left of btn 1 into L
  put top of btn 1 into T
  put L,T,(L+4*W),(T+3*H) into gridRect
  put true into checkPos
end mouseDown

on mouseMove X,Y
  if not checkPos then pass mouseMove
  if not (X,Y is within gridRect) then
pass mouseMove
  end if
  if X  (L+4*W) then put d into btnX
  if X  (L+3*W) then put c into btnX
  if X  (L+2*W) then put b into btnX
  if X  (L + W) then put a into btnX
  if Y  (T+3*H) then put 3 into btnY
  if Y  (T+2*H) then put 2 into btnY
  if Y  (T + H) then put 1 into btnY
  put Mouse is within button  btnX  btnY
end MouseMove

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
end mouseRelease

on endCheck
  put false into checkPos
end endCheck

This should monitor the mouse position relative to each button.
Hope this helps.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Bill Marriott
There's another fly in the ointment. Using within works reliably only if 
no buttons are overlapping (it doesn't respect layering like messages 
would), and the coordinate approach only works if the buttons are in a grid. 
If you have a more involved setup like using irregular graphics for the 
regions, invisible or disabled objects, etc it can get complicated.

The DragDrop family of messages would seem ideal; but those only work with 
text. :/ 

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Mark Schonewille


400 individual buttons is bad design. Draw a grid and use a mouseDown  
handler if you want to store the clicked location. Use the  
mouseRelease handler to get the new location. Calculate in which  
rectangle the new mouseLoc is, without a repeat loop. I am sure you  
can do this.

Best regards,



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Op 18-mrt-2007, om 8:12 heeft Sarah Reichelt het volgende geschreven:

The top of your head worked fine thanks Jacque :-)

I'm now doing the politically correct mouseMove instead of using
repeat while mouse is down. But it still leaves me having to check the
location all the time to see whether it is inside one of my 400
buttons. It seems that the mouseControl should be able to report where
the mouse is without me having to check it manually. But mouseControl
gets stuck when you click down and never changes until the mouse comes
up again.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and suggestions.


use-revolution mailing list
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RE: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Mark Powell
Hi Sarah:

Depending on the arrangement and characteristics of your 400 controls,
you could take the approach of putting mouse detection in an image above
your buttons instead of in a card script below:  Create a one-bit
mask...with areas in the image that register with buttons being made
opaque, other areas being transparent.  In Rev set the blendlevel of the
image to 100.  The entire image will be visually transparent, but mouse
clicks will respect *original* opacity/transparency.  Therefore in the
script of the image you could have something like this:

on mouseDown
  --detectable in opaque areas only 
  put BtnBelowAtMouseDown() into gBtnDown   
  set the hilite of btn gBtnDown to true
end mouseDown   

on mouseRelease 
  set the hilite of btn gBtnDown to false   
end mouseRelease

on mouseUp  
  set the hilite of btn gBtnDown to false   
  send mouseUp to btn gBtnDown  -- if needed
end mouseUp 

on mouseMove
  put BtnBelowAtHover() into tBtnHovered
end mouseMove   

The BtnBelowAtMouseDown and BtnBelowAtHover algorithms depend a lot on
card design.  I have done something similar, but with 4 underlying
controls instead of 400 so I am not sure about performance and the
efficiency of those two algorithms in your particular case.  A
compelling feature of this approach is that the creation of the mask
itself could be scriptable...using snapshot, button rects, alphadata,
etc...though I have never done it.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Jerry Daniels

I prefer the method Bill Marriott suggested:

set a global (or a script local) on a mouseDown event and then track  
the coordinates via mouseMove.

You can theoretically track the location of the mouse (pointer)  
during mouseMove without using a local or global in a mouseDown  
handler, but then you have to use the mouse is down to test within  
the mouseMove handler, and that can be problematic as it tends to  
eat the mouseUp message and is generally inefficient, in my  


Jerry Daniels

Makers of Galaxy 1.5

On Mar 17, 2007, at 11:03 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

Jerry figured it out a while ago -- Galaxy always shows the object  
name and path of the object it is hovering above. I think mousemove  
may be part of it.

from the docs: Sent periodically while the mouse button is being  
held down.

this gets close to what you want I think.

ON mouseMove
 put the target
END mouseMove

It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having  
to do this.



stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Jerry Daniels
  Galaxy always shows the object name and path of the object it is  
hovering above. I think mousemove may be part of it.

This is an interesting topic to me. One that doesn't necessarily deal  
with Sarah's original question, but for the sake of accuracy--and  
possible interest--I want to report how Galaxy has has in the past  
and is presently figuring out what object is beneath the pointer?

The cursory inspection that Galaxy 1.5 has done to detect what  
object you're over came from Galaxy's pinging  or sending out  
periodic messages constantly. Why not just use mouseMove? We pinged  
so that Galaxy could also detect when you were above the title bar of  
a stack and then report the stack name and path in the status fields  
of Galaxy Bar. The mouseMove tracking would not report when the  
pointer was in the title bar of a stack.

We also used the ping method so users could hold down command +  
option to then edit of the script of an object. This is only needed  
because Rev running on the Mac cannot detect the depression of the  
modifier keys (command, option, shift, control) without also  
depressing a typeable key. But even on Windows, it is sometimes  
difficult to get Revolution to report a keydown if there isn't an  
editable field around in an open stack.

You'll notice I am using the past tense in describing the ping method  
of object inspection. We switched over to a new approach to solving  
this problem because pinging was very inefficient, especially on  
older, slower machines.

The more recent versions of Galaxy 1.5 use the pepper ping  
approach. With this method, cursory and in-depth inspection occurs  
only when the mouse is moving AND up to 5 seconds after the mouse  
stops moving. When the mouse stops moving, Galaxy peppers the  
object beneath the pointer with a series of pings (send  
glxInspectObject in 250 millisecs) over a period of 5 seconds to  
see if you're going to hold down some modifier keys and also in case  
you moved the pointer to the title bar of a stack.

How does one detect if the mouse has stopped moving? By canceling  
messages! (See script below.)

The pepper method (invented after drinking a Dr. Pepper soft  
drink?) results is far less system activity, near instant reporting  
of the object name and path in Galaxy Bar, and very snappy in-depth  
inspection that leads to editing the object. The only time a veteran  
user of Galaxy might notice our change in methods is when using no- 
click inspection to edit the script of an object, and mouse has been  
stationary for longer than 5 seconds--something that doesn't seem to  
happen as often as one would think.

Here is the crucial code from our front script (distilled for our  
purposes here) that does does the pepper ping thing:

on mouseMove theH,theV
put the cGlxInspect of stack revGalaxy inspector into doInspect
if doInspect is true then
end IF
pass mouseMove
end mouseMove

on glxSendStaggeredInspectMsg
-- get rid of lingering messages for efficiency...
-- and to detect if mouse has stopped moving:
-- respond right away:
send glxInspectObject to me in 10 millisecs
-- begin the peppering:
put 0 into theNoMillisecs
put 250 into theInterval
repeat for 19
add theInterval to theNoMillisecs
send glxInspectObject to me in theNoMillisecs millisecs
end repeat
end glxSendStaggeredInspectMsg

on glxCancelPendingInspectMsgs
-- luckily, Rev does all this very fast, indeed:
put the pendingmessages into thePendingMessages
filter thePendingMessages with *,glxScriptEdit,*
repeat for each line thePendingMessage in thePendingMessages
-- use token and don't worry about itemDel:
put token 1 of thePendingMessage into theMsgID
cancel theMsgID
end repeat
end glxCancelPendingInspectMsgs

on glxInspectObject
-- get long id of object, even if pointer is in title bar:
put glxGetObjectBeneathPointer() into theObjectID
edit the script of theObjectID
end glxInspectObject


Jerry Daniels

Makers of Galaxy 1.5

On Mar 17, 2007, at 11:03 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

Jerry figured it out a while ago -- Galaxy always shows the object  
name and path of the object it is hovering above. I think mousemove  
may be part of it.

from the docs: Sent periodically while the mouse button is being  
held down.

this gets close to what you want I think.

ON mouseMove
 put the target
END mouseMove

It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having  
to do this.



stephen barncard
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Stephen Barncard
Jerry, would this explain the 'flickering' that I've seen in your 
tooltips field in earlier versions of Galaxy? This would only happen 
when Galaxy was kept running for hours and days... Restarting Rev 
always fixed it.

The cursory inspection that Galaxy 1.5 has done to detect what 
object you're over came from Galaxy's pinging  or sending out 
periodic messages constantly. Why not just use mouseMove? We pinged 
so that Galaxy could also detect when you were above the title bar 
of a stack and then report the stack name and path in the status 
fields of Galaxy Bar. The mouseMove tracking would not report when 
the pointer was in the title bar of a stack.

Jerry Daniels

Makers of Galaxy 1.5

On Mar 17, 2007, at 11:03 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

Jerry figured it out a while ago -- Galaxy always shows the object 
name and path of the object it is hovering above. I think mousemove 
may be part of it.

from the docs: Sent periodically while the mouse button is being held down.


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Dick Kriesel
On 3/18/07 7:56 AM, Jerry Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 on glxInspectObject
  -- get long id of object, even if pointer is in title bar:
  put glxGetObjectBeneathPointer() into theObjectID
  edit the script of theObjectID
 end glxInspectObject

Hi, Jerry.  How does glxGetObjectBeneathPointer() work?  I searched the
Galaxy scripts and didn't find it.

-- Dick

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Jerry Daniels


I indicated in my posting that I had distilled portions for  
simplicity. Look at the glxScriptEdit handler in the inspection  
folder in the frontScript. I't s quite large and has barnacles on it.  
You'll see how I determine the long id of the object below the  
pointer--including stacks.


Jerry Daniels

Tool makers for the 21st century

Voice: 512.879.6286
Skype: jerry.daniels

On Mar 18, 2007, at 4:31 PM, Dick Kriesel wrote:

On 3/18/07 7:56 AM, Jerry Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


on glxInspectObject
 -- get long id of object, even if pointer is in title bar:
 put glxGetObjectBeneathPointer() into theObjectID
 edit the script of theObjectID
end glxInspectObject


Hi, Jerry.  How does glxGetObjectBeneathPointer() work?  I searched  

Galaxy scripts and didn't find it.

-- Dick

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Jerry Daniels


The flicker we used to see was related, i believe, to a mouseWithin  
message gone bad.


Jerry Daniels

Makers of Galaxy 1.5

On Mar 18, 2007, at 1:13 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

Jerry, would this explain the 'flickering' that I've seen in your  
tooltips field in earlier versions of Galaxy? This would only  
happen when Galaxy was kept running for hours and days...  
Restarting Rev always fixed it.

The cursory inspection that Galaxy 1.5 has done to detect what  
object you're over came from Galaxy's pinging  or sending out  
periodic messages constantly. Why not just use mouseMove? We  
pinged so that Galaxy could also detect when you were above the  
title bar of a stack and then report the stack name and path in  
the status fields of Galaxy Bar. The mouseMove tracking would not  
report when the pointer was in the title bar of a stack.

Jerry Daniels

Makers of Galaxy 1.5

On Mar 17, 2007, at 11:03 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

Jerry figured it out a while ago -- Galaxy always shows the  
object name and path of the object it is hovering above. I think  
mousemove may be part of it.

from the docs: Sent periodically while the mouse button is being  
held down.


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 19:50:40 -0700, Jim Ault wrote:

 The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
 is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
 mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it doesn't tell
 me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
 mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.
 It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
 know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
 other suggestions.

Here's what worked for me (put this in the card script):

global gDragging

on mouseDown
  if word 1 of the name of the target is button then
put true into gDragging
pass mouseDown 
  end if
end mouseDown

on mouseMove
  if gDragging and the mouse is up then
send GetTarget to me in 20 milliseconds
put false into gDragging
  end if
  pass mouseMove
end mouseMove

on GetTarget
put the short name of the mouseControl  -- or anything else you 
want to do with it
  catch tError
-- it would get here if you released over the card itself
  end try
end GetTarget

Hope this works for you...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Sarah Reichelt

400 individual buttons is bad design. Draw a grid and use a mouseDown
handler if you want to store the clicked location. Use the
mouseRelease handler to get the new location. Calculate in which
rectangle the new mouseLoc is, without a repeat loop. I am sure you
can do this.

It's not something I would normally do, but in this particular case,
it works very well and allows great flexibility in selection and
display. However the buttons are all non-overlapping and in a
rectangular grid - not completely regular but nearly so. While
checking each rect against the mouse loc works fine on my computer, to
allow for slower ones I should put the effort into an algorithm to
calculate the correct button instead.

Since I originally asked my question, I have progressed to needing to
track the button underneath the mouse at all times while the mouse is
down, so Jacque's technique is working really well for that. Unlike
Jerry's Galaxy scripts, I only need to do this checking while the
mouse is down, so it doesn't have to be able to operate while other
things are happening.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-18 Thread Derek Bump
I just wanted to throw in my two cents on this thread.  When I was 
working on Pixelution (which is still available on RevOnline) I ran into 
the problem of figuring out what button the mouse was hovering over when 
the mouse was down.

My troubles lead me to post BugZilla # 3668 
( but also lead 
to a solution that worked well considering that the script would handle 
polling 1,024 buttons within a group quite efficiently (but nowhere as 
efficiently as the fulfillment of bug #3668.

To solve the problem, I used a combination of a variable containing all 
of the ID's of the buttons within the group, and a mouseMove handler 
that would check to see if the mouse was within each button ID when the 
handler was issued.  Also, since the mouse could only be within 1 button 
in my grid, I had the repeat handler stop polling as soon as it found a 
button that the mouse was within.

Like I said though, it works, but is very limited by the speed of the 

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Jim Ault
how about:
Use the within function to determine whether a point is inside the specified

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 3/17/07 7:32 PM, Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve what
 should be a simple problem.
 I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown handler in
 the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.
 Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I want to
 detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is released.
 Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
 times while the mouse is down.
 The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
 is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
 mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it doesn't tell
 me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
 mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.
 It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
 know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
 other suggestions.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins


I don't  fully understand what you're trying to do, but something  
like the following should get you continuous x,y that you should be  
able to use in some manner or another to determine which button is  

on mousedown
  repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseloc
-- do something with it
  end repeat
end mousedown

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 7:32 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve what
should be a simple problem.

I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown handler in
the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.

Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I want to
detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is released.
Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
times while the mouse is down.

The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it doesn't tell
me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.

It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
other suggestions.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Sarah Reichelt

Thanks Jim  Joe,

That works OK, using a repeat while the mouse is down loop and then
checking the mouseLoc to see whether it is within the rect of any of
my 400 buttons each time.

I thought this sort of polling was not considered a good idea. It
seems fine on my 2GHz Intel Mac, but I'm not sure how it would go on
slower machines.

It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having to do this.


On 3/18/07, Joe Lewis Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't  fully understand what you're trying to do, but something
like the following should get you continuous x,y that you should be
able to use in some manner or another to determine which button is

on mousedown
   repeat while the mouse is down
 get the mouseloc
 -- do something with it
   end repeat
end mousedown

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 7:32 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

 I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve what
 should be a simple problem.

 I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown handler in
 the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.

 Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I want to
 detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is released.
 Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
 times while the mouse is down.

 The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
 is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
 mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it doesn't tell
 me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
 mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.

 It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
 know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
 other suggestions.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Bill Marriott

Try this script in the card:

global trackMouse

on mouseDown
put true into trackMouse
end mouseDown

on mouseMove
if trackMouse = true then
put mouseMove  the target  return after fld 1
pass mouseMove
end if
end mouseMove

on mouseRelease
if trackMouse = true then
put mouseRelease  the target  return after fld 1
pass mouseRelease
end if
end mouseRelease

on mouseLeave
if trackMouse = true then
put mouseLeave  the target  return after fld 1
pass mouseLeave
end if
end mouseLeave

on mouseEnter
if trackMouse = true then
put mouseEnter  the target  return after fld 1
put false into trackMouse
pass mouseEnter
end if
end mouseEnter

I think you will find that once you press the mouse button:

- mouse down is sent to the original button
- mouseMoves are continually sent to the original button wherever you move 
the mouse
- when you release, you get a mouseRelease sent to the original button
- then a mouseMove is sent to the button you released over,
- then a mouseLeave sent to the original button,
- then a mouseEnter sent to the button you released over

- Bill

Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote in message 
 Thanks Jim  Joe,

 That works OK, using a repeat while the mouse is down loop and then
 checking the mouseLoc to see whether it is within the rect of any of
 my 400 buttons each time.

 I thought this sort of polling was not considered a good idea. It
 seems fine on my 2GHz Intel Mac, but I'm not sure how it would go on
 slower machines.

 It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having to do 


 On 3/18/07, Joe Lewis Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I don't  fully understand what you're trying to do, but something
 like the following should get you continuous x,y that you should be
 able to use in some manner or another to determine which button is

 on mousedown
repeat while the mouse is down
  get the mouseloc
  -- do something with it
end repeat
 end mousedown

 Joe Wilkins

 On Mar 17, 2007, at 7:32 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

  I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve what
  should be a simple problem.
  I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown handler in
  the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.
  Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I want to
  detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is released.
  Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
  times while the mouse is down.
  The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
  is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
  mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it doesn't tell
  me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
  mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.
  It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
  know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
  other suggestions.
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Stephen Barncard
Jerry figured it out a while ago -- Galaxy always shows the object 
name and path of the object it is hovering above. I think mousemove 
may be part of it.

from the docs: Sent periodically while the mouse button is being held down.

this gets close to what you want I think.

ON mouseMove
 put the target
END mouseMove

It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having to do this.



stephen barncard
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins


By and large, I would not put this in the category of polling;  
since nothing can be done while the mouse is down anyway. That's just  
the way it is. Now, if this repeat loop was being used in a mouseup  
handler, then it would be polling because all sorts of things can  
take place once the mouse button is released. So, I wouldn't feel  
badly about using this. Even fairly slow machines are going to react  
in exactly the same manner. They're just waiting for the user to make  
up her mind. (smile)

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 8:22 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

Thanks Jim  Joe,

That works OK, using a repeat while the mouse is down loop and then
checking the mouseLoc to see whether it is within the rect of any of
my 400 buttons each time.

I thought this sort of polling was not considered a good idea. It
seems fine on my 2GHz Intel Mac, but I'm not sure how it would go on
slower machines.

It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having  
to do this.


On 3/18/07, Joe Lewis Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't  fully understand what you're trying to do, but something
like the following should get you continuous x,y that you should be
able to use in some manner or another to determine which button is

on mousedown
   repeat while the mouse is down
 get the mouseloc
 -- do something with it
   end repeat
end mousedown

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 7:32 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

 I'm having a blank moment here and I can't work out how to solve  

 should be a simple problem.

 I have a grid of about 400 buttons and I have a mouseDown  
handler in

 the card script to detect which of these buttons is clicked first.

 Then I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around and I  
want to
 detect which button is under the pointer when the mouse is  

 Ideally, I want to detect which button is under the pointer at all
 times while the mouse is down.

 The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the  

 is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
 mouseRelease but the target is my original button so it  
doesn't tell

 me where the mouse is now. Checking the mouseControl in the
 mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.

 It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
 know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
 other suggestions.

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread J. Landman Gay

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

Thanks Jim  Joe,

That works OK, using a repeat while the mouse is down loop and then
checking the mouseLoc to see whether it is within the rect of any of
my 400 buttons each time.

I thought this sort of polling was not considered a good idea. It
seems fine on my 2GHz Intel Mac, but I'm not sure how it would go on
slower machines.

It still seems odd that I can't get the data I need without having to do 

Yeah, bad idea. At least, according to Mr. Raney. Sometimes it's the 
only way though.

A more politically correct way is to use a mousemove handler. Set a 
script local when the mouse goes down or up. Then use mousemove to check 
whether the variable flag is set. If not, pass mousemove. If so, check 
the mouse location. Off the top of my head:

local sFlag

on mouseDown
 put true into sFlag -- or you could use the button ID as the flag
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
 put false into sFlag
end mouseUp

on mouseMove x,y
 if sFlag  true then pass mouseMove
 repeat with n = 1 to the number of btns
  if x,y is within the rect of btn n then
put n into tTarget
exit repeat
  end if
 end repeat
end mouseMove

I use this method in my Klondike game.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Stephen Barncard
Sorry Joe, polling is just plain bad practice and could interfere 
with other messaging code. Rev gives plenty of ways to deal with 
messages that one should never have to use idle.

You still have your hypercard hat on. Untie the chains!



By and large, I would not put this in the category of polling; 
since nothing can be done while the mouse is down anyway. That's 
just the way it is. Now, if this repeat loop was being used in a 
mouseup handler, then it would be polling because all sorts of 
things can take place once the mouse button is released. So, I 
wouldn't feel badly about using this. Even fairly slow machines are 
going to react in exactly the same manner. They're just waiting for 
the user to make up her mind. (smile)

Joe Wilkins


stephen barncard
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins


So you're saying that with Rev, when the Mouse is Down, other  
messages can still be sent/received unless a repeat loop of the  
nature I suggested is invoked, so that it IS polling in the sense  
that it interrupts the normal flow? I guess things have gotten more  
complicated than I think they should. Of course, that's mostly  
because I'm content to do one thing at a time. Guess you could say  
I'm a stick in the mud! Thank for the observations, nonetheless.

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 17, 2007, at 9:22 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

Sorry Joe, polling is just plain bad practice and could interfere  
with other messaging code. Rev gives plenty of ways to deal with  
messages that one should never have to use idle.

You still have your hypercard hat on. Untie the chains!



By and large, I would not put this in the category of polling;  
since nothing can be done while the mouse is down anyway. That's  
just the way it is. Now, if this repeat loop was being used in a  
mouseup handler, then it would be polling because all sorts of  
things can take place once the mouse button is released. So, I  
wouldn't feel badly about using this. Even fairly slow machines  
are going to react in exactly the same manner. They're just  
waiting for the user to make up her mind. (smile)

Joe Wilkins


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Jim Ault
 On Mar 17, 2007, at 9:22 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:
 Sorry Joe, polling is just plain bad practice and could interfere
 with other messaging code. Rev gives plenty of ways to deal with
 messages that one should never have to use idle.
 You still have your hypercard hat on. Untie the chains!
On 3/17/07 9:54 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So you're saying that with Rev, when the Mouse is Down, other
 messages can still be sent/received unless a repeat loop of the
 nature I suggested is invoked, so that it IS polling in the sense
 that it interrupts the normal flow? I guess things have gotten more
 complicated than I think they should. Of course, that's mostly
 because I'm content to do one thing at a time. Guess you could say
 I'm a stick in the mud! Thank for the observations, nonetheless.

The Hypercard way of doing this was to use a repeat loop checking for
but mouseMove is better since Rev sends this to the card of the topmost
stack all the time, unless blocked, even when you are not checking for it.
Yep, all the time, but only when the cursor is within a Rev stack window,
which makes sense, since it sends the x,y with the message.

 Now you can have each button receive the messages:
which are sent by Rev.  Blocking means the buttons will not see them.

Malte is an expert at this stuff.  Chipp found a bug about a year ago in the
mouseLeave sequence with buttons and posted a fix, but I cannot remember the

Hope this helps you Sarah.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: Mouse messages while down

2007-03-17 Thread Bob Warren

Sarah Reichelt wrote:
I want the user to be able to drag the mouse around

Mouse messages while down: SQUEAK! (poor thing)

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