Re: finding repeating patterns

2006-08-28 Thread Peter Brigham

On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 10:00:24 -0700 Rob Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This started out as a mental exercise for moi, and the mouseUp logic
is untested:


OTOH, working on it led me to the following offsets function, which
has been tested.

function offsets targetString, sourceString
   put empty into offsetsList
   put 0 into offsetAdjustment
   put length(targetString)-1 into targetLengthAdjustment
 get offset(targetString,sourceString)
 if it = 0 then return offsetsList
 put (it+offsetAdjustment) return after offsetsList
 put it+targetLengthAdjustment into deleteCutoff
 delete char 1 to deleteCutoff of sourceString
 add deleteCutoff to offsetAdjustment
   end repeat
end offsets

Example: offsets(at,The cat in the hat smelled a rat where he  
sat.) returns


Note that the same logic can be applied to create lineOffsets,
itemOffsets, and wordOffsets functions.


Here's my version of the same thing -- I use it constantly.

function multOffset str,ctr
  -- returns a comma-delimited list of all the offsets of str in ctr
  put  into mosList
  put 0 into startPoint
put offset(str,ctr,startPoint) into os
if os = 0 then exit repeat
add os to startPoint
put startPoint  , after mosList
  end repeat
  if char -1 of mosList = , then delete char -1 of mosList
  return mosList
end multOffset

function multLineOffset str,ctr
  -- returns a comma-delimited list of all the lineOffsets of str in  

  put multOffset(str,ctr) into charList
  if charList = 0 then return 0
  put the number of items of charList into nbr
  put  into mlo
  repeat with n = 1 to nbr
put the number of lines of (char 1 to (item n of charList) of  
ctr)  , after mlo

  end repeat
  if char -1 of mlo = , then delete char -1 of mlo
  return mlo
end multLineOffset

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

My life has a superb cast, but I can't figure out the plot.

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Re: finding repeating patterns

2006-08-27 Thread Rob Cozens


Does anyone have (or know of) an algorithm to find repeating
patterns of characters in a string ?

This started out as a mental exercise for moi, and the mouseUp logic 
is untested:

on mouseUp
  put field 1 into sourceString
  put empty into patternList
  put 6 into minPatternLength -- or whatever
  put length(sourceString) div 2 into maxPatternLength  -- pattern 
can't be longer than half the length

  if maxPatternLength  minPatternLength then exit mouseUp
  repeat with patternLength = maxPatternLength down to minPatternLength
  put ((length(sourceString) mod patternLength)-1)*patternLength 
into maxStartPosition

  -- pattern can't start within patterenLength-1 chars from end
  put patternLength - 1 into endAdjustment
  repeat with startingPoint = 1 to maxStartPosition
set cursor to busy
put startingPoint+endAdjustment into patternEnd
put char startingPoint to patternEnd of sourceString into targetPattern
if targetPattern is among the words of patternList then next 
repeat -- may need stronger checking?
get the number of lines of offsets(targetPattern,char 
(patternEnd+1) to -1 of sourceString)

if it  0 then put targetPatternitreturn after patternList
  end repeat
end repeat
put patternList
end mouseUp

OTOH, working on it led me to the following offsets function, which 
has been tested.

function offsets targetString, sourceString
  put empty into offsetsList
  put 0 into offsetAdjustment
  put length(targetString)-1 into targetLengthAdjustment
get offset(targetString,sourceString)
if it = 0 then return offsetsList
put (it+offsetAdjustment) return after offsetsList
put it+targetLengthAdjustment into deleteCutoff
delete char 1 to deleteCutoff of sourceString
add deleteCutoff to offsetAdjustment
  end repeat
end offsets

Example: offsets(at,The cat in the hat smelled a rat where he sat.) returns


Note that the same logic can be applied to create lineOffsets, 
itemOffsets, and wordOffsets functions.



Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
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Re: finding repeating patterns

2006-08-27 Thread Mark Smith

Here's my version:

function getRepeatingPatterns tString,minLength,maxLength
  set the caseSensitive to true

  repeat with n = minLength to maxLength
put empty into testString

put 0 into charCount
repeat for each char c in tString
  put c after testString
  get length(testString)
  if it  n then next repeat
  if it  n then delete char 1 of testString
  if space is in testString then next repeat -- optional
  if cr is in testString then next repeat -- optional

  add 1 to countArray[testString]
end repeat
  end repeat

  repeat for each line L in the keys of countArray
if countArray[L]  1 then put L  countArray[L]  cr after  

  end repeat
  delete char -1 of countList
  sort lines of countList
  return countList

end getRepeatingPatterns

On 26 Aug 2006, at 23:23, jbv wrote:

for those interested, here's something much faster :

on mouseUp
  set cursor to watch
  lock screen
  put fld 1 into myST
  put number of chars of myST into n
  put  into myL
  set the casesensitive to true
  put 1 into k
  repeat while k=1000
repeat with i=100 down to 6
  put k+i-1 into b
  get char k to b of myST
  put myST into a
  replace it with  in a
  put ((n - number of chars of a) / b) into c
  if c=2 then
put it  tab  c  cr after myL
add b-1 to k
exit repeat
  end if
end repeat
add 1 to k
  end repeat
  put myL
end mouseUp

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finding repeating patterns

2006-08-26 Thread jbv
Hi list,

Does anyone have (or know of) an algorithm to find repeating
patterns of characters in a string ?
I'm not sure Transcript (er... Revolution) is fast enough for
that kind of task, but anyway I thought it was worth asking...


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Re: finding repeating patterns

2006-08-26 Thread jbv
well, I just realized that my question isn't very clear...

I DON'T WANT to find how many times pattern ta appears
in string tatata (for instance)...

What I want to find is : is there any repeating pattern of chars
in any string, which are they and (that's easy) how many times
each pattern appears in the string...

 Hi list,

 Does anyone have (or know of) an algorithm to find repeating
 patterns of characters in a string ?
 I'm not sure Transcript (er... Revolution) is fast enough for
 that kind of task, but anyway I thought it was worth asking...

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Re: finding repeating patterns

2006-08-26 Thread Dar Scott

On Aug 26, 2006, at 3:17 PM, jbv wrote:

Does anyone have (or know of) an algorithm to find repeating
patterns of characters in a string ?

This brute-force method came to my mind.  Decide on a min and max  
length of patterns.  Try all possible substrings.  (Outer loop is  
start position, inner loop is end char based on min  max length.   
With each one check in an array.  If not there put 1 otherwise  
increment.  Look for counts greater than 1.

If the repeating pattern must come right after the starting pattern,  
then this does not apply.  In that case, just look for the repeats of  
the substring after the trial string.  The problem is that xaxaxaxa  
would be counted as a repeating of xa and a repeating of xaxa.

Dar Scott
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Re: finding repeating patterns

2006-08-26 Thread jbv


I came up to something similar... Here's a (very raw and quite slow) first 
(it checks only groups of 6 to 20 chars) :

on mouseUp
  set cursor to watch
  lock screen
  put fld 1 into myST
  put  into myL
  set the casesensitive to true
  repeat with k=1 to 1000
repeat with i=20 down to 6
  put k+i-1 into b
  get char k to b of myST
  put myST into a
  replace it with  in a
  put ((number of chars of myST - number of chars of a) / b) into c
  if c=2 then
put it  tab  c  cr after myL
exit repeat
  end if
end repeat
  end repeat
  put myL
end mouseUp

 On Aug 26, 2006, at 3:17 PM, jbv wrote:

  Does anyone have (or know of) an algorithm to find repeating
  patterns of characters in a string ?

 This brute-force method came to my mind.  Decide on a min and max
 length of patterns.  Try all possible substrings.  (Outer loop is
 start position, inner loop is end char based on min  max length.
 With each one check in an array.  If not there put 1 otherwise
 increment.  Look for counts greater than 1.

 If the repeating pattern must come right after the starting pattern,
 then this does not apply.  In that case, just look for the repeats of
 the substring after the trial string.  The problem is that xaxaxaxa
 would be counted as a repeating of xa and a repeating of xaxa.

 Dar Scott

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Re: finding repeating patterns

2006-08-26 Thread jbv
for those interested, here's something much faster :

on mouseUp
  set cursor to watch
  lock screen
  put fld 1 into myST
  put number of chars of myST into n
  put  into myL
  set the casesensitive to true
  put 1 into k
  repeat while k=1000
repeat with i=100 down to 6
  put k+i-1 into b
  get char k to b of myST
  put myST into a
  replace it with  in a
  put ((n - number of chars of a) / b) into c
  if c=2 then
put it  tab  c  cr after myL
add b-1 to k
exit repeat
  end if
end repeat
add 1 to k
  end repeat
  put myL
end mouseUp

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