Re: core image transitions

2007-07-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Claudi Cornaz wrote:

 Over these background patterns I need to move spot's of other patterns,
 bit like clouds. These clouds should change the undelying pattern in
 or color, or luminosity etc. I was hoping I might use the new core
 transitions to
 achieve this but I can't get them to work.

I was told by Mark W at RunRev that currently only Core Effects which are
transitions work within Revolution (transitions have a source and
destination).  Effects do not.

You might want to look at Rev's ink effects as the range of these were
recently expanded to include blend effects like those found in Photoshop's
layer styles and more.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Automatic mail send (RevMail?)

2007-07-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Beynon, Rob wrote:

 Any ideas about sending an email automatically? (I will program the entire
 content, including the body in plain text).

Andre Garzia wrote a mail stack (SMTP Raw) some time ago that handles mail
within Rev (no external mail app needed).  I don't see his stack posted
anywhere but you could email him.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also, Shao Sean has written a stack called libEmail (perhaps this is now
called SMTP Library?) which I haven't used but also might be an option.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Deleting files on Vista

2007-07-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 I don't have Vista yet but I know this is going to come up for my
 clients eventually. Could someone give a step by step instruction for
 setting an app to run as administrator, something that I can quote until
 I break down and get my own copy?

I don't have Vista in front of me but IIRC, I do it by right-clicking on the
Rev app and choosing the selection from the contextual menu.  I couldn't
find a way to make the setting stick but there may be one.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Starting at square one with image processing

2007-07-05 Thread Scott Rossi

On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 4:28 pm, James Hurley wrote:

I'm trying to understand the rudiments of image processing in Run Rev.

I used the RR pencil (image not graphic) to draw a horizontal line  and 
used the following script to see how the data was stored:

All I got for my troubles was  string of zeros.

I believe you may be seeing the result of RLE -- one of Rev's internal 
paint formats (see the paintCompression property) but someone else may 
know better.


Scott Rossi
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Retrieve alphaData From Image In Variable?

2007-07-11 Thread Scott Rossi
Does anyone know if it is possible to access or retrieve the alphaData from
an image which has been exported to a variable?  I'm wondering if it's
possible to grab this data without writing the image out to a stack or
external file.

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Retrieve alphaData From Image In Variable?

2007-07-11 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Does anyone know if it is possible to access or retrieve the alphaData from
 image which has been exported to a variable?  I'm wondering if it's possible
 to grab this data without writing the image out to a stack or external file.

 I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. Can you provide an example,
 or explain in more detail?

Sure.  If you have an image on a card, you can script

   put the alphaData of img myCoolImg into tData

But can you do this with a snapshot image that has been exported to a
variable (ie export snapshot to coolVar as PNG)?

Let me know if this isn't clear.

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Log scales = animation scales?

2007-07-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, David Bovill wrote:

 Are there any ideas for natural type movements - straight acceleration
 (maybe with ease in and / or ease out)?

You're welcome to use the following (watch wraps).  It's set up as a handler
with parameters to allow for easing (moving) multiple objects at once.  So
you can place the code in the card script, for example, and call
easeObject... for each object on the card you want to move.
(Requires Rev 2.7 or later for object fading.)


on easeObject 
  put (the millisecs - pStartTime)/pDuration into phi
  if phi  1 then put 1 into phi
  if pMethod = in then put (2*phi - phi^2) into tEase # EASE IN
  if pMethod = out then put phi^2 into tEase # EASE OUT
  put (item 1 of pDestLoc - item 1 of pStartLoc) into xDist
  put (item 2 of pDestLoc - item 2 of pStartLoc) into yDist
  put item 1 of pStartLoc + round(tEase * xDist) into newX
  put item 2 of pStartLoc + round(tEase * yDist) into newY
  set loc of pObj to newX,newY
  if pFade = in then set blendLevel of pObj to 100 - (phi * 100)
  if pFade = out then set blendLevel of pObj to (phi * 100)
  if ((newX,newY) = pDestLoc) or (phi = 1) then
send easeDone pObj to pHost
exit easeObject
  end if
  send easeObject 
pObj,pStartLoc,pDestLoc,pMethod,pDuration,pStartTime,pFade,pHost to me in
10 milliseconds
end easeObject


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Log scales = animation scales?

2007-07-15 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, David Bovill wrote:

 From a couple of tests you can't fluidly animate more than a very small
 number of objects at the same time. So generating a lista and passing that
 recursively deleting an item each pass may help a little.

By all means, please try it and post your results.  In my experience, if you
have more than few objects moving at the same time, you will get some

 how does RunRev compare performance wise in animating simple controls
 compared to Flash - I know Flash has a lot of nice features and s set up for
 this - but if you just want to animate a button across the screen, or as i
 my case a few pieces of text in fields (changeing there size)... is Flash
 any faster?

Moving one or two objects in Rev is OK, but generally Flash is much faster.
Flash was designed for animation since its beginning.  It treats almost
everything (except bitmaps) as vectors which is probably one of the reasons
for its speed.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
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Re: Why Save the Mac Mini

2007-07-16 Thread Scott Rossi
OK, some folks like the Mini, some folks don't.

I'd say we're ready to move on, yes?

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: revBrowser : Problems with PDFs when Acrobat's Pdfviewer plugin is installed

2007-07-30 Thread Scott Rossi

On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 3:41 am, Christian Langers wrote:

- when calling a Pdf file from my HD (and probably from the internet  
too) and you've got Adobe's PdfViewer plugin installed, revBrowser  
will open an ask file window

I disabled Adobe's plugin, and voilà, revBrowser loaded the file ; I  
know revBrowser depends on Safari.

Hi Christian:

I ran into a related (but different) situation with revBrowser some time 
ago. In my experience it seemed that Macs would *not* display PDFs 
within Safari unless the pdfviewer plugin was installed. I found in that 
situation that default behavior without the plugin was the browser would 
hand off the PDF to Preview. I believe in general you can't rely on the 
pdfviewer plugin being installed.

I'm curious how you were able to get PDFs to show up with the plugin 
disabled.  When you disable the plugin, will Safari continue to display 


Scott Rossi
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Error Dialog Advice?

2007-08-04 Thread Scott Rossi
Hello List:

I was hoping to get some recommendations about dealing with error messages
generated by password protected stacks. What's a good way to answer error
info from a password protected stack that's intelligible by users?  I'm
familiar with the errorDialog message, but how does one use it (or something
similar) to pass along the location in the script where the error occurred?
I see there is an object reference and a handler name, but which digits
correspond to which error messages?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Inks: black translucent background with hole

2007-08-15 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, David Bovill wrote:

 I want to
 make a selection area of an image the only bit that shows up clearly with
 the rest of the image darkened.

I have a stack that might illustrate what you're trying to do.  Execute the
following in your message box:

 go url;

Sorry for the large filesize (860K) but this was the most immediate example
I had.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
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Re: Inks: black translucent background with hole

2007-08-16 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Paul Gabel wrote:

 Safari can¹t open the page ³
 spotlight.rev² because it can¹t find the server ³www.tacilemedia.com².

Sorry, typo.  Should be:

 go url;


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Inks: black translucent background with hole

2007-08-16 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Paul Gabel wrote:

 When I click on this typo-less web page link, I get mostly garbage.

It's not a Web link -- it's statement to execute in your Revolution message
box:  go url;


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
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Re: URLstatus for Players set to remote URLs

2007-08-16 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Sivakatirswami wrote:

 Can players be hooked to libURL such that
 set the filename of player remoteMovie to;
 would emulate a load cmd so that we have access to the URLstatus for
 that player's download?
 Goal:  One would like to present a progress bar to  users, that could
 poll URLstatus for the
 player's call to a remote URL... after all it would seem that setting
 the player's
 filename to an http ref is the same animal as a load url call.

You can do this using Trevor DeVore's EnhancedQT external.  He has a sample
link that (I believe) explains how to do what you describe:

This is the same process I use in the jukebox app I mentioned some months
ago:  go url;



Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Inks: black translucent background with hole

2007-08-17 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, David Bovill wrote:

 Thats the trick!
 There was a time when some of the inks only worked on some of the platforms
 - do these structural blends work on all platforms?

Not sure about Linux but AFAIK, Mac and Win are supposed to be good to go.

And of course these inks are only in Rev 2.7 (?) and later.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
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Re: white windows/stacks?

2007-08-22 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Paul Gabel wrote:

 Do any of you know all of the reasons (or as many as you can think
 of) why opening a stack by script could cause it to show white and
 blank? This happens to me sometimes. In the Rev Window menu, the
 blank window is checked, and when I manually item-select it the blank
 window returns to normal. This will happen repeatedly with the same
 window. Is it a memory issue?

Is this a stack you created?  I've seen this on occasion -- sometimes it's
caused by a script failure during an event that takes place during a locked
screen.  You might try stepping through your script, commenting out key
events one by one, until you find the culprit.  Other folks may have
additional suggestions.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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https Help Needed

2007-08-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Hey Rev List:

I'm under a very tight deadline on an https file access stack for Mac/Win.
I need to download a file from a secure server to a local drive, ideally
using 'load URL' so I can monitor progress.

Apparently there is a bug in the SSL stuff in libURL that prevents the
library from working reliably on OSX(?).  I was able to workaround the
problem of *reading* a text file on the server by using the previously
posted shell workaround for OSX:
get shell(curl -v -k  secureServerPath)

This seems to work fine for reading, but now how can I download a file from
this same secure server and monitor progress?  Any option for this?

Am hoping somebody can provide a solution soon as I'm quickly running out of

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: https Help Needed

2007-08-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Andre Garzia wrote:

 Hello Scott,
 don't know if you already solved that.

No, I didn't, but I was hoping you might offer a solution. :-)

 have you tried:
 LibURLSetSSLVerification false

Definitely.  The problem seems to be that using native Rev to access a
secure server is unreliable on OSX.  In my testing so far I'm getting empty
results with nothing happening.  Windows is OK.

 your cURL line below is doing just that with the -k in it. Maybe with this
 setting in place, everything works.

I really don't understand what that shell thing is doing.  I was hoping
there was some way to adapt it to my needs.  I'm just a simple designer. :-)

 PS: you know that TM|Colors and TM|Align are my favorite plugins here...

Glad to hear it.  But just wait until Revolution Live in Las Vegas... :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Answer Annoyance

2007-08-29 Thread Scott Rossi
If I put a simple text file on a server that contains the following:


...and I script:

 put url pathToServerFile into tData
 answer tData

...I get this:


How do I tell the answer dialog that I *DON'T* want the HTMLText?  I want
the actual text!  Arg.

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Answer Annoyance

2007-08-30 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Jim Ault wrote:

 How do I tell the answer dialog that I *DON'T* want
 the HTMLText?

  put url pathToServerFile into tData
 replace  with [ in tData
 replace  with ] in tData
  answer tData

Workable.  Thanks Jim.

 I don't know of a way to disable the feature of the
 built-in Answer dialog.  This, of course, allows a
 variety of formatting for the user.

True, but IIRC this behavior is somewhat new for Rev -- used to be that
answer displayed the raw (unformatted) text of whatever you fed it.  Seems
like there should be some kind of show formatted toggle or something built
on the HTMLtext property.

Thanks again.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
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Re: Export Snapshot - documentation issues

2007-08-31 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, David Bovill wrote:

 A few experiments later  and it seems the message is that the docs
 are wrong - firstly there seems no point using of object form,
 instead use only of window windowID.

If I understand what you're saying, one syntax form for an object is:

  import snapshot from rect (rect of obj) of obj

This imports a snapshot of the object to the card using the object as the
source.  The reason for doing this is it grabs the alpha data of the object
as well, keeping any transparency intact.

The export syntax is:

  export snapshot from rect (rect of btn 1) of btn 1 to file fPath as PNG

This does the same but to an external PNG file.  You can also use the other
image formats (ie JPEG) as well.  You can also export to a variable.

Is this what you were asking?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
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Writing to Temp Folder on Windows?

2007-09-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Hello List:

Anyone know if Windows imposes any restrictions when writing to the temp
folder under a user (non-admin) account?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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[Not Quite OT] Possible Fix for PNG Color Shift

2007-09-05 Thread Scott Rossi
Greetings List:

For any of you who work a lot with PNG images in your stacks (or elsewhere),
you might be familiar with the slight color shift that is often introduced
into the files by the apps that generate them (Adobe apps are some that
cause this problem, as well as inconsistent PNG support in Web browsers).

Recently I came across a free Windows application called PngOptimizer that
removes what it calls useless information from PNGs, making the images
display as expected.

Drag any files from the desktop onto the running app, and it creates new
files with the extraneous data removed.  I've tried half a dozen
apps/plugins that claim to solve this problem, but in my initial tests, this
one seems to work.  YMMV.


Scott Rossi
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Does revGoURL Auto-Encode URLs?

2007-09-06 Thread Scott Rossi
I'm trying to get Rev to launch a site in the user's browser that requires a
login, and so far, the browser is launching to the correct domain but not to
the protected page.


When running the above, I get a security alert back from the browser
(Firefox) that reads like:

You are about to log into the site with the username
user%2Ename%40userserver%2Ecom, but the website does not require
authentication. This may be an attempt to trick you.
Is the site you want to visit?

The username string listed in the security alert shows the at symbol and
periods as HTML entities, so I'm not sure if revGoURL is encoding the
username string, or this is just the way the browser is returning the info.

Perhaps goRevURL is encoding both @ symbols where it should not.  Or
perhaps it is encoding the periods in the string where it should not.  This
doesn't seem to be a script error on my end as the browser is launched
properly, but rather seems to be a formatting problem.  So any suggestions
on how to troubleshoot this?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Does revGoURL Auto-Encode URLs?

2007-09-06 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, I wrote:

 I'm trying to get Rev to launch a site in the user's browser that requires a
 login, and so far, the browser is launching to the correct domain but not to
 the protected page.

More on this problem...

The site uses an HTML post form to log in which points to index.php.  I've
tried passing the username and password to the address of the page
( within the URL string, like the above.  But
I'm still getting the browser's security alert message and being dumped on
the site's home page (default). What else can I try?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Does revGoURL Auto-Encode URLs?

2007-09-06 Thread Scott Rossi
Hey Mark:

If you haven't looked at the site I mentioned, don't bother.  I think I know
what's going on -- I believe they have a php script that expects some
variables to be sent when logging in, so we're not going to figure it out
any time soon.

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
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Re: Tray icon transparency (XP and Vista)

2007-09-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Eric Chatonet wrote:

 the PNG looks fine as expected everywhere else except in Win
 But I can see icons, not all, in Win tray that do show some

I believe Windows systems up through XP only support 256 colors (and thus 1
level of transparency) in the systray icons.  Vista may be different (don't
have it front of me to check).


Scott Rossi
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Re: Window Sizes on Different Macs

2007-09-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Gregory Lypny wrote:

 I think I have a lot to learn about resolution and differences
 between displays.  I developed a stack that is 887 x 657 on an iMac
 with a screen that is  1920 x 1200.  I transferred the stack to work
 to use on an older iMac whose display is 1024 x 768.  What happens at
 work is that the width of the stack displays fine but a strip along
 the bottom (with all the darn buttons) is cut off.   Should I have
 known that this would happen?  What am I doing wrong?

Either my math is wrong or your measurements are off.  You say your stack is
657 pixels high, and your old iMac screen is 768 pixels high.  You *should*
have 111 pixels to spare (minus the height of the menubar) for displaying
your stack.  The only other thing I can think of is perhaps checking the
windowBoundingRect property.


Scott Rossi
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Shift+Click Item List?

2007-09-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Hi List:

I have an item list field here with multipleHilite and nonContiguousHilite
properties enabled, but it seems I can't use shift+click to select a range
of lines (control+click works OK).  This should be possible, yes?  Anyone
know how to set it up?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Shift+Click Item List?

2007-09-15 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 I have an item list field here with multipleHilite and
 nonContiguousHilite properties enabled, but it seems I
 can't use shift+click to select a range of lines
 (control+click works OK).  This should be possible, yes?
 Anyone know how to set it up?
 Strange - shift+click seems to work here on OS X, but control+click
 Here the engine's working same as always in the MC IDE.  I can
 Shift-drag, Shift-click, and toggle individual items with Cmd-click (not
 sure Control-click ever did anything on Mac, but on Win it does what
 Cmd-click does on Mac).
 Which version of the engine are you using, Scott?  I'm running 2.8.1 here.

Thanks for the reality check.  I'm running 2.8.1 as well.  I'll go back
through my scripts but I don't think I have anything messing with the


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Deleting bits of words ?

2007-09-17 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

 delete .jpg of fld PICNAME
 (where fld PICNAME contained the word 'tree.jpg')
 and it didn't work.
 Should be grateful for ideas on how to do this.

Here's one way:

 replace .jpg with empty in fld PICNAME


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
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Re: Vista problem with Capture

2007-09-18 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

 I'm using  Rev 2.8.1 and trying to capture the screen, and I keep
 getting a black rectangle. I've had many users of ButtonGadget report
 the same thing-- but funny thing is I can't get it to reproduce on my
 Vista machine at home.

Is it a brand new machine with Vista installed, or did you upgrade the
system?  Just a shot in the dark, but if it's a new system (actually, maybe
even for an upgraded machine) you might check to see if some new video
drivers may be available for the graphics card, or perhaps there's a Windows
update (unlikely I know).  Otherwise, I myself haven't tested a lot on Vista

Let us know if you find out anything.


Scott Rossi
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Re: supported audio formats in the play command.

2007-09-19 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Peter T. Evensen wrote:

 What audio formats does the play command support?  Evidently it doesn't
 support mp3. 

For audioClips, WAV and AU are good choices.  MP3 is only supported by the
player object.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Do stacks have controllable levels?

2007-09-26 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Paul Gabel wrote:

 Is there a consistent method of controlling stack levels?

IMO, the only way to really make sure one stack is displayed above another
and stays there is to make the upper stack a palette.  This may not work in
your situation (ie if you're using stacks with standard decorations) but for
the most part this arrangement is relatively foolproof.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Do stacks have controllable levels?

2007-09-26 Thread Scott Rossi
BTW, not sure if this is what you're trying to do, but you might want to
take a look at a demo stack that features a sliding panel similar to the
drawer command.  Execute the following in your message box:

 go url;

This uses a palette stack as the parent window and toplevel stack as the
slider.  Maybe it is of some use.


Scott Rossi
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ZIP Library Details?

2007-09-27 Thread Scott Rossi
Anyone have experience with the new ZIP library -- specifically the
revZipSetProgressCallback command?

The docs say a callback is sent with several parameters, including
pGlobalProgress.  But the value of this parameter appears to be identical to
the value of pItemProgress.  I expected global to mean the progress of the
decompressing an entire archive, and item refering to individual files
within the archive.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Stack Transparency Background only?

2007-10-09 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:

 When setting  blend mode (transparency) of a stack, such that the
 background shows thru all objects are also transparent. Is there a way
 to make it so the background only is transparent?

The only way to do this currently is to use the windowshape property, which
is basically using an image to define the transparent and opaque regions of
the stack.  In doing this you loose the ability to have a resizable stack,
but you will get the effect you're looking for.


Scott Rossi
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Re: 3D wireframe demo stack

2007-10-11 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

 last night I purchased Malte Brill's Animation Engine library from
 RevSelect.I spent a few hours and created a very interesting little 3D
 viewer stack. I only needed 2 functions from Malte's library to do
 this-- it's pretty simple.

 Just enter into the message box:
 go stack URL;

The words freakin awesome come to mind.  Very cool.

How does the loadModelFromFile command work?  Part of Animation Engine?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
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Re: BMP file problem

2007-10-24 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, ron barber wrote:

 Is there a way to open monochrome BMP files with Rev or to change the
 format of the files using Rev?

Did you try opening the images using a player object?  (QuickTime may or may
not help here.)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Any suggestions on how to onion skinning?

2007-11-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Ken Ray wrote:

 I'm working on a program with my son that does simple card-based
 animation, but one of the things he asked how to do in Rev stumped me,
 and that is doing an onion skin

I would try overlaying a translucent screen capture of the prev or next


Scott Rossi
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Re: Text orientation to vertical

2007-11-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, mfstuart wrote:

 Can runrev support the 90 degree (vertical) orientation of text?
 I'd like to have this applied onto a push button.

Not real text -- you need to use a rotated image.  In theory you could apply
the image to the button as an icon.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Testing if there is an Internet Connection

2007-11-30 Thread Scott Rossi
 Is there a way to test if the machine you are running on currently
 connected to the Internet?

As suggested, grabbing the HTML (put URL...) from a large, well known site
is one way.  But if the goal is to have your stack interact with your own
site, it would be better to test that site since being connected to the
Internet will not help users if your site is not responding.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Getting vScroll movement of a field scrollbar

2007-12-10 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, James Hurley wrote:

 I would like the buttons to scroll with the field.

I was wondering, do you even need to capture the scroll *before*
scrollbarDrag?  Can't you just capture the scroll at the beginning of your
scrollbarDrag handler?


Scott Rossi
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Re: Generating custom windowshapes within Rev

2007-12-12 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Ian Wood wrote:

 we can have fully automated
 windowshapes, maybe even with the possibility of *resizable* custom

Yes, this is quite doable.  You just can't do it with live dragging, or as
smoothly as resizing a normal window.

This kind of stuff would be a *lot* easier if we could also use graphics (as
opposed to images) to define the window region.  Building mask images on the
fly is major pain and slow.

Finally, I hate to throw out vaporware promises, but one of the tools in
development over here will allow for easy construction of custom windows
natively within Rev, complete with shading and rendered appearances.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Images Miscolored

2007-12-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Bridger Maxwell wrote:

 A friend of mine cooked up a fix.  He created an automator action that
 will change all the files from png to jpg by making a new jpg image
 and pasting the png into it.  Apparently, when simply saving the png
 to a jpg (from Preview) it does not solve the problem.  This is
 definitely a Revolution problem, because the images display just fine
 in every other program, but I don't even know how to submit a bug like
 this when I am not sure what causes it or exactly why the fix works.
 Can anyone give me a hint on this?

As Jacque explained, it probably has to do with the reading (or lack
thereof) of gamma information in the file.

FWIW, you might want to see this post from September:


Scott Rossi
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Re: Images Miscolored

2007-12-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Mark Smith wrote:

 Here's a function that should strip the gamma-correction out of a
 file. I can't see any before and after difference in the files I've
 tried it on, but maybe it could help.

A great effort Mark, but in fact the script seems to shift the colors of
test images I tried over here even more out of whack. :-)

Not sure if you ever saw this but many months ago I posted an example stack
that shows imported PNGs with color shift present.

 go url;

Depending on your monitor settings, the color difference may not be
apparent, but it is there (I recently swapped monitors and now the color
shift is less apparent even to me).  If you look closely at the boxes on the
left, you'll see they are slightly off color-wise (actual RGB values are
displayed for clarity).

As mentioned in a previous post, I went through more than half a dozen tools
claiming to remove the gamma data that causes this shift, and with my tests,
the only tool that was able to do anything was PngOptimizer.  I haven't put
Adobe CS3 apps to the test yet, but I've heard that the gamma color shift
is either fixed, or can be removed in the latest apps.  Who knows.

In any event, any further developments you try in this area are greatly
appreciated, as this is an issue that has plagued us folks using images for
a long time.  What would be really cool is to be able to export PNG data to
a variable within Rev and modify that, as opposed to having to export to an
external file (hint hint).

Thanks again for your efforts.

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: blendlevel of stack/window

2007-12-18 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Peter Brigham wrote:

 I'm experimenting with blendlevels, with some success, but it's trial
 and error, like everything. The docs say that a blendlevel of 0 is
 transparent, 100 is opaque, and this is true for images and other
 objects (nifty effects!), but for stacks it's the opposite

Not sure if your docs are written wrong, but blendLevel has always been
0 = no blending
100 = full blending (invisible)

You might try using the message box as a test:
  set the blendLevel of this stack to 20


Scott Rossi
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[OT] Universal Keyboard Option?

2008-01-01 Thread Scott Rossi
Hi List:

Not completely off topic... I'm wondering if anyone has a recommendation for
using a single keyboard in a Mac/Win cross platform setup -- in other words,
using one keyboard for data entry on two different computers (Mac/Win).  I
seem to recall hearing about some solution many years ago that would handle
this, but can't recall what it was.

(BTW, I'm not looking for a KVM switch to switch between 2 systems, but
rather a software or hardware solution that allows one keyboard to enter
data on either system.)

Any suggestions?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Version Decoding Needed (was OT: One Customer's Experience)

2008-01-02 Thread Scott Rossi
I have an alert confirmation sitting on my Vista screen that reads:

   Confirm - Replace 1.1.4 BIOS with 1.1.10 BIOS?

So is the 1.1.10 version newer or older than 1.1.4 ?  My gut reaction was to
abort, but then I realized maybe they mean 10 is greater than 4.

Anybody think this is a bit ambiguous?


Scott Rossi
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Re: [OT] Universal Keyboard Option?

2008-01-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

 This is a bit old..but I built a GUI for Mac a couple of years ago for

Very nice, thanks.

Synergy is a good solution for multiple machines, though it hasn't been
updated for a while (2006?).  Would be nice if the ability to copy bitmaps
across clipboards was fixed, but otherwise it works well.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Play a Song From CD

2008-01-03 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Mark Greenberg wrote:

 I'm updating a stack originally made in another multimedia authoring
 tool. It was easily scripted in that tool, so I'm thinking it should
 be easily done in Rev as well. Here's the scenario:
 1. Student launches stack and clicks to begin the game.
 2. Stack prompts student to put in the music CD.
 3. Student puts the music CD into the computer.
 4. Stack plays a small portion of one song.
 5. Student identifies song (or property of song like tempo, style,
 key, etc.)
 6. Repeat steps 4  5 until done.
 It seems easy enough, but I can't get to first base with this stack.
 I have experimented with the simple starter code below just to see if
 I can get a song to play from CD, and all I get is static.  Can
 anyone help me out here?

Here's the thing Mark: the files on audio CDs are not directly accessible by
Rev -- the audio must be played by an appropriate player, which can be
controlled by Rev, or the audio must be converted into a format which Rev
can handle natively.

To do the former, one can use AppleScript on Macintosh to control a player,
such as iTunes, and MCI (or possibly Rev's new VB support) on Windows to
control CD playback.  It may seem odd that there is no built-in CD control,
but I would guess in these days of digital music files the demand for CD
control is not that great.

A few years ago, I took a stab at making a Mac based iTunes controller
called Conductor, which you might want to take a look at (I hope it still

Someone else on the list may have additional input on this.


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Re: Creating .icns files on Mac.

2008-01-08 Thread Scott Rossi
 I need to
 find another alternative to creating .icns files on the Mac. I can create a
 standard 128 x 128 png on the PC and would like a program to convert it to
 the requisite Mac .icns file.
 I use Iconographer

Don't want to dis a solution that works for people but apparently
Iconographer hasn't been updated in years.  See this post from way back:



Scott Rossi
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Re: Does the Player object support AVI and WMV on Windows?

2008-01-09 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Ian Wood wrote:

 The Player object is a QuickTime player, so setting dontUseQT to false
 isn't going to do a lot...

This isn't the case, unless the Rev guys changed things recently.  In fact,
the docs say:

Use the dontUseQT property to test operation of a stack using the built-in
MCI video on Windows systems...

The lack of QT functions on a system allows the player use the available
multimedia facilities of the machine -- ie WMP, in the case of Windows -- to
play media.  The available controls are much more limited, but playback is
certainly there -- I've delivered CD titles based on this functionality.
I'm just not sure if this was ever fully documented in terms of the range of
available functions/features.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Board game with pieces / scrolling images in sync?

2008-01-09 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Joshua Lawrence wrote:

 how does adding/removing pieces during play work when the
 pieces are grouped with the board?  Are 'out-of-play'
 pieces actually on the board at all times, but you
 make them invisible when necessary?  Or do you
 add/remove pieces to the group via scripting
 throughout a game session?

I would suggest changing the visibility of the pieces or moving them off
screen but keep them in the group.  Moving objects in and out of groups is
more complicated and probably not worth the effort in your case.  Remember
that moving an object outside the current rect of a group will cause the
group to scale to encompass the object, so you may want to lock the group
first to maintain its dimensions.

  hide graphic myCoolPiece
  set top of graphic myCoolPiece to -100

 Also, is there a good tutorial on using relative
 positions?  The Rev docs seem to be skimpy on the

If I understand what you're asking, this is easy.  The following examples
create instantaneous moves:

[move an object upward 20 pixels]
  set the top of graphic coolPiece to the top of graphic coolPiece - 20

[move an object to another object's position]
  set the loc of graphic bot1 to the loc of graphic bot2

Keep in mind you have 9 positional descriptors for objects you can
- topLeft   top   topRight
- left   loc   right
- bottomLeft   bottom   bottomRight

If you want to achieve more animated movement, see the move command in the
docs.  There are also tons of examples in folks' User Spaces on RevOnline.
If you want to dive deep, take a look at Animation Engine:


Scott Rossi
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Re: tapping into finder events

2008-01-10 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Randall Lee Reetz wrote:

 The suggestions posted to my questions have all required polling, which is
 peridic comparison of what was with what is now.  This is scary inefficient
 compared with getting delta messages as they occure.

Not sure if you've already come across this, but it *looks* like the
underlying principles may be what you're after (for OS X only):

... the FSEvents API. This API provides a mechanism to notify clients about
directories they ought to re-scan in order to keep their internal data
structures up-to-date with respect to the true state of the file system.
(For example, when files or directories are created, modified, or removed.)
It sends these notifications in bulk, possibly notifying the client of
changes to several directories in a single callback. By using the API,
clients can notice such changes quickly, without needing to resort to
recursive polling/scanning of the file system.


Scott Rossi
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Re: An interesting project?

2008-01-17 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Andres Martinez wrote:

 As far as I know RR cannot play two simultaneous sounds.

Using player objects, you can play several sounds simultaneously (one sound
assigned to each player).

You can also play an imported sound and a player simultaneously.


Scott Rossi
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Another Revolution?

2008-01-17 Thread Scott Rossi
So, while visiting Macworld San Francisco this week, I chanced upon a small
booth that had the word HyperCard in the description.  I was prepared to
dismiss whatever goofball developments the guys there were showing, but
after talking to them for a while, I think they have an interesting take on
x-talk (for them it's HyperTalk).  Called TileStack, their intention is to
create a HyperCard-type development environment, but starting from the Web
side using Javascript libraries and server-based logic, instead of starting
from the desktop side.  All coding will use the HyperTalk (TileTalk?)
language and if I recall correctly, the initial IDE will be a Web-based
front end.

The interesting possibility about this is that, if it is ever released,
stacks will be immediately sharable by a much larger audience than x-talk
tools which require players/standalones (I believe only Javascript is needed
to run a stack, thus the potential for delivery could be equal to or maybe
even greater than Flash, which requires a player).  Obviously, there are a
lot of questions to be answered, and it wasn't clear to me how far along
they are, but they have a simple puzzle demo on their site and they are
collecting email addresses of interested parties for early access.



Scott Rossi
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Re: [off]VMWare vs. Parallels

2008-01-18 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Mikey wrote:

 has anybody tried it vs.
 Parallels and done a performance comparison?

Bill Marriott posted this on the list about 12 days ago:

The reviews appear fairly unbiased/non-partisan.  Remember as always, YMMV.
And price is pretty irrelevant at this point.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Apple HIG updated

2008-01-22 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Ian Wood wrote:

 apparently Apple updated their
 Human Interface Guidelines to include Leopard during MacWorld...

I'd like to know, who's the brain trust (dare I say genius?) who decided
that folders in the dock should display icons of their contents, rather than
the folder icons themselves.  I'm quite curious what was behind this
(idiotic) decision.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Virtual print driver for Windows

2008-01-23 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 I need a virtual print driver for Windows that will allow me to preview
 printouts without actually sending them to paper. Does anyone have

Acrobat on OS X allows you to print to a PDF -- does it not do the same on


Scott Rossi
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Re: Apple HIG updated

2008-01-23 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Devin Asay wrote:

 I'd like to know, who's the brain trust (dare I say genius?) who
 decided that folders in the dock should display icons of their contents,
 rather than the folder icons themselves.  I'm quite curious what was
 behind this (idiotic) decision.

 Yes, that was a completely crazy idea. I made myself folders inside
 the relevant folders, called them  Apps,  Docs etc (note the
 leading space that makes then sort to the top) and gave these folders
 the same icons as the folders they were in. This gives me a much
 better representation of the folders/
 Lots of folks are looking for ways to fix this problem it seems.

The following is a good solution for Apple's UI decision-maker:


Scott Rossi
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Maintain Selection After Edit?

2008-01-27 Thread Scott Rossi
Hello List:

I am building a small editor stack that can change the name of a Rev object
in another stack.  I want to be able to select an object in a stack, apply
the name change from a field in the editor stack, and close field in the
editor stack, which would be essentially like scripting select empty.  But
I don't want to use select empty because I want to maintain selection of
currently selected object.

Any ideas on how to close the editor field but maintain the current

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Fixed Width Fonts #2

2008-01-27 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Mark Swindell wrote:

 Is there for Rev to determine which system fonts are of fixed width?
 If not directly, then indirectly?  Comparing widths of i and w on
 a font by font basis?  How might this work?

Tried your idea using the following:  Created two 18pt text fields, put W
into fld 1, I into field 2, ran the following function:

  return (formattedWidth of fld 1 = formattedWidth of fld 2)

Results were false with Rev's default font, true with Monaco and Apple Mono
(OS X).

Seems like a valid direction.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Fixed Width Fonts #2

2008-01-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Mark Swindell wrote:

 Curious thing, though.  I created a script
 ( below) which works fine when I run it line by line in the debugger,
 and _sometimes_ when I run it from a button, and then the next time
 (s), from the same button, it just chugs along and and returns
 nothing.  Any ideas?

Well, I tried a couple of things:

1) I added all font names to a variable list, rather than an actual field --
you should do this to save some speed

2) I removed the wait you had in your code and got around 5 to 6 seconds to
process all the fonts I have loaded here (I have kind of a lot loaded)

3) I added a lock screen and surprisingly got an instantaneous result (less
than 1 second); I can't say if all the font results are accurate, but I
recognize a number of monospace font names so I assume they are correct

Here's what I ran from a button on a card (I removed your object/global
references to simplify the test):

on mouseUp
  put i into field skinnyLetter
  put w into field fatLetter
  put the fontnames into vAvailableFonts
  sort lines of vAvailableFonts
  lock screen
  put the seconds into S
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of vAvailableFonts
set the textfont of field skinnyLetter to line x of vAvailableFonts
set the textfont of field fatLetter to line x of vAvailableFonts

--wait .05 seconds -- needs time to evaluate, maybe? dunno
put the formattedwidth of fld skinnyLetter into vSkinny
put the formattedwidth of fld fatLetter into vFat

if  vSkinny = vFat then
  put line x of vAvailableFonts return after temp
end if

  end repeat
  answer the seconds - S  cr  cr  temp
end mouseUp



Scott Rossi
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Re: Maintain Selection After Edit?

2008-01-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Malte Brill wrote:

 Any ideas on how to close the editor field but maintain the current

 maybe store the selectedObject in a var,; select empty; select
 previous selectedObject on close / exitField?

Thanks.  I have tried this, and while functionally it does what I asked, it
looks unprofessional, as you can see the selected object lose/regain focus,
as well as the editor lose its data, and then re-populate its fields.  I
suppose I could lock the screens of all related stacks, but I was hoping
for a cleaner solution. :-)

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Fixed Width Fonts #2

2008-01-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, BNig wrote:

 I modified the code to not need to use fields at all (I'm using
 the templateField), and I discovered a speed increase (at least on my

 somehow it doesnt filter for monospaced fonts. You probably meant
 if w1 = w2 then
 in the code
 but still, when debugging, w1 and w2 are always 0, so w1 and w2 are always
 equal and the names of all fonts are returned.

Yes, I think this is right.  I don't believe formatted-anything returns a
useful measurement unless you query a physical control on a card.  At least,
this has been my experience in the past.


Scott Rossi
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[ANN] Movie Finder Demo Posted

2008-01-30 Thread Scott Rossi
Hello List:

Some months ago, I was inspired by all the mashup/API stuff happening on the
Web and came across a Google-powered RSS feed for movie listings (built by  It occurred to me that this type of thing could be
incorporated into a Rev app and I wound up putting together a widget/gadget
of sorts that illustrates its use.  You enter your ZIP code, hit enter, and
the stack finds theaters in the area, from which you can view current movies
and showtimes.

There is also Google Map link that links you to browser directions for the
currently selected theater -- done by a less elegant scraping of Google
HTML, but it seems to work (this is a bit of a cop out -- ideally this
feature should be incorporated using revBrowser, but that's a project I'll
save for version 2...).

I think it would be great to see more of this kind of thing done in the Rev
community to demonstrate the possibilities of Rev apps that use current

Anyway, I thought folks might find this fun and/or useful.  The stack was
built in Rev 2.8.1 and tested on OS X, Vista and XP (apologies to
international listmembers, the stack is set up to work only with US ZIP
codes).  All of the key code is in the card script.

To view the stack, execute the following in your message box:

   go url;


Scott Rossi
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Re: PDF within a stack?

2008-01-31 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is it possible to include a PDF within a stackfile on cd under windows?

If you want to embed the PDF data in a stack you could store the PDF as
binary in a custom property.  Something like:

 set the uPDFdata of this stack to url (binfile:  pathToOrigPDF)

 I want the user to enter a password, if the password is correct the pdf file
 should either be saved to harddisk or openend. Is this possible?

Once the user is granted access, you write out the PDF data to the drive.
To get the PDF to display within Rev, you will need to use the revBrowser
external (it is also possible to use a player object to display a PDF, but
this method is not without its difficulties).  If the PDF doesn't need to
display within your stack, you could simply launch it once it has been
copied to the drive.

If you want to minimize easy access to the PDF itself, you might be able to
write the file to Rev's temp directory (untested).

 put the tempName into pdfPath
 set itemdel to /
 put private.pdf into last item of pdfPath
 put the uPDFdata of this stack into url (binfile:  pdfPath)



Scott Rossi
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Re: [ANN] Movie Finder Demo Posted

2008-01-31 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

 The list doesn't hilite correctly on PC, but it works just fine.

Yeah, what's up with that?  It's just linkText.  Is that a Windows bug?


Scott Rossi
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Re: about Voyager Expanded Books

2008-02-01 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Colin Holgate wrote:

 I'm not sure what Quark had at the time that was competitive, but
 there was something, hence buying and killing the competition.

Quark Immedia


Scott Rossi
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Re: Doing my own geometry

2008-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

 You can grab my altLayout manager at:
 ... I think I got it a couple
 hundred years ago from Scotty Rossi.

No, I believe that would be Chipp -- any alt- thing is part of the vast
empire (altEmpire) that is Altuit.

 (I know how much he likes being called Scotty;-)

I'd rather be called coach.


Scott Rossi
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Re: Doing my own geometry

2008-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi
 ... I think I got it a couple
 hundred years ago from Scotty Rossi.
 No, I believe that would be Chipp -- any alt- thing is part of the vast
 empire (altEmpire) that is Altuit.

I need to read better -- now I see that you (Chipp) were the dude responding
to the geometry thread.

How do you like me lecturing you about your own company? :-)


Scott Rossi
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Re: AW: AW: Flash or Quicktime?

2008-02-15 Thread Scott Rossi

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

-Original Message-
From: Terry Judd [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 08:41:14
Subject: Re: AW: AW: Flash or Quicktime?

 Another issue you may wish to consider, is how powerful a machine the
 playback will be on. A recent cient of ours had to forgo the Flash
 solution in favor of QT because Flash is considerably more processor
 intensive than a lot.

This is apparently one of the reasons the iPhone doesn't support Flash.


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DirectoryWalk a Remote Server?

2008-02-20 Thread Scott Rossi
Hello List:

Has anyone created a routine to conduct a recursive directory listing of a
remote server?  I don't believe the old directoryWalk script in the archives
can be used as it relies on setting the directory property.

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: no defaultstack

2008-02-25 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, rand valentine wrote:

 I'm using Rev 2.8.1 Studio, MacBook Pro, 4gb memory, Leopard, and now
 Revolution does not recognize the card or stack that I'm in when I execute a
 script. So every field reference must be specified for the card it's on and
 the stack it's in, i.e., one can't just designate:
 fld whichField
  rather it must be
 fld whichField of cd whichCard of stack whichStack
  I've been playing with setting the defaultstack to the toplevel stack, but
 that doesn't seem to help.
  Any way to fix this? Thanks.

One thing you might try/consider...  If you're referencing objects across
multiple stacks, or just running into general object reference issues, try
to avoid manually building object references, and use the object's long id.
In my experience, I've found the engine can get confused (or even start
generating gibberish) if you reference objects using a description that you
build yourself (ie fld whichField of cd whichCard of stack
whichStack).  In my case, the situations were very complex and difficult
to reproduce -- once I started using long id references, the script errors I
was getting went away.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Reliable Cursor Changes?

2008-02-25 Thread Scott Rossi
Hello List:

I'm wondering if anyone has come up with a reliable way to do rollover
cursor changes in Rev.  I'm trying to clean up a client's multimedia stack
who has lock cursor handlers all over the place, and I'm wondering if
there's a simpler way to define which objects trigger cursor changes on
rollover (mouseEnter/mouseLeave).  Most of the controls are buttons, but
there are a few images, fields and what-not.  I've been playing with
mouseMove and trying to set the default cursor based on custom user
properties, but so far am not having success.  Thanks for any suggestions.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Reliable Cursor Changes?

2008-02-25 Thread Scott Rossi
Hi Mark:

 I just tried this in a new stack... seems to work.

 on mouseEnter
   switch (the RollOverCursor of me)
   case 1
 set cursor to 76
   case 2
 set cursor to hand
 reset cursors
   end switch
   lock cursor
 end mouseEnter
 on mouseLeave
   unlock cursor
 end mouseLeave

My stack is running under a standalone environment -- I'm not sure if this
changes things but I had to modify your script a bit to get the cursor to
revert to normal (I'm only using 2 rollover states):

on mouseEnter
  if the uRolloverCursor of the target then
set cursor to hand
lock cursor
exit mouseEnter
  end if
  unlock cursor
  reset cursors
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
  unlock cursor
  reset cursors
end mouseLeave

Thanks for your suggestion -- simple and seems to be working as needed.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OT] gmail behaviour

2008-02-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Kay C Lan wrote:

 The strange thing is that both FireFox and Safari start at the exact same
 'https:' login page, it's only after you've entered your details that Safari
 (after toing and froing between https: and http:) ends up on http: whilst
 FireFox ends up on https:

FWIW, on my 10.4.11 system, both browsers land on http pages (neither shows
as secure).  FF =, Safari = 3.0.4


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Trapping pasteKey message in the Rev IDE

2008-02-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Terry Judd wrote:

 Terry, you can override nearly any message by trapping it in a
 frontScript handler inserted into the message path after Rev loads.
 Plugins generally work well for this as they're loaded after Rev's own
 Hi Richard - I actually tried inserting a frontScript with a pasteKey
 handler included but it never fired. Given that there doesn't appear to be
 any Rev frontscript for pasteKey I assumed that this and related message are
 somehow handled differently in the IDE - but I'm only guessing.

Hi Terry:

I was all prepared to dismiss Richard's suggestion because I SWEAR I've
tried to do what he said before, but when loading the following as a
frontScript, I get the behavior I want (and I think you do to):

on commandKeyDown K
  if K = v then put A paste occurred
  wait 20 with messages
  pass commandKeyDown
end commandKeyDown

Using Rev 2.8.1 Win/Mac the above seems to work as expected.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: 2.9 beta browser?

2008-02-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Eric A. Engle wrote:

 Also, quicktime supports flash so I assume rev that
 supports quicktime also supports flash? (h! off
 toe xperiment!)

Apparently not:

I tried some tests last night and as far as I can tell, it is gone.  The
only recourse for Flash in Rev now is revBrowser.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: 2.9 beta browser?

2008-02-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Jiro Harada wrote:

 I tried some tests last night and as far as I can tell, it is
 gone.  The
 only recourse for Flash in Rev now is revBrowser.

 I created an external to play Flash movies (including FLV videos) in
 Rev. And I also created an application (F-ab) using the external.

Yes, Jiro, I remember seeing a post about your application.  Do you make
your external available to other Rev developers or just the F-ab

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Japanese on Revolution

2001-12-07 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Dave Cragg wrote:

 In addition to the wrapping issue, you'll have to watch for the
 mac/iso conversions that Rev automatically does in fields when
 changing between Mac and Windows. Japanese text that is Shift-JIS
 coded, for example, is the same on Mac and Windows. But Rev will try
 to convert when you switch platforms. One way round this is to keep
 the text in a custom property and load it into a field when needed,
 on openCard for example.

Another option is to store the text as external files in their own folder
and read them in at runtime or when needed (what I did in my project).  This
way writers/editors can easily make corrections to simple text files and you
just need to dump the new files into the main folder when you make updates.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia  Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to pass data to a launched process

2001-12-11 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Gene Kennedy wrote:

 I have read the Transcript dictionary descriptions of the process-related
 namely: Open Process, Close Process, Write to Process and Read from Process
 but do
 not have an understanding yet as to how one actually sets up the
 What I'd like to do is to create two applications A  B.  Normally only app A
 would be running however under certain conditions I would like App a to open
 process B then send it some initialization data.  Then, after process B has
 its work, send data back to process A (or have process a Read from Process
 What do you use as a container in each app to send and receive the data to and
 fro?  Does anybody have an example they would be willing to share?

One way to do this (actually two ways) is AppleEvents on MacOS and DDE
(Dynamic Data Exchange) on Windows, which requires Tuviah Snyder's external
collection.  I've done this on the Windows side only, just by following the
examples in the external stack.  Let me know if this is of any use to you.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Brightness and Contrast

2002-01-16 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Marten van den Berg wrote:

 I already tryed to perform such a repeat loop for the brigthess case, but an
 imagae has a lot of pixels to process. I works but is far to slow. For now
 I'm using a white and a black image blending over the original image which
 works fine for displaying, but actualy I want the possibility to alter the
 original image.

Hi Marten:

I'm wondering if you might be able to share the code you used to affect your

Thanks  Regards,


Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia  Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Installing a CD on Windows, Unix

2002-01-17 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Richard D. Miller wrote:

 I'd like to hear recommendations on Windows installation programs.

I've used WiseInstall for a couple of years (recommended by Richard Gaskin).
Last I checked it was about $200 for basic install features and $400 for
editable scripts.  I started with the basic version but quickly realized
script editing was key.  I've used it to created several moderately complex
installs and it has worked well for me.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia  Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Doesn't operate properly in Windows, answer command

2002-01-18 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Richard D. Miller wrote:

 Secondly, I can't get the Answer command to work at all during runtime on
 Mac or Windows. ASK works fine, but Answer does nothing. Works fine in
 development mode, but not during Runtime.

The answer dialog is simply an additional stack that you need to include in
your own stack if you're going to distribute your stack separately from the
development environment.  I think it's called Distribution Builder in Rev
or something similar -- make sure review all the options here when building
your stacks as standalones.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia  Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Multilingual interface

2002-01-19 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Terry Vogelaar wrote:

 Who has bright ideas on how to handle multilingual projects?

I don't know if they're bright ideas, but here's what we did.

We used a single stack to display content, with all text content, button
labels, alerts, etc stored in external text files.  All the files were
grouped in folders by language, and were provided by the client's
translators.  The benefit of this arrangement was the client could edit
content as often as they wanted, and all we had to do was swap the new text
files with the old.  We could also give development versions of the stack to
the client, and they could edit text and see the results of the editing in
place, without having to know anything about MC.

The stack had a language selection screen presented at startup.  Selecting a
language simply told the stack which set of external content to use when
loading the content into fields on various cards.

Alert/error dialog messages were all stored in a single text file for each
language, and were read into a global variable at startup for easy access.

This setup seemed to work ok, especially since text translators were located
all over the place and had different schedules for turning around
translations.  It is a lot of external files to manage, but if there's going
to be a lot of editing taking place, external files are much easier to deal


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: messages to buttons when the mouse is already down

2002-01-21 Thread Scott Rossi

On Monday, January 21, 2002, at 02:50 PM, Michael J. Lew wrote:

 I would like to track the movement of the mouse through an array of 
 buttons by hilighting each button that the mouse (button already down) 
 passes over. However, the mouseEnter, mouseMove, mouseWithin messages 
 are only sent to the first button because that button receives the 
 mouseDown event and is the target. Similarly the mouseControl function 
 (yes, it took me a couple of tries to notice that it was a function and 
 not a message!) only returns the target.

Not sure exactly what your difficulty is here.  The mouseEnter and 
mouseLeave messages should be enough to do what you want.  If you know 
the names of all the buttons you want to respond and they're unique, you 
could do something like the following:

First, establish a custom property stack to store the names of all your 

set the uTrackButtonNames of this stack to buttonName1, buttonName2, 
buttonName3 etc.

Then place the following in the stack script:

on mouseEnter
   if word 1 of the name of the target is not button then exit 
   if short name of the target is in the uTrackButtonNames of this stack 
then \
   set the hilite of the target to true
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
   if word 1 of the name of the target is not button then exit 
   if short name of the target is in the uTrackButtonNames of this stack 
then \
   set the hilite of the target to false
end mouseLeave

These handlers will only respond to button mouse events and even then 
only when the button names are part of the master name list stored in 
the custom property.  Also, if you want to update which buttons respond 
and which don't, simply update the master list.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Re Hiding Data

2002-01-21 Thread Scott Rossi

Another option is continue using the source file externally but either 
1) encoding it, such as using base 64 or some other encoding scheme 
and/or compression, or 2) placing the data within a user property of a 
stack, and password protecting the stack.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Password protecting to hide data

2002-01-23 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, January 23, 2002, at 01:39 PM, Richard D. Miller wrote:

 I'm interested in this idea of password protecting the stack, but it's 
 clear from the documentation how this is done.

It's pretty straightforward:

set the password of stack myStack to mypassword

Make sure you save your stack to have the password applied.
Then, to unlock a stack via script:

set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword

To remove password protection from a stack:

set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword
set the password of stack myStack to empty

And save.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Password protecting to hide data

2002-01-23 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, January 23, 2002, at 02:15  PM, I wrote:

 On Wednesday, January 23, 2002, at 01:39 PM, Richard D. Miller wrote:

 I'm interested in this idea of password protecting the stack, but it's 
 clear from the documentation how this is done.

 It's pretty straightforward:

set the password of stack myStack to mypassword

 Make sure you save your stack to have the password applied.
 Then, to unlock a stack via script:

set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword

 To remove password protection from a stack:

set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword
set the password of stack myStack to empty

 And save.

I suppose it's worth mentioning that I do all this stuff from the 
message box -- these script snippets are not to be placed in your stack.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Password protecting to hide data

2002-01-24 Thread Scott Rossi

The password protects the scripts of a stack and the ability to copy 
anything out of it.  It does not prevent opening a stack if you have 
MetaCard or Revolution.

If you're trying to completely hide your data, you can try these options 
(there may be others):

1) place your data in the script of a stack, or an object in the stack, 
and password protect the stack; you will then need to set the passkey of 
the stack before you try to extract the data (you may need to comment 
the lines so MC/REV doesn't try to treat your data as a script)

2) encode your data in an external text file using base64encode or other 
encoding scheme

3) store your encoded data in a user property of a stack

You'll have to try these and see if any is workable for your situation.

On Thursday, January 24, 2002, at 09:14  AM, Richard D. Miller wrote:

 I have no success with this process. I create a new stack, with one 
 field. I
 put some data in it. I set its password from the message box. I save it.
 Nothing happens. I can open the stack later and see everything in it. I 
 freely access the content of the field. If I ask for its password, it 
 me back an encrypted password. I can't get this to work. Are you 
 certain it
 works in OS9 with 1.1.1? What could I be missing?


 It's pretty straightforward:

 set the password of stack myStack to mypassword

 Make sure you save your stack to have the password applied.
 Then, to unlock a stack via script:

 set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword

 To remove password protection from a stack:

 set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword
 set the password of stack myStack to empty

 And save.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Irregular Shaped Windows and Transparency

2002-02-06 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, February 6, 2002, at 02:15  AM, Matt Denton wrote:

 I'm trying to find out if there is a relatively easy way to simulate or 
 create irregularly shaped windows with transparency, similar to Audion 
 on the Mac.  I'm hoping there is a way to do it across most common 
 platforms: Mac OS9, PC and again under OSX, I haven't seen it under 

Easy is a relative term.

Custom window shapes can be done in MC/REV on OS9 (Odo WDEF) and Windows 
(RunRev external collection) but apparently there is not yet any way to 
handle this on OSX.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Irregular Shaped Windows and Transparency

2002-02-06 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, February 6, 2002, at 10:20  AM, Troy Rollins wrote:

 Custom window shapes can be done in MC/REV on OS9 (Odo WDEF) and 
 (RunRev external collection) but apparently there is not yet any way to
 handle this on OSX.

 Interesting. Do you know if this supports levels of transparency or 
 just one
 bit masks?

Until OSX (and possibly XP), no system has ever supported higher than 1 
bit masking, as far as I know.  Even Audion on OS9 used a hack of 
clipping portions of the desktop within the player window and then 
placing a shadow graphic on the clipped region to make it appear as if 
the player cast dropshadows with variable translucency (8 bits).  But it 
still used a one bit mask.  So the answer to your question is, one bit 
masks only for pre OSX and XP systems.  We'll have to wait and see what 
is possible on OSX and XP.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: controlkeydown

2002-02-20 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, February 20, 2002, at 04:30  PM, Pierre Delain wrote:

 Sorry but when I use controlkeydown T (without the quotes, as you 
 say), I
 get a result, but the result is the same whatever the key. I if press 
 ctrl F
 or ctrl G, for example, the result is exactly the same as ctrl T!!
  So the question remains : how to use controlkeydown to get a different
 result for ctrl T or ctrl F?

The following works for me:

on controlKeyDown K
if K = T then doMyTstuff
if K = F then doMyFstuff
end controlKeyDown


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Window positions

2002-02-21 Thread Scott Rossi

On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 03:46  AM, Richard D. Miller wrote:

 In the runtime mode (i.e. when starting up and running with a standalone
 stack and associated stacks), will Rev automatically update and save the
 topleft position of stacks under Windows, or must this be updated by 
 I thought saving was automatic.

 We have users telling us they believe they are moving stacks to certain
 positions on the screen, shutting them down, then re-opening them, only 
 find they are not re-opening to the last location where they had left 
 I'd like to hear feedback on this behavior.

Stacks need to be saved in order to have window positioned saved.  
Window positions cannot be saved in standalones but you can set windows 
positions in a preOpenStack handler.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse state

2002-02-21 Thread Scott Rossi

On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 03:27  PM, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:

 Doesn't grab do what you want? I think it suspends other messages 
 the user is dragging and automatically exits when the user lets go of 
 mouse button.

 No, drag doesn't let me check whether the object has been dragged into 
 bounds of another while the dragging is still going on.
 I need to do the exact same thing in an eduware game stack. I'll be 
 for the solutions while trying my own.

Is this what you folks are trying to do?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Drawing speed

2002-02-22 Thread Scott Rossi

On Friday, February 22, 2002, at 06:22  AM, Jim Hurley wrote:

 I concede the difficulties in speedily running color vs. black and 
 white, and the improvement in the current release is much appreciated. 
 However there remains a considerable gap between MC/RR and HC. For 
 example, the following script draws concentric boxes of ever decreasing 

 on mouseUp
   put 100 into a
   put  300 into b
   put 2 into da
   choose the line tool
   put the ticks into startTime
   repeat 50 --draw boxes of ever decreasing size
 drag from a,a to b,a
 drag from b,a to b,b
 drag from b,b to a,b
 drag from a,b to a,a
 add da to a
 subtract da from b
   end repeat
   put the ticks - startTime into field 1
   choose the browse tool
 end mouseUp

 on clean
   repeat until the number of images = 0
 delete image 1
   end repeat
 end clean

 This script takes 265 ticks on average in RR and  30 ticks in HC on 
 cards of identical size. (I realize that this can be done more 
 efficiently with the rectangle tool and that a graphic would be faster 
 than an image. My  purpose was to measure the drag speed. ) The 
 discrepancy would be less in Windows.

Since I'm fairly entrenched in graphics work, this post caught my eye.  
One thing you need to keep in mind with MC/REV is that usually, not 
always, but usually there are similar ways to achieve what you've done 
before using alternate methods.  For example, I ran the above script and 
timed a rough average of 111 ticks.  Then instead of choosing the line 
tool, I chose the pencil tool, and drawing time was reduced to 37 
ticks.  Adding a lock screen reduced the overall time to 9 ticks -- 
virtually immediate.

 In my case, to properly implement Turtle Graphics, I hunger for a 
 speedy monochromatic drawing  mode.

I seem to recall my experience in Turtle Graphics (around 20 years ago!) 
involving the creation of a list of points that the Turtle then 
rendered by dragging from point to point, with pen up and pen down 
instructions.  I would imagine the above mentioned pencil tool will 
achieve what you need with no time penalty.  And also you get the 
benefit of color (back in those days the only screen color was 
phosphorescent green...).

Hope this helps.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse state

2002-02-23 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:

 If you have a specific need that seems to require repeat while the mouse is
 down, post it and we'll see if we can figure a way around it.
 Not exactly, but, how about this:
 on mousestilldown
 put max(81,min(557,the mouseh)) into x
 put max(167,min(287,the mousev)) into y
 set the loc of me to x,y
 end mousestilldown
 ...This is an oval (made round) button with the hilite set to true. It 'sees
 through' a black-filled rectangular box, like a spyglass, so the user can
 see portions of a color image underneath. It stays within the borders of the
 box as you drag it around. The user is looking for an object.
 When they find what they believe is the correct object, release the mouse

If I understand your request, this is one way you could do the above.  Make
3 small graphics named box 1, box 2 and box 3 within the region you define.
Then place the following script in your oval:

on mouseDown
  set the uAllowMove of me to true
end mouseDown

on mouseMove x,y
  if not the uAllowMove of me then exit mouseMove
  set the loc of me to (max(81,min(557,x))),(max(167,min(287,y)))
end mouseMove

on mouseUp
  set the uAllowMove of me to empty
  put box1,box2,box3 into bList
  repeat for each item B in bList
if within(me,loc of grc B) then
  put You found box  B
  exit repeat
else put empty
  end repeat
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
end mouseRelease


This should display the name (in the message box) of any box graphic that
falls within the oval when the mouse is released.

BTW, did you look at the drag example I posted a few days ago?

You might find this useful.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list

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