Re: building an internal Maven repo for archive purposes?

2008-02-04 Thread toby cabot
On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 05:16:37PM -0500, Donald Woods wrote:
>   maven-proxy
>   Mirror of all required maven repos
>   http:///maven-proxy/repository
>   *

I just noticed something odd.  There's a "repository" directory in the
Geronimo source tree (at least the 2.0.2 tree) and it appears as if
the way it works is to set itself up as a remote repo and then
"depend" the jars into the user's cache repo.  By setting the
"mirrorOf" to "*" you also override that in-tree repository so the
jars come from the outside world.  Is this kosher or is there an
"except for" syntax that I can use in the mirrorOf element?


Re: building an internal Maven repo for archive purposes?

2008-01-31 Thread toby cabot
Thanks Donald,

Your (and Iain's) tip about settings.xml was on the money - it appears
that it's the only way to get Maven to *not* pull things from  It's a shame that it's a user-level setting as I'd
like to be able to track some projects (such as the Geronimo trunk)
online, and keep others (such as our internal build of 2.0.2) entirely
offline.  I'll just have to remember to switch settings.xml back and

Thanks for your tip about maven-proxy, it looks interesting.  I was
hoping to be able to simply serve up a pile of files, since we run
apache httpd but not Java app servers in our corporate infrastructure.
Unfortunately, Maven complains that it can't find a valid version of
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin in my internal repo even
though the same bits are there as are online.  So I might have to go
with the servlet approach.


Re: deploy vs redeploy

2008-01-30 Thread toby cabot
On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 02:53:36AM -0800, MarcoLaponder wrote:
> In my autmatated build script is use the deploer jar to deploy my EAR, but as
> I am not aware if my ear is already loaded I would like to a deploy if it
> not present or a redeploy if it is already present. What is the best way to
> accomplish this ? 

In 1.0 I started the server in the background (since I couldn't get
the offline mode to work) then ran the distribute command which would
work in either case.  In 2.0.2 --offline works so I run offline
undeploy and ignore any errors, then run offline deploy.  It's ugly
but it seems to work OK.

Re: building an internal Maven repo for archive purposes?

2008-01-29 Thread toby cabot
On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 08:13:08AM +, iain starks wrote:
> I expect you want to look in settings.xml which can be in a number of 
> places but yours is likely in ${MAVEN_HOME}/conf

Thanks Iain, that's a good tip.

I have such a file but it's all comments and no file in the
$MAVEN_HOME tree contains the string "repo1".  The hunt for repo1


building an internal Maven repo for archive purposes?

2008-01-28 Thread toby cabot
Hi Folks,

I've been told that it's a "best practice" to build a Maven repo on
the corporate intranet and use that for building copies of Geronimo
that I might want to build months (or years) from now.  Seems
reasonable, so I'm trying, but it's a challenge to get Maven to use my
internal repo and not external ones.

I started by setting up a copy of my ~/.m2 tree (minus the jars that
Geronimo builds locally) on an internal web server and modifying the
top-level pom.xml to use only that repo.  That works most of the time,
i.e. Maven makes ~599 attempts to download files from there.
Unfortunately, it seems to be making 290 attempts to download files
from, which I can't find in any of the pom.xml files
in the source tree so I don't know how Maven learned about it (unless
it's built into Maven).

Any help appreciated.


Re: "Browse Space" wiki link broken?

2006-10-27 Thread toby cabot
Hi Hernan,

Thanks for the info, server migrations are always challenging.  The
link is
but it's no big deal, I'll try again on Monday.


"Browse Space" wiki link broken?

2006-10-27 Thread toby cabot
Hi Folks,

I'm getting back into Geronimo after a long absence (which means that
1.0 is working well for us) so I'm coming up to speed with the many
changes, including infrastructure.  When I try to follow the "Browse
Space" link on the wiki I get:

> HTTP Status 404 - /confluence/pages/listpages.action
> type Status report
> message /confluence/pages/listpages.action
> description The requested resource (/confluence/pages/listpages.action) is 
> not available.
> Apache Tomcat/5.5.16

Is this to be expected?  The reason I tried to follow that link is
that I'm guessing that there are a lot more pages in the wiki than
there are links on the front page.  Is there another way to get a list
of the wiki pages?


Re: stress test performance issue

2006-07-14 Thread toby cabot
On Fri, Jul 14, 2006 at 01:01:11PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I was thinking that could be a possibility. Is there any way of confirming
> this ?

You could try running under a profiler, but those tend to be pretty
intrusive so I'd start by playing around with the command-line params
that affect GC.  For example, if you're using a Sun VM you can get GC
stats using -Xloggc:.  You can also try running Geronimo with
more or less memory and see if that affects the frequency of the
"hiccups".  Run "java -X" for some info on the command-line flags.

does 1.1 support manifest classpath entries?

2006-05-30 Thread toby cabot
Hi Folks,

I'm fooling around with a 1.1 build and trying to get my little
"hello, world" application to deploy and run.  It mostly does (much
thanks to the plan conversion utility) but one feature doesn't seem to
work as it used to.

My EAR has (among other stuff) a webapp in a war, and a jar with some
utility classes in it.  In 1.0 I could put the utility jar name in the
war's file like so:

Class-Path: hello-utility.jar

... and the classes in hello-utility.jar would be visible to the
servlets in the war.  In 1.1 this doesn't seem to work (I get
NoClassDefFoundError exceptions at deploy-time).

Now I'm not sure if what I was doing was J2EE-kosher to begin with so
if not that's cool.  But if it's *supposed* to work I'm not sure that
it does anymore.


Re: User Feedback Request -- this means you!

2006-04-05 Thread toby cabot
Hi David!

On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 12:00:35PM -0800, David Blevins wrote:
> So this is the first of what I think should be a quarterly event.   
> Geronimo is ultimately your project and we committers are but your  
> humble servants.  To serve you best, we need some critical high level  
> feedback to help us steer the project and focus on what matters most  
> to you!

OK, I'll start with things I like about Geronimo.  At the top of the
list would have to be messages like yours.  Working with the Geronimo
team is a pleasure, and I can't say that about every open source
project that I've worked with.

I like the emphasis on making things "just work."  There's lots to be
done in that area (this is j2ee after all) but over the last couple of
years the dev team has made it a lot easier to deploy and run by
whittling down the complexity of the DD's needed.

I like that the developers think like users.  Example: a couple of
times I've seen deployment messages like "element foo doesn't work
anymore, try element bar."  Projects like Geronimo move fast, so it's
hard to keep up.  Pointers like this help a lot because they point me
in the right direction.

> Please, every user out there, give us your top 5 things we can do to  
> make Geronimo better for you.

I think my list will be a little off-the-wall since I'm not going to
focus on features:

1. There are currently 293 unassigned bugs.  A few are mine, and it's
discouraging.  I'd suggest assigning them to a developer quickly, even
if she can't work on them right off the bat.  At least that way I know
that someone's responsible for looking at it.

2. I've lost track of the wiki situation, but it looks as if there are
still two active wikis.  It would be great if these could be merged
into one.

3. Better Javadoc.  Geronimo's code is solid and the architecture is
very robust, but a lot of what makes Geronimo cool gets lost because
it's not documented in places where wanna-be developers can find it.
Javadoc is a fantastic doc system, we really need to take better
advantage of it.

That's all I can think of for now, but I'll second the previous
suggestions for more frequent releases.


Re: jetty transport-guarantee behavior?

2006-01-31 Thread toby cabot
Hi David,

On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 03:35:52PM -0800, David Jencks wrote:
> On the other hand I couldn't convince myself that the spec required
> a redirect.

I agree - sending a 403 appears to be spec-compliant.  Sending a
redirect also appears to meet the spec and is way more user- and
developer-friendly, though.  At the moment I've got a filter that
builds an HTTPS URL and redirects the request but this requires
turning the transport guarantee off, so that the filter can do its
job.  It's a workaround but an auto-redirect from Jetty would be

>  Maybe a greg or another jetty expert can explain how it is supposed
> to work?

That would be cool.


jetty transport-guarantee behavior?

2006-01-30 Thread toby cabot
Hi Folks,

I've got an application that I'm running over HTTPS and I'd like to
make it so that users can't connect to it over plain old HTTP.  I
think that the web.xml user-data-constraint/transport-guarantee
element is what I'm after but I have a question about its behavior.
When I set it to CONFIDENTIAL and make a request over HTTPS then all's
well, and when I make the same request over HTTPS I get a 403.  I
suppose that this is OK, if somewhat user-hostile, but I can probably
work around it using a listener or some such.  I was poking around in, however, and it looks like it's trying to
configure a few parameters to make Jetty automatically redirect HTTP
requests over to HTTPS, but I'm not getting that behavior.

So my question is: how do I enable the auto-redirect behavior?  Is
there a flag in a plan file that I need to set?


Re: list-targets command

2005-12-05 Thread toby cabot
Thanks Aaron and David,

I've modified o.a.g.client.builder.AppClientModuleBuilder and
o.a.g.deployment.Deployer to accept multiple ConfigurationStore
references, so now Geronimo will run with two ConfigurationStores
specified in system-plan.xml.  As you guys expected, you can pass a
Target to the deployment cli and it gets passed to
DeploymentManager.distribute() but it's lost on the server side since
the Deploy.deploy() method that gets called doesn't take a target

I'm a little fuzzy on the theory of operations on the server side -
i.e. how the data gets from the wire to Deployer.deploy().  It looks
like it uses MX4J but if one of you could sketch out how that code
gets set up I could take a look at adding the target code to Deploy


PS.  Please feel free to move this conversation over to the dev list
if that's a more appropriate place for it.

Re: list-targets command

2005-12-02 Thread toby cabot
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 02:24:48PM -0500, Aaron Mulder wrote:
> You could in theory have multiple config-stores, for example one
> read-only containing some core modules that are never supposed to
> change and one read-write for new deployments.  However we haven't
> tested that adequately and I'm not convinced it would really work
> properly right now.  I believe we do intend to make this work
> eventually, I just don't think it's on the very short-term horizon.

This could be very useful in my application.  Currently I've got
geronimo running from a read-only partition which works great since
the runtime configuration never changes, but it would be great to be
able to put a configuration store in /var and deploy new applications

How can I help?  Given some pointers as to what's there (and maybe
what's not) I'd be willing to poke around and see what works and what


Re: packaging a custom LoginModule?

2005-12-01 Thread toby cabot
> You should be able to construct a jar including your class, and get it  
> into the application classloader using a  
> toby/jars/cabot-security-1.0.jar  
> element.  I think I actually tested something like this when I added  
> support for it :-)

Thanks!  That's the ticket.  Works great.

packaging a custom LoginModule?

2005-11-29 Thread toby cabot
Hi Folks,

I need to authenticate users of a webapp running in Geronimo, but the
creds come from a proprietary XML format file.  My first thought was
to write a quick hack in my webapp, but then I thought that I'd try it
the J2EE way.  So I started poking around in the guts of Geronimo's
security code.  Alan's "org/apache/geronimo/Demo" webapp was very
helpful, as was the Security page on the wiki.

I've got a trivial skeleton LoginModule that seems to work, but I
can't figure out how to package it.  It works if I add it to
repository/geronimo/jars/geronimo-security-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar but I
doubt that this is the recommended way to go.  I tried putting the
files into a jar in the repository but then got ClassNotFound errors.
The wiki deployment page talks about deploying services but the
examples pass only a descriptor to the deployer tool, not a package.

If anyone has any advice about how I should package a custom
LoginModule cleanly and "J2EE"-y I'd much appreciate it.


Re: Instructions on building geronimo from svn?

2005-11-26 Thread toby cabot
On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 09:26:36AM -0500, Brian Bonner wrote:
> I'm not exactly sure which modules I should be checking out and
> building.  If someone could point me to a page describing this it
> would be great.

Two pages on the wiki should help you get started. shows how to get the
geronimo code using subversion.  Then talks about how to build it.


Re: The state of Geronimo

2005-10-20 Thread toby cabot
On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 03:23:28PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Why use Geronimo?

That's the $64,000 question.  At this point Geronimo is more "raw"
than its commercial and open-source alternatives, so part of deciding
to use Geronimo is being willing to deal with a few cuts and bruises.
Pretty much any J2EE feature can be made to work, but it will require
more effort (and maybe some time perusing the code) than it would with
one of Geronimo's alternatives.  But that's to be expected with *any*
pre-1.0 product.  Or in the commercial world, any pre-3.0 product.

So what's the upside?  For me there are a couple of things, for other
people I'm sure there are more.  First, the Apache license is more
permissive than the GPL so if you work for a company that distributes
software your lawyers will prefer Geronimo to a GPL or LGPL product.
If you're using it in-house then this is less important.

YMMV but I find Geronimo interesting because it's so raw.  Because
there's no spiffy GUI configurator I end up spending more effort but
learning how Geronimo works, not just how to turn a few knobs to make
it do something.  This often requires some work on evenings and
weekends since I don't expect my employer to indulge my curiosity, but
for me it's worth it.

On a more touchy-feely level, I've found the Geronimo community to be
very easy and pleasant to work with.  They want to teach people "how
to fish" with Geronimo.  They're cooperative and patient.  This is
good because you'll probably need their help to get a non-trivial J2EE
application running in Geronimo.

So if you're looking to roll down the fall-line I'd recommend one of
Geronimo's alternatives.  If you've got some time and some curiosity
then Geronimo is for you.

Good luck,

Re: Security app--demo app in source tree

2005-10-13 Thread toby cabot
On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 12:24:09PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ok, I'm looking at the demo app. I can find the user
> name passwords, etc. So I've got it up and running on
> localhost, but I always get the error page.
> I'm sure this is a simple error, or something I
> haven't come across yet.

I've been playing around with this and in order to get all of the
gbeans to start I had to tweak one of the config files:

You'll know if this is the problem if you've got some gbeans that are
stuck in the "starting" state and don't transition to "running".  If
this is your problem you can hack the file and then rebuild the
modules/assembly directory.

Re: Security app

2005-10-12 Thread toby cabot
On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 02:41:35PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm looking into building a simple application that
> implements the security features of Geronimo that can
> later be built upon.

You'll probably want to take a look at the demo application in the
applications/demo directory of the geronimo source tree.  It
implements some of what you're looking for, although it isn't as
dynamic as what you're proposing.  It uses a couple of properties
files (var/security/demo*.properties) to store the user and group
data, and then sets up Geronimo's properties-based login manager to
read those files.  It will probably give you some useful pointers at
least in terms of the configuration that you'll need.

Re: proposal for new site

2005-06-08 Thread toby cabot
> Ok.  Will do that.  Want to keep helping?  :)


Re: proposal for new site

2005-06-08 Thread toby cabot
> We've been talking about new site content for a while, so I threw
> together a quick, simple site that uses velocity and simple xml-based
> documents for content.

Looks much better than the old site!  Based on discussion on the -user
list in February I submitted bug 575 which was an attempt to stem the "is
Geronimo alive?" questions that popped up from time to time.  You might
want to take a look at that patch to see if there's any text that you can
use.  You can at least close the bug ;)

Re: When can we expect geronimo 1.0?

2005-05-17 Thread toby cabot
On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 10:58:32AM -0400, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> On May 12, 2005, at 6:25 PM, toby cabot wrote:
> >On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 05:24:55PM -0400, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> >
> >>You are right.  Our website is awful.  THanks for volunteering! :)
> >>
> >
> >The more the merrier, but please base your work on
> > so we don't re-do
> >the same things.
> Cool!  So this is just static to be applied directly?

Yup.  Here's some background: There was yet another "is Geronimo dead"
thread on this list back in February and people seemed to think that
the web site needed a freshening so I volunteered.  Unfortunately, the
mailing list archive for February 2005 seems to have been lost so that
conversation isn't available anywhere.  But I tried to respect the
consensus that came out of it and I think that my changes are pretty
benign.  The biggest change is adding a lot of "we're not dead just
working on certification" verbiage.

You can take a look at

> I was thinking of tossing the maven site completely and starting from  
> scratch with something simple.

That's a good idea.  One of the problems with the auto-generated site
is that a lot of the pages are "stubs" that don't have any useful
content but Maven doesn't know to *not* generate them.  A few
hand-coded pages with lots of links to the wiki would probably be a
lot more user-friendly because there would be fewer "dead ends."

Re: When can we expect geronimo 1.0?

2005-05-12 Thread toby cabot
On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 05:24:55PM -0400, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> You are right.  Our website is awful.  THanks for volunteering! :)

The more the merrier, but please base your work on so we don't re-do
the same things.


Re: Nightly builds?

2005-04-19 Thread toby cabot
There was another discussion about the stale website a few weeks back.
There's a refresh to the web site in the Jira queue:

Re: deploying minimal web app

2005-04-01 Thread toby cabot
On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 02:46:32PM -0800, Scott Anderson wrote:
> Deployment failed
>   Server reports: No deployer present in kernel

I use the "distribute" command to deploy my application and get this
error if there's an instance of Geronimo running when I run the
deployer.  Not sure whether it applies to you...

Re: ANN: Geronimo 1.0-M3 Release

2005-02-09 Thread toby cabot
Bruce, Geronimo Team,

"What we've got here, is a failure to communicate."

There's a difference between "progress" and "the appearance of
progess" and both are important.  There's a *lot* of progress
happening, and you guys are justifiably proud of that progress, but
the message that you're getting here is that it's harder than it
should be for "outsiders" to figure that out.

It's probably hard for people to really understand this if they're too
close to the project, but as a gedankenexperiment try pretending that
you're some random guy that's heard about Geronimo and wants to find
out more about it.  So you go to, maybe look at
the releases on the front page, maybe click on the "news" link, and
for 99.99% of the people that's it, they're gone.  I think you'll
agree that from that perspective the *appearance* of progress is way
out of line with the *actual* progress.  I think that will probably
push a lot of people away.  If nothing else, it's troll food.

So in the spirit of constructive criticism I'll offer a few
suggestions that I hope will make the *appearance* of progress more
closely reflect the *actual* progress:

1. The code in the svn repo is light years more functional than the
code on the front page of the website, and releases are disruptive and
time-consuming (and thus infrequent), so maybe someone can add a note
to the "Downloads" section of the home page, something like:

  Geronimo development is moving quickly, so we recommend that you get
  a copy of the source code and build it, rather than use any binary release
  that's more than a month old.  By building from source you'll get
  the latest functionality and you'll also be one step closer to being
  able to contribute to Geronimo.  Instructions for building Geronimo
  can be found on the Geronimo wiki at

2. From mailing list traffic I've seen it looks as if the source
releases are broken (at least the tarballs), and they're definitely
obsolete and unmaintained, so why not just get rid of them entirely?
People who are interested in the code would be *much* better served by
getting it from source control.

3. A couple of people mentioned that a lot of work is going on behind
the scenes that can't be publicised because of agreements with Sun,
etc etc.  So why not add a note to the News page indicating that?
Something like:

  The Geronimo Development Team is now working on J2EE certification.
  Because of our agreements with Sun we're not allowed say anything 
  specific about our status, but we're working hard and making 

4. There *is* a lot more news about Geronimo than is on the news page.
Didn't EJBQL just land the other day?  That's significant!  Maybe
moving news to the wiki would make it easier for folks to add items
that they think are important.  Hell, if nobody's got the time to add
items to the news page maybe the link on the home page should point to .  That page isn't all
that easy to read but at least it's got lots of recent changes to it.

I believe that a small amount of time spent bringing appearances in
line with reality would be well spent in terms of saving time by not
having discussions like this one.  It might even attract more people
to Geronimo, at least it won't turn them away.  If folks agree with
the gist of these ideas I can submit a patch to the web site.


Re: JavaWorld Article and Certification Claims

2004-12-14 Thread toby cabot
Jboss is licensed under the LGPL, and the LGPL is an OSI certified
license[1] as well as a Free Software license[2].  So while the term
"open source" means different things to different people I'd claim
that Jboss is "open source" using a very common definition of the


P.S. Does anyone else find this talk about corporations co-opting the
open source process to be ironic?  After all, the term "open source"
was invented to water down the idea of Free Software so it would be
more palatable to corporations.  And whether you prefer the LGPL or
the Apache License, it's a point of fact that the Apache License is
much more permissable than the LGPL is.  Let's say I'm a company and
I'd like to build a product around an open source application server.
Let's say that I'd prefer to take from the community but give nothing
back.  I'd be allowed to do that with an Apache-licensed project but
not an LGPL project, so which license protects the community better?

Note that I'm not advocating on behalf of either license, I think that
both are useful.  I'm just saying that the Apache license is much more
business-friendly than the LGPL (which is more business-friendly than
the GPL).


Re: geronimo/jetty https?

2004-10-09 Thread toby cabot
Thanks Jeremy!  I'm making good progress with your help.

I've started a wiki page with my notes so far:


geronimo/jetty https?

2004-10-05 Thread toby cabot
Hi folks,

I'd like to experiment with running Geronimo/Jetty with https.  I
can't find much info on the wiki or google, so here I am with hat in
hand asking if anyone has some pointers.  For example, does Geronimo
come up with https enabled already?  If not where should I start to


Re: Geronimo JNDI properties

2004-08-27 Thread toby cabot
On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 11:13:45AM +0200, Jacek Laskowski wrote:
> Just saw the thread, and I'm concerned with the system properties and 
> the JNDI factories. Would you send me an example that proves it?

Hi Jacek,

Thanks for the help.  Here's the story:

If I set up a simple EJB (like the ones used in the OpenEJB remote
tests) and call it remotely it works fine if I specify the 4
parameters needed in code

Properties p = new Properties();
p.put("java.naming.provider.url", "");
p.put("", "myuser");
p.put("", "mypass");

And it also works if I put the first two on the command line

Properties p = new Properties();
p.put("", "myuser");
p.put("", "mypass");

$ java 
-Djava.naming.provider.url= etc...

but if I try to put the on the command

Properties p = new Properties();
p.put("", "mypass");

$ java 
-Djava.naming.provider.url= etc...

then I get

javax.naming.ConfigurationException: Context property cannot be null:
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.(
at g6o.ServerUnitTest.newOpenEJBInitialContext(
at g6o.ServerUnitTest.findStatelessSessionBean(
at g6o.ServerUnitTest.testPing(

I thought that perhaps junit wasn't passing the properties through,
but since the first two get propagated I think that's not likely to be
the problem.

If you'd like me to send you code please let me know.


Re: Geronimo JNDI properties

2004-08-19 Thread toby cabot
On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 11:40:43PM +0530, Sai Arunachalam wrote:
> Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NoInitialContextException:
> Cannot instantiate class:
> org.openejb.client.RemoteInitialContextFactory [Root exception is
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> org.openejb.client.RemoteInitialContextFactory]

That's progress.  It looks as if the properties are OK but now you
don't have all of the jars that you need on the classpath.  Here's a
fragment that I use:

java -classpath 

You might not need Sun's j2ee jar, I might have that left over from
some other stuff I was doing.  RemoteInitialContextFactory is in
openejb-core-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, and I'm pretty sure that you need cglib
as well.  You can experiment and figure out what works for you.  Hint:
if you get a ClassNotFoundException then you need to start running
"jar tv" on the jars that you've got to see which one has the class
that you're looking for.  Put that one on the classpath and try again.

You're almost there.

Re: Geronimo JNDI properties

2004-08-18 Thread toby cabot
On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 07:32:59PM +0530, Sai Arunachalam wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am trying to run a stateless session HelloWorld example that
> comes with MasteringEJB2 (it is meant for WebLogic 6.1) on Geronimo.

My understanding is that at the moment OpenEJB uses its own JNDI
provider so you can get the property values, etc from .  The only caveat that I'd
add is that it doesn't look as if OpenEJB picks up the properties from
the system properties so you need to specify them explicitly (like
they do on that page).

> The HelloWorld.jar gets deployed on the server and I am able to start
> the server with the appropriate configId but ain't able to run the
> client. I am getting the following exception:
> Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: HelloHome

This looks like a JNDI error so I'd check the properties from the
above page and try again.

Re: Is geronimo compatible with resource adapters deployed in weblogic

2004-08-12 Thread toby cabot
On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 01:50:41PM +0530, Sai Arunachalam wrote:

Not sure.


I've found that this isn't needed - geronimo will load the values from
the ra.xml config-property elements without needing an entry in
geronimo-ra.xml, at least for resource adapters so it should work for
connection factories, too.

> two more related tags are  and

I'm not sure, but I'd say that these look like tuning parameters to me
so you're probably OK for testing without them.

I think that the schema for the geronimo-config.ra file is
modules/connector/src/schema/geronimo-connector_1_5.xsd in the
geronimo source tree.