Recovering the namenode from failure

2013-05-21 Thread David Parks
I'm on CDH4, and trying to recover both the namenode and cloudera manager
VMs from HDFS after losing the namenode.


All of our backup VMs are on HDFS, so for the moment I just want to hack
something together, copy the backup VMs off HDFS and get on with properly
reconfiguring via CDH Manger.


So I've installed a plain 'ol namenode on one of my cluster nodes and
started it with -importCheckpoint (with the data from the secondary NN),
this seems to have worked, I have a namenode web UI up which expects to find
32178 blocks.


But my plain namenode (on the same hostname and IP as the old namenode) says
that there are no datanodes in the cluster.


What do I need in order to configure the datanodes to report their blocks
into this new namenode (same IP & hostname)?





RE: About configuring cluster setup

2013-05-15 Thread David Parks
We have a box that's a bit overpowered for just running our namenode and
jobtracker on a 10-node cluster and we also wanted to make use of the
storage and processor resources of that node, like you.


What we did is use LXC containers to segregate the different processes. LXC
is a very light weight psudo-virtualization platform for linux (near 0


The key benefit to LXC, in this case, is that we can use linux cgroups
(standard, simple config in LXC) to specify that the container/VM running
the namenode/jobtracker should have 10x the CPU and IO resources than the
container that runs a tasktracker/data node (though since LXC containers all
run under the same kernel, any "unused" resources are assigned to runnable


We run cloudera hadoop and deployed a slightly modified tasktracker
configuration on the shared box (fewer task slots so as to not over utilize


That tasktracker doesn't do as much work as the other dedicated nodes, but
it does a fair share, and the cgroup configurations (cpu.shares &
blkio.weight for the curious) ensure that the bulk processing doesn't
interfere with the critical namenode & jobtracker systems.



From: Robert Dyer [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: About configuring cluster setup


You can, however note that unless you also run a TaskTracker on that node
(bad idea) then any blocks that are replicated to this node won't be
available as input to MapReduces and you are lowering the odds of having
data locality on those blocks.


On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 2:01 AM, Ramya S  wrote:



Can we configure 1 node as both Name node and Data node ?

RE: JobClient: Error reading task output - after instituting a DNS server

2013-05-15 Thread David Parks
So simple I was hoping to avoid admitting to it. ;-)


I had set the tasks java options at -Xmx1.5g, that needed to be -Xmx1500m,
the telltale output of a mistake like that is rather tricky to find, I had
to dig into the task tracker UI/logs, it doesn't show up on the job
tracker's normal logs.


The timing perfectly coincided with a DNS change, and Googles first hit, on
the error that I *could* see in the jobtracker logs, suggested DNS, so I
went down that rabbit hole for quite a while.





From: Shahab Yunus [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: JobClient: Error reading task output - after instituting a DNS


HI David. an you explain in a bit more detail what was the issue? Thanks.




On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 2:29 AM, David Parks  wrote:

I just hate it when I figure out a problem right after asking for help.


Finding the task logs via the task tracker website identified the problem
which didn't show up elsewhere. Simple mis-configuration which I did
concurrently with the DNS update that threw me off track.





From: David Parks [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 1:20 PM
Subject: JobClient: Error reading task output - after instituting a DNS


So we just configured a local DNS server for hostname resolution and stopped
using a hosts file and now jobs fail on us. But I can't figure out why.


You can see the error below, but if I run curl to any of those URLs they
come back "Failed to retrieve stdout log", which doesn't look much like a
DNS issue.


I can ping and do nslookup from any host to any other host. This is a CDH4
cluster and the host inspector is happy as could be; also Cloudera Manager
indicates all is well.


When I open the task tracker website I see the first task attempt show up on
the site there for maybe 10 seconds or so before it fails.


Any idea what I need to look at here?



13/05/14 05:13:40 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process :

13/05/14 05:13:41 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process :

13/05/14 05:13:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201305131758_0003

13/05/14 05:13:43 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 0% reduce 0%

13/05/14 05:13:47 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id :
attempt_201305131758_0003_m_000353_0, Status : FAILED

java.lang.Throwable: Child Error


Caused by: Task process exit with nonzero status of 1.



13/05/14 05:13:47 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task

13/05/14 05:13:47 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task

13/05/14 05:13:50 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id :
attempt_201305131758_0003_r_000521_0, Status : FAILED

java.lang.Throwable: Child Error


Caused by: Task process exit with nonzero status of 1.



13/05/14 05:13:50 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task

13/05/14 05:13:50 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task



curl of above URL:

davidparks21@hadoop-meta1:~$ curl

Error 410 Failed to retrieve stdout log for task:


Problem accessing /tasklog. Reason:

Failed to retrieve stdout log for task:
attempt_201305131758_0003_m_000353_0Powered by


RE: JobClient: Error reading task output - after instituting a DNS server

2013-05-13 Thread David Parks
I just hate it when I figure out a problem right after asking for help.


Finding the task logs via the task tracker website identified the problem
which didn't show up elsewhere. Simple mis-configuration which I did
concurrently with the DNS update that threw me off track.





From: David Parks [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 1:20 PM
Subject: JobClient: Error reading task output - after instituting a DNS


So we just configured a local DNS server for hostname resolution and stopped
using a hosts file and now jobs fail on us. But I can't figure out why.


You can see the error below, but if I run curl to any of those URLs they
come back "Failed to retrieve stdout log", which doesn't look much like a
DNS issue.


I can ping and do nslookup from any host to any other host. This is a CDH4
cluster and the host inspector is happy as could be; also Cloudera Manager
indicates all is well.


When I open the task tracker website I see the first task attempt show up on
the site there for maybe 10 seconds or so before it fails.


Any idea what I need to look at here?



13/05/14 05:13:40 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process :

13/05/14 05:13:41 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process :

13/05/14 05:13:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201305131758_0003

13/05/14 05:13:43 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 0% reduce 0%

13/05/14 05:13:47 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id :
attempt_201305131758_0003_m_000353_0, Status : FAILED

java.lang.Throwable: Child Error


Caused by: Task process exit with nonzero status of 1.



13/05/14 05:13:47 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task

13/05/14 05:13:47 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task

13/05/14 05:13:50 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id :
attempt_201305131758_0003_r_000521_0, Status : FAILED

java.lang.Throwable: Child Error


Caused by: Task process exit with nonzero status of 1.



13/05/14 05:13:50 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task

13/05/14 05:13:50 WARN mapred.JobClient: Error reading task



curl of above URL:

davidparks21@hadoop-meta1:~$ curl

Error 410 Failed to retrieve stdout log for task:


Problem accessing /tasklog. Reason:

Failed to retrieve stdout log for task:
attempt_201305131758_0003_m_000353_0Powered by

RE: Access HDFS from OpenCL

2013-05-13 Thread David Parks
Hadoop just runs as a standard java process, you should find something that
bridges between OpenCL and java, a quick google search yields:


I expect that you'll find everything you need to accomplish the handoff from
your mapreduce code to OpenCL there.


As for HDFS, hadoop will generally handle marshaling data in/out of HDFS,
remember that you're thinking of your problem in terms of KEY,VALUE pairs,
you're going to implement a map(.) and reduce(.) method and in those methods
you'll pass the data to/from OpenCL via the OpenCL java bindings. It's quite
common to need to run multiple map/reduce steps to accomplish an end goal.





From: rohit sarewar [] 
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 8:35 PM
Subject: Access HDFS from OpenCL


Hi All 

My data set resides in HDFS. I need to compute 5 metrics, among which 2 are
compute intensive. So I want to compute those 2 metrics on GPU using OpenCL
and the rest 3 metrics using java map reduce code on Hadoop. 

How can I pass data from HDFS to GPU ? or How can my opencl code access data
from HDFS ?

How can I trigger OpenCL codes from my Java map reduce codes ?

It would be great if someone could share a sample code.


Thanks& Regards

Rohit Sarewar

Using FairScheduler to limit # of tasks

2013-05-13 Thread David Parks
Can I use the FairScheduler to limit the number of map/reduce tasks directly
from the job configuration? E.g. I have 1 job that I know should run a more
limited # of map/reduce tasks than is set as the default, I want to
configure a queue with a limited # of map/reduce tasks, but only apply it to
that job, I don't want to deploy this queue configuration to the cluster.


Assuming the above answer is 'yes', if I were to limit the # of map tasks to
10 in a cluster of 10 nodes, would the fair scheduler tend to distribute
those 10 map tasks evenly across the nodes (assuming a cluster that's
otherwise unused at the moment), or would it be prone to over-loading a
single node just because those are the first open slots it sees?




600s timeout during copy phase of job

2013-05-12 Thread David Parks
I have a job that's getting 600s task timeouts during the copy phase of the
reduce step. I see a lot of copy tasks all moving at about 2.5MB/sec, and
it's taking longer than 10 min to do that copy.


The process starts copying when the reduce step is 80% complete. This is a
very IO bound task as I'm just joining 1.5TB of data via 2 map/reduce steps
on 6 nodes (each node has 1x 4TB disk, and 24GB of ram).


What should I be thinking in terms of fixing this? 

. Increase timeout? (seems odd that it would timeout on the internal

. Reduce # tasks? (I've got 8 reducers, 1-per-core, 25
io.sort.factor & 256 io.sort.mb)

o   Can I do that per job??

. Increase copy threads?

. Don't start the reducers until 100% complete on the mappers?






What's the best disk configuration for hadoop? SSD's Raid levels, etc?

2013-05-10 Thread David Parks
We've got a cluster of 10x 8core/24gb nodes, currently with 1 4TB disk (3
disk slots max), they chug away ok currently, only slightly IO bound on


I'm going to upgrade the disk configuration at some point (we do need more
space on HDFS) and I'm thinking about what's best hardware-wise:


. Would it be wise to use one of the three disk slots for a 1TB SSD?
I wouldn't use it for HDFS, but for map-output and sorting it might make a
big difference no?

. If I put in either 1 or 2 more 4TB disks for HDFS, should I RAID-0
them for speed, or will HDFS balance well across multiple partitions on its

. Would anyone suggest 3 4TB disks and a RAID-5 configuration to
guard against disk replacements over the above options?




RE: Uploading file to HDFS

2013-04-19 Thread David Parks
I just realized another trick you might trying. The Hadoop dfs client can
read input from STDIN, you could use netcat to pipe the stuff across to HDFS
without hitting the hard drive, I haven’t tried it, but here’s what I
would think might work:


On the Hadoop box, open a listening port and feed that to the HDFS command:

nc -l 2342 | hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal - /tmp/x.txt


On the remote server:

cat my_big_2tb_file > nc 2342


I haven’t tried it yet, but in theory this would work. I just happened to
test out the hdfs dfs command reading from stdin. You might have to correct
the above syntax, I just wrote it off the top of my head.





From: 超级塞亚人 [] 
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 11:35 AM
Subject: Uploading file to HDFS


I have a problem. Our cluster has 32 nodes. Each disk is 1TB. I wanna upload
2TB file to HDFS.How can I put the file to the namenode and upload to HDFS? 

RE: Uploading file to HDFS

2013-04-19 Thread David Parks
I think the problem here is that he doesn't have Hadoop installed on this
other location so there's no Hadoop DFS client to do the put directly into
HDFS on, he would normally copy the file to one of the nodes in the cluster
where the client files are installed. I've had the same problem recently.

I've tried setting up dfs-hdfs-proxy, though I must say that it's been
crashing when I try to put modest to large files through it (but I've got a
thread going with the developer on that issue). That, or one of the other
remote mount options might work well.

You could also install Hadoop on the box that has the 2TB file (I realize
that you might not control it or want to do that depending on the

A remote NFS mount that you can access from one of the Hadoop boxes... ?

Split up the file into smaller pieces?

There are some ideas. I'd love to hear your final solution as I've also been
having fits getting into HDFS from outside the Hadoop environment.  I wish
it natively supported NFS mounts or some light weight/easy to install remote
DFS tools.


-Original Message-
From: Harsh J [] 
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: Uploading file to HDFS

Can you not simply do a fs -put from the location where the 2 TB file
currently resides? HDFS should be able to consume it just fine, as the
client chunks them into fixed size blocks.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 10:05 AM, 超级塞亚人  wrote:
> I have a problem. Our cluster has 32 nodes. Each disk is 1TB. I wanna 
> upload 2TB file to HDFS.How can I put the file to the namenode and upload
to HDFS?

Harsh J

Mapreduce jobs to download job input from across the internet

2013-04-16 Thread David Parks
For a set of jobs to run I need to download about 100GB of data from the
internet (~1000 files of varying sizes from ~10 different domains).


Currently I do this in a simple linux script as it's easy to script FTP,
curl, and the like. But it's a mess to maintain a separate server for that
process. I'd rather it run in mapreduce. Just give it a bill of materials
and let it go about downloading it, retrying as necessary to deal with iffy
network conditions.


I wrote one such job to craw images we need to acquire, and it was the
royalist of royal pains. I wonder if there are any good approaches to this
kind of data acquisition task in Hadoop. It would certainly be nicer just to
schedule a data-acquisition job ahead of the processing jobs in Oozie rather
than try to maintain synchronization between the download processes and the




RE: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput

2013-03-30 Thread David Parks
4-20MB/sec are common transfer rates from S3 to *1* local AWS box, this was,
of course, a cluster, and s3distcp is specifically designed to take
advantage of the cluster, so it was a 45 minute job to transfer the 1.5 TB
to the full cluster of, I forget how many servers I had at the time, maybe
15-30 m1.xlarge. The numbers are rough, I could be mistaken and it was 1 ½
hours to do the transfer (but I recall 45 min), in either case the s3distcp
job ran longer than the task timeout period, which was the real point I was
focusing on.


I seem to recall needing to re-package their jar as well, but for different
reasons, they package in some other open source utilities and I had version
conflicts, so might want to watch for that.


I’ve never seen this ProgressableResettableBufferedFileInputStream, so I
can’t offer much more advise on that one.


Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.




From: Himanish Kushary [] 
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput


Yes you are right CDH4 is the 2.x line, but I even checked in the javadocs
for 1.0.4 branch (could not find 1.0.3 API's so used but did not find the
"ProgressableResettableBufferedFileInputStream" class.Not sure how it is
present in the hadoop-core.jar in Amazon EMR.


In the meantime I have come out with a dirty workaround by extracting the
class from the Amazon jar and packaging it into its own separate jar.I am
actually able to run the s3distcp now on local CDH4 using amazon's jar and
transfer from my local hadoop to Amazon S3.


But the real issue is the throughput. You mentioned that you had transferred
1.5 TB in 45 mins which comes to around 583 MB/s. I am barely getting 4 MB/s
upload speed !! How did you get 100x times speed compared to me ? Could you
please share any settings/tweaks that you may have done to achieve this.
Were you on some very specific high bandwidth network ? Was is between HDFS
on EC2 and amazon S3 ?


Looking forward to hear from you.





On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 10:34 AM, David Parks 

CDH4 can be either 1.x or2.x hadoop, are you using the 2.x line? I've used
it primarily with 1.0.3, which is what AWS uses, so I presume that's what
it's tested on.

Himanish Kushary  wrote:

Thanks Dave.


I had already tried using the s3distcp jar. But got stuck on the below
error,which made me think that this is something specific to Amazon hadoop


Exception in thread "Thread-28" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:


Also, I noticed that the Amazon EMR hadoop-core.jar has this class but it is
not present on the CDH4 (my local env) hadoop jars.


Could you suggest how I could get around this issue. One option could be
using the amazon specific jars but then probably I would need to get all the
jars ( else it could cause version mismatch errors for HDFS -
NoSuchMethodError etc etc ) 


Appreciate your help regarding this.


- Himanish



On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 1:41 AM, David Parks  wrote:

None of that complexity, they distribute the jar publicly (not the source,
but the jar). You can just add this to your libjars:


No VPN or anything, if you can access the internet you can get to S3. 


Follow their docs here:


Doesn’t matter where you’re Hadoop instance is running.


Here’s an example of code/parameters I used to run it from within another
Tool, it’s a Tool, so it’s actually designed to run from the Hadoop command
line normally., new S3DistCp(), new String[] {

  "--src", "/frugg/image-cache-stage2/",

  "--srcPattern",  ".*part.*",

  "--dest","s3n://fruggmapreduce/results-"+env+"/" +
JobUtils.isoDate + "/output/itemtable/", 

  "--s3Endpoint",  "" });


Watch the “srcPattern”, make sure you have that leading `.*`, that one threw
me for a loop once.





From: Himanish Kushary [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput


Hi Dave,


Thanks for your reply. Our hadoop instance is inside our corporate LAN.Could
you please provide some details on how i could use the s3distcp from amazon
to transfer data from our on-premises hadoop to amazon s3. Wouldn't some
kind of VPN be needed between the Amazon EMR instance and our on-premises

Re: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput

2013-03-29 Thread David Parks
CDH4 can be either 1.x or2.x hadoop, are you using the 2.x line? I've used it 
primarily with 1.0.3, which is what AWS uses, so I presume that's what it's 
tested on.

Himanish Kushary  wrote:

>Thanks Dave.
>I had already tried using the s3distcp jar. But got stuck on the below 
>error,which made me think that this is something specific to Amazon hadoop 
>Exception in thread "Thread-28" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
>Also, I noticed that the Amazon EMR hadoop-core.jar has this class but it is 
>not present on the CDH4 (my local env) hadoop jars.
>Could you suggest how I could get around this issue. One option could be using 
>the amazon specific jars but then probably I would need to get all the jars ( 
>else it could cause version mismatch errors for HDFS - NoSuchMethodError etc 
>etc ) 
>Appreciate your help regarding this.
>- Himanish
>On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 1:41 AM, David Parks  wrote:
>None of that complexity, they distribute the jar publicly (not the source, but 
>the jar). You can just add this to your libjars: 
>No VPN or anything, if you can access the internet you can get to S3. 
>Follow their docs here: 
>Doesn’t matter where you’re Hadoop instance is running.
>Here’s an example of code/parameters I used to run it from within another 
>Tool, it’s a Tool, so it’s actually designed to run from the Hadoop command 
>line normally.
>, new S3DistCp(), new String[] {
>  "--src",     "/frugg/image-cache-stage2/",
>  "--srcPattern",  ".*part.*",
>  "--dest",    "s3n://fruggmapreduce/results-"+env+"/" + 
>JobUtils.isoDate + "/output/itemtable/", 
>  "--s3Endpoint",  "" });
>Watch the “srcPattern”, make sure you have that leading `.*`, that one threw 
>me for a loop once.
>From: Himanish Kushary [] 
>Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:51 PM
>Subject: Re: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput
>Hi Dave,
>Thanks for your reply. Our hadoop instance is inside our corporate LAN.Could 
>you please provide some details on how i could use the s3distcp from amazon to 
>transfer data from our on-premises hadoop to amazon s3. Wouldn't some kind of 
>VPN be needed between the Amazon EMR instance and our on-premises hadoop 
>instance ? Did you mean use the jar from amazon on our local server ?
>On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 3:56 AM, David Parks  wrote:
>Have you tried using s3distcp from amazon? I used it many times to transfer 
>1.5TB between S3 and Hadoop instances. The process took 45 min, well over the 
>10min timeout period you’re running into a problem on.
>From: Himanish Kushary [] 
>Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:54 AM
>Subject: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput
>I am trying to transfer around 70 GB of files from HDFS to Amazon S3 using the 
>distcp utility.There are aaround 2200 files distributed over 15 
>directories.The max individual file size is approx 50 MB.
>The distcp mapreduce job keeps on failing with this error 
>"Task attempt_201303211242_0260_m_05_0 failed to report status for 600 
>seconds. Killing!"  
>and in the task attempt logs I can see lot of INFO messages like 
>"INFO org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector: I/O exception 
>( caught when processing request: Resetting to invalid 
>I am thinking either transferring individual folders instead of the entire 70 
>GB folders as a workaround or as another option increasing the 
>"mapred.task.timeout" parameter to something like 6-7 hour ( as the avg rate 
>of transfer to S3 seems to be 5 MB/s).Is there any other better option to 
>increase the throughput for transferring bulk data from HDFS to S3 ?  Looking 
>forward for suggestions.
>Thanks & Regards
>Thanks & Regards
>Thanks & Regards

RE: Which hadoop installation should I use on ubuntu server?

2013-03-29 Thread David Parks
I’ve never used the Cloudera distributions, but you can’t not hear about
them. Is it really much easier to manage the whole platform using clouderas
manager?   50 nodes free is generous enough that I’d feel comfortable
committing to them as a platform (and thus the future potential cost), I


My only real experience comes from AWS’s environment, which, other than
having a dedicated DFS, and launching jobs via their “steps” process, they
seem like a pretty straight forward Hadoop configuration.





From: Håvard Wahl Kongsgård [] 
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 3:21 PM
To: user
Subject: Re: Which hadoop installation should I use on ubuntu server?


I recommend cloudera's CDH4 on ubuntu 12.04 LTS


On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 7:07 AM, David Parks  wrote:

I’m moving off AWS MapReduce to our own cluster, I’m installing Hadoop on
Ubuntu Server 12.10.


I see a .deb installer and installed that, but it seems like files are all
over the place `/usr/share/Hadoop`, `/etc/hadoop`, `/usr/bin/hadoop`. And
the documentation is a bit harder to follow:


So I just wonder if this installer is the best approach, or if it’ll be
easier/better to just install the basic build in /opt/hadoop and perhaps the
docs become easier to follow. Thoughts?






Håvard Wahl Kongsgård
Data Scientist
Faculty of Medicine &
Department of Mathematical Sciences

RE: Which hadoop installation should I use on ubuntu server?

2013-03-29 Thread David Parks
Hmm, seems intriguing. I'm still not totally clear on bigtop here. It seems
like they're creating and maintain basically an installer for Hadoop?


I tried following their docs for Ubuntu, but just get a 404 error on the
first step, so it makes me wonder how reliable that project is.


Has anyone actually used bigtop to deploy Hadoop in a production



From: Nitin Pawar [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: Which hadoop installation should I use on ubuntu server?


apache bigtop has builds done for ubuntu


you can check them at jenkins mentioned on 


On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:37 AM, David Parks 

I'm moving off AWS MapReduce to our own cluster, I'm installing Hadoop on
Ubuntu Server 12.10.


I see a .deb installer and installed that, but it seems like files are all
over the place `/usr/share/Hadoop`, `/etc/hadoop`, `/usr/bin/hadoop`. And
the documentation is a bit harder to follow:


So I just wonder if this installer is the best approach, or if it'll be
easier/better to just install the basic build in /opt/hadoop and perhaps the
docs become easier to follow. Thoughts?






Nitin Pawar

RE: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput

2013-03-28 Thread David Parks
None of that complexity, they distribute the jar publicly (not the source,
but the jar). You can just add this to your libjars:


No VPN or anything, if you can access the internet you can get to S3. 


Follow their docs here:


Doesn't matter where you're Hadoop instance is running.


Here's an example of code/parameters I used to run it from within another
Tool, it's a Tool, so it's actually designed to run from the Hadoop command
line normally., new S3DistCp(), new String[] {

  "--src", "/frugg/image-cache-stage2/",

  "--srcPattern",  ".*part.*",

  "--dest","s3n://fruggmapreduce/results-"+env+"/" +
JobUtils.isoDate + "/output/itemtable/", 

  "--s3Endpoint",  "" });


Watch the "srcPattern", make sure you have that leading `.*`, that one threw
me for a loop once.





From: Himanish Kushary [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput


Hi Dave,


Thanks for your reply. Our hadoop instance is inside our corporate LAN.Could
you please provide some details on how i could use the s3distcp from amazon
to transfer data from our on-premises hadoop to amazon s3. Wouldn't some
kind of VPN be needed between the Amazon EMR instance and our on-premises
hadoop instance ? Did you mean use the jar from amazon on our local server ?



On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 3:56 AM, David Parks  wrote:

Have you tried using s3distcp from amazon? I used it many times to transfer
1.5TB between S3 and Hadoop instances. The process took 45 min, well over
the 10min timeout period you're running into a problem on.





From: Himanish Kushary [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:54 AM
Subject: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput




I am trying to transfer around 70 GB of files from HDFS to Amazon S3 using
the distcp utility.There are aaround 2200 files distributed over 15
directories.The max individual file size is approx 50 MB.


The distcp mapreduce job keeps on failing with this error 


"Task attempt_201303211242_0260_m_05_0 failed to report status for 600
seconds. Killing!"  


and in the task attempt logs I can see lot of INFO messages like 


"INFO org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector: I/O exception
( caught when processing request: Resetting to invalid


I am thinking either transferring individual folders instead of the entire
70 GB folders as a workaround or as another option increasing the
"mapred.task.timeout" parameter to something like 6-7 hour ( as the avg rate
of transfer to S3 seems to be 5 MB/s).Is there any other better option to
increase the throughput for transferring bulk data from HDFS to S3 ?
Looking forward for suggestions.



Thanks & Regards


Thanks & Regards

RE: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput

2013-03-28 Thread David Parks
Have you tried using s3distcp from amazon? I used it many times to transfer
1.5TB between S3 and Hadoop instances. The process took 45 min, well over
the 10min timeout period you're running into a problem on.





From: Himanish Kushary [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:54 AM
Subject: Hadoop distcp from CDH4 to Amazon S3 - Improve Throughput




I am trying to transfer around 70 GB of files from HDFS to Amazon S3 using
the distcp utility.There are aaround 2200 files distributed over 15
directories.The max individual file size is approx 50 MB.


The distcp mapreduce job keeps on failing with this error 


"Task attempt_201303211242_0260_m_05_0 failed to report status for 600
seconds. Killing!"  


and in the task attempt logs I can see lot of INFO messages like 


"INFO org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector: I/O exception
( caught when processing request: Resetting to invalid


I am thinking either transferring individual folders instead of the entire
70 GB folders as a workaround or as another option increasing the
"mapred.task.timeout" parameter to something like 6-7 hour ( as the avg rate
of transfer to S3 seems to be 5 MB/s).Is there any other better option to
increase the throughput for transferring bulk data from HDFS to S3 ?
Looking forward for suggestions.



Thanks & Regards

Which hadoop installation should I use on ubuntu server?

2013-03-27 Thread David Parks
I'm moving off AWS MapReduce to our own cluster, I'm installing Hadoop on
Ubuntu Server 12.10.


I see a .deb installer and installed that, but it seems like files are all
over the place `/usr/share/Hadoop`, `/etc/hadoop`, `/usr/bin/hadoop`. And
the documentation is a bit harder to follow:


So I just wonder if this installer is the best approach, or if it'll be
easier/better to just install the basic build in /opt/hadoop and perhaps the
docs become easier to follow. Thoughts?





RE: For a new installation: use the BackupNode or the CheckPointNode?

2013-03-26 Thread David Parks
Thanks for the update, I understand now that I'll be installing a "secondary
name node" which performs checkpoints on the primary name node and keeps a
working backup copy of the fsimage file. 

The primary name node should write its fsimage file to at least 2 different
physical mediums for improved safety as well (example: locally and an nfs

One point of query: were the primary name node to be lost, we would be best
off re-building it and copying the fsimage files into place, either from the
nfs share, or from the secondary name node, as the situation dictates.
There's no mechanism to "fail over" to the "secondary name node" per-se.

Am I on track here?


-Original Message-
From: Konstantin Shvachko [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: For a new installation: use the BackupNode or the

There is no BackupNode in Hadoop 1.
That was a bug in documentation.

Here is the updated link:


On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 12:04 AM, varun kumar  wrote:
> Hope below link will be useful..
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 12:29 PM, David Parks 
> wrote:
>> For a new installation of the current stable build (1.1.2 ), is there 
>> any reason to use the CheckPointNode over the BackupNode?
>> It seems that we need to choose one or the other, and from the docs 
>> it seems like the BackupNode is more efficient in its processes.
> --
> Regards,
> Varun Kumar.P


2013-03-25 Thread David Parks
Can I suggest an answer of "Yes, but  you probably don't want to"?

As a "typical user" of Hadoop you would not do this. Hadoop already chooses
the best server to do the work based on the location of the data (a server
that is available to do work and also has the data locally will generally be
assigned to do that work). There are a couple of mechanisms for which you
can do this. Neither of which I'm terribly familiar with so I'll just
provide a brief introduction and you can research more deeply and ask more
pointed questions.

I believe there is some ability to "suggest" a good location to run a
particular task in the InputFormat, thus if you extended, say,
FileInputFormat you could inject some kind of recommendation, but it
wouldn't force Hadoop to do one thing or another, it would just be a

The next place I'd look is at the scheduler, but you're gonna really get
your hands dirty by digging in here and I doubt, from the tone of your
email, that you'll have interest in digging to this level.

But mostly, I would suggest you explain your use case more thoroughly and I
bet you'll just be directed down a more logical path to accomplish your


-Original Message-
From: Fan Bai [] 
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 5:24 AM

Dear Sir,

I have a question about Hadoop, when I use Hadoop and Mapreduce to finish a
job (only one job in here), can I control the file to work in which node?

For example, I have only one job and this job have 10 files (10 mapper need
to run). Also in my severs, I have one head node and four working node. My
question is: can I control those 10 files to working in which node? Such as:
No.1 file work in node1, No.3 file work in node2, No.5 file work in node3
and No.8 file work in node4.

If I can do this, that means I can control the task. Is that means I still
can control this file in next around (I have a loop in head node;I can do
another mapreduce work). For example, I can set up No.5 file in 1st around
worked node3 and I also can set up No.5 file work in node 2 in 2nd around.

If I cannot, is that means, for Hadoop, the file will work in which node
just like a "black box", the user cannot control the file will work in which
node, because you think the user do not need control it, just let HDFS help
them to finish the parallel work. 
Therefore, the Hadoop cannot control the task in one job, but can control
the multiple jobs.

Thank you so much!

Fan Bai
PhD Candidate
Computer Science Department
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA 30303

RE: For a new installation: use the BackupNode or the CheckPointNode?

2013-03-23 Thread David Parks
So... the answer is... SecondaryNameNode is what I should be installing
here. And the SecondaryNameNode is essentially just an earlier version of
the checkpoint node, in terms of functionality. If I understood everything
correctly. Can you confirm?


-Original Message-
From: Harsh J [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: For a new installation: use the BackupNode or the

Neither CheckpointNode nor BackupNode exists in version 1.x. This was a
documentation oversight that should be cleared in the docs now (or by next
release I think).

And on 2.x, neither has been tested for stability and the SecondaryNameNode
continues to exist and is fully supported (not deprecated).

On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 12:34 PM, varun kumar  wrote:
> Hope below link will be useful..
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 12:29 PM, David Parks 
> wrote:
>> For a new installation of the current stable build (1.1.2 ), is there 
>> any reason to use the CheckPointNode over the BackupNode?
>> It seems that we need to choose one or the other, and from the docs 
>> it seems like the BackupNode is more efficient in its processes.
> --
> Regards,
> Varun Kumar.P

Harsh J

For a new installation: use the BackupNode or the CheckPointNode?

2013-03-23 Thread David Parks
For a new installation of the current stable build (1.1.2 ), is there any 
reason to use the CheckPointNode over the BackupNode? 


It seems that we need to choose one or the other, and from the docs it seems 
like the BackupNode is more efficient in its processes.

RE: On a small cluster can we double up namenode/master with tasktrackers?

2013-03-20 Thread David Parks
Good points all,


The mapreduce jobs are, well. intensive. We've got a whole variety, but
typically I see them use a lot of CPU, a lot of Disk, and upon occasion a
whole bunch of Network bandwidth.  Duh right?  J


The master node is mostly CPU intensive right? We're using LXC to segregate
(psudo-virtualize) our environments for ease of development and management.
I'm looking into whether I can use LXC's quota system to guarantee a certain
level of CPU resources to the container where the master node is housed. If
I can do that I guess we wouldn't have any issue here.






From: Jens Scheidtmann [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: On a small cluster can we double up namenode/master with



You didn't look at how resource intensive your map/reduce jobs are. 


Best regards,


On a small cluster can we double up namenode/master with tasktrackers?

2013-03-18 Thread David Parks
I want 20 servers, I got 7, so I want to make the most of the 7 I have. Each
of the 7 servers have: 24GB of ram, 4TB, and 8 cores.


Would it be terribly unwise of me to Run such a configuration:


. Server #1:   NameNode + Master + TaskTracker(reduced

. Server #2:   CheckpointNode(aka Secondary Name Node) +
TaskTracker(slightly reduced slots)

. Server #3:   TaskTracker

. Server #4:   TaskTracker

. Server #5:   TaskTracker

. Server #6:   TaskTracker

. Server #7:   TaskTracker


Did I miss anything? Did I shoot myself in the foot anywhere?



How "Alpha" is "alpha"?

2013-03-12 Thread David Parks
>From the release page on hadoop's website:


"This release, like previous releases in hadoop-2.x series is still
considered alpha primarily since some of APIs aren't fully-baked and we
expect some churn in future."


How "alpha" is the 2.x line? We're moving off AWS (1.0.3) onto our own
cluster of 10 servers, naturally we want the latest and greatest, but don't
need to live on the bleeding edge (we just wanna process some data, you


So how "Alpha" is "alpha"?



Re: Unexpected Hadoop behavior: map task re-running after reducer has been running

2013-03-11 Thread David Parks
Too many fetch-failures
Too many fetch-failures

 From: David Parks 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 3:23 PM
Subject: Unexpected Hadoop behavior: map task re-running after reducer has been 

I can’t explain this behavior, can someone help me here:
  Kind  % Complete Num Tasks Pending Running Complete Killed Failed/Killed Task 
    map  100.00%    23547   0   1    23546  0   247 / 0
   reduce 62.40%    1    3738  30 6232  0   336 / 0
This job has been running for 48 hours and the reducer is quite a ways through 
its processing. But we’ve hit a snag (I’m not sure what snag exactly).
The map tasks were 100% complete, none running, but now I see 1 map task 
running. In a few minutes that map task will finish and I’ll see “Running map 
tasks” change to 0, the # of failed map tasks will increment by 1, and the map 
task will run again a short time thereafter. This seems perpetual as we had 1 
map task failed at the end of the map processing when the reducer started 
running, now we have 247 failed map tasks and this is the pattern I’ve been 
watching for hours now.
Anyone want to venture some guesses here?

Unexpected Hadoop behavior: map task re-running after reducer has been running

2013-03-11 Thread David Parks
I can't explain this behavior, can someone help me here:


  Kind  % Complete Num Tasks Pending Running Complete Killed Failed/Killed
Task Attempts

map  100.00%23547   0   123546  0   247 / 0

   reduce 62.40%13738  30 6232  0   336 / 0


This job has been running for 48 hours and the reducer is quite a ways
through its processing. But we've hit a snag (I'm not sure what snag


The map tasks were 100% complete, none running, but now I see 1 map task
running. In a few minutes that map task will finish and I'll see "Running
map tasks" change to 0, the # of failed map tasks will increment by 1, and
the map task will run again a short time thereafter. This seems perpetual as
we had 1 map task failed at the end of the map processing when the reducer
started running, now we have 247 failed map tasks and this is the pattern
I've been watching for hours now.


Anyone want to venture some guesses here?









How do _you_ document your hadoop jobs?

2013-02-25 Thread David Parks
We've taken to documenting our Hadoop jobs in a simple visual manner using
PPT (attached example). I wonder how others document their jobs?


We often add notes to the text section of the PPT slides as well.



RE: How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?

2013-02-10 Thread David Parks
I tried that approach at first, one domain to one reducer, but it failed me
because my data set has many domains with just a few thousand images,
trivial, but we also have reasonably many massive domains with 10 million+


One host downloading 10 or 20 million images, while obeying politeness
standards, will take multiple weeks. So I decided to randomly distribute
URLs to each host and, per host, follow web politeness standards. The
domains with 10M+ images should be able to support the load (they're big
sites like iTunes for example), the smaller ones are (hopefully) randomized
across hosts enough to be reasonably safe.



From: Ted Dunning [] 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?


For crawler type apps, typically you direct all of the URL's to crawl from a
single domain to a single reducer.  Typically, you also have many reducers
so that you can get decent bandwidth.


It is also common to consider the normal web politeness standards with a
grain of salt, particularly by taking it as an average rate and doing
several requests with a single connection, then waiting a bit longer than
would otherwise be done.  This helps the target domain and improves your
crawler's utilization.


Large scale crawlers typically work out of a large data store with a flags
column that is pinned into memory.  Successive passes of the crawler can
scan the flag column very quickly to find domains with  work to be done.
This work can be done using map-reduce, but it is only vaguely like a
map-reduce job.

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 10:48 PM, Harsh J  wrote:

The suggestion to add a combiner is to help reduce the shuffle load
(and perhaps, reduce # of reducers needed?), but it doesn't affect
scheduling of a set number of reduce tasks nor does a scheduler care
currently if you add that step in or not.

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:59 AM, David Parks  wrote:
> I guess the FairScheduler is doing multiple assignments per heartbeat,
> the behavior of multiple reduce tasks per node even when they should
> otherwise be full distributed.
> Adding a combiner will change this behavior? Could you explain more?
> Thanks!
> David
> From: Michael Segel []
> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 8:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?
> Adding a combiner step first then reduce?
> On Feb 8, 2013, at 11:18 PM, Harsh J  wrote:
> Hey David,
> There's no readily available way to do this today (you may be
> interested in MAPREDUCE-199 though) but if your Job scheduler's not
> doing multiple-assignments on reduce tasks, then only one is assigned
> per TT heartbeat, which gives you almost what you're looking for: 1
> reduce task per node, round-robin'd (roughly).
> On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:24 AM, David Parks 
> I have a cluster of boxes with 3 reducers per node. I want to limit a
> particular job to only run 1 reducer per node.
> This job is network IO bound, gathering images from a set of webservers.
> My job has certain parameters set to meet "web politeness" standards (e.g.
> limit connects and connection frequency).
> If this job runs from multiple reducers on the same node, those per-host
> limits will be violated.  Also, this is a shared environment and I don't
> want long running network bound jobs uselessly taking up all reduce slots.
> --
> Harsh J
> Michael Segel  | (m) 312.755.9623
> Segel and Associates

Harsh J


File does not exist on part-r-00000 file after reducer runs

2013-02-10 Thread David Parks
Are there any rules against writing results to Reducer.Context while in the
cleanup() method?


I’ve got a reducer that is downloading a few 10’s of millions of images from
a set of URLs feed to it.


To be efficient I run many connections in parallel, but limit connections
per domain and frequency of connections.


In order to do that efficiently I read in many URLs from the reduce method
and queue them in a processing queue, so at some point we read in all the
data and Hadoop calls the cleanup()  method where I block until all threads
have finished processing. 


We may continue processing and writing results (in a synchronized manner)
for 20 or 30 minutes after Hadoop reports 100% input records delivered, then
at the end, my code appears to exit normally and I get this exception
immediately after:


2013-02-11 05:15:23,606 INFO com.frugg.mapreduce.UrlProcessor (URL Processor
Main Loop): Processing complete, shut down normally

2013-02-11 05:15:23,653 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskLogsTruncater
(main): Initializing logsʼ truncater with mapRetainSize=-1 and

2013-02-11 05:15:23,685 INFO (main):
Initialized cache for UID to User mapping with a cache timeout of 14400

2013-02-11 05:15:23,685 INFO (main):
Got UserName hadoop for UID 106 from the native implementation

2013-02-11 05:15:23,687 ERROR (main):
PriviledgedActionException as:hadoop
cause:org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException: org.apache.hadoop

.hdfs.server.namenode.LeaseExpiredException: No lease on
art-r-2 File does not exist. Holder
DFSClient_attempt_201302110210_0019_r_02_0 does not have any open files.



I have suspicion that there are some subtle rules of Hadoop’s I’m violating

RE: Question related to Decompressor interface

2013-02-10 Thread David Parks
In the EncryptedWritableWrapper idea you would create an object that takes
any Writable object as it's parameter. 


Your EncryptedWritableWrapper would naturally implement Writable.


. When write(DataOutput out) is called on your object, create your
own DataOutputStream which reads data into a byte array that you control
(i.e. new DataOutputStream(new myByteArrayOutputStream()), keeping
references to the objects of course).

. Now encrypt the bytes and pass them on to the DataOutput object
you received in write(DataOutput out)


To decrypt is basically the same with the readFields(DataInput in) method.

. Read in the bytes and decrypt them (you will probably have needed
to write out the length of bytes previously so you know how much to read

. Take the decrypted bytes and pass them to the readFields(.) method
of the Writable object you're wrapping 


The rest of Hadoop doesn't know or care if the data is encrypted, your
Writable objects are just a bunch of bytes, you're Key and Value class in
this case are now EncryptedWritableWrapper, and you'll need to know which
type of Writable to pass it in the code.


This would be good for encrypting in Hadoop. If your file comes in encrypted
then it necessarily can't be split (you should aim to limit the maximum size
of the file on the source side). In the case of an encrypted input you would
need your own record reader to decrypt it, your description of the scenario
below is correct, extending TextinputFormat would be the way to go.


If your input is just a plain text file and your goal is to store it in an
encrypted fashion then the EncryptedWritable idea works and is a more simple




From: java8964 java8964 [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 10:13 PM
Subject: RE: Question related to Decompressor interface


Hi, Dave:


Thanks for you reply. I am not sure how the EncryptedWritable will work, can
you share more ideas about it?


For example, if I have a text file as my source raw file. Now I need to
store it in HDFS. If I use any encryption to encrypt the whole file, then
there is no good InputFormat or RecordReader to process it, unless whole
file is decrypted first at runtime, then using TextInputFormat to process
it, right?


What you suggest is  when I encrypted the file, store it as a SequenceFile,
using anything I want as the key, then encrypt each line (Record), and
stores it as the value, put both (key, value) pair into the sequence file,
is that right? 


Then in the runtime, each value can be decrypted from the sequence file, and
ready for next step in the by the EncryptedWritable class. Is my
understanding correct?


 In this case, of course I don't need to worry about split any more, as each
record is encrypted/decrypted separately.


I think it is a valid option, but problem is that the data has to be
encrypted by this EncryptedWritable class. What I was thinking about is
allow data source to encrypt its data any way they want, as long as it is
supported by Java security package, then only provide the private key to the
runtime to decrypt it.




Subject: RE: Question related to Decompressor interface
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 09:36:40 +0700

I can't answer your question about the Decompressor interface, but I have a
query for you.


Why not just create an EncryptedWritable object? Encrypt/decrypt the bytes
on the read/write method, that should be darn near trivial. Then stick with
good 'ol SequenceFile, which, as you note, is splittable. Otherwise you'd
have to deal with making the output splittable, and given encrypted data,
the only solution that I see is basically rolling your own SequenceFile with
encrypted innards. 


Come to think of it, a simple, standardized EncryptedWritable object out of
the box with Hadoop would be great. Or perhaps better yet, an
EncryptedWritableWrapper so we can convert any existing
Writable into an encrypted form.





From: java8964 java8964 [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:50 AM
Subject: Question related to Decompressor interface




Currently I am researching about options of encrypting the data in the
MapReduce, as we plan to use the Amazon EMR or EC2 services for our data.


I am thinking that the compression codec is good place to integrate with the
encryption logic, and I found out there are some people having the same idea
as mine.


I google around and found out this code:


It doesn't seem maintained any more, but it gave me a starting point. I
download the source code, and try to do some tests with it.


It doesn't work out of box. There are some bugs I have to fix to make it
work. I believe it contains 'AES' as an example algorithm.


But right now,

RE: How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?

2013-02-10 Thread David Parks
I guess the FairScheduler is doing multiple assignments per heartbeat, hence
the behavior of multiple reduce tasks per node even when they should
otherwise be full distributed. 


Adding a combiner will change this behavior? Could you explain more?






From: Michael Segel [] 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?


Adding a combiner step first then reduce? 



On Feb 8, 2013, at 11:18 PM, Harsh J  wrote:

Hey David,

There's no readily available way to do this today (you may be
interested in MAPREDUCE-199 though) but if your Job scheduler's not
doing multiple-assignments on reduce tasks, then only one is assigned
per TT heartbeat, which gives you almost what you're looking for: 1
reduce task per node, round-robin'd (roughly).

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:24 AM, David Parks  wrote:

I have a cluster of boxes with 3 reducers per node. I want to limit a
particular job to only run 1 reducer per node.

This job is network IO bound, gathering images from a set of webservers.

My job has certain parameters set to meet "web politeness" standards (e.g.
limit connects and connection frequency).

If this job runs from multiple reducers on the same node, those per-host
limits will be violated.  Also, this is a shared environment and I don't
want long running network bound jobs uselessly taking up all reduce slots.

Harsh J


Michael Segel <>   | (m) 312.755.9623

Segel and Associates


RE: Question related to Decompressor interface

2013-02-09 Thread David Parks
I can't answer your question about the Decompressor interface, but I have a
query for you.


Why not just create an EncryptedWritable object? Encrypt/decrypt the bytes
on the read/write method, that should be darn near trivial. Then stick with
good 'ol SequenceFile, which, as you note, is splittable. Otherwise you'd
have to deal with making the output splittable, and given encrypted data,
the only solution that I see is basically rolling your own SequenceFile with
encrypted innards. 


Come to think of it, a simple, standardized EncryptedWritable object out of
the box with Hadoop would be great. Or perhaps better yet, an
EncryptedWritableWrapper so we can convert any existing
Writable into an encrypted form.





From: java8964 java8964 [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:50 AM
Subject: Question related to Decompressor interface




Currently I am researching about options of encrypting the data in the
MapReduce, as we plan to use the Amazon EMR or EC2 services for our data.


I am thinking that the compression codec is good place to integrate with the
encryption logic, and I found out there are some people having the same idea
as mine.


I google around and found out this code:


It doesn't seem maintained any more, but it gave me a starting point. I
download the source code, and try to do some tests with it.


It doesn't work out of box. There are some bugs I have to fix to make it
work. I believe it contains 'AES' as an example algorithm.


But right now, I faced a problem when I tried to use it in my testing
MapReduer program. Here is the stack trace I got:


2013-02-08 23:16:47,038 INFO buf length =
512, and offset = 0, length = -132967308


at java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(






at org.apache.hadoop.util.LineReader.readLine(






at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runNewMapper(


at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child$

at Method)



at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(


I know the error is thrown out of this custom CryptoBasicDecompressor class,
but I really have questions related to the interface it implemented:


There is limited document about this interface, for example, when and how
the method setInput() will be invoked. If I want to write my own
Decompressor, what do these methods mean in the interface?

In the above case, I enable some debug information, you can see that in this
case, the byte[] array passed to setInput method, only have 512 as the
length, but the 3rd parameter of length passed in is a negative number:
-132967308. That caused the IndexOutOfBoundsException. If I check the
GzipDecompressor class of this method in the hadoop, the code will also
throw IndexOutoutBoundsException in this case, so this is a RuntimeException
case. Why it happened in my test case?


Here is my test case:


I have a simpel log text file about 700k. I encrypted it with above code
using 'AES'. I can encrypted and decrypted to get my original content. The
file name is foo.log.crypto, this file extension is registered to invoke
this CryptoBasicDecompressor in my testing hadoop using CDH4.1.2 release
(hadoop 2.0). Everything works as I expected. The CryptoBasicDecompressor is
invoked when the input file is foo.log.crypto, as you can see in the above
stack trace. But I don't know why the 3rd parameter (length) in setInput()
is a negative number at runtime.


In additional to it, I also have further questions related to use
Compressor/Decompressor to handle the encrypting/decrypting file. Ideal

RE: How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?

2013-02-08 Thread David Parks
Looking at the Job File for my job I see that this property is set to 1, 
however I have 3 reducers per node (I’m not clear what configuration is causing 
this behavior).


My problem is that, on a 15 node cluster, I set 15 reduce tasks on my job, in 
hopes that each would be assigned to a different node, but in the last run 3 
nodes had nothing to do, and 3 other nodes had 2 reduce tasks assigned.




From: Nan Zhu [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?


I haven't use AWS MR before…..if your instances are configured with 3 reducer 
slots, it means that 3 reducers can run at the same time in this node,  


what do you mean by "this property is already set to 1 on my cluster"?


actually this value can be node-specific, if AWS MR instance allows you to do 
that, you can modify mapred-site.xml to change it from 3 to 1





Nan Zhu

School of Computer Science,

McGill University


On Friday, 8 February, 2013 at 11:24 PM, David Parks wrote:

Hmm, odd, I’m using AWS Mapreduce, and this property is already set to 1 on my 
cluster by default (using 15 m1.xlarge boxes which come with 3 reducer slots 
configured by default).




From: Nan Zhu [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?


I think set tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum  to be 1 may meet your requirement






Nan Zhu

School of Computer Science,

McGill University



On Friday, 8 February, 2013 at 10:54 PM, David Parks wrote:

I have a cluster of boxes with 3 reducers per node. I want to limit a 
particular job to only run 1 reducer per node.


This job is network IO bound, gathering images from a set of webservers.


My job has certain parameters set to meet “web politeness” standards (e.g. 
limit connects and connection frequency).


If this job runs from multiple reducers on the same node, those per-host limits 
will be violated.  Also, this is a shared environment and I don’t want long 
running network bound jobs uselessly taking up all reduce slots.



RE: How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?

2013-02-08 Thread David Parks
Hmm, odd, I’m using AWS Mapreduce, and this property is already set to 1 on my 
cluster by default (using 15 m1.xlarge boxes which come with 3 reducer slots 
configured by default).




From: Nan Zhu [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?


I think set tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum  to be 1 may meet your requirement






Nan Zhu

School of Computer Science,

McGill University



On Friday, 8 February, 2013 at 10:54 PM, David Parks wrote:

I have a cluster of boxes with 3 reducers per node. I want to limit a 
particular job to only run 1 reducer per node.


This job is network IO bound, gathering images from a set of webservers.


My job has certain parameters set to meet “web politeness” standards (e.g. 
limit connects and connection frequency).


If this job runs from multiple reducers on the same node, those per-host limits 
will be violated.  Also, this is a shared environment and I don’t want long 
running network bound jobs uselessly taking up all reduce slots.


How can I limit reducers to one-per-node?

2013-02-08 Thread David Parks
I have a cluster of boxes with 3 reducers per node. I want to limit a
particular job to only run 1 reducer per node.


This job is network IO bound, gathering images from a set of webservers.


My job has certain parameters set to meet "web politeness" standards (e.g.
limit connects and connection frequency).


If this job runs from multiple reducers on the same node, those per-host
limits will be violated.  Also, this is a shared environment and I don't
want long running network bound jobs uselessly taking up all reduce slots.

RE: Tricks to upgrading Sequence Files?

2013-01-29 Thread David Parks
I'll consider a patch to the SequenceFile, if we could manually override the
sequence file input Key and Value that's read from the sequence file headers
we'd have a clean solution.

I don't like versioning my Model object because it's used by 10's of other
classes and I don't want to risk less maintained classes continuing to use
an old version.

For the time being I just used 2 jobs. First I renamed the old Model Object
to the original name, read it in, upgraded it, and wrote the new version
with a different class name.

Then I renamed the classes again so the new model object used the original
name and read in the altered name and cloned it into the original name.

All in all an hours work only, but having a cleaner process would be better.
I'll add the request to JIRA at a minimum.


-Original Message-
From: Harsh J [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 2:32 AM
Subject: Re: Tricks to upgrading Sequence Files?

This is a pretty interesting question, but unfortunately there isn't an
inbuilt way in SequenceFiles itself to handle this. However, your key/value
classes can be made to handle versioning perhaps - detecting if what they've
read is of an older time and decoding it appropriately (while handling newer
encoding separately, in the normal fashion).
This would be much better than going down the classloader hack paths I

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 1:11 PM, David Parks  wrote:
> Anyone have any good tricks for upgrading a sequence file.
> We maintain a sequence file like a flat file DB and the primary object 
> in there changed in recent development.
> It's trivial to write a job to read in the sequence file, update the 
> object, and write it back out in the new format.
> But since sequence files read and write the key/value class I would 
> either need to rename the model object with a version number, or 
> change the header of each sequence file.
> Just wondering if there are any nice tricks to this.

Harsh J

Tricks to upgrading Sequence Files?

2013-01-28 Thread David Parks
Anyone have any good tricks for upgrading a sequence file.


We maintain a sequence file like a flat file DB and the primary object in
there changed in recent development.


It's trivial to write a job to read in the sequence file, update the object,
and write it back out in the new format.


But since sequence files read and write the key/value class I would either
need to rename the model object with a version number, or change the header
of each sequence file.


Just wondering if there are any nice tricks to this.

Symbolic links available in 1.0.3?

2013-01-28 Thread David Parks
Is it possible to use symbolic links in 1.0.3?


If yes: can I use symbolic links to create a single, final directory
structure of files from many locations; then use DistCp/S3DistCp to copy
that final directory structure to another filesystem such as S3?



I currently launch 4 S3DistCp jobs concurrently (a royal pain in the a** to
do) and copy files from 4 different locations to various subfolders of a
single directory on S3 (the final result directory).


I'd love to create 1 S3DistCp job to do all of that work, but
S3DistCp/DistCp don't support specifying multiple source/destinations.

RE: Skipping entire task

2013-01-05 Thread David Parks
Thinking here... if you submitted the task programmatically you should be
able to capture the failure of the task and gracefully move past it to your
next tasks.

To say it in a long-winded way:  Let's say you submit a job to Hadoop, a
java jar, and your main class implements Tool. That code has the
responsibility to submit a series of jobs to hadoop, something like this: 

  Job myJob = new MyJob(getConf());
}catch(Exception uhhohh){
  //Deal with the issue and move on
Job myNextJob = new MyNextJob(getConf());

Just pseudo code there to demonstrate my thought.


-Original Message-
From: Håvard Wahl Kongsgård [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:54 PM
To: user
Subject: Skipping entire task

Hi, hadoop can skip bad records
But it is also possible to skip entire tasks?


Håvard Wahl Kongsgård
Faculty of Medicine &
Department of Mathematical Sciences

RE: Fastest way to transfer files

2012-12-29 Thread David Parks
Here’s an example of running distcp (actually in this case s3distcp, but it’s 
about the same, just new DistCp()) from java:, new S3DistCp(), new String[] {

   "--src", "/src/dir/",

   "--srcPattern",  ".*(itemtable)-r-[0-9]*.*",


   "--s3Endpoint",  "" });




From: Joep Rottinghuis [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: Fastest way to transfer files


Not sure why you are implying a contradiction when you say: "... distcp is 
useful _but_ you want to do 'it' in java..."


First of all distcp _is_ written in Java.

You can call distcp or any other MR job from Java just fine.





Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 28, 2012, at 12:01 PM, burakkk  wrote:


I have two different hdfs cluster. I need to transfer files between these 
environments. What's the fastest way to transfer files for that situation? 


I've researched about it. I found distcp command. It's useful but I want to do 
in java so is there any way to do this?


Is there any way to transfer files chunk by chunk from one hdfs cluster to 
another one or is there any way to implement a process using chunks without 
whole file?



Best Regards...





RE: What does do?

2012-12-27 Thread David Parks
Ah this is on AWS EMR, hadoop 1.0.3. This could be an AWS feature based on
my reading of the AWS docs, but I thought it was hadoop.




From: Hemanth Yamijala [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: What does do?




Could you please tell what version of Hadoop you are using ? I don't see
this parameter in the stable (1.x) or current branch. I only see references
to it with respect to EMR and with Hadoop 0.18 or so. 


On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 1:51 PM, David Parks  wrote:

I didn't come up with much in a google search.


In particular, what are the side effects of changing this setting? Memory?
Sort process?


I'm guessing it means that it'll feed 2 map tasks as input to each map task,
a map task in turn is a self-contained JVM which consumes one map slot.


Thus 4 map slots, and 2 tasksperslot means 4 map task JVMs each of which
process 2 input splits at a time.


By increasing the tasksperslot I presume we reduce overhead needed to start
a new task (even though we're re-using the JVM in typical configuration,
ours included), but we have more map output to sort and shuffle (I presume
the results of both map splits go into the same output).


Can someone verify those presumptions?


What does do?

2012-12-27 Thread David Parks
I didn't come up with much in a google search.


In particular, what are the side effects of changing this setting? Memory?
Sort process?


I'm guessing it means that it'll feed 2 map tasks as input to each map task,
a map task in turn is a self-contained JVM which consumes one map slot.


Thus 4 map slots, and 2 tasksperslot means 4 map task JVMs each of which
process 2 input splits at a time.


By increasing the tasksperslot I presume we reduce overhead needed to start
a new task (even though we're re-using the JVM in typical configuration,
ours included), but we have more map output to sort and shuffle (I presume
the results of both map splits go into the same output).


Can someone verify those presumptions?

How to troubleshoot OutOfMemoryError

2012-12-21 Thread David Parks
I'm pretty consistently seeing a few reduce tasks fail with OutOfMemoryError
(below). It doesn't kill the job, but it slows it down.


In my current case the reducer is pretty darn simple, the algorithm
basically does:

1.   Do you have 2 values for this key?

2.   If so, build a json string and emit a NullWritable and Text value.


The string buffer I use to build the json is re-used, and I can't see
anywhere in my code that would be taking more than ~50k of memory at any
point in time.


But I want to verify, is there a way to get the heap dump and all after this
error? I'm running on AWS MapReduce v1.0.3 of Hadoop.


Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space







OutOfMemory in ReduceTask$ReduceCopier$MapOutputCopier.shuffleInMemory

2012-12-16 Thread David Parks
I've got 15 boxes in a cluster, 7.5GB of ram each on AWS (m1.large), 1
reducer per node.


I'm seeing this exception sometimes. It's not stopping the job from
completing, it's just failing 3 or 4 reduce tasks and slowing things down:


Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space






Seems like it's clearly addressed here.


I've talked with AWS support and verified that the patch listed in that JIRA
issue has been applied to 1.0.3 on AWS. 


Any thoughts here?


RE: How to submit Tool jobs programatically in parallel?

2012-12-13 Thread David Parks
Can I do that with s3distcp / distcp?  The job is being configured in the
run() method of s3distcp (as it implements Tool).  So I think I can't use
this approach. I use this for the jobs I control of course, but the problem
is things like distcp where I don't control the configuration.





From: Manoj Babu [] 
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: How to submit Tool jobs programatically in parallel?




You try like below instead of runJob() you can try submitJob().


JobClient jc = new JobClient(job);






On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:09 AM, David Parks 

I'm submitting unrelated jobs programmatically (using AWS EMR) so they run
in parallel.

I'd like to run an s3distcp job in parallel as well, but the interface to
that job is a Tool, e.g.

ToolRunner blocks until the job completes though, so presumably I'd need to
create a thread pool to run these jobs in parallel.

But creating multiple threads to submit concurrent jobs via ToolRunner,
blocking on the jobs completion, just feels improper. Is there an


How to submit Tool jobs programatically in parallel?

2012-12-13 Thread David Parks
I'm submitting unrelated jobs programmatically (using AWS EMR) so they run
in parallel.

I'd like to run an s3distcp job in parallel as well, but the interface to
that job is a Tool, e.g.

ToolRunner blocks until the job completes though, so presumably I'd need to
create a thread pool to run these jobs in parallel.

But creating multiple threads to submit concurrent jobs via ToolRunner,
blocking on the jobs completion, just feels improper. Is there an

RE: Shuffle's getMapOutput() fails with EofException, followed by IllegalStateException

2012-12-13 Thread David Parks
If anyone follows this thread in the future, it turns out that I was being
lead astray by these errors, they weren't the cause of the problem. This was
the resolution:

I was messing with the filesystem directly and was leaving a connection to
it open which was hanging the map tasks (without error) that used that code.

-Original Message-
From: David Parks [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 11:23 AM
Subject: Shuffle's getMapOutput() fails with EofException, followed by

I'm having exactly this problem, and it's causing my job to fail when I try
to process a larger amount of data (I'm attempting to process 30GB of
compressed CSVs and the entire job fails every time).

This issues is open for it:

Anyone have any idea about a workaround for the problem? To my eyes Hadoop
is just crashing when I try to process a large job (v1.0.3 on Elastic
MapReduce). But this just seems crazy, there must be something I can do to
get things working.

The only difference between what is stated in that bug report and mine is
that some of my map tasks fail at the end, but I believe that is due to the
reduce tasks causing problems because the map tasks are just timing out
without much more information than that.

Description (copied from JIRA):
During the shuffle phase, I'm seeing a large sequence of the following
1) WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker:
getMapOutput(attempt_200905181452_0002_m_10_0,0) failed :
2) WARN org.mortbay.log: Committed before 410
getMapOutput(attempt_200905181452_0002_m_10_0,0) failed :
3) ERROR org.mortbay.log: /mapOutput java.lang.IllegalStateException:
The map phase completes with 100%, and then the reduce phase crawls along
with the above errors in each of the TaskTracker logs. None of the
tasktrackers get lost. When I run non-data jobs like the 'pi' test from the
example jar, everything works fine.

Shuffle's getMapOutput() fails with EofException, followed by IllegalStateException

2012-12-12 Thread David Parks
I'm having exactly this problem, and it's causing my job to fail when I try
to process a larger amount of data (I'm attempting to process 30GB of
compressed CSVs and the entire job fails every time).

This issues is open for it:

Anyone have any idea about a workaround for the problem? To my eyes Hadoop
is just crashing when I try to process a large job (v1.0.3 on Elastic
MapReduce). But this just seems crazy, there must be something I can do to
get things working.

The only difference between what is stated in that bug report and mine is
that some of my map tasks fail at the end, but I believe that is due to the
reduce tasks causing problems because the map tasks are just timing out
without much more information than that.

Description (copied from JIRA):
During the shuffle phase, I'm seeing a large sequence of the following
1) WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker:
getMapOutput(attempt_200905181452_0002_m_10_0,0) failed :
2) WARN org.mortbay.log: Committed before 410
getMapOutput(attempt_200905181452_0002_m_10_0,0) failed :
3) ERROR org.mortbay.log: /mapOutput java.lang.IllegalStateException:
The map phase completes with 100%, and then the reduce phase crawls along
with the above errors in each of the TaskTracker logs. None of the
tasktrackers get lost. When I run non-data jobs like the 'pi' test from the
example jar, everything works fine.

RE: Hadoop 101

2012-12-12 Thread David Parks
Nothing that I'm aware of for text files, I'd just use standard unix utils
to process it outside of Hadoop.

As to getting a reader from any of the Input Formats, here's the typical
example you'd follow to get the reader for a sequence file, you could
extrapolate the example to access whichever reader you're interested in.

-Original Message-
From: Pat Ferrel [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: Hadoop 101

Yeah I found the TextInputFormat and TextKeyValueInputFormat and I know how
to parse text--I'm just too lazy. I was hoping there was a Text equivalent
of a SequenceFile that was hidden somewhere. As I said there is no mapper,
this is running outside of hadoop M/R. So I at least need a line reader and
not sure how the InputFormat works outside a mapper. But who cares, parsing
is simple enough from scratch. All the TextKeyValueInputFormat gives me is
splitting at the tab afaict.

Actually this convinces me to look further into getting the values from
method calls. They aren't quite what I want to begin with. 

Thanks for saving me more fruitless searches.

On Dec 11, 2012, at 10:04 PM, David Parks  wrote:

You use TextInputFormat, you'll get the following key,
value pairs in your mapper:

file_position, your_input


Then just parse it out in your mapper.

-Original Message-
From: Pat Ferrel []
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 7:50 AM
Subject: Hadoop 101

Stupid question for the day.

I have a file created by a mahout job of the form:


If this were a SequenceFile I could read it and be merrily on my way but
it's a text file. The classes written are key, value pairs  but the file is tab delimited text. 

I was hoping to do something like:

SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, inputFile, conf);
Writable userId = new LongWritable(); VectorWritable recommendations = new
VectorWritable(); while (, recommendations)) {
//do something with each pair

But alas Google fails me. How do you read in key, values pairs from text
files outside of a map or reduce? 

RE: Map output copy failure

2012-12-11 Thread David Parks
I had the same problem yesterday, it sure does look to be dead on that
issue. I found another forum discussion on AWS that suggested more memory as
a stop-gap way to deal with it, or apply the patch. I checked the code on
hadoop 1.0.3 (the version on AWS) and it didn't have the fix, so it looks
like it's only in the newer builds. I actually have an AWS ticket opened for
it seeing if their engineers can offer any guidance as well.


My understanding is that it should be doing a shuffle on disk in this case,
it appeared to be just a small fix (a few lines) to apply the patch to






From: Manoj Babu [] 
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 8:09 PM
Subject: Reg: Map output copy failure


Hi All


I got the below exception, Is the issue related to ?


Am using CDH3U1

2012-12-10 06:22:39,688 FATAL org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task:
attempt_201211120903_9197_r_24_0 : Map output copy failure :
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space




RE: Hadoop Deployment usecases

2012-12-11 Thread David Parks
You're likely to find answers to your questions here, but you'll need
specific questions and some rudimentary subject matter knowledge. I'd
suggest starting off with a good book on Hadoop, you'll probably find a lot
of your questions are answered in a casual afternoon of reading. I was
pretty happy with O'Reilly's book "Hadoop the definitive guide". Manning is
another favorite of mine and they have "Hadoop in Action"





From: Henjarappa, Savitha [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 10:34 PM
Subject: Hadoop Deployment usecases




I am new to Hadoop. Would like to understand the deployment use cases of
Hadoop. Can I expect some info on this from this group? 




RE: Hadoop 101

2012-12-11 Thread David Parks
You use TextInputFormat, you'll get the following key,
value pairs in your mapper:

file_position, your_input


Then just parse it out in your mapper.

-Original Message-
From: Pat Ferrel [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 7:50 AM
Subject: Hadoop 101

Stupid question for the day.

I have a file created by a mahout job of the form:


If this were a SequenceFile I could read it and be merrily on my way but
it's a text file. The classes written are key, value pairs  but the file is tab delimited text. 

I was hoping to do something like:

SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, inputFile, conf);
Writable userId = new LongWritable(); VectorWritable recommendations = new
VectorWritable(); while (, recommendations)) {
//do something with each pair

But alas Google fails me. How do you read in key, values pairs from text
files outside of a map or reduce? 

Can we declare some HDFS nodes "primary"

2012-12-11 Thread David Parks
Assume for a moment that you have a large cluster of 500 AWS spot instance
servers running. And you want to keep the bid price low, so at some point
it's likely that the whole cluster will get axed until the spot price comes
down some.


In order to maintain HDFS continuity I'd want say 10 servers running as
normal instances, and I'd want to ensure that HDFS is replicating 100% of
data to those 10 that don't run the risk of group elimination.


Is it possible for HDFS to ensure replication to these "primary" nodes?


RE: When reduce function is used as combiner?

2012-12-11 Thread David Parks
The map task may use a combiner 0+ times. Basically that means (as far as I
understand), if the map output data is below some internal hadoop threshold,
it'll just send it to the reducer, if it's larger then it'll run it through
the combiner first. And at hadoops discretion, it may run the combiner more
than once on the same set of data if it deems it likely to be useful (the
algorithms which determine that are beyond my understanding).


Your second question, "Is there any maximum size.": Hadoop is, as I
understand, looking at the whole of the map output to determine if it should
run the combiner, not the individual keys/values.


"Values must be the same correct?", yes, your combiner keys must match the
mapper. If that's different from your reducer you'll need a separate
combiner class, which may, other than the output type, be the same business


Fourth question: The reduce phase will run only once, it's only the combiner
that may be run a variable number of times. The output of your reduce phase
goes straight to whatever filesystem you've defined for the output (i.e.
HDFS or S3 usually).




From: Majid Azimi [] 
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 9:02 PM
Subject: When reduce function is used as combiner?


Hi guys,

When reduce function is used as combiner? It is used as combiner when the
iterable passed to reduce function is large? correct?

Is there any maximum size for that iterable? I mean for example if that
iterable size is more than 1000 then reduce function will be called more
than once for that key.

another question is when reduce function is used as combiner the Input Key,
Value and output Key, Value must be the same. correct? If it is different
what will happen? exception thrown at runtime?

Forth question is: lets say iterable size is very large so hadoop will add
output of reduce to iterable and pass it to reduce again with other values
that have not been processed. The question is when hadoop will now that from
that point output of reduce function should be written to HDFS as a real
output? When there is no more value to put into that iterable? 

RE: Map tasks processing some files multiple times

2012-12-06 Thread David Parks
I'm using multiple inputs because I actually have another type of input with
a different mapper, a single, unrelated file, that I omitted from this
discussion for simplicity. The basic formula is: read in a single database
of existing items, read in a bunch of catalogs of items, then merge and toss
like a salad (in a few map/reduce steps that follow).



From: Hemanth Yamijala [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: Map tasks processing some files multiple times


Glad it helps. Could you also explain the reason for using MultipleInputs ?


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 2:59 PM, David Parks  wrote:

Figured it out, it is, as usual, with my code. I had wrapped TextInputFormat
to replace the LongWritable key with a key representing the file name. It
was a bit tricky to do because of changing the generics from  to  and I goofed up and mis-directed a call to
isSplittable, which was causing the issue.


It now works fine. Thanks very much for the response, it gave me pause to
think enough to work out what I had done.





From: Hemanth Yamijala [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 3:25 PM

Subject: Re: Map tasks processing some files multiple times




You are using FileNameTextInputFormat. This is not in Hadoop source, as far
as I can see. Can you please confirm where this is being used from ? It
seems like the isSplittable method of this input format may need checking.


Another thing, given you are adding the same input format for all files, do
you need MultipleInputs ?





On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 1:06 PM, David Parks  wrote:

I believe I just tracked down the problem, maybe you can help confirm if
you're familiar with this.


I see that FileInputFormat is specifying that gzip files (.gz extension)
from s3n filesystem are being reported as splittable, and I see that it's
creating multiple input splits for these files. I'm mapping the files
directly off S3:


   Path lsDir = new

   MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, lsDir,
FileNameTextInputFormat.class, LinkShareCatalogImportMapper.class);


I see in the map phase, based on my counters, that it's actually processing
the entire file (I set up a counter per file input). So the 2 files which
were processed twice had 2 splits (I now see that in some debug logs I
created), and the 1 file that was processed 3 times had 3 splits (the rest
were smaller and were only assigned one split by default anyway).


Am I wrong in expecting all files on the s3n filesystem to come through as
not-splittable? This seems to be a bug in hadoop code if I'm right.





From: Raj Vishwanathan [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: Map tasks processing some files multiple times


Could it be due to spec-ex? Does it make a diffrerence in the end?





From: David Parks 
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 10:15 PM
Subject: Map tasks processing some files multiple times


I've got a job that reads in 167 files from S3, but 2 of the files are being
mapped twice and 1 of the files is mapped 3 times.


This is the code I use to set up the mapper:


   Path lsDir = new

   for(FileStatus f : lsDir.getFileSystem(getConf()).globStatus(lsDir))"Identified linkshare catalog: " + f.getPath().toString());

   if( lsDir.getFileSystem(getConf()).globStatus(lsDir).length > 0 ){

  MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, lsDir,
FileNameTextInputFormat.class, LinkShareCatalogImportMapper.class);



I can see from the logs that it sees only 1 copy of each of these files, and
correctly identifies 167 files.


I also have the following confirmation that it found the 167 files


2012-12-06 04:56:41,213 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat (main): Total input
paths to process : 167


When I look through the syslogs I can see that the file in question was
opened by two different map attempts:


yslog:2012-12-06 03:56:05,265 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem (main): Opening
rse~85.csv.gz' for reading

yslog:2012-12-06 03:53:18,765 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem (main): Opening
rse~85.csv.gz' for reading


This is only happening to thes

RE: Map tasks processing some files multiple times

2012-12-06 Thread David Parks
Figured it out, it is, as usual, with my code. I had wrapped TextInputFormat
to replace the LongWritable key with a key representing the file name. It
was a bit tricky to do because of changing the generics from  to  and I goofed up and mis-directed a call to
isSplittable, which was causing the issue.


It now works fine. Thanks very much for the response, it gave me pause to
think enough to work out what I had done.





From: Hemanth Yamijala [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Map tasks processing some files multiple times




You are using FileNameTextInputFormat. This is not in Hadoop source, as far
as I can see. Can you please confirm where this is being used from ? It
seems like the isSplittable method of this input format may need checking.


Another thing, given you are adding the same input format for all files, do
you need MultipleInputs ?





On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 1:06 PM, David Parks  wrote:

I believe I just tracked down the problem, maybe you can help confirm if
you're familiar with this.


I see that FileInputFormat is specifying that gzip files (.gz extension)
from s3n filesystem are being reported as splittable, and I see that it's
creating multiple input splits for these files. I'm mapping the files
directly off S3:


   Path lsDir = new

   MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, lsDir,
FileNameTextInputFormat.class, LinkShareCatalogImportMapper.class);


I see in the map phase, based on my counters, that it's actually processing
the entire file (I set up a counter per file input). So the 2 files which
were processed twice had 2 splits (I now see that in some debug logs I
created), and the 1 file that was processed 3 times had 3 splits (the rest
were smaller and were only assigned one split by default anyway).


Am I wrong in expecting all files on the s3n filesystem to come through as
not-splittable? This seems to be a bug in hadoop code if I'm right.





From: Raj Vishwanathan [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: Map tasks processing some files multiple times


Could it be due to spec-ex? Does it make a diffrerence in the end?





From: David Parks 
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 10:15 PM
Subject: Map tasks processing some files multiple times


I've got a job that reads in 167 files from S3, but 2 of the files are being
mapped twice and 1 of the files is mapped 3 times.


This is the code I use to set up the mapper:


   Path lsDir = new

   for(FileStatus f : lsDir.getFileSystem(getConf()).globStatus(lsDir))"Identified linkshare catalog: " + f.getPath().toString());

   if( lsDir.getFileSystem(getConf()).globStatus(lsDir).length > 0 ){

  MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, lsDir,
FileNameTextInputFormat.class, LinkShareCatalogImportMapper.class);



I can see from the logs that it sees only 1 copy of each of these files, and
correctly identifies 167 files.


I also have the following confirmation that it found the 167 files


2012-12-06 04:56:41,213 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat (main): Total input
paths to process : 167


When I look through the syslogs I can see that the file in question was
opened by two different map attempts:


yslog:2012-12-06 03:56:05,265 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem (main): Opening
rse~85.csv.gz' for reading

yslog:2012-12-06 03:53:18,765 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem (main): Opening
rse~85.csv.gz' for reading


This is only happening to these 3 files, all others seem to be fine. For the
life of me I can't see a reason why these files might be processed multiple


Notably, map attempt 173 is more map attempts than should be possible. There
are 167 input files (from S3, gzipped), thus there should be 167 map
attempts. But I see a total of 176 map tasks.


Any thoughts/ideas/guesses?




RE: Map tasks processing some files multiple times

2012-12-05 Thread David Parks
I believe I just tracked down the problem, maybe you can help confirm if you’re 
familiar with this.


I see that FileInputFormat is specifying that gzip files (.gz extension) from 
s3n filesystem are being reported as splittable, and I see that it’s creating 
multiple input splits for these files. I’m mapping the files directly off S3:


   Path lsDir = new 

   MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, lsDir, FileNameTextInputFormat.class, 


I see in the map phase, based on my counters, that it’s actually processing the 
entire file (I set up a counter per file input). So the 2 files which were 
processed twice had 2 splits (I now see that in some debug logs I created), and 
the 1 file that was processed 3 times had 3 splits (the rest were smaller and 
were only assigned one split by default anyway).


Am I wrong in expecting all files on the s3n filesystem to come through as 
not-splittable? This seems to be a bug in hadoop code if I’m right.





From: Raj Vishwanathan [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: Map tasks processing some files multiple times


Could it be due to spec-ex? Does it make a diffrerence in the end?





From: David Parks 
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 10:15 PM
Subject: Map tasks processing some files multiple times


I’ve got a job that reads in 167 files from S3, but 2 of the files are being 
mapped twice and 1 of the files is mapped 3 times.


This is the code I use to set up the mapper:


   Path lsDir = new 

   for(FileStatus f : lsDir.getFileSystem(getConf()).globStatus(lsDir))"Identified linkshare catalog: " + f.getPath().toString());

   if( lsDir.getFileSystem(getConf()).globStatus(lsDir).length > 0 ){

  MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, lsDir, 
FileNameTextInputFormat.class, LinkShareCatalogImportMapper.class);



I can see from the logs that it sees only 1 copy of each of these files, and 
correctly identifies 167 files.


I also have the following confirmation that it found the 167 files correctly:


2012-12-06 04:56:41,213 INFO 
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat (main): Total input paths 
to process : 167


When I look through the syslogs I can see that the file in question was opened 
by two different map attempts:


 03:56:05,265 INFO org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem (main): 
 for reading

 03:53:18,765 INFO org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem (main): 
 for reading


This is only happening to these 3 files, all others seem to be fine. For the 
life of me I can’t see a reason why these files might be processed multiple 


Notably, map attempt 173 is more map attempts than should be possible. There 
are 167 input files (from S3, gzipped), thus there should be 167 map attempts. 
But I see a total of 176 map tasks.


Any thoughts/ideas/guesses?



Map tasks processing some files multiple times

2012-12-05 Thread David Parks
I've got a job that reads in 167 files from S3, but 2 of the files are being
mapped twice and 1 of the files is mapped 3 times.


This is the code I use to set up the mapper:


   Path lsDir = new

   for(FileStatus f : lsDir.getFileSystem(getConf()).globStatus(lsDir))"Identified linkshare catalog: " + f.getPath().toString());

   if( lsDir.getFileSystem(getConf()).globStatus(lsDir).length > 0 ){

  MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, lsDir,
FileNameTextInputFormat.class, LinkShareCatalogImportMapper.class);



I can see from the logs that it sees only 1 copy of each of these files, and
correctly identifies 167 files.


I also have the following confirmation that it found the 167 files


2012-12-06 04:56:41,213 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat (main): Total input
paths to process : 167


When I look through the syslogs I can see that the file in question was
opened by two different map attempts:


yslog:2012-12-06 03:56:05,265 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem (main): Opening
rse~85.csv.gz' for reading

yslog:2012-12-06 03:53:18,765 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem (main): Opening
rse~85.csv.gz' for reading


This is only happening to these 3 files, all others seem to be fine. For the
life of me I can't see a reason why these files might be processed multiple


Notably, map attempt 173 is more map attempts than should be possible. There
are 167 input files (from S3, gzipped), thus there should be 167 map
attempts. But I see a total of 176 map tasks.


Any thoughts/ideas/guesses?


RE: Question on Key Grouping

2012-12-04 Thread David Parks
First rule to be wary of is your use of the combiner. The combiner *might*
be run, it *might not* be run, and it *might be run multiple times*. The
combiner is only for reducing the amount of data going to the reducer, and
it will only be run *if and when* it's deemed likely to be useful by Hadoop.
Don't use it for logic.


Although I didn't quite follow your example (it's not clear what your keys
and values are), I think what you need to do is just run 2 map/reduce phases
here. The first map/reduce phase groups the first set of keys you need, then
reduce, write it to disk (hdfs probably), and run a 2nd map/reduce phase
that reads that input and does the mapping you need. Most even modestly
complex applications are going through multiple map/reduce phases to
accomplish their task. If you need 2 map phases, then the first reduce phase
might just be the identity reducer (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer),
which just writes the results of the first map phase straight out.





From: Joey Krabacher [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 6:37 AM
Subject: Question on Key Grouping


Is there a way to group Keys a second time before sending results to the
Reducer in the same job? I thought maybe a combiner would do this for me,
but it just acts like a reducer, so I need an intermediate step that acts
like another mapper instead.


To try to visualize this, how I want it to work:


Map output:


<1, [{2, "John",""},{1, "",""},{1, "", "Doe"}]>


Combiner Output:


<1, [{1, "John",""},{1, "",""},{1, "", "Doe"}]>


Reduce Output:


<1, "John","Doe">



How it currently works:


Map output:


<1, [{2, "John",""},{1, "",""},{1, "", "Doe"}]>


Combiner Output:


<1, {1, "John",""}>

<1, {1, "",""}>

<1, {1, "", "Doe"}>


Reduce Output:


<1, "John","Doe">

<1, "John","Doe">

<1, "John","Doe">



So, basically the issue is that even though the 2 in the first map record
should really be a one, I still need to extract the value of "John" and have
it included in the output for key 1.


Hope this makes sense.


Thanks in advance,

/* Joey */

RE: [Bulk] Re: Failed To Start SecondaryNameNode in Secure Mode

2012-12-04 Thread David Parks
I'm curious about profiling, I see some documentation about it (1.0.3 on
AWS), but the references to JobConf seem to be for the "old api" and I've
got everything running on the "new api".


I've got a job to handle processing of about 30GB of compressed CSVs and
it's taking over a day with 3 m1.medium boxes, more than I expected, so I'd
like to see where the time is being spent.


I've never set up any kind of profiling, so I don't really know what to
expect here.


Any pointers to help me set up what's suggested here? Am I correct in
understanding that this doc is a little outdated?

Moving files

2012-11-24 Thread David Parks
I want to move a file in HDFS after a job using the Java API, I'm trying
this command but I always get false (could not rename):

Path from = new
Path to = new Path("hdfs://localhost/output/itemtable-r-1");
boolean wasCopied = from.getFileSystem(getConf()).rename(from, to);

All I want to do is copy some files from HDFS to S3 at the end of my job,
but DistCp copies a whole directory, so I think I need to move the files
around to prepare them for DistCp's directory->directory copy.

XMLOutputFormat, anything in the works?

2012-11-19 Thread David Parks
Is there an XMLOutputFormat in existence somewhere? I need to output Solr
XML change docs, I'm betting I'm not the first.


RE: Cluster wide atomic operations

2012-10-28 Thread David Parks
That's a very helpful discussion. Thank you.


I'd like to go with assigning blocks of IDs for each reducer. Snowflake
would require external changes that are a pain, I'd rather make my job fit
our current constraints.


Is there a way to get an index number for each reducer such that I could
identify which block of IDs to assign each one?






From: Ted Dunning [] 
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: Cluster wide atomic operations



On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 9:15 PM, David Parks  wrote:

I need a unique & permanent ID assigned to new item encountered, which has a
constraint that it is in the range of, let's say for simple discussion, one
to one million.


Having such a limited range may require that you have a central service to
generate ID's.  The use of a central service can be disastrous for


 I suppose I could assign a range of usable IDs to each reduce task (where
ID's are assigned) and keep those organized somehow at the end of the job,
but this seems clunky too.


Yes.  Much better. 


 Since this is on AWS, zookeeper is not a good option. I thought it was part
of the hadoop cluster (and thus easy to access), but guess I was wrong


No.  This is specifically not part of Hadoop for performance reasons.


 I would think that such a service would run most logically on the
taskmaster server. I'm surprised this isn't a common issue. I guess I could
launch a separate job that runs such a sequence service perhaps. But that's
non trivial its self with failure concerns.


The problem is that a serial number service is a major loss of performance
in a parallel system.  Unless you relax the idea considerably (by allowing
blocks, or having lots of bits like Snowflake), then you wind up with a
round-trip per id and you have a critical section on the ID generator.  This
is bad.


Look up Amdahl's Law.


 Perhaps there's just a better way of thinking of this?


Yes.  Use lots of bits and be satisfied with uniqueness rather than perfect
ordering and limited range.


As the other respondent said, look up Snowflake.



RE: Cluster wide atomic operations

2012-10-28 Thread David Parks
I need a unique & permanent ID assigned to new item encountered, which has a
constraint that it is in the range of, let's say for simple discussion, one
to one million.


I suppose I could assign a range of usable IDs to each reduce task (where
ID's are assigned) and keep those organized somehow at the end of the job,
but this seems clunky too.


Since this is on AWS, zookeeper is not a good option. I thought it was part
of the hadoop cluster (and thus easy to access), but guess I was wrong


I would think that such a service would run most logically on the taskmaster
server. I'm surprised this isn't a common issue. I guess I could launch a
separate job that runs such a sequence service perhaps. But that's non
trivial its self with failure concerns. 


Perhaps there's just a better way of thinking of this?



From: Ted Dunning [] 
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2012 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: Cluster wide atomic operations


This is better asked on the Zookeeper lists.


The first answer is that global atomic operations are a generally bad idea.


The second answer is that if you an batch these operations up then you can
cut the evilness of global atomicity by a substantial factor.


Are you sure you need a global counter?

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 11:07 PM, David Parks 

How can we manage cluster-wide atomic operations? Such as maintaining an
auto-increment counter.

Does Hadoop provide native support for these kinds of operations?

An in case ultimate answer involves zookeeper, I'd love to work out doing
this in AWS/EMR.


Cluster wide atomic operations

2012-10-26 Thread David Parks
How can we manage cluster-wide atomic operations? Such as maintaining an
auto-increment counter.

Does Hadoop provide native support for these kinds of operations?

An in case ultimate answer involves zookeeper, I'd love to work out doing
this in AWS/EMR.

MultipleOutputs directed to two different locations

2012-10-25 Thread David Parks
I've got MultipleOutputs configured to generate 2 named outputs. I'd like to
send one to s3n:// and one to hdfs://

Is this possible?  One is a final summary report, the other is input to the
next job.


RE: How do map tasks get assigned efficiently?

2012-10-24 Thread David Parks
So the thing that just doesn't click for me yet is this:


On a typical computer, if I try to read two huge files off disk
simultaneously it'll just kill the disk performance. This seems like a risk.


What's preventing such disk contention in Hadoop?  Is HDFS smart enough to
serialize major disk access?



From: Michael Segel [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: How do map tasks get assigned efficiently?




Data locality only works when you actually have data on the cluster itself.
Otherwise how can the data be local. 


Assuming 3X replication, and you're not doing a custom split and your input
file is splittable...


You will split along the block delineation.  So if your input file has 5
blocks, you will have 5 mappers.


Since there are 3 copies of the block, its possible that for that map task
to run on the DN which has a copy of that block. 


So its pretty straight forward to a point. 


When your cluster starts to get a lot of jobs and a slot opens up, your job
may not be data local. 


With HBase... YMMV 

With S3 the data isn't local so it doesn't matter which Data Node gets the






On Oct 24, 2012, at 1:10 AM, David Parks  wrote:

Even after reading O'reillys book on hadoop I don't feel like I have a clear
vision of how the map tasks get assigned.


They depend on splits right?


But I have 3 jobs running. And splits will come from various sources: HDFS,
S3, and slow HTTP sources.


So I've got some concern as to how the map tasks will be distributed to
handle the data acquisition.


Can I do anything to ensure that I don't let the cluster go idle processing
slow HTTP downloads when the boxes could simultaneously be doing HTTP
downloads for one job and reading large files off HDFS for another job?


I'm imagining a scenario where the only map tasks that are running are all
blocking on splits requiring HTTP downloads and the splits coming from HDFS
are all queuing up behind it, when they'd run more efficiently in parallel
per node.




How do map tasks get assigned efficiently?

2012-10-23 Thread David Parks
Even after reading O'reillys book on hadoop I don't feel like I have a clear
vision of how the map tasks get assigned.


They depend on splits right?


But I have 3 jobs running. And splits will come from various sources: HDFS,
S3, and slow HTTP sources.


So I've got some concern as to how the map tasks will be distributed to
handle the data acquisition.


Can I do anything to ensure that I don't let the cluster go idle processing
slow HTTP downloads when the boxes could simultaneously be doing HTTP
downloads for one job and reading large files off HDFS for another job?


I'm imagining a scenario where the only map tasks that are running are all
blocking on splits requiring HTTP downloads and the splits coming from HDFS
are all queuing up behind it, when they'd run more efficiently in parallel
per node.



RE: Large input files via HTTP

2012-10-23 Thread David Parks
I might very well be overthinking this. But I have a cluster I’m firing up
on EC2 that I want to keep utilized. I have some other unrelated jobs that
don’t need to wait  for the downloads, so I don’t want to fill all the map
slots with long downloads. I’d rather the other jobs run in parallel while
the downloads are happening.



From: [] On Behalf Of
Seetharam Venkatesh
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: Large input files via HTTP


Well, it depends. :-)  If the XML cannot be split, then you'd end up with
only one map task for the entire set of files. I think it'd make sense to
have multiple splits so you can get en even spread of copy across maps,
retry only the failed copy and not manage the scheduling of the downloads.


Look at DistCp for some intelligent splitting. 


What are the constraints that you are working with? 

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 5:59 PM, David Parks  wrote:

Would it make sense to write a map job that takes an unsplittable XML file
(which defines all of the files I need to download); that one map job then
kicks off the downloads in multiple threads. This way I can easily manage
the most efficient download pattern within the map job, and my output is
emitted as key,values straight to the reducer step?



From: [] On Behalf Of
Seetharam Venkatesh
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: Large input files via HTTP


One possible way is to first create a list of files with tuples. Then use a map-only job to pull each file using NLineInputFormat.


Another way is to write a HttpInputFormat and HttpRecordReader and stream
the data in a map-only job.

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 1:54 AM, David Parks  wrote:

I want to create a MapReduce job which reads many multi-gigabyte input files
from various HTTP sources & processes them nightly.

Is there a reasonably flexible way to acquire the files in the Hadoop job
its self? I expect the initial downloads to take many hours and I'd hope I
can optimize the # of connections (example: I'm limited to 5 connections to
one host, whereas another host has a 3-connection limit, so maximize as much
as possible).  Also the set of files to download will change a little over
time so the input list should be easily configurable (in a config file or

 - Is it normal to perform batch downloads like this *before* running the
mapreduce job?
 - Or is it ok to include such steps in with the job?
 - It seems handy to keep the whole process as one neat package in Hadoop if
 - What class should I implement if I wanted to manage this myself? Would I
just extend TextInputFormat for example, and do the HTTP processing there?
Or am I created a FileSystem?





“Perfection (in design) is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
but rather when there is nothing more to take away.” 

- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry



RE: Large input files via HTTP

2012-10-22 Thread David Parks
Would it make sense to write a map job that takes an unsplittable XML file
(which defines all of the files I need to download); that one map job then
kicks off the downloads in multiple threads. This way I can easily manage
the most efficient download pattern within the map job, and my output is
emitted as key,values straight to the reducer step?



From: [] On Behalf Of
Seetharam Venkatesh
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: Large input files via HTTP


One possible way is to first create a list of files with tuples. Then use a map-only job to pull each file using NLineInputFormat.


Another way is to write a HttpInputFormat and HttpRecordReader and stream
the data in a map-only job.

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 1:54 AM, David Parks  wrote:

I want to create a MapReduce job which reads many multi-gigabyte input files
from various HTTP sources & processes them nightly.

Is there a reasonably flexible way to acquire the files in the Hadoop job
its self? I expect the initial downloads to take many hours and I'd hope I
can optimize the # of connections (example: I'm limited to 5 connections to
one host, whereas another host has a 3-connection limit, so maximize as much
as possible).  Also the set of files to download will change a little over
time so the input list should be easily configurable (in a config file or

 - Is it normal to perform batch downloads like this *before* running the
mapreduce job?
 - Or is it ok to include such steps in with the job?
 - It seems handy to keep the whole process as one neat package in Hadoop if
 - What class should I implement if I wanted to manage this myself? Would I
just extend TextInputFormat for example, and do the HTTP processing there?
Or am I created a FileSystem?





“Perfection (in design) is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
but rather when there is nothing more to take away.” 

- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Large input files via HTTP

2012-10-22 Thread David Parks
I want to create a MapReduce job which reads many multi-gigabyte input files
from various HTTP sources & processes them nightly.
Is there a reasonably flexible way to acquire the files in the Hadoop job
its self? I expect the initial downloads to take many hours and I'd hope I
can optimize the # of connections (example: I'm limited to 5 connections to
one host, whereas another host has a 3-connection limit, so maximize as much
as possible).  Also the set of files to download will change a little over
time so the input list should be easily configurable (in a config file or
 - Is it normal to perform batch downloads like this *before* running the
mapreduce job? 
 - Or is it ok to include such steps in with the job? 
 - It seems handy to keep the whole process as one neat package in Hadoop if
 - What class should I implement if I wanted to manage this myself? Would I
just extend TextInputFormat for example, and do the HTTP processing there?
Or am I created a FileSystem?


Large input files via HTTP

2012-10-22 Thread David Parks
I want to create a MapReduce job which reads many multi-gigabyte input files
from various HTTP sources & processes them nightly.

Is there a reasonably flexible way to do this in the Hadoop job its self? I
expect the initial downloads to take many hours and I'd hope I can optimize
the # of connections (example: I'm limited to 5 connections to one host,
whereas another host has a 3-connection limit, so maximize as much as
possible).  Also the set of files to download will change a little over time
so the input list should be easily configurable (in a config file or

Is it normal to perform batch downloads like this before running the
mapreduce job? Or is it ok to include such steps in with the job? It seems
handy to keep the whole process as one neat package in Hadoop if possible.