Re: IpFinder with domain

2020-08-18 Thread kay
Thank you so much!
I change the L4 port and It worked well.!

Sent from:

Re: Ignite Queue (Documentation or Code defect)?

2020-08-18 Thread Stephen Darlington
It’s a good catch, but I think this is one of the developer mailing list.

I see the same behaviour. Arguably it’s consistent with the Ignite#cache() 
which returns null if the cache doesn’t exist.


> On 18 Aug 2020, at 15:29, Humphrey  wrote:
> Hope someone pics this up. That the code is not behaving as the documentation
> is saying.
> (Not throwing exception when queue can not be fetched).
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Lost node again.

2020-08-18 Thread John Smith
I don't see why we would get such a huge pause, in fact I have provided GC
logs before and we found nothing...

All operations are in the "big" partitioned 3 million cache are put or get
and a query on another cache which has 450 entries. There no other caches.

The nodes all have 6G off heap and 26G off heap.

I think it can be IO related but I can't seem to be able to correlate it to
IO. I saw some heavy IO usage but the node failed way after.

Now my question is should I put the failure detection to 60s just for the
sake of trying it? Isn't that too high? If i put the servers to 60s how how
high should I put the clients?

On Tue., Aug. 18, 2020, 7:32 a.m. Ilya Kasnacheev, <> wrote:

> Hello!
> [13:39:53,242][WARNING][jvm-pause-detector-worker][IgniteKernal%company]
> Possible too long JVM pause: 41779 milliseconds.
> It seems that you have too-long full GC. Either make sure it does not
> happen, or increase failureDetectionTimeout to be longer than any expected
> GC.
> Regards,
> --
> Ilya Kasnacheev
> пн, 17 авг. 2020 г. в 17:51, John Smith :
>> Hi guys it seems every couple of weeks we lose a node... Here are the
>> logs:
>> And some extra details. Maybe I need to do more tuning then what is
>> already mentioned below, maybe set a higher timeout?
>> 3 server nodes and 9 clients (client = true)
>> Performance wise the cluster is not doing any kind of high volume on
>> average it does about 15-20 puts/gets/queries (any combination of) per
>> 30-60 seconds.
>> The biggest cache we have is: 3 million records distributed with 1 backup
>> using the following template.
>>   > class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration">
>> Persistence is configured:
>> > class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration">
>> > class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
>> We also followed the tuning instructions for GC and I/O
>> if [ -z "$JVM_OPTS" ] ; then
>> JVM_OPTS="-Xms6g -Xmx6g -server -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m"
>> fi
>> #
>> # Uncomment the following GC settings if you see spikes in your
>> throughput due to Garbage Collection.
>> #
>> JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch
>> -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC"
>> sysctl -w vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs=500 sysctl -w vm
>> .dirty_expire_centisecs=500

Re: Service request distribution not happening if initiated through server node

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

I guess what you are trying to say is that Ignite will prefer local service
deployment instead of distributing requests to all distributed nodes.

This is highlighted in its documentation:

 * Gets a remote handle on the service. If service is available locally,
 * then local instance is returned, otherwise, a remote proxy is dynamically
 * created and provided for the specified service.

I guess you can try using server

Ilya Kasnacheev

пт, 14 авг. 2020 г. в 02:44, satyan :

> Hi, I am new to ignite. I have a requirement and I don't know how to
> achieve
> it through Ignite.
> My usecase:
> Suppose if I have 3 servers, one among them will act as a leader and will
> co-ordinate all the internal service requests.
> The requests should get executed either in the same server(leader) or any
> other servers.
> For this I have embedded a Ignite leader node through service proxy
> instance, all the requests are getting executed in the same server itself,
> distribution is not happening.
> But If I create a client & a server node instance in t server node instance
> in all the 3 servers and have formed a cluster.
> If I execute the service requests from the leader node and then execute the
> service requests through the client, the requests are getting distributed
> across other nodes.
> Is this client node instance required for service distribution to happen?
> Please help.
> _
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Ignite partitioned

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

Yes, this looks OK.

Do you have persistence? If so, can you please also show your baseline
topology? You can get it from log or via utility.

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 18 авг. 2020 г. в 14:05, itsmeravikiran.c :

> My topology snap shot:
> [06:46:33,961][INFO][disco-event-worker-#44][GridDiscoveryManager] Topology
> snapshot [ver=27, locNode=, servers=2, clients=17, state=ACTIVE,
> CPUs=32, offheap=90.0GB, heap=160.0GB]
> How should we know, is it formed cluster or not.
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Ignite Queue (Documentation or Code defect)?

2020-08-18 Thread Humphrey
Hope someone pics this up. That the code is not behaving as the documentation
is saying.
(Not throwing exception when queue can not be fetched).

Sent from:

Re: Size of Data(Keys) are doubled when using CACHE in REPLICATED mode

2020-08-18 Thread Ali Bagewadi

We get the size with below code.

IgniteConfiguration cfg;
cfg.springCfgPath = std::string("/home/dsudev/DataBaseConfig.xml");

/* Start a node to access DataBase */
Ignite node = Ignition::Start(cfg);

/* Get cache instance */
mCache = node.GetOrCreateCache(CACHE_NAME);

   /*Get size*/
   mcache.size(); >This gives us the size or no of records.

   Thank you,

Sent from:

Re: Ignite Queue

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

I think that "could not be fetched or created" hints that some error should
happen to get an exception.

Returning null if an object does not exist is a common pattern in Ignite
API so I suspect this is what is the norm here.

Maybe I'm missing something?

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 18 авг. 2020 г. в 00:22, Humphrey :

> According to the documentation (java doc) of ignite.queue():
> Will get a named queue from cache and create one if it has not been created
> yet and cfg is not null. If queue is present already, queue properties will
> not be changed. Use collocation for CacheMode.PARTITIONED caches if you
> have
> lots of relatively small queues as it will make fetching, querying, and
> iteration a lot faster. If you have few very large queues, then you should
> consider turning off collocation as they simply may not fit in a single
> node's memory.
> Params:
> name – Name of queue.
> cap – Capacity of queue, 0 for unbounded queue. Ignored if cfg is null.
> cfg – Queue configuration if new queue should be created.
> Returns:
> Queue with given properties.
> Throws:
> org.apache.ignite.IgniteException – If queue could not be fetched or
> created.
> But when getting an non existing queue without QueueConfiguration the queue
> is null and no exception is thrown.
> Documentation should say that it returns a Queue or Null, but it doesn't.
> It
> says that it will throw an exception if the queue could not be fetched or
> created, but it doesn't. It just returns null.
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Ignite C# client does not report correct node ID after reconnection

2020-08-18 Thread Raymond Wilson
Thanks Pavel.

Fortunately we may have a work around by defining a separate immutable ID
as an attribute and querying that to create the projection so hopefully it
is not a blocker for us.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 9:28 PM Pavel Tupitsyn  wrote:

> Raymond, thank you for this bug report.
> I've filed a ticket [1].
> I'll see if that's possible to squeeze the fix into the 2.9 release,
> otherwise you can expect it in 2.10. Will keep you posted.
> [1]
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 10:02 AM Raymond Wilson <
>> wrote:
>> I have discovered a bug in the Ignite 2.8.1 C# client related to the node
>> id reported by IIgnite.GetCluster().GetLocalNode().Id
>> When a client is started and GetCluster() is called, the client retrieves
>> and stores a copy of the local node returned from GetNodes(). This cached
>> local node contains the node id:
>> /**  */
>> public IClusterNode GetLocalNode()
>> {
>> return _locNode ?? (_locNode =
>>GetNodes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsLocal) ??
>>ForDaemons().GetNodes().FirstOrDefault(x =>
>> x.IsLocal));
>> }
>> If the client node needs to reconnect with the grid due to failure or
>> restart of other nodes in the grid then the client establishes a new client
>> ID when it reconnects. This new ID is not reflected in the cached local
>> node. If this ID is later relied on, for example in our case,  to determine
>> a node in the grid topology as a part of a query process, then the result
>> will be an empty topology projection.
>> As the local client id is never changed once set then the only mitigation
>> at present is to kill client nodes once they enter this state.
>> There is quite a bit of other state present in that cached local node
>> that may be at risk of being inconsistent if the underlying grid
>> information changes.
>> Thanks,
>> Raymond.
>> --
>> Raymond Wilson
>> Solution Architect, Civil Construction Software Systems (CCSS)
>> 11 Birmingham Drive | Christchurch, New Zealand
>> +64-21-2013317 Mobile


Raymond Wilson
Solution Architect, Civil Construction Software Systems (CCSS)
11 Birmingham Drive | Christchurch, New Zealand
+64-21-2013317 Mobile

Re: Operation block on Cluster recovery/rebalance.

2020-08-18 Thread John Smith
Hi Denis, for everyones reference:

On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 at 14:28, Denis Magda  wrote:

> But on client reconnect, doesn't it mean it will still block until the
>> cluster is active even if I get new IgniteCache instance?
> No, the client will be getting an exception on an attempt to get an
> IgniteCache instance.
> -
> Denis
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 4:14 PM John Smith  wrote:
>> Yeah I can maybe use vertx event bus or something to do this... But now I
>> have to tie the ignite instance to the IgniteCahe repository I wrote.
>> But on client reconnect, doesn't it mean it will still block until the
>> cluster is active even if I get new IgniteCache instance?
>> On Fri, 14 Aug 2020 at 18:22, Denis Magda  wrote:
>>> @Evgenii Zhuravlev , @Ilya Kasnacheev
>>> , any thoughts on this?
>>> As a dirty workaround, you can update your cache references on client
>>> reconnect events. You will be getting an exception by calling
>>> ignite.cache(cacheName) in the time when the cluster is not activated yet.
>>> Does this work for you?
>>> -
>>> Denis
>>> On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 3:12 PM John Smith 
>>> wrote:
 Is there any work around? I can't have an HTTP server block on all

 1- I need to figure out why I lose a server nodes every few weeks,
 which when rebooting the nodes cause the inactive state until they are

 2- Implement some kind of logic on the client side not to block the
 HTTP part...

 Can IgniteCache instance be notified of disconnected events so I can
 maybe tell the repository class I have to set a flag to skip the operation?

 On Fri., Aug. 14, 2020, 5:17 p.m. Denis Magda, 

> My guess that it's standard behavior for all operations (SQL,
> key-value, compute, etc.). But I'll let the maintainers of those modules
> clarify.
> -
> Denis
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 1:44 PM John Smith 
> wrote:
>> Hi Denis, so to understand it's all operations or just the query?
>> On Fri., Aug. 14, 2020, 12:53 p.m. Denis Magda, 
>> wrote:
>>> John,
>>> Ok, we nailed it. That's the current expected behavior. Generally, I
>>> agree with you that the platform should support an option when 
>>> operations
>>> fail if the cluster is deactivated. Could you propose the change by
>>> starting a discussion on the dev list? You can refer to this user list
>>> discussion for reference. Let me know if you need help with this.
>>> -
>>> Denis
>>> On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 5:55 PM John Smith 
>>> wrote:
 No I, reuse the instance. The cache instance is created once at
 startup of the application and I pass it to my "repository" class

 public abstract class AbstractIgniteRepository implements 
 CacheRepository {
 public final long DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT = 2000;

 private Vertx vertx;
 private IgniteCache cache;

 AbstractIgniteRepository(Vertx vertx, IgniteCache cache) {
 this.vertx = vertx;
 this.cache = cache;


 Future> query(final String sql, final long 
 timeoutMs, final Object... args) {
 final Promise> promise = Promise.promise();

 vertx.setTimer(timeoutMs, l -> {
 promise.tryFail(new TimeoutException("Cache operation did 
 not complete within: " + timeoutMs + " Ms.")); // THIS FIRE IF THE 

 vertx.>executeBlocking(code -> {
 SqlFieldsQuery query = new 
 query.setTimeout((int) timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

 try (QueryCursor> cursor = cache.query(query)) { 
 // <--- BLOCKS HERE.
 List rows = new ArrayList<>();
 Iterator> iterator = cursor.iterator();

 while(iterator.hasNext()) {
 List currentRow =;
 JsonArray row = new JsonArray();

 currentRow.forEach(o -> row.add(o));


 } catch(Exception ex) {;
 }, result -> {
 if(result.succeeded()) {
 } else {

Re: Ignite partitioned

2020-08-18 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Could you please help with this. 

Sent from:

Re: IpFinder with domain

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

1) Yes, we do not support ports < 1024 since you need to be root to occupy
these, which we do not want to suggest.
2) The default port for thin client is 10800.
3) That's the one you should pass to your LB and clients.
4) Make sure you are using a TCP load balancer and not an HTTP load
balancer. In the latter case you can only access via REST.

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 18 авг. 2020 г. в 09:26, kay :

> Hello!
> I use java thin client and put 80 port at clientConfiguration.
> ex) ClientConfiguration.setAddresses("");
> but I got a Exception.
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Ignite client port 80 is out
> of valid ports range 1024...49151.
> Do I have to change port for L4?? like ''?
> I think '' is not an Ignite server node(its L4), but thin
> client recognizes it for Server Node.
> I'll try to change the port but I wanna sure for use L4 possibility..
> I'll wating for reply!
> Thank you so much!
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Size of Data(Keys) are doubled when using CACHE in REPLICATED mode

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

How do you calculate the "size of the data"?

Ilya Kasnacheev

пт, 14 авг. 2020 г. в 09:06, Ali Bagewadi :

> Hello,
> 1-I have two servers one on local and other on remote host.
> Both nodes are added to Baseline Topology.
> 2-I have started the cache in replicated mode on both the server nodes.
> The data is replicated on both nodes properly however when both nodes are
> running the size of data in node shown is doubled.
> e.g If we add one key to local node and one key to remote node
> expectations: Size of data in node should be 2 when both servers are
> running
> actual: Size of data in node shows 4.
> Please suggest if my understanding is correct for REPLICATED mode.
> Below are the config files:
> Config file for local node:
>  class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
> class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration">
> class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
> value="true"/>
> value="/media/linux_hdd/keymanagementdata"/>
> value="/media/linux_hdd/keymanagementdata/db/wal"/>
> value="/media/linux_hdd/keymanagementdata/db/wal/archive"/>
>  class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration">
>  class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi">
> class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder">
> Config file for remote node:
>  class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
> class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration">
> class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
> value="true"/>
> value="/media/linux_hdd/keymanagementdata"/>
> value="/media/linux_hdd/keymanagementdata/db/wal"/>
> value="/media/linux_hdd/keymanagementdata/db/wal/archive"/>
>  class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration">
>  class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi">
> class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder">
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Consistently B+Tree is getting corrupted in a specific scenario

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

If there were any attachments with code/logs, they are not there. Please
make sure to attach them. Preferably, provide a reproducer as a runnable

Ilya Kasnacheev

сб, 15 авг. 2020 г. в 14:32, p.srikanta :

> I've been consistently getting a error "class
> o.a.i.i.processors.cache.persistence.tree.CorruptedTreeException: B+Tree is
> corrupted".
> I know a related bug was recently fixed in v2.8
> ( and another one is in
> progress ( However I'm
> not sure if my scenario is related to either one of them (though it is
> close
> to IGNITE-12593).
> Sharing more details to seek help in either identifying the bug or
> suggestion for possible work around, thanks in advance!
> *Note*: The below excpetion was not observed when the mentioned cache was
> initialized without any indexed field i.e without any QueryIndex within the
> QueryEntity config.
> *Ignite Version*: 2.8.1
> *Encountered Exception*
> *Size of the DB table*: 25M rows
> *Cache Settings*
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Lost node again.

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

Possible too long JVM pause: 41779 milliseconds.

It seems that you have too-long full GC. Either make sure it does not
happen, or increase failureDetectionTimeout to be longer than any expected

Ilya Kasnacheev

пн, 17 авг. 2020 г. в 17:51, John Smith :

> Hi guys it seems every couple of weeks we lose a node... Here are the
> logs:
> And some extra details. Maybe I need to do more tuning then what is
> already mentioned below, maybe set a higher timeout?
> 3 server nodes and 9 clients (client = true)
> Performance wise the cluster is not doing any kind of high volume on
> average it does about 15-20 puts/gets/queries (any combination of) per
> 30-60 seconds.
> The biggest cache we have is: 3 million records distributed with 1 backup
> using the following template.
> Persistence is configured:
>  class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration">
>  class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
> We also followed the tuning instructions for GC and I/O
> if [ -z "$JVM_OPTS" ] ; then
> JVM_OPTS="-Xms6g -Xmx6g -server -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m"
> fi
> #
> # Uncomment the following GC settings if you see spikes in your throughput
> due to Garbage Collection.
> #
> JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch
> -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC"
> sysctl -w vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs=500 sysctl -w vm
> .dirty_expire_centisecs=500

Re: Private network setup for server nodes in ignite cluster

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

You need to do setLocalHost(private IP) on all of your server nodes. Or use
IGNITE_LOCAL_HOST system property/environment variable.

For client connector/REST/etc, you can specify public IP explicitly.

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 18 авг. 2020 г. в 09:21, Trilok Joshi :

> Hi,
> We want to configure private network for server nodes in ignite cluster so
> that all communication among the server nodes happen using the network like
> handshake. And also clients will use different network to connect to the
> cluster and serving the requests
> Could you please help us how to configure the cluster setup.
> Regards,
> Gangaiah
> "*Confidentiality Warning*: This message and any attachments are intended
> only for the use of the intended recipient(s), are confidential and may be
> privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified
> that any review, re-transmission, conversion to hard copy, copying,
> circulation or other use of this message and any attachments is strictly
> prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender
> immediately by return email and delete this message and any attachments
> from your system.
> *Virus Warning:* Although the company has taken reasonable precautions to
> ensure no viruses are present in this email. The company cannot accept
> responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email or
> attachment."

Re: Cache Expiry policy not working..

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

Can you please share some reproducer code. How do you populate your caches?

Ilya Kasnacheev

пт, 14 авг. 2020 г. в 12:37, kay :

> Hello, I'm using Apache Ignite 2.8.0.
> I have 7 nodes and put and get cache data with starting 8th node.
> The cache expiry policy is CreatedExpiryPolicy 4 minutes. However, some
> cache data stored on the eighth node remains, not expired and there is no
> error log.
> After this situation, I test several times put data and expired well
> Is this a bug with data rebalance / starting node??
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Ignite partitioned

2020-08-18 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
My topology snap shot:
[06:46:33,961][INFO][disco-event-worker-#44][GridDiscoveryManager] Topology
snapshot [ver=27, locNode=, servers=2, clients=17, state=ACTIVE,
CPUs=32, offheap=90.0GB, heap=160.0GB]

How should we know, is it formed cluster or not.

Sent from:

Re: Local node is not added in baseline topology

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

I do not recommend doing activation right away after every node startup. It
is a known anti-pattern. Please try removing this line, doing activation

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 18 авг. 2020 г. в 08:01, Ali Bagewadi :

> Hello,
> Yes the local node(joining node) is left out everytime from baseline
> topology.
> I have mentioned steps to reproduce it.Also I have attached config files
> and
> C++ code used to start ignite.
> 1)I have two server nodes i.e one on local machine and one on remote host.
> 2)When I start the first node the local node is added in the Baseline
> topology:Here adc1c71b-c21b-47aa-8be6-6fa5ebaaa035 is the local node.
> Current topology version: 2 (Coordinator:
> ConsistentId=adc1c71b-c21b-47aa-8be6-6fa5ebaaa035, Order=1)
> Baseline nodes:
> ConsistentId=adc1c71b-c21b-47aa-8be6-6fa5ebaaa035, State=ONLINE,
> Order=1
> Number of baseline nodes: 1
> Other nodes:
> ConsistentId=5a9f4e0d-fba3-4786-aa61-936d2f207333, Order=2
> 3)However when I start the second node on remote host the local node is not
> included in the Baseline Topology.As per my observance the joining node
> faces this problem.(Here the local node is
> 5a9f4e0d-fba3-4786-aa61-936d2f207333 which is not included in baseline
> topology)
> Current topology version: 2 (Coordinator:
> ConsistentId=adc1c71b-c21b-47aa-8be6-6fa5ebaaa035, Order=1)
> Baseline nodes:
> ConsistentId=adc1c71b-c21b-47aa-8be6-6fa5ebaaa035, State=ONLINE,
> Order=1
> Number of baseline nodes: 1
> Other nodes:
> ConsistentId=5a9f4e0d-fba3-4786-aa61-936d2f207333, Order=2
> Number of other nodes: 1
> 4)Everything works fine when I add the local node using add
> command.
> We are using Apache Ignite with C++.Below is the snippet of starting ignite
> from C++ code.
> IgniteConfiguration cfg;
> cfg.springCfgPath = std::string("/home/dsudev/DataBaseConfig.xml");
> /* Start a node to access DataBase */
> Ignite node = Ignition::Start(cfg);
> node.SetActive(true);
> /* Get cache instance */
> mCache = node.GetOrCreateCache(CACHE_NAME);
> Below are the config files:
> Config file for local node:
>  class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
> class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration">
> class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
> value="true"/>
> value="/media/linux_hdd/keymanagementdata"/>
> value="/media/linux_hdd/keymanagementdata/db/wal"/>
> value="/media/linux_hdd/keymanagementdata/db/wal/archive"/>
>  class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration">
>  class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi">
> class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder">
> Config file for remote node:
>  class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
> class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration">
> class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration">
> value="true"/>

Re: Cache configuration

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

You can start a new client node which will have these new caches in its

When it joins the cluster it will create all these caches. Then you can
disconnect/shut it down.

You can also use e.g. REST API or CREATE TABLE clause to create new caches.
There's a lot of ways to create a cache without code change.

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 18 авг. 2020 г. в 11:27, C Ravikiran :

> Thank you for the replay.
> Now my existing code, don't have ignite templates.
> To add templates, need to modify the code, but we don't have access for
> the code modification.
> On Tue, 18 Aug, 2020, 2:47 am Evgenii Zhuravlev, 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can add cache configuration to the xml file with the *(for example,
>> cache-*) at the end. After this, caches with names that fit this
>> template(cache-1 for template cache-*)  will use it's cache configuration.
>> Evgenii
>> вс, 16 авг. 2020 г. в 07:03, C Ravikiran :
>>> As for the below, I have to change in xml and java code also.
>>> Is there there any other possibility, without changing the java code,
>>> and changing only xml file, shall we achive cache configuration??
>>> As we don't have the java code access, we have the access to the
>>> configuration
>>> xml file.
>>> Could you please help me with this?
>>> Regards,
>>> Ravikiran C
>>> On Sun, 16 Aug, 2020, 12:57 am John Smith, 
>>> wrote:
 You can create templates in the XML and programmatically when you say
 getOrCreate() you can specify the template to use and pass in random name
 for the cache name ...,CREATE%20TABLE%20and%20REST%20commands

 On Sat., Aug. 15, 2020, 8:53 a.m. itsmeravikiran.c, <> wrote:

> My cache ids are dynamic.
> Is it possible to add cache configuration in xml.
> I have checked, name property is mandatory. But i cannot add the name
> as
> it's dynamic name.
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Severe performance impact to key-value API on an SQL-enabled cache (even with empty QueryEntity configuration)

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

Yes, it is possible that adding a primary key will have such impact, given
that you don't do anything meaningful in your test: you have trivial
objects and you just put these to memory.

In this case, any overhead translates to a lot of performance drop because
growth from zero (of CPU time/op) is fast.

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 18 авг. 2020 г. в 11:43, max904 :

> >> I'm not sure what this test doing
> The test is demonstrating significant reduction of the throughput when
> empty
> QueryEntity added to the cache config.
> >> how many ops are done per iteration?
> Iterations are time based. It uses the default defined by JMH. One
> iteration
> conducted to warm up during 5 seconds and three iterations conducted to
> take
> the measurement using default interval (I think something around 10
> seconds).
> >> Why do you need to start Ignite for every iteration
> No particular reason. Done just in sake of clean benchmark results. What
> difference does it make?
> >> but I want to say that adding indexing to your cache means having a
> >> primary key, in your case a composite primary key, and updating this
> >> index is going to take some CPU time, especially since there's nothing
> >> else to consume it.
> First of all, there are no explicit indexes defined by the test.
> The throughput got reduced from 51566.775 ops/s in simple K-V case to
> 22305.457 ops/s when "empty" QueryEntity added. It's more than 50%!
> Do you believe that implicit primary key creation has such severe impact?
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Ignite partitioned

2020-08-18 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

Do you have "Topology snapshot" messages in your nodes' output, can you
share them? It is likely that your nodes did not form a cluster.

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 18 авг. 2020 г. в 13:17, itsmeravikiran.c :

> Our application running with 2 ignite node,.
> But data is available in one node, and not available in the second node.
> Our cache configuration:
> Cache mode:partitioned
> Automatic mode:atomic
> Write Synchronization mode:full_sync
> Backups:1
> Rebalance delay:1
> We have above cache configuration.
> Could you please help, data is not available in secound node.
> Second node only cache ids are created and it's having no data in the cache
> ids.
> Could you please help me on this, shall I need add any of the configuration
> for this.
> My requiremnt is if node down, other node automatically re balance and get
> the data.
> --
> Sent from:

ignite partition mode

2020-08-18 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Our application running with 2 ignite node,. 
But data is available in one node, and not available in the second node. 
Our cache configuration: 
Cache mode:partitioned
Automatic mode:atomic
Write Synchronization mode:full_sync
Rebalance delay:1

We have above cache configuration. 

Could you please help, data is not available in secound node. 
Second node only cache ids are created and it's having no data in the cache

Could you please help me on this, shall I need add any of the configuration
for this. 

My requiremnt is if node down, other node automatically re balance and get
the data. 

Sent from:

Ignite partitioned

2020-08-18 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Our application running with 2 ignite node,. 
But data is available in one node, and not available in the second node. 
Our cache configuration: 
Cache mode:partitioned
Automatic mode:atomic
Write Synchronization mode:full_sync
Rebalance delay:1

We have above cache configuration. 

Could you please help, data is not available in secound node. 
Second node only cache ids are created and it's having no data in the cache

Could you please help me on this, shall I need add any of the configuration
for this. 

My requiremnt is if node down, other node automatically re balance and get
the data. 

Sent from:

ignite partition mode

2020-08-18 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Our application running with 2 ignite node,. 
But data is available in one node, and not available in the second node. 
Our cache configuration: 
Cache mode:partitioned
Automatic mode:atomic
Write Synchronization mode:full_sync
Rebalance delay:1

We have above cache configuration. 

Could you please help, data is not available in secound node. 
Second node only cache ids are created and it's having no data in the cache

Could you please help me on this, shall I need add any of the configuration
for this. 

My requiremnt is if node down, other node automatically re balance and get
the data. 

Sent from:

Re: Ignite C# client does not report correct node ID after reconnection

2020-08-18 Thread Pavel Tupitsyn
Raymond, thank you for this bug report.
I've filed a ticket [1].

I'll see if that's possible to squeeze the fix into the 2.9 release,
otherwise you can expect it in 2.10. Will keep you posted.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 10:02 AM Raymond Wilson 

> I have discovered a bug in the Ignite 2.8.1 C# client related to the node
> id reported by IIgnite.GetCluster().GetLocalNode().Id
> When a client is started and GetCluster() is called, the client retrieves
> and stores a copy of the local node returned from GetNodes(). This cached
> local node contains the node id:
> /**  */
> public IClusterNode GetLocalNode()
> {
> return _locNode ?? (_locNode =
>GetNodes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsLocal) ??
>ForDaemons().GetNodes().FirstOrDefault(x =>
> x.IsLocal));
> }
> If the client node needs to reconnect with the grid due to failure or
> restart of other nodes in the grid then the client establishes a new client
> ID when it reconnects. This new ID is not reflected in the cached local
> node. If this ID is later relied on, for example in our case,  to determine
> a node in the grid topology as a part of a query process, then the result
> will be an empty topology projection.
> As the local client id is never changed once set then the only mitigation
> at present is to kill client nodes once they enter this state.
> There is quite a bit of other state present in that cached local node that
> may be at risk of being inconsistent if the underlying grid information
> changes.
> Thanks,
> Raymond.
> --
> Raymond Wilson
> Solution Architect, Civil Construction Software Systems (CCSS)
> 11 Birmingham Drive | Christchurch, New Zealand
> +64-21-2013317 Mobile

Re: Severe performance impact to key-value API on an SQL-enabled cache (even with empty QueryEntity configuration)

2020-08-18 Thread max904
>> I'm not sure what this test doing

The test is demonstrating significant reduction of the throughput when empty
QueryEntity added to the cache config.

>> how many ops are done per iteration?

Iterations are time based. It uses the default defined by JMH. One iteration
conducted to warm up during 5 seconds and three iterations conducted to take
the measurement using default interval (I think something around 10

>> Why do you need to start Ignite for every iteration

No particular reason. Done just in sake of clean benchmark results. What
difference does it make?

>> but I want to say that adding indexing to your cache means having a
>> primary key, in your case a composite primary key, and updating this
>> index is going to take some CPU time, especially since there's nothing
>> else to consume it.

First of all, there are no explicit indexes defined by the test.
The throughput got reduced from 51566.775 ops/s in simple K-V case to
22305.457 ops/s when "empty" QueryEntity added. It's more than 50%!
Do you believe that implicit primary key creation has such severe impact?

Sent from:

Re: Cache configuration

2020-08-18 Thread C Ravikiran
Thank you for the replay.
Now my existing code, don't have ignite templates.
To add templates, need to modify the code, but we don't have access for the
code modification.

On Tue, 18 Aug, 2020, 2:47 am Evgenii Zhuravlev, 

> Hi,
> You can add cache configuration to the xml file with the *(for example,
> cache-*) at the end. After this, caches with names that fit this
> template(cache-1 for template cache-*)  will use it's cache configuration.
> Evgenii
> вс, 16 авг. 2020 г. в 07:03, C Ravikiran :
>> As for the below, I have to change in xml and java code also.
>> Is there there any other possibility, without changing the java code, and
>> changing only xml file, shall we achive cache configuration??
>> As we don't have the java code access, we have the access to the
>> configuration
>> xml file.
>> Could you please help me with this?
>> Regards,
>> Ravikiran C
>> On Sun, 16 Aug, 2020, 12:57 am John Smith, 
>> wrote:
>>> You can create templates in the XML and programmatically when you say
>>> getOrCreate() you can specify the template to use and pass in random name
>>> for the cache name ...
>>> .
>>> On Sat., Aug. 15, 2020, 8:53 a.m. itsmeravikiran.c, <
>>>> wrote:
 My cache ids are dynamic.
 Is it possible to add cache configuration in xml.
 I have checked, name property is mandatory. But i cannot add the name as
 it's dynamic name.

 Sent from:


Ignite C# client does not report correct node ID after reconnection

2020-08-18 Thread Raymond Wilson
I have discovered a bug in the Ignite 2.8.1 C# client related to the node
id reported by IIgnite.GetCluster().GetLocalNode().Id

When a client is started and GetCluster() is called, the client retrieves
and stores a copy of the local node returned from GetNodes(). This cached
local node contains the node id:

/**  */
public IClusterNode GetLocalNode()
return _locNode ?? (_locNode =
   GetNodes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsLocal) ??
   ForDaemons().GetNodes().FirstOrDefault(x =>

If the client node needs to reconnect with the grid due to failure or
restart of other nodes in the grid then the client establishes a new client
ID when it reconnects. This new ID is not reflected in the cached local
node. If this ID is later relied on, for example in our case,  to determine
a node in the grid topology as a part of a query process, then the result
will be an empty topology projection.

As the local client id is never changed once set then the only mitigation
at present is to kill client nodes once they enter this state.

There is quite a bit of other state present in that cached local node that
may be at risk of being inconsistent if the underlying grid information



Raymond Wilson
Solution Architect, Civil Construction Software Systems (CCSS)
11 Birmingham Drive | Christchurch, New Zealand
+64-21-2013317 Mobile

Re: IpFinder with domain

2020-08-18 Thread kay

I use java thin client and put 80 port at clientConfiguration.
ex) ClientConfiguration.setAddresses("");

but I got a Exception.

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Ignite client port 80 is out
of valid ports range 1024...49151.

Do I have to change port for L4?? like ''?

I think '' is not an Ignite server node(its L4), but thin
client recognizes it for Server Node.
I'll try to change the port but I wanna sure for use L4 possibility..

I'll wating for reply!
Thank you so much!

Sent from:

Private network setup for server nodes in ignite cluster

2020-08-18 Thread Trilok Joshi

We want to configure private network for server nodes in ignite cluster so that 
all communication among the server nodes happen using the network like 
handshake. And also clients will use different network to connect to the 
cluster and serving the requests

Could you please help us how to configure the cluster setup.

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