[Neo4j] hi.

2010-10-19 Thread Alastair James
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Let us enjoy the happiness of shopping.
Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] [Neo] single Neo4J database, access from multiple nodes

2010-06-04 Thread Alastair James
+1 Thrift.

One implementation solves all the client issues in all languages. Plus its
pretty quick (more than quick enough for CPU / IO bound tasks such as Neo).


On 4 June 2010 10:26, Peter Neubauer peter.neuba...@neotechnology.comwrote:

 Tobias has been playing around with implementing the RMI
 http://components.neo4j.org/neo4j-remote-graphdb/ with protobuffers
 instead, but I think the RMI based variant is the most stable right


 /peter neubauer

 COO and Sales, Neo Technology

 GTalk:  neubauer.peter
 Skype   peter.neubauer
 Phone   +46 704 106975
 LinkedIn   http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
 Twitter  http://twitter.com/peterneubauer

 http://www.neo4j.org   - Your high performance graph database.
 http://www.thoughtmade.com - Scandinavia's coolest Bring-a-Thing party.

 On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Eelco Hillenius
 eelco.hillen...@gmail.com wrote:
  You might also take a look at Thrift, which would let you define your
  own service API and expose it via RPC (Thrift binary protocol).
  There's some work here, but it might be easier than messing around
  with your own REST API.
  I do have some code laying around that will just generate automatic
  proxies doing REST calls from interface definitions. So it wouldn't
  really be a very big deal. However, the main problem I would have is
  that I would prefer to use the same client code on whatever the
  underlying server is. It looks like this is supported for local vs
  RMI, but not (yet, aside from experimental rest-graphdb) for the rest
  server. I was mainly wondering if there are plans in that direction.
  If you're already familiar with a messaging tier in Java -- e.g. JMS,
  AMQP, etc. -- that's another approach. I've used this and it works
  very well. But there's a steep adoption curve.
  I think I'd prefer to keep this synchronous tbh. I'm comfortable
  working with messaging, but for this purpose I think that it would
  complicate things too much (debugging can be a pain, having to write
  async code for what is logically sync, etc).
  Neo mailing list
 Neo4j mailing list

Dr Alastair James
CTO James Media Group


'Inspiring Travel'

IATA 96012851
Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] PHP REST API client

2010-06-03 Thread Alastair James
Hi there Anders,

Thanks for spotting the bug! It appears that the Neo REST API (the HTTP URIs
the server expects) changed since the initial version I coded it for. All
fixed now.

I also included the set NULL to remove the property function.

New version on github.


Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] PHP REST API client

2010-06-02 Thread Alastair James

I tried it out and have a suggestion: to make the semantics for storing
 NULLs consistent you could change the PropertyContainer::__set method
 to remove the property if it exists when trying to set it to NULL.

Excellent idea! I will add ASAP.

 For some reason calling Node::save twice gives me an exception, so I
 can't update a node after the first save and save it again with new
 property values. Maybe a bug?

 Looks like it. I will fix ASAP!



 On 06/02/2010 01:00 AM, Alastair James wrote:
  Hi there!
  Sorry, been a bit quiet on the PHP REST API front for a few weeks.
  I will be added some features this week (traversals etc...), but in the
  time, I have (finally) written up a little blog post detailing how the
  current version works!
  Stay tuned for more!
  Neo4j mailing list
 Neo4j mailing list

Dr Alastair James
CTO James Media Group


'Inspiring Travel'

IATA 96012851
Neo4j mailing list

[Neo4j] PHP REST API client

2010-06-01 Thread Alastair James
Hi there!

Sorry, been a bit quiet on the PHP REST API front for a few weeks.

I will be added some features this week (traversals etc...), but in the mean
time, I have (finally) written up a little blog post detailing how the
current version works!


Stay tuned for more!

Neo4j mailing list

[Neo] REST blog post

2010-04-15 Thread Alastair James
Almost missed this!


write up. I will write a 'getting started in PHP' post using the client I

However, somebody raised a good point on hacker news, how does this affect

Ok, if Neo is a core component I can see it making no difference. But what
if Neo4J was just on of several possible graph backends (others being
FlockDB / custom mysql) and you could choose the one that best works for you
and your scale?

Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] REST blog post

2010-04-15 Thread Alastair James

 It's going to depend on which backend you use at every specific moment
 in time. When you use Neo4j, you must respects the terms of Neo4j's
 license. When you use MySQL, you must respect MySQL's license.

I mean more from the point of view from the author of a 3rd party bit of

If I make a software package that uses Neo I need to release it under the
same license as Neo or pay a fee.

So, can I release a closed source or other licensed package that 'can' use
Neo via a de-coupled REST API?

I am not thinking of doing this, just interested to know!

Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] PHP REST API client

2010-04-14 Thread Alastair James

On 14 April 2010 08:16, Mattias Persson matt...@neotechnology.com wrote:

 Cool, I just verified that you can create a relationship with properties in
 the REST API, f.ex:

to: http://localhost:/node/123;,
type: knows,
data: {
foo: bar,
baz: 43

Arh! I thought the properties were stored in a 'properties' attribute not

There may be a bug in the functional test for that feature.
In CreateRelationshipFunctionalTest.java :

String jsonString = {\to\ : \ + WebServer.BASE_URI + node/ + endNode
+ \, \type\ : \LOVES\, \properties\ : {\foo\ :

You can see its saved with 'properties' which means a) the test is out of
date and b) that the test does not test the presence of the attribute when


Dr Alastair James
CTO James Publishing Ltd.


WINNER Travolution Awards Best Travel Information Website 2009
WINNER IRHAS Awards, Los Angeles, Best Travel Website 2008
WINNER Travolution Awards Best New Online Travel Company 2008
WINNER Travel Weekly Magellan Award 2008
WINNER Yahoo! Finds of the Year 2007

Noli nothis permittere te terere!
Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] PHP REST API client

2010-04-14 Thread Alastair James
On 14 April 2010 08:20, Peter Neubauer neubauer.pe...@gmail.com wrote:

 Very cool!

 In case you are up to it, maybe write some additions to the
 http://wiki.neo4j.org/content/PHP ? I think this may easily become the
 preferred way to interact with Neo4j from PHP!

Cheers Peter. I will write something on there (and a blog post) when I get a

Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] PHP REST API client

2010-04-14 Thread Alastair James

On 14 April 2010 10:53, Mattias Persson matt...@neotechnology.com wrote:

 I saw that and fixed that as well!

Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] Dispell the myth? FlockDB vs. Neo4j

2010-04-13 Thread Alastair James

 (not sure why they didn't use a proven high speed graph DB myself - but
 then I am biased!).

I am guessing its because they only need 1st order relations (there are
little friend of a friend or higher operations on twitter) and were very
worried about scalability and sharding (as far as I am aware there is no way
for a Neo Db to be bigger than one machine at the moment). Not
to mention that they probably have considerable mysql infrastructure and

I think its pretty obvious that FlockDB will be very slow for 'deep'
traversals (network protocol speed alone will ensure this as FlockDb will
need to talk to mysql on each node visited), but for order 1 traversals
(e.g. what boils down to a join across a mapping table) mysql is probably a
lot faster (no transactional overhead for read ops).

Neo mailing list

[Neo] PHP REST API client

2010-04-13 Thread Alastair James
Hi all.

Just got a basic PHP REST client API up and running.


* Node creation
* Node loading by id
* Node delete
* Create relationship between two nodes (does not store properties in
relationships yet. Might be a REST API bug)
* List / filter relationships on a node

Pretty rough at the moment, and no documentation or tests!


The demo.php file should give an indication of how to use it (I have tried
to stick as closely to the Java API).

I hope someone finds it useful!


Neo mailing list

[Neo] Where to submit REST API bug reports?

2010-04-12 Thread Alastair James
Hi there...

Where do I file REST API bug reports?



Dr Alastair James
CTO James Publishing Ltd.


WINNER Travolution Awards Best Travel Information Website 2009
WINNER IRHAS Awards, Los Angeles, Best Travel Website 2008
WINNER Travolution Awards Best New Online Travel Company 2008
WINNER Travel Weekly Magellan Award 2008
WINNER Yahoo! Finds of the Year 2007

Noli nothis permittere te terere!
Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] RST API character encoding + unicode

2010-04-12 Thread Alastair James

 The example you mentioned: \u2018Hello world\u2018, is probably properly
 escaped since 2018 is LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK [2], and quotation marks
 should be escaped, but is this the sequence you are experiencing problems
 with? If that gets returned unescaped, that could be a problem, but if it's
 another char, like \u00f6, then it should be allowed to be represented
 unescaped as a proper unicode char.

Yes, that is an example string that is failing. However, \u2018 is a fancy
quote (http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2018/index.htm) not one
of the quotes that needs to be encoded, so it should not matter if its
returned unencoded or not (its part of the JSON encoding).

 It might still be a bug though, so if you could provide some more details
 that would be great. Also could you check if the truncation of messages
 occurs in your client due to decoding issues, on the server or on the wire.

The web service returns a HTTP CONTENT LENGTH header of the same length and
is received by my client, so I think its a bug.

I tell you what I think the issue is, I noticed the enclosed example
contains two unicode charcters, each of which is a three byte sequence in

The response is exactly 4 characters too short (mising ut}), so its almost
like the output length is the number of characters not the number of bytes.

Looking at GenericWebService.java - line 86 - method addHeaders

builder = builder.header( HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH,
builder.clone().build().getEntity().toString().length() ) );

Won't that set the content length to the number of characters NOT bytes?

Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] Traversers in the REST API

2010-04-09 Thread Alastair James
Since in manycases the results of a query will need to be reformed into
  their associated domain objects

Unlikely to be the case over the HTTP API.  Its unlikely people will create
domain objects in (e.g.) PHP they will just use the data directly.

Pagination is kinda tricky if the data changes between subsequent
   requests for pages.  Since pagination is generally used for UIs, a
   common approach is to place the entire dataset (or a cursor, depending
   on where the data is coming from) in a session object.  Regardless of
   where it is kept, if you want to deal with data changes, you either
   have to a) invalidate the cached dataset if data changes or b) keep a
   copy of the whole dataset around in its as queried state so that
   subsequent paging requests are consistent.  Either case involves
   keeping a fairly big duplicate data structure on the server or middle
   tier and violates one of the objectives of REST-ful APIs, which is that
   of statelessness.  For that reason, I personally think the REST-ful API
   shouldn't deal with paging.  It should probably be done at some
   intermediate level as needed by applications.  We can certainly build a
   separate API that we can all leverage if needed, but I don't think it
   should be in the core REST-ful layer.

Well, I think for my use cases (websites), its likely that users dont flick
between pages that often. For example, on may sites, users will view page 1
and select an item, any very view move on to page 2. Its a very different
usage pattern compared to a traditional desktop UI, so there
is absolutely no need to hold the sorted set on the server in a cursor type

A typical use case for me would be 1000+ matching rows, with 90%+ of page
views for the first 10, 5% for the next 10 etc...! You can clearly see that
sending the entire results set of 1000+ rows over HTTP/JSON is inefficient.

Of course, caching between the web server and the neo HTTP API can help, but
not in all cases, and it seems silly to rely on this.


Dr Alastair James
CTO James Publishing Ltd.


WINNER Travolution Awards Best Travel Information Website 2009
WINNER IRHAS Awards, Los Angeles, Best Travel Website 2008
WINNER Travolution Awards Best New Online Travel Company 2008
WINNER Travel Weekly Magellan Award 2008
WINNER Yahoo! Finds of the Year 2007

Noli nothis permittere te terere!
Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] How to efficiently query in Neo4J?

2010-04-09 Thread Alastair James
On 9 April 2010 14:21, Max De Marzi Jr. maxdema...@gmail.com wrote:

 On first traversal, add a relationship to a found node to each node that
 would return, and check for this relationship on the second traversal?
 Maybe create a unique id, set a property or add a node property with the
 unique id on the first traversal, and check for this property on the second

I suspect that would lead to pretty poor performance given that I am
altering the data on each node visited. Also, I would have to remember to
remove these properties / relationships later on otherwise the database will
balloon in size.

That said, it would be suitable for queries that I could generate (say)
every hour. So adding relations to the graph would be acceptable for a index
that is built using a 'slow query', but not suitable for realtime results.
Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] Traversers in the REST API

2010-04-08 Thread Alastair James
What I want to avoid
is keeping state on the server while waiting for the client to request the
next page.

You are quite right. However, I think for many use cases (e.g. generating a
paginated list of results on a webpage) it would not be necessary to store
state on the server.

That would be more similar to a SQL cursor, what I am talking about is



On 8 April 2010 17:23, Tobias Ivarsson tobias.ivars...@neotechnology.comwrote:

 What I want to avoid
 is keeping state on the server while waiting for the client to request the
 next page.

Dr Alastair James
CTO James Publishing Ltd.


WINNER Travolution Awards Best Travel Information Website 2009
WINNER IRHAS Awards, Los Angeles, Best Travel Website 2008
WINNER Travolution Awards Best New Online Travel Company 2008
WINNER Travel Weekly Magellan Award 2008
WINNER Yahoo! Finds of the Year 2007

Noli nothis permittere te terere!
Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] How to efficiently query in Neo4J?

2010-04-08 Thread Alastair James

On 8 April 2010 22:35, Michael Ludwig mil...@gmx.de wrote:

 After giving this some thought, it looks to me as if there is nothing
 particularly graphy in your example. I know, most everything is a graph,
 but here the data is more regular: Your hierarchical catalog of tags
 immediately made me think of Joe Celko's nested sets, which is a very
 efficient way to represent trees in terms of sets, as found in SQL
 databases. (Heresy again, I know, but well.) And the relationship of
 posts to tags is simply N-M, and that's it.

We are currently using something similar to model this is SQL. However,
having to maintain the nested set model is quite complex and something I
really want to avoid in user code.

 There aren't any real links (edges) between posts, which arguably would
 make your data model more graphy. In your model, related posts are
 related by virtue of their attributes (they share some tags, or are
 posted by the same user), and not eis ipsis. So I'd say there is not
 much in the way of graphiness.

It was a simplified example, in reality there are relations between posts,
posts and authors, tags and tags etc...

It is exactly because we want 'anything to be relatable to anything' that
the graph database model works so well.

Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] How to efficiently query in Neo4J?

2010-04-08 Thread Alastair James

 As always, it really isn't that simple.  Comparing cold queries is
   probably not a good indicator of steady state performance, since
   RDBMS's and Graph DB's have different models for file system access and
   caching.  Even different RDBMS's have dramatically different behaviors
   in common queries (ever try to use MySQL for set operations - yuck.).
   Factor in a wide range of SLAs needed for performance vs
   availability vs affordability vs scalability vs adminstration costs,
   and the equation gets a whole lot more complicated.


From experience its possible to build a post/tag system in SQL that performs
very well. However, the SQL model is inherently less flexible than the graph
database model (what if I want to introduce a new relationship type, in a
traditional SQL schema that would require new join tables etc...).

   I'm sure there's a graphy-model for the tag/post example that could be
   made smoking fast with Neo also.

Hopefully! I suppose my question is I would like to be able to harness a
graph database to give flexibility and eloquence to our data model. However,
can I query it efficiently without domain specific hacks and extra layers of


    Original Message 
   Subject: Re: [Neo] How to efficiently query in Neo4J?
   From: Michael Ludwig mil...@gmx.de
   Date: Thu, April 08, 2010 6:02 pm
   To: Neo user discussions user@lists.neo4j.org
Max De Marzi Jr. schrieb am 08.04.2010 um 16:48:18 (-0500)
   [Re: [Neo] How to efficiently query in Neo4J?]:
You know this is something that I think needs to be made clear...
using just the graph is not the right way to go unless you have a
special application.
Some things are better not done in the graph. So I decided to keep
that in tables, and just move the person relationships to the graph
(works with, manages, knows, friends, etc).
I treat the graph like a specialized index. Makes a lot more sense
now, and I get the best of both worlds.
   Exactly what I think. An iterable index, and a great one for the kind
   graphy queries that cannot be done efficiently using sets and joins.
   Any thoughts on what constitutes *graphiness*, if I may venture this
   Michael Ludwig
   Neo mailing list


   1. https://lists.neo4j.org/mailman/listinfo/user
 Neo mailing list

Dr Alastair James
CTO James Publishing Ltd.


WINNER Travolution Awards Best Travel Information Website 2009
WINNER IRHAS Awards, Los Angeles, Best Travel Website 2008
WINNER Travolution Awards Best New Online Travel Company 2008
WINNER Travel Weekly Magellan Award 2008
WINNER Yahoo! Finds of the Year 2007

Noli nothis permittere te terere!
Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] Traversers in the REST API

2010-04-08 Thread Alastair James
On 8 April 2010 21:17, Michael Ludwig mil...@gmx.de wrote:

 Limiting and paging usually go hand in hand with sorting, in my
 experience. Why would anyone want to page through an unsorted

Its quite possible that you might want the nodes in the order they were
found (e.g. the closest matching nodes first), however, I agree, sorting by
an arbitrary property is very useful!

Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] RESTful HTML representation

2010-04-07 Thread Alastair James
Hi there!

Good work!

I suppose the best example I can think of is the couchdb default HTML
interface... Looks nice, but most importantly works very well. Some embedded
javascript to do things like expandable lists etc...



On 6 April 2010 10:28, Mattias Persson matt...@neotechnology.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 We've just added a little (just super-plain and w/o css, so ugly) read-only
 HTML representation of the REST api. Do you guys know of any examples of
 nice layouts for these kinds of contents we could look at for inspiration?

 Mattias Persson, [matt...@neotechnology.com]
 Hacker, Neo Technology
 Neo mailing list

Dr Alastair James
CTO James Publishing Ltd.


WINNER Travolution Awards Best Travel Information Website 2009
WINNER IRHAS Awards, Los Angeles, Best Travel Website 2008
WINNER Travolution Awards Best New Online Travel Company 2008
WINNER Travel Weekly Magellan Award 2008
WINNER Yahoo! Finds of the Year 2007

Noli nothis permittere te terere!
Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] Traversers in the REST API

2010-04-07 Thread Alastair James

  These two ways of traversing a graph complement each other, it's not that
  one is better than the other. Would you agree on this?

I think I agree. I would hope to be able to use XPath/Gremlin style querying
for most things, and a more programatic system for more complex ones.

 a JSON document describing the traverser, like:

   { order: depth first,
 uniquness: node,
 return evaluator:
{ language: javascript,
  body: function shouldReturn( pos ) {...} },
 prune evaluator:
{ language: javascript,
  body: function },
 relationships: [
{ direction: outgoing,
  type: KNOWS },
{ type: LOVES }
 max depth: 4 }

Looks good for my needs. Using javascript in this form looks sensible.

Any idea about the performance implications of using a javax.scripting
language here? I guess not too severe.

Is there any need for a shared context between calls to the evaluators? So I
could store custom information and access it again when traversing further
nodes. So, you could passing a 'context' object (with its initial values)
that gets passed in as a second parameter to each evaluator function. Then
again, this is probably bad practice

Any idea how you will handle pagination? Obviously sorting is an issue as
you are unlikely to want the nodes in the traversal order. In my mind it
would be nice to allow the return evaluator to return a 'sorting value' that
indicates that nodes rank in the result set. E.g. sorting on a score
attribute of the node:

function shouldReturn(pos)
if (!some_condition) return false;

return pos.currentNode().score;

But I guess this is a comment on the Neo API as a whole?


Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] Traversers in the REST API

2010-04-07 Thread Alastair James
Cheers guys. All sounds good. One comment:

 As for sorting: yes, that is a comment on the API as a whole. We have opted
 at not providing sorting, since there are good sorting facilities available
 in the JRE already. Since that makes it easy for the user to implement
 own sorting it would be sub optimal for Neo4j to provide sorting. Since
 sorting is a costly operation (both in time and space) it should be done as
 late in the process as possible, probably with a lot of user code in
 the traversal and the place where the sorting actually takes place. This
 been our thinking in the REST API as well, meaning that sorting will be
 to the client. It is possible that we will return to this decision and add
 sorting to the REST API, and that it might trickle down to the core API.
 Features like this are however much easier to add than to remove, which is
 why it is not implemented at the moment.

Well, thats the case when Neo is running in the same JVM as the user code,
but when we start talking about returning 1000s of nodes in JSON over HTTP
just to get the first 10 this is clearly sub-optimal (as I build websites
this is a very common use case). So, as you say, sorting and limiting can
wait, but I suspect the HTTP API would benefit from offering it. Limiting
need not require changes to the core API, it could be implemented as a
second stage in the HTTP API code prior to output encoding.


Neo mailing list

[Neo] How to efficiently query in Neo4J?

2010-04-07 Thread Alastair James
Hi there...

I am looking at moving a website to a model based on Neo4J, however, I am
having trouble seeing how to optimise the 'main query' type for Neo4J.

Briefly, the site consists of posts, each tagged with various attributes,
e.g. (its a travel site) location, theme, cost etc... Also the tags
are hierarchical. So, for location we have (say) 'tuscany' inside 'italy'
inside 'europe'. For theme we have (say) 'cycling' inside 'activity'.

I can beautifully model the parent child relationships of these 'tags' using
a graph Db as objects with a 'CHILD_OF' relationship type. Then the posts go
in and have related 'tags' related to them with a 'TAGGED_WITH' relationship
types. Fine.

However, here is the complex bit (well to me): I need to be able to find all
posts tagged with a set of tags (AND operation so each post must be tagged
with each tag).

Whats more, these queries need to respect the parent relationships in the
tags. So if I search for 'activity' in 'france' it needs to traverse the
CHILD_OF relationships to find things tagged with any child of 'activity'
AND any child of 'France'.

It seems pretty easy to write a traversal class that would find all posts in
any child of ether 'tag' node, simply follow 'CHILD_OF' and 'TAGGED_WITH'
backwards and return nodes of type post.

However how to do the AND bit? The only way I can see is to return both
lists and union them in user code... however that seems inelegant and may
not scale brilliantly.

Any ideas how to optimise?

Neo mailing list

[Neo] Map reduce style pagination [WAS: Traversers in the REST API]

2010-04-07 Thread Alastair James
Hi there...

This is a branch of the thread on Traversers in the REST API. I just want
to run an idea by you all. Tell me to shut up if I am being stupid.

Quote from Tobias Ivarsson:

As for sorting: yes, that is a comment on the API as a whole. We have opted
at not providing sorting, since there are good sorting facilities available
in the JRE already. Since that makes it easy for the user to implement
own sorting it would be sub optimal for Neo4j to provide sorting. Since
sorting is a costly operation (both in time and space) it should be done as
late in the process as possible, probably with a lot of user code in
the traversal and the place where the sorting actually takes place. This
been our thinking in the REST API as well, meaning that sorting will be
to the client. It is possible that we will return to this decision and add
sorting to the REST API, and that it might trickle down to the core API.
Features like this are however much easier to add than to remove, which is
why it is not implemented at the moment.

Thinking about this, it must be possible for the core engine to do a better
job at returning a sorted and limited result set compared to doing it in
user code.

Doing it in user code requires all matching nodes to be passed to user code
and a full sort to take place before pagination. Thats time complexity O(n
log n) (worst case given a merge sort in the JRE), plus the memory
implications of passing all the node objects.

Doing it with a map reduce style system in the core engine would allow you
to maintain sorted result set during traversal that optimised for (what must
be) the most common case of wanting 'LIMIT N OFFSET M' items, when N+M is
small (e.g. the first few pages of a query).

Ok, so say that the 'return evaluator' returns some sortable object instead
of a boolean, or null if that node is not returned.

During a traversal for LIMIT N OFFSET M items, you maintain a sorted list of
N+M slots. As each comparable 'sort' value is emitted from the return
evaluator its is inserted in the correct place in the list. Once the list is
full, you can maintain a pointer to the lowest value and quickly throw away
the majority (as long as N+M is small relative to the number of items).

I think this algorithm has complexity O(n z) where z is the time complexity
of inserting an element in the sorted list (I suppose N+M).

So this method would be very fast at returning a sorted list of of the first
few pages of a result set for a query that touches lots of nodes. It would,
of course, degrade as N+M approaches the size of all the nodes visited.

I suspect that many real life large scale applications use this technique.
Take for example google what will return page 1 much faster than page 10 of
a search.

Any thoughts?

Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] How to efficiently query in Neo4J?

2010-04-07 Thread Alastair James

I am guessing the most efficient way might be to have a two stage return

E.g. The custom return evaluator class has a hash table of node id =
count pairs. Each time 'isReturnableNode' is called, it increments the
count for that node id in the hash. If count = total number of tags to
check for return the node.

Thus, if you run a traversal starting from each tag using the same instance
of the custom return evaluator, none of the traversals will emit any nodes
(good for memory!) until the last one, where the ones matching all the tags
will be emitted.

Does that sound like it would work?


On 7 April 2010 16:20, Max De Marzi Jr. maxdema...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've had similar issues and they way I've done it (which may not be the
 right way) is to run the first traversal and store the returned nodes.
 run the second traversal and return only if it is contained in the set of
 returned nodes in the first traversal.

 The traverses hit each node only once, and since we want to return only if
 they are found twice, I don't think there is a clean way to do it in a
 single traversal.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Alastair James al.ja...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi there...
  I am looking at moving a website to a model based on Neo4J, however, I am
  having trouble seeing how to optimise the 'main query' type for Neo4J.
  Briefly, the site consists of posts, each tagged with various attributes,
  e.g. (its a travel site) location, theme, cost etc... Also the tags
  are hierarchical. So, for location we have (say) 'tuscany' inside 'italy'
  inside 'europe'. For theme we have (say) 'cycling' inside 'activity'.
  I can beautifully model the parent child relationships of these 'tags'
  a graph Db as objects with a 'CHILD_OF' relationship type. Then the posts
  in and have related 'tags' related to them with a 'TAGGED_WITH'
  types. Fine.
  However, here is the complex bit (well to me): I need to be able to find
  posts tagged with a set of tags (AND operation so each post must be
  with each tag).
  Whats more, these queries need to respect the parent relationships in the
  tags. So if I search for 'activity' in 'france' it needs to traverse the
  CHILD_OF relationships to find things tagged with any child of 'activity'
  AND any child of 'France'.
  It seems pretty easy to write a traversal class that would find all posts
  any child of ether 'tag' node, simply follow 'CHILD_OF' and 'TAGGED_WITH'
  backwards and return nodes of type post.
  However how to do the AND bit? The only way I can see is to return both
  lists and union them in user code... however that seems inelegant and may
  not scale brilliantly.
  Any ideas how to optimise?
  Neo mailing list
 Neo mailing list

Dr Alastair James
CTO James Publishing Ltd.


WINNER Travolution Awards Best Travel Information Website 2009
WINNER IRHAS Awards, Los Angeles, Best Travel Website 2008
WINNER Travolution Awards Best New Online Travel Company 2008
WINNER Travel Weekly Magellan Award 2008
WINNER Yahoo! Finds of the Year 2007

Noli nothis permittere te terere!
Neo mailing list

[Neo] Neo4j RESTful traversal API

2010-03-22 Thread Alastair James
HI there.

Loving Neo4j, but been putting off using because was no * straightforward*
way to use from PHP. I even started writing my own RESTful API, but never
found the time to finish it off! However, I am excited that there is now a
(semi?) official one in the works, even if it is early days.

I have started a PHP library for accessing neo4j via the REST API... I will
share when its ready.

I can see how most of the functionality works from the Java functional tests
and the application.wadl index. However, there is no mention of any way to
access neo4j's traversal features.

I was wondering how this is planned to work?

In my API I had something like:


Which would traverse from node 1 along relationship type 'KNOWS' etc...
However, it started to get complex very quickly as you need separate return
and stop evaluators.

I suppose, the most beautiful method would to to traverse via Gremlin:

/node/1/outE/i...@age27] (obviously URI encoded)

That would be dead sexy. However, I know the gremlin guys seem a little
reluctant to offer a RESTful API (they seem to be stuck in their Java

Whats the plan?


Neo mailing list

Re: [Neo] Neo4j RESTful traversal API

2010-03-22 Thread Alastair James
Cheers Peter.


On 22 March 2010 15:26, Peter Neubauer neubauer.pe...@gmail.com wrote:

 the wiki etc is up again - sorry for the inconvenience!


 /peter neubauer

 COO and Sales, Neo Technology

 GTalk:  neubauer.peter
 Skype   peter.neubauer
 Phone   +46 704 106975
 LinkedIn   http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
 Twitter  http://twitter.com/peterneubauer

 http://www.neo4j.org - Your high performance graph database.
 http://www.tinkerpop.com  - Processing for Internet-scale graphs.
 http://www.thoughtmade.com - Scandinavias coolest Bring-a-Thing party.

 On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Peter Neubauer
 neubauer.pe...@gmail.com wrote:
  we are working on getting the site up again - our provider changed
  servers on us! Sorry for the inconvenience!
  Regarding REST, we are back on it starting this week, shortly Mattias
  will outline our way forward and ask for input from you all, so tune
  in and contribute! Good to see some early testers emerging here :)
  /peter neubauer
  COO and Sales, Neo Technology
  GTalk:  neubauer.peter
  Skype   peter.neubauer
  Phone   +46 704 106975
  LinkedIn   http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
  Twitter  http://twitter.com/peterneubauer
  http://www.neo4j.org - Your high performance graph database.
  http://www.tinkerpop.com  - Processing for Internet-scale graphs.
  http://www.thoughtmade.com - Scandinavias coolest Bring-a-Thing party.
  On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:36 AM,  andrew.pot...@gmx.net wrote:
  that sounds very cool. I'm very interested in getting Neo4j to workwith
 PHP as
  well. And like you I've had to put development onto the back burner for
  while. I'd like to help somehow but with your specific question about
  traversal, I'm not sure I can be of much help.
  I don't know if you've considered the other alternatives. I've added
 quite a
  bit of info to the Neo-Wiki about using PHP. Maybe you have seen it
  I'd give you the direct link but the neo4j website is currently down :(
  Mainly I did some testing to show that it is feasible to access ne4j
 from PHP
  using javabridge. I thionk Peter has developed this further (there is a
  somewhere in the mailing list).
  Javabride is one alternative. there are two others. One the RESTful API
  another would be direct integration into the PHP language similar to the
  MongoDB is integrated. I wanted to experiment with both of theses but
  gotten around to it. I'm glad your'e working in this direction also.
  Andy Potter
  On Monday 22 March 2010 10:12:38 Alastair James wrote:
  HI there.
  Loving Neo4j, but been putting off using because was no *
  way to use from PHP. I even started writing my own RESTful API, but
  found the time to finish it off! However, I am excited that there is
 now a
  (semi?) official one in the works, even if it is early days.
  I have started a PHP library for accessing neo4j via the REST API... I
  share when its ready.
  I can see how most of the functionality works from the Java functional
   tests and the application.wadl index. However, there is no mention of
   way to access neo4j's traversal features.
  I was wondering how this is planned to work?
  In my API I had something like:
  Which would traverse from node 1 along relationship type 'KNOWS' etc...
  However, it started to get complex very quickly as you need separate
  and stop evaluators.
  I suppose, the most beautiful method would to to traverse via Gremlin:
  /node/1/outE/i...@age27] (obviously URI encoded)
  That would be dead sexy. However, I know the gremlin guys seem a little
  reluctant to offer a RESTful API (they seem to be stuck in their Java
  Whats the plan?
  Neo mailing list
  Neo mailing list
 Neo mailing list

Dr Alastair James
CTO James Publishing Ltd.


WINNER Travolution Awards Best Travel Information Website 2009
WINNER IRHAS Awards, Los Angeles, Best Travel Website 2008
WINNER Travolution Awards Best New Online Travel Company 2008
WINNER Travel Weekly Magellan Award 2008
WINNER Yahoo! Finds of the Year 2007

Noli nothis permittere te terere!
Neo mailing list