On 9 April 2010 14:21, Max De Marzi Jr. <maxdema...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On first traversal, add a relationship to a "found node" to each node that
> would return, and check for this relationship on the second traversal?
> Maybe create a unique id, set a property or add a node property with the
> unique id on the first traversal, and check for this property on the second
> traversal?

I suspect that would lead to pretty poor performance given that I am
altering the data on each node visited. Also, I would have to remember to
remove these properties / relationships later on otherwise the database will
balloon in size.

That said, it would be suitable for queries that I could generate (say)
every hour. So adding relations to the graph would be acceptable for a index
that is built using a 'slow query', but not suitable for realtime results.
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