Tomcat/5.5.3 with jdk1.5.0 DONOT run on port 5555.

2004-11-06 Thread Amit Gupta
Hi ,

I have configured Tomcat/5.5.3 with jdk1.5.0. When I configure tomcat to run on  
then it DONOT work. On 8080 port tomcat work fine. What May be the reason?

Amit Gupta

Re: Tomcat/5.5.3 with jdk1.5.0 DONOT run on port 5555.

2004-11-06 Thread Vic (Vinny) Cekvenich
Why not post on the Tomcat list?
Amit Gupta wrote:
Hi ,
I have configured Tomcat/5.5.3 with jdk1.5.0. When I configure tomcat to run on  
then it DONOT work. On 8080 port tomcat work fine. What May be the reason?
Amit Gupta

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Re: Using Tiles outside of an ActionServlet

2004-11-06 Thread William Ferguson
David, thanks for your help.

I figured out a simple solution to the problem which looks like it will

BTW the Tiles Advanced Features PDF is an excellent resource - thanks.
Lots of good patterns and examples.


- Original Message - 
From: David G. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 12:27 AM
Subject: RE: Using Tiles outside of an ActionServlet

 If you are only serving HTML pages and want to wrap them in your standard
 layout, forget tiles and check out SiteMesh:

 The Tiles mapping I suggested can do more complex things for you than
 SiteMesh.  It would require setting up a tiles controller.  They are
 explained well, and with examples, in the Tiles Advanced Features PDF.
 the Struts' site's UserGuide on Tiles for a link at the bottom of the page
 to that PDF.


 -Original Message-
 From: William Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 5:39 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Using Tiles outside of an ActionServlet

 Doh - I guess I wasn't clear enough.

 I want to have the Requests for the html pages (Section2) forwarded to a
 standardLayout page which uses tiles to provide consistent screens. The
 originally targetted html page needs to be included/embedded within the
 standardLayout page.

 David, I guess I could be missing something (wouldn't be the first time),
 but I don't think your solution will give me that will it? Its more about
 allowing the html files to themselves contain a tile.

 If I could somehow get the html requests to be forwarded to a single page,
 then I could do it.
 But I can't see how to do this without using a 2nd ActionServlet which
 brings me back in the original pain.


 - Original Message -
 From: David G. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 3:35 PM
 Subject: RE: Using Tiles outside of an ActionServlet

  For Section 2, IF you are using the same webapp, you can make a tile
  in a JSP without using the Actionservlet (you just need to have the
  plugIn initialize the tiles from the tiles xml configuration.  Try
  a JSP with this type of syntax:
  %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
  tiles:insert definition=loginDef/
  Now, to get the *.html mapping to work, you'd have to reonfigure yout
  application server to map *.html pages so they are handled by the JSP
  engine.  In tomcat, you can do that like this:
  -Original Message-
  From: William Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 10:36 PM
  Subject: Using Tiles outside of an ActionServlet
  I'm trying to create a WebApp with 2 sections.
  Section1 consists of Struts Actions managed by an ActionServlet and
  Tiles for consistent layout. The incoming requests will always be
  Section2 is a bunch of generated html fragments (each is a page's worth)
  that I would like to embed in the Tiles I'm already using in Section1.
  Request for html page comes in and it is forwarded to the Tile page
  embeds the originally requested page. The incoming requests will always
  I thought I had it nailed.
  Attempt1: Have the request for Section2 be handled by its own
  with a very simple custom RequestProcessor. But Struts only allows a
  instance of ActionServlet (or subclass) within a WebApp.
  Atempt2: Use a single ActionServlet and either use a separate Module for
  each section, or use a wildcard ActionMapping to catch all of Section2's
  html requests. But Struts only allows a single servlet-mapping element
  the controller-servlet and I would need 2 (*.do and foo/*.html). NB
  Struts restriction is that when using Modules you can only use extension
  paths in your servlet-mappings.
  Attempt3: ??? I'm looking for ideas.
  At the moment the only solution I can see is to implement my own Servlet
  (not an ActionServlet subclass) which then uses the Tiles config and
  mechanism to render the Section2 response with the required layout.
  Is there a better way?
  thanks in advance.
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2004-11-06 Thread Tushar Agrawal
Hi ,
what i understand from your original problem is you want to capture on change event 
and want a mechanins to idenify each option uniquely..right. 
Whatever u r doing using struts is correct..and need not to make indexed=true .
All you need to do is just write a javascript code some what like this :
script language=javascript
function callMe(objSelect){
alert(objSelect); //it should show [object] {
function callMe(objSelect){
   //do this
 }else if (objSelect.option[objSelect.options.selectedIndex].value=b){
   //do this;
html:form action=\ name=myForm .. 
td valign=top
html:select name=menuEntries property=menuAction
 html:option value=Select A Action/html:option
  html:options name=actionNames
No you don't need 11 different methods, if you read through this it
(hopefully) should be clearer


- Original Message - 
From: Srilatha Salla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: Hi


 i tried using indexed=true for

 logic:iterate name=autoAttendantInfoForm property=menuEntries
  td valign=middle
  bean:write name=menuEntries property=key/
  html:hidden name=menuEntries property=key
  td valign=middle
  html:text name=menuEntries property=description
size=15 maxlength=15 indexed=true/
  td valign=top
html:select name=menuEntries property=menuAction
 html:option value=Select A Action/html:option
  html:options name=actionNames
   html:text property=phoneNumber size=15

 I have a menuentry[] menuEntries property in formbean.
 so i need to index for description and key also.
 There is indexed attribute for html:text but not for bean:write
 So i used html:hidden indexed=true

 I have get and set methods in menuEntry class for key, description 
  MenuEntry[] menuEntries = form.getMenuEntries(); in action class.

  tried retrieving the menuEntries[] in the action class.
 I get java.lang.NullPointerException

 so if I use indexed,  should there be 11 different get and set 
because name of the property changes select

 Is there anyother way without using indexed, but send index of the
property to the onchange method.


 Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Using indexed=true will generate names such as menuAction[0],
 menuAction[1] etc...



 - Original Message - 
 From: Srilatha Salla
 Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 4:41 PM
 Subject: Hi

  I have a logic:iterate tag in my jsp.
  size=15 maxlength=15/
  Select A Action
  I have 11 rows to iterate.
  for each html:select i have to invoke onchange method such that
 on the selection(for example if have options a,b,c,d in dropdownlist, 
 to display a textfield called phonenumber only for options a,c.). My
 is i have to send some parameter in the onchange method, but since it 
 iteration every iteration has same propertyname,
  I have menuAction as property name for htmlselect.
  I should be able to get the phonenumber only for the options i sent 
 i load the page.(Iike edit page)
  I would appreciate if anyone can help me.
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   Tushar Agrawal
 Software Engineer
  Seclore Technology Pvt Ltd.
IIT Powai, Bombay (Mah)
 Cell : +919819804870
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Re: Cannot call c:import / more than once!

2004-11-06 Thread Mick Wever

  There is a simple solution. In the c:import specify an absolute URL.

 I am having the same issue as you were last month.  I am using OC4J (AS
 10g) and can not c:import nor tiles:insert more than one Struts
 on the same JSP.  I saw that you worked around the issue by using an
 absolute URL with c:import.  I tried this too and it does indeed work
 however this results in a distinct request scope such that the request
 scope of the calling JSP is not visible in the included Struts action
 vice versa).  Did you find this too?  Have you found any other
 to this issue?  Do you think this is an OC4J issue, a Struts issue, a
 issue?  Why do you suppose there is so little written about this problem
 considering that what we are doing seems like it would be an ideal

It does say in the jstl spec for import that if the url is within the same
application context then the environment variables will be pass on, ie
request, response, etc. Struts actions commit to the response so you
cannot use them to include additional data in this way. It worked out well
with an absolute url because we are using a webcache so that the import
was fast enough. I guess your options are to either change the struts
action into just including a jsp page or servlet, or importing an absolute
url and putting the required information in as request parameters to the

ps. please post your question to the mailing list, and then, only if the
thread is old, email me a copy. 

To be young, really young, takes a very long time. Picasso 
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passing property as attribute to simple tag

2004-11-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello, I've stared blind on this one, please anyone help me.

I have a simple tag in which I iterate through the property of a bean:

jsp:useBean id=persistentie scope=request

c:forEach items=${persistentie.wensenGebruiker} var=wens

This works: it calls the getWensenGebruiker method of the persistentie

Now I want the property to be called as an attribute to the simple tag, so
that in the calling JSP I can do something like:

myapp:wensen categorie=wensenGebruiker/

I catch the property with:

%@ attribute name=categorie required=true type=java.lang.String %

Now I want to use this attribute as the property to be called on the bean.
I tried lots of variations, like: 

c:forEach items=${persistentie.${categorie}} var=wens


c:forEach items=${persistentie}.${categorie} var=wens

etc (I tried more than you can imagine)

Please anyone tell me how I can do it, hopefully with a clean solution

Regards, Jeroen

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