Re: (Newbie question) tiles:getAsString error attribute not found

2005-04-05 Thread brenmcguire
In Tiles, you can put attributes only into layout pages. In short terms
you should modify your tiles-defs.xml this way:







Antonio Petrelli

Neil Aggarwal wrote:

>I am a newbie to struts and am trying to get a handle on
>tiles:getAsString tag.  I am having a problem in
>that is complains that the attribute I am trying to
>get does not exist.
>Here is what I have in my tiles-defs.xml:
>I have an index.jsp that loads the page.home defintion:
><[EMAIL PROTECTED] uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
>Here is the layout.jsp (trimmed):
><[EMAIL PROTECTED] language="java" %>
><[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="/imports.jsp" %>
><[EMAIL PROTECTED] uri=""; 
>attribute="leftNav" />
>src="/images/transparent1x1.gif" width="10" />
>Here is the header.jsp (trimmed):
><[EMAIL PROTECTED] language="java" %>
><[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="/imports.jsp" %>
><[EMAIL PROTECTED] uri=""; 
>When I try to load the page (You can see what I have at
>I get this error in the tomcat log:
>SEVERE: ServletException in '/layout.jsp':
>ServletException in '/header.jsp':
>Error - tag.getAsString :
>attribute 'pageTitle' not found in context. Check tag syntax
>Any ideas?
>   Neil
>Neil Aggarwal, JAMM Consulting, (972)612-6056,
>FREE! Valuable info on how your business can reduce operating costs by
>17% or more in 6 months or less!
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request processing problems

2005-04-05 Thread Pavel Jbanov

(Version: 1.2.4)

Situation: I have a Form
public class SomeForm extends ValidatorForm {
private HashMap quantity = new HashMap();

public String getQuantity(String key) {
return (String) quantity.get(key);

public void setQuantity(String key, String val) {
this.quantity.put(key, val);

public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
HttpServletRequest request) {

I write:


Works fine.

But in my situation, in the action/jsp where I just draw this form, in
request (as a leftover from previous request, after several forwards) I
recieve a value from a distant

So I get this:
 java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: Cannot set quantity
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Property 'quantity' has no
setter method
... 44 more

Renaming quantity to qnty helped, but I think that this exception is
unnecessary and avoidable.

Is it a bug? I didn't have too much time to search the bugzilla, but I
didn't see anything similar during a quick scan...



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Re: Obtaining size of java.util.Collection through Struts/JSTL

2005-04-05 Thread Matt Raible
Greg Pelly wrote:
What is the prefered way to obtain the size of elements that implement the
Collection interface, such as a Vector?  I would like something like:
 elements exist in
this Vector!
But since the method is called "size()" and not "getSize()," Struts can't
handle it.  Right now I am using scriptlets:
 java.util.Vector v = request.getAttribute("myVector");
...and later...
<%= v.size() %> elements exist in this Vector!
Any advice?


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Re: Reloading ApplicationResources

2005-04-05 Thread James Mitchell
Actually, it's not quite that simple.  Struts internals caches the formatted 
results from your overridden method, and if it already has that one it 
doesn't bother calling your method.  Trust me, I've been around that block.

The best you can do (at least to maintain the same performance) is to flush 
the cache with each call and cache the results yourself.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM:   jmitchtx
Yahoo: jmitchtx

- Original Message - 
From: "Fogleson, Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 10:06 AM
Subject: RE: Reloading ApplicationResources

Within struts messageResources are loaded at startup and that's it, they
aren't loaded again unless the app is restarted of course.
If you wanted this kind of functionality you would have to write a
couple classes.
1) Write a MessageResourceFactory class that returns your specific
messageResource implementation. This class would extend
2) Write a Message resource class to provide the messages. Since you
want to monitor the properties file you will want to extend
o.a.s.util.PropertyMessageResources. and override the method
getMessage(String localeKey, String key)
then you just change the struts config to use your
-Original Message-
From: Mark Benussi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 7:41 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Reloading ApplicationResources
Sorry, cant search the archive list as the link seems to have broken.

Does anyone know a way I can configure Struts to watch for changes in
application resources?

If it is not possible is there a class I can overload to do it manually?

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Re: Obtaining size of java.util.Collection through Struts/JSTL

2005-04-05 Thread Robert Taylor
Make sure you include:
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="fn" %>

Greg Pelly wrote:
What is the prefered way to obtain the size of elements that implement the
Collection interface, such as a Vector?  I would like something like:
 elements exist in
this Vector!
But since the method is called "size()" and not "getSize()," Struts can't
handle it.  Right now I am using scriptlets:
  java.util.Vector v = request.getAttribute("myVector");
...and later...
<%= v.size() %> elements exist in this Vector!
Any advice?
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Re: Obtaining size of java.util.Collection through Struts/JSTL

2005-04-05 Thread Erik Weber
I use bean:size. I don't know if there is a JSTL equivalent. Seems odd 
that there wouldn't be one, but I can't find one in my JSTL reference.

Greg Pelly wrote:
What is the prefered way to obtain the size of elements that implement the
Collection interface, such as a Vector?  I would like something like:
 elements exist in
this Vector!
But since the method is called "size()" and not "getSize()," Struts can't
handle it.  Right now I am using scriptlets:
 java.util.Vector v = request.getAttribute("myVector");
...and later...
<%= v.size() %> elements exist in this Vector!
Any advice?
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Re: Struts Unit Tests / Alternative getUserPrincipleCall

2005-04-05 Thread Tim Christopher
Just in case anyone else experiences the same problem this is how I solved it:

  TestPrincipal user = new TestPrincipal("tim");
  ServletContext context = getActionServlet().getServletContext();
  HttpServletRequestSimulator hsrs = new HttpServletRequestSimulator(context);

Note: TestPrincipal is a simple Java class that implements Principal
and contains one method called getName().

Tim Christopher

On Apr 5, 2005 11:16 AM, Tim Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how to code a response to 
> request.getUserPrinciple().getName()?
> I've used that call at the start of many of my Actions so that only
> relevant content would be displayed, however I'm now trying to run
> unit tests I'm getting no where as the User Principle is not in the
> request.
> Any help appreciated.
> Tim Christopher

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Re: How to assign value to variable from property?

2005-04-05 Thread Daniel PC Leung
I want to extract a value from a bean property so that it can be a
variable xx
inside sql:query. Can I do that?

   SELECT first_name, middle_name, last_name, chi_name FROM
user_profile WHERE usernm = xxx

On Apr 5, 2005 11:46 PM, Leon Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  property="propertyname"/>
> Do you mean this kind of assignment?
> Regards
> Leon
> > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > Von: PC Leung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. April 2005 17:43
> > An:
> > Betreff: How to assign value to variable from property?
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > The following can print a value in jsp file.
> > 
> >
> > How to assign the value to a variable in jsp from a property?
> >
> > Thanks
> > PC Leung
> >
> >
> > -
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> >
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RE: Session Idle

2005-04-05 Thread Fogleson, Allen
That is exactly how the session timeout works. If the user is idle (i.e
has not submitted a request in X time) then it is timed out (assuming X
is the timeout) otherwise a request acts sort of as a "renew this
session for X more minutes"


-Original Message-
From: Eain Mat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 7:32 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Session Idle

if i invalidate the session, everything will be destory in the session.
I still want the session to keep alive when user is in the middle of
their processing operation even the session-timeout is passed. I only
want to timeout their session, if they are not doing anything.
Eain mat

Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--web.xml contents--


then trap on the invalidate method for your HttpSession object
Makes sense???
- Original Message -
From: "Eain Mat" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 7:44 PM
Subject: Session Idle

> What is the simplest way to track the session idle? We cannot use
session-timeout in web.xml because there may be leftover operation that
needed to process.
> Eain Mat

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Re: Session Idle

2005-04-05 Thread Eain Mat
if i invalidate the session, everything will be destory in the session. I still 
want the session to keep alive when user is in the middle of their processing 
operation even the session-timeout is passed. I only want to timeout their 
session, if they are not doing anything.
Eain mat

Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--web.xml contents--


then trap on the invalidate method for your HttpSession object
Makes sense???
- Original Message -
From: "Eain Mat" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 7:44 PM
Subject: Session Idle

> What is the simplest way to track the session idle? We cannot use
session-timeout in web.xml because there may be leftover operation that is
needed to process.
> Eain Mat

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Obtaining size of java.util.Collection through Struts/JSTL

2005-04-05 Thread Greg Pelly
What is the prefered way to obtain the size of elements that implement the
Collection interface, such as a Vector?  I would like something like:

 elements exist in
this Vector!

But since the method is called "size()" and not "getSize()," Struts can't
handle it.  Right now I am using scriptlets:
  java.util.Vector v = request.getAttribute("myVector");

...and later...

<%= v.size() %> elements exist in this Vector!

Any advice?


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Re: Html:messages vs html:errors

2005-04-05 Thread Niall Pemberton
One cause of this is if it can't find the message key in your application
resources and you have your message resources configured with null="true".
If you change your message resources config to null="false" in your


Then if it can't find the message for some reason, you should get the
following displayed.



Another you have the taglib declaration for the html tags at the
top of your page?

Anyway, what you have looks good, just a matter of debugging which bits of
struts are not configured properly.


- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 12:25 AM

> I tried the example from the HelpTagsErrorsAndMessages.html in my jsp
> near the top of the body.
> The action that forwards to that jsp has:
> ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
> errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new
> ActionMessage("error.detail",retStatus));
> this.saveErrors(request, errors);
> where retStatus is a string.
> And in my I have
> error.detail={0}
> But when I run it I get
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find bean msg in any scope
> ...
> - Root Cause -
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean msg in any scope

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RE: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Smith, Thad
The javascript method takes an optional target which is the
named frame/window that you want to be the destination output. There are
a few built in names such as _parent, _blank, _self that serve special

If the browser is unable to find a frame called "dontCareThatName", it
attempts to find a window called "dontCareThatName". If it is unable to
find a window with that name it will open a new window
altogether...hence "dontCareThatName" will open a new window the first
time this method is called. Any subsequent calls to with a
target of "dontCareThatName" will send the output to the opened window.
To guarantee that a new window is opened every time use "_blank".


Thad Smith

-Original Message-
From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 6:25 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

This looks cool to me as well.  What is with the
target="dontCareThatName"?  Is this necessary, and, if so, what should
"dontCareThatName" be?  Thanks,

On Apr 5, 2005 2:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dakota Jack wrote:
> >Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup
> >windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.
> >
> >Jack
> >
> >
> >
> I like very much:
>  onsubmit="'',,'scroolbar=no,
> true;">
> The output of yourAction will be shown in the popup, and all your form
> fields are brought the normal way to yourAction
> with no need to put them into a big query string after the url in the
> open() function.

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its
~Dakota Jack~

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Re: Session Idle

2005-04-05 Thread Martin Gainty
--web.xml contents--


then trap on the invalidate method for your HttpSession object
Makes sense???
- Original Message -
From: "Eain Mat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 7:44 PM
Subject: Session Idle

> What is the simplest way to track the session idle? We cannot use
session-timeout in web.xml because there may be leftover operation that is
needed to process.
> Eain Mat

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Session Idle

2005-04-05 Thread Eain Mat
What is the simplest way to track the session idle? We cannot use 
session-timeout in web.xml because there may be leftover operation that is 
needed to process. 
Eain Mat

RE: New to Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Ruben Cepeda
I would go to the struts home page and start looking thru the documentation 
and tutorial.  Here is a link: to the user guide it come in 

Ruben Cepeda

Original Message Follows
From: "Balaji H. Kasal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Subject: New to Struts
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 17:27:26 +0530 (IST)
I am quite new to struts. Please guide me which is the best place to start. 
I will prefer to start with Struts example ()src code).

Thanks in advance.
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RE: Html:messages vs html:errors

2005-04-05 Thread Michael Oliver
I tried the example from the HelpTagsErrorsAndMessages.html in my jsp
near the top of the body.


The action that forwards to that jsp has:

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new
this.saveErrors(request, errors);

where retStatus is a string.

And in my I have


But when I run it I get

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find bean msg in any scope
- Root Cause -
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean msg in any scope

Michael Oliver
Alarius Systems LLC
3325 N. Nellis Blvd, #1
Las Vegas, NV 89115
*Note new email changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 12:28 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Html:messages vs html:errors

>From this and other messages I think you've got the wrong end of the
regarding the  tag. You can use either  or
 with ActionMessage, its just down to personal
I've added a page comparing  and  here:

You can use either

As for the validate method in your action form - then whether you use
 or  the you can do something like the

public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
 HttpServletRequest request) {

   ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

   if () {
errors.add("myProperty", new ActionMessage("myProperty.error"));

   return errors;



- Original Message - 
From: "Fergal O'Shea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Riyaz Mansoor'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Struts Users Mailing List'"

Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 5:21 PM
Subject: RE: Html:messages vs html:errors

> We don't seem to have struts-examples.war readily available here at
> Does anyone have an example of overriding an ActionForm's validate()
> but using ActionMessage instead of ActionError (I presume you still
> use a Collection of ActionErrors), and using html:messages instead of
> old .
> Specifically, how does one tie in the id parameter in html:messages
> ActionErrors Collection returned by one's validate() method ?

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Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Dakota Jack
This looks cool to me as well.  What is with the
target="dontCareThatName"?  Is this necessary, and, if so, what should
"dontCareThatName" be?  Thanks,

On Apr 5, 2005 2:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dakota Jack wrote:
> >Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup
> >windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.
> >
> >Jack
> >
> >
> >
> I like very much:
>  onsubmit="'',,'scroolbar=no, toolbar=no');return
> true;">
> The output of yourAction will be shown in the popup, and all your form
> fields are brought the normal way to yourAction
> with no need to put them into a big query string after the url in the
> open() function.

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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RES: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Paulo Alvim
Our first tests mixed JSP pages and Laszlo:

- flash sometimes call jsp pages for "export CSV/XML", "print preview", and
a few other "utilities"
- struts based "portal" JSP pages embedeed Laszlo sub-apps
- a few cache
- form-bean "firewall"
- ...abd we'd like to keep an architecture that could delivery Flash but
also HTML/XML/anyDeviceL...but we're still trying several approachs - ex:
trying to figure out if Validator/Tiles could make sense.

-Mensagem original-
De: Smith, Thad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 19:30
Para: Struts Users Mailing List
Assunto: RE: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer
Laszlo + Struts

I evaluated Laszlo a few months ago and it is a very impressive (at least
visually). It's a good RIA framework and no one can thumb their nose at the
fact that it's now open source. Not sure if I can say to definitely use
Laszlo over JSF.

My question is how are you planning on using Struts as the control layer
with Laszlo? I've read about others wanting to use the two technologies
together and the idea has always puzzled me. I say that because one of the
expressed goals of Laszlo (and other RIA frameworks, and all the AJAX
discussions) is to do away with the fact that html based web applications
refresh the view each time a request is submitted, by only sending/receiving
the underlying data that drives the application. The only usefulness for a
framework like Struts that I can see would be in validating data/executing
actions, but if you're using Struts to navigate from one Laszlo application
to another (treating a Laszlo app as a page), you're users are going to have
poor performance since loading a Laszlo application is inherently slower
then loading an html page generated by JSF, Struts or any other framework.

That's my two cents.

Thad Smith

-Original Message-
From: Paulo Alvim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 4:08 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RES: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo
+ Struts

you're welcome, Rick...

I believe that the Open-Source community have to let the "Darwin law" works.
Without commercial pressure and - yes - sometimes against a few 'not so good
or necessary' conventions.

That guys provided us great results - so we want to share it and help them!

-Mensagem original-
De: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 17:48
Para: Struts Users Mailing List
Assunto: Re: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer
Laszlo + Struts

I'm going to have to take a real good look at laszlo. Thanks for
bringing it up. I'm so tired of the front end limitations of HTML.

Paulo Alvim wrote the following on 4/5/2005 4:37 PM:
> Please check carefully all these Laszlo demos, Al, and you'll see that
> a real killer MVC-View approach that deliver great value for customers (in
> its segment - of course):
> And please note that you don't have "MVC-Control" in Laszlo - it's focused
> in the View - such as JSF - and it's too much elegant for that - for
> example, it has no eclipsed areas with Struts Controllers!
> You also don't have to know Flash script language - you can get amazing
> usefull web GUIs by declaring LPZ (XML macros) and Javascript...
> Laszlo isn't "more of the same" - it's the kind of solution that enabled
> to exceed our customers expectations in our first "proof of concept"
> (previous Macromedia's Flex and other proprietary "flash" tools didn't
> deliver this result).
> Alvim
> -Mensagem original-
> De: Fogleson, Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviada em: terca-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 17:08
> Para: Struts Users Mailing List
> Assunto: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo +
> Struts
> Paulo,
> I can certainly agree that value to the customer is the prime ingredient
> in any solution. However the problem I have seen, at least here in the
> US (I can't speak to the west coast but I have had clients up and down
> the east coast, most of the Midwest, and very little on the west coast)
> is that clients want several things out of a solution (in decreasing
> order of importance or relevancy. i.e. often a standards based solution
> overrules a perfectly valid, easier and in some cases better
> implementation)
> 1) Standards based. In the java world this means J2EE in general, and
> probably in the specific case here JSF over Laszlo.
> 2) Widely accepted in the industry if using open source. Until
> relatively recently it was not that easy to sell a customer on using
> struts. As recently as 2 months ago I had to justify the use of Springs
> IOP stuff to a client (and I didn't architect the solution) and we came
> very close to having to refactor any use of spring OUT of the
> application. "Widely accepted" obviously is a subjective assessment.
> Those are the top 2 things. Now I personally

Re: 'value' attribute behavior change 1.2.0 to 1.2.6

2005-04-05 Thread Niall Pemberton
Apologies, this was my fault - I added a trim() to the value when I
re-factored this tag :-(

I'll change this back.


- Original Message - 
From: "Wendy Smoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 11:28 PM

> I'm getting the following HTML rendered from the JSP below:
>  onclick="setUserAction('Add Prospect');" styleClass="addButton"
> titleKey="button.add.prospect" />
>  onclick="setUserAction('Add Prospect');" class="addButton" title="Add
> Prospect">
> This is supposed to be a submit button with an image and no text (just
> spaces).  It worked in 1.2.0, but 1.2.6 is ignoring the 'value' attribute
> and I'm getting the word 'Submit' plastered over the image.
> Before I open a bug, can anyone comment if they think it's _supposed_ to
> this?  Thanks.
> -- 
> Wendy Smoak

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RE: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Smith, Thad
I evaluated Laszlo a few months ago and it is a very impressive (at least 
visually). It's a good RIA framework and no one can thumb their nose at the 
fact that it's now open source. Not sure if I can say to definitely use Laszlo 
over JSF.

My question is how are you planning on using Struts as the control layer with 
Laszlo? I've read about others wanting to use the two technologies together and 
the idea has always puzzled me. I say that because one of the expressed goals 
of Laszlo (and other RIA frameworks, and all the AJAX discussions) is to do 
away with the fact that html based web applications refresh the view each time 
a request is submitted, by only sending/receiving the underlying data that 
drives the application. The only usefulness for a framework like Struts that I 
can see would be in validating data/executing actions, but if you're using 
Struts to navigate from one Laszlo application to another (treating a Laszlo 
app as a page), you're users are going to have poor performance since loading a 
Laszlo application is inherently slower then loading an html page generated by 
JSF, Struts or any other framework.

That's my two cents.

Thad Smith

-Original Message-
From: Paulo Alvim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 4:08 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RES: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + 

you're welcome, Rick...

I believe that the Open-Source community have to let the "Darwin law" works.
Without commercial pressure and - yes - sometimes against a few 'not so good
or necessary' conventions.

That guys provided us great results - so we want to share it and help them!

-Mensagem original-
De: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 17:48
Para: Struts Users Mailing List
Assunto: Re: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer
Laszlo + Struts

I'm going to have to take a real good look at laszlo. Thanks for
bringing it up. I'm so tired of the front end limitations of HTML.

Paulo Alvim wrote the following on 4/5/2005 4:37 PM:
> Please check carefully all these Laszlo demos, Al, and you'll see that
> a real killer MVC-View approach that deliver great value for customers (in
> its segment - of course):
> And please note that you don't have "MVC-Control" in Laszlo - it's focused
> in the View - such as JSF - and it's too much elegant for that - for
> example, it has no eclipsed areas with Struts Controllers!
> You also don't have to know Flash script language - you can get amazing
> usefull web GUIs by declaring LPZ (XML macros) and Javascript...
> Laszlo isn't "more of the same" - it's the kind of solution that enabled
> to exceed our customers expectations in our first "proof of concept"
> (previous Macromedia's Flex and other proprietary "flash" tools didn't
> deliver this result).
> Alvim
> -Mensagem original-
> De: Fogleson, Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviada em: terca-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 17:08
> Para: Struts Users Mailing List
> Assunto: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo +
> Struts
> Paulo,
> I can certainly agree that value to the customer is the prime ingredient
> in any solution. However the problem I have seen, at least here in the
> US (I can't speak to the west coast but I have had clients up and down
> the east coast, most of the Midwest, and very little on the west coast)
> is that clients want several things out of a solution (in decreasing
> order of importance or relevancy. i.e. often a standards based solution
> overrules a perfectly valid, easier and in some cases better
> implementation)
> 1) Standards based. In the java world this means J2EE in general, and
> probably in the specific case here JSF over Laszlo.
> 2) Widely accepted in the industry if using open source. Until
> relatively recently it was not that easy to sell a customer on using
> struts. As recently as 2 months ago I had to justify the use of Springs
> IOP stuff to a client (and I didn't architect the solution) and we came
> very close to having to refactor any use of spring OUT of the
> application. "Widely accepted" obviously is a subjective assessment.
> Those are the top 2 things. Now I personally have not used Laszlo (I
> looked at it briefly a while back but haven't even played with it in my
> "free time") So you, having experience with it, may be able to make a
> better value statement about it to a client. Of course it is nearly
> impossible to keep up with all the projects out there. As an architect,
> usually with several simultaneous client engagements, it has become even
> more difficult :)
> With that said
> I don't think there is anything preventing someone from doing a Laszlo
> struts integration. I think it would end up in contrib. My personal view
> of struts is that it really provides the C part of MVC. (I don't really
> think you 

'value' attribute behavior change 1.2.0 to 1.2.6

2005-04-05 Thread Wendy Smoak
I'm getting the following HTML rendered from the JSP below:

This is supposed to be a submit button with an image and no text (just
spaces).  It worked in 1.2.0, but 1.2.6 is ignoring the 'value' attribute
and I'm getting the word 'Submit' plastered over the image.

Before I open a bug, can anyone comment if they think it's _supposed_ to do
this?  Thanks.

Wendy Smoak

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RE: Html:messages vs html:errors

2005-04-05 Thread Michael Oliver
This seems to be one of the biggest problems for Struts users, I am
still on 1.1 but had so much trouble with  that I am sure
moving to html:messages will be better, I too want to do that, but not
finding what to do.

Michael Oliver
Alarius Systems LLC
3325 N. Nellis Blvd, #1
Las Vegas, NV 89115
*Note new email changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Original Message-
From: Fergal O'Shea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 9:22 AM
To: 'Riyaz Mansoor'; 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Html:messages vs html:errors

We don't seem to have struts-examples.war readily available here at

Does anyone have an example of overriding an ActionForm's validate()
but using ActionMessage instead of ActionError (I presume you still have
use a Collection of ActionErrors), and using html:messages instead of
old .
Specifically, how does one tie in the id parameter in html:messages with
ActionErrors Collection returned by one's validate() method ?

> I'm a Struts newbie. A lot of the books and documentation I have on 
> Struts is pre 1.2 and uses html:errors and ActionErrors. Given 
> ActionErrors is deprecated, I'd like to use ActionMessages for some
JSPs I'm writing.

the usage is the same. 

actionerrors are dependent on certain keys such as "error.prefix" that
with the messageresources file.

messageresources have no such dependencies.

have a look at the struts-examples.war. u'll see all u'll need there :)

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Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dakota Jack wrote:
Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup
windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.

I like very much:

The output of yourAction will be shown in the popup, and all your form 
fields are brought the normal way to yourAction
with no need to put them into a big query string after the url in the 
open() function.


RE: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo+Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Fogleson, Allen

Oh yeah, that has always been my argument... ok Im using spring. Its
just a FRAMEWORK for pete's (usually I want to use a more.. ahem
appropriate word there) sake. If I write a custom IOP framework I am
allowed to use it, but because we are using "external" frameworks we
suddenly have to justify them.


-Original Message-
From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 3:57 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer

What is odd about this is that using something like Lazlo, if you know
what you are doing, is just using code.  Why would you tell a client
if you wanted to use some code?  What if you coded it yourself?  Then
could you use it?  Do you understand what I am wondering?


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RE: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Wiebe de Jong
The onlick=" ..." portion is the javascript onclick event. Just
use the snippet as presented, changing the two parameters and the link name
to suit your needs.


-Original Message-
From: Barnett, Brian W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 1:47 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

Sorry, I'm a javascript beginner. Can you provide a sample javascript
onclick event?


-Original Message-
From: Wiebe de Jong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 11:54 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

Like this:


Add the javascript to the onclick event. The first parameter is the action
and the second is the window name. There are some additional optional
parameters that you can add to control the window, etc.

Wiebe de Jong

-Original Message-
From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 10:42 AM
To: Frank W. Zammetti
Cc: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

No, have the popup url from the page be a struts action --


On Apr 5, 2005 10:37 AM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure what you mean... You mean open the popup from WITHIN an 
> Action?
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> On Tue, April 5, 2005 1:27 pm, Dakota Jack said:
> > Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup 
> > windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.
> >
> > Jack
> >
> > --
> > "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its
> > ~Dakota Jack~
> >
> > 
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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Re: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Leon Rosenberg

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Paulo Alvim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. April 2005 23:08
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: RES: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We 
> prefer Laszlo + Struts
> you're welcome, Rick...
> I believe that the Open-Source community have to let the 
> "Darwin law" works.
> Without commercial pressure and - yes - sometimes against a 
> few 'not so good or necessary' conventions.
> That guys provided us great results - so we want to share it 
> and help them!

Well Darwin law... According to Darwin law, there should never be something
like EJBs 
and ApplicationServers... or RMI! (at least it shouldn't last so long to
detect a dead end :-)   )
At least they are disappearing now :-)

But anyway, laszlo is really cool :-) We have to develop a flashy
communication center for our page, but 
I think we will now first evaluate laszlo, before we actually send our
frontend developers into flash workshop.


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Re: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Leon Rosenberg

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Paulo Alvim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. April 2005 23:08
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: RES: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We 
> prefer Laszlo + Struts
> you're welcome, Rick...
> I believe that the Open-Source community have to let the 
> "Darwin law" works.
> Without commercial pressure and - yes - sometimes against a 
> few 'not so good or necessary' conventions.
> That guys provided us great results - so we want to share it 
> and help them!

Well Darwin law... According to Darwin law, there should never be something
like EJBs 
and ApplicationServers... or RMI! (at least it shouldn't last so long to
detect a dead end :-)   )
At least they are disappearing now :-)

But anyway, laszlo is really cool :-) We have to develop a flashy
communication center for our page, but 
I think we will now first evaluate laszlo, before we actually send our
frontend developers into flash workshop.


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RES: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Paulo Alvim
you're welcome, Rick...

I believe that the Open-Source community have to let the "Darwin law" works.
Without commercial pressure and - yes - sometimes against a few 'not so good
or necessary' conventions.

That guys provided us great results - so we want to share it and help them!

-Mensagem original-
De: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 17:48
Para: Struts Users Mailing List
Assunto: Re: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer
Laszlo + Struts

I'm going to have to take a real good look at laszlo. Thanks for
bringing it up. I'm so tired of the front end limitations of HTML.

Paulo Alvim wrote the following on 4/5/2005 4:37 PM:
> Please check carefully all these Laszlo demos, Al, and you'll see that
> a real killer MVC-View approach that deliver great value for customers (in
> its segment - of course):
> And please note that you don't have "MVC-Control" in Laszlo - it's focused
> in the View - such as JSF - and it's too much elegant for that - for
> example, it has no eclipsed areas with Struts Controllers!
> You also don't have to know Flash script language - you can get amazing
> usefull web GUIs by declaring LPZ (XML macros) and Javascript...
> Laszlo isn't "more of the same" - it's the kind of solution that enabled
> to exceed our customers expectations in our first "proof of concept"
> (previous Macromedia's Flex and other proprietary "flash" tools didn't
> deliver this result).
> Alvim
> -Mensagem original-
> De: Fogleson, Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviada em: terca-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 17:08
> Para: Struts Users Mailing List
> Assunto: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo +
> Struts
> Paulo,
> I can certainly agree that value to the customer is the prime ingredient
> in any solution. However the problem I have seen, at least here in the
> US (I can't speak to the west coast but I have had clients up and down
> the east coast, most of the Midwest, and very little on the west coast)
> is that clients want several things out of a solution (in decreasing
> order of importance or relevancy. i.e. often a standards based solution
> overrules a perfectly valid, easier and in some cases better
> implementation)
> 1) Standards based. In the java world this means J2EE in general, and
> probably in the specific case here JSF over Laszlo.
> 2) Widely accepted in the industry if using open source. Until
> relatively recently it was not that easy to sell a customer on using
> struts. As recently as 2 months ago I had to justify the use of Springs
> IOP stuff to a client (and I didn't architect the solution) and we came
> very close to having to refactor any use of spring OUT of the
> application. "Widely accepted" obviously is a subjective assessment.
> Those are the top 2 things. Now I personally have not used Laszlo (I
> looked at it briefly a while back but haven't even played with it in my
> "free time") So you, having experience with it, may be able to make a
> better value statement about it to a client. Of course it is nearly
> impossible to keep up with all the projects out there. As an architect,
> usually with several simultaneous client engagements, it has become even
> more difficult :)
> With that said
> I don't think there is anything preventing someone from doing a Laszlo
> struts integration. I think it would end up in contrib. My personal view
> of struts is that it really provides the C part of MVC. (I don't really
> think you can make a case for struts providing the model, and the normal
> view layer is jsp which is not a part of struts of course.) The struts
> taglibs for instance, although very useful, are not required to use or
> even recognize the power of struts. Of course its just my opinion, and
> since no 2 developers will ever agree my opinion and 5 bucks can buy a
> cup of coffee at starbucks :)
> Al
> -
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Re: why complicate? was: Eliminate Setup Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Dakota Jack
Heck, Tapestry is way ahead of JSF, etc.  I have no idea why JSF is
seen as new when Tapestry is ahead of the game.

On Mar 11, 2005 8:34 PM, Tak Yoshida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rick,
> I really appreciated that you have looked at my small idea.
> Please write or see the sample code.
> You must get something from it, if you like page oriented.
> OzStruts is totally different from other page oriented framework,
> because it runs on current Struts, meaning it's simple.
> I'm personally not a big fan for event driven approach with page level 
> refresh mechanism.
> If I want it, I would see Echo, Flex, Lazslo, or something that is totally 
> event driven.
> Frank, I have to say somethig about OzStruts, beacuse you might 
> mis-understand it.
> This is totally Struts, and no additional config at all,
> just a standard struts-config.xml only, and even no new element like you 
> suggested.
> Rick also worried about the leaning effort,
> but in this sense, OzStruts is more natuaral approach for Struts developer.
> and I believe it's less effort than leaning tiles.
> You can just consolidate Actions and Forms into one Page class for each jsp 
> file, that it!
> Rick, your analysis could be true, 90% is cleanly done by standard Struts.
> but we have to know that 10% of requirements not cover thestandard Struts
> could cause 90% of maintenance cost, too.
> Tak
> Frank W. Zammetti wrote in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Glad your on board :)  I am going to work on it tonight, with a little
> >luck I can get at least a first iteration done and post in Bugzilla
> >tomorrow.  Then we'll see if it passes muster for real :)
> >
> >I know what you mean about keeping up with posts... I feel like I'm
> >constantly missing things :)
> >
> >--
> >Frank W. Zammetti
> >Founder and Chief Software Architect
> >Omnytex Technologies
> >
> >
> >Rick Reumann wrote:
> >> Frank W. Zammetti wrote the following on 3/7/2005 4:07 PM:
> >>
> >>> No argument here!  Hence the reason I didn't want to add a new config
> >>> file
> >>> at all... my solution centers on the idea of adding one new element to an
> >>> Action mapping,  (although, as I wrote that just now, I
> >>> think
> >>>  maybe makes more sense... perhaps even making these
> >>> attributes of a  makes more sense... eh, thinking out loud
> >>> now!).
> >>>  I doubt very many people would find this onerous.
> >>
> >>
> >> This would be nice! If it were right in the same struts config file, I'd
> >> vote for this approach for sure. Nice suggestion. Sorry I missed your
> >> presentation of this. I can't keep up with all the posts on this list
> >> any more:)
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >-
> >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> Tak Yoshida mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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RE: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Barnett, Brian W.
Sorry, I'm a javascript beginner. Can you provide a sample javascript
onclick event?


-Original Message-
From: Wiebe de Jong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 11:54 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

Like this:


Add the javascript to the onclick event. The first parameter is the action
and the second is the window name. There are some additional optional
parameters that you can add to control the window, etc.

Wiebe de Jong

-Original Message-
From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 10:42 AM
To: Frank W. Zammetti
Cc: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

No, have the popup url from the page be a struts action --


On Apr 5, 2005 10:37 AM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure what you mean... You mean open the popup from WITHIN an 
> Action?
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> On Tue, April 5, 2005 1:27 pm, Dakota Jack said:
> > Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup 
> > windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.
> >
> > Jack
> >
> > --
> > "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its
> > ~Dakota Jack~
> >
> > 
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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Re: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo +Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Dakota Jack
What is odd about this is that using something like Lazlo, if you know
what you are doing, is just using code.  Why would you tell a client
if you wanted to use some code?  What if you coded it yourself?  Then
could you use it?  Do you understand what I am wondering?


On Apr 5, 2005 1:39 PM, Fogleson, Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ohh I agree that Laszlo is pure view stuff. My contention is that
> because it is it doesn't belong in struts core really at all, but it is
> possible that a contrib module that integrates Laszlo into struts is
> possible.
> Al
> -
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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Dakota Jack
THANX, Wiebe

On Apr 5, 2005 10:53 AM, Wiebe de Jong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Like this:
>  onclick="'','csv')">CSV
> Add the javascript to the onclick event. The first parameter is the action
> and the second is the window name. There are some additional optional
> parameters that you can add to control the window, etc.
> Wiebe de Jong
> -Original Message-
> From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 10:42 AM
> To: Frank W. Zammetti
> Cc: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions
> No, have the popup url from the page be a struts action --
> Jack
> On Apr 5, 2005 10:37 AM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Not sure what you mean... You mean open the popup from WITHIN an Action?
> >
> > --
> > Frank W. Zammetti
> > Founder and Chief Software Architect
> > Omnytex Technologies
> >
> >
> > On Tue, April 5, 2005 1:27 pm, Dakota Jack said:
> > > Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup
> > > windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.
> > >
> > > Jack
> > >
> > > --
> > > "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its
> back."
> > > ~Dakota Jack~
> > >
> > > -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
> ~Dakota Jack~
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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Re: RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Rick Reumann
I'm going to have to take a real good look at laszlo. Thanks for 
bringing it up. I'm so tired of the front end limitations of HTML.

Paulo Alvim wrote the following on 4/5/2005 4:37 PM:
Please check carefully all these Laszlo demos, Al, and you'll see that it's
a real killer MVC-View approach that deliver great value for customers (in
its segment - of course):
And please note that you don't have "MVC-Control" in Laszlo - it's focused
in the View - such as JSF - and it's too much elegant for that - for
example, it has no eclipsed areas with Struts Controllers!
You also don't have to know Flash script language - you can get amazing
usefull web GUIs by declaring LPZ (XML macros) and Javascript...
Laszlo isn't "more of the same" - it's the kind of solution that enabled us
to exceed our customers expectations in our first "proof of concept"
(previous Macromedia's Flex and other proprietary "flash" tools didn't
deliver this result).
-Mensagem original-
De: Fogleson, Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: terca-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 17:08
Para: Struts Users Mailing List
Assunto: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo +
I can certainly agree that value to the customer is the prime ingredient
in any solution. However the problem I have seen, at least here in the
US (I can't speak to the west coast but I have had clients up and down
the east coast, most of the Midwest, and very little on the west coast)
is that clients want several things out of a solution (in decreasing
order of importance or relevancy. i.e. often a standards based solution
overrules a perfectly valid, easier and in some cases better
1) Standards based. In the java world this means J2EE in general, and
probably in the specific case here JSF over Laszlo.
2) Widely accepted in the industry if using open source. Until
relatively recently it was not that easy to sell a customer on using
struts. As recently as 2 months ago I had to justify the use of Springs
IOP stuff to a client (and I didn't architect the solution) and we came
very close to having to refactor any use of spring OUT of the
application. "Widely accepted" obviously is a subjective assessment.
Those are the top 2 things. Now I personally have not used Laszlo (I
looked at it briefly a while back but haven't even played with it in my
"free time") So you, having experience with it, may be able to make a
better value statement about it to a client. Of course it is nearly
impossible to keep up with all the projects out there. As an architect,
usually with several simultaneous client engagements, it has become even
more difficult :)
With that said
I don't think there is anything preventing someone from doing a Laszlo
struts integration. I think it would end up in contrib. My personal view
of struts is that it really provides the C part of MVC. (I don't really
think you can make a case for struts providing the model, and the normal
view layer is jsp which is not a part of struts of course.) The struts
taglibs for instance, although very useful, are not required to use or
even recognize the power of struts. Of course its just my opinion, and
since no 2 developers will ever agree my opinion and 5 bucks can buy a
cup of coffee at starbucks :)
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RE: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo +Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Fogleson, Allen
Ohh I agree that Laszlo is pure view stuff. My contention is that
because it is it doesn't belong in struts core really at all, but it is
possible that a contrib module that integrates Laszlo into struts is


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RES: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Paulo Alvim
Please check carefully all these Laszlo demos, Al, and you'll see that it's
a real killer MVC-View approach that deliver great value for customers (in
its segment - of course):

And please note that you don't have "MVC-Control" in Laszlo - it's focused
in the View - such as JSF - and it's too much elegant for that - for
example, it has no eclipsed areas with Struts Controllers!

You also don't have to know Flash script language - you can get amazing
usefull web GUIs by declaring LPZ (XML macros) and Javascript...

Laszlo isn't "more of the same" - it's the kind of solution that enabled us
to exceed our customers expectations in our first "proof of concept"
(previous Macromedia's Flex and other proprietary "flash" tools didn't
deliver this result).


-Mensagem original-
De: Fogleson, Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: terca-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 17:08
Para: Struts Users Mailing List
Assunto: [OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo +


I can certainly agree that value to the customer is the prime ingredient
in any solution. However the problem I have seen, at least here in the
US (I can't speak to the west coast but I have had clients up and down
the east coast, most of the Midwest, and very little on the west coast)
is that clients want several things out of a solution (in decreasing
order of importance or relevancy. i.e. often a standards based solution
overrules a perfectly valid, easier and in some cases better

1) Standards based. In the java world this means J2EE in general, and
probably in the specific case here JSF over Laszlo.

2) Widely accepted in the industry if using open source. Until
relatively recently it was not that easy to sell a customer on using
struts. As recently as 2 months ago I had to justify the use of Springs
IOP stuff to a client (and I didn't architect the solution) and we came
very close to having to refactor any use of spring OUT of the
application. "Widely accepted" obviously is a subjective assessment.

Those are the top 2 things. Now I personally have not used Laszlo (I
looked at it briefly a while back but haven't even played with it in my
"free time") So you, having experience with it, may be able to make a
better value statement about it to a client. Of course it is nearly
impossible to keep up with all the projects out there. As an architect,
usually with several simultaneous client engagements, it has become even
more difficult :)

With that said

I don't think there is anything preventing someone from doing a Laszlo
struts integration. I think it would end up in contrib. My personal view
of struts is that it really provides the C part of MVC. (I don't really
think you can make a case for struts providing the model, and the normal
view layer is jsp which is not a part of struts of course.) The struts
taglibs for instance, although very useful, are not required to use or
even recognize the power of struts. Of course its just my opinion, and
since no 2 developers will ever agree my opinion and 5 bucks can buy a
cup of coffee at starbucks :)


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Re: Locale-specific ActionForm population

2005-04-05 Thread Bernd Hofner
Hello Hubert,
thanks for your reply, I'll have a look at your link.
>possible solutions to your problem using the approach you're following
Is there another approach?
Do people specify there ActionForm fields as string and do the locale
specific parsing when copying the ActionForm fields to their model bean?
(And vice versa?)
This seems to be a lot of manual copy-one-attribute-to-another-attribute 
coding. I expected a framework to take away such "senseless" coding away 
from me...
I like to use copies of model beans as form members, using these beans 
to populate my HTTP form fields (using velocity).
Is this some kind of "unstruttish" approach?

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Re: questions concerning Lists and indexes and lazy lists, oh my

2005-04-05 Thread Rick Reumann
Wendy Smoak wrote the following on 4/5/2005 3:50 PM:
In light of that, I would bet the BeanUtils code always uses the
getWhatever() method, and then gets/sets the requested index directly on the
List or array.  Seems logical to me, but I have not run it in a debugger or
looked at the code to be certain.
Thanks Wendy. That makes sense. Sorry for being lazy and not reading the 

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[OT] RE: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Fogleson, Allen

I can certainly agree that value to the customer is the prime ingredient
in any solution. However the problem I have seen, at least here in the
US (I can't speak to the west coast but I have had clients up and down
the east coast, most of the Midwest, and very little on the west coast)
is that clients want several things out of a solution (in decreasing
order of importance or relevancy. i.e. often a standards based solution
overrules a perfectly valid, easier and in some cases better

1) Standards based. In the java world this means J2EE in general, and
probably in the specific case here JSF over Laszlo.

2) Widely accepted in the industry if using open source. Until
relatively recently it was not that easy to sell a customer on using
struts. As recently as 2 months ago I had to justify the use of Springs
IOP stuff to a client (and I didn't architect the solution) and we came
very close to having to refactor any use of spring OUT of the
application. "Widely accepted" obviously is a subjective assessment. 

Those are the top 2 things. Now I personally have not used Laszlo (I
looked at it briefly a while back but haven't even played with it in my
"free time") So you, having experience with it, may be able to make a
better value statement about it to a client. Of course it is nearly
impossible to keep up with all the projects out there. As an architect,
usually with several simultaneous client engagements, it has become even
more difficult :)

With that said

I don't think there is anything preventing someone from doing a Laszlo
struts integration. I think it would end up in contrib. My personal view
of struts is that it really provides the C part of MVC. (I don't really
think you can make a case for struts providing the model, and the normal
view layer is jsp which is not a part of struts of course.) The struts
taglibs for instance, although very useful, are not required to use or
even recognize the power of struts. Of course its just my opinion, and
since no 2 developers will ever agree my opinion and 5 bucks can buy a
cup of coffee at starbucks :)


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Re: RES: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Dave Newton
Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
Did you provide a link for Laszlo?  I might have missed it.
I've frankly never heard of it, I'd like to take a look.

Uhhh. Yeah. Thank goodness for necks and all that.

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Re: RES: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Dave Newton
Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
Did you provide a link for Laszlo?  I might have missed it.
I've frankly never heard of it, I'd like to take a look.
I just ran across it, coincidentally, two days ago: it's basically a 
Flash-generated-via-servlet technology. I'm evaluating it for use almost 
nearly as we speak. So far I'm impressed enough to consider using it for 
some interal projects just to get a handle on it.


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Re: questions concerning Lists and indexes and lazy lists, oh my

2005-04-05 Thread Wendy Smoak
From: "Rick Reumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> My question is how does Struts/BeanUtils handle two get methods that
> have different signatures but the same method name, and what exactly is
> going on?

See section 7.2 of the JavaBeans Specification for info on indexed
properties.  The indexed get/set methods are optional.  "A component MAY
also expose an indexed property as a single array value." (emphasis mine).
(They also must be arrays-- BeanUtils extends the spec to allow Lists.)

In light of that, I would bet the BeanUtils code always uses the
getWhatever() method, and then gets/sets the requested index directly on the
List or array.  Seems logical to me, but I have not run it in a debugger or
looked at the code to be certain.

Wendy Smoak

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Re: RES: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Van
On Apr 5, 2005 12:15 PM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did you provide a link for Laszlo?  I might have missed it.
> I've frankly never heard of it, I'd like to take a look.

Google "Laszlo" and it could be your lucky day. :-)

> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies

- Mike "Van" Riper

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Re: Shale And Spring: Using Spring Dependency Injection With Shale

2005-04-05 Thread Duong BaTien
Thanks. I will find time to do it.
Craig McClanahan wrote:
Please try out the latest nightly version of the "use cases" sample
app.  It uses Spring to provide the business logic object (and
associated DAO) for the login use case.
On Apr 5, 2005 10:13 AM, Duong BaTien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I reply to dev list but the mail was not accepted.



Dear Wiki user,
You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Struts Wiki" for change 
The following page has been changed by CraigMcClanahan:
New page:
+++-- Shale And Spring: Using Spring Dependency Injection With Shale
Since version 1.1.5 of Spring, that framework has included a convenient 
integration with JavaServer Faces that may be leveraged in a Shale based 
application.  The integration includes a custom JSF {{{VariableResolver}}} 
implementation that is invoked first whenever a value binding or method binding 
expression is evaluated.  In other words, the JSF managed beans facility 
behaves like this:
* If there is a registered managed bean for the specified name, use the 
standard JSF facilities to create it (as usual).
* If there is a configuration for this bean in the Spring 
WebApplicationContext, use Spring's BeanFactory to create it.
* If neither of the above facilities recognizes the name, return {{{null}}}.
This technique allows you to transparently use JSF value binding expressions 
(either in components, or through programmatic manipulation) that access beans 
managed by Spring instead of by the JSF managed beans facility.


Hello Craig:
I make a quick test on my site.
The current working condition has shale.jar, spring-core.jar,
spring-context.jar and spring-web.jar (1.1.5) . It works with or without
using org.springframework.web.jsf.DelegatingVariableResolver
Now i add shale-spring.jar, it has the exception as in the enclosed
psi1.log. The exception happens with or without the inclusion of
org.springframework.web.jsf.DelegatingVariableResolver in faces config.


Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline;
2005-04-05 09:18:24,622 [main] DEBUG javax.faces.application.ApplicationF=
actory - New ApplicationFactory instance created
2005-04-05 09:18:24,677 [main] ERROR org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupSer=
vletContextListener - Error initializing ServletContext
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class org.springframework.web.context=
=2EWebApplicationContext is no javax.faces.el.VariableResolver
 at org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator.getApplicationObject(Face=
 at org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator.configureApplication(Face=
 at org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator.configure(FacesConfigurat=
 at org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener.initFaces(Sta=
 at org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener.contextInitia=
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(StandardContex=
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.=
 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces=

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(Newbie question) tiles:getAsString error attribute not found

2005-04-05 Thread Neil Aggarwal

I am a newbie to struts and am trying to get a handle on
tiles:getAsString tag.  I am having a problem in
that is complains that the attribute I am trying to
get does not exist.

Here is what I have in my tiles-defs.xml:





I have an index.jsp that loads the page.home defintion:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>

Here is the layout.jsp (trimmed):
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] language="java" %>
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="/imports.jsp" %>
prefix="html" %>





Here is the header.jsp (trimmed):
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] language="java" %>
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="/imports.jsp" %>
prefix="html" %>



When I try to load the page (You can see what I have at

I get this error in the tomcat log:
SEVERE: ServletException in '/layout.jsp': 
ServletException in '/header.jsp': 
Error - tag.getAsString : 
attribute 'pageTitle' not found in context. Check tag syntax

Any ideas?


Neil Aggarwal, JAMM Consulting, (972)612-6056,
FREE! Valuable info on how your business can reduce operating costs by
17% or more in 6 months or less!

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Re: Html:messages vs html:errors

2005-04-05 Thread Niall Pemberton
>From this and other messages I think you've got the wrong end of the stick
regarding the  tag. You can use either  or
 with ActionMessage, its just down to personal preference.
I've added a page comparing  and  here:

You can use either

As for the validate method in your action form - then whether you use
 or  the you can do something like the

public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
 HttpServletRequest request) {

   ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

   if () {
errors.add("myProperty", new ActionMessage("myProperty.error"));

   return errors;



- Original Message - 
From: "Fergal O'Shea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Riyaz Mansoor'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Struts Users Mailing List'"

Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 5:21 PM
Subject: RE: Html:messages vs html:errors

> We don't seem to have struts-examples.war readily available here at work.
> Does anyone have an example of overriding an ActionForm's validate()
> but using ActionMessage instead of ActionError (I presume you still have
> use a Collection of ActionErrors), and using html:messages instead of
> old .
> Specifically, how does one tie in the id parameter in html:messages with
> ActionErrors Collection returned by one's validate() method ?

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Re: RES: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Did you provide a link for Laszlo?  I might have missed it.

I've frankly never heard of it, I'd like to take a look.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Tue, April 5, 2005 2:52 pm, Paulo Alvim said:
> Thanks for your help, Frank...
> My English is not so good - but that's exactly what I'd like to say.
> (you know - after 20 years migrating to lots of tools - COBOL, UNIX, RAD
> C/S, Java App Server, J2EE, Open-Source, we know that, at the end,
> delivery
> value to the end customers has to be the main goal).
> In our opinion, JSF isn't that good...specially if we already have an
> exceptional alternative such as Laszlo.
> But what you guys think about Laszlo + Struts? Is there anyone thinking
> about target Struts 1.3 or greater to integrate "out-of-box" with Laszlo?
> Did anyone post about that before?
> After our research we're sure that it would be a very strong alternative
> to
> JSF, because it would be focused in immediate results to the end
> customers!
> Alvim.
> -Mensagem original-
> De: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviada em: terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 13:39
> Para: Struts Users Mailing List
> Cc: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Assunto: Re: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts
> On Tue, April 5, 2005 12:16 pm, Leon Rosenberg said:
>> Aehm, could you please explain what exactly the "high level RAD+Html
>> approach" is?
>> Regards
>> Leon
>> P.S. RAD as in Rapid Application Development?
> I think that is indeed what he is referring to.  I could probably just let
> him answer for himself, but what would be the fun in that?!? :)
> JSF for instance (as well as ASP.Net) were created with the idea of being
> tool-centric in that they generally envision development being done in a
> drag-and-drop RAD-type IDE environment.  Not that you HAVE to do it that
> way of course, but they started with that as a goal.
> In such an approach, you tend to write very little HTML yourself and
> instead let the tool (or whatever is processing your pages' macro
> definition) generate the final markup.  Note that this is even moreso than
> JSPs and taglibs and such which, of course, are themselves rendering the
> final markup too, but with JSF and other such platforms it's meant to be
> even more abstract: drag a Select Component onto the canvas and that will
> result in a bunch of HTML that you'll possibly never see or care about.
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> -
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Re: Shale And Spring: Using Spring Dependency Injection With Shale

2005-04-05 Thread Craig McClanahan
Please try out the latest nightly version of the "use cases" sample
app.  It uses Spring to provide the business logic object (and
associated DAO) for the login use case.


On Apr 5, 2005 10:13 AM, Duong BaTien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I reply to dev list but the mail was not accepted.
> >BaTien
> >
> >
> >
> >>>Dear Wiki user,
> >>>
> >>>You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Struts Wiki" for 
> >>>change notification.
> >>>
> >>>The following page has been changed by CraigMcClanahan:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>New page:
> >>>+++-- Shale And Spring: Using Spring Dependency Injection With Shale
> >>>
> >>>Since version 1.1.5 of Spring, that framework has included a convenient 
> >>>integration with JavaServer Faces that may be leveraged in a Shale based 
> >>>application.  The integration includes a custom JSF {{{VariableResolver}}} 
> >>>implementation that is invoked first whenever a value binding or method 
> >>>binding expression is evaluated.  In other words, the JSF managed beans 
> >>>facility behaves like this:
> >>>
> >>>* If there is a registered managed bean for the specified name, use the 
> >>>standard JSF facilities to create it (as usual).
> >>>
> >>>* If there is a configuration for this bean in the Spring 
> >>>WebApplicationContext, use Spring's BeanFactory to create it.
> >>>
> >>>* If neither of the above facilities recognizes the name, return 
> >>>{{{null}}}.
> >>>
> >>>This technique allows you to transparently use JSF value binding 
> >>>expressions (either in components, or through programmatic manipulation) 
> >>>that access beans managed by Spring instead of by the JSF managed beans 
> >>>facility.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>Hello Craig:
> >>
> >>I make a quick test on my site.
> >>
> >>The current working condition has shale.jar, spring-core.jar,
> >>spring-context.jar and spring-web.jar (1.1.5) . It works with or without
> >>using org.springframework.web.jsf.DelegatingVariableResolver
> >>
> >>Now i add shale-spring.jar, it has the exception as in the enclosed
> >>psi1.log. The exception happens with or without the inclusion of
> >>org.springframework.web.jsf.DelegatingVariableResolver in faces config.
> >>
> >>BaTien
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >--010504080503040606030709
> >Content-Type: text/plain;
> > name="psi1.log"
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >Content-Disposition: inline;
> > filename="psi1.log"
> >
> >2005-04-05 09:18:24,622 [main] DEBUG javax.faces.application.ApplicationF=
> >actory - New ApplicationFactory instance created
> >2005-04-05 09:18:24,677 [main] ERROR org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupSer=
> >vletContextListener - Error initializing ServletContext
> >java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class org.springframework.web.context=
> >=2EWebApplicationContext is no javax.faces.el.VariableResolver
> >   at 
> > org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator.getApplicationObject(Face=
> >
> >   at 
> > org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator.configureApplication(Face=
> >
> >   at 
> > org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator.configure(FacesConfigurat=
> >
> >   at 
> > org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener.initFaces(Sta=
> >
> >   at 
> > org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener.contextInitia=
> >lized(
> >   at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(StandardContex=
> >
> >   at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
> >343)
> >   at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
> >
> >   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
> >   at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
> >
> >   at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
> >)
> >   at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
> >80)
> >   at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
> >3)
> >   at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
> >   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> >   at 
> > sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.=
> >java:39)
> >   at 
> > sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces=
> >
> >
> >
> -
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RES: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Paulo Alvim
Thanks for your help, Frank...

My English is not so good - but that's exactly what I'd like to say.
(you know - after 20 years migrating to lots of tools - COBOL, UNIX, RAD
C/S, Java App Server, J2EE, Open-Source, we know that, at the end, delivery
value to the end customers has to be the main goal).

In our opinion, JSF isn't that good...specially if we already have an
exceptional alternative such as Laszlo.

But what you guys think about Laszlo + Struts? Is there anyone thinking
about target Struts 1.3 or greater to integrate "out-of-box" with Laszlo?
Did anyone post about that before?

After our research we're sure that it would be a very strong alternative to
JSF, because it would be focused in immediate results to the end customers!


-Mensagem original-
De: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2005 13:39
Para: Struts Users Mailing List
Cc: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Assunto: Re: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

On Tue, April 5, 2005 12:16 pm, Leon Rosenberg said:
> Aehm, could you please explain what exactly the "high level RAD+Html
> approach" is?
> Regards
> Leon
> P.S. RAD as in Rapid Application Development?

I think that is indeed what he is referring to.  I could probably just let
him answer for himself, but what would be the fun in that?!? :)

JSF for instance (as well as ASP.Net) were created with the idea of being
tool-centric in that they generally envision development being done in a
drag-and-drop RAD-type IDE environment.  Not that you HAVE to do it that
way of course, but they started with that as a goal.

In such an approach, you tend to write very little HTML yourself and
instead let the tool (or whatever is processing your pages' macro
definition) generate the final markup.  Note that this is even moreso than
JSPs and taglibs and such which, of course, are themselves rendering the
final markup too, but with JSF and other such platforms it's meant to be
even more abstract: drag a Select Component onto the canvas and that will
result in a bunch of HTML that you'll possibly never see or care about.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread Rick Reumann
Stéphane Zuckerman wrote the following on 4/5/2005 11:31 AM:
because your intial String[] isn't large enough. 

OK, that explains my problem then.
I think if you use a LazyList things will be easier. If you use 
indexed properties for a String[] things are going to become more 
tricky (although I think there might a lazy array type also).

Can I use "simple" Lists as well ?
Thanks a lot for the help anyway !
Good stuff on LazyList here
I believe that link explains how to do it with a regular array which you 
wanted, but I'm used to using Lists which that link describes how to do 
as well. Basically yes you can use a regular list(ArrayList) BUT you'll 
need to actually wrap that list in LazyList implementation in your 
reset.. something like this should work...

YourActionForm {
   List someList = new ArrayList();
  reset(..) {
   someList = ListUtils.lazyList(new java.util.ArrayList(),
new Factory() {
public Object create() {
return new ObjectTypeInYourList();
I'm actually still confused myself on some of this now (even though the 
above will work for you for sure). I posted another question to the list 
and hopefully others can shed some light on the situation.

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questions concerning Lists and indexes and lazy lists, oh my

2005-04-05 Thread Rick Reumann
Ok, I thought I had a pretty firm grasp on the use of Lists for form 
bean properties and everything works fine in my applications that use 
Lists for properties. (If I need to make sure the List can grow I wrap 
them in a LazyList in the reset method like..

myList = ListUtils.lazyList(new java.util.ArrayList(),
new Factory() {
public Object create() {
return new ObjectTypeInMyList();
The question I have is in regard to this wiki about Indexed properties 
and LazyLists...
For my Lists in my ActionForms I provide no getMyList(int index) method, 
yet everything works fine.

What I'm confused about is the section in the above link titled:
"Hand Cranking lazy List in the ActionForm"
For those not wanting to look at the link it shows an ActionForm like:

public class SkillActionForm extends ActionForm {
  protected List skills = new ArrayList();
  public List getSkills() {
  return skills;
  // non-bean version so as not to confuse struts.
  public void populateSkills(List skills) {
  public void setSkills(SkillBean skill) {
  public SkillBean getSkills(int index) {
  // automatically grow List size
  while (index >= skills.size()) {
  skills.add(new SkillBean());
  return (SkillBean)skills.get(index);

My question is how does Struts/BeanUtils handle two get methods that 
have different signatures but the same method name, and what exactly is 
going on?

public List getSkills()
public SkillBean getSkills(int index)
For example, in my code, I do not provide a getSkills(int index) type of 
method yet form fields that look like...

Will work just fine.
So what happens behind the scenes when I do not provide the 
getSkills(int index) method and how is it working with/or without it?

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Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Dakota Jack
LOL -- heck, I should have said the other. 

On Apr 5, 2005 10:49 AM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah, good, I was going to yell at you if it was the other :)
> myLeft = (screen.width) ? (screen.width - 1180) / 2 : 0;
> myTop = (screen.height) ? (screen.height - 924) / 2 : 0;
> myOpts = "resizable,scrollbars,width=1180,height=924,top=" + myTop +
> ",left=" + myLeft + ",";
>'startup.toa', 'TOA', myOpts);
> That's what I have in one of my apps... startup.toa is a mapping to an
> Action (a ForwardAction in this case, but I doubt that would make any
> difference).
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> On Tue, April 5, 2005 1:41 pm, Dakota Jack said:
> > No, have the popup url from the page be a struts action --
> >
> > Jack
> >
> > On Apr 5, 2005 10:37 AM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Not sure what you mean... You mean open the popup from WITHIN an Action?
> >>
> >> --
> >> Frank W. Zammetti
> >> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> >> Omnytex Technologies
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, April 5, 2005 1:27 pm, Dakota Jack said:
> >> > Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup
> >> > windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.
> >> >
> >> > Jack
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its
> >> back."
> >> > ~Dakota Jack~
> >> >
> >> > -
> >> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
> > ~Dakota Jack~
> >

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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RE: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Wiebe de Jong

Like this:


Add the javascript to the onclick event. The first parameter is the action
and the second is the window name. There are some additional optional
parameters that you can add to control the window, etc.

Wiebe de Jong

-Original Message-
From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 10:42 AM
To: Frank W. Zammetti
Cc: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

No, have the popup url from the page be a struts action --


On Apr 5, 2005 10:37 AM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure what you mean... You mean open the popup from WITHIN an Action?
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> On Tue, April 5, 2005 1:27 pm, Dakota Jack said:
> > Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup
> > windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.
> >
> > Jack
> >
> > --
> > "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its
> > ~Dakota Jack~
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Ah, good, I was going to yell at you if it was the other :)

myLeft = (screen.width) ? (screen.width - 1180) / 2 : 0;
myTop = (screen.height) ? (screen.height - 924) / 2 : 0;
myOpts = "resizable,scrollbars,width=1180,height=924,top=" + myTop +
",left=" + myLeft + ",";'startup.toa', 'TOA', myOpts);

That's what I have in one of my apps... startup.toa is a mapping to an
Action (a ForwardAction in this case, but I doubt that would make any

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Tue, April 5, 2005 1:41 pm, Dakota Jack said:
> No, have the popup url from the page be a struts action --
> Jack
> On Apr 5, 2005 10:37 AM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Not sure what you mean... You mean open the popup from WITHIN an Action?
>> --
>> Frank W. Zammetti
>> Founder and Chief Software Architect
>> Omnytex Technologies
>> On Tue, April 5, 2005 1:27 pm, Dakota Jack said:
>> > Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup
>> > windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.
>> >
>> > Jack
>> >
>> > --
>> > "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its
>> back."
>> > ~Dakota Jack~
>> >
>> > -
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >
>> >
> --
> "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
> ~Dakota Jack~

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Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Dakota Jack
No, have the popup url from the page be a struts action --


On Apr 5, 2005 10:37 AM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure what you mean... You mean open the popup from WITHIN an Action?
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> On Tue, April 5, 2005 1:27 pm, Dakota Jack said:
> > Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup
> > windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.
> >
> > Jack
> >
> > --
> > "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
> > ~Dakota Jack~
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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Re: Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Not sure what you mean... You mean open the popup from WITHIN an Action?

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Tue, April 5, 2005 1:27 pm, Dakota Jack said:
> Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup
> windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.
> Jack
> --
> "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
> ~Dakota Jack~
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Popup Windows with Struts Actions

2005-04-05 Thread Dakota Jack
Anyone have some code on using JavaScript to open and close popup
windows with a Struts Action?  Thanks.


"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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Shale And Spring: Using Spring Dependency Injection With Shale

2005-04-05 Thread Duong BaTien
I reply to dev list but the mail was not accepted.

Dear Wiki user,
You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Struts Wiki" for change 
The following page has been changed by CraigMcClanahan:
New page:
+++-- Shale And Spring: Using Spring Dependency Injection With Shale
Since version 1.1.5 of Spring, that framework has included a convenient 
integration with JavaServer Faces that may be leveraged in a Shale based 
application.  The integration includes a custom JSF {{{VariableResolver}}} 
implementation that is invoked first whenever a value binding or method binding 
expression is evaluated.  In other words, the JSF managed beans facility 
behaves like this:
* If there is a registered managed bean for the specified name, use the 
standard JSF facilities to create it (as usual).
* If there is a configuration for this bean in the Spring 
WebApplicationContext, use Spring's BeanFactory to create it.
* If neither of the above facilities recognizes the name, return {{{null}}}.
This technique allows you to transparently use JSF value binding expressions 
(either in components, or through programmatic manipulation) that access beans 
managed by Spring instead of by the JSF managed beans facility.

Hello Craig:
I make a quick test on my site.
The current working condition has shale.jar, spring-core.jar, 
spring-context.jar and spring-web.jar (1.1.5) . It works with or without 
using org.springframework.web.jsf.DelegatingVariableResolver

Now i add shale-spring.jar, it has the exception as in the enclosed 
psi1.log. The exception happens with or without the inclusion of 
org.springframework.web.jsf.DelegatingVariableResolver in faces config.


Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline;
2005-04-05 09:18:24,622 [main] DEBUG javax.faces.application.ApplicationF=
actory - New ApplicationFactory instance created
2005-04-05 09:18:24,677 [main] ERROR org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupSer=
vletContextListener - Error initializing ServletContext
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class org.springframework.web.context=
=2EWebApplicationContext is no javax.faces.el.VariableResolver
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
	at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.=
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces=

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Re: AW: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Simon Chappell
Not to worry. Just a couple of thousand of your closest friends. :-)

On Apr 5, 2005 11:57 AM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gee, I kind of wish I had been paying attention and realized this was
> headed for the list :)
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> On Tue, April 5, 2005 12:56 pm, Frank W. Zammetti said:
> > On Tue, April 5, 2005 12:50 pm, Leon Rosenberg said:
> >> Thanx Frank, got it.
> >>
> >> Some years ago, a bunch of hp managers was trying to sell me (actually
> >> it
> >> was red bull, but i was in lead for the project) tons of
> >> man-days arguing, that with _their_ development process, they called
> >> RAD,
> >> and which is much better then RUP or XP, they can deliver
> >> much better software in shorter time and so on...
> >> So I was quite confused reading RAD again :-)
> >
> > I guess it wasn't a good enough golf outing to convince you then? :)
> >
> > (It's usually the quality of the food at the restaraunt they take me to,
> > but I'm a fat bastard, so it standard to reason!)
> >
> >> P.S. Btw, you could have written the german definition for RAD in
> >> wikipedia,
> >> it matches your explanation exactly.
> >
> > That's cool!  I'm half-German actually, so I suppose that works out!
> >
> >> P.P.S. Hmm my website generator is also a RAD tool then? :-)
> >
> > I suppose you could make that argument... so, time for YOU to take ME out
> > to dinner and sell me on your product :)
> >
> > --
> > Frank W. Zammetti
> > Founder and Chief Software Architect
> > Omnytex Technologies
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: AW: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Gee, I kind of wish I had been paying attention and realized this was
headed for the list :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Tue, April 5, 2005 12:56 pm, Frank W. Zammetti said:
> On Tue, April 5, 2005 12:50 pm, Leon Rosenberg said:
>> Thanx Frank, got it.
>> Some years ago, a bunch of hp managers was trying to sell me (actually
>> it
>> was red bull, but i was in lead for the project) tons of
>> man-days arguing, that with _their_ development process, they called
>> RAD,
>> and which is much better then RUP or XP, they can deliver
>> much better software in shorter time and so on...
>> So I was quite confused reading RAD again :-)
> I guess it wasn't a good enough golf outing to convince you then? :)
> (It's usually the quality of the food at the restaraunt they take me to,
> but I'm a fat bastard, so it standard to reason!)
>> P.S. Btw, you could have written the german definition for RAD in
>> wikipedia,
>> it matches your explanation exactly.
> That's cool!  I'm half-German actually, so I suppose that works out!
>> P.P.S. Hmm my website generator is also a RAD tool then? :-)
> I suppose you could make that argument... so, time for YOU to take ME out
> to dinner and sell me on your product :)
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: AW: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
On Tue, April 5, 2005 12:50 pm, Leon Rosenberg said:
> Thanx Frank, got it.
> Some years ago, a bunch of hp managers was trying to sell me (actually it
> was red bull, but i was in lead for the project) tons of
> man-days arguing, that with _their_ development process, they called RAD,
> and which is much better then RUP or XP, they can deliver
> much better software in shorter time and so on...
> So I was quite confused reading RAD again :-)

I guess it wasn't a good enough golf outing to convince you then? :)

(It's usually the quality of the food at the restaraunt they take me to,
but I'm a fat bastard, so it standard to reason!)

> P.S. Btw, you could have written the german definition for RAD in
> wikipedia,
> it matches your explanation exactly.

That's cool!  I'm half-German actually, so I suppose that works out!

> P.P.S. Hmm my website generator is also a RAD tool then? :-)

I suppose you could make that argument... so, time for YOU to take ME out
to dinner and sell me on your product :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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AW: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Thanx Frank, got it.

Some years ago, a bunch of hp managers was trying to sell me (actually it
was red bull, but i was in lead for the project) tons of 
man-days arguing, that with _their_ development process, they called RAD,
and which is much better then RUP or XP, they can deliver
much better software in shorter time and so on...
So I was quite confused reading RAD again :-)



P.S. Btw, you could have written the german definition for RAD in wikipedia,
it matches your explanation exactly.

P.P.S. Hmm my website generator is also a RAD tool then? :-)

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. April 2005 18:39
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Cc: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Betreff: Re: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts
> On Tue, April 5, 2005 12:16 pm, Leon Rosenberg said:
> > Aehm, could you please explain what exactly the "high level 
> RAD+Html 
> > approach" is?
> >
> > Regards
> > Leon
> >
> >
> > P.S. RAD as in Rapid Application Development?
> I think that is indeed what he is referring to.  I could 
> probably just let him answer for himself, but what would be 
> the fun in that?!? :)
> JSF for instance (as well as ASP.Net) were created with the 
> idea of being tool-centric in that they generally envision 
> development being done in a drag-and-drop RAD-type IDE 
> environment.  Not that you HAVE to do it that way of course, 
> but they started with that as a goal.
> In such an approach, you tend to write very little HTML 
> yourself and instead let the tool (or whatever is processing 
> your pages' macro
> definition) generate the final markup.  Note that this is 
> even moreso than JSPs and taglibs and such which, of course, 
> are themselves rendering the final markup too, but with JSF 
> and other such platforms it's meant to be even more abstract: 
> drag a Select Component onto the canvas and that will result 
> in a bunch of HTML that you'll possibly never see or care about.
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> >
> >
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

AW: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Thanx Frank, got it.

Some years ago, a bunch of hp managers was trying to sell me (actually it
was red bull, but i was in lead for the project) tons of 
man-days arguing, that with _their_ development process, they called RAD,
and which is much better then RUP or XP, they can deliver
much better software in shorter time and so on...
So I was quite confused reading RAD again :-)



P.S. Btw, you could have written the german definition for RAD in wikipedia,
it matches your explanation exactly.

P.P.S. Hmm my website generator is also a RAD tool then? :-)

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. April 2005 18:39
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Cc: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Betreff: Re: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts
> On Tue, April 5, 2005 12:16 pm, Leon Rosenberg said:
> > Aehm, could you please explain what exactly the "high level 
> RAD+Html 
> > approach" is?
> >
> > Regards
> > Leon
> >
> >
> > P.S. RAD as in Rapid Application Development?
> I think that is indeed what he is referring to.  I could 
> probably just let him answer for himself, but what would be 
> the fun in that?!? :)
> JSF for instance (as well as ASP.Net) were created with the 
> idea of being tool-centric in that they generally envision 
> development being done in a drag-and-drop RAD-type IDE 
> environment.  Not that you HAVE to do it that way of course, 
> but they started with that as a goal.
> In such an approach, you tend to write very little HTML 
> yourself and instead let the tool (or whatever is processing 
> your pages' macro
> definition) generate the final markup.  Note that this is 
> even moreso than JSPs and taglibs and such which, of course, 
> are themselves rendering the final markup too, but with JSF 
> and other such platforms it's meant to be even more abstract: 
> drag a Select Component onto the canvas and that will result 
> in a bunch of HTML that you'll possibly never see or care about.
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> >
> >
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
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Re: AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
On Tue, April 5, 2005 12:16 pm, Leon Rosenberg said:
> Aehm, could you please explain what exactly the "high level RAD+Html
> approach" is?
> Regards
> Leon
> P.S. RAD as in Rapid Application Development?

I think that is indeed what he is referring to.  I could probably just let
him answer for himself, but what would be the fun in that?!? :)

JSF for instance (as well as ASP.Net) were created with the idea of being
tool-centric in that they generally envision development being done in a
drag-and-drop RAD-type IDE environment.  Not that you HAVE to do it that
way of course, but they started with that as a goal.

In such an approach, you tend to write very little HTML yourself and
instead let the tool (or whatever is processing your pages' macro
definition) generate the final markup.  Note that this is even moreso than
JSPs and taglibs and such which, of course, are themselves rendering the
final markup too, but with JSF and other such platforms it's meant to be
even more abstract: drag a Select Component onto the canvas and that will
result in a bunch of HTML that you'll possibly never see or care about.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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RE: Html:messages vs html:errors

2005-04-05 Thread Fergal O'Shea

We don't seem to have struts-examples.war readily available here at work.

Does anyone have an example of overriding an ActionForm's validate() method,
but using ActionMessage instead of ActionError (I presume you still have to
use a Collection of ActionErrors), and using html:messages instead of simple
old .
Specifically, how does one tie in the id parameter in html:messages with the
ActionErrors Collection returned by one's validate() method ?

> I'm a Struts newbie. A lot of the books and documentation I have on 
> Struts is pre 1.2 and uses html:errors and ActionErrors. Given 
> ActionErrors is deprecated, I'd like to use ActionMessages for some new
JSPs I'm writing.

the usage is the same. 

actionerrors are dependent on certain keys such as "error.prefix" that came
with the messageresources file.

messageresources have no such dependencies.

have a look at the struts-examples.war. u'll see all u'll need there :)

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AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Aehm, could you please explain what exactly the "high level RAD+Html
approach" is?


P.S. RAD as in Rapid Application Development?

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AW: JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Aehm, could you please explain what exactly the "high level RAD+Html
approach" is?


P.S. RAD as in Rapid Application Development?

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Re: jsp error

2005-04-05 Thread Tommy Wareing
On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 18:01:06 +0200, Andreas Solarik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Hi Tom!
Do you know about the errorpage directive for jsps? Would that help you?  
something along the lines of

<%@ page contentType="text/html" language="java"
errorPage="UncaughtJspError.jsp" %>
hope that helps.
Bingo! That's great. Thanks!
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Re: JSP error trapping?

2005-04-05 Thread Tommy Wareing
On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 10:45:59 -0600, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There's really not much Struts can do at this point, because control has  
been transferred to the JSP.
Yeah, thought that might be the case.
About the best you can do is judicious application of the JSTL c:catch  
That may well do the trick. At least, it gives me something to look at.
In this case, you could also use c:out instead of bean:write and at  
least it wouldn't throw an exception; it would just not include any  
Fair comment: it was a quick hack to generate some error text.
Actually, at this point in development, it's quite convenient having  
exceptions thrown in *my* browser, because it's an indication that I've  
made some kind of mistake. But it's a bit nasty to pass on to the users.

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Re: JSP error trapping?

2005-04-05 Thread Joe Germuska
At 4:39 PM +0100 4/5/05, Tommy Wareing wrote:
I'm using 1.2.4, with Tiles. (I don't know whether Tiles is 
relevant, but you might as well know!)

I've got

   type="java.lang.Exception" path="/WEB-INF/globalError.jsp"/>
in my struts-config.xml, which catches exceptions in my Action 
classes, and redirects them to an error page.

But if I make a mistake in a tile, such as referring to a 
non-existant bean, or property, I still get a stack trace thrown 
back to the user.

eg. if I add a spurious  I get a page showing:
  500 Internal Server Error
  javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean fred in any scope
  at org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.lookup(
  at org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.WriteTag.doStartTag(
  at _web_2d_inf._pages._login._jspService(login.jsp:9)
  at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(
Any suggestions as to whether I can configure Struts to capture this 
(rather than configuring the container, which I also don't know how 
to do!)?
There's really not much Struts can do at this point, because control 
has been transferred to the JSP.

About the best you can do is judicious application of the JSTL c:catch tag.
In this case, you could also use c:out instead of bean:write and at 
least it wouldn't throw an exception; it would just not include any 

Joe Germuska
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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RE: Tag inside a cell.

2005-04-05 Thread Fogleson, Allen
CSS is probably the easiest solution. 

An alternate solution would be to subclass the bean:write tag, and add
an attribute. Call it "alt" although in html that often means something
else (hmm maybe "alttext" but whatever...) alt will be the text returned
if the write would return null. In this case likely  


-Original Message-
From: Jeff Beal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 9:45 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Tag  inside a cell.


table { empty-cells: show; }

Another alternative is to include   in empty table cells


-- Jeff

On Apr 5, 2005 10:23 AM, Marcelo Epstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> When the attribute of an object is null, I always lost the border of
> table.What is a good way to avoid it?
> ex:
>  (when y = null, border
> strange!)
> Thanks in advance.
> Marcelo
> -
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Jeff Beal
Webmedx, Inc.
Pittsburgh, PA USA

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JSF (the same old stuff?). We prefer Laszlo + Struts

2005-04-05 Thread Paulo Alvim

We've been used Struts since 2001 and developed lots of extensions -
ActionMapping, LookupDispatchAction, ExceptionHandler, RequestProcessor,
Validator, DynaFormBean, tag-files, etc. - along these years. Now we have
productivity and a quite stable environment...thanks to the community and

But after a few months studying JSF and also Laszlo
( as an option for the View Layer - we clearly
saw that JSF is the same old "high level RAD+Html" approach that we had in
old App Server such as SilverStream ("easier to solve the easiest problems
and harder to solve the hard ones"). And that it doesn't produce any new
value for our customers at this moment...

The main reason to migrate would be to stay with Sun and the J2EE pattern,
but now that we already know the J2EE "overenginnering" and "ultimate
flexibility" problems (cases such as JDO and EJB) this enough?

In our experience, the cinematic Laszlo approach was killer - specially if
we have Struts in the Control Layer! No question about it...

Is there anyone with the same experience?

Paulo Alvim

-Mensagem original-
De: Dave Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2005 12:42
Para: Struts Users Mailing List
Assunto: Re: [OT] Re: Is It Possible to Code Using Struts and JSF at the
Same Time?

Rick Reumann wrote:

> For the record, so others don't think I'm a die-hard Struts or JSF
> person, the prediction Jack made was in reference to a question by Dave:
> "Anyway, how come no one is saying that the future is Struts 1.3 or
> 1.4? Why all the hoopla about the future IS JSF?"

I didn't ask that, he did :) _I_ said that this whole thing started
because Craig said that the Struts HTML tags are legacy.

Who woulda thunk it...


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re: How to assign value to variable from property?

2005-04-05 Thread Leon Rosenberg

Do you mean this kind of assignment?


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: PC Leung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. April 2005 17:43
> An:
> Betreff: How to assign value to variable from property?
> Hello all,
> The following can print a value in jsp file.
> How to assign the value to a variable in jsp from a property?
> Thanks
> PC Leung
> -
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re: How to assign value to variable from property?

2005-04-05 Thread Leon Rosenberg

Do you mean this kind of assignment?


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: PC Leung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. April 2005 17:43
> An:
> Betreff: How to assign value to variable from property?
> Hello all,
> The following can print a value in jsp file.
> How to assign the value to a variable in jsp from a property?
> Thanks
> PC Leung
> -
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How to assign value to variable from property?

2005-04-05 Thread PC Leung
Hello all,
The following can print a value in jsp file.

How to assign the value to a variable in jsp from a property?
PC Leung
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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread Tommy Wareing
On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 09:51:07 -0400, Jeff Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If all of your controls have the same name, a String[] form property
works, also.  (This isn't guaranteed to preserve any order, though.)
Yes, I thought this too.
Which would imply that if you have two controls in your form which are  
repeated, that although you can map them to two arrays, you can't make any
assumptions about array1[i] having any correspondence with array2[i].

I would expect that there could be much code which consists of (for  

  String[] names=form.getNames();
  String[] values=form.getValues();
  for (int i=0; i
But if the two arrays are in different orders (or even that empty fields  
don't result in empty array elements, just shorter arrays), then this is  

Yet I've seen no documentation warning about this. Which means that either  
there's a lot of mistaken people out there, or it's me.

Anybody got a clarification?
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JSP error trapping?

2005-04-05 Thread Tommy Wareing
I'm using 1.2.4, with Tiles. (I don't know whether Tiles is relevant, but  
you might as well know!)

I've got

   type="java.lang.Exception" path="/WEB-INF/globalError.jsp"/>
in my struts-config.xml, which catches exceptions in my Action classes,  
and redirects them to an error page.

But if I make a mistake in a tile, such as referring to a non-existant  
bean, or property, I still get a stack trace thrown back to the user.

eg. if I add a spurious  I get a page showing:
  500 Internal Server Error
  javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean fred in any scope
  at org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.lookup(
  at org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.WriteTag.doStartTag(
  at _web_2d_inf._pages._login._jspService(login.jsp:9)
  at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(
Any suggestions as to whether I can configure Struts to capture this  
(rather than configuring the container, which I also don't know how to  

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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread Stéphane Zuckerman
>> What's the error you are getting? I haven't looked at everything but
>> the above "name='persons["+i+"]name' />" should be
>> "name='persons["+i+"].name' />"
Ops. In the original JSP, there is no such mistake ;-)
Rick Reumann a écrit :
Also you will be getting errors when you submit (probably index out of 
bounds exception) 
That's it !
because your intial String[] isn't large enough. 
OK, that explains my problem then.
think if you use a LazyList things will be easier. If you use indexed 
properties for a String[] things are going to become more tricky 
(although I think there might a lazy array type also).
Can I use "simple" Lists as well ?
Thanks a lot for the help anyway !
Stéphane Zuckerman
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Re: Tag inside a cell.

2005-04-05 Thread Brandon Mercer
Marcelo Epstein wrote:

> Thanks Jeff,
> But it is not working. I inserted :
> table { empty-cells: show; }
> inside my css file.
> But the cells when the attribute of the bean is null still appears no
> border. :-(
> Any sugestion? Or sample code?
You'll have to make sure that the table you're working in uses that
stylesheet.  From the sounds of it you aren't very familiar with CSS. 
To make it easy for you just put an    after the tag.

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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread Rick Reumann
Also you will be getting errors when you submit (probably index out of 
bounds exception) because your intial String[] isn't large enough. I 
think if you use a LazyList things will be easier. If you use indexed 
properties for a String[] things are going to become more tricky 
(although I think there might a lazy array type also).

Rick Reumann wrote the following on 4/5/2005 11:08 AM:
Stéphane Zuckerman wrote the following on 4/5/2005 11:06 AM:
f.innerHMTL +=
// ... and the same for fname and email ...

What's the error you are getting? I haven't looked at everything but the 
above "name='persons["+i+"]name' />" should be
"name='persons["+i+"].name' />"

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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread Rick Reumann
Stéphane Zuckerman wrote the following on 4/5/2005 11:06 AM:
f.innerHMTL +=
// ... and the same for fname and email ...
What's the error you are getting? I haven't looked at everything but the 
above "name='persons["+i+"]name' />" should be
"name='persons["+i+"].name' />"

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Re: Tag inside a cell.

2005-04-05 Thread Marcelo Epstein
Thanks Jeff,
But it is not working. I inserted :
table { empty-cells: show; }
inside my css file.
But the cells when the attribute of the bean is null still appears no border. 
Any sugestion? Or sample code?
Thanks in advance

Jeff Beal wrote:
table { empty-cells: show; }
Another alternative is to include   in empty table cells
-- Jeff
On Apr 5, 2005 10:23 AM, Marcelo Epstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When the attribute of an object is null, I always lost the border of the
table.What is a good way to avoid it?

 (when y = null, border seems

Thanks in advance.
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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread Stéphane Zuckerman
Hello again,
Let me try to define a simular problem that I have that would most 
probably answer Stéphane's.
But only Stéphane can confirm this. :)
Well, I do ! :-)
This is the same kind of problem I have encountered.
I don't use a list, just an array (although a List would do just fine, 
of course).

For instance, I have something like
public class Person {
string name,fname,email;
// then setters/getters ...
... and a form a little bit like this :

function addMoreFields() {
var f = document.getElementById('f');
var nb = document.getElementById('nb').value;
f.innerHTML = null;
f.innerHTML = "";
// ... and the same for fname and email ...

I use DynaActionForms : (excerpt from struts-config.xml)

So basically, When I retrieve the Person[] object in my Action class, 
the length of the array is 0... Which is quite annoying, since I've 
filled "nb" sets of fields ... ! :-)

I hope I am a bit clearer now :-)
Thanks for the help !

Stéphane Zuckerman
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Re: Tag inside a cell.

2005-04-05 Thread Jeff Beal

table { empty-cells: show; }

Another alternative is to include   in empty table cells


-- Jeff

On Apr 5, 2005 10:23 AM, Marcelo Epstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> When the attribute of an object is null, I always lost the border of the
> table.What is a good way to avoid it?
> ex:
>  (when y = null, border seems
> strange!)
> Thanks in advance.
> Marcelo
> -
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Jeff Beal
Webmedx, Inc.
Pittsburgh, PA USA

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Re: PropertyMessageResourcesFactory not found?!

2005-04-05 Thread Hubert Rabago
Hey Brice, haven't seen you around here in a lng while.  Sorry, I
haven't seen this type of thing before.  Perhaps try the tomcat user
list?  As you've seen, Struts is behaving correctly here.  If anyone
has seen this type of thing before, it's more likely been reported in
the Tomcat list, or the JPackage project people, maybe involving
apps/packages that have nothing to do with Struts.


On Apr 5, 2005 9:28 AM, Ruth, Brice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So ... No idea from the list? Anyone seen this type of thing before?
> -Original Message-
> From: Ruth, Brice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 4:22 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: PropertyMessageResourcesFactory not found?!
> I have a strange problem with PropertyMessageResourcesFactory not being
> found when I run JspC from Ant. This is against tomcat5 (5.0.30-6jpp)
> from the JPackage project, on RedHat EL 3.0, with IBM's 1.4.2 JDK (x86).
> Two projects, both with very similar build files - one works fine
> against Tomcat5, the other doesn't. Now, the other builds fine against
> tomcat4 (4.1.x), also installed from JPackage. I am at a loss .. Here's
> the stacktrace I get:
> java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
> at java.lang.Class.forName1(Native Method)
> at java.lang.Class.forName(
> at
> org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELHtmlTagBeanInfo.class$(ELHtmlTagBeanIn
> at
> org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELHtmlTagBeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors
> (
> at
> java.beans.Introspector.getTargetPropertyInfo(
> at java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(
> at java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Generator$TagHandlerInfo.(Generator.jav
> a:3684)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Generator$GenerateVisitor.getTagHandlerInfo(G
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Generator$GenerateVisitor.visit(Generator.jav
> a:1583)
> at
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Node$CustomTag.accept(
> ...
> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
> at
> org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources.getMessageResources(MessageResou
> at
> org.apache.struts.taglib.html.HtmlTag.(
> When I attached Eclipse's debugger to my Ant process, I found that
> MessageResourcesFactory.createFactory() was returning null, after
> catching a ClassNotFoundException - and PropertyMessageResourcesFactory
> was the class it was trying to load.
> I have no idea here ... struts.jar and struts-el.jar are both in
> WEB-INF/lib, it obviously can find the class when I compile against
> tomcat4, so I am guessing there's a JAR conflict somewhere .. but the
> Tomcat installations don't have any struts components (I didn't install
> any of the admin webapps) - searching the entire drive system for
> struts.jar and struts-el.jar only finds the files I have in my projects'
> WEB-INF/lib, the file itself doesn't appear corrupted, md5sum seems to
> be OK. I dunno what's goin' on ... the project deploys & builds fine
> locally against 5.0.28 on Mac OS X & WinXP - so the build file seems
> like its OK.
> Obviously, I am at a standstill, any pointers would be appreciated. I
> did find some bugzilla mentions in the Tomcat project about similar
> sounding problems with Tomcat 5.5.x - any chance that that stuff crept
> into 5.0.30?
> Brice D. Ruth
> Sr. IT Analyst
> Fiskars Brands, Inc.

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Re: [OT] Connection time out DB2

2005-04-05 Thread Simon Chappell
A couple of thoughts here:

1. The timeout for DB2 should be configurable. If it isn't then
there's nothing you can do anyway. If it is configurable, then work
with your DBA to get it set to something that you and they agree is

2. Don't test the environment. It sounds like your trying to test the
database to ensure that it's doing what it should do. Don't. IBM pay
lots of clever people to make sure that it does. Let them use their
Ph.D.s to do your heavy lifting. :-)

3. What you really want to do, I suspect, is test that your code will
handle stale connections correctly. So, if your code is up for it,
send in a mock stale connection and see if it responds appropriately.
If your data connection code can't handle being fed a mock connection,
then take that as a hint that a little refactoring might be
appropriate. At the very least the code to obtain a connection and the
code to pass that connection back to the rest of the application
should be in two pieces, so that you can mock the connection grabber
for testing purposes.

Hope this helps,


On Apr 5, 2005 8:37 AM, Janarthan Sathiamurthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Group,
> My backend database is DB2. I have a junit test to
> check the time out of a DB2 connection. A snippet of
> it is as follows -
> Connection con =
> DBConnectionManager.getInstance().getConnection(POOL_NAME);
> try
> {
>System.out.println("Thread to sleep.." + new Date());
>Thread.sleep(6 * 60 * 18);
>System.out.println("Thread woke up..");
> }
> catch (InterruptedException e)
> {
>System.out.println("Thread Interrupted.." + new
> Date());
> }
> Statement st = con.createStatement();
> ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * from temp");
> if(
> {
>System.out.println("Value " + rs.getString(1));
> }
> System.out.println("Ending test.." + new Date());
> I am guessing the value to pass on to Thread.sleep().
> I tried with 10 hours yesterday, but the connection
> worked out after 10 hours. Any ideas on what value
> would is sufficient that to force a timeout.
> Best Regards,
> Janarthan S
> __
> Yahoo! Messenger
> Show us what our next emoticon should look like. Join the fun.
> -
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RE: PropertyMessageResourcesFactory not found?!

2005-04-05 Thread Ruth, Brice
So ... No idea from the list? Anyone seen this type of thing before? 

-Original Message-
From: Ruth, Brice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 4:22 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: PropertyMessageResourcesFactory not found?!

I have a strange problem with PropertyMessageResourcesFactory not being
found when I run JspC from Ant. This is against tomcat5 (5.0.30-6jpp)
from the JPackage project, on RedHat EL 3.0, with IBM's 1.4.2 JDK (x86).
Two projects, both with very similar build files - one works fine
against Tomcat5, the other doesn't. Now, the other builds fine against
tomcat4 (4.1.x), also installed from JPackage. I am at a loss .. Here's
the stacktrace I get:
at java.lang.Class.forName1(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(
at java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

When I attached Eclipse's debugger to my Ant process, I found that
MessageResourcesFactory.createFactory() was returning null, after
catching a ClassNotFoundException - and PropertyMessageResourcesFactory
was the class it was trying to load.

I have no idea here ... struts.jar and struts-el.jar are both in
WEB-INF/lib, it obviously can find the class when I compile against
tomcat4, so I am guessing there's a JAR conflict somewhere .. but the
Tomcat installations don't have any struts components (I didn't install
any of the admin webapps) - searching the entire drive system for
struts.jar and struts-el.jar only finds the files I have in my projects'
WEB-INF/lib, the file itself doesn't appear corrupted, md5sum seems to
be OK. I dunno what's goin' on ... the project deploys & builds fine
locally against 5.0.28 on Mac OS X & WinXP - so the build file seems
like its OK.

Obviously, I am at a standstill, any pointers would be appreciated. I
did find some bugzilla mentions in the Tomcat project about similar
sounding problems with Tomcat 5.5.x - any chance that that stuff crept
into 5.0.30?
Brice D. Ruth
Sr. IT Analyst
Fiskars Brands, Inc.

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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread gdeschen
Hello Rick,

Let me try to define a simular problem that I have that would most 
probably answer Stéphane's.
But only Stéphane can confirm this. :)

I have classes such as:

public class Description {

private String id;
private String Description;

public class HistoryItem {

private boolean delete;
private String startDate;
private List descriptions;
private String descriptionId;

public class HistoryForm extends ActionForm {

private List historyItems;

I need to display the historyItems.
However, the user can via JavaScript add many more history items.
I must be able to capture all of the items from the JSP and save them to 
the DB.


Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
05/04/2005 10:09 AM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

To: Struts Users Mailing List 
cc: (bcc: Glenn Deschenes/NAT/CMHC-SCHL/CA)

Subject:Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields 

Jeff Beal wrote the following on 4/5/2005 9:51 AM:
>  I created a simple page like this where the dynamically
> created form properties were just named field0, field1, field2,
> field3, etc. 

I'll be willing to bet almost anything, that Stéphane does not need to 
do this.

Stéphane could you explain a bit more what you are attempting to capture 
from the user? There probably is a pretty a clean solution to what you 
are trying to do.

(More than likely a List in yoru form bean containing the objects you 
need is going to do the trick, but there will be some things to consider 
if you need to dynamically create form fields.. but I want to make sure 
that is what you really need to do. Some people think they need to make 
extra form fields because they aren't really aware of how a List of 
objects can submit just fine.)


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Tag inside a cell.

2005-04-05 Thread Marcelo Epstein
When the attribute of an object is null, I always lost the border of the 
table.What is a good way to avoid it?

 (when y = null, border seems 

Thanks in advance.
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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread Rick Reumann
Jeff Beal wrote the following on 4/5/2005 9:51 AM:
 I created a simple page like this where the dynamically
created form properties were just named field0, field1, field2,
field3, etc.   
I'll be willing to bet almost anything, that Stéphane does not need to 
do this.

Stéphane could you explain a bit more what you are attempting to capture 
from the user? There probably is a pretty a clean solution to what you 
are trying to do.

(More than likely a List in yoru form bean containing the objects you 
need is going to do the trick, but there will be some things to consider 
if you need to dynamically create form fields.. but I want to make sure 
that is what you really need to do. Some people think they need to make 
extra form fields because they aren't really aware of how a List of 
objects can submit just fine.)

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RE: Reloading ApplicationResources

2005-04-05 Thread Fogleson, Allen

Within struts messageResources are loaded at startup and that's it, they
aren't loaded again unless the app is restarted of course. 

If you wanted this kind of functionality you would have to write a
couple classes. 

1) Write a MessageResourceFactory class that returns your specific
messageResource implementation. This class would extend

2) Write a Message resource class to provide the messages. Since you
want to monitor the properties file you will want to extend
o.a.s.util.PropertyMessageResources. and override the method

getMessage(String localeKey, String key)

then you just change the struts config to use your


-Original Message-
From: Mark Benussi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 7:41 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Reloading ApplicationResources

Sorry, cant search the archive list as the link seems to have broken.


Does anyone know a way I can configure Struts to watch for changes in
application resources?


If it is not possible is there a class I can overload to do it manually?



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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread Tom Ziemer
have you looked at map backed forms? Basically you have Hashmap, that 
stores any number of fields. What you need is something like:

[your form]
private HashMap properties = new java.util.HashMap();
public void setProperty(String key, Object value)
{, value);
public Object getProperty(String key)
and in your JSP, all fields need to be named "property(some_name)". In 
your action you can iterate over the map and process the data.

Hope this helps,
Stéphane Zuckerman wrote:
I'm trying to submit a form where the user fills a field with a number, 
making text fields appear (via Javascript).

I've looked around for indexed properties, but the examples aren't 
addressing my problem, and suppose that the collection where one 
iterates is already created...

Thanks for any advice !
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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread Jeff Beal
If all of your controls have the same name, a String[] form property
works, also.  (This isn't guaranteed to preserve any order, though.) 
Other than that and indexed properties, I don't know of a really good
way.  In my very first web application, before I really knew anything
at all, I created a simple page like this where the dynamically
created form properties were just named field0, field1, field2,
field3, etc.  Then, in my server-side code, I had something like the

int fieldCount = Integer.parse(request.parameter("fieldCount"));
java.util.List fields = new java.util.ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) {

It wasn't pretty, but it worked, but I'd choose indexed properties
over this any day, now that I know they exist ;)

What problems exactly are you having with indexed properties?

On Apr 5, 2005 7:54 AM, Stéphane Zuckerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to submit a form where the user fills a field with a number,
> making text fields appear (via Javascript).
> I've looked around for indexed properties, but the examples aren't
> addressing my problem, and suppose that the collection where one
> iterates is already created...
> Thanks for any advice !
> Stéphane
> --
> Stéphane Zuckerman
> -
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Jeff Beal
Webmedx, Inc.
Pittsburgh, PA USA

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Re: How to submit a variable number of text fields ?

2005-04-05 Thread Rick Reumann
Stéphane Zuckerman wrote the following on 4/5/2005 7:54 AM:
I'm trying to submit a form where the user fills a field with a number, 
making text fields appear (via Javascript).
Not sure what you mean? When the user fills in a number, other text 
boxes get filled in? If so this just acts like a regular form. What the 
javascript does to populate the form fields is irrelevant.

I've looked around for indexed properties, but the examples aren't 
addressing my problem, and suppose that the collection where one 
iterates is already created...
You are going to have to be a bit more clear with what you are trying to 

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Re: Html:messages vs html:errors

2005-04-05 Thread Hubert Rabago
Here are wiki topics that discuss this:


On Apr 5, 2005 8:18 AM, Fergal O'Shea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a Struts newbie. A lot of the books and documentation I have on Struts
> is pre 1.2 and uses html:errors and ActionErrors. Given ActionErrors is
> deprecated, I'd like to use ActionMessages for some new JSPs I'm writing.
> Does anyone know of links to more up-to-date articles or documentation
> discussing the transition from Errors to Messages, what's similar and what
> has changed ?
> I've looked at the Apache website, but it mostly still seems to talk in
> terms of ActionErrors.
> TIA,
> Fergal

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[OT] Connection time out DB2

2005-04-05 Thread Janarthan Sathiamurthy
Hi Group,

My backend database is DB2. I have a junit test to
check the time out of a DB2 connection. A snippet of
it is as follows - 
Connection con =
System.out.println("Thread to sleep.." + new Date());
Thread.sleep(6 * 60 * 18);
System.out.println("Thread woke up..");
catch (InterruptedException e)
System.out.println("Thread Interrupted.." + new

Statement st = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * from temp");
System.out.println("Value " + rs.getString(1));

System.out.println("Ending test.." + new Date());

I am guessing the value to pass on to Thread.sleep().
I tried with 10 hours yesterday, but the connection
worked out after 10 hours. Any ideas on what value
would is sufficient that to force a timeout.

Best Regards,
Janarthan S

Yahoo! Messenger 
Show us what our next emoticon should look like. Join the fun.

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Re: Html:messages vs html:errors

2005-04-05 Thread Riyaz Mansoor
> I'm a Struts newbie. A lot of the books and documentation I have on Struts
> is pre 1.2 and uses html:errors and ActionErrors. Given ActionErrors is
> deprecated, I'd like to use ActionMessages for some new JSPs I'm writing.

the usage is the same. 

actionerrors are dependent on certain keys such as "error.prefix" that
came with the messageresources file.

messageresources have no such dependencies.

have a look at the struts-examples.war. u'll see all u'll need there :)

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Html:messages vs html:errors

2005-04-05 Thread Fergal O'Shea

I'm a Struts newbie. A lot of the books and documentation I have on Struts
is pre 1.2 and uses html:errors and ActionErrors. Given ActionErrors is
deprecated, I'd like to use ActionMessages for some new JSPs I'm writing. 

Does anyone know of links to more up-to-date articles or documentation
discussing the transition from Errors to Messages, what's similar and what
has changed ?
I've looked at the Apache website, but it mostly still seems to talk in
terms of ActionErrors.



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Reloading ApplicationResources

2005-04-05 Thread Mark Benussi
Sorry, cant search the archive list as the link seems to have broken.


Does anyone know a way I can configure Struts to watch for changes in the
application resources?


If it is not possible is there a class I can overload to do it manually?



Re: Concatinating 2 strings for a bean:message???

2005-04-05 Thread Lucas Bern
this way?:

I wish it helps you

I am trying to make the following work without success:


for a property of... = Owner One Details

Mick Knutson

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