RE: external javascript file linking problem?

2006-12-11 Thread Strachan, Paul

From: Mallik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 12/12/2006 4:53 PM
Subject: external javascript file linking problem?

Hi friends
i am converting a project into struts
i want to use my javascript(js) calender file in strtus
application.(calender will display in popup)
but that javascript file is not working.
what will be the reason
this way i link it to jsp file:

and i also tried like this:

and also

no one is working
what will be the reason
or what is the way of linking external js file
let me know please
thanks in advance


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Re: struts2.0 question

2006-12-11 Thread Chris Pratt

You can use the serialver program that comes with the JDK to generate those

On 12/11/06, Christopher Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 2006-12-12 at 09:08 +0800, red phoenix wrote:
> I have a question about Struts 2.0 Action,I find Action will extends
> ActionSupport,like follows:
> public class GetUpdatedHangmanAction extends ActionSupport implements
> SessionAware {
>  private static final long serialVersionUID = 5506025785406043027L;
>  .
> I am puzzled with variable serialVersionUID,I want to know if this
> is necessary for Action,if it is necessary,how to calculate the value of
> serialVersionUID,why it is equals 5506025785406043027?
> Anyone can give me some advice?

Red Phoenix,

No, I don't think the serialVersionUID is necessary for Struts, but it
is good practice to give your Serializable classes some value for it.
Check out the Javadocs for the Serializable interface -- it's a standard
Java interface.

Probably that number was generated by calculating a hash value from the
object's fields.  I seem to remember reading something about some IDEs
producing that value for you.  You can maintain it yourself as well.


Christopher D. Goldman

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external javascript file linking problem?

2006-12-11 Thread Mallik

Hi friends
i am converting a project into struts
i want to use my javascript(js) calender file in strtus
application.(calender will display in popup)
but that javascript file is not working. 
what will be the reason
this way i link it to jsp file:

and i also tried like this:

and also

no one is working 
what will be the reason
or what is the way of linking external js file
let me know please
thanks in advance


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Re: problems with tag

2006-12-11 Thread Mallik

HI Rick
make sure that  doesn't close with in start tag like this:

(i got the same problem beacuse of this silly mistake)

Rick Schumeyer wrote:
> Never turns out that I added a non-default constructor to the 
> ActionForm bean without also adding a default constructor.
> Rick Schumeyer wrote:
>> I'm using struts 1.3.5.
>> I have a jsp that displays a .
>> If I surround the table with:
>> ...
>> then nothing in the page renders.  The EmployeeAdd action exists; it 
>> is associated with an ActionForm that also exists.
>> Does anyone have any idea what can cause this problem?
>> -
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Re: [s2] Creating a UI Component

2006-12-11 Thread Martin Provost

Thanks for sharing.

I looked further into the Vita Rara meaning on your website, and found your
idea incredibly simple but yet so powerful.
Really appreciated the motorcycle pictures.

What level of developers are admissible to participate within Vita Rara? I'm
asking because I'll be an undergraduate in IT engineering this coming may,
and I too, have an intuition that my co workers/supervisors don't share my
vision! Plus I really hate driving to work, sitting at my desk all day, it
simply cuts my imagination and creativity.

btw my dad used to have a ducati, and I can't wait for the day that I can
drive my own!



2006/12/11, Mark Menard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Having recently dug into creating UI tags in Struts 2 I wrote up a quick


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Martin Provost

[s2] Creating a UI Component

2006-12-11 Thread Mark Menard
Having recently dug into creating UI tags in Struts 2 I wrote up a quick


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Re: struts 2 tutorial and maven question

2006-12-11 Thread Chong Yoke Ping


   In your pom.xml, under the resource tag, you need to add the 
resource directory "**/*.xml".

   Hence your resource tags should have the following:


Yoke Ping

Cecilia Castillo wrote:
Hi!  I am new to struts, maven etc.  I am trying to follow the 
bootstrap tutorial for struts 2.  I used the Maven Archetype to create 
a new application for the tutorial and everything worked fine except...

- when I create the Login-validation.xml in my src/main/java/tutorial 
directory (where is), then use use maven to build a war 
file, it will not pick up the Login-validation.xml file and put it in 
the target/classes/tutorial directory.

However, if I move the Login-validation.xml file to 
src/main/resources/tutorial...then maven does pick up the 
Login-validation.xml file and put it in the target/classes/tutorial 

Can someone tell me

* where are we supposed to keep the xxx-validation.xml files?

* if they are supposed to be in the same directory as the java action 
classes, then what do I need to do to the default pom.xml file to make 
maven pick up these files and put them in the appropriate classes 


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Re: struts2.0 question

2006-12-11 Thread Christopher Goldman
On Tue, 2006-12-12 at 09:08 +0800, red phoenix wrote:
> I have a question about Struts 2.0 Action,I find Action will extends
> ActionSupport,like follows:
> public class GetUpdatedHangmanAction extends ActionSupport implements
> SessionAware {
>  private static final long serialVersionUID = 5506025785406043027L;
>  .
> I am puzzled with variable serialVersionUID,I want to know if this variable
> is necessary for Action,if it is necessary,how to calculate the value of
> serialVersionUID,why it is equals 5506025785406043027?
> Anyone can give me some advice?

Red Phoenix,

No, I don't think the serialVersionUID is necessary for Struts, but it
is good practice to give your Serializable classes some value for it.
Check out the Javadocs for the Serializable interface -- it's a standard
Java interface.

Probably that number was generated by calculating a hash value from the
object's fields.  I seem to remember reading something about some IDEs
producing that value for you.  You can maintain it yourself as well.


Christopher D. Goldman

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Re: java.sql.SQLException: No more data to read from socket

2006-12-11 Thread Martin Provost

Dude be carefull not to give too much info:

it could cause you security issues...from potential evil disposed idiot

As per your question, I cannot help you cause I am myself a newbie!



2006/12/11, Aiping <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


  I'm a newbie to struts. Lately, I have tasked to maintain a struts
application which makes use of struts data-source. This is working fine, but
when after a certain period, it starts to give java.sql.SQLException: No
more data to read from socket and users of the website are not able to
login. I restart the service, it performing fine and when left for a certain
period again, it encountered the exception again. My data-source is defined
as follow:



  App server is Tomcat 4.1.29 and DB is Oracle 8.1.7

  How can i resolve this? Any comments / suggestions would be appreciated.

Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and
get things done faster.

Martin Provost

java.sql.SQLException: No more data to read from socket

2006-12-11 Thread Aiping
  I'm a newbie to struts. Lately, I have tasked to maintain a struts 
application which makes use of struts data-source. This is working fine, but 
when after a certain period, it starts to give java.sql.SQLException: No more 
data to read from socket and users of the website are not able to login. I 
restart the service, it performing fine and when left for a certain period 
again, it encountered the exception again. My data-source is defined as follow:
  App server is Tomcat 4.1.29 and DB is Oracle 8.1.7
  How can i resolve this? Any comments / suggestions would be appreciated.

Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get 
things done faster.

struts2.0 question

2006-12-11 Thread red phoenix

I have a question about Struts 2.0 Action,I find Action will extends
ActionSupport,like follows:
public class GetUpdatedHangmanAction extends ActionSupport implements
SessionAware {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5506025785406043027L;

I am puzzled with variable serialVersionUID,I want to know if this variable
is necessary for Action,if it is necessary,how to calculate the value of
serialVersionUID,why it is equals 5506025785406043027?

Anyone can give me some advice?


Re: Struts 1.3.5 and SSL

2006-12-11 Thread Joseph McGranaghan

Thanks Naill, you're the man!  :-)

I'll reply my results to the list.


Niall Pemberton wrote:

On 12/10/06, Joseph McGranaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry, but I just can't get a clear understanding of a solution
for Struts 1.3.5 and SSL. I've always used sslext to ensure my
pages are secured.

So now if I want to use the new ComposableRequestProcessor,
how can I implement this functionality.

I've added a page describing what you need to do - plus a jar file
with an appropriate command and chain config:


I've searched and I can't find the solution.



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RE: how to initialize an edit page?

2006-12-11 Thread Strachan, Paul
I'm using struts 1.2.9 but your case seems pretty standard.
1. yes, you should include the form name in your mapping
2. if necessary, in your action access the "id" from either the request or the 
3. get your data and populate the form
4. do not create form beans yourself
If you still have problem please post your mapping and action code

From: Rick Schumeyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 12/12/2006 8:55 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: how to initialize an edit page?

this is a struts 1.3.5 question.

I am looking for an example of an edit cycle.  Let's say I have a list
of employee names; If I click on one I want to have a page to edit the
employee values.

The initial click would call an action that queries the database, gets
the employee data, and stores it...where exactly?

The initial click did not come from a form, and so does not have an
associated ActionForm (or should it?)

The edit page will have an associated ActionForm, but we are not there yet.

I could just "pass" an ActionForm bean to the edit page via

As you can see, I'm a bit confused on this point.

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Re: how to initialize an edit page?

2006-12-11 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


Rick Schumeyer wrote:
> I am looking for an example of an edit cycle.  Let's say I have a list
> of employee names; If I click on one I want to have a page to edit the
> employee values.
> The initial click would call an action that queries the database, gets
> the employee data, and stores it...where exactly?
> The initial click did not come from a form, and so does not have an
> associated ActionForm (or should it?)

Your spidey-sense is tingling correctly, Rick.

The way that Struts is intended to be used is that you associate a form
bean with your "edit" action, but set it to validate="false". Then, in
your action, grab the (empty) form bean and fill it with information
from your database (or wherever). Then, forward (not redirect) to your
display page (JSP, velocity, whatever).

In your view page, use the data in the form bean as the values for all
of your form fields.

When you save, and validation fails, the form bean will contain
non-validated data. I assume that you have set your edit forward and
your save action's "input" to the same thing: this makes it easy to use
the same page to display fresh-from-the-database data as well as
re-displaying invalid submission data for correction.

> The edit page will have an associated ActionForm, but we are not there yet.

You can have your  element contain a "name" (form bean) as well
as a "forward" (shortcut to your page... i.e. no custom action) and it
will work properly (your form bean will be empty).

- -chris
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RE: html:link

2006-12-11 Thread Strachan, Paul
a) The displayTag library can sort for you
b) you can only pass one parameter using html:link (unless you use a Map)
c) if "function" is a Dispatch method you could use javascript onclick event 
handler to submit to the "sort" method, passing the sortOrder parameter - then 
toggle it in your action and put the new value back on the request for next use.

From: Chetan Pandey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 11/12/2006 2:23 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: html:link

Hi All:

I have a  in the Title of a Table.

Clicking on it should arrange all Rows in ascending Order the first time and
descending order the next time and so on.

I tried the following:


int sortOrder=0;


In which (sortOrder % 2 == 0) will determine how to modify the table.

This however failed as we are not allowed to use post-increment operator.

Can anyone recommend a better approach.



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struts 2 tutorial and maven question

2006-12-11 Thread Cecilia Castillo
Hi!  I am new to struts, maven etc.  I am trying to follow the 
bootstrap tutorial for struts 2.  I used the Maven Archetype to 
create a new application for the tutorial and everything worked fine except...

- when I create the Login-validation.xml in my src/main/java/tutorial 
directory (where is), then use use maven to build a war 
file, it will not pick up the Login-validation.xml file and put it in 
the target/classes/tutorial directory.

However, if I move the Login-validation.xml file to 
src/main/resources/tutorial...then maven does pick up the 
Login-validation.xml file and put it in the target/classes/tutorial directory.

Can someone tell me

* where are we supposed to keep the xxx-validation.xml files?

* if they are supposed to be in the same directory as the java action 
classes, then what do I need to do to the default pom.xml file to 
make maven pick up these files and put them in the appropriate 
classes subdirectory?


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how to initialize an edit page?

2006-12-11 Thread Rick Schumeyer

this is a struts 1.3.5 question.

I am looking for an example of an edit cycle.  Let's say I have a list 
of employee names; If I click on one I want to have a page to edit the 
employee values.

The initial click would call an action that queries the database, gets 
the employee data, and stores it...where exactly?

The initial click did not come from a form, and so does not have an 
associated ActionForm (or should it?)

The edit page will have an associated ActionForm, but we are not there yet.

I could just "pass" an ActionForm bean to the edit page via 

As you can see, I'm a bit confused on this point.

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Re: problems with tag

2006-12-11 Thread Rick Schumeyer
Never turns out that I added a non-default constructor to the 
ActionForm bean without also adding a default constructor.

Rick Schumeyer wrote:

I'm using struts 1.3.5.

I have a jsp that displays a .

If I surround the table with:


then nothing in the page renders.  The EmployeeAdd action exists; it 
is associated with an ActionForm that also exists.

Does anyone have any idea what can cause this problem?

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problems with tag

2006-12-11 Thread Rick Schumeyer

I'm using struts 1.3.5.

I have a jsp that displays a .

If I surround the table with:


then nothing in the page renders.  The EmployeeAdd action exists; it is 
associated with an ActionForm that also exists.

Does anyone have any idea what can cause this problem?

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Re: Struts 1.3.5 and SSL

2006-12-11 Thread Niall Pemberton

On 12/10/06, Joseph McGranaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry, but I just can't get a clear understanding of a solution
for Struts 1.3.5 and SSL. I've always used sslext to ensure my
pages are secured.

So now if I want to use the new ComposableRequestProcessor,
how can I implement this functionality.

I've added a page describing what you need to do - plus a jar file
with an appropriate command and chain config:


I've searched and I can't find the solution.



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Re: Struts 1.3.5 and SSL

2006-12-11 Thread Joseph McGranaghan

Thanks for your input Wendy.

The most relevant thread I've found is

The struts wiki page
documents the fix for the missing tiles commands.


Wendy Smoak wrote:

on 12/11/06, Joseph McGranaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- Do I start with the default ComposableRequestProcessor?

- Do I gut the org.apache.struts.action.SecureTilesRequestProcessor and
add it to commands

- Do I need to alter the underlying struts chain-config, override it, or
just add commands in another chain-config

I don't think you'll have to touch the ComposableRequestProcessor itself.

The supplied chain config file is in
org/apache/struts/chain/chain-config.xml of the struts-core jar.  (Or
org/apache/struts/tiles/chain-config.xml if you're using the one from
Tiles. [1])

I think you would use one of those chain config files as a starting
point, write another command (or chain of commands,) and configure the
framework to use your replacement chain config file.

But I haven't tried it myself. :)

[1] IIRC, the chain config file for Tiles in 1.3.5 is missing a couple
of commands and you'll need to add them.


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Re: Struts 1.3.5 and SSL

2006-12-11 Thread Wendy Smoak

on 12/11/06, Joseph McGranaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- Do I start with the default ComposableRequestProcessor?

- Do I gut the org.apache.struts.action.SecureTilesRequestProcessor and
add it to commands

- Do I need to alter the underlying struts chain-config, override it, or
just add commands in another chain-config

I don't think you'll have to touch the ComposableRequestProcessor itself.

The supplied chain config file is in
org/apache/struts/chain/chain-config.xml of the struts-core jar.  (Or
org/apache/struts/tiles/chain-config.xml if you're using the one from
Tiles. [1])

I think you would use one of those chain config files as a starting
point, write another command (or chain of commands,) and configure the
framework to use your replacement chain config file.

But I haven't tried it myself. :)

[1] IIRC, the chain config file for Tiles in 1.3.5 is missing a couple
of commands and you'll need to add them.


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RE: Struts 1.3.5 and SSL

2006-12-11 Thread Scott Purcell
I was trying to follow this thread and didn't see any responses? Has
this been answered off-line? Just curious.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph McGranaghan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 6:34 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts 1.3.5 and SSL

Could you be more clear?

- Do I start with the default ComposableRequestProcessor?

- Do I gut the org.apache.struts.action.SecureTilesRequestProcessor and 
add it to commands

- Do I need to alter the underlying struts chain-config, override it, or

just add commands in another chain-config

The biggest problem is that I can't find good documentation on this or 

SSL in struts should be a flick of a flag.

Can anyone point me to some good info?

The best I found was the infonia article, but it leaves a lot of



Paul Benedict wrote:
> Write yourself a Command and add it into the chain.
> Joseph McGranaghan wrote:
>> Sorry, but I just can't get a clear understanding of a solution
>> for Struts 1.3.5 and SSL. I've always used sslext to ensure my
>> pages are secured.
>> So now if I want to use the new ComposableRequestProcessor,
>> how can I implement this functionality.
>> I've searched and I can't find the solution.
>> Thanks,
>> Joe
>> -
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> -
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Re: Action maps back to same way to reset ActionForm?

2006-12-11 Thread Christopher Goldman
On Sat, 2006-12-09 at 13:29 -0500, Rick Schumeyer wrote:
> I have jsp containing a form to add employees.  This submits to an 
> action that adds the new employee to the database, and then forwards 
> back to the add employee page so that more employees can be added.  
> Currently, when I get back to the jsp the ActionForm still contains the 
> original data, but at this point I want a blank action form.
> If I am using an ActionForm (as opposed to a DynaActionForm), what is 
> the best way to clear the form?
> *  I can manually clear all the fields in the action before calling 
> findForward
> * Should I override the ActionForm reset method (and call reset before 
> findForward) ?
> * Should I use a DynaActionForm instead?  (Would that provide any advantage)
> * Is there some other obvious solution that I'm missing?
> BTW, this is struts 1.3.5.  The action configuration declares request scope.


If you perform a redirect instead of a forward from the action, the new
page will have a new form, because the data will not carry over (because
you are using request scope).

As a bonus, if the user reloads the page, they will not be resubmitting
the form post that adds an employee.


Christopher D. Goldman

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Re: Struts2 : Codebehind and Zero Configuration

2006-12-11 Thread Don Brown

Yeah, I noticed that as well the other day, so it should be fixed in
trunk.  I really need to sit down and do a tutorial showing off the
new conventions in Struts 2 as it really makes building apps easier.
Please let us know how using this plugin works out.


On 12/11/06, Ron Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been trying to get Codebehind
and Zero Configuration
to work

found that I had to make a couple of changes

if (resultsByExtension == null) {
resultsByExtension = loadResultTypes(configuration);

was missing from handleUnknownResult, so when using with Zero Conf
loadResutTypes is not run

also resultsByExtension is never null anyway so this code was never run

I made these 2 changes and it now works a treat...

goodbye configuration, hello convention :)

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RE: Need help in Custom tags

2006-12-11 Thread Dave Newton
From: Anil Kumar Pippalapalli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   It should contain html select tags as inner tag.
>   how would i do that
>   iam getting this error,
>   javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: OptionsCollection tag must be nested
> in a Select tag

The Struts OptionsCollections tag does a check to make sure that it is
contained inside a Struts Select tag.

Unless you subclass/reimplement/etc. an options tag it probably won't


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Re: Formatting numbers in text field

2006-12-11 Thread Nabil ALI-MOUSSA

[EMAIL PROTECTED] a e'crit :

Have you tried the JSTL  tag?


-Original Message-
From: chamal desilva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 3:35 AM

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Formatting numbers in text field

Thanks Richard

But if do it uing getter methods I will have to write
a lot of getters since I have many properties.

Is n't there an another way. Can't we control the
formatting through a common place in Struts.

Best Regards,

--- "Gundersen, Richard" 

If you are using an ActionForm, you could modify
your getter to do the
formatting. Or, have an additional getter method

Double amount;

Double getAmount() {
// bog standard method
String getFormattedAmount() {
// do some formatting

Then, in the form, do something like property="formattedAmount"/>

You can manipulate the setters in a similar way to
accept the formatted
text submitted by the form.

There are probably other ways for dealing with the
same problem in
DynaActionForms that I don't know of.

Hope this helps


-Original Message-
From: chamal desilva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 8:52 AM
Subject: Formatting numbers in text field


Is there a way display numbers in a text field in a
formatted way.

For example I want to display 100 as 1,000 in a text

My form field attribute type is Double.

Thanking You,




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yes, but I do not manage to find good syntax, somebody can it help me?

thank you.

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Need help in Custom tags

2006-12-11 Thread Anil Kumar Pippalapalli
Hi all,
  I need to create a custom tag for my project.
  It should contain html select tags as inner tag.
  how would i do that
  i tried my best but in vain...
  iam getting this error,
  javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: OptionsCollection tag must be nested in a 
Select tag
 at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(index.jsp:15)
 at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
 at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
  any help would be great..
  thanks in advance,
  anil pippalapalli.  

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Re: Validator FrameWork

2006-12-11 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


Thomas Thomas wrote:
> Thank u,
> it works great :-)

No problem.

> I have :
> May I ask u, dear Christopher, what's the difference of it with what u have
> done :
>  key="error.unmatched.password.confirm" />

I'm not sure what the difference is. Would you like me to compare this
to something specific?

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (MingW32)
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Need help in Custom tags

2006-12-11 Thread Anil Kumar Pippalapalli
  I have to form a custom tag which has the following format.

  ...available can have html:option, html:options,  

 ...selected can have html:option, html:options, html:optionsCollection...
  Error 500--Internal Server Error
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: OptionsCollection tag must be nested in a 
Select tag   at 
   at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(index.jsp:15)   at 
weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(   at 
   at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(   at  
  if u need more info u can mail me to this id.
  thanks in advance for any help

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Re: Struts 1.3.5 and SSL

2006-12-11 Thread Joseph McGranaghan

Could you be more clear?

- Do I start with the default ComposableRequestProcessor?

- Do I gut the org.apache.struts.action.SecureTilesRequestProcessor and 
add it to commands

- Do I need to alter the underlying struts chain-config, override it, or 
just add commands in another chain-config

The biggest problem is that I can't find good documentation on this or 

SSL in struts should be a flick of a flag.

Can anyone point me to some good info?

The best I found was the infonia article, but it leaves a lot of questions.



Paul Benedict wrote:

Write yourself a Command and add it into the chain.

Joseph McGranaghan wrote:

Sorry, but I just can't get a clear understanding of a solution
for Struts 1.3.5 and SSL. I've always used sslext to ensure my
pages are secured.

So now if I want to use the new ComposableRequestProcessor,
how can I implement this functionality.

I've searched and I can't find the solution.



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Struts2 : Codebehind and Zero Configuration

2006-12-11 Thread Ron Chan

I've been trying to get Codebehind
and Zero Configuration
to work

found that I had to make a couple of changes

if (resultsByExtension == null) {
resultsByExtension = loadResultTypes(configuration);

was missing from handleUnknownResult, so when using with Zero Conf
loadResutTypes is not run

also resultsByExtension is never null anyway so this code was never run

I made these 2 changes and it now works a treat...

goodbye configuration, hello convention :)

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RE: calling bean reset() in Action class?

2006-12-11 Thread Chandra.Ravinithala
Did you override the reset() method?.

Abstract ActionForm has no implementation for reset() method; if you
want to set the values to be blank/default values on reset() method call
- override reset() method.
public abstract class ActionForm implements Serializable {

 public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {

;   // Default implementation does nothing



BTW, this w.r.t struts 1.2.4


-Original Message-
From: Mallik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:36 PM
Subject: calling bean reset() in Action class?

Hi friends
i have a form that contain some text fields where user enters data and
click save, then i am saving and returning to the same page.
here the previous values are redisplaying(which should not) even
succefully added to database.
for this i feel that by calling reset method of form bean we can
i did it but failed .
this is my code:(part of action class)

DynaValidatorForm df = (DynaValidatorForm)form;
df.reset(mapping,request); return mapping.findForward("saved");

where i did mistake or is this right way or any other to do this

help me please
thanks in advance

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calling bean reset() in Action class?

2006-12-11 Thread Mallik

Hi friends
i have a form that contain some text fields where user enters data and click
save, then i am saving and returning to the same page.
here the previous values are redisplaying(which should not) even succefully
added to database.
for this i feel that by calling reset method of form bean we can overcome.
i did it but failed .
this is my code:(part of action class)
DynaValidatorForm df = (DynaValidatorForm)form;
return mapping.findForward("saved");

where i did mistake or is this right way or any other to do this

help me please
thanks in advance

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