Re: response.setContentType(text/html; charset=utf-8)

2006-09-21 Thread Al Eridani

On 9/8/06, Raghuveer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From the source examples

What does the use of
 response.setContentType(text/html; charset=utf-8);

It tells the browser that what the browser is going to receive uses
the UTF-8 character
set, so the browser can display it correctly.

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Re: Some JSP Taglib help needed

2006-08-01 Thread Al Eridani

On 8/1/06, Bart Busschots [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a number stored in a bean which I can get at just fine (tested
with bean:write).

What I need to do is loop from 1 to that number and print a text area
for each element in that range.


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Re: Some JSP Taglib help needed

2006-08-01 Thread Al Eridani

On 8/1/06, Bart Busschots [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can't see how to use the foreach tag in my case.

c:forEach var=i begin=${1} end=${numberOfItems}


 input  type=text name=c:out value=name_of_box_${i} / value= /



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Re: Action called multiple times

2006-07-11 Thread Al Eridani

On 7/10/06, Thomas Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I have got a strange problem. My action class generates PDF, and writes on
the the response and fushes it, but I can see that this action is getting
called multiple times (2-5 times). I have cheked my struts-config to be just
perfect (No forwards)

The culprit could be the browser, especially MSIE.

The brain-dead way that MSIE used to work (three years ago, when I had to
investigate this) goes like this:

1) The user clicks on the browser to request the file.
2) The server sends the file back.
3) The browser reads the first 100 bytes or so to determine the type.
4) Once the browser determines that it is a PDF file, it discards the bytes
it has already read and the rest of the file.
5) The browser *on its own, without user intervention* requests the file again.
6) The browser hands the received file to the helper plugin or application.

In fact, some versions of MSIE were even more stupid, and requested the file
three times. It was so bad that Microsoft published the incredibly convoluted
logic MSIE followed trying to figure out the content type of byte streams, but
even then MSIE showed that the publication was not always accurate.

Try using different browsers and take note of any difference in behavior.

What can you do? First, always set correctly the Content-Type response
header. Second, if you can, play games so that the request from the
browser looks like http://blahblah/.../moreblah.pdf;. If the URL ends
in .pdf,
MSIE will be more likely to do the right thing the first time.

Otherwise, just learn to live with it.

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Re: How to terminate the uploading process of Struts?

2006-06-06 Thread Al Eridani

On 6/4/06, Truong Xuan Tinh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi experts,
Can we terminate the uploading process of Struts when the uploaded data
size is exceeded the max file size configured in the controller of

I believe that this is not a Struts issue.
I remember I tried years ago (not using Struts) and, while I could terminate the
process, I could find no way of clearing the remaining data that the
browser kept
sending without reading it, which defeated the purpose of the exercise.
I did not spend too much time trying, though.

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Re: The Mytical stagnation

2006-03-30 Thread Al Eridani
On 3/30/06, Konstantin Priblouda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 but now there is serious demand (in germany).

Not in the San Francisco Bay Area; in craigslist, Struts: 80, WebWork: 2.

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Re: Open Source Motivations (Re: I Apologize)

2006-03-29 Thread Al Eridani
On 3/29/06, Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Also note that the WebWork team is supporting this merger process.

The way it has been described here it looks to me more like a takeover
than a merger.

 As far as I know, none of them have vigorously objected, nor sworn to
 carry on WebWork under its own name, etc.  So perhaps there is
 another group of developers whose motivations are not what you
 personally might guess they are.

That shows they are not stupid. They stand to gain a lot when their
little-known framework is re-branded as Struts.

Just go to craigslist, DICE or other job sites, search for Struts and
WebWork and compare the resulting numbers. That is the real world.
It translates into real dollars. That is branding for you.

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Re: The Mytical stagnation

2006-03-29 Thread Al Eridani
On 3/29/06, Bart Busschots [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right, as I see it this all boils down to Jon whinning that the struts
 guys are adopting WebWorks for the basis of struts 2 rather than Struts

And you see it wrongly. Either you came late into this and could not be
bothered to check the archives or your attention span is so short that
you have forgotten already.

It all started when some Struts committers described their relatively closed
environment (limiting who could contribute) and Jonathan wondered
aloud whether that lack of openness had been a contributing factor to
Struts decline.

The question was never addressed because, in the inmortal words of one
of the defenders of the faith, the question is invalid.

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Re: Struts Tutorial

2006-03-24 Thread Al Eridani
On 3/24/06, Larry Meadors [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/24/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As far as products, right now there is Action and Shale.
  Most people familiar with Action might just say 'Struts' and there
  isn't usually a misunderstanding.  I suppose the same confusion
  exists when someone says 'Apache'.  Do you mean the organization or
  the server?

 That is not really an accurate one is saying that the
 apache web server and the apache organization are the same thing...but
 I guess struts-shale and struts-action aren't why are they
 the same project again? Is it just a branding thing?

It looks that way. The people involved have a vested interest to keep the
Struts name alive, even while they throw away the code. They benefit too
much from books, talks, seminars, addresses, you name it,
to start their new projects with a different name.

Not that they will admit it, but it's the simplest explanation (Occam's razor
and all that).

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Re: Struts Tutorial

2006-03-24 Thread Al Eridani
On 3/24/06, Michael Jouravlev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh, come on. Ford has Ford, Lincoln and Mercury. Fiat has Fiat, Alfa
 Romeo, Lancia, Ferrari and whatever else. Renault has Renault, Nissan
 and Volvo Trucks? Whatever.

 We just need to set a default. Do you think Ferrari when you say Fiat? ;-)

Those are different brands with different names marketed by the same parent
company, while the current Struts situation is different products marketed
with the same name, so I don't understand your point.

But cars are a good example of the type of branding being attempted
with Struts. Why does Ford keep marketing a model like the Mustang that
it has changed so radically over the years, instead of calling it something

Because they are banking on the familiarity and (hopefully) the good
reputation of the name among the general buying public; to the marketeers,
any connection between the name and the content is irrelevant.

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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-23 Thread Al Eridani
On 3/23/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You claim that someone who hits the website cannot understand what the
 product is or does.  How can you claim this unless you actually DO
 understand what it is and therefore it must be confusing for someone who

This is hilarious beyond words. More double-speak a la we had to destroy
the village in order to save it (US Government, circa 1970).

 Do you see the difference?

Frankly, no. The difference between what and what?

But, wait... probably you also think that to be able to claim that one cannot
see the difference one must actually DO see the difference...

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Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-21 Thread Al Eridani
On 3/20/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  To be a meritocracy, more than the already elected committers would have
  to participate in the election.

 I'll be fascinated to watch you try to sell that approach to Apache at large

As I'm not a meritocracy evangelist, whether Apache agrees with me or not
is not that important. I only called attention to an assertion that
distorted the
plain meaning of words.

As societies become more intellectually sophisticated, this doublespeak
becomes more prevalent. You don't see anybody claiming that they
are running their community like a dictatorship; they all claim democracy,
meritocracy and what not. But, as they say where I come from, tell me of
what you brag about and I'll tell you what you lack.

 Out of the 22 existing committers to Struts, 21 of them followed the deal
 with it pattern and got voted in

But, of course! As it is the only way... According to you, the owners of
franchises in the NFL, or the NBA, also run their leagues as a meritocracy,
because they follow rules very similar to yours, eh?

 That's the way Apache projects work.  If you don't like it, you're free to
 run your own project, anywhere else you like, according to whatever rules
 you see fit.

Wow, that's a relief! I thought you were going to forbid me to run my own
project, anywhere else I like, according to whatever rules I see fit.

From the way you respond it seems to me that you believe I object to the
way your project is run. No, I object to the distortion of calling a meritocracy
what is just a run-of-the-mill club.

 See above for evidence that an alternative really does exist.

Not within your project structure, it doesn't. Which, by the way, is fine with
me. Just don't misrepresent it, please.

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Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-20 Thread Al Eridani
On 3/20/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At Apache, committers are a self-selected meritocracy.

That is a contradiction in terms (what is sometimes called an oxymoron).
I'll take your word that they are self-elected (honestly, I don't know).
Therefore, meritocracy is not involved, self-interest is.

To be a meritocracy, more than the already elected committers would have
to participate in the election.

 If you cannot
 convince existing committers that you belong, then you don't belong.

Much better explanation, although I would replace then you don't belong.
with then they make sure you are not allowed in. to be more thruthful.

  Deal with it.  Or go away.

Almost a perfect exposition of your attitude. My only quibble is that the only
way to deal with it is to go away, so the Or implies a false dichotomy.

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Re: [FRIDAY] Re: has struts reached the saturation

2006-03-17 Thread Al Eridani
On 3/17/06, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think one mark of a committer and PMC member is that we don't have
 those type of passions. There are three of four of those passionate
 types on this thread. But none of them are committers.

Maybe that is an indication of how much of a closed club the committers
have become. The committers versus the rest. And when you have a
committer casually say that, oh, he just doesn't have time to look into
someone's contribution, too bad, but, at the same time, he doesn't offer
to let someone with possibly more time to take his place, the club
atmosphere is reinforced.

 And, out of the
 thousands of people who subscribe to this list, it's the same three or
 four people who complain, over and over again. (What's is the sound of
 one hand clapping?)

You would be surprised at how many users have similar opinions but are
sensible enough not to pipe up with Me too! responses. I just added this
note to disabuse you of the notion that no noise = no discontent.

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Re: Socket exception - please help

2005-10-21 Thread Al Eridani
On 10/13/05, Murray Collingwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have an action class that serves us images from my application.  The java 
 class is
 fairly simple and mostly copied from (our friend) the wiki:


 However when this class runs I get the following exception: Software caused connection abort: recv 
 at Method)

Don't worry, it's normal, especially if you are browsing with
Internet Explorer.

In an application I wrote that served TIFF files I had the same
problem initially, until I
started catching and ignoring this particular exception; with Mozilla
the exceptions
simply did not appear.

I believe this is a side-effect of the dumb way that IE uses to figure
out the content type
of the stream it receives, even when the server specifies it.

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Re: Who decides?

2005-09-12 Thread Al Eridani
 With IT, I've noticed that previous knowledge only helps slightly.


  Previous experience becomes much less important.

Not in my book. I wrote my first program in the 70s and over the years I've
seen people enter the field and make the same mistakes I had made a lot
earlier (as expected, as nobody is born knowledgeable already).

Also, there are many parallelisms between the current state of affairs and the
one from years ago. The useful thing is to see the patterns and avoid getting 
mired in the details.

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