Re: S2 - Error when I use include in struts.xml

2007-01-29 Thread Alexandre Mendonça Lima


In the struts2-showcase application, I see the includes in struts.xml 
working very well. Then, I gone to hack the source code to try understand 
how this works.

My conclusions are:
1) If a package 'A' extends 'struts-default', then it can be put in a 
file-A.xml ;
2) If a package 'B' extends 'A', then it only can be put in file-A.xml (if I 
put in file-B.xml, I'll catch a error);
3) If a package 'B' extends 'struts-default', then it can be put in a 
file-B.xml .

I would like to know if my conclusions are right. Anyone else?


Alexandre Lima

- Original Message - 
From: Alexandre Mendonça Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 4:18 PM
Subject: S2 - Error when I use include in struts.xml


When I use tag include in my struts.xml, I get a error on startup of my 

My struts.xml file is:
package name=jsime-default extends=struts-default
   !-- ommited --
include file=struts-controleAcesso.xml/

My struts-controleAcesso.xml is:
package name=jsime-controleAcesso extends=jsime-default
   action name=Usuario_* 


The error that I catched in console is:
SEVERE: Exception starting filter struts2
Error building results for action Usuario_* in namespace - action - 

Anyone know what is, please?


Alexandre Lima 

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S2 - Error when I use include in struts.xml

2007-01-26 Thread Alexandre Mendonça Lima


When I use tag include in my struts.xml, I get a error on startup of my 

My struts.xml file is:
package name=jsime-default extends=struts-default
   !-- ommited --
include file=struts-controleAcesso.xml/

My struts-controleAcesso.xml is:
package name=jsime-controleAcesso extends=jsime-default
   action name=Usuario_* 
class=embasa.jsime.view.action.controleAcesso.UsuarioAction method={1}


The error that I catched in console is:
SEVERE: Exception starting filter struts2
Error building results for action Usuario_* in namespace - action - 

Anyone know what is, please?


Alexandre Lima 

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Re: [s2] String comparison with OGNL

2007-01-23 Thread Alexandre Mendonça Lima

I see something in the Guide page about this way:
s:property value='%{#parameters.addrType == billing}'/

Alexandre Lima

- Original Message - 
From: Wesley Wannemacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 3:44 PM
Subject: RE: [s2] String comparison with OGNL

Nope, same result... Here is the code and output -

p class=sectionSubTitle
Please verify the details of your s:property 

address below -
s:property value=%{#parameters.addrType == 'billing'}/

p class=sectionSubTitle
Please verify the details of your billing address below -

I'm not sure how much it matters, but I am working with a snapshot of 

that I built a while back. If this is an issue, I can replace any jars to
see if that fixes the problem.


-Original Message-
From: Dave Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1:36 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [s2] String comparison with OGNL

From: Wesley Wannemacher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 s:property value=#parameters.addrType == 'billing'/

Does wrapping it with %{} do it?

s:property value=%{#parameters.addrType == 'billing'}/

I still get a little confused when dealing with the different markups.


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[S2] Tag select have problems

2007-01-22 Thread Alexandre Mendonça Lima

Hi everyone,

I got last version Struts 2.0.3 today and updated now my application but one 
page is gone wrong.

In this page, I have the code:
s:select name=filtroRegiao list=todasRegioes listKey=id 
listValue=descricao headerKey=-1 headerValue=  /
My Action class have two atributes:  todasRegioes  is a java.util.List and 
filtroRegiao  is a java.lang.String. The list  todasRegioes  have instances 
from class  Regiao  which have atributes id and descricao.
When I submitted my form to same page for refresh it, the select doesn't 
show the value selected, always show the value setting in headerKey.

Anyone can help me?

Alexandre Lima 

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Re: [S2] Tag select have problems

2007-01-22 Thread Alexandre Mendonça Lima

Hi again,

I discover debugging my application that the error is in the moment on tag 
s:select renders it at JSP.

I change my code to:
s:select name=filtroRegiao list=todasRegioes listKey=id 
listValue=descricao headerKey=-1 headerValue=  

and works!!!
But in the first time when I enter in the page, filtroRegiao is null and in 
my console appears:
WARNING: Caught an exception while evaluating expression 
'filtroRegiao.toString()' against value stack

java.lang.NullPointerException: target is null for method toString

Anyone have tips for me?


Alexandre Lima

- Original Message - 
From: Alexandre Mendonça Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 9:57 AM
Subject: [S2] Tag select have problems

Hi everyone,

I got last version Struts 2.0.3 today and updated now my application but 
one page is gone wrong.

In this page, I have the code:
s:select name=filtroRegiao list=todasRegioes listKey=id 
listValue=descricao headerKey=-1 headerValue=  /
My Action class have two atributes:  todasRegioes  is a java.util.List and 
filtroRegiao  is a java.lang.String. The list  todasRegioes  have 
instances from class  Regiao  which have atributes id and descricao.
When I submitted my form to same page for refresh it, the select doesn't 
show the value selected, always show the value setting in headerKey.

Anyone can help me?

Alexandre Lima

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Re: [S2] Tag select have problems

2007-01-22 Thread Alexandre Mendonça Lima

Hi André,

The atributte of key field is a Long. Then this is a bug because in 
previously versions worked.


Alexandre Lima

- Original Message - 
From: André Faria [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [S2] Tag select have problems

I had the same problem if the key field were a primitive type that works...
Like int insted Integer...

Alexandre Mendonça Lima escreveu:

Hi everyone,

I got last version Struts 2.0.3 today and updated now my application but 
one page is gone wrong.

In this page, I have the code:
s:select name=filtroRegiao list=todasRegioes listKey=id 
listValue=descricao headerKey=-1 headerValue=  /
My Action class have two atributes:  todasRegioes  is a java.util.List 
and filtroRegiao  is a java.lang.String. The list  todasRegioes  have 
instances from class  Regiao  which have atributes id and descricao.
When I submitted my form to same page for refresh it, the select doesn't 
show the value selected, always show the value setting in headerKey.

Anyone can help me?

Alexandre Lima

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Re: [S2] Tag select have problems

2007-01-22 Thread Alexandre Mendonça Lima

I checked in the JIRA and exists a two bugs opened there.
This is a big limitation for a version that it would be changed in stable 

Alexandre Lima

- Original Message - 
From: Alexandre Mendonça Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List; 

Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [S2] Tag select have problems

Hi André,

The atributte of key field is a Long. Then this is a bug because in 
previously versions worked.


Alexandre Lima

- Original Message - 
From: André Faria [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [S2] Tag select have problems

I had the same problem if the key field were a primitive type that 

Like int insted Integer...

Alexandre Mendonça Lima escreveu:

Hi everyone,

I got last version Struts 2.0.3 today and updated now my application but 
one page is gone wrong.

In this page, I have the code:
s:select name=filtroRegiao list=todasRegioes listKey=id 
listValue=descricao headerKey=-1 headerValue=  /
My Action class have two atributes:  todasRegioes  is a java.util.List 
and filtroRegiao  is a java.lang.String. The list  todasRegioes  have 
instances from class  Regiao  which have atributes id and descricao.
When I submitted my form to same page for refresh it, the select doesn't 
show the value selected, always show the value setting in headerKey.

Anyone can help me?

Alexandre Lima

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Re: [S2] Tag select have problems

2007-01-22 Thread Alexandre Mendonça Lima

Thanks Stuart, I'll change my code for anything that works!
Alexandre Lima

- Original Message - 
From: Stuart Piltch [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [S2] Tag select have problems

The atributte of key field is a Long. Then this is a bug because in
previously versions worked.

Hi Alexandre,

I believe this is a bug in the current Struts2 code. See

Basically, the select tag will only pre-select an item if the listKey is a
String. We have been using Integers as keys for our pulldowns (a simple
Integer--String ArrayList), so we ran into this as well.

As a workaround, we added two methods to the business model class. These 
get and set the Integer attribute of the class by converting between 
String and


As a specific example, below is a snippet from our Address class, which
sometimes is used by a County pulldown in a struts2 form. The form element
itself looks like this:

s:select name=address.countyIdStr headerKey= headerValue=-- Select 

   list=counties listKey=id listValue=name required=true /


- stuart

private Integer id;
private Integer city;
[...more attributes...]
private Integer countyId;

public Integer getId() { return id; }
public void setId(Integer id) { = id; }

public String getCity() { return city; ]
public void setCity(String city) { = city; }

[... more getters and setters ...]

public Integer getCountyId() { return countyId; }
public void setCountyId(Integer countyId) { this.countyId = countyId; }

/* Helper methods for dealing with preselecting pulldowns in struts2
* See

public getCountyIdStr() {
  return countyId == null ? null : countyId.toString();

public void setCountyIdStr(String countyIdStr) {
  if (NumberUtils.isDigits(countyIdStr)) {
 countyId = new Integer(countyIdStr);

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Re: [S2] dropdowndatetimepicker not working

2007-01-15 Thread Alexandre Mendonça Lima

Hi Musachy,

I'll try to build version 2.0.3 . Thanks for you help!


- Original Message - 
From: Musachy Barroso [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [S2] dropdowndatetimepicker not working

Hi Alexandre,

The datepicker tag has been on the move between 2.0.1 - 2.0.3. I would 
suggest not to use 2.0.2, and wait until the next stable build is 
released, must likely 2.0.3. If you  can't wait, and decide to build from 
source, and still have the same problem, let us know.


Alexandre Mendonça Lima wrote:


Previously, when I was using version 2.0.1, my JSP was:

s:datepicker name=equipamento.dataCadastro format=#dd/#MM/# 

The property dataCadastro in bean equipamento (property of my action) is 
from type java.util.Date . It's worked!

Now, I'm using the actual version that I´ve copied from . The tag was modified and 
I change for:

s:dropdowndatetimepicker name=equipamento.dataCadastro type=date 

After submit it generates error: Invalid field value for field 
equipamento.dataCadastro. In my console shows 2 messages:

SEVERE: ParametersInterceptor - [setParameters]: Unexpected Exception 
catched: Error setting expression 'dojo.equipamento.dataCadastro' with 
value '[Ljava.lang.String;@6adb31'
SEVERE: ParametersInterceptor - [setParameters]: Unexpected Exception 
catched: Error setting expression 'equipamento.dataCadastro' with value 

What's happened?

Alexandre Lima
from Salvador, Brazil

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[S2] dropdowndatetimepicker not working

2007-01-12 Thread Alexandre Mendonça Lima

Previously, when I was using version 2.0.1, my JSP was:

s:datepicker name=equipamento.dataCadastro format=#dd/#MM/# 

The property dataCadastro in bean equipamento (property of my action) is from 
type java.util.Date . It's worked!

Now, I'm using the actual version that I´ve copied from . 
The tag was modified and I change for:

s:dropdowndatetimepicker name=equipamento.dataCadastro type=date 

After submit it generates error: Invalid field value for field 
equipamento.dataCadastro. In my console shows 2 messages:

SEVERE: ParametersInterceptor - [setParameters]: Unexpected Exception catched: 
Error setting expression 'dojo.equipamento.dataCadastro' with value 
SEVERE: ParametersInterceptor - [setParameters]: Unexpected Exception catched: 
Error setting expression 'equipamento.dataCadastro' with value 

What's happened?

Alexandre Lima
from Salvador, Brazil