[S2] How to get the requested path from an interceptor

2007-08-23 Thread Célio Cidral Junior
Is it possible to get the requested path from inside an interceptor?
For instance, the following url was requested:


So, from the interceptor, how can I get the
/private/admin/json/companies.action part from that url? I searched
across the ActionInvocation object but could not come with a solution.



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Re: How to use the s:param tag with s:textfield?

2007-06-21 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

I have the same problem, but as far as I could see, formatting support
in S2 is nasty.  You can format something with s:text using the
format defined in your resource bundle, but you can't do that with
s:textfield. WTF?!  Man, so far I've spent 3 hours trying to do make
that work, but just couldn't.  I'm going crazy!  Serious...


2007/6/19, Luiz Henrique Rossetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi guys,

How can I use the s: param with s:textfield?
I need to format a Timestamp property of my Action using the mask


public BlablaAction extens ActionSupport{

   private Employee employee;

   getters and setters


public class Employee{

   private Timestamp finalDate;

   getters and setters

My jsp page

 s:textfield cssClass=textfield name=emp.finalDate maxlength=10
s:param name=value value=employee.finalDate/

My package.properties

emp.finalDate = {dd/MM/}

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Re: S2: Formatting s:textfield values

2007-06-21 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

I'm having the same problem. I consider this an important issue, so
why this thread got no response?


2007/4/11, Sauli Ketola [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Is there a way to format the value of a s:textfield like it possible
with s:text?

For example what would be the equivalent of s:text
name=format.moneys:param name=value
value=myMoneyValue//s:text for s:textfield/s:textarea?


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[S2] Incorrect validation behaviour

2007-06-20 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

I have a couple of actions with validation configuration. The
validation works fine for most of them, except for one in which case
all the fields are always invalidated even when I fill them correctly.
Also, I noticed that, after submitting the form, the values of the
fields are not preserved. I can't understand why it doesn't work
right, because I simply copied and pasted from existing files of
another action. I've already spent hours trying to fix that, but can't
figure out what's wrong.

%@ taglib prefix=s uri=/struts-tags%

s:form action=alteracaoDeSenha!salvar

s:textfield name=senhaAtual
s:textfield name=novaSenha
s:textfield name=confirmacaoDaSenha

s:submit value=%{getText('registro.salvar')}/

a href=javascript:void(null); 

package br.com.radice.labore.web.actions;

import br.com.radice.labore.Usuario;
import br.com.radice.labore.dao.UsuarioDao;
import br.com.radice.labore.web.SessionKeys;
import br.com.radice.web.struts2.actions.SessionProvidedAction;

public class AlteracaoDeSenhaAction extends SessionProvidedAction {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private UsuarioDao usuarioDao;
private String senhaAtual, novaSenha, confirmacaoDaSenha;

public AlteracaoDeSenhaAction() {

public void setConfirmacaoDaSenha(String confirmacaoDaSenha) {
this.confirmacaoDaSenha = confirmacaoDaSenha;

public void setNovaSenha(String novaSenha) {
this.novaSenha = novaSenha;

public void setUsuarioDao(UsuarioDao usuarioDao) {
this.usuarioDao = usuarioDao;

public void setSenhaAtual(String senha) {
this.senhaAtual = senha;

   public String salvar() throws Exception {
Usuario usuarioLogado = getUsuarioLogado();

if (!usuarioLogado.possuiEstaSenha(senhaAtual)) {

return INPUT;

if (!novaSenha.equals(confirmacaoDaSenha)) {

return INPUT;




return SUCCESS;

private Usuario getUsuarioLogado() {
Usuario usuarioLogado = (Usuario) 

return usuarioDao.get(usuarioLogado.getId());


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC -//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator
1.0.2//EN http://www.opensymphony.com/xwork/xwork-validator-1.0.2.dtd;
   field name=senhaAtual
   field-validator type=requiredstring
   message key=alteracao-senha.campo-obrigatorio.senha-atual/
   field name=novaSenha
   field-validator type=requiredstring
   message key=alteracao-senha.campo-obrigatorio.nova-senha/
   field name=confirmacaoDaSenha
   field-validator type=requiredstring
   message key=alteracao-senha.campo-obrigatorio.confirmacao-senha/

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
beans xmlns=http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans;

!-- other stuff omitted --

bean id=alteracaoDeSenhaAction
property name=usuarioDao ref=usuarioDao/

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?

[S2] How to get an object from Spring inside an interceptor

2007-05-23 Thread Célio Cidral Junior


I want to implement an OpenInView pattern interceptor involving
Hibernate, but there's a problem. My SessionFactory is both created
and managed by Spring, and my interceptor should have access to that
SessionFactory, however I don't know how to do that. I have already
searched a lot the web and the docs but couldn't find an answer. Does
anybody know if that's possible (and how)?.



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Re: [S2] How to get an object from Spring inside an interceptor

2007-05-23 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

2007/5/23, Guillaume Carré [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

if your SessionFactory is injected in your action, and all your
actions extend AbstractAction for example, that has a
getSessionFactory() method, you can do this:

public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
Action action = (Action) invocation.getAction();
if (action instanceof AbstractAction) {
sessionFactory = ((AbstractAction) action).getSessionFactory();

The actions are unaware of any Hibernate type.  This is mandatory
since I don't want my actions to depend on a specific persistence
mechanism.  They only see DAO interfaces (which are also not dependent
on any persistence mechanism).



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[S2] Validation error messages are not being cleared

2007-03-25 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

An action has this validation config:

field name=nome
field-validator type=requiredstring
messageCampo obrigatório/message
field name=identificacao
field-validator type=requiredstring
messageCampo obrigatório/message
field-validator type=regex
param name=expression[a-z]+/param
Digite apenas letras minúsculas. Não são 
permitidos espaços,
números, nem caracteres acentuados.

The validation works fine, except that the field error messages are
not getting cleared when the user fills the fields correctly in the
second submit.

The procedure is:

1. Submit the form with all fields empty;

(Struts shows the validation error messages correctly.)

2. Fill all fields with good values and submit again.

(Struts duplicates the messages right above the previous ones.)

And as you submit the form over and over again, Struts keeps
invalidating the fields, duplicating the error messages. I'm using
Struts 2.0.6.

-8-- struts.xml (excerpt for that action) -8--

action name=usuario class=usuario-form-action !-- the 
object comes from Spring --
result name=success 

-8-- the action -8--

public class UsuarioFormAction extends PrevaylerAction {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private int id = 0;
private String nome;
private Perfil perfil;
private String identificacao;
private String senha;
private String confirmacaoDeSenha;

public SetPerfil getPerfis() {
return contexto().getPerfis();

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;

public String getNome() {
return nome;

public void setNome(String nome) {
this.nome = nome;

public int getPerfil() {
return perfil.getId();

public void setPerfil(int id) throws Exception {
PesquisaDePerfilPorIdQuery pesquisa = new 


perfil = (Perfil) prevayler().execute(pesquisa);

public String getIdentificacao() {
return identificacao;

public void setIdentificacao(String identificacao) {
this.identificacao = identificacao;

public void setSenha(String senha) {
this.senha = senha;

public void setConfirmacaoDeSenha(String confirmacaoDeSenha) {
this.confirmacaoDeSenha = confirmacaoDeSenha;

public String input() throws Exception {
if (id != 0) {
PesquisaDeUsuarioPorIdQuery pesquisa = new 


Usuario usuario = (Usuario) 

if (usuario == null)
return ERROR;

nome = usuario.getNome();
perfil = usuario.getPerfil();
identificacao = usuario.getIdentificacao();

return INPUT;

public String salvar() throws Exception {
if (senha.compareTo(confirmacaoDeSenha) == 0) {
if (id == 0) {
if (senha.length()  0)
else {
addActionMessage(Digite uma senha para o 
novo usuário.);
return INPUT;
} else
} else {
addActionMessage(As senhas não conferem. Digite-as 
return INPUT;

return SUCCESS;

private void modificar() {
ModificacaoDeUsuarioTransaction modificacao = new

Re: [S2] Validation error messages are not being cleared

2007-03-25 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

2007/3/25, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

--- Célio Cidral Junior wrote:
Is it declared with scope=prototype?

Oh noes! I fotgot about the scope! :-(



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[S2] Client-side code for custom validators

2007-03-16 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

How do I implement client-side validation code for a custom validator?
I have developed a custom validator that should generate client-side
validation Javascript code, but I can't figure out where the
implementation should lie. The actual official validators
implementations don't host such code themselves, and I was not able to
find out where it is.



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How to dinamically load a select field

2007-03-07 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

Well, perhaps dinamically is not the best way to describe it, but
anyway what I need is to load a select field based on the value
selected on another select field. Let's say you have a State field
and also a City field. The user selects a state and the cities of that
state are loaded in the City field. What's the best way to do that
without having a page refresh?



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Re: How to dinamically load a select field

2007-03-07 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

2007/3/7, Musachy Barroso [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

If you are using S2, ...

Oh yeah, I'm sorry, I forgot to mark my post as [S2].

Thanks for the replies.


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Re: How to dinamically load a select field

2007-03-07 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

2007/3/7, Musachy Barroso [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

If you are using S2, the autocompleter tag does that

The bad documentation get on my nerves. It's sad the fact that
fantastic pieces of software like Struts2 doesn't have decent
documentation. Anyway I'm gonna hack around to see if I can find out
how it works.


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Re: How to dinamically load a select field

2007-03-07 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

2007/3/7, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

What does the documentation not tell you?

I will update it if there's something missing, but it
was more than enough to get my use of it going.

I'm having difficult to understand how the autocompleter works ...


... more specifically, how it can help me on the problem I posted in
this thread.

However, as far as I understood, I think that tag can't help me.
Perhaps Musachy got me wrong.


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Re: How to dinamically load a select field

2007-03-07 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

2007/3/7, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

The next-to-last example specifically shows how to use
the autocompleter tag to update one select when
another one is changed; I thought that was what you
were asking about.


Again, I or somebody else will be happy to change the
documentation if you have specific issues. If nothing
else I will add links to the different tags covered on
that page.

I will try to help you in that matter whenever I can instead of only
complain about it.  :-)

By the way, the Freemarker documentation is pretty neat! What about
taking it as a model for Struts2 docs?

Best regards,


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Make Struts set form data onto the action in same order as the form's fields

2007-01-25 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

Struts don't set the form data onto the Action in the same order in
which the fields appear in the form. For instance, suppose you have a
form like this:

s:form action=customer!save
s:hidden name=id value=%{id}/
s:textfield name=customer.name label=Name size=30 
s:textfield name=customer.phoneNumber label=Phone size=14
!-- ... and whatever a zillion fields more --

And its corresponding Action, which is something like:

public class CustomerAction extends ActionSupport {
private int id = 0;
private Customer customer;
private CustomerDao dao;

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;

public Customer getCustomer() {
if (customer == null)
customer = id != 0 ? dao.get(id) : new Customer();

return customer;

public String input() throws Exception {
if (getCustomer() == null)
return ERROR;

return INPUT;

public String save() throws Exception {
if (getCustomer() == null)
return ERROR;


return SUCCESS;

You could expected that Struts, when submitting the form, would first
set the id, then customer.name, then finally custumer.phoneNumber.
However, it does not follow that order; actually, it does set the data
in random order. In this case, the order is important because, if the
user is altering an existing customer, its id must be set before
getCustomer() gets invoked. Otherwise, the action will create a new
customer with zeroed id.

The way I built both the action and the view prevents me from writing
a lot of extra code (like getters and setters for each of the form's
field), and that's why I would like to know whether there's a way to
make Struts follow the fields' ordering when submitting the data into
the action. And if there's not, may the Struts dev team implement
that, if possible.



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Re: Make Struts set form data onto the action in same order as the form's fields

2007-01-25 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

2007/1/25, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

From my point of view it seems like your implementation is broken: if you need 
to create a Customer from an ID passed via a form or URL then you either need 
to implement Preparable or do the DAO operations in the (in your case) input or 
save methods.

The DAO operations already do that. The problem happens when the user
is *altering* an existing customer (creating a new customer works
fine), more specifically when the user is submitting changes from the
form to an existing customer object (alongside with an existing id);
in that case, the id must be set before getCustomer() is called,
otherwise a new customer will be created with zero id. Loading the
form with an existing customer works fine. Submitting changes to it is
where the problem resides. The idea behind getCustomer() is to
abstract the retrieving of the customer object wherever it's called
along the action's code so that I don't have to care about whether
it's an existing customer or not.

Implementing Preparable does not seem to solve the problem because the
parameters are set before the prepare() method is invoked.


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Re: Make Struts set form data onto the action in same order as the form's fields

2007-01-25 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

2007/1/25, Dale Newfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Célio Cidral Junior wrote:
 Implementing Preparable does not seem to solve the problem because the
 parameters are set before the prepare() method is invoked.

Which is needed in order to know which object to retrieve from the DB.

I think you have not read the code I included in the first email.
Please, read it carefully and you will understand why Preparable
doesn't solve my problem.

This model usually includes including the parameters interceptor twice:
  Once before prepare and once after.

I can't figure out how that would be useful in my case.


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Re: Make Struts set form data onto the action in same order as the form's fields

2007-01-25 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

2007/1/25, Tom Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

This is an issue with the typical edit/save scenario.  The problem we are
discussing is that the domain model is needed in some form before the
parameter can be repopulated from the form save.  The technique you are
using is to reread the data from the database before the parameters are
set.  An alternative technique would be to put the domain model into a place
in the session--so on the save, you can retrieve the the model from the
session and then allow the parameters interceptor to populate the new data.
(This is referred to as detached objects in the Hibernate world)  The
advantage of putting the model in the session is that if some else modifies
the data before you reread the data, but after you have displayed the edit
page, you will not have the original model.  This particularly a problem
with a model where you are dealing with lists of domain objects.  In this
case, the edit will fail because you will be trying to set parameters on
items that might not exist anymore.  (Or you've pulled in data that the user
doesn't know about)  Therefore the safer technique is to save off the
model.  If you're concerned about putting too much into the session, you can
store the data in a cache, such as ehcache, that will store items to disk if
there are too many things in memory.  (This is the technique that we
used--we called it a model repository and we created a couple different
implementations)  I would love to see something like this out-of-the-box
with struts2, but nothing currently exists.

Thanks, I really appreciate your suggestions. However, I prefer a
stateless approach because (I think) it helps to keep things simple in
this case. Using some kind of cache between page requests is more like
a stateful approach that I would like to avoid here for simplicity

Well, having Struts passing parameters in the order defined by the
html form would solve my problem.  :-)



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Re: Make Struts set form data onto the action in same order as the form's fields

2007-01-25 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

2007/1/25, Tom Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Unfortunately I don't think that's possible.  The parameters get put into a
map structure, so the original parameter order is lost by the time it gets
to the servlet API.  We've run into several instances where something will
work on one app server, but break on another because we had duplicate
parameters on the url--so depending on how the app server handled it, we
would get one or the other value.  I can't imagine that any java web
framework could do this successfully.

That's sad!  :-(


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Re: preInvokeJS does not work for a tag

2007-01-03 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

Hi Musachy,

2007/1/2, Musachy Barroso [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

What version are you using? using head svn , I modified showcase's
remote link first example to this:

targets=t1,t2 notifyTopics=/after
preInvokeJS=alert('test')Update 'Div 1' and 'Div 2', publish topic
'/after', use indicator/s:a

and it shows test. preInvokeJS is deprecated. If you are using head
svn, use notifyTopics instead. See showcase for examples, or this link:


I don't know much about ajax (well, almost nothing), but using the
ajax theme in my case is not a kludge?



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preInvokeJS does not work for a tag

2007-01-02 Thread Célio Cidral Junior


The preInvokeJS attribute does not work for the a tag as described
in the example from http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/a.html. That
feature seems to be originated from the issue
http://issues.apache.org/struts/browse/WW-912. Below is a snippet of
my source JSP code.

s:a href=%{delete} preInvokeJS=confirm('%{getText('confirm-delete')}')
s:text name=record.delete/

The anchor works properly, except that it does not call the confirm()
method. The generated HTML gives me this code:

a href=/sed/listUsers!delete.do?id=1Deletar/a

And there's no occurrence of the word confirm in the whole HTML code
nor there's any reference to an external JS file.

I presume I'm not missing anything. Any guess whether this feature is
actually working or not?


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Values of multiple select tag are not being selected

2006-12-20 Thread Célio Cidral Junior

Given the following code:


s:select name=selectedRoles list=allRoles listKey=id
listValue=name multiple=true


public SetString getSelectedRoles() {
SetString ids = new HashSetString();

for (Role role : selectedRoles)

return ids;

public ListRole getAllRoles() {
return roleDao.list();

All the available roles are properly loaded to the list but the ones
returned by getSelectedRoles() are not appearing selected in the list.
I have compared my code against the Employees Manager's (from
struts2-showcase-2.0.1) and my code seems to be correct. In addition,
I debugged getSelectedRoles() to check if the selected role ids are
being correctly returned, and they actually are.

I can't catch anything wrong in my code. Could anybody help me on this?



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