Re[2]: German Umlaute

2004-09-17 Thread Carl-Eric Menzel
Christoph Kutzinski wrote:

 ISO-8859-1 should be no problem since it contains all german umlauts.

True. But I have standardized on UTF-8 for all text output in my
applications, since I sometimes also have to deal with cyrillic stuff,
and I don't want to adjust my encodings and the input filter all the
time. Going directly to UTF-8 solves all that. Is there any good
reason not to use UTF-8 by default?

Carl-Eric Menzel * OpenPGP KeyID 808F4A8E * Encrypted Messages Preferred
Der Beginn aller Wissenschaften ist das Erstaunen, daß die Dinge   
 sind, wie sie sind.  - Aristoteles

Re: German Umlaute

2004-09-16 Thread Carl-Eric Menzel

 I.m currently facing a weired problem.

 I use a form to provide a search function. When I do not use any special
 character in this form everything is fine. As soon as I enter e.g. Rö the
 corresponding form value is set to Rö If an umlaut appears in the search
 result it is display correctly. So, the problem seems to occur only in the

What browser are you using? I had the same problem, and I more or less
solved it by outputting only UTF-8 pages, with the proper header set.
This causes most browsers to respond in UTF-8. The default encoding
that the servlet classes use is ISO-8859-1, however, so I also use a
filter to force the servlet to treat the incoming request as UTF-8. So
far this has worked nicely. With Struts 1.2 you can now also use the
acceptCharset attribute of the html:form tag. I don't know how well
this is supported by the current crop of browsers, but it should give
them another hint what you want them to do.

Carl-Eric Menzel * OpenPGP KeyID 808F4A8E * Encrypted Messages Preferred
It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.
- David Hume

Re: character encoding

2004-07-21 Thread Carl-Eric Menzel

  I'd like to hear how others have solved this problem.  I can see
 that one solution is to replace the RequestProcessor and hardcode the
 setEncoding on the Request to UTF-8, or subclass the whole 
 ActionServlet.  Are there any cleaner solutions?  I can't believe I'm the
 only one to have run across this problem!  I'm not THAT unlucky! :)

I am using a Filter (from the Servlet API) that gets the request
before anything else in the chain and calls setEncoding() on it before
passing it on.

What would be great, just to get a little more consistency into this,
would be if the html:form-tag would finally support the accept-charset
attribute as specified in HTML4.01.

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Re[2]: character encoding

2004-07-21 Thread Carl-Eric Menzel

  Yes, I tried the charset on the form but found it didn't do any good.

  But what do you force the Encoding to in your Filter?  How can you
 know with any certitude how the browser encoded the data values before
 sending it to you??  It probably works well if the browser is setup to
 auto-select the encoding, but what do you do if they have it explicitly
 set to something other than what you are assuming?

Then I'm out of luck. That's the biggest problem with Strut's lack of
support for the accept-charset attribute. *Most of the time* it works
that if you send the response in UTF-8 the next request will come in
as UTF-8 too. That's what I'm doing now - I send out only UTF-8 forms
and assume that I get the same back. It's an ugly hack, but the only
way that seems to work at the moment.

I asked a few weeks ago if there was any way for me to extend the form
tag to support this attribute, or whether there is any good reason why
it is not implemented. So far I haven't received an answer.

Antwort: Weil es das Lesen des Textes erschwert.   | Carl-Eric Menzel
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Re[3]: character encoding

2004-07-21 Thread Carl-Eric Menzel
 Then I'm out of luck. That's the biggest problem with Strut's lack of
 support for the accept-charset attribute. *Most of the time* it works
 that if you send the response in UTF-8 the next request will come in
 as UTF-8 too. That's what I'm doing now - I send out only UTF-8 forms
 and assume that I get the same back. It's an ugly hack, but the only
 way that seems to work at the moment.

 I asked a few weeks ago if there was any way for me to extend the form
 tag to support this attribute, or whether there is any good reason why
 it is not implemented. So far I haven't received an answer.

PS: While searching for a solution I found that the HTTP spec actually
provides the browsers with a way to *specify* the encoding they're
sending, which would completely solve this issue. It appears that the
only browser that supported it *was* Mozilla. They found out that this
extended (but conforming to the spec!) Content-Type header made so
many broken CGI-scripts puke that they removed this feature again.

Antwort: Weil es das Lesen des Textes erschwert.   | Carl-Eric Menzel
Frage  : Warum ist das so schlimm? | PGP ID: 808F4A8E
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form accept-charset

2004-07-11 Thread Carl-Eric Menzel

is there any special reason why the html:form tag doesn't support the
accept-charset attribute defined in HTML 4.01? I would very much like
to use this to make my charset handling at least a little bit cleaner.
Right now I'm sending all responses in UTF8, and am assuming that the
browsers send the same charset back.

Is this planned for Struts? If not, is there any way I can add it

Antwort: Weil es das Lesen des Textes erschwert.   | Carl-Eric Menzel
Frage  : Warum ist das so schlimm? | PGP ID: 808F4A8E
Antwort: Antworten oben zu schreiben.  | Bitte keine HTML-
Frage  : Was ist die schlimmste Unsitte in Emails? | Mails schicken.

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Re: OT: Hibernate Session to User Session

2004-06-08 Thread Carl-Eric Menzel

 I was reading in the Hibernate forums that when you have a WebApp  DAO
 Hibernate  DB design, and you open/close each Hibernate session at
 every single DAO method call (what I do now) its actually quite

This is fairly expensive, but not that much. The *SessionFactory* is
expensive, a single Session isn't that bad.

 and is suggested that you attempt to maintain a Hibernate
 Session in conjunction with a user Session to increase performance.

You have definitely misread something. This is not officially
recommended anywhere.

 I had a question for anyone that has done this (without using
 SpringFramework). My gut-reaction to this was to add a
 HttpSessionListener to my webapp that created and stored a Hibernate
 session in the user's session, and then close it when the Session
 expired... will this not work? Anyone else have a good solution for

No, this is not going to work. A Session is similar in its scope to a
transaction - it is what the Hibernate developers call an Application
Transaction, i.e. a unit of work from the application's point of
work, that may span several database transactions, but should NOT be
kept open during user think-time, i.e. across requests. The biggest
problem with this is that you would keep a db connection open with
this as well. If you use the disconnect()/reconnect() methods, you
wouldn't have the open connection, but since the Session is also a
local cache you would very quickly see stale data.

The best way to do it, IMO, is to use for example a request filter and
generate a fresh Session when the request begins, and close it at the
end of the request. That way you always have fresh data and don't
unnecessarily keep open connections.


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Re[2]: Hibernate Session to User Session

2004-06-08 Thread Carl-Eric Menzel
Riyad Kalla wrote:

 I believe that is what I am using now (it seems to be quite popular) but
 I don't quite understand the reasoning behind the ThreadLocal approach
 (I've actually never used 'ThreadLocal')... can you shed some light on
 this? What the mapping between Hibernate Sessions and Users (or Threads)

The preferred mapping is still one Hibernate Session per HTTP Request.
You would also still need a Filter that instantiates the Session when
the request comes in and closes it when it is finished. But instead of
putting it into the request as an attribute, you can put it into a
ThreadLocal. That way, all methods that need the Session can simply
use the ThreadLocal to get it and you don't have to pass around
request attributes.


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