> Hi,

> I.m currently facing a weired problem.

> I use a form to provide a search function. When I do not use any special
> character in this form everything is fine. As soon as I enter e.g. "Rö" the
> corresponding form value is set to "Rö" If an umlaut appears in the search
> result it is display correctly. So, the problem seems to occur only in the
> request.

What browser are you using? I had the same problem, and I more or less
solved it by outputting only UTF-8 pages, with the proper header set.
This causes most browsers to respond in UTF-8. The default encoding
that the servlet classes use is ISO-8859-1, however, so I also use a
filter to force the servlet to treat the incoming request as UTF-8. So
far this has worked nicely. With Struts 1.2 you can now also use the
acceptCharset attribute of the <html:form> tag. I don't know how well
this is supported by the current crop of browsers, but it should give
them another hint what you want them to do.

Carl-Eric Menzel * OpenPGP KeyID 808F4A8E * Encrypted Messages Preferred
"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."            
                                                            - David Hume

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