Re: pb using validator with struts1.2.9

2006-07-27 Thread Jeremy Jardin

Ok it works well now !

I didn't know that the validwhen rule was server-side validation.. so I
expected to
have js popup with the 'validwhen' worries ..

It' s ok now thanks a lot for you help.


On 7/26/06, Adam Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Sorry you're still having problems.

Regarding the missing resource, I think it will either print out null
(in the error-printing JSP code) or throw an exception if it cannot find
a message resource so you should at least see something like that.

Are you sure validation is even being run?  I.e., are your validation
rules for other widgets being applied?

I think the contents of the select box are irrelevant as whatever value
is selected (i.e., the value of the value attribute on the option
element that is currently selected) will be the value used when the
setEnterpriseName(String) method is called on your form bean.

Let's try this.  try changing validwhen to required and make sure it
validates the field has something in it.  If that works, then we know
your validation is working for that field and the problem is definately
with validwhen.

I fought with validwhen for two days before just using the validate()
method on the ValidatorForm.  Since server-side validation has to be
done anyway, it's not like this detracts from the functionality.


Jeremy Jardin wrote:

 first, thanks for all those explications. but I've still a problem with
 validator using 'validwhen'.

 I've seen first, that I don't have any errors.validwhen = mymessage
 in my messageResource file ?
 I guess I need to add it and I did it.

 Otherwise, I've now clearly understood (I think so...) how It work.. but
 have a look .. I've tried that :

field property=enterpriseName depends=validwhen
arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /
var-value((*this* ==  hello))/var-value

 I think it sould warn me each time my field is not hello.. but it does

 I think now it's time to explain you clearly what I'm trying to do.

 I've got a select tag wich determine if some fieds appear or not.
 if select value  1, some input:text tags appears, and there aren't
 is select value=1.

 Maybe should I hide fields rather than not display fields.. ??


 On 7/25/06, Adam Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Ok, sanity-check time.  Make sure your field names are all spelled
 correctly.  Also, are any errors being output to the form?  I had
 displaying and it turned out that the validator was doing exactly what
 was asking it to do and the problem was that I just didn't understand
 the validwhen validation rule.

 I've found that overriding toString() on my form bean and having it
 the contents of all the fields is an excellent way to see with what
 values the bean is being populated.  You can then call
 System.out.println(this) (or use a logger) in your bean's
 method to see what values your bean has.  Make sure the
 is set to the value you expect.

 Also, your rule basically reads now as the field enterpriseName is
 valid when the subscription type is greater than or equal to 1.   So,
 e.g., if your subscription type is a drop down list that only contains
 the values 1,2,3,4, the enterpriseName field will always be valid.

 Give that a whirl and let us know.



 Jeremy Jardin wrote:
  I've just changed my conf like that :
 field property=enterpriseName
 arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /
  but, it still does not work..
  On 7/25/06, Adam Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At first glance, I think you need to modify your parenthesis.  Per
  Validation docs at, only
  items may be joined with and or or.  I don't know if that means
  can only have a max of two items or a max of two items per
  Secondly, I had a bunch of problems with validwhen and finally
  resorted to implementing my own solution in my ValidatorForm's
  validate(...) method because it appears that 'validwhen' is rather
  basic.  It basically says field A is valid when...  In my
  validwhen doesn't chain well with other validation rules.
  Alternatively, you could rewrite your rules to say:
  = 2) and (subscriptionType lt;= 4)).  Note the lt;, you'll get
  errors if you use a  character.  I assume you validate that
  subscriptionType is an integer on [1,4].  Also, you don't need
  around the numbers.  Struts is smart enough to try numbers first
  then if that doesn't

Re: pb using validator with struts1.2.9

2006-07-26 Thread Jeremy Jardin


first, thanks for all those explications. but I've still a problem with my
validator using 'validwhen'.

I've seen first, that I don't have any errors.validwhen = mymessage line
in my messageResource file ?
I guess I need to add it and I did it.

Otherwise, I've now clearly understood (I think so...) how It work.. but
have a look .. I've tried that :

   field property=enterpriseName depends=validwhen
   arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /
   var-value((*this* ==  hello))/var-value

I think it sould warn me each time my field is not hello.. but it does

I think now it's time to explain you clearly what I'm trying to do.

I've got a select tag wich determine if some fieds appear or not.
if select value  1, some input:text tags appears, and there aren't present
is select value=1.

Maybe should I hide fields rather than not display fields.. ??


On 7/25/06, Adam Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Ok, sanity-check time.  Make sure your field names are all spelled
correctly.  Also, are any errors being output to the form?  I had errors
displaying and it turned out that the validator was doing exactly what I
was asking it to do and the problem was that I just didn't understand
the validwhen validation rule.

I've found that overriding toString() on my form bean and having it dump
the contents of all the fields is an excellent way to see with what
values the bean is being populated.  You can then call
System.out.println(this) (or use a logger) in your bean's validate(...)
method to see what values your bean has.  Make sure the subscriptionType
is set to the value you expect.

Also, your rule basically reads now as the field enterpriseName is
valid when the subscription type is greater than or equal to 1.   So,
e.g., if your subscription type is a drop down list that only contains
the values 1,2,3,4, the enterpriseName field will always be valid.

Give that a whirl and let us know.



Jeremy Jardin wrote:

 I've just changed my conf like that :

field property=enterpriseName
arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /

 but, it still does not work..

 On 7/25/06, Adam Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 At first glance, I think you need to modify your parenthesis.  Per the
 Validation docs at, only two
 items may be joined with and or or.  I don't know if that means
 can only have a max of two items or a max of two items per parends...

 Secondly, I had a bunch of problems with validwhen and finally
 resorted to implementing my own solution in my ValidatorForm's
 validate(...) method because it appears that 'validwhen' is rather
 basic.  It basically says field A is valid when...  In my
 validwhen doesn't chain well with other validation rules.

 Alternatively, you could rewrite your rules to say:
 = 2) and (subscriptionType lt;= 4)).  Note the lt;, you'll get
 errors if you use a  character.  I assume you validate that
 subscriptionType is an integer on [1,4].  Also, you don't need quotes
 around the numbers.  Struts is smart enough to try numbers first and
 then if that doesn't work, it resorts to Strings.  Besides, I'm not
 the functionality you want is to compare Strings using inequalities...

 Hope this helps.


 Jeremy Jardin wrote:
  I'm trying to use struts plugin validator to check a big form.. and
  well.. but I've a little pb with validwhen constraint;
  I've written something like this :
 field property=enterpriseName
 arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /
  I just want to check the field 'enterpriseName' is not empty when I
  but only if my select field 'subscriptionType is more than 1. (2,3
  It does not work.
  why ??

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~ jebmail ~

Re: pb using validator with struts1.2.9

2006-07-26 Thread Jeremy Jardin


I mean my jsp is built dynamically.. so when my select box is set to 1,
my jsp is made with 4 fields.
But if my select box is set to 2, 3 or 4. my JSP page is made with 3
new fields.

And I think that hide means present but not visible.. and not display
means not present in the page.

I hope you'll understand, I'm sorry for my poor english.

SO, have a look at my jsp, it could be more comprehensive:

 html:select property=subscriptionType styleId=inscrit
styleClass=form onchange=ChangeUrl(this.form)
 html:option value=1bean:message key=
 html:option value=2bean:message key=
 html:option value=3bean:message key=
 html:option value=4bean:message key=

   % String val = new String(1) ; %

   logic:notEqual  name=startSubscriptionForm
property=subscriptionType value=%=val%

   html:text property=enterpriseName name=S_ENTREP
styleId=nomentreprise styleClass=form size=20 value=/
   html:text property=legalRepresentant name=S_REPRES
styleId=representant styleClass=form size=20
 html:text property=siren styleId=siren name=S_SIREN
styleClass=form2 size=10 maxlength=14 value= //td


I just want those 3 fields (enterpriseName, legalRepresentant and siren) to
be required if select box != 1.


On 7/26/06, Irwan Nurwandi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Jeremy ..

what do you mean with should I hide fields rather than not
display fields.. ??,
hide and not display are the same things isn't it :-)

if you're expect the validwhen to manage hide and unhide HTML object,
validwhen couldn't do such a thing.

Taken from struts doc :
[Since Struts 1.2.0] A frequent requirement in validation design is
to validate one field against another (for example, if you have asked
the user to type in a password twice for confirmation, to make sure
that the values match.) In addition, there are fields in a form that
may only be required if other fields have certain values. The
validwhen  validation rule is designed to handle these cases.

Otherwise, to manage hide and unhide HTML Object which is generated by
Struts, you can create your own javascript function to hide/unhide the
object, and then call the function manually using OnChange property in
your select tag.


 I think now it's time to explain you clearly what I'm trying to do.

 I've got a select tag wich determine if some fieds appear or not.
 if select value  1, some input:text tags appears, and there aren't
 is select value=1.

 Maybe should I hide fields rather than not display fields.. ??


 On 7/25/06, Adam Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok, sanity-check time.  Make sure your field names are all spelled
  correctly.  Also, are any errors being output to the form?  I had
  displaying and it turned out that the validator was doing exactly what
  was asking it to do and the problem was that I just didn't understand
  the validwhen validation rule.
  I've found that overriding toString() on my form bean and having it
  the contents of all the fields is an excellent way to see with what
  values the bean is being populated.  You can then call
  System.out.println(this) (or use a logger) in your bean's
  method to see what values your bean has.  Make sure the
  is set to the value you expect.
  Also, your rule basically reads now as the field enterpriseName is
  valid when the subscription type is greater than or equal to 1.   So,
  e.g., if your subscription type is a drop down list that only contains
  the values 1,2,3,4, the enterpriseName field will always be valid.
  Give that a whirl and let us know.
  Jeremy Jardin wrote:
   I've just changed my conf like that :
  field property=enterpriseName
  arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /
   but, it still does not work..
   On 7/25/06, Adam Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   At first glance, I think you need to modify your parenthesis.  Per
   Validation docs at, only
   items may be joined with and or or.  I don't know if that means
   can only have a max of two items or a max of two items per
   Secondly, I had a bunch of problems with validwhen and finally
   resorted to implementing my own solution in my ValidatorForm's
   validate(...) method because

Re: pb using validator with struts1.2.9

2006-07-26 Thread Jeremy Jardin


Thank you myuch for your help, but I don't have any problem regarding those
show/hide method !

I'm just wondering if the fact of removing some fields in the form could be
at the origin of my validation matters ??

On 7/26/06, Irwan Nurwandi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Jeremy ..

According to your code below, it seems that for the first time the jsp
page load you're initialiaze the var variable into string 1. So the
three object you've mention before automatically will not visible.

try this and hope you can learn more ..

Modify your jsp code

String val = ;
if (request.getParameter(subscriptionType) != null) {
   val = request.getParameter(subscriptionType) ;
else {
   val = 1;

then create the javascript function ChangeUrl(x).

script language=javascript
function ChangeUrl(x) {
  location.href = + x;

on your select tag call this function

html:select property=subscriptionType styleId=inscrit
styleClass=form onchange=ChangeUrl(this.value)

you do not need to modify another section of code ..

hope this help ..



On 7/26/06, Jeremy Jardin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I mean my jsp is built dynamically.. so when my select box is set to
 my jsp is made with 4 fields.
 But if my select box is set to 2, 3 or 4. my JSP page is made with
 new fields.

 And I think that hide means present but not visible.. and not
 means not present in the page.

 I hope you'll understand, I'm sorry for my poor english.

 SO, have a look at my jsp, it could be more comprehensive:

   html:select property=subscriptionType
 styleClass=form onchange=ChangeUrl(this.form)
   html:option value=1bean:message key=
   html:option value=2bean:message key=
   html:option value=3bean:message key=
   html:option value=4bean:message key=

 % String val = new String(1) ; %

 logic:notEqual  name=startSubscriptionForm
 property=subscriptionType value=%=val%

 html:text property=enterpriseName name=S_ENTREP
 styleId=nomentreprise styleClass=form size=20 value=/
 html:text property=legalRepresentant name=S_REPRES
 styleId=representant styleClass=form size=20
   html:text property=siren styleId=siren name=S_SIREN
 styleClass=form2 size=10 maxlength=14 value= //td


 I just want those 3 fields (enterpriseName, legalRepresentant and siren)
 be required if select box != 1.


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~ jebmail ~

Re: pb using validator with struts1.2.9

2006-07-26 Thread Jeremy Jardin

I've change my validwhen rule into this :

   field property=enterpriseName depends=validwhen
   arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /
   msg name= validwhen key= errors.validwhen/
   (((subscriptionType !=1)AND(*THIS*!=null)) OR

but it still doesn't work..

On 7/26/06, Jeremy Jardin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thank you myuch for your help, but I don't have any problem regarding
those show/hide method !

I'm just wondering if the fact of removing some fields in the form could
be at the origin of my validation matters ??

On 7/26/06, Irwan Nurwandi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Jeremy ..

 According to your code below, it seems that for the first time the jsp
 page load you're initialiaze the var variable into string 1. So the
 three object you've mention before automatically will not visible.

 try this and hope you can learn more ..

 Modify your jsp code

 String val = ;
 if (request.getParameter(subscriptionType) != null) {
val = request.getParameter (subscriptionType) ;
 else {
val = 1;

 then create the javascript function ChangeUrl(x).

 script language=javascript
 function ChangeUrl(x) {
   location.href = + x;

 on your select tag call this function

 html:select property=subscriptionType styleId=inscrit
 styleClass=form onchange=ChangeUrl(this.value)

 you do not need to modify another section of code ..

 hope this help ..



 On 7/26/06, Jeremy Jardin  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I mean my jsp is built dynamically.. so when my select box is set to
  my jsp is made with 4 fields.
  But if my select box is set to 2, 3 or 4. my JSP page is made
 with 3
  new fields.
  And I think that hide means present but not visible.. and not
  means not present in the page.
  I hope you'll understand, I'm sorry for my poor english.
  SO, have a look at my jsp, it could be more comprehensive:
html:select property=subscriptionType
  styleClass=form onchange=ChangeUrl(this.form)
html:option value=1bean:message key=
html:option value=2bean:message key=
html:option value=3bean:message key=
html:option value=4bean:message key=
  % String val = new String(1) ; %
  logic:notEqual  name=startSubscriptionForm
  property=subscriptionType value=%=val%
  html:text property=enterpriseName name=S_ENTREP
  styleId=nomentreprise styleClass=form size=20 value=/
  html:text property=legalRepresentant name=S_REPRES
  styleId=representant styleClass=form size=20
html:text property=siren styleId=siren
  styleClass=form2 size=10 maxlength=14 value= //td
  I just want those 3 fields (enterpriseName, legalRepresentant and
 siren) to
  be required if select box != 1.

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~ jebmail ~

~ jebmail ~

Re: pb using validator with struts1.2.9

2006-07-26 Thread Jeremy Jardin

If I have a look at my generatated js source code, I can't see the validwhen
method :

   function validateStartSubscriptionForm(form) {
   if (bCancel) {
   return true;
   } else {
   var formValidationResult;
   formValidationResult = validateRequired(form) 
validateDate(form)  validateEmail(form);
   return (formValidationResult);

Maybe should I see a validateValidWhen(form) method should'nt I ?

On 7/26/06, Jeremy Jardin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've change my validwhen rule into this :

field property=enterpriseName depends=validwhen
arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /
msg name= validwhen key= errors.validwhen/

(((subscriptionType !=1)AND(*THIS*!=null)) OR

but it still doesn't work..

On 7/26/06, Jeremy Jardin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Thank you myuch for your help, but I don't have any problem regarding
 those show/hide method !

 I'm just wondering if the fact of removing some fields in the form could
 be at the origin of my validation matters ??

 On 7/26/06, Irwan Nurwandi  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dear Jeremy ..
  According to your code below, it seems that for the first time the jsp
  page load you're initialiaze the var variable into string 1. So the
  three object you've mention before automatically will not visible.
  try this and hope you can learn more ..
  Modify your jsp code
  String val = ;
  if (request.getParameter(subscriptionType) != null) {
 val = request.getParameter (subscriptionType) ;
  else {
 val = 1;
  then create the javascript function ChangeUrl(x).
  script language=javascript
  function ChangeUrl(x) {
location.href = +
  on your select tag call this function
  html:select property=subscriptionType styleId=inscrit
  styleClass=form onchange=ChangeUrl(this.value)
  you do not need to modify another section of code ..
  hope this help ..
  On 7/26/06, Jeremy Jardin  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I mean my jsp is built dynamically.. so when my select box is set to
   my jsp is made with 4 fields.
   But if my select box is set to 2, 3 or 4. my JSP page is made
  with 3
   new fields.
   And I think that hide means present but not visible.. and not
   means not present in the page.
   I hope you'll understand, I'm sorry for my poor english.
   SO, have a look at my jsp, it could be more comprehensive:
 html:select property=subscriptionType
   styleClass=form onchange=ChangeUrl(this.form)
 html:option value=1bean:message key=
 html:option value=2bean:message key=
 html:option value=3bean:message key=
 html:option value=4bean:message key=
   % String val = new String(1) ; %
   logic:notEqual  name=startSubscriptionForm
   property=subscriptionType value=%=val%
   html:text property=enterpriseName name=S_ENTREP
   styleId=nomentreprise styleClass=form size=20 value=/
   html:text property=legalRepresentant name=S_REPRES
   styleId=representant styleClass=form size=20
 html:text property=siren styleId=siren
   styleClass=form2 size=10 maxlength=14 value= //td
   I just want those 3 fields (enterpriseName, legalRepresentant and
  siren) to
   be required if select box != 1.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ~ jebmail ~

~ jebmail ~

~ jebmail ~

pb using validator with struts1.2.9

2006-07-25 Thread Jeremy Jardin


I'm trying to use struts plugin validator to check a big form.. and it works
well.. but I've a little pb with validwhen constraint;

I've written something like this :

   field property=enterpriseName
   arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /

I just want to check the field 'enterpriseName' is not empty when I submit,
but only if my select field 'subscriptionType is more than 1. (2,3 or4)

It does not work.

why ??

~ jebmail ~

Re: pb using validator with struts1.2.9

2006-07-25 Thread Jeremy Jardin


I've just changed my conf like that :

   field property=enterpriseName
   arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /

but, it still does not work..

On 7/25/06, Adam Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


At first glance, I think you need to modify your parenthesis.  Per the
Validation docs at, only two
items may be joined with and or or.  I don't know if that means you
can only have a max of two items or a max of two items per parends...

Secondly, I had a bunch of problems with validwhen and finally
resorted to implementing my own solution in my ValidatorForm's
validate(...) method because it appears that 'validwhen' is rather
basic.  It basically says field A is valid when...  In my experience,
validwhen doesn't chain well with other validation rules.

Alternatively, you could rewrite your rules to say:  ((subscriptionType
= 2) and (subscriptionType lt;= 4)).  Note the lt;, you'll get
errors if you use a  character.  I assume you validate that
subscriptionType is an integer on [1,4].  Also, you don't need quotes
around the numbers.  Struts is smart enough to try numbers first and
then if that doesn't work, it resorts to Strings.  Besides, I'm not sure
the functionality you want is to compare Strings using inequalities...

Hope this helps.


Jeremy Jardin wrote:

 I'm trying to use struts plugin validator to check a big form.. and it
 well.. but I've a little pb with validwhen constraint;

 I've written something like this :

field property=enterpriseName
arg0 key=error.inscription.entreprise.nom /

 I just want to check the field 'enterpriseName' is not empty when I
 but only if my select field 'subscriptionType is more than 1. (2,3 or4)

 It does not work.

 why ??

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

~ jebmail ~

Re: pb using validator it does not work !

2006-07-21 Thread Jeremy Jardin


I'm trying with another action path in my validation.xml file, even if I'm
quite doubting..

So, my validator-rules.xml file is the default one.. with basics validators

By the way, my struts-config file :

   form-bean name=startSubscriptionForm type=


 !-- == Action Mapping Definitions ==

   actionpath  = /StartSubscription
  type  = sapinscription.action.StartSubscriptionAction
  name  = startSubscriptionForm
  scope = session
  validate  = true
  input = /jsp/inscriptionForm.jsp
   forward name=subscribingPage path=/jsp/inscriptionForm.jsp /

plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn

It still does not work.
I'm currently trying adding a new action path..
On 7/20/06, Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Jeremy and Doctor Yee-

-we need to see your validator-rules.xml
-need to see your Form declaration in struts-config.xml specifically
form-beans  form-bean
-the validation.xml should have a minimum 2 differing action paths as
provided in the example located here

Martin --
This email message and any files transmitted with it contain confidential
information intended only for the person(s) to whom this email message is
addressed.  If you have received this email message in error, please
the sender immediately by telephone or email and destroy the original
message without making a copy.  Thank you.

- Original Message -
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:14 AM
Subject: RE: pb using validator it does not work !

 What class is your sapinscription.form.StartSubscriptionForm extending?


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeremy Jardin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 3:05 AM
 Subject: pb using validator it does not work !


 I'm trying to use validator plugin in my application, and it does not
 at all !

 First, I've just add html:errors/ in my jsp.

 I've written a basic validation.xml file like this :
 form name=StartSubscriptionForm
field property=name depends=required
arg0 key=inscription.nom/

 Then, I've also a classic validation-rules.xml file, with usefull rules.
 Thoses files are un my WEB-INF directory.

 I added in my struts-config.xml fil those lines :

  form-bean name=StartSubscriptionForm type=


  !-- == Action Mapping Definitions

actionpath  = /StartSubscription
   type  = sapinscription.action.StartSubscriptionAction

   name  = StartSubscriptionForm
   scope = session
   validate  = true
   input = /jsp/inscriptionForm.jsp
forward name=subscribingPage path=/jsp/inscriptionForm.jsp


  message-resources null=false parameter=conf.WebMessages/

 !-- == Validator plugin

  plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn

 It seems to be all right.. but when I submit my form, Action class
runs.. as
 if validation were ok.. even if I do not fill name field in my form?

 I guess there's something wrong.. but I don't know where ?

 Help please !

 ~ jebmail ~

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 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

~ jebmail ~

pb using validator it does not work !

2006-07-20 Thread Jeremy Jardin


I'm trying to use validator plugin in my application, and it does not work
at all !

First, I've just add html:errors/ in my jsp.

I've written a basic validation.xml file like this :
form name=StartSubscriptionForm
   field property=name depends=required
   arg0 key=inscription.nom/

Then, I've also a classic validation-rules.xml file, with usefull rules.
Thoses files are un my WEB-INF directory.

I added in my struts-config.xml fil those lines :

 form-bean name=StartSubscriptionForm type=


 !-- == Action Mapping Definitions ==

   actionpath  = /StartSubscription
  type  = sapinscription.action.StartSubscriptionAction
  name  = StartSubscriptionForm
  scope = session
  validate  = true
  input = /jsp/inscriptionForm.jsp
   forward name=subscribingPage path=/jsp/inscriptionForm.jsp /


 message-resources null=false parameter=conf.WebMessages/

!-- == Validator plugin

 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn

It seems to be all right.. but when I submit my form, Action class runs.. as
if validation were ok.. even if I do not fill name field in my form?

I guess there's something wrong.. but I don't know where ?

Help please !

~ jebmail ~

Re: pb using validator it does not work !

2006-07-20 Thread Jeremy Jardin

ValidatorForm !

On 7/20/06, Yee, Richard K CTR DMDC [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What class is your sapinscription.form.StartSubscriptionForm extending?


-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Jardin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 3:05 AM
Subject: pb using validator it does not work !


I'm trying to use validator plugin in my application, and it does not work
at all !

First, I've just add html:errors/ in my jsp.

I've written a basic validation.xml file like this :
form name=StartSubscriptionForm
field property=name depends=required
arg0 key=inscription.nom/

Then, I've also a classic validation-rules.xml file, with usefull rules.
Thoses files are un my WEB-INF directory.

I added in my struts-config.xml fil those lines :

  form-bean name=StartSubscriptionForm type=


  !-- == Action Mapping Definitions

actionpath  = /StartSubscription
   type  = sapinscription.action.StartSubscriptionAction
   name  = StartSubscriptionForm
   scope = session
   validate  = true
   input = /jsp/inscriptionForm.jsp
forward name=subscribingPage path=/jsp/inscriptionForm.jsp /


  message-resources null=false parameter=conf.WebMessages/

!-- == Validator plugin

  plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn

It seems to be all right.. but when I submit my form, Action class runs..
if validation were ok.. even if I do not fill name field in my form?

I guess there's something wrong.. but I don't know where ?

Help please !

~ jebmail ~

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~ jebmail ~

Re: pb using validator it does not work !

2006-07-20 Thread Jeremy Jardin

A couple of things:

1.  Not sure what version of Struts you're using, but at least according
the property attribute for the validator should have the value of
pathnames and not the path of your action.

It's ok I had just tried with that value for test.. but it doesn't work :-/

2.  Make sure your bean extends ValidatorForm (or the Dyna one if using

dyna forms...)

yes, i'st ok

Fix the above and see what happens.  If it's still not working, override

the validate(...) method in your validator form bean and throw either
some System.out's or Logger.log statements in there to make sure it's
even being called.  Also, if you override, make sure you call
super.validate to get any errors you've defined in your validation XML.

Should I really override that method ???

Hope this helps...



Jeremy Jardin wrote:

 I'm trying to use validator plugin in my application, and it does not
 at all !

 First, I've just add html:errors/ in my jsp.

 I've written a basic validation.xml file like this :
 form name=StartSubscriptionForm
field property=name depends=required
arg0 key=inscription.nom/

 Then, I've also a classic validation-rules.xml file, with usefull rules.
 Thoses files are un my WEB-INF directory.

 I added in my struts-config.xml fil those lines :

  form-bean name=StartSubscriptionForm type=


  !-- == Action Mapping Definitions

actionpath  = /StartSubscription
   type  =
   name  = StartSubscriptionForm
   scope = session
   validate  = true
   input = /jsp/inscriptionForm.jsp
forward name=subscribingPage path=/jsp/inscriptionForm.jsp


  message-resources null=false parameter=conf.WebMessages/

 !-- == Validator plugin

  plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn

 It seems to be all right.. but when I submit my form, Action class
 runs.. as
 if validation were ok.. even if I do not fill name field in my form?

 I guess there's something wrong.. but I don't know where ?

 Help please !

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~ jebmail ~