Re: textbox showing currency default value

2009-01-31 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli
This is my idea: jsp should convert my float value to a String so to 
display it in my textbox. I suppose jsp uses a subclass of NumberFormat 
to do so... may I change this behaviour so to use 

Thank you in advance...

Paolo Niccolò Giubelli ha scritto:

There's no method in the Action class returning a String. Can you help me?
Thank you so much,
Zheng, Qiang ha scritto:

You need to implement that in action.

-Original Message-
From: Paolo Niccolò Giubelli 
[] Sent: Friday, January 30, 
2009 2:26 PM

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: textbox showing currency default value

sorry... I meant .. I'm really tired...:D

Paolo Niccolò Giubelli ha scritto:

Sorry, I don't understand from where I should return what.
I have a Form with a float m_price = 0.0 field (wit accessors methods).
In the jsp I have

I need to se a textbox like this

| 0,00   |

Thanks anyway.

Zheng, Qiang ha scritto:

You can try load the locale of this user and

Format currencyformat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
Return currencyformat.format(amount);

-Original Message-----
From: Paolo Niccolò Giubelli 
[] Sent: Friday, January 
30, 2009 1:54 PM

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: textbox showing currency default value

Hi! I need to display a textbox, where the user should write a money 
value in eur. I need the textbox to display the default value in the 
correct currency mode, like 0,00 (comma separated decimals) and not 
Of course, the textbox is "connected" with a float field. Now I get 
0.0 as the default value and when I type something like 20,99 the 
value is not recognized as a valid float.

Any idea? Thank you in advance!

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Re: textbox showing currency default value

2009-01-31 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli

There's no method in the Action class returning a String. Can you help me?
Thank you so much,
Zheng, Qiang ha scritto:

You need to implement that in action.

-Original Message-
From: Paolo Niccolò Giubelli [] 
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 2:26 PM

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: textbox showing currency default value

sorry... I meant .. I'm really tired...:D

Paolo Niccolò Giubelli ha scritto:

Sorry, I don't understand from where I should return what.
I have a Form with a float m_price = 0.0 field (wit accessors methods).
In the jsp I have

I need to se a textbox like this

| 0,00   |

Thanks anyway.

Zheng, Qiang ha scritto:

You can try load the locale of this user and

Format currencyformat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
Return currencyformat.format(amount);

-Original Message-----
From: Paolo Niccolò Giubelli 
[] Sent: Friday, January 30, 
2009 1:54 PM

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: textbox showing currency default value

Hi! I need to display a textbox, where the user should write a money 
value in eur. I need the textbox to display the default value in the 
correct currency mode, like 0,00 (comma separated decimals) and not 0.0.
Of course, the textbox is "connected" with a float field. Now I get 
0.0 as the default value and when I type something like 20,99 the 
value is not recognized as a valid float.

Any idea? Thank you in advance!

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Re: textbox showing currency default value

2009-01-30 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli

sorry... I meant .. I'm really tired...:D

Paolo Niccolò Giubelli ha scritto:

Sorry, I don't understand from where I should return what.
I have a Form with a float m_price = 0.0 field (wit accessors methods).
In the jsp I have

I need to se a textbox like this

| 0,00   |

Thanks anyway.

Zheng, Qiang ha scritto:

You can try load the locale of this user and

Format currencyformat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
Return currencyformat.format(amount);

-Original Message-----
From: Paolo Niccolò Giubelli 
[] Sent: Friday, January 30, 
2009 1:54 PM

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: textbox showing currency default value

Hi! I need to display a textbox, where the user should write a money 
value in eur. I need the textbox to display the default value in the 
correct currency mode, like 0,00 (comma separated decimals) and not 0.0.
Of course, the textbox is "connected" with a float field. Now I get 
0.0 as the default value and when I type something like 20,99 the 
value is not recognized as a valid float.

Any idea? Thank you in advance!

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Re: textbox showing currency default value

2009-01-30 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli

Sorry, I don't understand from where I should return what.
I have a Form with a float m_price = 0.0 field (wit accessors methods).
In the jsp I have

I need to se a textbox like this

| 0,00   |

Thanks anyway.

Zheng, Qiang ha scritto:

You can try load the locale of this user and

Format currencyformat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
Return currencyformat.format(amount);

-Original Message-
From: Paolo Niccolò Giubelli [] 
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 1:54 PM

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: textbox showing currency default value

Hi! I need to display a textbox, where the user should write a money 
value in eur. I need the textbox to display the default value in the 
correct currency mode, like 0,00 (comma separated decimals) and not 0.0.
Of course, the textbox is "connected" with a float field. Now I get 0.0 
as the default value and when I type something like 20,99 the value is 
not recognized as a valid float.

Any idea? Thank you in advance!

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textbox showing currency default value

2009-01-30 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli
Hi! I need to display a textbox, where the user should write a money 
value in eur. I need the textbox to display the default value in the 
correct currency mode, like 0,00 (comma separated decimals) and not 0.0.
Of course, the textbox is "connected" with a float field. Now I get 0.0 
as the default value and when I type something like 20,99 the value is 
not recognized as a valid float.

Any idea? Thank you in advance!

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Re: URLEncoding a string

2008-08-20 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli

Oleg Mikheev ha scritto:

Dave Newton wrote:
I'm pretty sure it's Struts 1, since there are both  and 

Yeah, it's struts1.
So, should I use ? Does it perform an urlencoding?

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URLEncoding a string

2008-08-19 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli
This is my scenario: I'm url-rewriting my web application, so I'm 
putting some strings into the html:link href attributes, so to make my 
links more search-engine friendly.

Obviously, those strings are retrieved from the database.
An example follows:

The problem is ${}, because sometimes string contain 
stressed letters, symbols and so on...

How can I Urlencode ${}, keeping the code tidy?
Thanks in advance!

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Re: Help please TOMCAT 5 + Struts

2008-07-17 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli
Maybe you got some memory leak in your code. Use a memory-inspecting 
tool and check for static objects.
If you check your memory usage, maybe you'll find that you eat all the 
memory available, so you should tune your tomcat server changing the 
memory parameters.

Paolo Niccolò Giubelli

STRUTS SL. Mailing List ha scritto:

Hello for everybody;


We have a big trouble with our Web Application. Our Tomcat 5.5 Server is 
working properly, as we can see. The problem is concerning to the Web Project. 
It’s frizzing randomly. It doesn’t matter how many time was reloaded. From this 
moment never user can get in the Web Site. At the browser address bar we can 
see the session id that was assigned to the new session, but never the home 
page is presented, and we must be going to reload it. This reloading is making 
on the Tomcat Server.


Web application historical summary:


The Trapsatur Project was hosting on a Tomcat 4 Web Server, it was installed in 
our offices. It was working almost properly, but slowly. Cause that, we decided 
to get out this Server to be housing at office’s ISP, front to Internet. At 
this moment we passed to Tomcat 5.5.26. It was begin of troubles.


We are adjusting the Web Application and the Tomcat Server continuously. We 
resolved problems with DB connection, someone errors with SMTP server. In 
addition we adjusted several Tomcat’s and JVM’s parameters. Now we are doing 
some tests. We have assumed that the problem is the difference between 
servlet.jar used by our Web Project, and the servlet.jar used by Tomcat Server.


We want to thank in advance any help from any body.


Best regard;


/* Some mistakes catalina.out */


Exception in thread "DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-0" 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

Exception in thread "DefaultQuartzScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread" 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

Exception in thread "http-80-Processor31" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen 

Exception in thread "http-80-Processor32" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen 

Exception in thread "ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]" 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

17-jul-2008 16:37:56 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol pause

INFO: Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-80


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

17-jul-2008 16:38:59 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener 

INFO: The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in 
production environments was not found on the java.library.path: 

17-jul-2008 16:38:59 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol init



Christian A. Villamizar Lamus.

Dpto. Informática – Trapsatur.

Tel: 91.542. – Fax: 91.548.0044

Э-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <> <> <>  

C/ San Bernardo 5 – 7. 

28013 – Madrid. España.


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Re: Retrieve an hashtable entry within a jsp using struts tag and a bean as the key

2008-07-01 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli

Ok, I used jstl and now it works!
Here's the code (it's changed since the first post, so don't compare it):




- pannelloForm is the ActionForm bean
- highLevelCategories is an ArrayList
- highLevelCategoriesChildren is an 

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Re: Retrieve an hashtable entry within a jsp using struts tag and a bean as the key

2008-07-01 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli

Maybe using Apache Commons BeanUtils? Anybody knows?
Thanks again.

Paolo Niccolò Giubelli ha scritto:

I'm sorry, but I'm still unable to do that.
Ciro Montanino ha scritto:

Try to use jstl tag library to read HashTable contents.

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Paolo Niccolò Giubelli <

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Re: Retrieve an hashtable entry within a jsp using struts tag and a bean as the key

2008-06-30 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli

I'm sorry, but I'm still unable to do that.
Ciro Montanino ha scritto:

Try to use jstl tag library to read HashTable contents.

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Paolo Niccolò Giubelli <

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Retrieve an hashtable entry within a jsp using struts tag and a bean as the key

2008-06-30 Thread Paolo Niccolò Giubelli

I need a little help. I'm writing a jsp using struts tags and in my 
ActionForm class I put an Hashtable containing keys and values (both are 

I can get my hashtable in this way:

The key is also a bean, obtained through a (working) logic:iterate:

How can I retrieve a value from ht using "product" as the "key"?
I tried as I usually do with hashtables, using
 (and then 
bean:writing some properties) but, as I expected, it doesn't work.


Thank you in advance!

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