RE: accessing from jsp to the size of a list property of my FormBean

2005-11-07 Thread Scott Piker
Look at the logic:empty and logic:notEmpty tags... I think that's
what you need.

 -Original Message-
 From: arnaud gonzales [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 12:42 PM
 Subject: accessing from jsp to the size of a list property of 
 my FormBean
 I would like to do something in my jsp if the size of the 
 list property 'LAdressesLivraison' of my Form bean 
 'CreateAccesForm' is greater than 0:
 I can't have the size of my list like this logic:greaterThan 
 name=CreateAccesForm property=LAdressesLivraison
 parameter=size value=0
 do something
 thanks in advance
 Arnaud Gonzales.

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RE: Difference between html:submit and JS submit.

2005-11-07 Thread Scott Piker
That's because, by design, a javascript submit() call does not invoke
whatever's established as the form's onSubmit action.  It's not a struts
thing, it's a javascript/web browser thing.

In these situations, just call the validation function directly in your
javascript, e.g.:

function doIt(form)
if validateAddressForm(form)

- Scott

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 2:49 PM
 Subject: Difference between html:submit and JS submit.
 I posted this email a week ago, and received no response, so 
 I am going to try again and change my verbage.
 Below is a JSP file which uses struts client-side validation. 
 The validtion works great when you use either the 
 html:submit or a normalinput type=submit. This is all good.
 Problem is, when you use legal javascript to submit the form, 
 the validation does NOT work. Myself and other co-workers 
 cannot understand why this is? Does anyone know why?
 The JSP file is below, and can easily be run and played with. 
 I really was hoping someone had an idea why, because I would 
 like to perform the client-side and need to change actions, 
 etc. with JS.
 IHere is the jsp page, in case one sees something odd:
 %@ include file=/tags.jsp %
 html:html locale=true
 body bgcolor=white
 html:form action=/AddressJavascriptValidation method=post
 onsubmit=return validateAddressForm(this);
 td align=center colspan=2
 font size=4bPlease Enter the Following 
 Details/b/font /tr tr td align=right bName/b 
 /td td align=left html:text property=name size=30 
 maxlength=30/ /td /tr tr td align=right 
 bAddress/b /td td align=left html:text 
 property=address size=30 maxlength=30/ /td /tr
 a href=javascript:document.AddressForm.submit()doit/a
 td align=right
 bE-mail address/b
 td align=left
 html:text property=emailAddress size=30 maxlength=30/ 
 /td /tr
 td align=right
 td align=left
 !-- Begin Validator Javascript Function-- html:javascript 
 !-- End of Validator Javascript Function--
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RE: newbie...but not I thought

2005-07-27 Thread Scott Piker
You're not specifying the form name in your action definitions.  Not
sure which action you're attempting to call, but add name=yourFormName
to that action.

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Pat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 3:38 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: newbie...but not I thought
 Hi Dave
 I second your analogies, grin.
 The NPE is happening on the first cast.  Everything
 else looks fine.  The fb is standard set/get made by
 JB05 wizard and looks normal.  The struts-config has
 all the proper syntax for the required elements but in
 weird order, but there.  Here it is. I am nonplused.
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC -//Apache Software
 Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN;
 form-bean name=header1
 type=min03.forms.header1 /
 form-bean name=header1Form
 type=min03.forms.header1Form /
 action input=/header1.jsp path=/add1Action
 scope=session type=min03.actions.add1Action /
 action path=/delete1Action scope=session
 type=min03.actions.delete1Action /
 action input=/header1.jsp name=header1
 path=/header1Action scope=session
   forward name=search path=/
 action path=/listAll1Action scope=session
 type=min03.actions.listAll1Action /
 action input=/header1.jsp path=/search1Action
 scope=session type=min03.actions.search1Action
   forward name=results path=/result_list1.jsp
 --- Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Chris Pat wrote:
  That is just a leftover.  The retrieved form value
  from the fast of the passed in form bean.

  Yeah, but where is the NPE happenning?
  What does the ActionForm look like?
  What does the struts config look like?
  It's fastiduous because non-fastiduous webapps
  rarely work. Maybe you 
  meant irritating and repetitive?
  That's because Java and XML is like crack for people
  that like to type ;)
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RE: Which button was pressed?

2005-07-26 Thread Scott Piker
A warning about using property=submit for the html:submit tag... If
you need to use javascript to programmatically submit forms (i.e.
myForm.submit()), then using property=submit will cause you problems
since you now have a form property called submit, which overrides the
form's submit method.  As I recall, the error message is obscure when
this happens - pain in the a$$ to track down the cause of the bug.

I would recommend using properties of submitBtn, renewBtn and
replaceBtn instead - and then in your action class you just need to
check for the existence of the parameter (i.e. not null) to determine
which button was pressed.  The value is not important in this case.

- Scott

 -Original Message-
 From: Braun, James F [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:18 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Which button was pressed?
 Finally a question I can answer!
 Below is my code to do what you want. The value of the button 
 pressed will be stored in the bean's submit variable (which 
 you must create).
 The bean:message tag is there so that the button's title will 
 be set according to the locale setting. app.submit, 
 app.renew, and app.replace refer to the application resource file(s).
   html:submit value=submit property=submit
 bean:message key=app.submit/
   html:submit value=renew property=submit
 bean:message key=app.renew/
   html:submit value=replace property=submit
 bean:message key=app.replace/
 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Sundberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:53 AM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: Which button was pressed?
 I have a form where a user should be able to request a 
 report. The user enters two dates and then presses either a 
 button labeled pdf, html och csv.
 How can I read in my action which button was pressed?
 My form looks something like this:
 The button part of my form looks something like this:
 html:submit value=pdf
alt=Create a pdf file/ html:submit value=html
alt=View report as html online/ 
 html:submit value=csv
alt=Create a tab separated text file for 
 import in Excel/
 I haven't seen any good examples when looking in the docs and 
 searching the web. I assume I wan't to add something to the 
 html:submit, perhaps use the property tag(?), or can I be 
 able to read the value of the button pressed?
 How do I read the value in my action?
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RE: [OT] Re: Fired???? was...Re: Struts Books Recommendations [OT]

2005-07-08 Thread Scott Piker
It's a type of temporary work visa in the US.

 -Original Message-
 From: Daniel Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 5:33 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: [OT] Re: Fired was...Re: Struts Books 
 Recommendations [OT]
 Applogies for being english or maybe just naive, but what the 
 hell is a H1B?

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RE: [OT] Off topic threads

2005-06-30 Thread Scott Piker
I personally don't mind them as long as they're flagged [OT] - that way,
my email filters work and I can choose to read them when/if I choose.

Besides - without these threads, we'd lose out on such timeless
analogies like the 'mud-wrestling with pigs' comment!  :-)

- Scott

 -Original Message-
 From: Marsh-Bourdon, Christopher 
 Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 9:44 AM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'; Aleksandar Matijaca
 Subject: [OT] Off topic threads
 I know this would stifle the debate, but can we just stop 
 the very off-topic debates on:
 My IDE vs. Your Text Editor
 Struts vs. Anything else (especially Microsoft) 
 It's not Friday and it only encourages the trolls.
 It really doesn't have a place here.  I personally do attempt (however
 poorly) to answer questions on Struts.  I for one will remove 
 myself for the list if I have to sift through this drivel for 
 another day.
 Christopher Marsh-Bourdon
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 7623 8000, or via e-mail return. If you have received this 
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 statement and monitoring policy, please refer to or contact the sender. 3167
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RE: Populating the ActionForm without using the reset method?

2005-06-29 Thread Scott Piker
It's pretty simple; you just need to populate the form bean and put it
into request/session scope prior to forwarding to your jsp when in edit
mode.  You'll also need a hidden variable in your form to flag whether
you're in edit or add mode, so your backend does the appropriate DB

The mailreader example app that ships with struts shows the basic
approach to doing this.  I suggest that you look at that code and see
how they do it there.

- Scott

 -Original Message-
 From: Thai Dang Vu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:27 AM
 Subject: Populating the ActionForm without using the reset method?
 Hi all,
 Maybe I ask too much but I'm just a newbie in Struts and 
 nobody in my department can help me :(
 This is my situation: I have an input.jsp page to let users 
 enter data and click 'Save'. There's another function that 
 the data is fetched from the database and users can modify 
 them and then save them. I want to make only 1 jsp page to 
 enter new data as well as edit the existing data (that is the 
 input.jsp page). So what is the best way to write the 
 input.jsp file so that sometimes its fields are blank (for 
 inputing purpose) and sometimes its fields are populated with 
 some values (for editing purpose)? For editing purpose, the 
 values are undetermined beforehand so I couln't put them in 
 the reset method.
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RE: Struts and Sessions Problem

2005-06-29 Thread Scott Piker
As Michael alluded to in his response, a session will be created when
the user hits index.jsp unless you explicitly specify session=false in
the page directive.  (See
That's probably what's going on here.

- Scott

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 12:04 PM
 Subject: Struts and Sessions Problem
 Hello all!
 I have a problem with struts and sessions, perhaps someone 
 has an idea:
 My web.xml contains the following welcome file list:
 My index.jsp only forwards like this:
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld prefix=logic % html
 logic:forward name=cookiecheck/
 My struts-config uses a global forward to map it like this:
   forward name=cookiecheck path=/ 
 In the struts-config the final mapping to the action is this one:
   forward name=Failure path=/login.jsp redirect=false/
   forward name=Success path=/home.jsp redirect=false/ 
 In CheckCookiesAction which extends Action, in the 
 execute(...) method I get the HTTPSession like this:
 HttpSession session = request.getSession( false ) );
 My problem: when a user accesses my webapp for the first time 
 this method does not return null, although it should do so! 
 It is no problem of Tomcat 5.5.9 I am using, the Servlet I 
 wrote for testing does its work properly and returns null if 
 the user accesses my page for the first time. So why does 
 Struts behave like this? Is it because of all the forwarding 
 and redirecting, although it should have no effect in my opinion?
 Perhaps someone knows whats going wrong
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RE: [OT] Business Layer Ideas

2005-06-01 Thread Scott Piker
We had to walk in the snow.  And we couldn't afford snow boots, so we
had to wrap newspapers around our feet!

...and they made us use Macs!!!  ;-)

-Original Message-
From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 4:54 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] Business Layer Ideas

When I was going to programming school we had to walk to school and
back and it was uphill both ways.

On 6/1/05, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, June 1, 2005 12:15 pm, Simon Chappell said:
  Back when I was a young programmer we used to have to think. THINK!
 Hey, I'm the resident bemoaner of how rough we used to have it!  How 
 dare you take my job?!? :) LOL
  the humanity. No patterns for us. Just endless cups of tea, a pad of

  paper (or the back of long listings on greenbar) and your flowchart 
 Stencils?!?  I laugh at your stencils!  It was only freehand drawings 
 for us, and that was when we took the time to actually PLAN anything!
  We had it rough I tell you, but I think that we wrote better code 
  back in those days. And those of us that came through them, still 
  have a tendency to do so.
 I have said on numerous occassions that programmers that have never 
 touched Assembly are, with few exceptions, not as good.  And although 
 the overall tone of my reply here is a joking one, this is a point I 
 am serious about.
 I have actually rejected resumes because they had no Assembly
 I'm not saying you have to be able to hand-code a 3D game engine, but 
 at least have had some exposure.
 I spent a number of years doing absolutely nothing BUT Assembly, and 
 while I honestly haven't done anything beyond some very simple 
 subfunctions in the past 5-7 years or so, I wouldn't trade that 
 experience for all the algorithm classes and patterns knowledge in the

 world.  There is NOTHING like understanding, at least at a conceptual 
 level, what's going on down there in the lower layers of your machine.
Assembly gives you this.
 Like I said, there are exceptions to this rule, but I haven't met too
  My first computer had 1K, yes, that's 1024 bytes.
 Timex Sinclair 1000 by any chance?  I loved that little thing!  So 
 much so that I spend $200 on one off eBay last year (three of them 
 actually, with a lot of extras).  The best thing about it was that if 
 you could manage anything decent on it you were learning... I crammed 
 the entire catalog of movie times for a week for Long Island in it... 
 invented my own rudimentary compression scheme (although I had no clue
what compression
 or algorithms were back then... never even heard the words... I was 
 9 or so!).  And I didn't have the 16K expansion module because my dad 
 tried to solder it on because we could never get a good contact, but 
 he fried it in the process, so I was stuck with the 1K (actually, now 
 that I think about it, it might have been 2K.  I'm not sure).
  We can only hope. Perhaps the prophesied return of Lisp will finally

  happen and people will discover REAL programming, not this Teach 
  Yourself The Latest Junk in 24 Hours stuff. Real, worthwhile, 
  programming is hard, so if your going to do it, study for it, and 
  learn (LEARN I say) to do it well.
 LISP... ugh.  I can't stand any language that contains more 
 parenthesis per 1,000 lines of code than ACTUAL CODE! :)
  Well done, Craig, with restrospect. A simpler designed framework 
  like Struts is exactly the example, the proof, which Simon espouses

  Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you Craig.
 I agree... There are probably architecural decisions in Struts I could

 complain about, but I think it would quickly become nothing but 
 nitpicking.  Craig did a rather good job IMHO of straddling the line 
 between a good architecure that is flexible and extensible without 
 making it too complex.  Good job indeed, thank you!
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~Dakota Jack~

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RE: Double submit and Implied Save

2005-04-27 Thread Scott Piker
This is more of a design issue, but I personally hate it (and find it
dangerous in some cases) when anything is automatically saved for the
user without their knowledge.  What if I don't want my work on page A to
be saved and really just want to go to page B?

In situations like this, I prefer to prompt the user with a message like
Any unsaved changes on this page will be lost.  Do you want to
continue?  If they click ok, send them to page B.  If they click
cancel, nothing happens and they are then able to manually save Page A's
data before moving on to Page B.  

You can even be intelligent about when to display this message with some
javascript that inspects the form contents (and/or listens to onblur
events) and only prompts the user if the form data has actually changed.

- Scott

-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 4:25 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Double submit and Implied Save

 1.  Here's our application requirement:
   when user modifies a page, say A and clicks on any other menu 
 item or link, say B without clicking any button on the modified page 
 A, page A needs to be automatically saved. If there is nothing wrong 
 during save, end user should be redirected to page B, otherwise page A

 should stay with error messages.

I do this by having 'onClick()' on the links submit the current form.
Before the form submit, the javascript sets the value of a hidden form
element that will tell me where they were trying to go.

If there's an error, then the user is returned to the page with error
messages.  If not, the Action does whatever it needs to do, then decides
where to forward/redirect based on that hidden field.

Wendy Smoak

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RE: AJAX: Whoa, Nellie!

2005-04-19 Thread Scott Piker
I wholeheartedly agree that often times, simplicity is the best way to
go for web (and webapp) UIs.  However, end-user simplicity does not
always imply developer simplicity (i.e. bare-bones HTML).

Case in point:  Google Maps vs. Mapquest, specifically in the Scroll Map
use case.  Which one is simpler and more intuitive for the user?  For
me, grabbing and dragging the map with my cursor (in any direction I
desire) is more intuitive than clicking on arrow buttons to scroll the
map (in N/S and E/W directions only).  

Sometimes it takes more developer effort/technology to create something
that's easier to use.  Sometimes it doesn't.  But to say that
client-side scripting is completely unnecessary for well designed
application UIs is incorrect, IMO.  It depends on what your users need
to do.

- Scott

-Original Message-
From: Erik Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:48 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: AJAX: Whoa, Nellie!

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

On Tue, April 19, 2005 5:30 am, Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) said:

I also think that a well-designed web-UI does not need JS at all...

Then what results is exactly what you say: a WEB UI.  This was good 
enough five years ago, it isn't today.

People expect, generally, more robust UIs delivered in a browser.  They

expect webapps that look, feel and work more like fat clients.  This is

all a virtual impossibility without some dergee of scripting.

I, with respect for the author, disagree with this entirely.

I am people, and this is not what I expect or desire at all. As a user,
I expect and desire 1) A fast download 2) my bookmarks to work/easy to
remember URLs 3) an organized and well-thought-out left rail 4) a go
home link at the top 5) a two-field registration 6) an encrypted log on
7) content I can read in a text-only browser. None of these require any
browser scripting at all.

And most importantly, I want information that I regard as being of great
quality. Anything beyond the seven I mentioned only gets in my way.

Erik -- who prefers mail2web to GMail.

There are of course cases where this doesn't natter... sometimes the
simplistic Google front page approach is perfect.  But you'll pretty
quickly run up against some serious roadblocks to developing anything
other than classic web UIs without scripting.

Your point is well-taken... scripting does indeed entail some level of
danger... but so does driving a car, and we all do that without much
thought :) (which is of course part of the problem with driving today,
I digress...)


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RE: Action Question

2005-03-23 Thread Scott Piker
Should also point out that it's usually better to use
mapping.getInputForward() in these situations (instead of defining a
failure forward), since validator will always redirect the user back
to the input location if there's a validation error (and this is
usually the same place you want them to go for business rule

Only time you wouldn't want to do this is if you're sending the user to
a different page/form to fix the business rule errors (e.g. rule
overrides).  But if the intention is to send them back to their original
form with their original data, use the input mapping.

- Scott

-Original Message-
From: Fogleson, Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:26 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Action Question

Before forwarding to failure try this... 


  Public ActionForward execute(Mapping mapping Form form, ...) {

YourFormClass newuserbeanform = (YourFormClass)form;

boolean recordInsert = userbo.insertNewUser();
//By The way this looks backwards... I thought true was a success???
if (recordInsert) {
  request.setAttribute(newuserbean, newuserbeanform);
  actionforward = mapping.findForward(Failure);
} else {
  actionforward = mapping.findForward(Success);

That will make the current form available to the jsp and it should show
the data you have in it.


-Original Message-
From: Scott Purcell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 11:55 AM
Subject: Action Question

I have a form, which has an attached bean. I am doing validation, so I
have good data going to my action.
In the action, I take the bean with good data, and hand it to a DTO
object which updates the database with the new user supplied
information. What can I do in the Action if my DTO object returns false
(Could not update database because of some condition).  I know I can
find a mapping and send it somewhere, but the user just filled out a
large form, and I would like to send them back to the form, where the
data is, and show them a message there. I tried using the Failure (see
below) but when it goes to the newUser.jsp page it is blank. The data
they just entered is not there.
I know how to do this in a ActionForm, but how in an Action?
Here is my action mapping:
action path=/newUser-submit
  forward name=Success path=/jsp/admin/mainAdmin.jsp /
  forward name=Failure path=/jsp/admin/newUser.jsp /

Here is the action piece.
BeanUtils.copyProperties(usersbean, userbo);
boolean recordInsert = userbo.insertNewUser();
if (recordInsert) {
  actionforward = mapping.findForward(Failure);
} else {
  actionforward = mapping.findForward(Success);
return actionforward;
I just would like to be able to return them to their form where they
just entered all the data, and let them try again.



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RE: Output PDF

2005-03-14 Thread Scott Piker
This intrigued me, since our app also has some generated PDFs.  Sure
enough, there's a double-get occurring w/ our IE clients (IE 6.0).  

Problem is that the USER_AGENT header for get #1  #2 are identical.
In fact, the only difference I can see in all headers is that get #1 has
an ACCEPT-LANGUAGE header, whereas get #2 does not.  Everything else
is the same

So what gives?  Did MS fix the wrong end of this bug in IE6?  Is it
safe to just look for the existence of the ACCEPT-LANGUAGE header?

- Scott

-Original Message-
From: Andre Van Klaveren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 3:39 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Output PDF

I'm assuming that your browser client is IE.  If so, the reason your
Action is being called twice is because of a feature in IE 4.x+.  If
your application returns data that is to be handled with an ActiveX
control (ie Adobe Acrobat Reader) the browser sends additional requests
to the server.  In IE 4.x and 5 it actually sends three requests.  For
IE 5.5+ it sends two.

Assuming that your using IE 5.5+, the first request is the original
request (duh), but then IE sends a second request to get the
content-type.  Who knows why they can't figure this out on the first
request ;)  This second request has it's userAgent header set to
contype.  You can solve this problem and increase the performance of
your application by writing a Servlet filter that sits in front of
whatever Actions you have setup to serve PDF content.  Have this filter
look at the userAgent header of each request.  If it's set to contype
just send an an empty response back to the client with the content type
set to application/pdf.  Simple as that.

Now, the reason your getting an exception in the second code snippet you
provided is because after you do your forward the JSP calls
response.getOutputStream().  This is done behind the scenes but you can
see it if you look at your generated Servlet code.  This method can only
be called once during the lifestyle of the request, hence your

It's generally a bad idea to have a JSP produce binary content anyway.
 They were designed for Text or HTML output.

I wrote a generic/reusable Servlet whose sole purpose in life is to
write binary content back to a client.  I called it BinaryOutputServlet.
You put your binary data (byte[]) and the content type of the data in
the request scope and forward to it.  It gets the data and content type
out of the request and writes it back to the client.  It can be used for
any type of data this way.  I would recommend doing something similar
since Actions are really for control.  By writing back to the client
from an Action you are violating the MVC model anyway.

I hope this helps.  Oh, and you can read all about the feature of IE

Andre Van Klaveren, SCP

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 14:01:48 -0600, Brad Balmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm using Jasper to create PDF's through my Actions and cannot figure 
 out a good way to export the resulting byte[] to the user.
 Currently the tail end of my Action class looks like this:
 byte[] reportBytes = null;
 File jasperReport = new File(location);
 try {
 reportBytes = JasperRunManager.runReportToPdf(jasperReport.getPath(),
 parameters, dataSource); :  + reportBytes.length);
 } catch (JRException e) {
 ServletOutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream();
 ouputStream.write(reportBytes, 0, reportBytes.length);
 This will display the pdf, but the action class itself somehow get 
 called a second time as the above log statement is displayed twice.
 I also tried to set the byte[] on the request and forward onto another

 page which does:
 byte[] reportBytes =
 ServletOutputStream ouputStream = 
 ouputStream.write(reportBytes, 0, reportBytes.length);
 But this complains about: getOutputStream() has already been called 
 for this response
 Any ideas?

Andre Van Klaveren

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RE: Struts ActionForward to HTML A NAME=xxx anchor

2005-03-11 Thread Scott Piker
I don't think you can do it quite in the manner that you're attempting,
but you can achieve this behavior by doing the following:

- in your action class, populate a request attribute when this page
refresh occurs 
- forward back to your jsp as normal
- in your jsp, check for the existence of this request attribute.
- if it exists, call a javascript function that sets the
window.location.hash value to your anchor name.

- Scott

-Original Message-
From: Brian Bezanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 4:42 PM
Subject: Struts ActionForward to HTML A NAME=xxx anchor

I'd like to know if it is possible to get a ActionForward to scroll my
target page to an anchor on the page created with the a

Problem Description
I have a page in struts (rather large form) where I have a drop-down
menu near the bottom with some choices. (AKA html:select and

When a user selects from that menu, I have a javascript.submit() that
occurs where my page action retrieves data based on the menu change and
populates another text block on the page below the pop-up. On the page
being 'refreshed' it has set the scroll position to the top of the page
-- which is the normal behavior.

I'd like to return to a named anchor on the page by the drop-down menu.
My code returns a return

In my struts-config.xml I also have the following: forward
name=myMessage path=/Main/SomePage.jsp#name_reference/

In the JSP page (SomePage.jsp) I have:

html:link linkName=name_reference/html:link

But of course when I try and execute things, I get a 404 error::

HTTP Status 404 - /Main/SomePage.jsp#name_reference

type Status report

message /Main/SomePage.jsp#name_reference

description The requested resource
(/Main/SomePage.jsp#name_reference) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.0.28

Removing the #name_reference from the struts-config.xml file gets things
working again -- just no scrolling to my anchor point.

Thanks in advance,


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RE: time validation mask (hh:mm)

2005-03-10 Thread Scott Piker
Quid pro quo for answering my CSS post... :-)

Just surround your pattern with start-of-line (^) and end-of-line ($)
chars and you should get the behavior you desire:




Incidentally, I came across this useful utility for regular expression
testing called the RegEx coach:
Doesn't teach you anything about regex, but it's a great debugging tool.

- Scott

-Original Message-
From: Matt Raible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 1:09 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: time validation mask (hh:mm)

I'm trying to validate that the proper format has been used to enter a
24 hour time.  I'll admit I'm not a regex expert, but I thought the
following would work.  Actually, I got it from a regex expert friend, so
I'm just assuming it should work.


However, this seems to allow alpha-numerics (i.e. 2:00p or 2:00x), when
I only want digits in the first two places, followed by a colon,
followed by two more digits.  24:59.  If course, it'd be nice if users
could enter 1:24 too, but that's not a requirement.



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RE: [OT] CSS site/forum ?

2005-03-10 Thread Scott Piker
Thanks for the link  the offer, Leon.  I was actually able to fix our issues 
once I realized that the root of problem was an apparently-well-know flaw in 

In case anyone is interested, the flaw is that IE auto-adjusts box elements if 
contents of the box are wider than it's defined size (Firefox and most other 
browsers don't do this).  We were unknowingly taking advantage of this behavior 
in our menus.  So the fix for us was basically to be a bit more explicit in how 
the menu elements were defined.  Not a big deal - we just didn't know what to 
look for.  

- Scott

-Original Message-
From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 3:18 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [OT] CSS site/forum ?

Another recommendation:

 Our biggest issue right now is that the ultra-cool dropdown menus we 
 developed a while ago look great in IE, but are practically unusable 
 in Firefox.

Send me the code or an example i will pass it to our web designer.

 (Some days, you almost wish Firefox never got so popular and you only 
 had to worry about IE.  Heresy!)

Not really, since you have to worry about explorer 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.0 SP2 and, 
end of the year, 7.0 Not to mention netscape, firefox, safari, konqueror and 


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Scott Piker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. März 2005 19:18
 Betreff: [OT] CSS site/forum ?
 Hey all,
 Sorry for the OT post, but I know a number of folks here are quite 
 skilled with CSS.  We're having some really annoying cross-browser CSS 
 formatting issues and I was wondering if someone could direct me to a 
 good site/forum where I could find common compatibility issues between 
 IE and other browsers (Firefox, especially).
 (Some days, you almost wish Firefox never got so popular and you only 
 had to worry about IE.  Heresy!)
 Thanks in advance,
 - Scott

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RE: Need Help Deciphering Error:

2005-03-02 Thread Scott Piker
You have a typo there... valudate=true

-Original Message-
From: Scott Purcell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 2:43 PM
Subject: Need Help Deciphering Error:

I am getting the following error and I cannot quite figure out what I am
doing wrong? Can anyone give me some insight into this?
Here is the circumstance:
I have a jsp page that does a href to this action:
This will display a simple JSP page that shows a html form with some
text and upload objects.
When my struts-config.xml has this line:
action path=/uploadAssets forward=/jsp/admin/upload.jsp /
all is good and the site runs fine.
But because I subclassed Action to have a isLoggedIn() to ensure the
users are logged in, I want to use this: Therefore I can validate  that
the user is logged in in my LoginAction class then forward away to the
page I want to go to.
This is what breaks it:
  !-- Upload Action --
action path=/uploadAssets 
   forward name=Success path=/jsp/admin/upload.jsp

But as soon as I switch the above code for this code block I get the
following error:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find message resources under key
org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE at
at org.apache.jsp.myadmin_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(


Scott K Purcell | Developer | VERTIS |
555 Washington Ave. 4th Floor | St. Louis, MO 63101 | 314.588.0720
Ext:1320 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  

Vertis is the premier provider of targeted advertising, media, and
marketing services that drive consumers to marketers more 

RE: Checkbox problem again

2005-02-24 Thread Scott Piker
 nested:checkbox property=status value=S 
 no errors thrown but It does nothing, it doesn't even outputs the
disabled on checkbox html tag.

does nothing means what?  Nothing rendered, or does it render an
input type=checkbox tag without the disabled flag?

I think you want to use !myBean.isEnable().

- Scott

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RE: message-resources question

2005-02-24 Thread Scott Piker
Yes, you can.  Take a look at getResources(request)
- Scott

-Original Message-
From: Scott Purcell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 3:10 PM
Subject: message-resources question

In an action class, can one get access to the message-resources?
  message-resources parameter=globalResources null=false/

I use the resources from JSP pages, but do not know if I can access them
from a action class in the execute method?





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RE: Tiles - a reality check (contains many details) - Am I using this thing right?

2005-02-22 Thread Scott Piker
 When using tiles this way, does this mean that any forward I define in
 my struts-config.xml should be a valid Tiles Definition?
 Would that then imply that every page in my application is specified
 by a tiles Definition, and that's how I GET to any given page?

Yes, that's typically the way you would want to do it, but you're by no means 
forced to do it that way.  Your struts-config can forward to a mixture of 
tiles-defs, JSPs, etc... but I prefer to keep everything tiles-centric.
 example: I want to create a Profile Editing page, so I create
 profileEditBody.jsp and a NEW definition in the tiles-defs file
 specifying only the TITLE and BODY ..a la
 definition name=page.profile.edit extends=base.definition
  put name=title value=Edit Profile Page /
  put name=body value=/jsp/profileEditBody.jsp /
 Bue heres the question... how do I call this thing from an Action
 Class?!?!?! Argh

just refer to the definition name in the action mapping your struts-config:
action path=/showProfileEdit type=... 
  forward name=success path=page.profile.edit/
- Scott

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Re: ActionMessage without using a key from

2005-02-17 Thread Scott Piker
You usually want to avoid doing this because you lose a lot of
flexibility, but you can pretty easily simulate this behavior by just
defining an empty message in your .properties file with one argument:


and then use the arg0 slot for your hard-coded custom message

new ActionMessage(message.custom, Your custom message goes here);

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/17/2005 3:58:57 PM 
Is there a way to construct a completely custom message without using
a key from

ActionMessage constructor seems to insist on having a key that would
be mapped to the


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[OT] Re: Need guidance in the presentation layer

2005-02-11 Thread Scott Piker
Yes, it's pretty straightforward to do this with just lists and DHTML.
You definitely don't need an applet for this.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/11/2005 9:47:36 AM 

I am having the problem of designing my main menu. My main menu (or at
I have designed like this) has two frames. left frame has  all the
for the application. The options need to look like a tree structure
only the top level nodes are displayed. When the user clicks on a node,
the next level nodes are displayed. I have written an applet for this
and is working fine but then I don't know how to connect each of the
nodes from this applet to the corresponding jsp's?

Is there any other way of doing this without an applet and frames?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Flow Control, Is there a good way?

2005-01-26 Thread Scott Piker
Have you taken a look at the Struts Workflow extension
( ?  

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/26/2005 10:28:49 AM 
I am migrating to Struts from an existing webapp. One of the issues
with the
old architecture was managing the flow control logic. Currently we
track in
the session which flow and page the user is on. To enforce flow control
Servlet method must check the session to see if the flow and page are
for input to that method. Needless to say this is a maintenance
obfuscates the flow and doesn't stand up well against the latest
idea from the marketing folks ;)

First am I using the right vocabulary to describe the problem? If not
here, the rest of my question is wrong.

I have read two books (Struts in Action and Pro Jakarta Struts), read
users guide, developed a pilot-app and searched google. The only real
resource I found on the matter was Which despite
promising title is really only about double submit protection.

Assuming I didn't miss the boat on how to do this ... The best I could
up with is to create my own Flow Control plugin which would read a
file that would specify the flow. This plugin would then intercept all
requests to actions and validate them against the valid set of actions
could be executed give the specific user's flow and page position.

Am I reinventing the wheel? Other thoughts on how to do this? Thanks
your time.


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Re: ActionMessages

2005-01-19 Thread Scott Piker
How dynamic do you need the messages to be?  Can't you just use argument
substitution in your messages?  


error.message={0} must be between {1} and {2}.

new ActionMessage(error.message, fieldName, minVal, maxVal);

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/18/2005 6:07:34 PM 
Anyone know how to pass errors from your Action to your JSP without
having to use the resource file / ActionMessage combination.  Basically
I need to pass a dynamically generated error message to the jsp.

Your help is appreciated.


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Re: ActionMessages

2005-01-19 Thread Scott Piker
How dynamic do you need the messages to be?  Can't you just use argument
substitution in your messages?  


error.message={0} must be between {1} and {2}.

new ActionMessage(error.message, fieldName, minVal, maxVal);

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/18/2005 6:07:34 PM 
Anyone know how to pass errors from your Action to your JSP without
having to use the resource file / ActionMessage combination.  Basically
I need to pass a dynamically generated error message to the jsp.

Your help is appreciated.


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Re: Struts Tiles and Internationalization

2004-10-27 Thread Scott Piker
It's actually pretty straightforward.  Just define a title attribute in your 
tiles-defs, as you would any other attribute.  Override it for each page that requires 
a different title.  For example:

  definition name=app.base path=/tiles/layouts/baseTemplate.jsp
  put name=title value = app.titleKey /
  put name=headervalue = /tiles/header.jsp /
  put name=body  value = /tiles/blank_body.jsp /
  definition name=page.a extends=app.base
  put name=title value = pageA.titleKey /
  put name=body  value = /pageA.jsp /

Then, adjust your templates so that your header tile renders the head and title 
html tags.  Pass the title attribute into your header tile when inserting it:

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld  prefix=tiles %
tiles:importAttribute /
html:html locale=true
tiles:insert attribute=header
tiles:put name=title beanName=title /

Then just use this attribute in your header.jsp.  

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld  prefix=tiles %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld  prefix=html %
tiles:importAttribute /
titlebean:message name=title//title

- Scott

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/27/2004 3:26:14 AM 
Hi all!

I have a small problem:

I am creating a web-application with struts, which contains many jsp-pages. At the 
moment I use the concept copy  pasting the layout into each page. I read much about 
including parts by jsp-commands, templates and tiles and try to use tiles. But I do 
have one big problem with that:

I have my template looking like that: 

TITLEtiles:getAsString name=title //TITLE
tiles:insert attribute=head /
tiles:insert attribute=content /
tiles:insert attribute=footer /

I know, it looks nice, but I have the problem, that each page has to choose another 
title, which is in my Ressource-Properties and to make it more complicated, I develop 
it with internationalization. I also have to use the title in the head-section, but 
I think the reuse is no problem.

How can I configure a key, which will be resolved in the RessourceBundles to give me 
the language- and page-dependent title?

Any suggestions?



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