[ANN] May 20 - Writing JPA Applications by Patrick Linskey at Google in Silicon Valley

2008-05-14 Thread Van Riper
This is a free event open to the general public. So, please forward
this announcement on to other interested parties. The full meeting
announcement including directions to meeting site at Google in Silicon
Valley is here:


Advanced Registration is required to be part of give-away drawing. You
can register at:


18:30-19:00 Arrive  mingle -- Food  drinks provided by Google
19:00-20:30 Writing JPA Applications Presentation

In this talk, Patrick explores the Java Persistence API, and examines
some common practices for how to write applications that use JPA.
Patrick will focus more on API usage than on mapping configuration,
and will look at the bootstrapping and runtime behavior of JPA
applications. You will learn about JPA's optimistic locking semantics,
including the benefits of optimistic read locks. Patrick looks at when
it's appropriate to use the different facilities of the Java
Persistence Query Language (JPQL), and also discusses common
extensions to the spec, including performance caching, pessimistic
locking, and fetch strategies.

| Michael Van Riper
| http://weblogs.java.net/blog/van_riper/
| http://www.linkedin.com/in/vanriper

| Silicon Valley Web JUG
| https://sv-web-jug.dev.java.net

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ANN-OT] February 19 - Stateful Applications that Scale Like Stateless Ones by Orion Letizi at Googleplex in Silicon Valley

2008-02-17 Thread Van Riper
Advanced Registration is required to be part of give-away drawing. You
can register at:  http://sv-web-jug.eventbrite.com/

 This is a free event open to the general public. So, please forward this
announcement on to other interested parties. The online meeting
announcement is here:

18:30-19:00 Arrive  mingle -- Food  drinks provided by Google
19:00-20:30 Stateful Applications that Scale Like Stateless Ones
  talk by Orion Letizi

Within every innocent web application lies a sleeping monster. There
comes a time when every successful web application outgrows its
single-machine architecture. Whether for high-availability, scalability,
or both, the adult web application must grow to live on more than one
application server. That's when the latent beast strikes: the State
Monster. The most recent accepted wisdom about solving application state
problems in a scaled-out production architecture is to make your web
application stateless—i.e., externalize all application state out of
the application tier so that any application server can serve any user
request. Unfortunately for the owners of such applications, making it
stateless is hard to do, corrupts the programming and data model of
the application, and pushes the problem out to other pieces of
infrastructure that are ill-equipped to handle it. Stateless programming
is hard on the application developer, hard on the application
infrastructure, and hard on the application. There must be a better way
to write business applications. In this talk, we will discuss the
current stateless application paradigm, its shortcomings, and a new
alternative using Terracotta's open-source availability and scalability
technology for the Java Virtual Machine.

Please be sure to preregister at http://sv-web-jug.eventbrite.com/ so
you will be eligible for our raffle. We will be Using Jim Weaver's JavaFX
Spinning Wheel for our raffle. You can learn more about the project at:

Currently, the prizes include:

* IntelliJ IDEA license from JetBrains
* Ajax Security from Addison Wesley
* Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components from Apress
* Filthy Rich Clients from Addison Wesley (2 copies)
* Professional Hibernate from Wrox Press
* Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework from Wrox Press
* Professional Ajax 2nd Edition from Wrox Press

This meeting was organized by the Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG and
is being co-hosted by the Silicon Valley JUG.

| Michael Van Riper
| http://weblogs.java.net/blog/van_riper/
| http://www.linkedin.com/in/vanriper

| Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG
| https://sv-web-jug.dev.java.net

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Every action is getting called twice

2008-02-11 Thread Van Riper
On 2/11/08, Charbel Abdul-Massih [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What am I doing wrong?  Every request to an action goes into the actions' 
 execute method twice...

This is going to sound unrelated, but, do you use Firefox browser with
Firebug enabled to test your code. I ran into one weird problem myself
where I was seeing double executions when Firebug was enabled. That
may not be the problem in your case, but, your symptoms are similar to
my situation where this was indeed the culprit. If you normally test
with Firebug enabled, disable it and try your test again to see
whether that changes things at all.

Good Luck, Van

| Mike Van Riper
| http://weblogs.java.net/blog/van_riper/
| Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG
| https://sv-web-jug.dev.java.net
| Silicon Valley Google Technology User Group
| http://sv-gtug.org

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[OT] Silicon Valley Code Camp at Foothill College on Oct. 27-28

2007-10-01 Thread Van Riper
This is a free event by and for the developer community in Silicon
Valley. I've been promoting this event within the local Java developer
community. I'll also be leading one technical session at this Code
Camp based on my experiences converting to S2 from WebWork2 and the
ways we use S2 now in our consumer web site (krillion.com):

Details of My Sessions

Code Camp is a new type of community event where developers learn from
fellow developers. All are welcome to attend and speak.The Code Camp
Manifesto consists of six points:

(1) by and for the developer community;
(2) always free;
(3) community developed material;
(4) no fluff – only code;
(5) community ownership;
(6) never occur during working hours.

What can you expect at the Silicon Valley Code Camp?

Two full days of talking about code with fellow developers. Sessions
will range from informal chalk talks to presentations. There will be
a mix of presenters, some experienced folks, for some it may be their
first opportunity to speak in public. And we are expecting to see
people from throughout the Northern California region and beyond.
Attendance is free, but space is limited so you need to register in
advance. Here is the home page for the event:


It is not too late to signup to lead your own technical session too.
Session submission will remain open until about a week before the
event. After that, they will be assigning time slots at meeting spaces
to the submitted sessions based on the interest level expressed in
each topic.

Whether you to choose to present or just to participate, it would be
great to meetup with other S1 and S2 developers in the area at this
event. If you are interested, you can either respond to this thread or
contact me directly off list. If there is enough interest, we can
schedule an informal Struts BOF session during the weekend sometime

Cheers, Van

Mike Van Riper

Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG

JUGs International MAP

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Struts - open windows without javascript

2007-09-27 Thread Van Riper
On 9/27/07, Slattery, Tim - BLS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  how to open a new browser windows in Struts without to use
  javascript code in jsp page?

 Opening a new page is a client-side function. Since Struts is a
 server-side system, there's no way to do this.

 You could use the target attribute of the form... tag, which
 instructs the browser to open a new window for the result of the form.
 That's as close as you're going to get.

Same goes for the link a ... tag. The attribute you add to make your
form/link requests open a new browser window/tab is:


Technically, this will open a new window without javascript. It is
just adding an HTML attribute to your form or link tags in your
generated HTML response. No javascript required.


Mike Van Riper

Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG

JUGs International MAP

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Struts - open windows without javascript

2007-09-27 Thread Van Riper
On 9/27/07, Slattery, Tim - BLS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You could use the target attribute of the form... tag, which
   instructs the browser to open a new window for the result
   of the form. That's as close as you're going to get.
  Same goes for the link a ... tag. The attribute you add to
  make your form/link requests open a new browser window/tab is:
  Technically, this will open a new window without javascript.
  It is just adding an HTML attribute to your form or link tags
  in your generated HTML response. No javascript required.

 One caveat on the target attribute: it doesn't exist in xhtml 1.1.

Wow! I did not know that. Google to the rescue. Found this related
information online:

JavaScript window object solution:

Javascript provides a partial solution to the problem by passing the
href attribute to the window object's open method, and returning a
value of false. The false return from the event handler prevents the
web browser from following the link specified in the href attribute.

a href=http://www.TexaStar.com;
   onclick=window.open(this.href); return false;
   onkeypress=window.open(this.href); return false;TexaStar/a

This previous example provides an onclick event handler for those
using a pointing device, and an onkeypress event handler for those
using a keyboard. However, when JavaScript isn't enabled, the link is
processed as normal, providing a possibly adequate fallback mechanism,
but failing to produce the designer's desired result.

So, it does require a small amount of javascript to make it work in an
XHTML 1.1 compliant manner. This snippet above comes from the
following online source:


- Van

Mike Van Riper

Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG

JUGs International MAP

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [s2] Struts head tag KILLS ( 10s) page load time

2007-09-21 Thread Van Riper

 I have the same problem. I'm using ajax and the response time of my pages
 over 40s sometimes with the s:head theme=ajax / include.
 Can someone tells me if this has been fixed in struts 2.1 ?
 Is there a work around to this problem ?

The best workaround that I have found is to Just Say NO to the built
in support for Dojo and instead to use Prototype judiciously. All my
ajax logic is done that way. I don't use the builtin ajax support in
s2 at all. This has worked well for the level of ajax support I need
in my own webapp development these days. YMMV.


Mike Van Riper

Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG

JUGs International MAP

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ajax using XMLHttpRequest and Struts

2007-09-11 Thread Van Riper
On 9/11/07, aarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am stuckup in this issue for a week.Please somebody help me on this please.

 Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
  Something is wrong in your JSP... looks like that stack trace was cut off,
  but your beyond the AJAX parts at this point, you need to find the error
  in your JSP.

As Frank said, you have issues with your JSP. If you literally
cut/pasted your JSP logic into the email, then I can see at least two
separate problems with this snippet that would fail at compile time of
the JSP when converting it into a servlet.

You have scriptlet logic to start the for-loop and no matching
scriptlet logic to close the for loop. Even worse, your for-loop
iteration logic is totally whack. I am not saying this will fix it,
but, the for-loop will at least be properly closed and reasonably
defined when this snippet is changed from this:

select name=TVShowSelect
   %int i = 0;
   ArrayList ch = (ArrayList)
   String[] s = new String[ch.size()];
   for (Iterator it = s.length; it.hasNext();) {
 String name = (String)it.next();

To this:

select name=TVShowSelect
%  ArrayList ch = (ArrayList)
String[] s = new String[ch.size()];
for (int i = 0; i  s.length; i++) {
String name = s[i];
%  }

I don't recommend this kind of scriptlet logic in the JSPs. If you are
going to do this though, you could at least try compiling the
scriptlet code in a test Java file first or use an IDE like IntelliJ
IDEA that will detect obvious compile issues with your scriptlet logic
in JSP files.

Good Luck, Van

Mike Van Riper

Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG

JUGs International MAP

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ActiveMQ Problem migrating from WebWork 2.2.2 to Struts 2.0.9

2007-08-06 Thread Van Riper
Yup! I had updated build process to exclude the spring plugin, but, I
never did a full rebuild that would have nuked it from my
distribution. Doh!

I'm not past this problem. I'm even see struts tags execute in the
JSPs forwarded to from my actions. However, I am now hitting my head
on a problem with the interaction of Sitemesh with Struts 2.0.9.  The
WW2.2 tags which have been converted to S2.0.9 tags which are working
fine in the main JSPs being evaluated are failing with an NPE on the
first struts tag encountered in my sitemesh decorator JSP file.

I'll start a new thread with a more appropriate topic for my current problem.


P.S. I already found the Wiki docs about sitemesh integration, but,
that was not enough in my case. :-(

On 8/3/07, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Struts 2 behaves quite differently based on what plugins are
 installed.  Looks like you are using the Spring plugin, which it
 sounds like you shouldn't be.  Remove the
 struts2-spring-plugin-VERSION.jar from your WEB-INF/lib.


 On 8/4/07, Van Riper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm running into trouble migrating my existing web application from
  WebWork 2.2.2 to Struts 2.0.9. We are using JSE6 (AKA JDK 1.6) and
  Tomcat 5.5.17. I did everything mentioned on the wiki plus a bunch
  more stuff:
  If I ever get this working I promise to provide feedback to update
  this page based on my experiences migrating to Struts 2.0.9. To set
  things up, I was fairly quickly able to get to the point that I had a
  clean build of my webapp after swapping out WebWork and swapping in
  Struts 2.0.9. Hard as it may be to believe, we were not using Spring
  IoC. I had that turned off in my webwork.properties like so:
  ### Configuration for IoC Container
  ### webwork.objectFactory=spring
  However, it appears that S2 really wants some IoC container because I
  kept getting complaints with this commented out. So, I uncommented it
  in my renamed struts. properties file (added necessary listener in
  web.xml too) and included the latest Spring Framework jar file
  (2.0.6). This in turn gave me complaints about missing ActiveMQ
  classes and including the main jar file for latest ActiveMQ (4.1.1)
  didn't seem to help. That catches everyone up to my current situation.
  Here is the full console log output for my latest failed webapp
  cmd /c C:\java\apache-tomcat-5.5.17\bin\catalina.bat run
  Using CATALINA_BASE:   C:\Documents and
  Using CATALINA_HOME:   C:\java\apache-tomcat-5.5.17
  Using JRE_HOME:C:\java\jdk1.6.0
  Connected to the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'
  Aug 3, 2007 4:11:03 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol init
  INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8000
  Aug 3, 2007 4:11:03 PM org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol init
  INFO: Initializing Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-8002
  Aug 3, 2007 4:11:03 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
  INFO: Initialization processed in 640 ms
  Aug 3, 2007 4:11:03 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
  INFO: Starting service Catalina
  Aug 3, 2007 4:11:03 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
  INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.17
  Aug 3, 2007 4:11:03 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost start
  INFO: XML validation disabled
  16:11:07,218  INFO [/]: Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
  16:11:07,218  INFO ContextLoader: Root WebApplicationContext:
  initialization started
  16:11:07,296  INFO XmlWebApplicationContext: Refreshing
  display name [Root WebApplicationContext]; startup date [Fri Aug 03
  16:11:07 PDT 2007]; root of context hierarchy
  16:11:07,500  INFO XmlBeanDefinitionReader: Loading XML bean
  definitions from ServletContext resource
  16:11:07,718  INFO XmlWebApplicationContext: Bean factory for
  application context
  16:11:07,812  INFO DefaultListableBeanFactory: Pre-instantiating
  singletons in [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  defining beans 
  root of factory hierarchy
  16:11:07,812  INFO DefaultListableBeanFactory: Destroying singletons
  defining beans 
  root of factory hierarchy
  16:11:07,828 ERROR ContextLoader: Context initialization failed
  org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot
  find class [org.codehaus.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory] for bean
  with name 'connectionFactory' defined in ServletContext resource

[S2] Successfully migrated my WW-2.2 app to Struts-2.0.9

2007-08-06 Thread Van Riper
I had one last hiccup with the Sitemesh integration on S2. Although I
am using the default JSP approach and didn't need the template support
for Freemarker or Velocity provided by the Sitemesh plugin for S2, I
did need to add the ActionContextCleanUp filter to my web.xml as
recommended as part of this documentation for the sitemesh plugin that
supports templating:


Until I added the ActionContextCleanUp filter, I was getting an NPE
for the first S2 tag encountered in my Sitemesh decorator JSP. My
final working web.xml filter settings/mappings (not using the
struts2-sitemesh-plugin though) are:

!-- This filter allows sitemesh decorator's to access struts
framework variables --


!-- sitemesh gives us an overall page/panel definition --


!-- Struts is attached as the last filter.
  Note that this must be placed AFTER other related filters
  (like SiteMesh) because if this succeeds and decides to send
  the request to struts, the rest of the filter chain is stopped.





I'm not sure why, but, I didn't need the extra cleanup filter for the
WW-2.2 app.

I may still run into some other minor hiccups during a full regression
test run, but, things are basically working now. This was done on a
SVN branch, but, I should be able to make the same changes in a matter
of hours (thanks to IntelliJ) on our main trunk later this week after
completing my regression testing on the branch. Phew!


Mike Van Riper

Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ActiveMQ Problem migrating from WebWork 2.2.2 to Struts 2.0.9

2007-08-03 Thread Van Riper
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(Catalina.java:551)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(Bootstrap.java:294)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:432)
Aug 3, 2007 4:11:07 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Error listenerStart
Aug 3, 2007 4:11:07 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Context [] startup failed due to previous errors
16:11:07,859  INFO [/]: Closing Spring root WebApplicationContext
Aug 3, 2007 4:11:08 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8000
Aug 3, 2007 4:11:08 PM org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-8002
Aug 3, 2007 4:11:08 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 4969 ms


The peculiar thing about this failure is that it is complaining about
not being able to load this class:


When I crack open the latest ActiveMQ jar from Apache site, there is
an ActiveMQConnectionFactory class. However, it is packaged like so:


I am beginning to spin my wheels on this. Any pointers or suggestions
would be much appreciated. If I can't figure this out, I may have to
admit defeat and switch to Rails development. ;-)


Mike Van Riper

Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: s2: Base url in jsp's

2007-06-21 Thread Van Riper

On 6/21/07, Max Pimm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am used to defining a base element in my pages but can't find the way
to define this with struts 2. All suggestions welcome.

I don't think you need struts 2 support to do this. I'm using webwork
2.2 currently and starting to monitor this list again in preparation
for migrating our webapp codebase to struts 2. We also use Sitemesh
for response decoration. So, our Sitemesh decorator sets the base
element for our response during the execution of sitemesh response
filter. The way we do it in JSP land is:

base id=docBase href=%=request.getRequestURL()%/

No webapp framework support required. We give the base element an id
because we have some javascript functions that need to access the base
document  URL dynamically. This makes it easy to do the element lookup
by id via Javascript elsewhere.

Cheers, Van

Mike Van Riper

Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ANNOUNCE] Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG

2004-07-12 Thread Van Riper, Mike

After learning about JUG support as projects on java.net at JavaOne, I
decided to migrate the Silicon Valley Struts User JUG to a new JUG project
on java.net. The other significant change to the group is the shift to a
more general focus on all J2EE web application development technologies. Of
course, we will continue to have some meetings where Struts development is
the focus. The new JUG project on java.net is:

  Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG

Everyone on the old Yahoo list are already migrated to the new list. For
anyone new though, it does require that you register with java.net in order
to subscribe to the new list. If you would like to become a member of this
JUG, you can subscribe to the mailing list here:


When the group does have a Struts-related event coming up, I'll continue to
post announcements here on the struts-user list. However, the frequency of
those postings will be lower now with the broader focus of the group going

That's All Folks, Van

Mike Van Riper

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ANNOUNCEMENT] 6/27 Struts User Gathering at JavaOne

2004-06-21 Thread Van Riper, Mike
Since there were no strong preferences stated in the initial responses, I
made an executive decision and went with Sunday evening after the conference
opening reception. We'll be gathering around 8:30pm at the Thirsty Bear less
than a block from Moscone Center. The full announcement including directions
can be found here:


RSVP requested to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject Struts User
Gathering. Please RSVP by 5:00pm on Saturday, June 26th.

  Mike Van Riper
  Silicon Valley Struts User Group

P.S. No need to RSVP again for those of you that have already done so. You
are on my list for the reservation headcount.

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[OT] JavaOne Struts User Gathering

2004-06-19 Thread Van Riper, Mike
Hi Everyone,

Depending upon the interest level, I'm willing to organize a social
gathering at a bar or restaurant in San Francisco during the upcoming
JavaOne conference. It would either be around 8:30pm on Sunday, June 27th,
after the Welcome Reception ends. Or it would be around 8:00PM on Thursday,
July 1st, at the very end of the conference.

It would be separate from JavaOne, but, somewhere not too far from Moscone.
That way, anyone attending the conference and local folks that aren't
attending the conference could both participate. If this is something you
would participate in, please email directly to me (no need to spam the
struts-user list with count-me-in messages) at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
the subject JavaOne Struts User Gathering.

Whatever I decide upon, I'll announce it again here on the mailing list.
However, your responses to me now will give me an indication of size of
venue required for the gathering. I will choose between Sunday and Thursday
evening based upon the preferences I get back from the people that contact

Also, I am not that familiar with our options in the city. So, I would
appreciate recommendations for local bars/restaurants that would be a good
venue for this gathering. Besides being big enough for the expected number
of people, I'm looking for a place with good *beer* and at least some decent
food options too.

Thanks, Van

Mike Van Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Enumerating sessions

2004-06-15 Thread Van Riper, Mike
I had to do something like this and I did use the HttpSessionListener
interface (requires 2.3 servlet API support in your container) as part of
the solution. However, it alone is not sufficient. The callbacks for the
session creation and destruction events happen so early and so late
respectively that you do not have access to any session data other than the
sessionID. The solution I came up with was to record logins within the
webapp to a tracking table *and* store the sessionID as a field in these
records. Then, you can use the sessionDestroyed() callback to check to see
if there is a login record that is still active that needs to be flagged as
terminated. You have to go through all these hoops because you can't rely on
the user explicitly logging out. So, to update the tracking table to
reliably indicate who is currently logged in you have to do this. You will
hit the sessionDestroyed() callback whether they explicitly log out and you
expire the session, or the session simply times out on its own because of
inactivity (or as a result of closing the client-side browser window without
explicitly logging out).

Hope this helps, Van

Mike Van Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Heudecker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 1:43 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Enumerating sessions
 Wouldn't this do it?
 Frank Zammetti wrote:
  Hello all... is there any good way to enumerate all 
 sessions under a 
  given webapp?  I know there used to be the SessionContext, 
 but that has 
  since been deprecated as of servlet spec 2.1 I believe... Is there 
  anything in Struts that might help?
  Basically I'm just looking for an accurate way to display 
 all currently 
  logged on users, and also have the ability to add a session 
 attribute to 
  all of them (think broadcast messages and forced graceful 
 logoffs).  I 
  keep hearing the term Session Listenter, but my research 
 is turning up 
  server-specific (or third party-specific references), and I 
 need this to 
  be server-nuetral.
  I could I guess create a wrapper class that is called to 
 create or kill 
  a session, as well as to add of remove attributes, but I'd prefer 
  something that won't require me to change a lot of code, or 
 any really!
  Thanks in advance for any ideas!
  MSN 9 Dial-up Internet Access fights spam and pop-ups  now 
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 Nick Heudecker
 System Mobile, Inc.
 Web: http://www.systemmobile.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Dealing with XSS in struts

2004-05-05 Thread Van Riper, Mike

The way that I solved this was to implement my own subclass of the
TilesRequestProcessor (because we use Tiles) and then specify that request
processor in the controller element of the struts config file. In this
subclass, I override processValidate() and in my override I wrap the
incoming request object with my own extension of HttpServletRequestWrapper
(part of 2.3 Servlet API, but, you could just pull that class into your
project to make this work with a servlet container that only supports the
2.2 version of the Servlet API). My extension of the request wrapper class
has both a helper function to do validation of the request parameters for
XSS *and* filtering on the parameter getter functions to prevent a
round-trip back to the client of any nasty XSS stuff.

This allows me to do the XSS check in one bottleneck and treat it as a form
validation error when XSS request parameter data is detected. If the XSS
validation check passes, then I call the super.processValidate() and let
Struts take it form there.

I suppose something similar could be done using a request filter, but, I
like doing it inside the request processor where I have access to the
associated Struts action mapping along with the request object. With the
action mapping available to me, I can do logical forwarding using struts
configuration settings in this context that I wouldn't be able to do with a
separate request filter.

I've used this technique successfully on several projects. In one project,
the paradigm was to take the user back to the input page with an error
message at the top and cleaned up data redisplayed in the form. In another
project, they preferred to go to a separate error page specific to XSS
errors. With this approach, I was able to implement the first way relying on
the input setting of the associated action mapping. I was also able to
implement the second approach using a global forward for the error page and
doing a lookup (i.e., mapping.findForward()) to implement the error handling
that way.

Hope this helps, Van

Mike Van Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

 -Original Message-
 From: jeff mutonho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 4:52 AM
 Subject: Dealing with XSS in struts
 What are the recommendations to deal with cross-site 
 scripting in struts?
 I'm got an app that a use can access at a URL  , let's call 
 it http://localhost/myapplication , now doing something like
 reveals a pop-up box containing the currently set cookies.
 How can I block that from happening?Is there a way of encoding a form
 Please help as this is critical to the app.
 jeff mutonho

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RE: Dealing with XSS in struts

2004-05-05 Thread Van Riper, Mike
 -Original Message-
 From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 9:47 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Dealing with XSS in struts
 jeff mutonho wrote:
 What are the recommendations to deal with cross-site 
 scripting in struts?
 I'm got an app that a use can access at a URL  , let's call 
 it http://localhost/myapplication , now doing something like
 reveals a pop-up box containing the currently set cookies.
 How can I block that from happening?Is there a way of 
 encoding a form bean?Please help as this is critical to the app.
 One of the keys to avoiding the particular XSS attack you are talking 
 about here is to be careful about how you render dynamic content that 
 was originally entered by the user.  For example, if your 
 string above 
 was read in to a bean property named mode and you wanted to 
 render it 
 as text in another page, you should use something like:
   bean:write name=mybean property=mode/
 instead of something like:
   %= mybean.getMode() %
 Struts protects you because (unless you explicitly ask it not to), it 
 will render  as lt; so that the embedded script will 
 not actually 
 get executed.  Using the runtime expression, or things like 
 that, simply 
 copy the bytes back out again with no filtering.

However, this only protects you when you are diligent in all your JSP
coding. My management was more comfortable with an approach (see my other
recent posting on this same topic) that didn't rely on that being true.
Maybe that says something about what they think of me? :-)

 jeff mutonho


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