Re: Nice try (was Java code generator including Struts 1.2)

2005-08-11 Thread Yan Hu
There is perhaps no problem with Swing itself. But java is perhaps not suitable 
for fat client -
type apps while it is a great language for the server side.  As I always say 
that the market
decides what stays and what not.  Let's take a look at the job market say dice. 
How many are there
for Swing develpoers and how many are for J2EE? Let's take a look at the 
desktop apps. How many
huge apps are written in Java Swing and how many are in C++,C or even VB?   If 
Swing were so great
why do so many companies even prefer a lesser language such as VB to Swing for 
fat clients? Java's
uccess attributes solely to its capability on the server side. Without J2EE, 
java would have died
a long time ago.  


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, my post did look kind of ugly. It really wasn't directed at any person, 
 just at the words.
 I've been programming with Swing since 1.1.8 and finally I am able to do it 
 for a living. I've
 heard all the Swing stinks arguments just like I've heard all the EJB stinks 
 arguments. But I've
 built applications using each that don't stink. It took me a long time to get 
 good at
 AWT/Swing/Graphics in Java. Years. The applications that people commonly use 
 for a point of
 reference, such as Limewire, just don't illustrate what these APIs can do. 
 You haven't seen
 what's behind corporate firewalls. JFC exposes much, graphically, that the 
 underlying windowing
 toolkit has to offer. There is nothing stopping you from taking a blank 
 panel, a Graphics2D and
 implementing your own layout managers and all your own controls. And they 
 won't be slow unless
 you write code that doesn't take a Thread from point A to point B on the 
 shortest route
 possible. In fact, they have a good chance of being awesome. But, you can get 
 tangled up in
 large method stacks if you don't scour the source and examine a lot of stack 
 traces, if you just
 blindly use the APIs and recommended coding styles.
 I've criticized Swing too. The main problem with it is that the authors used 
 private and
 package-private fields and methods everywhere, making subclassing difficult 
 and in some places
 nearly impossible. Library designers should use protected unless told 
 otherwise. There are other
 criticisms but that's my main one.
 But, it made me mad when I started reading all these articles about SWT and 
 Eclipse and how
 Swing sucked. I didn't want Sun/JCP to ever buy that. People parrot that 
 stuff. I want Sun/JCP
 to keep on working on it and keep on making it better. It has come a long way 
 and you can do
 ANYTHING with it if you invest the time instead of looking for some framework 
 or plugin to do
 everything for you.
 Anyway, I know, I'm on the wrong list. All I should have said is: Good Swing 
 code is anything
 but crap code.
 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Aug 10, 2005 3:38 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Nice try (was Java code generator including Struts 1.2)
 Hey, back the testosterone truck up Erik...
 You want to disagree with the opinion?  Fine, no problem.  I don't think 
 Swing is especially good.  Show me where I'm wrong, I'll listen.
 No need to attack someone over something as trivial as saying some 
 technology sucks... unless you created that technology, and even then it 
 wouldn't be terribly appropriate.
  What a load of crap.
  Swing doesn't suck, you just suck at it.
  -Original Message-
  From: Michael Jouravlev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Aug 10, 2005 1:59 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: Nice try (was Java code generator including Struts 1.2)
  On 8/10/05, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I remember having to deal with some Swing code that was created by a
 junior programmer using some IDE (I forget which frankly, it's not on the
 market any more - I want to say it was IBM's old one before WSAD, but I
 might be wrong).  The code was such an immense tangle of crap it still
 makes me shudder to think of it all these years later.
  The original problem is that Swing does not have resource files.
  Apparently, Swing designers thought that Swing apps would have been
  fluid and resizable, and it would have been hard to stick all fluidity
  into a simple resource file. And now you have it. Swing code is crap
  even when it is well-formatted, with these unwieldy listeners and a
  forest of interfaces. There are nicer ways to create event listener
  than to implement an interface with bunch of methods in it.
  And now we are switching to why programming to interfaces thread.
  Swing is a clear example why programming to interfaces is sometimes
  such a pain in the butt.
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Re: Main class for a struts webapp...

2005-08-05 Thread Yan Hu
--- O. Oke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anyone please tell me where the main (public
 static void main...) class of a Strus web application
 can be found.  To put it another way, when I click a
 button in an HTML form, which main class kick starts
 the chain of processing that eventually leads to my
 action class being executed?
 Thank you.

Struts is in fact a servlet. Servlets do not need a main in order to run. 
Instead, they are
registered with your servlet containers such as Tomcat.  And then Tomcat will 
run them. I would
suggest you read a servlet book or tutorial before you learn Struts.

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Re: MVC Question

2005-08-03 Thread Yan Hu
--- Michael Jouravlev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/2/05, Kent Boogaart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I guess my question is: is the action form considered part of the model? If
  not, what?

Struts does not provide anything for the model.

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Re: Re: JSF is the beginning of the end of Struts !!!

2005-07-26 Thread Yan Hu
One of the reasons why you see a lot of PHP apps is that there are always a lot 
more small apps
than large scale ones. I can not imagin you program a large scale site using 
PHP. If you are an OO
guy, I could hardly imagin you even would like PHP(mixing all server side code 
with html code).
There are a lot of java intranet applications you will never be able to access. 
PHP has its niche
in the small app domain. It is fine. But it will never be at the same level as 
Java. I do not
understand why you think PHP is more popular than Java. Let me ask you one 
simple question. Why
are there so many more java jobs than PHP jobs? Anyone will tell you it is 
because there is a lot
more demand for java. So you get the idea. With the advent of JSF, Java will be 
even sexier. I
have long wished for something like code behind in C#. Now we have JSF 
code behind in
Java. If can be a big success, why can't JSF?

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Re: html:messages help

2005-07-12 Thread Yan Hu
 if (!messages.isEmpty())
 saveMessages(request, messages);
use addMessages(). saveMessages has been deprecated.

 html:messages id=message
 lic:out value=${message} //li

You left out the message attribute.  Set it to true.

 html:messages id=message message=true
  lic:out value=${message} //li

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Re: html:messages help

2005-07-12 Thread Yan Hu
Try the following... Don't forget to import struts-bean.tld
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %

I think it is better to use struts-tags when possible since they were designed 
for Struts.

 html:messages id=message message=true
li bean:write name=message//li

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Re: Spring on Struts

2005-07-12 Thread Yan Hu
I believe one of the important reasons why Struts is still going strong after 5 
years is that it
is very efficient and has a relatively low learning curve than other 
component-based frameworks
such as tapestry,JSF and so on.  With tools such as Creator, JSF apps might be 
easy to start. But
to write a non-trivial JSF app, it requires a deep understanding, which I 
believe is harder to
grasp than Struts.

--- Access Denied [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Despite the seemingly endless barrage of Java-based MVC frameworks,
 Jakarta Struts is still the king of them all.
 Craig Walls and Ryan Breidenbach, Spring In Action (Manning 2005): 347.
 buddy :-)
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Re: [OT] Re: Fired???? was...Re: Struts Books Recommendations [OT]

2005-07-08 Thread Yan Hu
Last time the price tag I checked on these 2 idiots was 0/hour. Is this your 
personal playground
to make fun of H1Bs or a struts list? Hey, do not hate the players. Hate the 

--- Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Keeping in mind that No inductive generalisations can qualify from these 
 The last time I checked The price for the aforementioned is pegged at 
 which by my calculations qualifies as 'outsourcing the outsourcers'
 This is the MSRP ..Your mileage may of course vary depending on your usage 
 Viel Gluck,
 - Original Message - 
 From: Brandon Goodin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List; Martin Gainty 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 8:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [OT] Re: Fired was...Re: Struts Books Recommendations [OT]
 Where do you work!? I am going to notify your boss of you disgruntle
 behavior on this list!!! No wonder why we have H1Bs. They never
 complain and just take their 2 cents an hour.
 And I mean that in the best possible way :p ;-) :D
 On 7/6/05, Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Unfortunately in the US you can be canned for being too old or having the
  wrong religious views
  we have a ton of laws on the books but they are unenforced
  My question is how do I (an older engineer with politically incorrect 
  get work in Germany
  Vielen Danke,
  - Original Message -
  From: Christian Bollmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 7:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [OT] Re: Fired was...Re: Struts Books Recommendations 
   On Wednesday 06 July 2005 19:48, Rick Reumann wrote:
   Daniel Perry wrote the following on 7/6/2005 12:49 PM:
Hah, it's the business use of web/email they fire you for. Go read
your terms of employment, and the reference to IT acceptible use
policy that you inadvertantly agreed to.
   (the below has nothing to do with Mark)..
   For the record, I'm not against an employer firing an employee for
   'whatever' reason they deem fit. If they don't like the way you wear
   your hair, I think they should have the right to fire you if they
   want. (The public also has a right to know about it based on the use
   of the press etc).
   Now though I'm clearly not in the position to get fired anytime soon,
   I still think as long as I'm doing my job right and don't blame the
   company I work for, what I do in my leisure time is not my
   employer's business. Including my haircut, age, religious beliefs
   or whatever. What I sell are my skills, work performance and
   last but not least a significant part of my lifetime, but neither
   my soul nor my private life. In Germany, it's not quite that easy
   to get rid of someone who, lets say,  just got older because of
   working for you. And I think this is just. Stealing silver spoons,
   including deliberately breaking company rules in terms of
   e-mail usage and the like is another issue.
   Personally, if I owned a company and someone was using the company
   email domain name to post on sites such as swingers or
   transvestitepride, I think I should have right to terminate his or
   her's employment. What I have a problem with is ...
   1) The inconsistency in what is protected. For example everyone today
   talks about tolerance. But what does this mean? What it ends up
   meaning is There are no moral absolutes so the only valid belief
   system protected is one that doesn't espouse moral judgments. But
   what about being tolerant to the idea that someone might feel
   otherwise?  Why is state sanctioned secularism the only valid
   religion (and yes secularism is a belief system - a religion). It's
   sort of funny that those whom often claim to be the most 'tolerant'
   are often the most vicious when it comes to attacking someone that
   disagrees with their view of tolerance. There are many views I
   could state that would get me labeled as being 'intolerant,' yet,
   somehow it's supposedly not offensive to state All views on X,Y,orZ
   are equally acceptable. To me, and many others, that later position
   can be considered extremely offensive. Why is only one view (secular
   humanism) considered 'non offensive' but other religious views are
   some how bigoted and intolerant. It's pure hypocrisy.
   In Germany, in a major part thanks to the US  (I mean it!), religious
   freedom, for instance,  is granted to everyone in our Constitutional
   Law (Art. 4 GG). Getting fired just because of one's religious views
   is impossible by law. So I, who believes in Jesus Christ as my personal
   saviour and follows the Bible as his above-all-worldly-wisdom guide
   can happily work together with Hindus and common atheists, in-
   cluding my boss. I can even tell them if they're on the road to
   eternal doom, the same as they may tell 

Re: [OT] Re: Fired???? was...Re: Struts Books Recommendations [OT]

2005-07-08 Thread Yan Hu

 Mr Yan:
 For most of us here this is not a game but a livelihood
 If I go to China or India I understand that am a guest in that country and 
 aware that I must not abuse and or break the laws of the country..
Calling someone that makes fun of others an idiot definately does not break 
any law in the US.

 Remembering that it is against anti-discrimination law here to denigrate or 
 vilify anyone according to ethnic and or racial heritage (even US 
 Citizens).. Calling someone 'an idiot' based on ANY grouping criteria as you 
 have here 
 is clearly discriminatory
 it is also against anti-discrimination law to make fun of minorities. Hahah, 
you are such a big
idiot. Can you even reason logically? Ha you can not since you do not have a 

 In your case I would suggest that you are not Remembering that you are 
 guests here of my country I am asking is that you and your fellow guests 
 extend the SAME
courtesy as I a US Citizen would extend if I was working in your country.
Haha again, I guess you would be a coward in a different country becuas you 
will NOT defend
yourself when the natives make fun of you. And now you are an idiot + coward. I 
dispise you.

 That is to respect and obey ALL the laws of my country and that ALSO that 
 your words and behaviour should extend respect to ALL of its 
I respect good people(regardless of races) not an asshole like you. 

Remember also that any US Citizen can file a complaint against any 
 H1B with the INS so in your case I would caution you to be careful what you 
 say from now on.
I will tell you that you can do whatever you want. Just remember not to flinch 
in a different
country becuase you will be victimized by idoits like yourself.

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Re: [OT] Re: Fired???? was...Re: Struts Books Recommendations [OT]

2005-07-08 Thread Yan Hu

--- James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh ya!  My mom can beat up your dad!

hahaha +1

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Re: [OT] Re: Fired???? was...Re: Struts Books Recommendations [OT]

2005-07-08 Thread Yan Hu

--- Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yan Hu wrote the following on 7/8/2005 1:29 PM:
  I respect good people(regardless of races) not an asshole like you. 
 My mom can beat up your mom.
Do you have a Mom?  Come on man.. Be strong. I understand how tought life can 
be without a Mom?
But try to talk as if you had one...

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[OT] Tools do not matter? Wrong

2005-07-03 Thread Yan Hu

 Do you yealy think people on level of Craig, Husted, Clinton, Linus, 
 Marti C, etc. use painters? Or that you are not productive?
 Guns don't kill. People kill. Tools don't matter. A good developer is 
 key, and you are not going to get one at $10.

How many people are out there like Craig and such?  Tools do not matter?  Go 
take a look at the US
defense budget. Are you saying F22 is useless?  Because of all the tools(toys) 
that the US has,
she could kick anyone's ass on this planet. Without all the toys she got, would 
she try to restore
DEMOCRACY in Iraq now? If tools did not matter, why have so many software 
companies poured so
much money into IDE development?  If Craig thinks that Creator is uselss(as you 
said tools did not
matter), why is he still working hard so hard on it?  Are all those people dumb?

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Re: IDE Wars (was Struts vs World)

2005-07-03 Thread Yan Hu

  What w/ F22 and Democracy being invoked.

Hahaah. You can not even understant what the anaogly I made means. I doubt 
your ability to
reason logically.

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Re: Struts vs .NET???

2005-07-02 Thread Yan Hu
I believe JSF will kill Struts in 2 years...

--- Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The lines with Struts are in fact less, because you don't have to code
 the framework.
 On 7/1/05, John Henry Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Rick, you are right that you can write struts using very basic text editor.
  My consideation is based on the cost of software development.
  Let's say for the same problem that you tried to solve: before your code 
  was 1000 lines. Now
 in struts, your code are 1500 lines (remember those setters and getters and 
  Assume you use basic text editor, the time you finish your project is 1.5 
  times than before.
  Now if this transfer to many projects, the budget you finish those projects 
  will be 1.5 times
 as before.
  Suppose your department used to spend 10 million dollars a year, now you 
  need 15 million
 dollars to do the same work.
  So good GUIs to automate repeatable codes are neccessary to cut those 5 
  million dollars.
  Jack H. Xu
  Technology columnist and editor (The largest free job portal in North America)
- Original Message -
From: Rick Reumann
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts vs .NET???
Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2005 15:35:31 -0400

 John Henry Xu wrote the following on 6/30/2005 11:49 PM:

  struts can fit into J2EE structure and it is only part of it. And
  my opinion, you better use some GUI tools to develop struts
  application, otherwise you spend lots of time on getters and

 Well even many of the most basic editors will make get/set methods,
 so I wouldn't say you need a GUI Tool at all for coding Struts
 apps. I happen to use IDEA and jEdit, mostly because I'm used to
 using them. (Yea I know Eclipse is good also..bla bla.. everyone
 just use what you like.. emacs, vim, pico, chalkboard, whatever:)
 It's just very misleading to state that you need GUI tools to
 create Struts apps.

 -- Rick

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  Jack H. Xu
  Technology columnist and editor (The largest free job portal in North America)
  Sign-up for Ads Free at
 You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back.
 ~Dakota Jack~
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Re: Struts vs .NET???

2005-07-02 Thread Yan Hu

--- Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is like comparing apples and oranges.  The level of coding
 knowledge in this thread is way low, way low.
In fact, people were comparing J2EE with .NET. instead of Struts vs .NET since 
they are apple and
orange.. The subject is misleading...

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Re:J2EE vs .Net (was Struts vs .NET???)

2005-07-02 Thread Yan Hu uses Struts... Check it out.. The site is slow. 
However, I do not think it
has anything to with Struts.  Struts has a relatively simple and clean 
structure. If a site that
uses Struts appears slow, it's backend or middle tier must be lacking... People 
who often say
Struts is slow do not know what struts really is. If JSF is proven to be as 
efficient as Struts,
It will be a huge success. I am a big fan of JSF

--- Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How large is large?
 I could show you some, but I need to know, what you define as large, to show
 you the right one.
 Doesn't struts project itself has a success stories page anymore?
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: John Henry Xu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Gesendet: Samstag, 2. Juli 2005 18:30
  An: Struts Users Mailing List
  Betreff: Re: Struts vs .NET???
  Dakota Jack,
  Do you always accuse people don't understand framework if 
  they don't agree with you?
  You need evidence to back up your claims. Show us some large 
  struts web sites you had/have worked on so we can discuss 
  them and technologies according to your claims.
  Jack H. Xu
  Technology columnist and editor (The largest free job portal in 
  North America)  
- Original Message -
From: Dakota Jack
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts vs .NET???
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005 05:28:02 -0700

 You only have this experience because you clearly do 
  not even see
 what te framework does for you. If you don't see that, you see

 On 7/2/05, John Henry Xu wrote:
   The lines with Struts are in fact less, because you don't have
to code
   the framework.
  That was an interesting statement. My experience was Struts have
  codes and configuration files than straight forward
  approach that was done before.
  And also I would insist J2EE vs .Net is a more appropriate
  comparison than JSF vs .NET (as you suggested in another email).
  Jack H. Xu
  Technology columnist and editor (The largest free job portal in North
  - Original Message -
  From: Dakota Jack
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: Struts vs .NET???
  Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 23:45:41 -0700
   The lines with Struts are in fact less, because you don't have
   the framework.
   On 7/1/05, John Henry Xu wrote:
Rick, you are right that you can write struts using very
  text editor.
My consideation is based on the cost of software 
Let's say for the same problem that you tried to solve:
your code was 1000 lines. Now in struts, your code are 1500
(remember those setters and getters and 
  configuration files.)
Assume you use basic text editor, the time you finish your
project is 1.5 times than before.
Now if this transfer to many projects, the budget you finish
those projects will be 1.5 times as before.
Suppose your department used to spend 10 million dollars a
now you need 15 million dollars to do the same work.
So good GUIs to automate repeatable codes are neccessary to
those 5 million dollars.
Jack H. Xu
Technology columnist and editor (The largest free job portal in
- Original Message -
From: Rick Reumann
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts vs .NET???
Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2005 15:35:31 -0400

 John Henry Xu wrote the following on 6/30/2005 11:49 PM:

  struts can fit into J2EE structure and it is 
  only part of
  my opinion, you better use some GUI tools to develop
  application, otherwise you spend lots of time on getters

 Well even many of the most basic editors will make get/set
 so I wouldn't say you need a GUI Tool at all for coding
 apps. I happen to use IDEA and jEdit, mostly because I'm
 using them. (Yea I know Eclipse is good also..bla bla..
 just use what you like.. emacs, vim, pico, chalkboard,
 It's just very misleading to state that you need GUI tools
 create Struts apps.

 -- Rick



Re: Struts vs .NET???

2005-07-01 Thread Yan Hu
Here I totally agree with John Henry.  Yes, you are a very good programmer if 
you could beat
someone who uses FrontPage and you use only a text pad. This is no doubt.  As 
the analogy I made a
couple of days ago, you are too expensive. How long did it take you to be this 
Obviously, you are expensive for all the hard work you did in the past. But a 
bum who needs only
10 dollars hours could do the same thing with FrontPage as you would.  Why 
would I pay you 50
dollars an hours to just draw a couple of buttons on a form? 

--- John Henry Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Rick, you are right that you can write struts using very basic text editor.
 My consideation is based on the cost of software development. 
 Let's say for the same problem that you tried to solve: before your code was 
 1000 lines. Now in
 struts, your code are 1500 lines (remember those setters and getters and 
 configuration files.)
 Assume you use basic text editor, the time you finish your project is 1.5 
 times than before.
 Now if this transfer to many projects, the budget you finish those projects 
 will be 1.5 times as
 Suppose your department used to spend 10 million dollars a year, now you need 
 15 million dollars
 to do the same work.
 So good GUIs to automate repeatable codes are neccessary to cut those 5 
 million dollars.
 Jack H. Xu
 Technology columnist and editor (The largest free job portal in North America)  
   - Original Message -
   From: Rick Reumann
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Re: Struts vs .NET???
   Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2005 15:35:31 -0400
John Henry Xu wrote the following on 6/30/2005 11:49 PM:
 struts can fit into J2EE structure and it is only part of it. And
 my opinion, you better use some GUI tools to develop struts
 application, otherwise you spend lots of time on getters and
Well even many of the most basic editors will make get/set methods,
so I wouldn't say you need a GUI Tool at all for coding Struts
apps. I happen to use IDEA and jEdit, mostly because I'm used to
using them. (Yea I know Eclipse is good also..bla bla.. everyone
just use what you like.. emacs, vim, pico, chalkboard, whatever:)
It's just very misleading to state that you need GUI tools to
create Struts apps.
-- Rick
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 Jack H. Xu
 Technology columnist and editor (The largest free job portal in North America)
 Sign-up for Ads Free at

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Re: Struts vs .NET???

2005-07-01 Thread Yan Hu
 Good point. Sometimes you want a Picaso, and sometimes you want a $10 

How many people could afford Picaso?  That is excatly why .NET is creeping up 
so fast.  As Rod
Johnson asked, how many huge huge apps are out there waiting for distributed 
management provided by EJB containers? .  What does Java have to stack up 
against .NET on
desktops?  NOTHING. We are still strong on the severside although we lost quite 
a portion of the
pie to .NET. If we lost our last stronghold on the serverside, you would all 
become bums(on top of
outsourcing) no matter how fast you could code in your this pad and that pad. 
Thanks to JSF and
other things such as spring and hibernate,we are in very good shape again. 

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Re: Struts vs .NET??? - Real Stats

2005-07-01 Thread Yan Hu

--- Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yan Hu wrote: 
  How many people could afford Picaso?  That is excatly why 
  .NET is creeping up so fast.  
 After you told us about 1000 times that there are much more jobs for .NET as
 for java i tested it myself.

Stop putting words in my mouth.  I never said there are much more jobs for 
.NET. How long has
been .NET around?  2-3 years..right? How long has Java or J2EE been around?  

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Re: Struts vs .NET??? -This is my Stats

2005-07-01 Thread Yan Hu
All done on the US sites.
.NET more than 1000 and 20 pages
Java more than 1000 and 20 pages
.NET 8490 listings
Java 11159 listings (an aggregator for all major job sites in the US)
.NET 68,599 listings
Java 63,451 listings 

When you have a debate, try not to win the debate by by putting words in others 
mouths and not to
exaggerate things (such as 1000 times). Considering .NET has not been around as 
long as java/j2ee,
don't you think the numbers are scary?

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Re: AW: Struts vs .NET??? - Real Stats

2005-07-01 Thread Yan Hu
 Btw... Can you name 10 successful .NET sites? Something clearly above 100
 Million PIs / month, better 1 billion PIs ?
 I'd be really interested :-)

You see you are missing the whole point here.  I have been a long time 
believer that J2EE is
good for big honking things.  But .NET is eating up the small business sectors. 
I am talking about
small to medium sized apps here.  large sites also use .NET such as and I believe
there are a lot more out there I am too lazy to google it right now.. I 
believe you could find
them yourself...

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Re: [OT] Re: Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath

2005-06-30 Thread Yan Hu
 ...just trying to keep the conversation lively.  ;-)
by insulting people?

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Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
 Maybe IDEs are helpful, 
It is not Maybe that IDEs are useful.  It is  that they are definiately 
 but if you can't do your programming in a
 straight text editor, you shouldn't be programming at all.
When you programm in a text editor, you may very likely to have snytax errors. 
The java lib is so
huge you can not possiably remember every single method name correctly. For 
example, you should
have object.toString and you accidently wrote object.tostrig. You would catch 
this kind of errors
in realy time due to code inspection on the fly in an IDE. In a text editor, 
you would catch it
when you compile it or rely on your eyes(Your eyes work well when you are young 
and That is one of
the reasons why we use Junit.. right? . Does it mean you do not know how to 

 auto-generate some code (mostly awful code) but that's about it. 
If that is all the person(should not even be called programmer) knows, he is 
not supposed to be
hired in the first place.  Auto code generation should be used only for very 
tedious boilerplate
code such as getters and setters...

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RE: [OT] Stinking text editors

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
Hi Mark:
Tell Craig to stop pouring money into Sun's studio creator. If you don't know 
not to call
peoplemorons, get the heck off the list. Most morons think the majorty are 

--- Mark Galbreath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Us old guys still know a quiche-eater like you when we see one:
 If you can't debug with Lint, get the hell off the keyboard.
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Galbreath 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:06 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: [OT] Stinking IDEs
 I have noticed over the years that those who are the most adamant about the 
 virtues of IDEs are
 the worst programmers...and think emacs is a kid's meal from McDonalds.
 -Original Message-
 From: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 1:33 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?
 It is the most stupid blog I have ever seen. Go back to the cave where you 
 belong to. Maybe we
 should ask MS guys to use vi and Emacs too. Why do some people call them 
 real programmers just
 because they do not like IDEs?  Why 85% of the Java developers use Eclipse?  
 You think they are
 all wrong and you are right?  You should be thankful since Eclipse is such a 
 good IDE and it is
 free. Haa. I know when you get too old, you tend to hate anything new due to 
 uncertainty that
 new technologies might bring to you Hey that is understable that you 
 might still want to
 use Cobol or even assembly.. Why do you want to program in java anyway?  You 
 could do a lot
 more(control) using assembly than Java as you could program in the stinking 
 text editors such as
 vi and Emacs. They suck big time.
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Re: [OT] Stinking text editors

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
Hahahha. Then we would be all morons. And so there will be no morons. Anyways, 
I perhaps should
not  have used that tone. After all, it is all about technologies not 
flamewars.And it is
getting a bit too personl which is not right.  I will stop first... And 
apologize to those
that might have been offened by my messages.:)

--- Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yan Hu wrote:
 Most morons think the majorty are morons..
 And we're right.
 Dave Hey! You tricked me! Newton
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RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, .Net took only 20% 
of the server side
market. Now it is creeping up to 40%. .Net is better or faster than Java?  
Nah.. Some .Net zealots
otained some benchmarks on Tiger and .Net1.1 using linPack.  Tiger outperformed 
.Net. But why is
.NET creeping up so fast? contributes to a great portion of its 
success. One of my friends
is a NET develepor. I envy his speed of rolling out (small to medium sized) web 
applications like
they were egg rolls. Only the market tells what is good nor not. You have 
one thousand sound
reasons to back up what you claim. If the market says no, then it is 

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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
 I use VS.NET - it is a turd with icing. 
 This is an empty statement without any hard evidence to back it up. 

 Better than just a turd, but still not a brownie.

The market says the turd is good... So you will have to eat it or lose 40% of 
the pie and that
number is still going up. Thanks to JSF, Spring and Hibernate, we can now fight 

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[OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
 Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market
Linux has never had more than 30% of the server market

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This is how wonderful VS.NET is…

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
We will use a WEB application as an example, especially the frond end.  We have 
2 bums on the
street. We give them 10 dollars per hour to write a simple front end. One uses 
Struts or whatever
J2ee MVC frameworks excluding JSF (using Creator). The other has no choice but 

The VS.NET bum walks in and looks at the graphs I drew ahead of time. And It 
will talk him 2
minutes to learn how to drag and drop and click a button to make that page work 
as a form and also
a controller.

The J2EE bum walks in and looks at all the tags, Actions, Actionforms and blah, 
blah. He starts to
feel dizzy………..after a while. Now you will have to promise him that you would 
pay him more to get
him going again….. 

Need I go on? 

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Re: AW: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
 Even then, most of us will agree that 20.54% for IIS is about 20% to much
2 years make it even worse.. Search on monster for .NET and J2EE 
Compare the number of
jobs and do the same thing at,which aggregate everything from 
All big jobsites in
the US.  Job numbers for NET and J2EE on is almost scary...

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Re: This is how wonderful VS.NET is…

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
WTF you expect from bums(they are not retards) is cheap labor The means 
do not matter too
much. Only the end results matter

--- Larry Meadors [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 WTF do you expect with retards writing code?
 Fire them, and hire smart people.
 On 6/29/05, Yan Hu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We will use a WEB application as an example, especially the frond end.  We 
  have 2 bums on the
  street. We give them 10 dollars per hour to write a simple front end. One 
  uses Struts or
  J2ee MVC frameworks excluding JSF (using Creator). The other has no choice 
  but VS.NET.
  The VS.NET bum walks in and looks at the graphs I drew ahead of time. And 
  It will talk him 2
  minutes to learn how to drag and drop and click a button to make that page 
  work as a form and
  a controller.
  The J2EE bum walks in and looks at all the tags, Actions, Actionforms and 
  blah, blah. He
 starts to
  feel dizzy………..after a while. Now you will have to promise him that you 
  would pay him more to
  him going again…..
  Need I go on?
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RE: This is how wonderful VS.NET is

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
hey stop personal attacks!  I did not start the IDE war.  I use Struts a lot. 
That is why I am on
this list. Why are some of your guys so jumpy? Competition spurs innovation. I 
know it is not a
good place to talk about IDEs. But I did not start it.  Some of your guys only 
like to hear nice
things... human nature.sigh.. I just hope that we could get as much of the 
server side as
possible... What is wrong with that? 

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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
Hi Gregory:
C# is a simple, clean yet very powerful language. I love it. I admit it is a 
bit painful to do the
front develpment in J2EE. But we have JSF now which is just as good as's server controlls.
 I believe it is better than ASP.NET 1.1. I like the idea of externalizing 
something(not too much)
in XML files. Page navigations are one of the coolest futures in Creator  I 
belive you have to
hard code page-navigations in source code right?  In JSF, page navigations are 
centralized, which
is very easy to manage Oh, besides that, the business tire and data access 
tire is very easy
work on now since we have spring,hibernate,toplink and other great OR mappers.. 
So for medium to
large apps, we are very productive in the middle tier and back end .NET 
seems lacking in these

--- Gregory Seidman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So I hate to feed the trolls, but...
 On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 02:35:50PM -0700, Yan Hu wrote:
 } Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, .Net took
 } only 20% of the server side market. Now it is creeping up to 40%. .Net is
 } better or faster than Java?  Nah.. Some .Net zealots otained some
 } benchmarks on Tiger and .Net1.1 using linPack.  Tiger outperformed .Net.
 } But why is .NET creeping up so fast? contributes to a great
 } portion of its success. One of my friends is a NET develepor. I envy his
 } speed of rolling out (small to medium sized) web applications like they
 } were egg rolls. Only the market tells what is good nor not. You have
 } one thousand sound reasons to back up what you claim. If the market says
 } no, then it is garbage
 I have never liked IDEs. I have never used an IDE that didn't get in my way
 more than it helped. VS.NET is no exception. Below I'll give you some
 reasons why .NET is popular that have nothing to do with the quality, or
 lack thereof, of VS.NET as an IDE.
 I recently developed an ASP.NET web app. This involved writing in the
 following languages: ASP.NET (JSP-ish), C#, CSS, and JavaScript. It was
 only because I could convince VS.NET to let me edit these files with Vim
 that I did not tear out all my hair.
 That said, ASP.NET beats the pants off JSP. I can tell you definitively
 that ASP.NET's custom web control stuff (both ascx files and just plain
 class instances) beats hell out of JSP's tag libraries. The EL is not a big
 enough plus to make up for the difficulty of wrapping functionality in a
 custom tag. I haven't done anything significant with Struts, but I didn't
 have any trouble separating model, view, and controller in ASP.NET.
 In addition, C# is what Java always should have been. Here are a few Java
 mistakes that are done right in C#:
 1. The language and virtual machine are internationally standardized.
 2. JavaBeans use a naming convention (get/set methods), rather than
first-class, syntactically clear, reflectable properties. (Yes, you find
the methods by reflection, but they are properties because of the
naming convention, not because the reflection API knows anything about
 3. Namespaces (packages) are hierarchical in name, but not in scope.
 4. The source filename must match the (public) class defined in it.
 5. The source file must be located in a directory hierarchy that matches
the package hierarchy to which it belongs.
 6. C/C++ precompiler directives were simply dropped, rather than fixed to
be less prone to misuse.
 7. Receiving an event requires implementing an interface, with its
associated method(s), and calling a method on the event producer to
register the handler; producing an event requires writing add and remove
handler methods, as well as writing a loop to invoke the appropriate
method on each registered handler.

What makes this wrong can be seen by comparing it to the C# event
handling mechanism: a delegate type (essentially an OO function pointer,
which includes the object reference almost exactly like Obj-C's
selectors) is declared to handle a particular event, an event is
declared in the producer class of the delegate type, a method with the
appropriate signature can be registered with the event using += and
unregistered using -=, and the handlers are invoked by the producer
class by calling the event like a method. Oh, yeah, and a class's events
are available through the reflection API.
 8. Special casing value types (e.g. int, char, etc.), rather than either
making everything a proper object (like SmallTalk) or making it possible
for developers to define value types.
 I'll admit that Java has gotten better with the release of 1.5, and about
 damn time. It has generics, which are not yet available in C# (currently in
 beta). It also has anonymous classes, which are primarily valuable for
 event handling. Java now has the enhanced for loop (C#'s foreach), automatic
 un-/boxing (C# has it), and typesafe

Anyone here use struts-layout tags

2005-06-25 Thread Yan Hu
Hi there:
I need to print a table with dynamic colum numbers. I know how to print the 
table using jstl mixed
with some html code. But it is ugly.I used struts-layout tags to print tables 
with fixed colums
and dynamic rows. Any suggestions for an elegant way to do that? Thank you very 

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Re: Making cleaning after forwarding to page

2005-06-25 Thread Yan Hu
If  a bean is in the request scope after forwarding to a JSP, the bean will be 
out of scope after
the JSP is filled with the data from that bean. Why do you need to clean it up 

--- Ashraf Fouad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to know where to customize in struts 1.2.7 inorder to make some 
 cleanup after the request is frowarded to the jsp page, something like 
 servlet filter.
  As I already have RequestProcessor.processPreProcess to handle an any 
 request before forwarding to action class, I need some way to make cleanup 
 for after the JSP has been populated by data.
  The purpose of this is to handle the cleanup of Hibernate by closing it.
 Thanks, best regards,
 Ashraf Fouad

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Struts validation questions

2005-05-28 Thread Yan Hu
Hi there:
Thanks for clicking in first.  I use ValidatorForm.
Class Myform extends Vaidtorform{
   Various fields go here

But I would like to add some my own validation to it. Could I safely use 
Such as
Class Myform Extends Vaidtorform{
   Various fields go here

ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
HttpServletRequest request){

   Add some my own validation here

   return errors;

If it is ok to do so, whose validation goes first, mine or the default 
validtor's ? Thanks.

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Re: Running Tomcat from Eclipse

2005-05-19 Thread Yan Hu
Are we on a STRUTS mailing list?

--- m Komma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using 
 Eclipse 3.0.1, 
 Sysdeo 3.0.0 (tomcat plugin for eclpse)
 and Tomcat 5.5.7
 I was able to start tomcat from Eclipse until couple of days back. 
 but now, when ever I start tomcat from Eclipse I get the followoing
 error message
 (I can start Tomcat if I check the box Don't run Tomcat in debug mode
 Of course, that means that I can't do any debugging.)
 Thread [main] (Suspended (exception NumberFormatException))
   Integer.parseInt(String, int) line: not available
   Integer.parseInt(String) line: not available
   URI.initializeAuthority(String) line: not available
   URI.initialize(URI, String) line: not available
   URI.init(URI, String) line: not available
   URI.init(String) line: not available
   XMLEntityManager.expandSystemId(String, String, boolean) line: not 
   XMLEntityManager.setupCurrentEntity(String, XMLInputSource, boolean,
 boolean) line: not available
   XMLVersionDetector.determineDocVersion(XMLInputSource) line: not 
   JAXPConfiguration(XML11Configuration).parse(boolean) line: not available
   JAXPConfiguration(XML11Configuration).parse(XMLInputSource) line: not 
   SAXParser(XMLParser).parse(XMLInputSource) line: not available
   SAXParser(AbstractSAXParser).parse(InputSource) line: not available
   Digester.parse(InputSource) line: 1561
   Catalina.load() line: 473
   Catalina.load(String[]) line: 509
   NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not
 available [native method]
   NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not available
   DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not 
   Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: not available
   Bootstrap.load(String[]) line: 243
   Bootstrap.main(String[]) line: 408
 Has anybody come across this problem?
 Any help is appreciated.
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Re: Subclassing ActionForward

2005-05-17 Thread Yan Hu
I would suggest that you use servlet filters. 

--- Lee Harrington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to check to see if the user is logged in before performing any
 action, and redirect to the login page if they are not.
 For example...they have a page open and their session times outand
 then they click a button.  Right now an error occurs because they are
 no longer logged in.
 I wrote a bit of code that if I put it in the beggining of an action
 class...does just that.  But I don't want to have to put this in the
 front of each of my actions (particularly since I've already written a
 good portion of the app).
 Do I solve this by subclassing the action forward -- or in some other way?
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Is struts more performant than JSF

2005-05-10 Thread Yan Hu
I have been playing with JSF lately.  I really like it since it is very 
intuitive.  But as I
understand it, JSF keeps a component tree for each page with JSF widgets in it 
on the server. So
it is heavy weight compared with struts. Could I safely say that struts-based 
apps are a bit more
performant than JSF ones? someone please shed some light on it...

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A simple question about logging out

2005-04-24 Thread Yan Hu
I came across a couple of articles about logout on the Web.  They all do 
something like
Can I just use session.invalidate()? Would user be destroyed automatically 
when the session is
Thanks. By the way, i would rather gawk at gals than listen to my own rants if 

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Identify users

2005-04-18 Thread Yan Hu
I have a question.I need to check if a user is the one who has permission 
to a certain action.
   His role is stored in the database, for example  user.isStudent.  The whole 
student object is
stored in the session after he logs in successfully .  From that point on, 
every time he sends a
request that invokes an action , I need to verify if this student is who he 
claims he is.  I could
include a hidden field for example, his email in every page I send back to him 
and get this
property back to verify who he is.  I was wondering if this approach is 
problematic since he could
manipulate the hidden field.  Any better solutions to that?Thanks a lot!

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Newbie---Construct JSPs on the fly

2005-02-17 Thread Yan Hu
Hello Guys:
   This is my first real Struts-based project. I am fairly new to Struts. I 
know some basics and
tried a few toy examples. Now it is time for a serious one.
   My project involes students.   Each student has her own page that might take 
her to pages that
are customized just for her.  I can not jus write a JSP page for each student. 
For example, a
student is taking Eng101, Chem101, and CS120 this semester.  I fetch from the 
database all the
info for these 3 classes she is taking.I do not want to put all the info on 
the first page
after she logged in.  I want to have three links on the first page and take her 
to a sub JSP page
for each specific class for example Eng101.jsp.  There are lots of students. I 
can’t write all the
pages for them.  In addition, it changes every semester what classes a student 
takes.   My
question is how do I construct JSPs on the fly? I will need to use Tile. What 
else do you suggest
me to look into? Thank you very much.


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Thank you all for answering Re: Newbie---Construct JSPs on the fly

2005-02-17 Thread Yan Hu
Hello Guys:
First and foremost, I wanted to thank you all for answering my question.  I 
believe I can learn a
lot of Struts skills and other related skills here.  Thanks again.

 Yan Hu wrote:
 Hello Guys:
This is my first real Struts-based project. I am fairly new to Struts. I 
  know some basics
 tried a few toy examples. Now it is time for a serious one.
My project involes students.   Each student has her own page that might 
  take her to pages
 are customized just for her.  I can not jus write a JSP page for each 
 student. For example, a
 student is taking Eng101, Chem101, and CS120 this semester.  I fetch from 
 the database all the
 info for these 3 classes she is taking.I do not want to put all the info 
 on the first page
 after she logged in.  I want to have three links on the first page and take 
 her to a sub JSP
 for each specific class for example Eng101.jsp.  There are lots of students. 
 I can t write all
 pages for them.  In addition, it changes every semester what classes a 
 student takes.   My
 question is how do I construct JSPs on the fly? I will need to use Tile. 
 What else do you
 me to look into? Thank you very much.
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