Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?

2007-08-06 Thread mraible

Ray Clough wrote:
 We did something similar to what you are suggesting.  We still use
 properties files, but we replaced much of the lookup with our own classes. 
 We created a wrapper around ResourceBundle which has overloaded
 'getText()' methods.  We make this accessible to all parts of the app with
 a ThreadLocal object which incorporates the current Locale, and has a
 'getMessageProvider()' method.  The 'MessageProvider' has the
 'getText(key, args)' methods.  We did this because the non-Struts modules
 of the app need Message Support also, and so in order to keep the Struts
 artifacts out of these modules, we did the extra work.  The process of
 replacing messaging in the JSP pages was too daunting, so we still use the
 S2 tags to resolve those messages.  Our module uses the same
 ResourceBundle files as the Struts module.  However we created our own tag
 library to replace the s:text tag in some instances where the action isn't
 S2 (sometimes it is S1, sometimes it is JSF).  I think the ideal solution
 would be to move all the messaging resources into a new Commons project
 (commons-messaging??), and to access to the messaging service as an
 interface abstraction.  That way the choice of messaging service would be
 more flexible.
 Changing the S2 messaging system would require overriding the 'getText()'
 methods in the ActionSupport class, as well as changing the way that the
 S2 tags get their messages.  That would be a pretty huge job, and would
 take a huge amount of refactoring of the S2 code base.  However, IMHO the
 S2 tags are really poor, so replacing them completely with a new library
 would be an excellent step.  
 What I dislike most about the S2 tags is that their syntax is confusing,
 and very un-jsp-like.  They don't allow runtime expressions (like the jstl
 tags), requiring the use of s:set to create properties which are then
 de-referenced in the UI tags.  Also the syntax for accessing OGNL is
 particularly incongruous.  Some tags require using both a % and a #
 within one tag.  A lot of this is the result of trying to make a tag
 library that is flexible enough to work in environments other than JSP,
 but I believe a lot of it is due to the 'hobby-like' nature of S2 (I was
 not involved, so this is speculation on my part).  The evolution of
 WebWork from Struts allowed the WW developers to 'try things out', and
 when the project was remerged into S2, many design decisions which should
 have been reversed were found to be too much trouble.  So the 'try things
 out' features remain to bedevil the S2 application architecture.  The very
 worst feature (again IMHO) is the mandatory use of themes.  The other very
 worst feature is the result 'type' feature which mandates that only one
 rendering type can be used in any one page.  For example, if you are using
 the Tiles plugin with 'type=tiles', you can't use the jsf plugin with
 'type=jsf'.  This has mandated that we don't use any plugins at all.  Of
 course, this isn't a big loss because the most of plugins are very very
 very ... very buggy and do not appear to be in current development, as
 judged by their still poor implementations.  Another very worst feature is
 the translation of the word POJO to equal Java Bean, and means that
 everything has getters and setters everywhere, which makes the apps
 developed with it poorly encapsulated and difficult to maintain (the
 designers of S2 definitely did not read, or did not comprehend, or did not
 believe, the central theme of Why Getters and Setters are Evil).
 Sorry for the rant, but I do like many of the S2 features well enough that
 I continue to use it, and the S2 architecture is definitely better than S1
 (death to ActionForm!).
 - Ray Clough

Do you have a list of specific issues you've seen with the JSF Plugin? It'd
be nice to get these documented so 1) users can be aware of them and 2)
developers/contributors can fix them. 

Also, if you believe getters and setters are evil, what's the solution? Most
of the Java web frameworks I know of today use getters and setters to
read/set values. Are getters and setters evil in your Hibernate/JPA POJOs as


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Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?

2007-08-06 Thread mraible

Don Brown wrote:
 On 8/4/07, mraible [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With Struts 2, how would I go about doing the following:

 1. Replace the i18n resolution logic to load key/value pairs from a
 instead of properties files?
 Well, if your Action class implements TextProvider (as does
 ActionSupport), then you can resolve keys any way you'd like.  As for
 plugging/altering the existing lookup that is used by ActionSupport,
 it really isn't possible right now, and I've love to see a patch
 making that more flexible... *hint* *hint* :)

Does this affect s:text as well? I'm not as concerned about Java reading
i18n files as I am about JSPs.

Don Brown wrote:
 2. Add an extra processing step to translate wiki syntax in values to
 You mean like creating your own template to customize the rendering of
 the control?  If using Freemarker, there might be a nice way to write
 something like the ?html piece that processes returned values.

No, I'm looking to add an extra process step. Here's an example, using JSTL
fmt:message since I'm more familiar with it:
page.message=Welcome to My Cool App *{0}*!

fmt:message key=page.messagefmt:param

Welcome to My Cool App *Matt*!

I want it to render:

Welcome to My Cool App strongMatt/strong!



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Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?

2007-08-06 Thread Ray Clough
Yes, getters/setters are generally 'evil', but sometimes unavoidable.  Just 
because the get/set idiom is popular doesn't make it good.  First, the term 
POJO originally meant Not EJB.  The way people have been using it lately 
means Java Bean.  One of the real weaknesses of Struts-1 was the ActionForm.  
It was really a Struts-specific TransferObject (TO), but being Struts-specific 
means that you shouldn't put it into your back-end processes, so you had to 
make another TransferObject for the back end.  These two classes were just 
about identical which made for duplicated code, a primary Design Smell.  
Furthermore, since all the properties were exposed as Primitive types and 
Strings, they made for very fragile code, hard to maintain, etc.  Now with 
Struts-2, they have done away with the need for the separate TO, but they just 
moved the requirement for all the getters/setters to the Action class itself.  
So now it is the Action which is fragile, difficult to maintain, etc.  It is 
certainly vastly better than S1, but still a pretty lame architecture.  But 
ModelDriven almost comes to the rescue.  Now the Action can make an object 
visible to the web pages, and all the getters/setters can be on that object.  
So the fragility is taken out of the Action, into the model.  There are some 
problems with ModelDriven, but it is pretty good.  The problems with 
ModelDriven include the fact that it is on the stack, and the stack is 
re-created for each request, meaning that it isn't really a good repository for 
the data if the processing of a UseCase takes more than one request, for 
example creating the model is one request, modifying the model is another, 
redisplaying it is another, verifying the changes is another.  You really have 
to use some hack with the session to make this useable.

Now why are getters/setters evil?  I STRONGLY recommend the articles from 
The author, Alan Holub, knows his stuff.  As the preface to his book suggests, 
he might not be the ideal person to be on a deserted island with, but these 
articles are full of value.

These articles describe the problem and a nice solution.  The solution involves 
the Builder Pattern for the Business Objects, with an Exporter to create 
the view layer.  Of course, working with JSP, you don't want to have to put the 
code to build the view inside a long println syntax, so some imaginative 
modification is needed.  What I did was to make an Interface with all the 
objects I might need in my pages:  Values, Tables, Trees.  Then the exporter 
provides these objects to the JSP page, and I have no getters/setters at all on 
the Business Objects (the model), and only a few in the Exporter, which I 
regard now as a ViewHelper pattern.  I make the Exporter available thru the 
Action class, and now my Actions know nothing about the model, the model knows 
nothing about the database (the 'Importer' knows that), and the Exporter 
doesn't expose anything about the Model to the Action or the View.  It has 
become, in essence, a TO.  For other view layers, I produce other Exporters, a 
PDFExporter, a SpreadSheetExporter, etc.

- Ray Clough

 - Original Message -
 From: mraible [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?
 Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 13:44:16 -0700 (PDT)

 Also, if you believe getters and setters are evil, what's the solution? Most
 of the Java web frameworks I know of today use getters and setters to
 read/set values. Are getters and setters evil in your Hibernate/JPA POJOs as

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Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?

2007-08-05 Thread Ted Husted
On 8/4/07, Ray Clough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry for the rant, but I do like many of the S2 features well enough that I 
 continue to use

Feel free to start a Struts 3 roadmap on the wiki that identifies some
of the features we might subtract, as well as those that we might


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Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?

2007-08-05 Thread Ray Clough
Complaining about features in an open source program written by volunteers 
isn't really very nice, and I apologize for it.  All programs have sub-optimal 
features, mine included, of course, and no one likes having their work sniped 
at by outsiders.  The fundamental architecture of S2 is really sound, which 
allows me to use most of it in ways which suit me, even if they aren't part of 
the envisioned use when the app was written.  This speaks well of its 
flexibility and modularity.

The latest thing we've done is to use JSF components for all the display pages 
from S2 actions, and we found that we couldn't use the JSF plugin because it 
was too buggy.  So we just declare that the action types are redirect, and 
the JSF processor seems to handle everything.  I was surprised that this 
worked, since now there is no tie between the S2 process and the JSF process.  
The app has had some pure JSF pages for some time, but now to use JSF with S2 
but not have to rely on the JSF plugin is really great.  Probably there are 
JSF-things we couldn't do with this method, but the things we want it to do, it 
does very nicely.

We have a 'builder' architecture for all the actions, which 'export' the data 
to the view.  Of course, in a pure exporter, the exporter actually creates the 
view, but that would require giving up the JSP-idiom, which would be 
unthinkable at this juncture.  Having the JSF components render the exported 
data items is an ideal compromise for me.  We just treat the components as a 
super-powerful tag set.

Again, I apologize for the earlier rant.
- Ray Clough

 - Original Message -
 From: Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?
 Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 06:32:17 -0400
 On 8/4/07, Ray Clough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry for the rant, but I do like many of the S2 features well 
  enough that I continue to use
 Feel free to start a Struts 3 roadmap on the wiki that identifies some
 of the features we might subtract, as well as those that we might
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- Ray Clough

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Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?

2007-08-04 Thread Ray Clough
We did something similar to what you are suggesting.  We still use properties 
files, but we replaced much of the lookup with our own classes.  We created a 
wrapper around ResourceBundle which has overloaded 'getText()' methods.  We 
make this accessible to all parts of the app with a ThreadLocal object which 
incorporates the current Locale, and has a 'getMessageProvider()' method.  The 
'MessageProvider' has the 'getText(key, args)' methods.  We did this because 
the non-Struts modules of the app need Message Support also, and so in order to 
keep the Struts artifacts out of these modules, we did the extra work.  The 
process of replacing messaging in the JSP pages was too daunting, so we still 
use the S2 tags to resolve those messages.  Our module uses the same 
ResourceBundle files as the Struts module.  However we created our own tag 
library to replace the s:text tag in some instances where the action isn't S2 
(sometimes it is S1, sometimes it is JSF).  I think the ideal solution would be 
to move all the messaging resources into a new Commons project 
(commons-messaging??), and to access to the messaging service as an interface 
abstraction.  That way the choice of messaging service would be more flexible.

Changing the S2 messaging system would require overriding the 'getText()' 
methods in the ActionSupport class, as well as changing the way that the S2 
tags get their messages.  That would be a pretty huge job, and would take a 
huge amount of refactoring of the S2 code base.  However, IMHO the S2 tags are 
really poor, so replacing them completely with a new library would be an 
excellent step.  

What I dislike most about the S2 tags is that their syntax is confusing, and 
very un-jsp-like.  They don't allow runtime expressions (like the jstl tags), 
requiring the use of s:set to create properties which are then de-referenced in 
the UI tags.  Also the syntax for accessing OGNL is particularly incongruous.  
Some tags require using both a % and a # within one tag.  A lot of this is 
the result of trying to make a tag library that is flexible enough to work in 
environments other than JSP, but I believe a lot of it is due to the 
'hobby-like' nature of S2 (I was not involved, so this is speculation on my 
part).  The evolution of WebWork from Struts allowed the WW developers to 'try 
things out', and when the project was remerged into S2, many design decisions 
which should have been reversed were found to be too much trouble.  So the 'try 
things out' features remain to bedevil the S2 application architecture.  The 
very worst feature (again IMHO) is the mandatory use of themes.  The other very 
worst feature is the result 'type' feature which mandates that only one 
rendering type can be used in any one page.  For example, if you are using the 
Tiles plugin with 'type=tiles', you can't use the jsf plugin with 'type=jsf'.  
This has mandated that we don't use any plugins at all.  Of course, this isn't 
a big loss because the most of plugins are very very very ... very buggy and do 
not appear to be in current development, as judged by their still poor 
implementations.  Another very worst feature is the translation of the word 
POJO to equal Java Bean, and means that everything has getters and setters 
everywhere, which makes the apps developed with it poorly encapsulated and 
difficult to maintain (the designers of S2 definitely did not read, or did not 
comprehend, or did not believe, the central theme of Why Getters and Setters 
are Evil).

Sorry for the rant, but I do like many of the S2 features well enough that I 
continue to use it, and the S2 architecture is definitely better than S1 (death 
to ActionForm!).

- Ray Clough

 - Original Message -
 From: Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?
 Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 12:30:09 +1000
 On 8/4/07, mraible [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  With Struts 2, how would I go about doing the following:
  1. Replace the i18n resolution logic to load key/value pairs from a database
  instead of properties files?
 Well, if your Action class implements TextProvider (as does
 ActionSupport), then you can resolve keys any way you'd like.  As for
 plugging/altering the existing lookup that is used by ActionSupport,
 it really isn't possible right now, and I've love to see a patch
 making that more flexible... *hint* *hint* :)
  2. Add an extra processing step to translate wiki syntax in values to HTML?
 You mean like creating your own template to customize the rendering of
 the control?  If using Freemarker, there might be a nice way to write
 something like the ?html piece that processes returned values.
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  Sent from the Struts - User mailing

Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?

2007-08-04 Thread Zarar Siddiqi
 Well, if your Action class implements TextProvider (as does
 ActionSupport), then you can resolve keys any way you'd like.  As for
 plugging/altering the existing lookup that is used by ActionSupport,
 it really isn't possible right now, and I've love to see a patch
 making that more flexible... *hint* *hint* :)

Am I crazy or would this be as simple as having a setTextProvider()
method in ActionSupport that would (take a guess..) set the
textProvider which is currently private in ActionSupport.  Then when
you're configuring your actions with say Spring, you could pass your
own TextProvider singleton bean.


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[s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?

2007-08-03 Thread mraible

With Struts 2, how would I go about doing the following:

1. Replace the i18n resolution logic to load key/value pairs from a database
instead of properties files?
2. Add an extra processing step to translate wiki syntax in values to HTML?


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Re: [s2] Is it possible to replace/supplement i18n resolution logic?

2007-08-03 Thread Don Brown
On 8/4/07, mraible [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With Struts 2, how would I go about doing the following:

 1. Replace the i18n resolution logic to load key/value pairs from a database
 instead of properties files?

Well, if your Action class implements TextProvider (as does
ActionSupport), then you can resolve keys any way you'd like.  As for
plugging/altering the existing lookup that is used by ActionSupport,
it really isn't possible right now, and I've love to see a patch
making that more flexible... *hint* *hint* :)

 2. Add an extra processing step to translate wiki syntax in values to HTML?

You mean like creating your own template to customize the rendering of
the control?  If using Freemarker, there might be a nice way to write
something like the ?html piece that processes returned values.



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