Re: [libreoffice-users] Transferring Markdown Documents to LibreOffice

2016-11-20 Thread J.B. Nicholson

H wrote:

I should have been clearer. If you read my previous message you will see
that I am not looking for what you are describing, rather the ability to
read/write document and presentation files in markdown format.

This runs into the same problem -- a modern presentation program (such as 
LibreOffice's) is capable of recording many things in ODF files that can't 
be converted into markdown.

The nature of your problem is that you seek to go from a very capable 
modern format (such as ODF) to a simple format which, by design, can "only 
addresses issues that can be conveyed in plain text" (per

The Multimarkdown editor supposedly can create OO files but since it does
not run on my systems I have not been able to give it a try.

Going from markdown to ODF should be fine, going the other way is naturally 
going to be lossy.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Transferring Markdown Documents to LibreOffice

2016-11-20 Thread J.B. Nicholson

H wrote:

I am looking for seamless interchange between OO/LO and markdown...

I don't see how this would be possible. Any modern word processor has 
features not found in markdown, therefore each of those features would be 
impossible to seamlessly convert to markdown.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] OST to PST Recovery

2016-06-29 Thread J.B. Nicholson

ryandelgado wrote:

OST to PST Converter Software

This program has multiple fatal flaws:

- it is proprietary (user-subjugating) software (this alone is sufficient 
to disconsider it for any use); see why this is bad.

- it carries proprietary dependencies (Microsoft Windows) see why this 
is bad.

- it furthers people's dependency on proprietary software (Microsoft 
Outlook) thus feeding the problems raised by the above.

- proprietary software is often malware (see for more on this).

and this program has nothing to do with LibreOffice, a free software office 
suite that runs on multiple OSes (most importantly, the free software 
OSes). Why was this proprietary software ad posted here?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] open a Mac numbers file in calc?

2016-04-24 Thread J.B. Nicholson

Dave Stevens wrote:

anyone know if/how? will rtfm if directed

You don't mention a lot of pertinent information including what OS you're 
using, what version of LibreOffice you're using, and what version of 
Numbers file you are working with so it's hard to help with specific 
advice. I recommend trying to load the Apple Numbers file; if the open file 
dialog only shows OpenDocument files, try changing the filetype pop-up to 
show all files (some file prompters will let you do this). mentions 
"Apple Numbers '09 or earlier (basic spreadsheets for Numbers)" from 
version 5.0 released on 2015-08-05.

If this doesn't work, try sharing the Apple Numbers file by posting it to a 
globally-accessible hoster (such as so others can try opening 
it and converting it for you.

You can also try using Numbers to load the file you have and export the 
data you want to keep (pictures, sounds, tables of data, etc.) into files 
other programs can load (pictures as TIFFs or PDFs; sounds as WAV, AIFF, or 
FLAC files; tables of data as ODF, CSV, or some other format commonly used).

In theory one of these approaches should let you keep the data you care 
about, import that data into a free software spreadsheet, and avoid future 
file format lock-in such as you currently have with Apple Numbers which is 
proprietary software.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: image-map in pdf?

2016-04-17 Thread J.B. Nicholson

carsten888 wrote:

nevermind. solved.

I'd hardly call directing users to some other program (SaaSS[1], even) a 
solution for a LibreOffice mailing list.

Is there a way to do this task using LibreOffice either alone or with other 
free (libre) software?

It would be nice to do this task while respecting a user's software 
freedom, without spying, and do this not-inherently-network-bound task in a 
way that doesn't require networking. Google Docs fails on all of these points.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Add Dictionary Online

2014-11-07 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens

Brandon wrote:

I would like to submit a large dictionary of medical terminology that
has already been compiled.  It seems that I can only create a new
dictionary on a word-by-word basis on the user end, and there doesn't
seem to be the option for me to submit directly to the site that
Writer links me to when I click get more dictionaries online.
Please help me install this thing.  Thank you.

It wasn't clear to me if you're trying to install a custom dictionary so 
you can use it when you run Writer or if you're trying to submit a 
dictionary to (the site I'm taken to when I 
click the Get more dictionaries online... link in 
Tools-Options-Language Settings-Writing Aids).

For personal use, consider visiting 
which describes how to make a dictionary for hunspell, LibreOffice's 
spell checker, and how to get LibreOffice to see your new dictionary.

For adding a dictionary to, I'd consider 
reading the site's how-to documentation for contributing an extension to 
the site, and then asking if I 
had questions. I haven't gone through the process of submitting an 
LibreOffice extension there myself but I imagine part of that process 
involves filling out the form at so the site 
moderators know what to expect from your contribution.

If you decide to share your medical terminology dictionary, thanks for 
doing that. Such a dictionary sure sounds helpful.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: All TDF files corrupt

2014-06-07 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens

MR ZenWiz wrote:

I rebooted (after the kernel update) and all seems well again.

Still wondering why that would happen

On most OSes (including GNU/Linux) I doubt one can update (in other 
words, change) something as low-level as an operating system's kernel 
and continue to run the system normally. After the update and before the 
reboot, the new kernel is updated on the primary storage medium and the 
old kernel is still running in memory. I'd imagine that there are all 
sorts of kernel dependencies where the currently-running kernel and 
newly-installed kernel differ. Therefore you'll see lots of adverse 
effects for the currently running system which are resolved by getting 
everything rebased on the updated kernel. Hence kernel update packages 
are marked to require a reboot as soon as possible.

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[libreoffice-users] Issue resolved -- system needed updating

2014-06-07 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens

MR ZenWiz wrote:

Now if I knew why the update got stuck running depmod for more than
ten minutes, I'd feel more comfortable.  Oh, well.

It's hard to say without knowing what was happening at the time.

I can only guess it took some time to identify and remove your oldest 
kernel and all of its unique dependencies (files that aren't shared by 
any other package) in order to free up space for the newest kernel and 
its dependencies, plus manipulate whatever configuration files needed 
changing to accommodate the new kernel, plus do any other ordinary 
package work performed when installing/removing any package. And on top 
of all that, do all the other activity the system was also doing at the 

But this is clearly a system administration issue and not related to 
LibreOffice per se. If you wish to followup please don't be surprised if 
my address doesn't show up as a destination; I'm experimenting with 
headers to tell mail clients to only send followups to the list and not 
to me. I can read followups posted to the list on the list, I don't need 
another copy sent to me.

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[libreoffice-users] Calc SYLK support error?

2013-07-18 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens

I was reading the SYLK entry in Wikipedia:

and came across the following short SYLK file content:

C;Y1;X1;KRow 1
C;Y2;X1;KRow 2

which I copied and pasted into a UTF-8 text file with newline line 
endings named test.slk.

I loaded test.slk into two builds of LibreOffice Calc:

- Version Build ID: 350m1(Build:2) on GNU/Linux 64-bit
- Version (Build ID: 9e9821abd0ffdbc09cd8c52eaa574fa09eb08f2) on 
Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit

Both systems had all OS updates installed as of the time/date on this email.

I expected to get what the Wikipedia page described -- a table with two 
columns, three rows, and one sum:

Row 1|11
Row 2|22

but instead I get the following on both aforementioned Calc versions in 
both OSes:

Row 1|11
Row 2|22

(I'm using | to show where the cell ends/starts, not that theres a 
literal vertical bar anywhere in the SYLK file or Calc output)

I'm seeing the K value for Y3;X2; (from the penultimate line of my SYLK 
file) instead of the computed value 33.

Also, when I focus the cell in column 2 row 3 in both versions of Calc 
listed above I do not see the formula R1C2+R2C2. This formula is clearly 
specified in the SYLK file. I don't see any formula in this cell at all.

Is this because Calc's SYLK support is broken or is something else going on?

When I load my SYLK file into Gnumeric 1.10.17 on GNU/Linux I see 0 in 
the same position (column 2 row 3) but I also see the formula 
(=$B$1+$B$2) and when I recalculate the spreadsheet I get the 33 I 
expect. Thus, Gnumeric isn't recalculating on load but that's okay 
because no data is lost.

Per I've searched but found 
only 2 bugs neither of which seem applicable so I'm asking on this 
mailing list before filing a bug of my own against Calc.


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