Re: Apache 2.0.49 post / get

2005-05-20 Thread Marc Hanschur
ok das ist hilfreich was ich jedoch nicht verstehe
ist das die Scripte bis zur version 3.00 von
gelaufen sind und jetzt nicht mehr gibt es eine Möglichkeit
das ganze Global umzustellen ohne die Scripte anpassen 
zu müssen. 

ich habe mein CGI Modul folgendermasen eingebunden
use CGI;
$query = new CGI;

wenn ich nun was mit der get methode übergebe gehts nur nicht mit post 
und was ich festgestellt habe es geht seit Version 3.01 nicht mehr.

Die abhilfe ist klar ich installiere 3.00 doch das ist sicherlich keine

Somit habe ich meine Kristallkugel ein wenig beser beschrieben :-)

Gruss Marc
On Wed, 18 May 2005 17:12:01 +0200, marcus.reimann wrote
 Hallo Marc,
  wenn ich in einem HTML Formular
  per POST Methode etwa übermittel will geht das nicht 
  jedoch die GET Methode funktioniert gibst da ne neue
  Sicherheitseinstellung ??
 nein, das liegt einfach am auswertenden CGI-Script auf der 
 Gegenseite. Das CGI-Script erwartet in Deinem Fall einfach, dass die 
 Parameter per GET uebertragen werden und nicht per POST.
 Wenn das geandert werden soll, dann muss das CGI-Script so angepasst
 werden, dass es zunaechst prueft, ob die Parameter ueber die GET-
 Methode gefuellt sind und wenn dies nicht der Fall ist, ob die
 Parameter ueber die POST-Methode gefuellt sind.
  Marcus Reimann
  M. Reimann Systemberatung
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Mass Virtual Hosting

2005-05-20 Thread Ludger Palm
Hallo *!

Wir planen die Einführung von Mass Virtual Hosting auf einer
LAMP-Server-Farm für etliche zigtausend virtuelle Webserver
mit etwa einer Million http-Requests pro Tag.
Wer kann mir Informationen oder Kontakte zu Leuten vermitteln,
die diese Aufgabe bereits erfolgreich gelöst haben?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ludger Palm

Leibniz-Rechenzentrum München

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Re: Mass Virtual Hosting

2005-05-20 Thread Emilio Paolini
On Fri, 20 May 2005, Ludger Palm wrote:
 Wir planen die Einführung von Mass Virtual Hosting auf einer
 LAMP-Server-Farm für etliche zigtausend virtuelle Webserver
 mit etwa einer Million http-Requests pro Tag.
 Wer kann mir Informationen oder Kontakte zu Leuten vermitteln,
 die diese Aufgabe bereits erfolgreich gelöst haben?

Mit ganz so heftigen Dimensionen kann ich leider nicht dienen, aber es 
wäre schön - falls ihr dieses System implementiert - hier in der Liste 
regelmässig darüber zu lesen oder zu diskutieren. Evtl. kann der eine oder 
andere sogar ein paar Cent beisteuern :-)


| Emilio Paolini [EMAIL PROTECTED]. 10553 Berlin
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RE: [users@httpd] Apache 1.3 , Mod_ssl and need to add PHP

2005-05-20 Thread Boyle Owen
 -Original Message-
 From: Kory Wheatley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2005 18:24
 Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 1.3 , Mod_ssl and need to add PHP
 What if PHP is already installed and configured to our non-secure
 server?  Our secure server is running on a separate process, because
 of University procedures, (all leave it at that), and was not
 configured with PHP.

So you've already got PHP installed on another machine? 

Assuming the two apaches have mod_so installed, then you just proceed from 
point 14 on the page I referenced - ie, load the php module in httpd.conf. You 
don't say whether the two servers are on the same physical machine, or if two 
machines do they share a disk or whatever, so I've no idea whether the two 
instances of apache can read the same file. You'll have to figure 
out the details of letting the two apaches access the file (symlinks, ftp, copy 
to a floppy and carry across the room, etc..). Note that the LoadModule 
directive assumes that the path to the .so file is relative to the SERVER_ROOT.

Why don't you just try it?

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

 Here is how I installed our secure server
 ./configure --with-layout=Apache --prefix=/usr/local/apache
 --enable-module=most --enable-shared=max --enable-module=ssl
 My question is how would I tie our  already installed version of php
 to our existing Secure Server, and  PHP would still need to be
 configured to our non-secure server?
 On 5/19/05, Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Kory Wheatley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2005 18:50
   Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 1.3 , Mod_ssl and need to add PHP
   I have an Apache 1.33 Mod SSL Server setup as a DSO, and  
 I need to
   add PHP  into the Apache configuration.. Currently I don't have
   MOD_PHP as one of the shared libraries, do I need to download the
   MOD_PHP and then load the module in the httpd.conf 
 configuration to
   setup php.
  I guess you're running unix/linux... Then simple 
 instructions are here:
  You'd come in at step 9 since you already have apache installed.
  BTW, installing PHP is not entirely trivial; there are some 
 prerequisites (further up the page above), particularly flex 
 and bison - make sure you have them available before you start.
   I need to know the steps I need to take, I hope I will not have to
   recompile Apache, because will I than have to purchase another SSL
   Certificate, because this is a production server.
  You shouldn't need to recompile apache - since you compiled 
 it with mod_so the first time it's just a matter of loading 
 the PHP module. Incidentally, even if you do have to 
 recompile, you don't need to buy a new cert! (whatever gave 
 you that idea...)
  Owen Boyle
  Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored.
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AW: [users@httpd] Execute perl Script

2005-05-20 Thread Oliver Kirchel
OK, sorry is my first post.

I changed it, like Joshua said.

I put in the default-server.conf instead of 

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /srv/www/cgi-bin/

Directory /srv/www/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


Alias /cgi-bin /srv/www/cgi-bin/

Directory /srv/www/cgi-bin
Options ExecCGI
SetHandler cgi-script

Here is the result what the browser said:


Zugriff verweigert!

Der Zugriff auf das angeforderte Verzeichnis ist nicht möglich. Entweder
ist kein Index-Dokument vorhanden oder das Verzeichnis ist

Sofern Sie dies für eine Fehlfunktion des Servers halten, informieren
Sie bitte den Webmaster hierüber. 

Error 403


Sorry it is german but the most important part, I think, is the Error

And here is the part of the error_log:

[Fri May 20 09:11:54 2005] [error] [client] attempt to
invoke directory as script: /srv/www/cgi-bin/


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Boyle Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 09:03
 Betreff: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Execute perl Script
  -Original Message-
  From: Oliver Kirchel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 08:57
  Subject: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Execute perl Script
  I tried it without ScriptAlias but it doesen't work either. 
 Any other 
  ideas ?
 Please don't ever say it doesn't work... what *exactly* happens:
 - what exactly did you put in the config?
 - what exactly did the browser say? (switch off friendly messages)
 - what exactly does it say in the error_log?
 Owen Boyle
 Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 
   -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
   Von: Boyle Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Gesendet: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 08:39
   Betreff: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Execute perl Script
-Original Message-
From: Joshua Slive [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2005 18:40
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Execute perl Script

On 5/19/05, Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Plain text please...
 You have to set DirectoryIndex for the cgi dir as you would
for any index file in a normal directory, ie:

If I remember correctly, that doesn't work in ScriptAliased
   Oops - quite right... I did this once ages ago and forgot
   that I wasn't using ScriptAlias...
   Owen Boyle
   Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may 
 be ignored.
You need to convert

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /path/to/cgi-bin/
Alias /cgi-bin /path/to/cgi-bin
Directory /path/to/cgi-bin
Options ExecCGI
SetHandler cgi-script


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RE: [users@httpd] Execute perl Script

2005-05-20 Thread Boyle Owen

 -Original Message-
 From: Oliver Kirchel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 09:25
 Subject: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Execute perl Script
 OK, sorry is my first post.

No problem... 

 I changed it, like Joshua said.
 I put in the default-server.conf instead of 
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /srv/www/cgi-bin/
 Directory /srv/www/cgi-bin
   AllowOverride None
   Options +ExecCGI
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
 Alias /cgi-bin /srv/www/cgi-bin/
 Directory /srv/www/cgi-bin
   Options ExecCGI
   SetHandler cgi-script

This is OK - although, unless you have an Allow from directive higher up the 
hierarchy, you might still need the Allow from all directive in here...

 Here is the result what the browser said:
 Zugriff verweigert!
 Der Zugriff auf das angeforderte Verzeichnis ist nicht 
 möglich. Entweder
 ist kein Index-Dokument vorhanden oder das Verzeichnis ist
 Sofern Sie dies für eine Fehlfunktion des Servers halten, informieren
 Sie bitte den Webmaster hierüber. 
 Error 403
 Sorry it is german but the most important part, I think, is the Error
 And here is the part of the error_log:
 [Fri May 20 09:11:54 2005] [error] [client] attempt to
 invoke directory as script: /srv/www/cgi-bin/

This doesn't make sense. 

- Are you *sure* you got this message *after* you changed the config and 
restarted apache (you know you must restart apache for config changes to take 
- You are sure this message is not an old message from a previous try?

The reason I'm so sceptical is that you will only get this message if the 
directory is covered by a ScriptAlias directive. You can't get this if you're 
using the new directive set described by Joshua...

Do you maybe have a ScriptAlias somewhere else in the config?

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: Boyle Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Gesendet: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 09:03
  Betreff: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Execute perl Script
   -Original Message-
   From: Oliver Kirchel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 08:57
   Subject: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Execute perl Script
   I tried it without ScriptAlias but it doesen't work either. 
  Any other 
   ideas ?
  Please don't ever say it doesn't work... what *exactly* happens:
  - what exactly did you put in the config?
  - what exactly did the browser say? (switch off friendly messages)
  - what exactly does it say in the error_log?
  Owen Boyle
  Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Boyle Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 08:39
Betreff: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Execute perl Script

 -Original Message-
 From: Joshua Slive [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2005 18:40
 Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Execute perl Script
 On 5/19/05, Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Plain text please...
  You have to set DirectoryIndex for the cgi dir as you would
 for any index file in a normal directory, ie:
 If I remember correctly, that doesn't work in ScriptAliased

Oops - quite right... I did this once ages ago and forgot
that I wasn't using ScriptAlias...

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may 
  be ignored.

 You need to convert
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /path/to/cgi-bin/
 Alias /cgi-bin /path/to/cgi-bin
 Directory /path/to/cgi-bin
 Options ExecCGI
 SetHandler cgi-script

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[users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread Msuro Venanzi
hi all
here is a link to my home web server
on windows was really fast now i'm on suse 9.0 es
and i don't know why it' svery slow
if you want to try

any advice?

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RE: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread Boyle Owen
 -Original Message-
 From: Msuro Venanzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 11:15
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much slow
 hi all
 here is a link to my home web server
 on windows was really fast now i'm on suse 9.0 es
 and i don't know why it' svery slow
 if you want to try

DNS lookup? 

Do you use domain-names or IP addresses to define sites? (ie, VirtualHost etc)

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

 any advice?
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Re: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread Dick Davies
* Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0523 10:23]:
  -Original Message-
  From: Msuro Venanzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 11:15
  Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much slow
  hi all
  here is a link to my home web server
  on windows was really fast now i'm on suse 9.0 es
  and i don't know why it' svery slow
  if you want to try
 DNS lookup? 
 Do you use domain-names or IP addresses to define sites? (ie, VirtualHost etc)

And check you have :

HostnameLookups Off

 in httpd.conf too.
'Sweet Zombie Jesus!'
-- Prof. Farnsworth
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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Re: [users@httpd] httpd can't start because it's not yet running

2005-05-20 Thread Dick Davies
* dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0559 01:59]:
 Fabiano Sidler wrote:
 Hi folks!
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] $ httpd -k start
 (20014)Error string not specified yet: Error retrieving pid file 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] $ ls -l /var/run/ -rw-r--r--  1 root root 0 May 
 02:44 /var/run/
 Same problem with httpd:httpd permissions. 'strace' says:
 open(/var/run/, O_RDONLY)= 3
 read(3, , 13) = 0
 write(2, (20014)Error string not specifie..., 84) = 84
 Where is the problem?
 Do you have a PidFile directive in httpd.conf?  Does it match up to 
 where Apache would expect it?

Well it looks like it, doesn't it? Did you see the strace output?

apache opens the file,
tries to read 13 bytes, and hits end of file
no error is thrown.

Looks to me like Apache is reading the pidfile, but it's empty.
Try deleting it and trying again.

'Robots don't have emotions, and that sometimes makes me feel sad.'
-- Bender
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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Re: [users@httpd] httpd can't start because it's not yet running

2005-05-20 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Dick Davies wrote:
* Fabiano Sidler [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0542 11:42]:
open(/var/run/, O_RDONLY)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
That's screwed. It should create it when it starts.
Are you using some Redhat monstrosity with SE extensions or something.
No, nothing like this...
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RE: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread PMilanese
He was referring to your SUSE box doing lookups. In the apache config,
make sure 'HostnameLookups Off' is there. I cannot even get to your site,
so I don't know the status.

Is it slow when you hit it locally (If you have X on the SUSE box)?

Default lookups timeout after 5 seconds, and default retries is 3. This
can add up to a lot of performance issues. 


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much slow

actulaly i'm using
but i don't know if the service is down 


--- Dick Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 * Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0523 10:23]:
   -Original Message-
   From: Msuro Venanzi
   Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 11:15
   Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much
   hi all
   here is a link to my home web server
   on windows was really fast now i'm on suse 9.0
   and i don't know why it' svery slow
   if you want to try
  DNS lookup? 
  Do you use domain-names or IP addresses to define
 sites? (ie, VirtualHost etc)
 And check you have :
 HostnameLookups Off
  in httpd.conf too.
 'Sweet Zombie Jesus!'
   -- Prof. Farnsworth
 Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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RE: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread Msuro Venanzi
inside the lan putting the localip for example the webserver answer fastly
outside the lan it 's very slow.
i use for dynamic ip address and from from
my job host i can get the webserver anser after about
90 seconds.
other port does not give me an answer (for example for amule web)
i will check the http.conf in the evening


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 He was referring to your SUSE box doing lookups. In
 the apache config,
 make sure 'HostnameLookups Off' is there. I cannot
 even get to your site,
 so I don't know the status.
 Is it slow when you hit it locally (If you have X on
 the SUSE box)?
 Default lookups timeout after 5 seconds, and default
 retries is 3. This
 can add up to a lot of performance issues. 
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 8:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much
 actulaly i'm using
 but i don't know if the service is down 
 --- Dick Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
  * Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0523 10:23]:
-Original Message-
From: Msuro Venanzi
Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 11:15
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too

hi all
here is a link to my home web server
on windows was really fast now i'm on suse 9.0
and i don't know why it' svery slow
if you want to try
   DNS lookup? 
   Do you use domain-names or IP addresses to
  sites? (ie, VirtualHost etc)
  And check you have :
  HostnameLookups Off
   in httpd.conf too.
  'Sweet Zombie Jesus!'
  -- Prof. Farnsworth
  Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

  The official User-To-User support forum of the
  Apache HTTP Server Project.
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Re: [users@httpd] RewriteMap odd behaviour

2005-05-20 Thread Joshua Slive
On 5/19/05, Andrea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I' am using RewriteMap to do LoadBalancing... 
 in my httpd.conf I've written 
 RewriteMap lb prg:/usr/local/apache2/conf/
 RewriteRule ^/webconsole http://dartagnan/${lb:webconsole} 
 but as soon as I start Apache I get in my error.log 
 Can't open perl script 
 : No such file or directory
 [Thu May 19 18:20:21 2005] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.53
 OpenSSL/0.9.7g mod_perl/1.999.21 Perl/v5.8.0 configured -- resuming normal
 It seems like the is not present.. but it is do present ...and I made executable ( chmod 777 

I can't provide much help, but I can tell you that that likely is
*not* an apache-generated error message.  Apache knows nothing in
specific about perl scripts (versus any other type of executable), and
I don't recognize that error message at all.  Hence I would guess that
the error is coming from perl itself when it tries to execute the


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Re: [users@httpd] Apache not treating .EXE as CGI

2005-05-20 Thread Joshua Slive
 Thanks for the hint with ordering the Alias directives. Oddly enough, I
 left my configuration unchanged, did a reboot, and the .EXEs work fine,
 now. I'm not clear on whether the service Restarts I did on the Apache
 service weren't sufficient before, or whether shutting Mozilla down
 completely (a side effect of the reboot) instead of doing a forced Reload
 (Ctrl-Reload) did the trick.
 In any case, my current configuration (see below, or see previous content
 in this thread) is working fine -- with AddHandler left in place, in spite
 of the NIST installation directions.
 BTW: I didn't notice anything in the Apache manual indicating order and
 specificity concerns, especially in regards to Alias in conjunction with
 ScriptAlias. Is this undocumented behavior?

As I mentioned, even with the ScriptAlias ignored, the AddHandler and
Options were enough to get the effect you wanted (since your
ScriptAlias was pointing to a directory already mapped into the
webspace -- not a very good idea in general).

Regarding documentation of the ordering effects:


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Re: [users@httpd] how does apache implement request forwarding

2005-05-20 Thread Joshua Slive
On 5/19/05, Michael Lu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When a request comes in does apache wait till the whole request body comes
 from the client then forward it to tomcat or apache forward the request as
 soon as it receives the request header while the client is still
 transferring the request body?
 I ask this because we have EOFException from the tomcat side from time to
 time when the client side applet try to send an object over the
 URLConnection.  And tomcat raises this exception around 5 mins later after
 it got the request.  Timeout in httpd.conf is set to 300 secs.  So my theory
 is that apache closes its connection to client after timeout is reached and
 then raises the EOFException at the tomcat side.  But my theory is invalid
 if apache forwards the request after it receive everything from the client.

I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm sure it depends on
the method you use to connect apache httpd to tomcat (there are
several choices).  And I'm also sure that you'd get a more
knowledgable crowd if you asked on a tomcat mailing list.


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Re: [users@httpd] suexec improvement suggestion

2005-05-20 Thread Joshua Slive
On 5/20/05, Alexander Kolesnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, I ask you, people, to tell what do you think about this feature.
 Does anybody (besides me) need it? What other cons do you see?
 I hope if there would be many people needing this feature, Apache
 developers insert it into their to-do list.

This is not a very friendly answer, but I think it is the best one:

This is something you could probably impliment with a couple hours
work of hacking suexec.c.  If you don't have the knowledge to do that,
then you probably also don't have the knowledge to understand all the
security implications involved and hence shouldn't be doing it anyway.
 So that fact that it isn't already implimented provides a good filter
against people shooting themselves in the foot.

(Even if you do have the knowledge to impliment this, you still may
not have the knowledge to understand the security implications, so you
probably still shouldn't do it.)


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RE: [users@httpd] public_html does not work

2005-05-20 Thread Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV
It might be due to not having an index.html file in your $HOME/public_html 


-Original Message-
From: alfredo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 8:43 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] public_html does not work

I'm trying to allow users to have their own home pages on a server (Linux 
Mandrake 9.1 with Apache 2).
1) I made a public_html dir in /home/myuser and I put there a index.html file.

2) I set permission on directories like this:
$myuser chmod 701 /home/myuser

$myuser chmod 755 /home/myuser/public_html

3) In httpd2.conf the following line is uncommeted:
LoadModule dir_module modules/

4) In commonhttpd.conf the directives:

are uncommented and set as default.

5) Also the following lines in the same file are uncommented and leaved as 
default :

Directory /home/*/public_html
 AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
 Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all


Directory /home/*/public_html
 AllowOverride All
 Options MultiViews -Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
 IfModule mod_access.c
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all


Directory /home/*/public_html/cgi-bin
 Options +ExecCGI -Includes -Indexes
 SetHandler cgi-script
 IfModule mod_access.c
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

5) I looked at the guide of apache site and other tutorials on line.

Actually when i write in the browser:

i receive this message:

You don't have permission to access /~myuser/ on this server.

I don't know how to do, I'm newbie and self-taught and need to be a bit tutored.
Alfredo Cosco

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Re: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread Msuro Venanzi
ok i will try this also in the evening
but why on windows i have no problem about speed?

i'm in doubt about this procedure ...regarding to
/etc/host update , i think i could try something
directly in the dns configuration 


--- Robert Zagarello [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 I use dyndns and a private LAN also.  I've found
 you have to tell the web server, in its /etc/hosts
 file, what its dyndns name is so the web server can
 find its way out of your private LAN more quickly. 
 You should put this in your web server's /etc/hosts
 Because you use a router you may have to put a
 on your web server that checks your router's dyndns
 WAN address because you will have to update your
 file when it changes.
 I assume you have no firewall issues through your
 router because you said it was slow, not that you
 no access.  The other address with port is probably
 the result of the slow access of the main site and
 clients are timing out, so hopefully if this fixes
 problem that problem will go away also.
 -- BZAG
 actulaly i'm using
 but i don't know if the service is down 
 --- Dick Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
  * Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0523 10:23]:
-Original Message-
From: Msuro Venanzi
Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 11:15
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too

hi all
here is a link to my home web server
on windows was really fast now i'm on suse 9.0
and i don't know why it' svery slow
if you want to try
   DNS lookup? 
   Do you use domain-names or IP addresses to
  sites? (ie, VirtualHost etc)
  And check you have :
  HostnameLookups Off
   in httpd.conf too.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2 - Visit based connection limiting.

2005-05-20 Thread Jason Czerak
What I wish to accomplish is a visit based connection limiting. A visit
defined as an IP address (user) that is active within the site, but not
idle for X time (say, 30 minutes). 

Modules like mod_throttle, bw_mod, mod_bandwidth, primarily do bandwidth
based limits and connection based.  bw_mod, does do a nice redirect once
we the limit is reached.  But I need to take this a step further.

I'm looking for something that tracks what IP's are in use, that are not
idle for X time, and allow them priority over other IPs. Should an IP be
idle for X time, we'll removed them from the list. If we are at our max
visitors, a redirect will be issued to a nice page that explains we are
at a high load, try again; to all users that are not listed. 

The idea here it to ensure visitors that are already on the site have an
enjoyable experience, while new visitors during peek hours get a nice
message saying try back later. With bw_mod, users they are already
viewing content COULD get this message in the middle of their visit. I
want to avoid this.

I rather putz along the highway at 15mph while other cars are not
allowed to merge onto the highway (those traffic lights on the on
ramps), as apposed to every one any their mother merging on at the same
time creating grid lock. :) right?

I have asked the developers if it is possible to implement this on the
code. Apparently with Weblogic, and the way this application is
designed, it won't be possible. So I'm looking for a server solution.

Technical details:

Currently, we have a content based application.
Weblogic 8.1 SP3
Dual Xeon HT 3ghz 6gig's ram. (not my fault this machine is freaking
slow, I arrived after the fact)
DS3 up link
RedHat ES 3 AS (not my fault we are using RH, I was contracted in after
the fact)

For the few weblogic people that might have some questions about our
weblogic setup. We are just running one jrocket JVM with 2 gig heap. CPU
cycles are the bottle neck. Bandwidth is not. If we run a local cluster
to use more ram, we suspect that CPU will still be the bottle neck.
Also, our application experiences some funky stuff in a cluster.

As for hardware, We are ordering more hardware. Correct hardware.
4xAMD64 and 10gig's ram. And something not RedHat. :) In the mean time
I'm looking for a solution to improve site experience.

Any other suggestions would be great.

Jason Czerak

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Re[2]: [users@httpd] suexec improvement suggestion

2005-05-20 Thread Alexander Kolesnik
Hello Joshua,

Friday, May 20, 2005, 6:16:25 PM, you wrote:

 (Even if you do have the knowledge to impliment this, you still may
 not have the knowledge to understand the security implications, so you
 probably still shouldn't do it.)

Could  you  please  tell  what  security implications do you mean? And
what's the difference between original suexec's security and the one I

Best regards,

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mass Virtual Hosting

2005-05-20 Thread jcm
Message de Ludger Palm [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Hallo *!
We are planning to launch mass virtual hosting on a LAMP-based
server farm running several ten thousand virtual webservers
serving about a million http requests per day.
Who can communicate information or contact to people meeting
this challenge with success?
I am no professional (I run a server for a college with about 110 
vhosts) but my
concerns would be :

- how to point the ftp to the right direction, since you'll have several
machines, the data won't be centralized (would the FTP server mount all the
disks thrugh NFS (??) or would you use AFS to have a single big distributed
file system?? explore the possibilities)
- what convention will you use to define where you'll store your vhosts (on
which server, perhaps vhosts starting with A go to server A, B go to server
- how will you administrate your tons of server (to add the vhost 
definitions to
the apache conf files) perhaps take a look at cpanel, it's their business to
make a web based application that can create the directories, apache 
conf lines
and so on when you want to add a vhost,  i know several hosting companies use
- Do you have the workforce to maintain your servers ?? If all your vhosts are
quite active (you can have 1000 inactive vhosts on a single system and 
a single
vhost in one system that gets smashed under the load) you'll need an 
amount of servers
- how will you deal with logs. Centralize them. (people will want to see how
their site is faring) and don't forget that depending on your kernel, there is
a limitation to the amount of files aapache can open simultaneously, so error
logs would take 1 file handler at each time. You'll need to split the global
access.log to get one logfile per vhost, search google for the string

See you
Jean-Christophe Montigny
Mere small sysadmin for a small system

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Re: Re[2]: [users@httpd] suexec improvement suggestion

2005-05-20 Thread Joshua Slive
On 5/20/05, Alexander Kolesnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Joshua,
 Friday, May 20, 2005, 6:16:25 PM, you wrote:
  (Even if you do have the knowledge to impliment this, you still may
  not have the knowledge to understand the security implications, so you
  probably still shouldn't do it.)
 Could  you  please  tell  what  security implications do you mean? And
 what's the difference between original suexec's security and the one I

I can't say that I'm a real expert here either, but one important
issue is that you would need to remove an suexec security check:
suexec runs files only under the userid of their owner.Removing
this check wouldn't automatically lead to a problem -- you'd still
need to compromise the httpd user -- buy it gets you one step closer.

In general, you'd be surprised at how many different people file bugs
asking for suexec restrictions to be relaxed in various ways.  But the
point of suexec is to be simple and secure.  Relaxing these
restrictions -- even on a compile-time configurable basis -- would
certainly kill the simple part, and quite possibly the secure part
as well.


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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2 - Visit based connection limiting.

2005-05-20 Thread PMilanese
Bad idea with all those proxy farms out there (AOL, etc)

-Original Message-
From: Jason Czerak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 10:47 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2 - Visit based connection limiting.

What I wish to accomplish is a visit based connection limiting. A visit
defined as an IP address (user) that is active within the site, but not
idle for X time (say, 30 minutes). 

Modules like mod_throttle, bw_mod, mod_bandwidth, primarily do bandwidth
based limits and connection based.  bw_mod, does do a nice redirect once
we the limit is reached.  But I need to take this a step further.

I'm looking for something that tracks what IP's are in use, that are not
idle for X time, and allow them priority over other IPs. Should an IP be
idle for X time, we'll removed them from the list. If we are at our max
visitors, a redirect will be issued to a nice page that explains we are
at a high load, try again; to all users that are not listed. 

The idea here it to ensure visitors that are already on the site have an
enjoyable experience, while new visitors during peek hours get a nice
message saying try back later. With bw_mod, users they are already
viewing content COULD get this message in the middle of their visit. I
want to avoid this.

I rather putz along the highway at 15mph while other cars are not
allowed to merge onto the highway (those traffic lights on the on
ramps), as apposed to every one any their mother merging on at the same
time creating grid lock. :) right?

I have asked the developers if it is possible to implement this on the
code. Apparently with Weblogic, and the way this application is
designed, it won't be possible. So I'm looking for a server solution.

Technical details:

Currently, we have a content based application.
Weblogic 8.1 SP3
Dual Xeon HT 3ghz 6gig's ram. (not my fault this machine is freaking
slow, I arrived after the fact)
DS3 up link
RedHat ES 3 AS (not my fault we are using RH, I was contracted in after
the fact)

For the few weblogic people that might have some questions about our
weblogic setup. We are just running one jrocket JVM with 2 gig heap. CPU
cycles are the bottle neck. Bandwidth is not. If we run a local cluster
to use more ram, we suspect that CPU will still be the bottle neck.
Also, our application experiences some funky stuff in a cluster.

As for hardware, We are ordering more hardware. Correct hardware.
4xAMD64 and 10gig's ram. And something not RedHat. :) In the mean time
I'm looking for a solution to improve site experience.

Any other suggestions would be great.

Jason Czerak

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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mass Virtual Hosting

2005-05-20 Thread PMilanese

Just adding a bit more experience to the pile. Hope it is useful.

- how to point the ftp to the right direction, since you'll have several
machines, the data won't be centralized (would the FTP server mount all
disks thrugh NFS (??) or would you use AFS to have a single big
file system?? explore the possibilities)

Consider centralizing, and a deployment mechanism. Setup a large box to
centralize development, and a control mechanism (I wrote something
php/rsyncish (uses rsync currently)) that controlled what content gets
pushed to production. I also used a DB backend and some scripting on the
clients to let them know when and what to sync. I did these a group at a
time so that there is no mix of old/new code at any given point, and
redundancy is not compromised.

- what convention will you use to define where you'll store your vhosts
which server, perhaps vhosts starting with A go to server A, B go to

This is going to be the ugly part. Are they going to be named hosts? Or
have their own configs/daemons/interfaces? You should be able to balance
them all so long as you have many many boxes. I have 5 large boxes and one
dev/staging box. I do about 1.5b hits/year. This does not include an image
farm, which gets about 1/4 of that. Vhosts are not too much of an issue in
my setup, although I do not know how it will handle your numbers. 

- how will you administrate your tons of server (to add the vhost 
definitions to
the apache conf files) perhaps take a look at cpanel, it's their business
make a web based application that can create the directories, apache 
conf lines
and so on when you want to add a vhost,  i know several hosting companies

Cpanel is good, but you will likely have to write some stuff to have it
deploy to all servers and do a graceful.

- Do you have the workforce to maintain your servers ?? If all your vhosts
quite active (you can have 1000 inactive vhosts on a single system and 
a single
vhost in one system that gets smashed under the load) you'll need an 
amount of servers

Management, management, management. Put in a hardware monitoring system,
as well as a super smart load balancing system. I built this on LVS, but I
have paperwork in for F5's Big-IP. We run dells bigger stuff on the farm,
so we use their hardware management tools which I pipe to nagios and a
couple of other tools. Another key to management is to make sure that the
servers are IDENTICAL. If I lose hardware, I can pop drives out and put
them in another chassis. In addition, bringing up another server takes me
less than an hour.

- how will you deal with logs. Centralize them. (people will want to see
their site is faring) and don't forget that depending on your kernel,
there is
a limitation to the amount of files aapache can open simultaneously, so
logs would take 1 file handler at each time. You'll need to split the
access.log to get one logfile per vhost, search google for the string

I think this is the way to go. I have a setup (we use webtrends) that
syncs all the logs from the farm onto a windows box. I use cronolog to
split vhosts into their own hierarchies (something else cpanel may or may
not be able to do), sync them over, and they process. This happens every
half hour, so the stats are up to date. You can also archive the logs on
the log server, and through a time based gzip on them so that stats
reprocessing can be done if need be.

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Re: Re[4]: [users@httpd] suexec improvement suggestion

2005-05-20 Thread Joshua Slive
On 5/20/05, Alexander Kolesnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Could  you  please  tell  what  security implications do you mean? And
  what's the difference between original suexec's security and the one I
  I can't say that I'm a real expert here either, but one important
  issue is that you would need to remove an suexec security check:
  suexec runs files only under the userid of their owner.Removing
  this check wouldn't automatically lead to a problem -- you'd still
  need to compromise the httpd user -- buy it gets you one step closer.
 I  don't  see  problems here if suexec will extend this restriction to
 any non-root user (or any non-special user, like bin, etc). If you see
 them, please, tell me.

Let's put it this way: If you compromise the httpd user, you can then
run any httpd/suexec-accessible program under any userid (other than
root).  That is really only a half-step away from root privileges.

(One thing people often fail to consider is that suexec is an ordinary
binary that can be run from the command line, not only from within
httpd.  Many of the security checks are designed to prevent it from
being abused from the command line.)

 As far as I understand, this improvemnt will not affect suexec's
 simplicity and security.

If you made it a configurable option, it would certainly make suexec
more complex (as would any configuration).  I think it should be
evident that it also removes a major security check.


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RE: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread Msuro Venanzi
no it's fast locally but slow outside the lan

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 

 If it is fast locally (on the SUSE box), and slow on
 another box on the
 local network, then it MAY be DNS lookups. You
 likely do not have a
 reverse address for your local network (192.x.x.x),
 so it would definitely
 Were you running apache on windows, or IIS. The
 timeouts are probably
 handled different on windows, although I am not
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much
 ok i will try this also in the evening
 but why on windows i have no problem about speed?
 i'm in doubt about this procedure ...regarding to
 /etc/host update , i think i could try something
 directly in the dns configuration 
 --- Robert Zagarello [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  I use dyndns and a private LAN also.  I've found
  you have to tell the web server, in its /etc/hosts
  file, what its dyndns name is so the web server
  find its way out of your private LAN more quickly.
  You should put this in your web server's
  Because you use a router you may have to put a
  on your web server that checks your router's
  WAN address because you will have to update your
  file when it changes.
  I assume you have no firewall issues through your
  router because you said it was slow, not that you
  no access.  The other address with port is
  the result of the slow access of the main site and
  clients are timing out, so hopefully if this fixes
  problem that problem will go away also.
  -- BZAG
  actulaly i'm using
  but i don't know if the service is down 
  --- Dick Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
   * Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0523 10:23]:
 -Original Message-
 From: Msuro Venanzi
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 11:15
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too
 hi all
 here is a link to my home web server
 on windows was really fast now i'm on suse
 and i don't know why it' svery slow
 if you want to try

DNS lookup? 

Do you use domain-names or IP addresses to
   sites? (ie, VirtualHost etc)
   And check you have :
   HostnameLookups Off
in httpd.conf too.


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Giochi, Rubrica… Scaricalo ora!

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RE: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread PMilanese
Perhaps your ISP has done something to filter or slow it down (like
Packeteer or something). Perhaps is is coincidental. Do you still have the
windows box to see if it is still slow? Did you try running your webserver
on another (preferably high) port?

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 11:47 AM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much slow

no it's fast locally but slow outside the lan

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 

 If it is fast locally (on the SUSE box), and slow on
 another box on the
 local network, then it MAY be DNS lookups. You
 likely do not have a
 reverse address for your local network (192.x.x.x),
 so it would definitely
 Were you running apache on windows, or IIS. The
 timeouts are probably
 handled different on windows, although I am not
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much
 ok i will try this also in the evening
 but why on windows i have no problem about speed?
 i'm in doubt about this procedure ...regarding to
 /etc/host update , i think i could try something
 directly in the dns configuration 
 --- Robert Zagarello [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  I use dyndns and a private LAN also.  I've found
  you have to tell the web server, in its /etc/hosts
  file, what its dyndns name is so the web server
  find its way out of your private LAN more quickly.
  You should put this in your web server's
  Because you use a router you may have to put a
  on your web server that checks your router's
  WAN address because you will have to update your
  file when it changes.
  I assume you have no firewall issues through your
  router because you said it was slow, not that you
  no access.  The other address with port is
  the result of the slow access of the main site and
  clients are timing out, so hopefully if this fixes
  problem that problem will go away also.
  -- BZAG
  actulaly i'm using
  but i don't know if the service is down 
  --- Dick Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
   * Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0523 10:23]:
 -Original Message-
 From: Msuro Venanzi
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 11:15
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too
 hi all
 here is a link to my home web server
 on windows was really fast now i'm on suse
 and i don't know why it' svery slow
 if you want to try

DNS lookup? 

Do you use domain-names or IP addresses to
   sites? (ie, VirtualHost etc)
   And check you have :
   HostnameLookups Off
in httpd.conf too.


  The official User-To-User support forum of the
  Apache HTTP Server Project.
  See URL:
  more info.
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 Nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: E' molto piy divertente:
 Audibles, Avatar, Webcam,
 Giochi, Rubrica Scaricalo ora!

 The official User-To-User support forum of the
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Giochi, Rubrica Scaricalo ora!

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[users@httpd] How to make apache to fix the url in the browser? (different question)

2005-05-20 Thread Flávio Henrique
Hi all!
first: I made a search in arquives and not found anything related to my
particular case.

I dont want to make any redirection ok? I just want this:

on my internal webserver I have egroupware installed (
my clients, when access my egroupware site, see, in the address bar the url:[folder]=Inbox

how to make apache (if this is in apache) send only the to
browser? no matter where the user goes or which link the user clicks.

sorry my english. I hope I made myself clear to you.

Thank you in advance.


The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mass Virtual Hosting

2005-05-20 Thread Marian Marinov
Because no one have mentioned this. I will :)
If you plan to use centralized hosting as I presume, you really need to 
thing about GFS... it is significantly better then AFS  NFS.

About the configurations... most of the daemons(FTP,DNS,MTA) support DB 
backends. This improves the configurations greatly.

About the logs... on many mass hostings apache is logging on to one log 
file which is fifo pipe to a Perl or C/C++ program which is sorting the 
logs... In my experience the C programs where very good to handle big loads.

The administration... I really don't thing that CPanel,Plesk,Webmin or 
Confixx can handle such a load. You will need to write the admin panel 
your self. If you use SQL as a backends to your daemons... this will 
help you do this part easier.

You will have one bigger issue in all this...SECURITY!
How will you will configure your apache is the biggest problem.
I have configured my Apaches in chrooted envoirment and prepatched the 
kernels with either RSBAC or SELinux support to handle most of the 
security problems. But about apache it is a very good idea to have it 
with patched suexec wrapper that matches your needs.

User issues:
	All users have to have backup as option. You will need to thing about 
hourly,daily,weekly  monthly backups. You will need a separate 
backup/storage system with enough space to handle such a load.

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Re: [users@httpd] Rewriting headers

2005-05-20 Thread Brian Hughes '89
On May 20, 2005, at 06:04 AM, Alexander Mueller wrote:
I am looking for a way to rewrite HTTP headers of requests passing 
through in proxy mode (mod_proxy). This works in connection with 
mod_headers, however it only allows basic manipulation (adding, 
removing, changing). I would need a way to use values of existing 
headers and incorporate them into newly added ones.

Is there maybe already some solution/module which provides such 
functionality or would it require a modification of mod_headers? 
Thanks for any insight.
Yes. This is what the mod_rewrite module is for. What you need to do is 
not use mod_proxy directly (i.e. ProxyPass), but do your reverse proxy 
handling through mod_rewrite (the [P] flag for RewriteRule). That way, 
you can use mod_rewrite to grab an HTTP header value and place it into 
an environment variable. That would allow you to access that value via 
mod_headers, before you go back to mod_rewrite to do the reverse proxy 

Here's an example...
RewriteEngine on
# Get the custom header value and store in a temporary environment 
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Custom-Header-Name} (.*)
RewriteRule .* - [E=FOO_HEADER:%1]

# We need the FOO_HEADER on the proxy side of things, so we grab 
the value from the temp
# variable and add it as a new HTTP header for the upcoming proxy 
RequestHeader add X-My-FOO %{FOO_HEADER}e

# Send our request to the proxy location
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$$1 [P,L]
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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to make apache to fix the url in the browser? (different question)

2005-05-20 Thread PMilanese
I do not know how this can be possible. Apache does not 'tell' the browser
anything unless it forwards (redirects) the request. In this case it would
be forwarding it to itself. If you 'tell' the browser something, it will
go there. There is no way to my knowledge that you can 'tell' the browser
to 'say' it is somewhere that it's not.

You can, however rewrite half of the egroupware stuff to allow for what
you want to do. You would then have to add a rewrite to route people
directly to it if they request (if there are other
content directories on the server). It would be a LOT of messing around
with it. Probably make if not-so-worthwhile.

I think that you may find you this a waste of time, unless someone else
has better input.


-Original Message-
From: Flávio Henrique [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 12:08 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to make apache to fix the url in the browser?
(different question)

Hi all!
first: I made a search in arquives and not found anything related to my
particular case.

I dont want to make any redirection ok? I just want this:

on my internal webserver I have egroupware installed (
my clients, when access my egroupware site, see, in the address bar the

how to make apache (if this is in apache) send only the
browser? no matter where the user goes or which link the user clicks.

sorry my english. I hope I made myself clear to you.

Thank you in advance.


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Re: [users@httpd] Alias and user directories gives 403 errors

2005-05-20 Thread Joe Orton
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 10:12:14AM +0100, Andrew Walmsley wrote:
 I'm trying to duplicate a server setup from one machine running Redhat
 9.0 and Apache 2.0.44 to a machine running
 Red Hat Enterprise 2.6.9-5.0.5.Elsmp and Apache 2.0.52
 The machine was setup, and Apache test page works correctly, tarred over
 relevant user directories and Apache conf.d files. This setup works fine
 on the old machine.
 With UserDir disabled, we use an alias file in conf.d to change /~atx/
 to /home/atx/public_html/
 Whenever we try to connect to it, 403 errors are given.
 Access to /home/atx/public/ is 755 for all directories, home owned by
 root, atx  below by atx

This is probably due to the SELinux policy - please see, e.g:

there is RHEL-specific SELinux information in the RHEL documentation,



The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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RE: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread Msuro Venanzi
the lookup option in the http.conf is off
now i have checked the router again
and i'm inside the lan 
can somebody click here to test the apache webserver?
should see the welcome apache page


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 

 If it is fast locally (on the SUSE box), and slow on
 another box on the
 local network, then it MAY be DNS lookups. You
 likely do not have a
 reverse address for your local network (192.x.x.x),
 so it would definitely
 Were you running apache on windows, or IIS. The
 timeouts are probably
 handled different on windows, although I am not
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much
 ok i will try this also in the evening
 but why on windows i have no problem about speed?
 i'm in doubt about this procedure ...regarding to
 /etc/host update , i think i could try something
 directly in the dns configuration 
 --- Robert Zagarello [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  I use dyndns and a private LAN also.  I've found
  you have to tell the web server, in its /etc/hosts
  file, what its dyndns name is so the web server
  find its way out of your private LAN more quickly.
  You should put this in your web server's
  Because you use a router you may have to put a
  on your web server that checks your router's
  WAN address because you will have to update your
  file when it changes.
  I assume you have no firewall issues through your
  router because you said it was slow, not that you
  no access.  The other address with port is
  the result of the slow access of the main site and
  clients are timing out, so hopefully if this fixes
  problem that problem will go away also.
  -- BZAG
  actulaly i'm using
  but i don't know if the service is down 
  --- Dick Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
   * Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0523 10:23]:
 -Original Message-
 From: Msuro Venanzi
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 11:15
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too
 hi all
 here is a link to my home web server
 on windows was really fast now i'm on suse
 and i don't know why it' svery slow
 if you want to try

DNS lookup? 

Do you use domain-names or IP addresses to
   sites? (ie, VirtualHost etc)
   And check you have :
   HostnameLookups Off
in httpd.conf too.


  The official User-To-User support forum of the
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 Audibles, Avatar, Webcam,
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Nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: E' molto più divertente: Audibles, Avatar, Webcam, 
Giochi, Rubrica… Scaricalo ora!

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Re: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread John Hudak

I just did...operation timmed out..

Msuro Venanzi wrote:

  the lookup option in the http.conf is off
now i have checked the router again
and i'm inside the lan 
can somebody click here to test the apache webserver?
should see the welcome apache page


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 

If it is fast locally (on the SUSE box), and slow on
another box on the
local network, then it MAY be DNS lookups. You
likely do not have a
reverse address for your local network (192.x.x.x),
so it would definitely

Were you running apache on windows, or IIS. The
timeouts are probably
handled different on windows, although I am not

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much

ok i will try this also in the evening
but why on windows i have no problem about speed?

i'm in doubt about this procedure ...regarding to
/etc/host update , i think i could try something
directly in the dns configuration 


--- Robert Zagarello [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:


I use dyndns and a private LAN also.  I've found
you have to tell the web server, in its /etc/hosts
file, what its dyndns name is so the web server


  find its way out of your private LAN more quickly.

  You should put this in your web server's



Because you use a router you may have to put a
on your web server that checks your router's


  WAN address because you will have to update your
file when it changes.

I assume you have no firewall issues through your
router because you said it was slow, not that you
no access.  The other address with port is


  the result of the slow access of the main site and
clients are timing out, so hopefully if this fixes
problem that problem will go away also.




  actulaly i'm using
but i don't know if the service is down 


--- Dick Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
* Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0523 10:23]:

-Original Message-
From: Msuro Venanzi



Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 11:15
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too




hi all
here is a link to my home web server
on windows was really fast now i'm on suse





and i don't know why it' svery slow
if you want to try

  DNS lookup? 

Do you use domain-names or IP addresses to

sites? (ie, VirtualHost etc)

And check you have :

HostnameLookups Off

 in httpd.conf too.




  The official User-To-User support forum of the
Apache HTTP Server Project.
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  more info.
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Audibles, Avatar, Webcam,
Giochi, Rubrica Scaricalo ora!

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Apache HTTP Server Project.
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[users@httpd] apache2 compile on Win32

2005-05-20 Thread Wagner, Aaron

Does anyone know of a good place to take me thru compiling Apache2 from
source for Win platforms?

I've read the apache site's info but I've never compiled, I need one
with baby steps.


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[users@httpd] SSL-Proxy

2005-05-20 Thread Florian Lindner
since only SSL on the default vhost is possible I want to create a proxy for 
the other vhosts:

VirtualHost *:443

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.key

Proxy *
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass /ssl/
ProxyPassReverse /ssl/

So the URL should be the same like only over SSL.

But this seem to be not correct. I get a 403 error (not allowed)

What is wrong?



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[users@httpd] Apache 2 on a CD/DVD

2005-05-20 Thread Michael Avila
What I want to do:
I am wanting to put Apache 2 on a CD/DVD and start it when the CD/DVD is
inserted in the drive. This is part of a distribution CD/DVD to police and
fire depts with information about people in the community who will be part
of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteer organization and
could be distributed monthly depending upon changes during the month.
Currently this will only be for my community but I will eventually make it
available to any CERT organization in the US for free. That is why I will
not know what environment is on the laptop/desktop except knowing it will be
Windows XP. Could be any combination of applications, languages, and
versions of the components.

Windows XP/XP Pro/and newer
Apache may or may not already exist on laptop/desktop

It is my understanding that Apache can have multiple instances on a
computer. I would like to install Apache on a CD/DVD and have it start up
via command file when the CD/DVD starts up. I will not know the environment
of all laptops/desktops that the CD/DVD is run on.

I would also be starting up MySQL. The database will contain authorized
people to help police and fire depts at disaster sites and other incidents.
It will contain pictures, skills, and other information. Badges will be
printed out on site for a specific incident.

The CD/DVD will be distributed monthly depending upon the changes during the


1) Is this possible.

2) If so, please provide a hint of where to look for the answer or what to
do. (I am new to Apache.)

3a) Can I have multiple instances of PHP 4.3 and higher on a laptop/desktop?

3b) Can they be different versions? 
3c) How do I point the newly started Apache 2 to the PHP on the CD/DVD?

4) If someone is familiar with MySQL, how can I start a second instance in
memory of the MySQL database? (If no one knows, I will post to MySQL mailing

Thank you in advance.


No virus found in this outgoing message.
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The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to make apache to fix the url in the browser?

2005-05-20 Thread Flávio Henrique
Guys, thank you very much for all this information.
Unfortunately my php knowlegde is 1% and will be a lost of time do it...

I was just thinking there was a easy way to do it in Directory section, in

But, again, thank all you for the tips.


The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread Msuro Venanzi
solved now some missconfigurations
somebody try again?

--- John Hudak [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 

 I just did...operation timmed out..
 Msuro Venanzi wrote:
 the lookup option in the http.conf is off
 now i have checked the router again
 and i'm inside the lan 
 can somebody click here to test the apache
 should see the welcome apache page
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 If it is fast locally (on the SUSE box), and slow
 another box on the
 local network, then it MAY be DNS lookups. You
 likely do not have a
 reverse address for your local network
 so it would definitely
 Were you running apache on windows, or IIS. The
 timeouts are probably
 handled different on windows, although I am not
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too
 ok i will try this also in the evening
 but why on windows i have no problem about speed?
 i'm in doubt about this procedure ...regarding to
 /etc/host update , i think i could try something
 directly in the dns configuration 
 --- Robert Zagarello [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 I use dyndns and a private LAN also.  I've found
 you have to tell the web server, in its
 file, what its dyndns name is so the web server
 find its way out of your private LAN more
 You should put this in your web server's
 Because you use a router you may have to put a
 on your web server that checks your router's
 WAN address because you will have to update your
 file when it changes.
 I assume you have no firewall issues through your
 router because you said it was slow, not that you
 no access.  The other address with port is
 the result of the slow access of the main site
 clients are timing out, so hopefully if this
 problem that problem will go away also.
 -- BZAG

 actulaly i'm using
 but i don't know if the service is down 
 --- Dick Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 * Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [0523 10:23]:
 -Original Message-
 From: Msuro Venanzi
 Sent: Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 11:15
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too
 hi all
 here is a link to my home web server
 on windows was really fast now i'm on suse
 and i don't know why it' svery slow
 if you want to try
 DNS lookup? 
 Do you use domain-names or IP addresses to
 sites? (ie, VirtualHost etc)
 And check you have :
 HostnameLookups Off
  in httpd.conf too.

 The official User-To-User support forum of the
 Apache HTTP Server Project.
 See URL:
 more info.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
   from the digest:
=== message truncated ===

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Giochi, Rubrica… Scaricalo ora!

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [users@httpd] Apache 2 on a CD/DVD

2005-05-20 Thread Joshua Kugler
On Friday 20 May 2005 12:04, Michael Avila wrote:
 What I want to do:
 I am wanting to put Apache 2 on a CD/DVD and start it when the CD/DVD is
 inserted in the drive. This is part of a distribution CD/DVD to police and
 fire depts with information about people in the community who will be part
 of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteer organization and
 could be distributed monthly depending upon changes during the month.
 Currently this will only be for my community but I will eventually make it
 available to any CERT organization in the US for free. That is why I will
 not know what environment is on the laptop/desktop except knowing it will
 be Windows XP. Could be any combination of applications, languages, and
 versions of the components.

 Windows XP/XP Pro/and newer
Wow...sounds quite ambitious.  Just reading over your ideas, I'm not sure 
Apache is what you want in this case.  I think it will be a lot of overhead 
and could be done more simply another way.  I'll comment below, and then give 
my thoughts.

 It is my understanding that Apache can have multiple instances on a
 computer. I would like to install Apache on a CD/DVD and have it start up
 via command file when the CD/DVD starts up. I will not know the environment
 of all laptops/desktops that the CD/DVD is run on.

 I would also be starting up MySQL. The database will contain authorized
 people to help police and fire depts at disaster sites and other incidents.
 It will contain pictures, skills, and other information. Badges will be
 printed out on site for a specific incident.

 The CD/DVD will be distributed monthly depending upon the changes during
 the month.

 1) Is this possible.

Possible?  Yes.  You can provide both MySQL and Apache with config files when 
you start up that will point them to the correct directories.  But knowing 
what those directories are might prove to be a challenge.  You need to write 
a front end program to figure out which drive is the CD-ROM drive, and then 
point Apache and MySQL to the config files on that drive.  You may even have 
to generate some config files on the fly since you will need full path names 
in a  few places.

 2) If so, please provide a hint of where to look for the answer or what to
 do. (I am new to Apache.)

Start reading Apache and MySQL documenation.  Especially the parts about 
running as non-root (or non-admin users), and the parts about multiple 
instances on a machine.

 3a) Can I have multiple instances of PHP 4.3 and higher on a

Just point apache to the modules directories on the CD

 3b) Can they be different versions?
 3c) How do I point the newly started Apache 2 to the PHP on the CD/DVD?

See answer to question 1.

 4) If someone is familiar with MySQL, how can I start a second instance in
 memory of the MySQL database? (If no one knows, I will post to MySQL
 mailing list.)

You just give it different parameters.  MySQL can listen on any port, and 
since you are going to be using this locally, I would recommend you tell it 
to --skip-networking and connect via a local socket (this might not work on 
windows, though).

I understand you want to use a web server because it handles a lot of the 
client/server processing for you.  But an Apache server plus a MySQL server 
is going to be way to much overhead for a project like this.  I would wager 
that Apache + MySQL is going to be larger than your dataset.  If you *insist* 
on going with a web server, I would check out 
(heresy to suggest that here, I know). Much smaller, and would do what you 

Suggestion (and in my opinion a much better idea).  Since all you want is a 
light program to access data (and print out some things), you really need a 
front end to a bunch of data.  For embedded databases, there is a mysqllib 
that lets you read and write mysql data files without running a server.  
There is also sqlite which would probably be more 
than sufficient for your needs.  Then, once you have the data in place, you 
can write a lighter front end program to read the write the data.  Using 
Macromedia Director or Flash comes to mind.  Personally, I would write it in 
Qt, then you can compile it to run on 
Windows, Mac, and Unix.  And Qt has built in drivers for Sqlite.  That way, 
you don't need to run a server and don't need to worry about existing 
installation.  Much simpler in my mind.

If you have any more questions, reply off list, as I'm sure this will get 
quickly off-topic.

j- k-

Joshua Kugler
CDE System Administrator

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.

Re: [users@httpd] apache2 compile on Win32

2005-05-20 Thread hunter
On 5/20/05, Wagner, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know of a good place to take me thru compiling Apache2 from
 source for Win platforms?
 I've read the apache site's info but I've never compiled, I need one
 with baby steps.
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This mail from the archives has detailed instructions that I have
given in the past.

You might find other instances where I have helped others if you
search the archive. My handle is hunter or theantigod. I provide the
pre-built binaries from or (it
currently redirects you to because my
server is very slow at times).

Chris Lewis

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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[users@httpd] one cookie for all html

2005-05-20 Thread Michael D. Berger
I would like to manage one cookie for all the
myriad files in my tree.  This would be easy if
the one cgi script in the root were called
irrespective of the contents of the GET.
Can this be done? How?
Michael D. Berger

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [users@httpd] web server slow too much slow

2005-05-20 Thread Bill Parker

- Original Message - 
From: Msuro Venanzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 11:22 AM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server slow too much slow

 the lookup option in the http.conf is off
 now i have checked the router again
 and i'm inside the lan 
 can somebody click here to test the apache webserver?
 should see the welcome apache page

Came up in less than 5 seconds on my ISDN connection (128K)


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See URL: for more info.
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