[EMAIL PROTECTED] Different users for different vhosts

2006-06-22 Thread Florian Lindner
is it possible to assign each vhost a own process (or a process pool) with a 
distinct user? So that a apache process can not abused (with PHP for example) 
for accessing other users data?

If it is not possible with processes can it be achieved with threads?

If not, why not?



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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Different users for different vhosts

2006-06-22 Thread Florian Lindner
Am Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2006 22:56 schrieb Rainer Sokoll:
> On Thu, Jun 22, 2006 at 10:26:45PM +0200, Florian Lindner wrote:
> > Hello,
> > is it possible to assign each vhost a own process (or a process pool)
> > with a distinct user? So that a apache process can not abused (with PHP
> > for example) for accessing other users data?
> I don't think so.
> > If not, why not?
> --8<--
> ~ >man fork
> [...]
>  fork, fork1, forkall - create a new process
> [...]
>  The fork(), fork1(), and forkall() functions  create  a  new
>  process.  The  address  space of the new process (child pro-
>  cess) is an exact copy of the address space of  the  calling
>  process  (parent  process).  The  child process inherits the
>  following attributes from the parent process:
>o  real user ID, real group ID, effective user ID,  effec-
>   tive group ID
> --8<--

That is not an explanation. Since the apache process is lunched as root (so it 
can bind port 80 e.g.) it can fork different processes and change the uid/gid 
of these processes.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Which user to run?

2008-04-12 Thread Florian Lindner


in the default configurations I know apache runs as a dedicated users  
(e.g. www). This user has no login shell set thus it is impossible to  
login as this user and it usually has no home dir set either.
With my setup I have an (human) user hat has a login shell and  
homedir. This users manages the data in the Document Root via SSH. The  
problem that occurs within that setup is that files created by apache  
are owned by user www thus read only to the human who manages these  

What is best way to cope with this problem?



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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_suPHP: set php_admin options

2008-04-15 Thread Florian Lindner


I'm using mod_suphp. When using just mod_php I can set options in the  
virtual host config like that: php_admin_value sendmail_path

How can this be done when using mod_suphp?



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2008-11-04 Thread Florian Lindner


I have an SSL certificate of www.example.org. Now I want to proxy  
another domain (which is a v-host on the same server) through the  
beforementioned SSL domain.

My first try was: (in the doc root .htaccess)

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^.*ssl\.example\.org$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://target.com/$1 [L,P]

This works but the certificate is not valid for ssl.example.org only  
for www. thus the browser raise an error.

Second try: (in a sub dir named proxy .htaccess)

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://target.com/$1 [P,L]

There raises the problem that the application on target.com perfoms an  
redirection to /foo/bar/ (mind the first slash) with proxy that makes  
example.org/foo/bar/ which raises an 404. example.org/proxy/foo/bar/  
would be fine.

How can I get around these problems?



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Re: [us...@httpd] SSL Proxy

2008-11-05 Thread Florian Lindner

Am 05.11.2008 um 02:23 schrieb Eric Covener:

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 1:02 PM, Florian Lindner  

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://target.com/$1 [P,L]

There raises the problem that the application on target.com perfoms  

redirection to /foo/bar/ (mind the first slash) with proxy that makes
example.org/foo/bar/ which raises an 404. example.org/proxy/foo/ 
bar/ would

be fine.



I tried that:

ProxyRequests Off

Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass /ssl-proxy http://netz-hi.cardio-control.de/
ProxyPassReverse /ssl-proxy http://netz-hi.cardio-control.de/

at https://www.cardio-control.de/ssl-proxy

but it still redirects to a page relative to root.



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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Templated config for vhost

2006-12-13 Thread Florian Lindner
is is possible to define a template for a vhost config entry and use this 
template in other entries. 
For example I have the template:

DocumentRoot /home/$DIR/http/pub
CustomLog /home/$DIR/http/log/access.log combined
ErrorLog /home/$DIR/http/log/error.log
php_admin_value sendmail_path "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f 
php_admin_value open_basedir "/home/$DIR/http"

now a config use this template

$DIR xgmde
$MORE_ALIASES someotherdomain.tld

Can I do something like this?



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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Templated config for vhost

2006-12-14 Thread Florian Lindner
Am Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2006 19:22 schrieb Joshua Slive:
> On 12/13/06, Florian Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > is is possible to define a template for a vhost config entry and use this
> > template in other entries.
> > For example I have the template:
> >
> > 
> > ServerName $SERVER_NAME
> > DocumentRoot /home/$DIR/http/pub
> > CustomLog /home/$DIR/http/log/access.log combined
> > ErrorLog /home/$DIR/http/log/error.log
> > php_admin_value sendmail_path "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f
> > php_admin_value open_basedir "/home/$DIR/http"
> > 
> >
> > now a config use this template
> >
> > 
> > $SERVER_NAME xgm.de
> > $DIR xgmde
> > $MORE_ALIASES someotherdomain.tld
> > 
> >
> > Can I do something like this?
> Yes, there are various modules available from
> http://modules.apache.org/ that allow you to do stuff like this.  But
> I'd recommend simply pre-processing your config file with
> m4/perl/python/whatever.

thanks for the reply! Can you name some of these preprocessors?



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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Status of per-user MPMs

2007-01-29 Thread Florian Lindner
what is the status of MPMs that can assign each vhost a userID and execute 
request for this vhosts as this user?
Are there any MPMs (from apache or 3rd party) available that are stable for 
(very low load) systems with PHP?
(Apache 2)



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[users@httpd] SSL-Proxy

2005-05-20 Thread Florian Lindner
since only SSL on the default vhost is possible I want to create a proxy for 
the other vhosts:

ServerName centershock.net

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.key

Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass /ssl/xgm.de http://xgm.de
ProxyPassReverse /ssl/xgm.de http://xgm.de

So the URL https://centershock.net/ssl/xgm.de/ should be the same like 
http://xgm.de only over SSL.

But this seem to be not correct. I get a 403 error (not allowed)

What is wrong?



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[users@httpd] Re: SSL-Proxy

2005-05-22 Thread Florian Lindner
Am Sonntag, 22. Mai 2005 10:19 schrieb Joost de Heer:
> > 
> > ServerName centershock.net
> >
> > SSLEngine On
> > SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.crt
> > SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.key
> >
> > 
> > Order deny,allow
> > Allow from all
> > 
> >
> > ProxyPass /ssl/xgm.de http://xgm.de
> > ProxyPassReverse /ssl/xgm.de http://xgm.de
> > 
> >
> > So the URL https://centershock.net/ssl/xgm.de/ should be the same like
> > http://xgm.de only over SSL.
> >
> > But this seem to be not correct. I get a 403 error (not allowed)
>  doesn't need to be used for Reverse Proxies. You should remove it.

I have

 Order deny,allow
 Allow from all


> Does http://xgm.de work? I guess you've added a 'deny to all' to it to
> avoid people reaching it directly. But this also forbids the reverse proxy
> to reach it. Allow the IP address of the reverse proxy to reach that
> vhost.

http://xgm.de ist public available. (go ahead and check it out). The xgm.de 
ist pointing on the same machine and the vhost is running on the same 



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[users@httpd] Limit Traffic for specific files

2005-06-08 Thread Florian Lindner
how can I limit the traffic which certain files generate in a certain time. 
For example: I don't want downloading of the file xyz.iso to generate more 
traffic that 10 GB per month?
I'm using Apache 2.



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[us...@httpd] Problem setting up SSL Proxy

2010-08-06 Thread Florian Lindner

I want to set up an local ssl proxy. I have an certificate for 
*.centershock.net and want domains like xgm.de to be accessible with SSL. 
System is Debian Lenny

I added an rewrite entry to my SSL virtual host:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteLog  /var/log/apache2/sslproxy.log
RewriteLogLevel 6

RewriteMap   domains  txt:/etc/apache2/sslproxy.map

RewriteCond  %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*-.*)\..*\..* [NC]
RewriteRule  ^(.+)$   http://${domains:%1}$1 [P,L]

The sslproxy.map:
xgm-de xgm.de

mod_rewrite, proxy and proxy_http are active. mod_proxy permissions from 

ProxyRequests On

AddDefaultCharset off
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from centershock.net

Now I expect that I can access http://xgm.de/forum/ from 
https://xgm.centershock.net/forum/ but all I get is a 403 error everywhere.

The RewriteLog looks fine: - - [06/Aug/2010:21:14:40 +0200] [xgm-
de.centershock.net/sid#bde8a0][rid#eb54f8/initial] (2) init rewrite engine 
with requested uri /forum - - [06/Aug/2010:21:14:40 +0200] [xgm-
de.centershock.net/sid#bde8a0][rid#eb54f8/initial] (3) applying pattern '^(.
+)$' to uri '/forum' - - [06/Aug/2010:21:14:40 +0200] [xgm-
de.centershock.net/sid#bde8a0][rid#eb54f8/initial] (4) RewriteCond: 
input='xgm-de.centershock.net' pattern='^(.*-.*)\..*\..*' [NC] => matched - - [06/Aug/2010:21:14:40 +0200] [xgm-
de.centershock.net/sid#bde8a0][rid#eb54f8/initial] (6) cache lookup FAILED, 
forcing new map lookup - - [06/Aug/2010:21:14:40 +0200] [xgm-
de.centershock.net/sid#bde8a0][rid#eb54f8/initial] (5) map lookup OK: 
map=domains[txt] key=xgm-de -> val=xgm.de - - [06/Aug/2010:21:14:40 +0200] [xgm-
de.centershock.net/sid#bde8a0][rid#eb54f8/initial] (2) rewrite '/forum' -> 
'http://xgm.de/forum' - - [06/Aug/2010:21:14:40 +0200] [xgm-
de.centershock.net/sid#bde8a0][rid#eb54f8/initial] (2) forcing proxy-
throughput with http://xgm.de/forum - - [06/Aug/2010:21:14:40 +0200] [xgm-
de.centershock.net/sid#bde8a0][rid#eb54f8/initial] (1) go-ahead with proxy 
request proxy:http://xgm.de/forum [OK]

Can anyone tell me what's wrong?



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Re: [us...@httpd] Problem setting up SSL Proxy

2010-08-06 Thread Florian Lindner
Am Freitag 06 August 2010, 21:48:15 schrieb Joost de Heer:
> On 08/06/2010 09:16 PM, Florian Lindner wrote:
> > Hello!
> > 
> > I want to set up an local ssl proxy. I have an certificate for
> > *.centershock.net and want domains like xgm.de to be accessible with SSL.
> You do realise that only the connection to the reverse proxy is encrypted?
> The connection from the proxy to the source server is still unencrypted.

Yes. Both hosts are always on the same machine and have the same IP.

> > I added an rewrite entry to my SSL virtual host:
> >  RewriteEngine On
> >  RewriteLog  /var/log/apache2/sslproxy.log
> >  RewriteLogLevel 6
> >  
> >  RewriteMap   domains  txt:/etc/apache2/sslproxy.map
> >  
> >  RewriteCond  %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*-.*)\..*\..* [NC]
> >  RewriteRule  ^(.+)$   http://${domains:%1}$1 [P,L]
> > 
> > The sslproxy.map:
> > xgm-de xgm.de
> Looks fine
> >  ProxyRequests On
> You have a reverse proxy, don't turn proxyrequests on.

Ok, I set it to Off.

> >  
> >  
> >  AddDefaultCharset off
> >  Order deny,allow
> >  Deny from all
> >  Allow from centershock.net
> >  
> >  
> Does the IP address of the client have a PTR record?

Yes, points to shiva.centershock.net

> > Now I expect that I can access http://xgm.de/forum/ from
> > https://xgm.centershock.net/forum/ but all I get is a 403 error
> > everywhere.
> > The RewriteLog looks fine:
> And what does the errorlog say?

Ok, it is a permissions problem: client denied by server configuration:

Setting "Allow from all" makes it work. Clearly not an permanent option, is 
The proxy should work for any request from any client that matches the rules.



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[users@httpd] Make Apache react more graceful to SSL errors

2016-05-01 Thread Florian Lindner

in my server configuration users can place their own SSL certificate in 
predefined directories. A daily cron script detects them, updates the apache 
config and restarts the server.

However, if there is a problem with the certificate or key file, the apache 
refused to work altogether.

Is it possible to make apache disable only the problematic vhost instead of 
refusing to start?


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Re: [users@httpd] Make Apache react more graceful to SSL errors

2016-05-01 Thread Florian Lindner

Am Sonntag, 1. Mai 2016, 14:28:42 CEST schrieb Dr James Smith:
> Agree with Michael,
> My start/stop scripts all now do a configtest before trying to
> stop/start apache - this way I never have no service if something goes
> wrong!

What is deem problematic with this approach, is that I do a configuration 
change and after putting the change into place I see that it fails by using 
configtest. Then I need to do a rollback of my configuration. I'm having very 
simple script to build my config, right now there is no backup or alike before 
the configuration.

But is seems there is no other possibility and I need to implement some kind 
of rollback.


> I do have a forcestop which will stop an apache if the config is wrong -
> as a last resort!
> James
> On 01/05/2016 14:27, Michael A. Peters wrote:
> > On 05/01/2016 06:19 AM, Florian Lindner wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> 
> >> in my server configuration users can place their own SSL certificate in
> >> predefined directories. A daily cron script detects them, updates the
> >> apache
> >> config and restarts the server.
> >> 
> >> However, if there is a problem with the certificate or key file, the
> >> apache
> >> refused to work altogether.
> >> 
> >> Is it possible to make apache disable only the problematic vhost
> >> instead of
> >> refusing to start?
> > 
> > What you probably need to do is validate the certificates before
> > updating the apache configuration file. The TLS library (e.g. openssl)
> > probably can do that, though I'm not familiar with the specific
> > argument you would need.
> > 
> > Apache also has a check that can test whether or not apache will
> > successfully start, that you can run before restarting the server.
> > 
> > apachectl configtest
> > 
> > I believe is the command.
> > 
> > I'm not sure it tests all the TLS certs but if it doesn't, it is a bug
> > in my mind.
> > 
> > 
> > -
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[users@httpd] How to proxy web server?

2017-05-15 Thread Florian Lindner

Apache 2.4 on Debian Testing, mpm_itk

I have the Discourse web forum running in a docker container. The container's 
webserver is bount to localhost:2080. The
forum should be reachable at either forum.csc-stuttgart.org or 

Possibility A:

ServerName forum.csc-stuttgart.org
AssignUserID csc-stuttgart csc-stuttgart
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass"/" "http://localhost:2080/";
ProxyPassReverse "/" "http://localhost:2080/";
DocumentRoot /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/pub

That works fine, beside on little problem. I want to use Let's Encrypt SSL 
certificates on that which require a path
forum.csc-stuttgart.org/.well-known to be writable from the file system.
How can I take just one path out of the Proxy?

Wrap the ProxyPass/Reverse in a  with a PCRE that match 
everything except .well-known? Haven't tested it
yet. Any better solution?

Possibility B:

ServerName csc-stuttgart.org
ServerAlias *.csc-stuttgart.org
AssignUserID csc-stuttgart csc-stuttgart
DocumentRoot /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/pub

LogLevel debug
ProxyPass http://localhost:2080/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:2080/

Seems to not trigger on csc-stuttgart.org/forum, tried

 and  and .

ProxyPass "/forum" http://localhost:2080/
ProxyPassReverse "/forum" http://localhost:2080/

Seems to do the trick, but the Reverse does not seem to work. Error Log says

[proxy:debug] mod_proxy.c(1228): [client] AH01143: Running 
scheme http handler (attempt 0)
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(2156): AH00942: HTTP: has acquired connection for 
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(2209): [client] AH00944: 
connecting http://localhost:2080/ to localhost:2080
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(2418): [client] AH00947: 
connected / to localhost:2080
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(2884): AH02824: HTTP: connection established with 
[::1]:2080 (localhost)
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(3051): AH00962: HTTP: connection complete to 
[::1]:2080 (localhost)
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(2171): AH00943: http: has released connection for 
[core:info][ client] AH00128: File does not exist: 

The webserver hat localhost:2080 redirected to /login/ which does not seem to 
rewritten by ProxyPassReverse to
forum/login accordingly.

Thanks for any ideas!


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[users@httpd] Re: How to proxy web server?

2017-05-16 Thread Florian Lindner
Am 15.05.2017 um 17:05 schrieb Florian Lindner:
> Hello,
> Apache 2.4 on Debian Testing, mpm_itk
> I have the Discourse web forum running in a docker container. The container's 
> webserver is bount to localhost:2080. The
> forum should be reachable at either forum.csc-stuttgart.org or 
> csc-stuttgart.org/forum.
> Possibility A:
> ServerName forum.csc-stuttgart.org
> AssignUserID csc-stuttgart csc-stuttgart
> ProxyPreserveHost On
> ProxyPass"/" "http://localhost:2080/";
> ProxyPassReverse "/" "http://localhost:2080/";
> DocumentRoot /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/pub
> [...]
> That works fine, beside on little problem. I want to use Let's Encrypt SSL 
> certificates on that which require a path
> forum.csc-stuttgart.org/.well-known to be writable from the file system.
> How can I take just one path out of the Proxy?
> Wrap the ProxyPass/Reverse in a  with a PCRE that match 
> everything except .well-known? Haven't tested it
> yet. Any better solution?

Ok, I was able to achieve it using:

ServerName forum.csc-stuttgart.org
AssignUserID csc-stuttgart csc-stuttgart

Redirect permanent / https://forum.csc-stuttgart.org/

DocumentRoot /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/pub
CustomLog /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/log/access.log combined
ErrorLog /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/log/error.log

ServerName forum.csc-stuttgart.org
AssignUserID csc-stuttgart csc-stuttgart
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass"/" "http://localhost:2080/";
ProxyPassReverse "/" "http://localhost:2080/";
DocumentRoot /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/pub
CustomLog /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/log/access.log combined
ErrorLog /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/log/error.log

SSLEngine On

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