Enquiry regarding kannel version

2011-02-02 Thread Ravindra Gupta // Viva
which is the latest kannel version running currently in the market. Which
all Kannel versions supports ussd_service-op parameter

Re: http relay and dlr-url

2011-02-02 Thread Peter
After using the suggestions seen in the source code, I get
authentication error.

this is the configuration I have in smsbox_1 (as seen in previous
In the other box I have changed NOTHING.

Has anyone repeated such a connection and can help?
Best regards,

group = smsc
smsc = http
system-type = kannel
smsc-id = kannel_1
send-url = "http://www.www.com:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms";
port = 13015
connect-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*" 
smsc-username = "xxx" 
smsc-password = "yyy"
allowed-smsc-id = kannel_1
dlr-url = "http://www.www.com:13015/";
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/relay.log"
log-level = 0

# this sender is for Kannel relay testing (http_smsc)

group = sendsms-user
username = zzz
password = rrr
#user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
#name = service_kannel
forced-smsc = kannel_1
#default-smsc = 
#faked-sended =
max-messages = 3
concatenation = 1
#split-chars = 
#split-suffix = 
#omit-empty = 
#header =
#footer =
#allowed-prefix =
#denied-prefix =
#white-list =
#black-list =

group = sms-service
keyword = relay
get-url = "www.www.com:13015/sms?from=%p&to=%P&text=%a"
max-messages = 0

Στις 27-01-2011, ημέρα Πεμ, και ώρα 14:48 +0200, ο/η Peter έγραψε:

> Hello all,
> I have the requirement of linking two kannel servers with an http
> (type kannel relay). Expaining:
> sentsms(message)-->smsbox_1-->BB_1-->http(kannel)
> then http sents via sentsms to the second box ie
> sentsms-->smsboc_2-->BB_2-->smpp-->provider
> thus the message is finaly sent to an smpp service provider.
> The initial message has a dlr-url that is kept all the way to the
> second box. So dlr's are transmitted back to the initiating
> application overlooking the first box dlrs which are left hanging (no
> DLVRD dlr ever arrives. 
> The initiating application is receiving one dlr (8) from BB_1 and two
> dlr's from BB_2 (first one 8 and then 1 ie DLVRD).
> I the recent manual there is no reference to the following which has
> been addresses by Stipe in 2007
> (http://www.kannel.org/download/1.4.2/gateway-1.4.2/doc/ChangeLog-1.4.2)
> thus quoting:
> "2007-01-11  Stipe Tolj   
> * gwlib/cfg.def: adds config directive 'dlr-url' to smsc group to allow
>   DLR bridging via HTTP SMSC type 'kannel' connections.
> * gw/smsc/smsc_http.c: adding generic DLR handling for type 'kannel',
>   which allows point-to-point DLR forwarding though the whole kannel 
>   instance chain. Uses 'dlr-url' to identify the DLR inbound port to the
>   next kannel instance in chain."
> What is the syntax of this directive for an kannel to kannel interconnection?
> What does it look like? is the some http service for accepting dlr from BB_2 
> to BB_1?
> Such as "http://IPAddress/cgi-bin/drl-relay"; ?
> I will appreciate your help.

Dr. Peter Kontopoulos

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Thank you,
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opensmppbox DLR Bug report

2011-02-02 Thread XEN-Housing s.r.o.

Connection setup:

SMPP_PROVIDER <--> bearer box <--> opensmppbox <--> smpp_client

bbox and opensmppbox using mysql storage, both of them have own tables.

Test case:

1) smpp_client open connections to opensmppbox and bind as transciever
2) opensmppbox make connection to bbox
3) smpp_client send sms with registered_delivery=1
4) smpp_client got ACK from opensmppbox
5) opensmppbox sent message to bbox, bbox send to SMPP_provider 
(opensmppbox and bbox creates DLR record in theyr own tables)
6) smpp_client disconnect from opensmppbox (simulation of connection 

7) SMPP_provider send DLR (succes delivery)
8) bbox find correct DLR and did not find connected opensmppbox, so it 
delete DLR record from it's table.

9) smpp_client make reconnection, opensmppbox reconect to bbox.
10) opensmppbox will never get info about delivered sms and smpp_client too.

So, in final state, when client make any recconection to opensmppbox, 
any DLRs that came meanwhile outage are lost.

Used latest kannel (1.5.0 from SVN) and latest opensmppbox from SVN. Any 
idea how to correct this situation?


Re: Mysql DLR an opensmppbox

2011-02-02 Thread XEN-Housing s.r.o.

Ignore that question ;) of course i need it.

Dňa 1. 2. 2011 10:55, XEN-Housing s.r.o.  wrote / napísal(a):

Hello there,

i have solo config for kannel and opensmppbox (two separate files). 
when i want to use myslq dlr storage, need i to put config part about 
dlr-db part to both of them?

Thank you.


OpenSMPPbox users

2011-02-02 Thread info.ubichip

about one opensmmpbox, I see the following feature : SMPP Users are defined
in a flat text file, which is parsed at client connection (binding) time.
This means that users can be added, changed or removed without restarting
open smppbox. The file can be edited by any plain-text file editor.

How do you know how the opensmppbox is reloading this flat text and how
often ?

thanks in advance for your help.

Delivery reports mapping problem in 1.4.3

2011-02-02 Thread Oscar Cassetti

I am having some problem to figure out why some delivery reports are
mapped incorrectly
in kannel. For instance if I submit the following message
from = 1234567890
to = 0987654321
text = blah blah

when the delivery report is received the message is mapped to a different
from number and to number but same text (say)

from = 2
to = 44
text = blah blah

Now the message to  does exist but the text would be totally different.

This happens occasionally and I am not sure if this is problem related
to kannel
or to SMSC that I use. I tried to increase the level to debug but I did not spot
the problem. I really don't where the mapping is happening.

I am currently connecting to SMSC via SMPP using two connection one for sending
the messages  and one for receiving the delivery reports.

I am using Mysql as dlr-storage

Below a example of what I caught in the logs

2011-02-02 16:07:04 Sent SMS [SMSC:mySMSC] [SVC:mySMSC] [ACT:] [BINF:]
[FID:] [from:123457890] [to:0987654321] [flags:-1:0:-1:-1:31]
[msg:126:1030 blah blah blah] [udh:0:]
2011-02-02 16:07:04 Receive DLR [SMSC:mySMSC] [SVC:mySMSC] [ACT:]
[BINF:] [FID:xx] [from:123457890] [to:0987654321]
[flags:-1:-1:-1:-1:8] [msg:4:ACK/] [udh:0:]

(Here the wrong mapping)

2011-02-02 16:14:41 Receive DLR [SMSC:mySMSC] [SVC:mySMSC] [ACT:]
[BINF:] [FID:xx] [from:22] [to:444]
[flags:-1:-1:-1:-1:1] [msg:129:id:71020217070660233 sub:001 dlvrd:001
submit date:1102021707 done date:1102021707 stat:DELIVRD err:000
text:1030 blah blah] [udh:0:]

Below the configuration for the smsc.

#Sender section

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = "mySMSC"
denied-smsc-id = "OTHER_SMSC_1", "OTHER_SMSC_2", "OTHER_SMSC_3"
allowed-smsc-id = "mySMSC"
host = smpp3.mySMSC.com
port = 1234
smsc-username = "USERNAME"
smsc-password = "PASSWORD"
system-type = "SMPP"
interface-version = 34
alt-addr-charset = GSM
msg-id-type = 0x03
max-pending-submits = 50
connection-timeout = 30
denied-prefix = "87;86;85;84;83;"
log-file = "/opt/kannel/logs/mySMSC.log"
log-level = 1

#Receiver section

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = "mySMSC"
denied-smsc-id = "uk_ls", "cardboard", "hsl"
allowed-smsc-id = "mySMSC"
host = smpp3.mySMSC.com
port = 0
receive-port = 1234
smsc-username = "USERNAME"
smsc-password = "PASSWORD"
system-type = "SMPP"
interface-version = 34
alt-addr-charset = GSM
msg-id-type = 0x03
connection-timeout = 30
log-file = "/opt/kannel/logs/mySMSC-rcv.log"
log-level = 1

Thanks for any advice.

Oscar Cassetti

RE: Problem receiving DLR with modem. Error : got +CMT but pdu_extract failed

2011-02-02 Thread info.ubichip
Hello Jonathan,

do you solve your issue ? if yes, how did you do it ?

thanks in advance for your answer

-Message d'origine-
De : users-boun...@kannel.org [mailto:users-boun...@kannel.org] De la part de 
Jonathan GILLES
Envoyé : lundi 13 décembre 2010 23:10
À : users@kannel.org
Objet : Problem receiving DLR with modem. Error : got +CMT but pdu_extract 

Hi all,

This is my first mail to the mailling list, hope you will understand my  poor 
english !

I've just setup a new kannel install (1.4.3) with a sony ericsson k750i  gsm 
phone as Modem.
Everything is working fine (I can send sms and received MO) but I don't  have 
the DLR for sms I sent.
As I can see kannel is receiving the DLR but can't decode the PDU.
Does anyone already face this kind of problem ?

Here is bearbox log :

2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] INFO: AT2[sonyk750]: opening device
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: device opened.  Telnet 
mode = 0
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: device opened
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] INFO: AT2[sonyk750]: Logging in
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] INFO: AT2[sonyk750]: init device
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] INFO: AT2[sonyk750]: speed set to 9600
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: --> ATZ^M
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: --> AT^M
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- AT
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: --> AT&F^M
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- AT&F
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: --> ATE0^M
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- ATE0
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: -->  AT+IFC=2,2^M
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: -->  
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: --> AT+CMGF=0^M
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:29 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: --> AT+CSMS=?^M
2010-12-14 06:25:30 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- +CSMS: (0)
2010-12-14 06:25:30 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:30 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: -->  AT+CNMI=2,3,0,1,0;^M
2010-12-14 06:25:30 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:30 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: -->  AT+CPMS="ME"^M
2010-12-14 06:25:30 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- +CPMS:  
2010-12-14 06:25:30 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:30 [26679] [6] INFO: AT2[sonyk750]: AT SMSC  successfully 
2010-12-14 06:25:32 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: --> AT^M
2010-12-14 06:25:32 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:32 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: --> AT+CPMS?^M
2010-12-14 06:25:32 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- +CPMS:  
2010-12-14 06:25:32 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:25:56 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]:  TP-Validity-Period: 24.0 
2010-12-14 06:25:56 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: -->  AT+CMGS=20^M
2010-12-14 06:25:56 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- >
2010-12-14 06:25:56 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: send command  status: 1
2010-12-14 06:25:56 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: -->  
2010-12-14 06:25:56 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: --> ^Z
2010-12-14 06:26:00 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- >
2010-12-14 06:26:00 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- +CMGS: 0
2010-12-14 06:26:00 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- OK
2010-12-14 06:26:00 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: send command  status: 0
2010-12-14 06:26:00 [26679] [6] DEBUG: DLR[mysql]: Adding DLR  smsc=sonyk750, 
ts=0, src=13013, dst=0698480035, mask=31, boxc=
2010-12-14 06:26:00 [26679] [6] DEBUG: sql: INSERT INTO dlr (smsc, ts,  source, 
destination, service, url, mask, boxc, status) VALUES  ('sonyk750', '0', 
'13013', '0698480035', 'k750i',  
  '31', '', '0');
2010-12-14 06:26:00 [26679] [6] DEBUG: SMSC[sonyk750]: creating DLR  message
2010-12-14 06:26:00 [26679] [6] DEBUG: SMSC[sonyk750]: DLR =  

2010-12-14 06:26:08 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <-- +CDS: 29
2010-12-14 06:26:08 [26679] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyk750]: <--  
2010-12-14 06:26:08 [26679] [6] DEBUG: A

Reload OpenSMPPbox users

2011-02-02 Thread info.ubichip

to complete my last email, I checked the source code, and it is written if
the bearerbox receive a "restart" or similar command, it should pass to the
opensmppbox, I tried but as far I know it looks not working. So if someone
have any other idea ?

thanks in advance

-Message d'origine-
De : users-boun...@kannel.org [mailto:users-boun...@kannel.org] De la part
de info.ubichip
Envoyé : mercredi 2 février 2011 10:40
À : 'Kannel list'
Objet : OpenSMPPbox users


about one opensmmpbox, I see the following feature : SMPP Users are defined
in a flat text file, which is parsed at client connection (binding) time.
This means that users can be added, changed or removed without restarting
open smppbox. The file can be edited by any plain-text file editor.

How do you know how the opensmppbox is reloading this flat text and how
often ?

thanks in advance for your help.

Re: OpenSMPPbox users

2011-02-02 Thread Nikos Balkanas
Simple. Before you tell a new ESME to connect, you add him to the clients 
file, so that when he connects he authenticates correctly, all without 
interruption of service to others (restarting smppbox). After that, you 
don't need to worry about that client again, he will always have access.

- Original Message - 
From: "info.ubichip" 

To: "'Kannel list'" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 8:39 PM
Subject: OpenSMPPbox users


about one opensmmpbox, I see the following feature : SMPP Users are 

in a flat text file, which is parsed at client connection (binding) time.
This means that users can be added, changed or removed without restarting
open smppbox. The file can be edited by any plain-text file editor.

How do you know how the opensmppbox is reloading this flat text and how
often ?

thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Strange behavior on kannel (fakesmsc + bearerbox + opensmppbox + smppclient), more message than ordered sent from smppbox

2011-02-02 Thread Nikos Balkanas

Nope. AFAIK there have been no opensmppbox updates since.

- Original Message - 
From: Emmanuel CHANSON

To: users
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 4:38 AM
Subject: Re: Strange behavior on kannel (fakesmsc + bearerbox + opensmppbox 
+ smppclient), more message than ordered sent from smppbox


I did not follow all smppbox thread since long time and I wonder if the 
problem below is still present or not in the actual release of smppbox, 
maybe OpenSMPPbox has been improved to solve this ?



2010/11/16 Emmanuel CHANSON 

Just to keep this thread active...

I keep having probem in my test configuration:

fakesmsc client -> fakesmsc --> bb --> opensmppbox --> smpp client

When sending more than 100 SMS, bearebox start to store some SMS in spool 
and does not forward them to opensmppbox.

Seems to be a problem between bearerbox and opensmppbox ?

Hope some guy can reproduce this issue.



2010/10/15 Emmanuel CHANSON 

I have done a new test (confirmed with a second test)
I have check SMPP link and for these test it was stable no disconnection, no 
BIND send during the first step of the test when problem occured.

500 SMS (3 msg/sec) sent from fakesmsc client -> fakesmsc --> bb --> 
opensmppbox --> smpp client

I notice this:
opensmppbox keep sending SMS until fakesmsc client/bb has sent the 500 SMS, 
just after opensmppbox don't send SMS and the remaining ones are stored in 
spool. I did not notice that smmp link was closed by smpp client here until 
this step.

If I run a test with 50 or 100 SMS this does not happens, smppbox succeed to 
process the whole mailling.

(message sent to smpp client)
Bearerbox - Received SMS:  500
Access - Receive SMS:  500
Smppbox - Deliver_sm:  334
Smppbox - Deliver_sm_resp:  334

(message received from smpp client as a result of the message previously 

Bearerbox - Sent SMS:  334
Access - Sent SMS:  334
Smppbox - Submit_sm:  334
Smppbox - Submit_sm_resp:  334

# ls -lR /var/spool/kannel/ | grep "\-rw" | wc -l

1 minutes later the last SMS (334th) received from smppclient, a bind 
receiver is sent from smpp client to opensmppbox but as I took a tcpdump I 
notice it was kannel server that send a [FIN,ACK] to the smpp client (no 
enquire_link was set in this test). That is why my smpp client try to 
reconnect, but nothing happen after that.

5 minutes later 100 additionnal SMS were sent from opensmppbox.
A new tcpdump show that again kannel send a [FIN,ACK] (aknowledged by smpp 
client), after that the additionnal SMS are sent (deliver_sm) but without a 
reconnection (BIND) to the client.

Note: if I set enquire_link, then there is no disconnection from either 
kannel or smpp client and consequences opensmppbox never fall in the 
previosu situation ie no reconnection that force message in spool to be sent 
AND additionnal SMS, so with enquire_link, SMS stayed blocked in spool.

To confirm what you said Nikos in your mail:

As a result, if bb is in the middle of sending the SMS, and smppbox drops 
the connection, it will never get the ACK from smppbox and therefore will 
resend the SMS when smppbox gets back online.

If I close by hand smppbox, in my case I can see the sms blocked in spool 
coming back to fakesmsc client + 100 additionnal SMS, that confirm what you 
said about bearerbox that resend SMS because of some pb with opensmppbox but 
here no SMPP disconnection at all on smppbox -- smpp client link.

Note: exactly the same behavior using smsbox cgi script.

Conclusion: a problem between bearerbox and smppbox about aknowledgement ?
In my case the problem arrives when 200 SMS (3msg/sec) has been sent, spool 
start to grow before spool stayed at 0, 1 or 2 SMS stored in queue.


2010/10/15 Nikos Balkanas 

Yeap. You just configure it in the SMPP client, and smppbox will get it from 
the bind PDUs. It supports both modes.

- Original Message - From: Emmanuel CHANSON
To: Nikos Balkanas

Cc: Rene Kluwen ; users
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 11:59 PM

Subject: Re: Strange behavior on kannel (fakesmsc + bearerbox + opensmppbox 
+ smppclient), more message than ordered sent from smppbox

Ok all these behavior can be resolve if I stabilize the SMPP connection.

I will have a look on this because I suspect something wrong in the smpp 
connection :)

One question: how smppbox handle the smpp connection if set to either 
tranceiver or receiver/transmitter mode ? Does it care or not ? I don't see 
any option in config file about this. Or it is only on client we set the 


2010/10/14 Nikos Balkanas 


This is not a restart as you said. Process is still the same. But i think I 
know what's wrong. I remember something that I stressed as architecture 
defect in smppbox. It doesn't have a store queue. Therefore if all clients 
disconnect, it will drop the connection to bb. As a result, if bb is in the 
middle of sending the SMS, and sm