Re: [389-users] Can i use Same Certificate for all my ldap server

2013-04-17 Thread Petr Spacek

On 16.4.2013 23:10, Kyle Flavin wrote:

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

expert alert wrote:

I am planning to deploy all my ldap server by puppet.
so I am wondering, Can i use Same Server Certificate and CA certificate
(Directory server) for all my server ???

if yes, then under which directory shall i place those certificate ??

Although it is technically possible, it is not recommended.

All servers will share the same private key, so the chance that the key will 
be compromised is bigger - you need to transfer the key securely from one 
server to another etc.

Could you explain your use case? I'm curious :-)

Petr Spacek
389 users mailing list

[389-users] X11 forwarding refused

2013-04-17 Thread Aziza Lichir

I'm new to this project and i would like to know how to use DS-389 without
the graphical interface in CentOs6.

Thank you

*Aziza Lichir*
389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] X11 forwarding refused

2013-04-17 Thread Grzegorz Dwornicki
It will be painful but you can use ldap* commands and write all actions in
LDIF syntax. Look in directory server admin guide for more detail
information about ocjectclasses and attributes.
17 kwi 2013 11:24, Aziza Lichir napisał(a):


 I'm new to this project and i would like to know how to use DS-389 without
 the graphical interface in CentOs6.

 Thank you

 *Aziza Lichir*

 389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] X11 forwarding refused

2013-04-17 Thread Grzegorz Dwornicki
Winsync require LDAPS for password sync. This domain user needs some
privileges in ad - modifying, read, write on the synced subtree.

From ds point of view you configure normal user account for needs of sync
with ad. This user doesn't need to be in your organization tree.  You can
place him in cn=config. I usually create account like cn=adsyncuser,
cn=config without ocjectclasses providing normal system account attributes.

Hope this helps you
17 kwi 2013 16:40, Aziza Lichir napisał(a):

 Thanks for your quick answer, for the moment I installed the 389 console
 on a WindowsXP machine and i want to know if i can replicate users from AD
 knowing that i only use a normal user account and without activating Ldaps ?

 thanks for your help


 389 users mailing list

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Re: Fedora vs RHEL

2013-04-17 Thread Bill Davidsen

Mike Dwiggins wrote:

On 4/12/2013 3:06 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 12.04.2013 12:01, schrieb Mihamina Rakotomandimby:

On 2013-04-12 12:58, Mike Dwiggins wrote:

Does there exist anywhere a list or comparison about which Releases of
Fedora correspond to what Releases of RHEL?

I would not directly compare those, as they are so much far in term of bundled 

not entirely

RHEL5 is based on Fedora Core 6
RHEL6 is based on F12/F13

Thanks, that is the answer I need.  I just did not know what the direct
comparison was!  That should give me the fire power to sell him on Fedora 16
which as I said my whole shop is running at home.

Getting him to go with Fedora 18 just is not going to happen

Fedora 16 is no longer getting security updates, RHEL6 is. If you want stable, 
RHEL or its free cousins like CentOS-6 are the way to go.

I would normally tell you to go with FC17 and not upgrade until it hit EOL and 
goes out of support. However, given the problems reported by a number of users 
in upgrading from FC17 to FC18, and the generally stable behavior I have seen 
from FC18, I would suggest going that way and avoid an upgrade and support issues.

FC17 will lose support soon, FC18 is quite stable, the new FC19, like any new 
release, will have rough spots which may be tricky to fix. Lacking a reason to 
run the latest, run the most stable with some support life. You have no reason 
to run an old release, either, unsupported is not a positive thing.

Bill Davidsen
  We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked.  - from Slashdot
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Re: Fedora vs RHEL

2013-04-17 Thread Bill Davidsen

Mike Dwiggins wrote:

On 4/12/2013 7:03 AM, Tim wrote:

On Fri, 2013-04-12 at 13:24 +0300, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:

I would agree that in a corporate environment, Fedora release cycle is
too often. I personnally run Fedora on my work laptop, but if I were
to administer the whole ~150 desktops of the company I wont use Fedora
but CentOS.

I tend to agree.  However, if you're a place that's gotten used to
having to regularly wipe and install Windows boxes, as many will do,
then it's possible that having to restart with a newer version of Fedora
once or twice a year may be just as palatable.  But I'd definitely put
servers on a long term OS, like CentOS, even if the clients use Fedora
and are considered disposable machines.  Though it can be easier to
manage a system where they all run the same OS, so CentOS on them might
be simplest.  And with a longer term OS, like CentOS instead of Fedora,
you're not going to suddenly face major annoying changes to how you use
your computer, like how KDE 4 and Gnome 3 irritated the masses.

If you're a place that has previously paid for Windows, then paying for
RHEL ought to be similarly palatable.  Again, you could use it for one
or two machines, the one's your mostly likely to need technical support
from Red Hat for, and the other basic client machines using the free
CentOS.  Though, if considering a paid OS, you have to consider whether
the type of service you're going to be able to get is useful to you.

Mention was made of having experienced security holes with Windows, so
the concept of keeping a system up-to-date ought to be already accepted.
Keeping on using *any* out-of-date system is a risk, some are easily
demonstratively so, others are harder to show that there is an actual
risk rather than just a theoretical one, but there's still a risk.

Excellent summation Tim!  As I said my problem was not what I wanted but what I
could Sell to the Boss.

One outstanding suggestion that came up in this discussion was Scientific Linux
as the Supported by CERN could be a powerful selling point.  That post had me
doing the classic head thump D'Oh! I had forgotten about that release!

Female involved in the decision chain has great respect and admiration for the
work of CERN and their web page shows no hint of their relation to CentOS!  That
is a stable platform that I am certain I can get accepted.  Boss taking a long
weekend so I have plenty of time to work up the presentation.

They don't have a connection to ContOS, they have a relationship to RHEL. Now 
there is a good/bad thing there, SL has some install changes which make it easy 
to maintain your own versions of packages, and not have your packages and the 
standard step on one another. From a flexibility standpoint that's good, but the 
install may be slightly different than RHEL. If you don't use the feature you 
don't care.

Being able to say the CERN uses this to run their multi-$B hardware may make an 

One last thought, I have moved many people to RHEL for desktop, people who want 
to use it for mail, news, browsing, RSS, IRC. People who want to work with docs 
and spreadsheets in MSFT formats. They just have no issues with what they use, 
minimal learning curve, file format compatible, etc.

I have suggested using the seamonkey suite to most of them, some like having all 
their interfaces the same, like reading tweets as RSS feeds like mail, etc. 
About half have gone that way, they like it better than the Windows tools or 
figuring out the browser of the day.

Bill Davidsen
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the machinations of the wicked.  - from Slashdot
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Re: Fedora vs RHEL

2013-04-17 Thread Bill Davidsen

David wrote:

On 4/13/2013 6:20 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:

On 04/13/2013 03:07 PM, David wrote:

I actually know several (nine) 'old time Linux' users and some are ex
Redhat employes as well as commercial (as in paid sys admins) that say
that the Ubuntu list is full of useless information. Much of it flat out
wrong. Careful. The usual tip off, they say, is Try this. It might

Yes.  I know.  However, there's always a few grains of wheat mixed in
with the chaff; the trick is to figure out which suggestions to follow.
  Generally, however, I've found that for somebody like me who knows
something about Linux and just needs distro-specific advice, that's not
too hard.

Here you will see the latest usage numbers.

OS Platform Statistics and Trends

Interesting, and roughly twice what the Linux Counter suggests:

My guess is that your reference counts servers, because mine gets most
of its numbers from webserver hit logs.

I really *do not know* exactly what the usage number means. But I do
'know' that - or think that putting 'grandma' over to Linux, IMHO, would
not be a good idea.  :-)

Actually, that's a good population, they want to do simple things, generally not 
play games, do course assignments, and such. For browsing, mail, etc, it's easy 
to use, stable, and more secure than Windows. And you can have the system do 
network backup without telling them, a big bonus.

Bill Davidsen
  We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked.  - from Slashdot
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Re: Fedora vs CentOS -- php/apache and Drupal 7

2013-04-17 Thread Bill Davidsen

Roger wrote:

This is a call for understanding because of lack of knowledge. Apologies for the
mix of issues in one message but they all relate to the same problem.
I've been reading the pro's and con's of RHEL and Fedora and am none the wiser.
It seems to be around cost of service and lack or availability thereof. The
beginning discussion was, I think on stability.

It made me start thinking about Fedora vs CentOS because of the problems I'm
experiencing with Drupal 7 and php/Apache in Fedora 18 so here goes.

You need to make sure the Drupal and php versions are compatible. Actually the 
php and everything else, as my impression is that 5.4 is not a proper superset 
of earlier versions, a clear violation of Plauger's Law of Least Astonishment.

I believe that the latest Apache updates of some time ago were flawed or do not
correctly  interact with php or php updates were flawed and have not been
corrected. I have nothing to back up this assertion other than the problems now
being experienced and a recommendation to remove php 5.4 and revert to an
earlier version.
Please don't quote me on this, It's what I've noticed, read and considered.

What I said, but only the advice without the explanation. An upgrade to whatever 
is not working to match php would be better, but you do what you must.

When I use Ruby on Rails I do not have issues because it uses WEBrick.

Answered elsewhere.

Discussion to date says that CentOS circa 6.n has the Fedora 14 kernel, is rock
solid and gets updates every 6 months approx.
Fedora 18 has kernel updates every few days or weeks at most. Frankly I enjoy
the update cycle. It's interesting to see what gets improved. I have always run
latest Fedora versions and have not experienced the current raft of problems.

RHEL/CentOS/SL are not updated to new versions (with rare exceptions) but 
patched with back ported security fixes. THis gives stbility (they work the 
same) with security (the bugs stop being an issue).

Fedora 18 sudo yum update, updates everything apps, modules, etc that needs
security fixes or improvements.

CentOS is a server system but can be used for a stable desktop system and has
been recommended as an alternative.
So what does CentOS 6.n desktop, yum update actually update or does it leave all
the apps like cinnamon desktop, skype, gimp, apache, php, libreoffice, python,
pulseaudio, gnome, Firefox or chrome as they are first installed, circa Fedora
One would think that this would leave significant vulnerability.
If it runs the latest spate of updates then is it not little different from
Fedora 18 but with an old kernel?

It stays like Fedora14, old software now working as intended.

Further reading implies that the better CentOS installation should be text based
as a server only and that I should run all my work on the server not Fedora 18.

I am now having significant problems with an already built Drupal 7 site on
Fedora 18 after the latest spate of php updates and am perplexed as to what to
do to get a quality stable functioning and stay functioning.
  I've got ubuntu 12.10 but it is now so slow that it's not easy to use.

Further, I have 2 gig memory, intel mb, fast dual cpu, 250g hard drives and my
desktop fedora 18 uses 55-63 percent memory. I thought this may be affecting php
and apache, hence Drupal, but
The Dell 1520 laptop has the same internals and memory and uses 25percent of the
2 gig memory, same drupal, same Ruby on Rails.
I'm puzzled because after checking ps aux, top, and System Monitor on both they
are very similar yet memory usage is markedly different. I do not know what I
should be looking at to understand the issues and/or fixes.

Depends on what you have run and are running, stuff will be in cache and 
buffers, that RAM is available rather than free. Read about caching if that 
isn't enough.

Is there an app that I can use to track what happens in the browser, apache, php
and Drupal when I start the Drupal site on my machine.
Help is greatly appreciated

The top program may shed some light, I don't think of anything off-hand which 
measures disk performance on a per-process basis.

thanks in advance
Off Topic...Does anyone know of a Rails dev who would be able to help and teach
me building a small application?

Not my thing to do for fun or money.

Bill Davidsen
  We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked.  - from Slashdot
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Re: Extract .rar file -

2013-04-17 Thread Frank Murphy
On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 18:18:54 -0300
Germán A. Racca wrote:

 for some reason the folks that built the p7zip-plugins rpm didn't 
 compile the with the rar format plugin in it
 p7zip packagers explain that in the spec file:
 RAR sources removed since their license is incompatible with the

Test list was just discussing this,
thread here:

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The Virt-Manager Storage Disks Fedora 18 host.

2013-04-17 Thread Frank Murphy
I have 5 physical disks, on which the virt-images are stored.

What I have found is for whatever reason, I need to put a new
disk or disk-controller card into the host machine.

It can changes the order of the disks as seen by the host.
So vm's may not start as the physical disk they are on eg: /dev/sdd
is now /dev/sdf or or /dev/sdc

What can I do to protect myself from this in the future.

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Re: Problem with cron

2013-04-17 Thread Michael Schwendt
On Sun, 24 Mar 2013 10:02:31 -0700, Joe Zeff wrote:

 On 03/24/2013 03:12 AM, Michael Schwendt wrote:
  Verify that $EDITOR is set actually. $EDITOR is evaluated here just fine.
 $ echo $EDITOR
 $ EDITOR=nano crontab -e
 crontab: no changes made to crontab
 As I'm sure I've written before, I've checked this with echo, and 
 they're set.  However, do they need to be Exported to be picked up by 

I'm not sure I understand the question, because above example already
shows how the $EDITOR environment variable is set to nano for crontab
to pick it up.

The example could be rewritten to be more clear:

  $ echo $EDITOR
  $ EDITOR=nano
  $ echo $EDITOR
  $ crontab -e
  crontab: no changes made to crontab

The Ctrl-X refers to exiting nano. One can see that $EDITOR is set
correctly in the environment and that crontab picks it up.

Exporting refers to whether parts of the environment (here a variable)
would be automatically made available to subsequent commands (which
can be especially important for running shell-scripts).

  $ TEST=hello
  $ echo $TEST
  $ bash
  $ echo $TEST

  $ exit
  $ export TEST
  $ bash
  $ echo $TEST
  $ exit

Fedora release 19 (Schrödinger’s Cat) - Linux 3.9.0-0.rc6.git2.1.fc19.x86_64
loadavg: 0.14 0.13 0.14
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random reboot finally hits me

2013-04-17 Thread Tom Horsley
I've been seeing other f18 users talk about random reboots,
and last night I finally had one as well. I'm not sure this
3.8 kernel should be called stable yet :-).

I thought maybe all the scripts I have on cron downloading
and transcoding programs from my TiVo overheated the CPU,
but all the transcoding finished an hour or so before the
system rebooted.

Also, the reboot didn't work. When I turned on the TV
I use as a monitor, the reboot was stuck at the
Starting KDE login manager step (which is normally
about the last thing it does), no GUI ever came
up. (I wonder if the Intel video driver hung because
the TV was off and it couldn't fetch EDID info?).

Once I power cycled it, it booted up OK, but the only
suspicious things I could find in any log files were
chunks of NULL bytes laying around from when I power
cycled the machine.
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Re: random reboot finally hits me

2013-04-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.04.2013 13:55, schrieb Tom Horsley:
 I've been seeing other f18 users talk about random reboots,
 and last night I finally had one as well. I'm not sure this
 3.8 kernel should be called stable yet :-).

it is stable here on 6 physical machines, 4 of them are
servers 24/7 on as also on around 20 production servers
on top of ESXi on Fedora 18 as well as Fedora 17

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How to avoid ARP flux issue in linux?

2013-04-17 Thread Kevin Peterson

I have a setup where eth0 and eth1 interfaces are in same broadcast domain.

But i have a virtual IP configured on eth1 and a physical ip on eth0.
It is observed that if eth0 is default route then eth0 will respond to arp 
request for the IP configured on eth1.

This would cause an issue since traffic will be routed via eth0.

Kevin Peterson

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How to disable fsck of root-filesystem at boot time?

2013-04-17 Thread Clemens Eisserer

I would like to run Fedora on a nilfs2 root-partition.
For now I only added the nilfs2-module to dracut.conf and it loads
fine up to the point where it tries to execute the non-existing

Is there any way to disable the execution of fsck.nilfs2?

Thanks, Clemens
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Re: The Virt-Manager Storage Disks Fedora 18 host.

2013-04-17 Thread poma
On 17.04.2013 10:41, Frank Murphy wrote:
 I have 5 physical disks, on which the virt-images are stored.

Probably you have 5 physical disks *partitions* *mounted* on a storage
*pool* *directory* defaulting to /var/lib/libvirt/images, right?

 What I have found is for whatever reason, I need to put a new
 disk or disk-controller card into the host machine.
 It can changes the order of the disks as seen by the host.
 So vm's may not start as the physical disk they are on eg: /dev/sdd
 is now /dev/sdf or or /dev/sdc
 What can I do to protect myself from this in the future.

Mount points are the mount points, regardless of the disks layout. :)

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Re: How to disable fsck of root-filesystem at boot time?

2013-04-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.04.2013 15:57, schrieb Clemens Eisserer:

 I would like to run Fedora on a nilfs2 root-partition.
 For now I only added the nilfs2-module to dracut.conf and it loads
 fine up to the point where it tries to execute the non-existing
 Is there any way to disable the execution of fsck.nilfs2?

man fstab for the last two columns
UUID=b935b5db-0051-4f7f-83ac-6a6651fe0988  / ext4  0  0

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Re: [389-users] X11 forwarding refused

2013-04-17 Thread Aziza Lichir
Thanks for your quick answer, for the moment I installed the 389 console on
a WindowsXP machine and i want to know if i can replicate users from AD
knowing that i only use a normal user account and without activating Ldaps ?

thanks for your help

389 users mailing list

Re: Fedora vs RHEL

2013-04-17 Thread Paul W. Frields
On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 03:44:41PM -0500, Matthew J. Roth wrote:
 Joe Zeff wrote:
  On 04/16/2013 12:57 PM, Matthew J. Roth wrote:
   To be fair to Bill, your original analogy equating a subscription to RHN 
   homeowner's insurance is false.  He did the best he could with what you 
   gave him
   to work with.
  I see what you mean.  Would having a plumber or electrician on a 
  retainer in case you ever needed them be closer?
 I'd say a subscription to RHN is closer to a home warranty.  It may come in
 handy if you need it, but there are many ways to void its coverage and if you
 don't need it then it's wasted money.

I like it!

Paul W. Frields
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Re: How to disable fsck of root-filesystem at boot time?

2013-04-17 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hi Harald,

 man fstab for the last two columns
 UUID=b935b5db-0051-4f7f-83ac-6a6651fe0988  / ext4  0  0

Hmm, that alone didn't do the trick as / has to be mounted in order to
read /etc/fstab.
However I found out about an fastboot kernel option which seems to
work well in combination with your suggestion.

Thanks :)

Regards, Clemens
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Re: The Virt-Manager Storage Disks Fedora 18 host.

2013-04-17 Thread Frank Murphy
On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:58:20 +0200
poma wrote:

 Mount points are the mount points, regardless of the disks
 layout. :)

What are you talking about?
If the stated disk in Virt-Manager is sdf for  eg Fedora-17
and the host then changes it to sdg, it's still sdf in virt-Manager.
Thus it complains about the image not being found.

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Re: How to disable fsck of root-filesystem at boot time?

2013-04-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.04.2013 17:33, schrieb Clemens Eisserer:
 Hi Harald,
 man fstab for the last two columns
 UUID=b935b5db-0051-4f7f-83ac-6a6651fe0988  / ext4  0  0
 Hmm, that alone didn't do the trick as / has to be mounted in order to
 read /etc/fstab

but READONLY, that is what the ro is for

 However I found out about an fastboot kernel option which seems to
 work well in combination with your suggestion.

fastboot disables ANY filesystem-check for any partition
have fun after a crash / power fail if continue working
without fixing problems at boot

 Thanks :)
 Regards, Clemens


Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
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Re: The Virt-Manager Storage Disks Fedora 18 host.

2013-04-17 Thread poma
On 17.04.2013 17:33, Frank Murphy wrote:
 On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:58:20 +0200
 poma wrote:
 Mount points are the mount points, regardless of the disks
 layout. :)


 What are you talking about?

What am I talking about!? :)

 If the stated disk in Virt-Manager is sdf for  eg Fedora-17
 and the host then changes it to sdg, it's still sdf in virt-Manager.
 Thus it complains about the image not being found.

You haven't confirmed the first question.
That part you left out in this response, and it is essential to clarify
the problem. ;)


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Re: How to disable fsck of root-filesystem at boot time?

2013-04-17 Thread poma
On 17.04.2013 15:57, Clemens Eisserer wrote:
 I would like to run Fedora on a nilfs2 root-partition.
 For now I only added the nilfs2-module to dracut.conf and it loads
 fine up to the point where it tries to execute the non-existing

nilfs2 on / :)

 Is there any way to disable the execution of fsck.nilfs2?

You just do not do it!
It is a bad practice, generally speaking.


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Re: Problem with cron

2013-04-17 Thread Joe Zeff

On 04/17/2013 02:57 AM, Michael Schwendt wrote:

I'm not sure I understand the question, because above example already
shows how the $EDITOR environment variable is set to nano for crontab
to pick it up.

What I don't understand is why you're bothering with this three weeks 
later.  It's just like over at where somebody made a 
foolish suggestion today about an issue I'd marked as [SOLVED] six days 
ago, with a complete explanation of what caused it that had nothing to 
do with today's twiticism.

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Re: Fedora vs CentOS -- php/apache and Drupal 7

2013-04-17 Thread James Hogarth

 The top program may shed some light, I don't think of anything off-hand
which measures disk performance on a per-process basis.

There is actually an iotop that does this ;-)
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Re: OT: Linode doubling RAM

2013-04-17 Thread Darrell Duane
Thanks for putting this here.  I'm bummed because I didn't know about this
until I happened to come across the blog post.  I checked with Linode and
asked them if there was a way to send e-mail notifications out about
such enhancements  and they said no, but that one could set up RSS to do
this.  I went to and set up a rule that now e-mails me
every time Linode has new news posted on their blog.

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 8:13 PM, Steven Stern wrote:

 FYI, if you're doing any hosting on Linode, they've announced a free
 doubling of RAM for all systems. If you have a system there, put it into
 the upgrade queue.

 -- Steve
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Re: The Virt-Manager Storage Disks Fedora 18 host.

2013-04-17 Thread poma
On 17.04.2013 19:32, poma wrote:
 On 17.04.2013 17:33, Frank Murphy wrote:
 On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:58:20 +0200
 poma wrote:

 Mount points are the mount points, regardless of the disks
 layout. :)
 What are you talking about?
 What am I talking about!? :)
 If the stated disk in Virt-Manager is sdf for  eg Fedora-17
 and the host then changes it to sdg, it's still sdf in virt-Manager.
 Thus it complains about the image not being found.
 You haven't confirmed the first question.
 That part you left out in this response, and it is essential to clarify
 the problem. ;)

Frank, it would be nice of you to use the correct terminology[1]. ;)
Your so called virt-images are not a virtual machines per se.
It is possible that you do not use physical discs as a block based
storage pool, nor as a storage volumes at all - but you're adding them
directly to guests as a physical devices.
So an UUID[2] is probably what you need:
disk type='block' device='disk'
  driver name='qemu' type='raw'/
  source dev='/dev/disk/by-uuid/x8-x4-x4-x4-x12'/
  target dev='sda' bus='scsi'/
  address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/



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Re: The Virt-Manager Storage Disks Fedora 18 host.

2013-04-17 Thread Frank Murphy
On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 19:32:51 +0200
poma wrote:

 On 17.04.2013 17:33, Frank Murphy wrote:
  On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:58:20 +0200
  poma wrote:
  Mount points are the mount points, regardless of the disks
  layout. :)
  What are you talking about?
 What am I talking about!? :)
  If the stated disk in Virt-Manager is sdf for  eg Fedora-17
  and the host then changes it to sdg, it's still sdf in
  virt-Manager. Thus it complains about the image not being found.
 You haven't confirmed the first question.
 That part you left out in this response, and it is essential to
 clarify the problem. ;)

Apologies, didn't see first part.

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Re: The Virt-Manager Storage Disks Fedora 18 host.

2013-04-17 Thread Frank Murphy
On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 23:23:06 +0200
poma wrote:

 On 17.04.2013 19:32, poma wrote:
  On 17.04.2013 17:33, Frank Murphy wrote:

 Frank, it would be nice of you to use the correct terminology[1]. ;)
 Your so called virt-images are not a virtual machines per se.
 It is possible that you do not use physical discs as a block based
 storage pool, nor as a storage volumes at all - but you're adding
 them directly to guests as a physical devices.

No storage pool correct, 
in Virt-Manager I add storage physical
disk /dev/sd*

 So an UUID[2] is probably what you need:
 disk type='block' device='disk'
   driver name='qemu' type='raw'/
   source dev='/dev/disk/by-uuid/x8-x4-x4-x4-x12'/
   target dev='sda' bus='scsi'/
   address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/

Thanks for this, confused myself also.

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how to create iso9660 archive.

2013-04-17 Thread William Mattison
(fedora-18, all desktops)

I would like to burn a single dvd with an ISO9660 - Rock Ridge - Joliet file 
made from:
* /home/user1/project17/
* /home/user2/project17/
* /home/user2/.hidden/
Each of these directories has multiple levels of subdirectories.  user1 and 
user2 each has other directories directly under his $HOME directory.  I tried 
to use Brasero to do this.  But the ISO file it created was a mere 71.7 KB, 
though these three directories contain over 600 MB of files.  I get the 
impression that the tool only looked one level below what I dragged to the 
right side of the screen.  I need it to go all the way down, like a cp -r.  
On my old Redhat 9 system, X-CD-Roast handled that beautifully.  I also tried 
this with another tool whose name I now cannot now recall or find.  It was 
worse.  How do I do this with Fedora-18?

Thank-you in advance for your help.
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F18 livecd can't play wma files, and no mplayer

2013-04-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
I booted Fedora 18 off a LiveCD, and want to play back wma files.

So far, all my attempts have been unsuccesful. It's clear no wma
playback codecs are included with the files.
Plus, MPlayer, which usually plays back 'everything' is NOT included
in the official repos, and if I try to install mplayer from ATRPMS, it
gets a thousands (I'm exaggerating) dependencies and installation

I tried looking around for a STATIC BUILD of mplayer, but that doesn't
seem to exist (someone used to compile mplayer statically, many many
years ago, but it seems there's no static builds of recent versions).

Please, let me know of ANY -preferably tiny and NOT dependencies
encumbered- player I can run on F18 from a LiveCD to play back wma


During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un
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Re: how to create iso9660 archive.

2013-04-17 Thread g

On 04/17/2013 07:26 PM, William Mattison wrote:

(fedora-18, all desktops)

I would like to burn a single dvd with an ISO9660 - Rock Ridge - Joliet
file made from: * /home/user1/project17/ * /home/user2/project17/ *
/home/user2/.hidden/ Each of these directories has multiple levels of
subdirectories.  user1 and user2 each has other directories directly under
his $HOME directory.  I tried to use Brasero to do this.  But the ISO file
it created was a mere 71.7 KB, though these three directories contain over
600 MB of files.  I get the impression that the tool only looked one level
below what I dragged to the right side of the screen.  I need it to go all
the way down, like a cp -r.  On my old Redhat 9 system, X-CD-Roast handled
that beautifully.  I also tried this with another tool whose name I now
cannot now recall or find.  It was worse.  How do I do this with Fedora-18?

have you considered K3b?

k3b allows you to do what you want, as it allows you to pre-build
your own paths and then drag in what ever files, directories, or
paths than you want.

above is main reason i have used over the years from when i was
first released.


in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

tc. hago.


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Re: F18 livecd can't play wma files, and no mplayer

2013-04-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 18.04.2013 02:36, schrieb Fernando Cassia:
 I booted Fedora 18 off a LiveCD, and want to play back wma files.
 So far, all my attempts have been unsuccesful. It's clear no wma
 playback codecs are included with the files.
 Plus, MPlayer, which usually plays back 'everything' is NOT included
 in the official repos, and if I try to install mplayer from ATRPMS, it
 gets a thousands (I'm exaggerating) dependencies and installation

use rpmfusion and NOT atrpms
that's the same as for a physical install

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Re: how to create iso9660 archive.

2013-04-17 Thread Mark C. Allman
On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 20:01 -0500, g wrote:

On 04/17/2013 07:26 PM, William Mattison wrote:
  (fedora-18, all desktops)
  I would like to burn a single dvd with an ISO9660 - Rock Ridge - Joliet
  file made from: * /home/user1/project17/ * /home/user2/project17/ *
  /home/user2/.hidden/ Each of these directories has multiple levels of
  subdirectories.  user1 and user2 each has other directories directly under
  his $HOME directory.  I tried to use Brasero to do this.  But the ISO file
  it created was a mere 71.7 KB, though these three directories contain over
  600 MB of files.  I get the impression that the tool only looked one level
  below what I dragged to the right side of the screen.  I need it to go all
  the way down, like a cp -r.  On my old Redhat 9 system, X-CD-Roast handled
  that beautifully.  I also tried this with another tool whose name I now
  cannot now recall or find.  It was worse.  How do I do this with Fedora-18?
 have you considered K3b?
 k3b allows you to do what you want, as it allows you to pre-build
 your own paths and then drag in what ever files, directories, or
 paths than you want.
 above is main reason i have used over the years from when i was
 first released.
 in a world with out fences, who needs gates.
 tc. hago.

I'd try this from the shell:

genisoimage -V YourLabel -pad -R -quiet  \
   -o  YourFile.iso  \
   /home/user1/project17/  \
   /home/user2/project17/  \

wodim dev=/dev/Your_DVD_Device -dao -data YourFile.iso

Mark C. Allman, PMP, CSM
Founder, See How You Ski
Allman Professional Consulting, Inc.,
617-947-4263, Twitter:  @allmanpc

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Re: F18 livecd can't play wma files, and no mplayer

2013-04-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
 use rpmfusion and NOT atrpms
 that's the same as for a physical install

Thanks, enabled RPMFUSION and it's now downloading a thousand deps
(ok, 29 deps actually), and it'll use 55 MB of HD space.

I still think a static build of MPlayer would be great, but I see here
building one is apparently not so easy:

(Ironically, on win32 there's plenty of static builds of ffmpeg, and I
think I've seen Mplayer builds for Win32 delivered as a single huge
file as well).

Oh well...

What is ironic is that if I google long enough, I'll surely find some
wma player written in Java that I could run by just downloading a
single .jar file and running it with OpenJDK... so much for the
advantage of the 'linux way' of a thousand dependencies on system libs
scattered throughout the system... ;)

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Re: Fedora vs RHEL

2013-04-17 Thread Craig White
On Fri, 2013-04-12 at 09:04 -0700, Mike Dwiggins wrote:

 Excellent summation Tim!  As I said my problem was not what I wanted but 
 what I could Sell to the Boss.
 One outstanding suggestion that came up in this discussion was 
 Scientific Linux  as the Supported by CERN could be a powerful selling 
 point.  That post had me doing the classic head thump D'Oh! I had 
 forgotten about that release!
 Female involved in the decision chain has great respect and admiration 
 for the work of CERN and their web page shows no hint of their relation 
 to CentOS!  That is a stable platform that I am certain I can get 
 accepted.  Boss taking a long weekend so I have plenty of time to work 
 up the presentation.

Connie is well respected by the Linux community but the fact that she is
female means absolutely nothing and I cringed at the reference as it
completely doesn't matter.

There are some distinctive differences between the philosophies of
CentOS and Scientific Linux and you probably should take some time to
educate yourself on them as they do matter. 

CentOS tries to build all packages as closely as possible to RHEL -
essentially striving for total binary compatibility which means not
fixing bugs that are known to exist in RHEL but they do report the bugs
to Red Hat.

Scientific does not try to achieve binary compatibility and in fact
makes conscious choices of changes - sometimes different compiling
options for packages - fixing known bugs with their own developed code,

Scientific Linux has shorter support windows than RHEL or CentOS which
may be significant too.

Scientific Linux has paid staff to build packages whereas CentOS is
strictly unpaid/volunteer packagers.

They all exist to scratch a different itch. There are differences.


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Re: how to make user account partially bi-lingual?

2013-04-17 Thread William Mattison
 (Fedora-18; all desktops)
 How does root and/or the user set up his account so he always has these 
 In effect, we want the account to be bi-lingual, with English as the primary 
 and simplified Chinese being a secondary language.

 Thank-you in advance for your help.

Ed Greshko answered:
 Run im-chooser and then select ibus as the input method.  You'll then need 
 configure the input methods to add whatever method you want for Simplified 
 I'm pretty sure this gets you want you want since you seem most in need of 
 inputting in
 Chinese.  Viewing shouldn't be an issue.

In addition to what Ed suggested, it was also needed to add simplified Chinese 
within the System Settings GUI under the user name in the upper right corner 
of the screen.  I also wrestled with preferences in Konsole, Terminal, and 
XTerm.  Things now seem to be fine in LibreOffice.  I can create a new 
simplified Chinese or mixed file with vi(m).  But...

I imported from a Redhat 9 system many files created by vi and containing a mix 
of English and simplified Chinese.  When I load any of those into vi(m) on the 
Fedora-18 system, the simplified Chinese is not displayed properly.  I notice 
at the bottom of the Konsole/XTerm/Terminal, there is a message saying 
converted.  I don't know if there's a connection.  Both the message and the 
failure to properly display the simplified Chinese happen regardless of the 
simplified Chinese encoding that I choose in the terminal's preferences.  Any 
ideas/suggestions anyone?

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Re: Fedora vs RHEL

2013-04-17 Thread inode0
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Craig White wrote:
 Scientific Linux has paid staff to build packages whereas CentOS is
 strictly unpaid/volunteer packagers.

I think that changed last year.

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Re: Fedora vs RHEL

2013-04-17 Thread g

On 04/12/2013 11:04 AM, Mike Dwiggins wrote:

One outstanding suggestion that came up in this discussion was
Scientific Linux  as the Supported by CERN could be a powerful selling
point.  That post had me doing the classic head thump D'Oh! I had
forgotten about that release!

Female involved in the decision chain has great respect and admiration
for the work of CERN and their web page shows no hint of their relation
to CentOS!  That is a stable platform that I am certain I can get
accepted.  Boss taking a long weekend so I have plenty of time to work
up the presentation.

true, the scientific linux released by cern is a rhel clone, and a good one.

please be aware tho, that it is more customized that the scientific linux
released by fnal, ie, argon national labs out side of chicago, il.

check these links to find out more;

i have been using the fnal release, 1st in list, for about years, just
after the release of sl 5.0, and i can say that it has been a very stable
and reliable linux.

they have regular upgrade releases and security updates that usually follow
within 24 hrs of what is released by rhel. i am aware of this because i
subscribe to the list from, so i can get a full
picture of what is happening.

also, they recently extended the eol to 10 yrs.

if you do decide to go with the fnal release, i would say that you are
making a good choice, and much better than using centos.

the support list is very good and there are at least 3 fnal maintainers
that are regularly following and replying to the list. the rest of the
support repliers are also very much familiar with sl. so, you should
have very little trouble correcting any problems you might run into.
if you should have any.

over the past 6 years of using scientific linux, i have recommend it to
many friends and clients, guessing to be well over 50. i had some clients
that could not convert because of special software they used in their
business. the others were able to move their data into similar linux

of the friends who i have converted, there are only 2 who went back to oos.
one because he had special programs that had no equivalent, other was
because he was too lazy to learn a little bit about how to administer his
system. he did admit to liking linux, but just did not care to learn a
new os.

this is all my opinion about linux and scientific linux, but it is based
on what i have learned. cromix, a clone of bsd, was my first multi system,
so i had little problems picking up on the difference of linux.

from what i have read in your post, i doubt that you will have much trouble
moving to linux and administering it.

as for 'selling it', what has your boss got to worry about if she has you
and you fully back up your current os before changing? ;-)

much luck to you.


in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

tc. hago.


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