Re: Enscript header variables

2023-01-11 Thread James Szinger
On Wed, 11 Jan 2023 13:34:40 -0500
Terry Polzin  wrote:

> Does anyone have a reference for enscript header variables?  URL to
> documentation would be3 appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,

The man page for enscript has a section “FANCY HEADERS” which seems to
have what you’re looking for:

   Currently enscript support the following special comments:

   %Format: name format
   Define a new string constant name  according  to  the  format
   string  format.  Format string start from the first non-space
   character and it ends to the end of the line.  Format  string
   can  contain  general  `%' escapes and input file related `$'
   escapes.  Currently following escapes are supported:

   %%  character `%'

   $$  character `$'

   $%  current page number

   $=  number of pages in the current file

   $p  number of pages processed so far

   [and so on]
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Re: Grub Background Image not Displayed in Grub Boot Menu

2022-10-23 Thread James Szinger
On Sun, 23 Oct 2022 14:43:27 +1100
Stephen Morris  wrote:

> Hi,
>      I have the following default config file in /etc/default/grub,
> and I have issued the grub2-mkconfig command to update
> /boot/grub2/grub.cfg which confirms that it found the background
> image, and when I look at /boot/grub2/grub.cfg it contains the
> necessary command to load png support and contains the
> background-image command to load the referenced image file, but the
> background does not display when the grub menu does, what am I
> missing? I've had used the grub-customizer app, without doing any
> config changes, and it successfully load the image from the
> specifications in /etc/default/grub.

> GRUB_BACKGROUND=/usr/share/sddm/themes/Galaxy-SDDM_3hu72/Galaxy-SDDM_3hu72.png

I suspect that the image needs to be in the /boot file system.  So


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Re: VDQ : Ffx updates

2022-10-11 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:40:26 - (UTC)
Beartooth  wrote:

>   I run dnf clean all, followed by dnf upgrade, on all my
> machines, all on F36, daily. (I don't necessarily reboot, even if
> there's a kernel change. Should I?)
>   Nevertheless, Firefox demands its own updates, including its
> own reboot, whensoever it damn pleases, and won't lift an electronic
> finger till it gets its way.
>   Does this make some esoteric sense that I don't see? 
>   If not, how do I eliminate or take control of its irritating 
> habit?

It seems that within the past month or so, Firefox gained the ability
to detect if a dependency has been updated.  If so, it insists on
restarting.  I presume this is to stop using the old, buggy, and
insecure shared libraries that have been updated.

Firefox restores its windows when it restarts so it’s not a big deal
for me.

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Re: 32-->36?

2022-07-31 Thread James Szinger
On Sat, 30 Jul 2022 20:01:48 -0400
Tom Horsley  wrote:

> Although why anyone would want to use fedora for a long term server
> is a separate question :-). (CentOS or Ubuntu LTS comes to mind).


RHEL provides only a small fraction of the packages available in
Fedora.  Even worse, RH disables features that Fedora has and RH
aggressively removes the `-devel` packages.  When I tried building
software on CentOS, I had to patch and rebuild a bunch of Fedora
packages, patch and rebuild some CentOS packages, and rebuild some
more CentOS packages for packages that builds but doesn’t ship before
I could even begin.  I found this to be a waste of time and not

As far as Ubuntu goes, I would probably choose Debian.  But I am more
comfortable with rpm than apt, and have yet to find a good guide on
how to build my own `.deb` packages.

I also find it easier to manage the stream of small changes that come
with Fedora instead of the flood of changes that come with a new RHEL

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Re: Is there an officially Fedora supported replacement for the old rc.local? - still an issue

2022-07-23 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, 22 Jul 2022 13:56:13 -0600
Joe Zeff  wrote:

> On 7/22/22 13:34, James Szinger wrote:
> > I first encountered UNIX after years of using VMS, IBM mainframes,
> > and a plethora of personal computers.  They ALL had editors better
> > than vi.  Who writes an editor where the arrow keys don’t work!  
> To be fair, when vi was written, there were no arrow keys.  Still, I
> my personal opinion is "Fi on vi!"

The IBM 3277 was released in 1971 and had arrow keys.  The DEC VT05,
from 1970 and the VT52, released in 1975, had arrow keys.  Later
models, such as the VT100, VT220, and IBM PC had arrow keys.  The ex
editor is from 1976, but the vi name dates from 1979.

By the mid 1980s arrow keys were ubiquitous, but vi still couldn’t
cope with them.

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Re: Is there an officially Fedora supported replacement for the old rc.local? - still an issue

2022-07-22 Thread James Szinger
On Wed, 20 Jul 2022 18:43:05 +0100
Barry  wrote:

> At Berkeley university they liked emacs but on the VAX 11/780 only
> one user could be supported on BSD. The problem was found to be the
> I/O rate from single char input and echoing.
> In response to the need to support 30 students on the VAX they needed
> to drop the I/O rate. This resulted in VI and matching kernel
> terminal ioctl changes to allow lines of text to be input as a single
> I/O. There is a usenix paper that describes this in detail that came
> out a long long time ago.
> Now you have an army of graduates that know VI and use it at work.
> The rest is history…
> But when I worked at DEC we used Goslings emacs on VMS and had enough
> hardware to support emacs. I still maintain it as Barry’s Emacs.

I first encountered UNIX after years of using VMS, IBM mainframes, and
a plethora of personal computers.  They ALL had editors better than
vi.  Who writes an editor where the arrow keys don’t work!

I use emacs -nw or mg when I need a terminal editor.

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Re: are there typical ways Fedora tends to break?

2022-07-17 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, 15 Jul 2022 14:41:09 -0400
Chris Murphy  wrote:

> What portion of the failures are early boot failures? (Defined as
> bootloader, kernel, or early initramfs failures. But excludes being
> landed at a dracut prompt.)

One thing that Fedora Linux REALLY needs is the file
/usr/share/doc/grub2-common/README.Fedora which describes how to
customize grub, how to set the default boot arguments, how kernel
upgrades work, and so on.  I find that Fedora’s grub is sufficiently
different from upstream and other distros that guides written for them
fall short when working with Fedora.  I think this is somewhere on the
Fedora website, but it is hard to find when needed.  Another advantage
of a local file is that it should be specific for the current

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Re: are there typical ways Fedora tends to break?

2022-07-17 Thread James Szinger
On Sat, 16 Jul 2022 15:00:45 -0600
Joe Zeff  wrote:

> On 7/16/22 13:55, James Szinger wrote:
> > I find Gnome 3 unusable, so I use Mate instead of Workstation.  
> When I read a description of what Gnome 3 would be, I started hunting 
> around and ended up with Xfce, before Gnome 3 was released and never 
> looked back.

I have used XFCE and liked it well enough that I would use it if MATE
were not available.  I still prefer  MATE.  For example, the MATE
keyboard settings lets me customize the layout, but I had to use
setxkbmap or xmodmap with XFCE.

KDE looks slick and polished, but has enough problems under the hood
to remain a plaything.  (Just look at the blocker bugs from the last
few Fedora releases).

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Re: are there typical ways Fedora tends to break?

2022-07-16 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, 15 Jul 2022 14:41:09 -0400
Chris Murphy  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a request for list regulars.
> The Fedora Workstation working group is curious if there's any pattern
> or categorization how Fedora installations typically break. i.e. the
> installation is successful, the system has been updated multiple times
> successfully, and then for whatever reason it breaks.

I find Gnome 3 unusable, so I use Mate instead of Workstation.

> Are most failures hardware related? This could be broken down into
> hard failure (drive or logic board failed) and soft failure (some
> hardware configuration change and reverting the change resolves the
> problem).

I have had my share of hardware failures, but it is far more common
for hardware to reach end of support or to be replaced by an upgrade.

> What portion of the failures are early boot failures? (Defined as
> bootloader, kernel, or early initramfs failures. But excludes being
> landed at a dracut prompt.)

Almost none, and those are usually self inflicted.  

> What portion of the failures land the user at a dracut shell?

Almost none, and those are usually self inflicted.  I did have one
case where LVM did not find the root volume group and another with a
corrupt root partition, but those were years ago.

> What portion of the failures does the user get to a graphical shell
> but can't login?

Never.  (Except when a network failure happens and NIS is unhappy.)

> What portion of the failures can the user login but there's some sort
> of anomalous behavior?


I have recently started seeing kernel panics in the nouveau kernel

Many are new “features” that aren’t ready for prime-time.  Two recent
examples are systemd-resolved with bridged networks and pipewire with

There were also a few upgrades that changed the RPM database format,
and the migration from authconfig to authselect.  I feel that the
Fedora Change process and QA are helping here.

(I missed the great a.out to ELF transition).

> What portion of all failures are fixable without reinstalling?

All except drive failures.  

> Is the GRUB "rescue" menu entry ever useful in resolving problems?

No.  I have a bootable USB drive I can use for this purpose, or I can
boot the installer into rescue mode.  I remove dracut-config-rescue
and the rescue image from /boot.

> The questions list is not complete, feel free to add your own
> categorizations / failure patterns that you tend to see.

I have never had hibernation work right.

Applications designed for Gnome 3 often do not play nicely with other
window managers;  they show Gnome 3 window decorations instead of what
I have configured marco to show.  (Blueberry and evince are two

I set a delay in the BIOS so I can access the BIOS menus, and a delay
in the boot manager so I can access its menus.

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Re: A simple question

2022-07-16 Thread James Szinger
On Sat, 16 Jul 2022 12:55:25 -0600
Joe Zeff  wrote:

> Recently, my laptop died and I had to buy a new one.  Now, I'd like
> to take a look at what hardware is inside.  I know that there used to
> be a program to show you all of the hardware, but it's been so long
> since I needed it that I can't remember its name.  I'd appreciate it
> if somebody could point me in the right direction.

inxi and lshw spring to mind.  Both are in Fedora.

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Re: cpan build perl-PDL-Graphics-PLplot

2022-07-16 Thread James Szinger
On Sat, 16 Jul 2022 15:32:57 +0200
Patrick Dupre  wrote:

> However, I cannot see any distribution offering
> perl-PDL-Graphics-PLplot. 
> Nevertheless, this package is still active

It has many failures on CPAN Testers:

Others also have problems.

Also, this distribution layout and Makefile.PL are not typical for
Perl modules.

> If I cannot compile for the source, how can I make it compatible with
> my distribution?

A bug report seems like a good start.

> cpanm PDL::Graphics::PLplot
> perl -MCPAN -e shell
> install PDL::Graphics::PLplot
> Is this acceptable?

Does it work?  Can you adapt the spec file to match?

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Re: Problems with Borg backup on F36

2022-05-16 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, 16 May 2022 20:56:10 +0100
Patrick O'Callaghan  wrote:

> On Mon, 2022-05-16 at 18:20 +0200, Markus Schönhaber wrote:
> > 16.05.22, 17:45 +0200, Patrick O'Callaghan:
> >   
> > > I updated to F36 a few days ago and everything seemed to go
> > > smoothly
> > > until I noticed my regular nightly backups were failing. I use
> > > Borgbackup and the configuration has been stable for a long time
> > > with
> > > no problems. The actual backup does seem to succeed, but Borg runs
> > > a
> > > post-backup repository check that is now failing, even for backups
> > > taken before the system upgrade.  
> >

I upgraded a laptop to F36 few days ago and borgmatic runs without
error, including the check.  I suspect something else is happening.
Try increasing borgmatic’s verbosity to see the borg error message.

borgmatic-1.6.0 does have some breaking changes, but that is the
current version for both 35 and 36.

Also, my systems are using borgbackup-1.1.17-1.fc35 and
borgbackup-1.2.0-1.fc36.  How did you get 1.2.0 on F35?


> > Could be caused by the update to borg 1.2. You might want to take a
> > look 
> > at this bug report:
> >
> >   
> I did consider that. However the upgrade to Borg 1.2 happened on April
> 12, weeks before the system upgrade to Fedora 36, and there were no
> errors in the intervening time. Also, the built-in validation check on
> the config file says it's all fine.
> > > I've reported this:
> > >  
> > 
> > I don't get where this link is supposed to lead to.  
> Sorry, that should have been:
> poc
> ___
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Re: font longevity questions.

2022-05-14 Thread James Szinger
On Sat, 14 May 2022 11:21:32 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> On Fri, 2022-05-13 at 07:48 -0300, George N. White III wrote:
> I'd briefly looked at LaTex, decided it was more pain that is worth
> for *me* to learn, but lots of people provide that same advice.
> Having been down the road, before, of using proprietary word proc doc
> formats that couldn't be used elsewhere, I see the value of well
> defined and universal document formats.  And it is a format that
> print publishers could handle, if your documents were heading that
> way.

Try markdown if LaTeX is too complicated.  Markdown is a simple,
text-based markup language that can be automatically converted to
other formats, including HTML, LaTeX, PDF, and MS Word.  It is
amenable to version control since it is text-base; it is the preferred
documentation format for GitHub and GitLab.  Markdown syntax is simple
enough for a person to read and write after quick introduction.

I have been using LaTeX for decades and have designed several document
classes.  Markdown is better for most of my documents, unless I need a
publication quality PDF with advance formatting.

I don’t grok word processors.  Plain text is just as good for simple
documents and WYSIWYG interferes with complicated formatting.  Many of
the Word files I get from my colleagues are a mess.


P.S. This e-mail is an example of markdown.
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Re: First 5 minutes with f36

2022-05-13 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, 13 May 2022 00:45:50 +
olivares33561 via users  wrote:

> I am running Gnome and had a command in ~/.bash_profile to compose
> setxkbmap -compose ralt key
> to put a ñ I used ~ and n but it does not work anymore :(. What is
> the magic incantanation?  I am using Tom's technique copy paste from
> web browser.  But if I can use a compose key strategy, it would be
> appreciated if there is a how-to and independent of which desktop one
> uses.

Are you using wayland?  If I remember correctly, setxkbmap doesn’t
work under wayland. I am still using X windows, so I don’t know the

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Re: Perl is now failing for me

2022-02-22 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, 21 Feb 2022 00:22:13 -0800
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> On 2/20/22 21:00, Fulko Hew wrote:
> > Thanks for pointing out that app, but I fail to see how having me
> > make an RPM for a
> > Fedora-unsupported module avoids the problem of incompatibilities 
> > between newer
> > Fedora sources packages and locally sourced packages (or locally
> > CPAN installed modules)
> > Or am I missing something?  
> The benefit is that it's managed by the package manager, so it's easy
> to cleanly add, remove, and update it.  The alternative methods dump
> the files in various places and when a problem happens, you have to
> figure out where those problem files are.

A big advantage is that the package manager will complain if you
attempt an incompatible update.  You will know right away that you
need to fix something (even though DNF’s error messages can be hard to

I learned this the hard way and haven’t used CPAN since.  Cpansec is
great (as is cpan2port).

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Re: Picking a new laptop

2022-02-01 Thread James Szinger
On Tue, 1 Feb 2022 10:27:57 -0500
Neal Becker  wrote:

> My 'Ctrl-A' and 'Ctrl-E' work just fine (ctrl mapped to capslock
> where the unix gods intended)..  Alt is meta.  What do you mean by "I
> wish there were a Linux
> desktop that did that and used the Command key the right way also."?

Not for me.  Under F35 Mate:

emacsCtrl-A  beginning of line
bash Ctrl-A  beginning of line
firefox  Ctrl-A  select all

Mac OS:

emacsCtrl-A  beginning of line
bash Ctrl-A  beginning of line
firefox  Ctrl-A  beginning of line

The Linux keybindings are not consistent and thus do not work fine,
for my definition of fine.

For the command (or super) key, I want the follow global bindings:

command-A  select all
command-C  copy
command-P  print
command-Q  quit

Most of these are bound to the control key in Linux GUI applications.
This is annoying since in my brain the control key is bound to the
emacs-like functions.

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Re: Picking a new laptop

2022-02-01 Thread James Szinger
I have had good results from ThinkPads over the years.  The newest
addition is an E595 which "just works" with Fedors 35 and was
relatively affordable.  Business-class laptops and desktops also tend
to be designed with service in mind, so they can be fixed.

Another family member has an older HP Spectre X360 which runs mostly
fine—the main issue is that scales correctly to the 4k display.  This
affect both Linux and Windows.

Finally, I am enjoying the MacBook I use for work.  It runs all the
Unix software I want and 'Ctrl-A' and 'Ctrl-E' do the right thing in
Emacs, the terminal, and the web browser.  I wish there were a Linux
desktop that did that and used the Command key the right way also.


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Re: Network bridge with network-scripts

2022-01-25 Thread James Szinger
On Tue, 25 Jan 2022 01:48:24 +0100
Peter Boy  wrote:

> If you want your VMs to have access to the public network, then you
> have to share the host's public interface. The most convenient option
> is mac-vlan and to avoid a bridge. You don’t need to configure the
> host interface, but just the VMs to use „direct attachment“ in
> KVM/libvirt-speech. See Fedora Server documentation at
> (it’s the staging version).
> Konfiguration is much easier and it causes less system load. The only
> disadvantage is that the VMs cannot communicate directly with the
> host. But it is usually better to use an internal, protected network
> for this. 

This, for me, is a fatal limitation.  The web server needs to access
the database server and so on.  At home I have just one network and
every thing is internal.  At work we have an internal network and all
internet-facing services are on an isolated network with an industrial
grade firewall and application filter severely restricting access from
the internet.  All the hosts are already on an “internal” network of
some variety, so setting up a another one seems redundant.

I also feel that configuring the host for bridge mode is much more
convenient than installing a separate physical network.

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Re: python3dist(sphinx-math-dollar)

2022-01-23 Thread James Szinger
On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 07:48:47 -0500
Jonathan Billings  wrote:

> On Jan 22, 2022, at 06:35, Dorian ROSSE 
> wrote:
> > 
> > Have you tried 'pip3 install python3dist ' ?  
> I never suggest Fedora users run ‘pip’ as root, except when in a
> virtualenv, dockerfile or some contained environment. 
> It is far too easy for pip to overwrite or override a packaged python
> library and break system tools, such as the ones used in DNF. Once
> you’ve broken dnf, it is hard to fix those libraries since dnf is the
> tool to fix them. 


But seriously, I used to use the cpan command to install missing Perl
modules.  That led to many interesting problems, especially after
system updates.  I now build my own RPMs (cpanspec is great).  The has
many advantages: the same software is available on many computers,
system and package updates are easy, and the spec file documents how
thee software was built.  The current Fedora packaging tooling also
makes it easy to build Python packages as RPMs.

It would be great if the Fedora project were to emphasize the
advantages to sysadmins and developers of build their own RPMs.

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Re: Interactive task scheduling (system) ? How do I run a list of tasks consecutively on a server ?

2022-01-21 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 11:31:25 -0700
linux guy  wrote:

> Is there anything simpler than Torque ?

There is the standard UNIX batch command.  It is about as simple as
can be.  Certainly much simpler than the VMS and MVS batch systems
back in the day.  

There also seem to be several Node.JS batch queuing systems.

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Re: ocatve

2022-01-20 Thread James Szinger
On Thu, 20 Jan 2022 13:00:56 +0100
Patrick Dupre  wrote:

> When I run octave with
> pkg load symbolic
> and
> syms x
> I
> get
> Symbolic pkg v2.9.0: Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 28, in 
> It seems that it is an identified bug, due to sympy

Is there a Fedora bugzilla entry?  If not you should file one.  How
about upstream?

> This is really more than annoying.
> if we cannot use the symbolic package with octave
> Do you more about the future of this packages?

I have no idea; this is the first I have heard of this package.  You
will get a better answer if you contact the Fedora packager and

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Re: OT: Linux kernel version in fiber modem

2021-12-26 Thread James Szinger
On Sat, 25 Dec 2021 03:15:50 -0800
Jonathan Ryshpan  wrote:

> On a whim I opened up the:
>Legal Disclaimer Open Source Licenses
> in the management page for my fiber modem (ATT installed 2021/03/30)
> and discovered that the kernel is rather old:
>linux kernel - Version 3.4.11
> There are about 163 other open source components, probably most of
> similar ages.
> Is this a security problem?

I would not worry too much about it.  All the equally old stuff in
userspace is a bigger concern.

On the other hand, my ISP already has complete control of my cable
modem; they apply firmware updates and manage the configuration.  All
I can do is log in and view the status report.  The modem is
effectively part of the ISP infrastructure, which is already beyond my

My modem runs in bridge mode and I have a separate router to interface
with the LAN.  This provides a clear demarcation between the ISP and
my LAN.

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Re: stream TO airplay/sonos

2021-11-24 Thread James Szinger
On Tue, 23 Nov 2021 09:31:50 -0600
SternData  wrote:

> Unfortunately, I can't find any "raop" support in the Fedora repos. 
> Thanks very much for getting me this far.

It is in pulseaudio-module-zeroconf.

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Re: Fedora image on flash drive bootable both UEFI and Legacy

2021-11-02 Thread James Szinger
On Tue, 2 Nov 2021 20:19:10 +0100
"Petr Menšík"  wrote:
> I would like to have my flash drive prepared with recent Live image. I
> know how to write image to an usb drive and how to boot it.
> However, I carry 64GB large disk on my keys and I would like to have
> two things:
> - bootable live image
> - data partition for common files, visible from Windows
> - should boot both on recent computer with UEFI preference
> - should boot also on older computer with legacy boot only.

The program livecd-iso-to-disk from the package livecd-iso-to-mediums
can do the first three parts.  Then with a bit of care one can hack in
BIOS boot support.  I am not aware of an automatic tool, but basically
one creates a hybrid partition table and manually installs the BIOS
bootloader without disturbing the EFI one.  It has been several years
since I did this, and I have forgotten the details.  A web search
should help.

Maybe a second run of livecd-iso-to-disk can do it if you do not
reformat the second time.

> I understand my expectations are not very low. But because the image
> itself can boot on both architectures, I would hope there exist tools
> able to prepare such configuration.

I do not know of a canned solution.

> Unfortunately, gdisk can display partition tables on image only
> partially. It is not able to modify it and add another data partition
> after image ends. Which were the only required step after dd
> if=Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-35-1.2.iso of=/dev/sdc as I naively
> thought.
> Do you know if is even theoretically possible? Are there existing
> tools able to create both GPT and MBR tables, just like on Fedora
> images? How are those images created?

It is theoretically possible and most likely also practically

I think the Fedora images are created by livemedia-creator.

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Re: Using python to get a list of repositories, including RHEL

2021-11-01 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, 01 Nov 2021 21:52:33 -
"Philip Kauffman"  wrote:
> My goal is to use a python script to get all a systems repositories
> in a data structure (list,dict,whatever). I've gotten most of the way
> there with the below which is able to get all repositories in
> /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo. However, I can't find any reference to how
> to also make python3-dnf get the RHEL repositories as well... even
> though it is clearly capable of doing so (see below). 
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Your script produces the expected output on my Fedora 34 system,
listing all the active and inactive repos.  Of course, it lists no
RHEL repos, since I do not have any.  I also get similar resul;ts in a
CentOS 8 container.

I don’t have RHEL, so I cannot help with that part.  You might want to
ask RH for RHEL-specific advice.

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Re: Today's dnf update hangs on papirus-icon-theme-20210901-2.fc35?

2021-11-01 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, 1 Nov 2021 14:15:14 -0400
Neal Becker  wrote:

> Just to followup, after dnf removing papirus-icon-theme (which I
> didn't need), dnf update completes normally.
> On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 1:30 PM Neal Becker 
> wrote:
> >
> > dnf seems to just hang on this update, using 100% cpu:
> >
> > papirus-icon-theme-20210901-2.fc35.noarch.rpm

I just let it run.  It took twenty minutes, but completed without error.

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Re: DNF update installing unwanted GRUB packages

2021-10-07 Thread James Szinger
On Tue, 5 Oct 2021 13:40:51 -0500
Ian Pilcher  wrote:

> I use systemd-boot, so I try to avoid having unneeded GRUB packages
> installed.  When I run dnf update, grub2-tools-efi and
> grub2-tools-extra get installed, even though they aren't required by
> any of my other installed packages.
> I already have install_weak_deps=False set in dnf.conf.
> Anyone have any idea why DNF is installing these packages?

For some reason, grub2-tools-efi and grub2-tools-extra obsolete
grub2-tools, and they get pulled in on every update.  This is arguably
a packaging bug, and I suggest that you file a bug report.

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Re: libvirt virsh define {vm_dumpxml.xml} does not work

2021-08-09 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 00:42:08 +0200
Peter Boy  wrote:

> In the process to migrate from CentOS 8 to Fedora I saved the
> definition of various VMs using "virsh dumpxml vm_id  >  vm_id.xml“ 
> According to the manual I can restore using "virsh define vm_id.xml“
> But I get
> Error: Can’t check QEMU program file /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm: file or
> directory not found 
> A "dnf provides '/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm*‘“ can’t find a package.

It loks like they changed the path to the emulator.
On CentOS 7 I see


but on Fedora 34 I see


You might want to create a new VM in Fedora just to see what else has
changed.  Perhaps even import the disk image into a fresh VM.

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Re: OT: ink jet printers

2021-07-07 Thread James Szinger
On Wed, 7 Jul 2021 07:55:21 +0200
Peter Boy  wrote:

> > Am 07.07.2021 um 00:33 schrieb James Szinger :
> > 
> > On Tue, 6 Jul 2021 09:57:47 -0600
> > Greg Woods  wrote:
> >   
> >> Question #2 is, are any of the all-in-one laser printers any good
> >> and work (all functions) with Fedora Linux?  
> > 
> > I currently have an HP Color LaserJet MFP M477fdw.  It prints great
> > from Fedora, CentOS, Mac OS, iOS, MS Windows, and Android.  I
> > usually scan to e-mail or USB disk.  I can also scan over the
> > network from Fedora 34 with xsane and airscan.  
> From my experience of about 30 years the HP software support or
> multifunction laser printers is really superb and works smoothly.
> There is no difference to inkjet devices. For that reason I avoid any
> of the cheaper laser printer alternatives. It’s not worth the
> headache and the time to spend resolving issues. For heavy load and
> quality requirements Lexmark is an alternative.

My current HP support “driverless” printing with all the smarts on the
printer.  All the devices I list above just discover it on the network
and print without installing additional software.  A previous DeskJet
became trash when HP didn’t update the drivers to support the latest
MacOS.  Well, that and the clogged nozzles.

I also had a Lexmark that died after only 8 years of light home use.
I hope the current LaserJet lasts as long as the previous ones.

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Re: OT: ink jet printers

2021-07-06 Thread James Szinger
On Tue, 6 Jul 2021 09:57:47 -0600
Greg Woods  wrote:

> Well, not completely OT because I do need one that will work on
> Fedora.
> I have found a number of ink jet all-in-ones that work well on
> Fedora, from Epson, HP, and Brother. The problem is that I don't use
> the printer all that much, and every single one of them eventually
> (after I've had it for a few months) develops a head clog that is so
> bad that not even the printer's cleaning cycle can fix it. I have
> tried some of the cleaning kits with not much success (I'm a lousy
> handyman), and even if I could get the cleaning kits to work, I'd
> rather find a printer where I can avoid this headache.

I gave up on ink jet printers because of this.

> So, is there any such thing as an all-in-one ink jet printer that
> does not suffer from this problem if it is not used regularly?
> Question #2 is, are any of the all-in-one laser printers any good and
> work (all functions) with Fedora Linux?

I currently have an HP Color LaserJet MFP M477fdw.  It prints great
from Fedora, CentOS, Mac OS, iOS, MS Windows, and Android.  I usually
scan to e-mail or USB disk.  I can also scan over the network from
Fedora 34 with xsane and airscan.

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Re: conflict between mythtv and rtl-sdr

2021-06-28 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, 28 Jun 2021 09:18:59 -0500
Roger Heflin  wrote:

> It looks like the prior udev rule put the dvb adapters in video.
> Since their are both video and radio devices maybe "video" should
> really be renamed as "dvb" and/or maybe the rtl package should simply
> add itself to video and not use its own group.

udev uses the video group by default for dvb and other video devices.
Many of these devices also support audio radio. I do not know why
rtl-sdr chose to override this, but it seems problematic.

> It seems like the packagers of the RPM did not really consider that
> dvb includes both video and radio devices.  It is probably almost
> impossible for any udev rule to know which devices are radio and which
> are video to separate the devices.

The RTL-SDR dongle is a DVB (TV) receiver that uses the computer’s CPU
to decode the video.  Other software can decode the data stream in
other ways, thus its application to software-defined radio.  My dongle
claims to support DVB-T, DAB, and FM.  North America uses ATSC for
digital TV, so here it does not matter, but it matters where DVB-T is
the TV broadcast standard.  The OP is having problems using the device
to receive TV.

I think the best workaround is to copy
/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/10-rtl-sdr.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and
change the group to video.  It might also work to create an empty
/etc/udev/rules.d/10-rtl-sdr.rules file, but I have not tested it.

File a bug against rtl-sdr since the package interferes with the
intended use of the device.

Maybe also file a bug against rng-tools asking them to remove the
dependency on rtl-sdr.

> I don't have an SDR dongle, I was thinking about getting one, and mine
> would also be on my mythtv machine.   If it is a DVB device I don't
> see any other way except both using a shared group of some name.

It depends on your local TV broadcast standards.

> Since mythtv is using the system default "video" it probably means the
> rtl rpm packagers should either suggest that all use a new group of
> dvb, or just use the already defined "video" group for their package.

Right, I see no reason not to use the well-known video group.

>   On your machine the crude fix would be to change the rtlsdr group to
> have the same GID as video and find + chgrp all files that currently
> have the old gid to the new gid.

Far too ugly, IMHO.

> question about SDR: How well does it work and which one do you have?
> And how well does it work?

I have an older generic dongle, currently about $20 online.  I used it
some with gqrx and had no problems.  I pulled in commercial FM and
2-meter ham.


> On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 7:52 PM Eyal Lebedinsky
>  wrote:
> >
> > After a recent update which installed
> > rtl-sdr-0.6.0-9.fc34.x86_64
> > mythbackend failed to see the tuners. This was caused by these
> > permissions: crw-rw+ 1 root rtlsdr 212,  3 Jun 20 23:10
> > /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 set by
> > /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/10-rtl-sdr.rules
> > and mythbackend is not a member of rtlsdr group.
> >
> > There seems to be a conflict between mythtv-backend and rtl-sdr.
> > How should this be resolved? Is it proper for one package (rtl-sdr)
> > to take ownership of these devices?
> >
> > ATM I just change the permissions of dvb tuners from rc.local but
> > this is not ideal. Or I could add mythtv user to rtlsdr group.
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > --
> > Eyal Lebedinsky (
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Re: Tor killed my other browsers; Name or service not known; uninstalling does not help

2021-06-26 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, 25 Jun 2021 17:33:04 -0400
Tom Horsley  wrote:

> On Fri, 25 Jun 2021 14:20:30 -0700
> ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
> > Kernel 5.12.12-300 breaks host resolution
> >  
> Very weird that the kernel could break name resolution since that
> all works at library level. Maybe some "deprecated" interface
> is being used by 99% of the lookup code, and they got rid of
> it completely in the new kernel?

I had name resolution break on one of my F34 computers after the latest
kernel update.  Restarting systemd-resolved fixed the problem.  I
rebooted and the same thing happened: no DNS until systemd-resolved
was restarted.

None of systemctl status, dmesg, or journalclt showed anything
suspicious or interesting.

My other Fedora computers are fine.  I suspect the difference is that
the problem computer is using bridged networking instead of a direct
ethernet connection.  Perhaps a timing issue with the bridge?

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Re: How to kickstart a workstation installation?

2021-04-14 Thread James Szinger
On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 10:33:27 -0500
Thomas Cameron  wrote:
> How the heck do I kickstart a workstation? Preferably from the 
> F33-Everything DVD image so I can set up Xfce.

Check out the --kickstart option to livecd-iso-to-disk.  The last tiem
I did this I used a command like:

livecd-iso-to-disk --format --reset-mbr --ks /tmp/inst.ks \
/mnt/data/iso/CentOS7/CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1804.iso /dev/sdd

to create a bootable USB drive with a kickstart.  It should work the
same for Fedora as CentOS.

Or you can add the inst.ks for anaconda when you boot the DVD, but you
need to type it in.  Or put the ISO and kickstart on a PXE server.

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Re: Any Jython users out there? Please speak up!

2021-03-13 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, 12 Mar 2021 22:53:32 +0100
Miro Hrončok  wrote:
> Being a Pythonista myself, I don't know any Jython users running
> Fedora. If you use Jython on Fedora, please let me know how you
> install Jython: If it is from the Fedora package or from elsewhere,
> e.g. trough maven or downloading the installer from, or
> something entirely different.

My only encounter with Jython has been as the scripting extension for
JMRI.  Removing Jython from Fedora will have no effect since JMRI
bundles its own copy.

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Re: installing wine on F33 wants to downgrade packages

2020-10-24 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, 23 Oct 2020 15:06:39 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> Except that I would expect the 32-bit and 64-bit packages would be
> going in the same updates, so it shouldn't be possible to get only
> one of them.  But maybe that's not the case.

It’s complicated and one of the tricky bits of running a pre-release
Fedora.  The updates-testing repository is enabled by default after
branching from rawhide and during pre-beta and early beta.  Then the
update-testing repo is disabled by default at some time between beta
and final.  A system that was fully updated with the updates-testing
repo will suddenly have a bunch of downgradable packages.  Most of
these will be available as day zero updates, but some will be stuck in
updates-testing indefinitely.  A yum distro-sync is probably the best
way to get the system in sync with the repos.

My guess is that the OP installed some 64-bit packages from
updates-testing and now wine needs the ‘downgrade’ 32-bit version from
the release repo.

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Re: installing wine on F33 wants to downgrade packages

2020-10-23 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, 23 Oct 2020 13:44:07 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> On 10/23/20 1:08 PM, Anil Felipe Duggirala wrote:
> > I am looking to install wine on my new Fedora 33 laptop. When doing
> > 'dnf install wine' I am getting:  
> Since Fedora 33 hasn't been released yet, I expect someone will tell
> you this is the wrong list and in this case, they would be at least
> partly right.  The downgrading issue should be raised on the test
> list.  The rest is more suitable here.

Or wait for a week until F33 is released and all the updates have caught
up.  Part of the Fedora development process involves “Freezes” when no
updates are issued while the release is finalized.  I expect there are
a bunch of updates waiting to be unfrozen.  These are usually
available when the official release is made or within a few days.
Fedora 33 is scheduled for next Tuesday, October 27.

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Re: Network printer

2020-08-16 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 01:18:36 +0300
Matti Pulkkinen  wrote:

> My expectation based on a previous bad experience with a Samsung
> printer (and various horror stories I've heard online) was that Linux
> support in printers would range from abysmal to just plain terrible,
> but it seems there are actually a fair few models from HP which even
> advertise Linux support. Maybe I'm still living in a past age. Either
> way it's nice to be pleasantly surprised.

I used to look for Mac and PostScript support in years past.  I never
bothered with cheap WinPrinters---too many horror stories.  Networked
PS printers worked well once the appropriate PPD was installed.

These days I have a printer (HP CLJ MPF M477fdw) that supports
AirPrint.  Set up was a breeze for CentOS, Fedora, Mac OS, iOS and
Amazon Fire.  Everything auto-configued.  I think I've even printed
from a Windows VM.

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Re: Radeon 5700 XT: Wayland/X11 not using amdgpu

2020-07-02 Thread James Szinger
On Thu, 2 Jul 2020 15:03:44 -0400
Braden McDaniel  wrote:

> > On Jul 2, 2020, at 2:04 PM, James Szinger 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 1 Jul 2020 23:09:29 -0700
> > Samuel Sieb  wrote:  
> >> There is no amdgpu X driver.  
> > 
> > Yes there is.  It's xorg-x11-drv-amdgpu.  It's not installed by
> > default the last time I looked.  
> I did find that and install it; but that did not seem to improve my
> situation.

I think the nomodeset kernel parameter is key.

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Re: Radeon 5700 XT: Wayland/X11 not using amdgpu

2020-07-02 Thread James Szinger
On Wed, 1 Jul 2020 23:09:29 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:
> There is no amdgpu X driver.

Yes there is.  It's xorg-x11-drv-amdgpu.  It's not installed by
default the last time I looked.

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Re: Graphing/Charting software in Linux - recommendations?

2020-06-04 Thread James Szinger
On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 09:38:56 -0400 (EDT)
Max Pyziur  wrote:

> I mostly use Python/MatPlotLib for my graphing charting needs for a
> bunch of self-built, production-oriented things I require.
> However, once in a while I need to assemble something ad-hoc, and I 
> generally revert to MS Excel because of fidelity and functionality.
> I've tried doing the same within Gnumeric and Libreoffice, but the
> results are considerably less compelling than that of MS Excel.
> Would there be any recommendations on what's available w/in the Linux 
> world that should be evaluated in this regard?

Gnuplot is an excellent scientific plotting program, which has been
around a long time and is still actively developed.  Once can use it
for ad-hoc graphs, save the configuration and then clean it up ina
text editor for final output.  It's also Makefile friendly for
automated workflows.

R also has excellent statistical graphs, especially with the R-ggplot2
package.  It's also automation friendly.

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Re: Driver for Epson Photo Printer

2020-05-26 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, 25 May 2020 15:11:46 -0600
"S.Bob"  wrote:
> I just ordered this printer:
>   Epson SureColor P900 17" Photo Printer
> Any thoughts on where I can get a driver for it to print large
> photos? Or even the driver for it's predecessor the P800?

Gutenprint lists support for the P800 as experimental, and I didn't see
any mention of the P900---I suspect it's too new.  Copy your TIFFs to a
Mac for printing?

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Re: AAUGH! More "helpful" software!

2020-04-28 Thread James Szinger
On Tue, 28 Apr 2020 13:12:35 -0400
Tom Horsley  wrote:
> Bingo! I used "systemctl --root=/mnt/sysroot" to mask both
> packagekit-offline-update and packagekit before booting the
> first time after the reinstall, and rebooted with no messages
> about installing updates. (And no gnome notifications about
> new updates I desperately need to install).

Don’t forget systemctl disable dnf-makecache.timer`

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Re: Kickstart Fedora 30 (aarch64) on Raspberry Pi 3 B+

2019-05-28 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 11:13 PM Felix Geschwindner via users
> Fedora on RPI is AMAZING and I'm working on a project to automate 
> provisioning for a Raspberry Pi cluster. This would add a ton of CI 
> capabilities and convenience. It would also take the edge of the nuisance 
> that RPIs eat SD cards like I eat Oreos.
> Right now the process is pretty manual:
> 1. Put SD card in secondary machine
> 2. DD Fedora's minimal aarch64 image onto SD card
> 3. Grow partition
> 4. Put SD card back
> 5. Boot
> 6. Go through initial setup
> 7. Update all packages
> 8. Continue with regular config and host management
> This requires being physically in front of the RPIs (and provisioning 
> machine) and involves a lot of hand holding.

I can't help with the PXE boot, but perhaps the Fedora Arm list might

I have managed to use virt-install with a kickstart file to setup an
aarch64 virtual-machine on an x86_64 host.  I think if you copy the
magic bits from the official Fedora arm kickstarts, you end up with an
image that can be copied to an SD card.  Perhaps the following might

1. Write a kickstart file setup the way you want.
2. Run virt-install with this kickstart.  Make the disk image big
enough that you don't have to resize.
2a. Periodically refresh the master image.
3. Clone the VM and run virt-sysprep to do the initial setup.
4. dd the image to the SD card.
5. put the SD card back and boot.
6. Continue with regular config and host management.

Pretty much everything except handling the SD cards can be scripted.

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Re: Nonexistent service to disable: zz-fortune

2019-04-15 Thread James Szinger
On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 1:05 AM Frank Elsner  wrote:
> without changes to my configuration suddenly all logwatch cron jobs show up
> the error message
>Nonexistent service to disable: zz-fortune
> Why this? What has happend? How to make logwatch work again?

It seems that zz-fortune was removed from the latest logwatch release.
My guess is you disabled it previously, hence the warning.
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Change GDM background

2010-11-27 Thread James Szinger
How do I change the desktop background for the GDM login screeen?  I
don't see anything in custom.conf.  Is there some gconf magic?

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Re: F13/F14 on an iPad ?

2010-10-22 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
  I would have little interest
 in it anyway as the device is overpriced. Typical of a Mac product.

 You're better off buying a tablet laptop and installing Fedora on that.

The computer you show is bigger, costs twice as much, weight three
times as much, and has half the battery life of an iPad.  They aren't
really competing in the same market.  Where are the less expensive
tablets?  My wild-assed guess is that in the coming year we'll get
some android tablets on the market.  The cheap one will cost less than
an iPad, but will be mostly crap.  The good ones will have a hard time
competing with the iPad on price.  The Samsung Galaxy Tab will cost
the same as an iPad in the UK:

I don't own an iPad, and have no plans to buy one, but I don't accept
that they are fundamentally overpriced.  I also agree that attempting
to install Fedora on an iPad is not a good idea.

A more interesting project is to install Fedora or some other real
Linux distro on a android device.  My limited web searching didn't
reveal any easy answers.

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Re: F13/F14 on an iPad ?

2010-10-22 Thread James Szinger
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:16:55 -0600
Linuxguy123 wrote:

 On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 10:10 -0600, James Szinger wrote:
  I also agree that attempting
  to install Fedora on an iPad is not a good idea.
 And why is that ?  You've heard of Yellow Dog Linux ?  You know that
 Meego is being installed on some Android devices and Android has been
 installed on the N900 ?  Granted they aren't mainstream, fully
 operational, but its early in these efforts.

Drivers.  The iPad has lots of custom hardware with no pubic
documentation.  Getting Linux support for such hardware is usually a
long an tedious process.  Compare the feature sets of the closed source
and open source nvidia graphics drivers for an example.  When I first
tried Fedora on an early Intel MacBook, there were plenty of rough
edges.  It took until Fedora 12 before everything mostly worked.
Getting Linux on the iPad will be a lot of work without much benefit.

The source code for android is published, so it should be possible to
port the driver to a regular Linux.  No such groundwork exists for iPad.

 If nobody else is going to ship a decent tablet, the iPad may be all
 we have to work with.   And I don't want to run IOS or whatever its

I think in the next year there will be a variety of tablets on the
market, and some of them will be decent (for various values of
decent).  The new HP Slate 500 seems promising.  HP offers FreeDOS and
Windows 7, so getting Fedora running with Meego seems quite possible,
and maybe easy.

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Re: upgrade gcc on fedora core 4

2010-09-10 Thread James Szinger
On Thu, 9 Sep 2010 15:38:39 +0200
Rossella Noschese wrote:

 I've a question. At work we have a fedore core 4 release on a 64-bit
 machine. We need now to upgrade the compiler. We have GNU Fortran 95
 (GCC 4.0.0 20050519 (Red Hat 4.0.0-8)). We need at least gcc version
 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42). I'm not a great shell user, so can
 you help me? How do I get this upgrade?
 Thanx in advance,

The easiest way is to install CentOS 5 (or Scientific Linux).  It comes

gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48)

It sounds like whoever is specifying the compiler is expecting a RHEL 5
or compatible system.  RHEL is still supported and receiving regular
patches.  Since you are running an EOL FC4, I'm guessing that paid
support is not important to you, so look at the free rebuilds.

As you may have gathered from the other followups, updating the RPMS
piecemeal or rebuilding GCC is not for the faint-hearted.

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