Re: [IronPython] Congratulations to Michael Foord on Receiving the Community Service Award

2010-11-05 Thread Hank Fay
I think you're the only author I've seen (except for those who have a team
of researchers behind them, as some of the big names do) who didn't respond
with fright and alarm to the suggestion of writing another book.
 Remarkable.  Go for it. gdr  I'm thinking a dynamic data framework, so
dynamic language folks can have a choice other than the static ORM's (EF,
NH, etc.).

And congratulations on your award (richly deserved) and your book
(deservedly praised).


On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Michael Foord

  On 04/11/2010 12:51, Pablo Dalmazzo wrote:

 Congratulations! Write another book! :)

 Thanks all. :-)

 I'll add writing another book to my list of things to do...


 Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 23:32:34 -0500
 Subject: [IronPython] Congratulations to Michael Foord on Receiving the
 Community Service Award

  The Python Software Foundation has presented the Community Service Award
 for the third quarter of 2010 to Michael 
 Foord in
 recognition of his incredible work in promoting Python everywhere he could.
 Michael is active on IRC channels, mailing lists, conferences, sprints and
 similar events. On the development side, he has been doing incredible work
 on unitest and unitest2. Michael also helps maintain the Planet Python RSS
 feed and website, and with organizing the Europython meeting
 and Summit
 The Python Software Foundation is pleased to recognize Michael's
 contributions to the community.

  Well deserved!  Thanks for all the hard work, Michael.

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Re: [IronPython] IronPython / DLR Direction

2010-08-12 Thread Hank Fay
Ouch!  If PR is the answer, then the wrong question has been asked.

And I agree: the people in the middle aren't in a position to comment.


PS: When did the relief at getting out of middle hit you?  Spokane?  S.
Dakota? Minnesota? s Having been in that kind of position, I know it took
a little while for it to sink in when I was out of the middle.  I think it
was about the 3rd day out on the road for me.

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 10:24 AM, Jimmy Schementi ji...@schementi.comwrote:

 Let's not push Dino or Bill to say anything; This is a enough of a
 high-profile issue that I'm sure Microsoft's PR firms are working on this.
 Unfortunately, we'll just have to be patient.


 On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 6:02 AM, Eyvind Axelsen

  So, no response from the IPY team on this issue?


 *Fra:* [mailto:] *På vegne av* yngipy hernan
 *Sendt:* 10. august 2010 05:46
 *Til:* Discussion of IronPython
 *Emne:* Re: [IronPython] IronPython / DLR Direction

 I completely agree with IPy being Microsoft-supported lowers the barrier
 of entry to enterprise use. I have this problem long time back using Python
 as the company is a Microsoft shop (mostly). But IronPython being Microsoft
 pretty much is approved already, no question ask.

 I am hoping to hear that IronPython will be supported by MS in the next 2
 to 5 years or longer ( forever :-) ) if possible.


 On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Hank Fay wrote:

 Hi Tony,

 I have to agree about the barrier being lower if IPy is
 Microsoft-supported (as all the Iron* languages were announced to be).  I
 had a discussion in January with a market-leader in another country, and
 their project manager could accept IronPython, barely.  His take was: I want
 to be able to easily hire programmers for customization and/or sourcecode
 escrow clause necessity.  Customization wasn't really an issue (the program
 uses hooks for customization), as he could hire his bevy of C# developers to
 do that, but if he had to maintain sourcecode that would be a different

 Having come from a very productive dynamic language (Visual FoxPro) that
 MS first said could not be ported to .Net, and then when it obviously was
 possible (in 2005) made no attempt to do so, I'm having a deja vu experience
 all over again.  I'll try not to be as cynical and sarcastic as last time,
 but I'm having to hold my arm down (shades of Dr. Strangelove) and hold my
 tongue to prevent shouting out Middle Management Uber Alles! (referencing
 Jimmy's blog post).

 And so it goes...


 On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Tony Meyer wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 6:19 AM, Jeff Hardy wrote:
  if [Iron*] die, doesn't that mean MS made the right choice after all?

 I don't think that's true.  .NET isn't just another platform - it's
 Microsoft's own platform.  Some thoughts:

 Like it or not, and whether it *should* be the case or not, in many
 organisations (or even teams) if a technology is from Microsoft then
 it's automatically approved, or at least much easier to approve.  The
 barrier to using Iron* is much lower because they are Microsoft
 products - this is even more the case with Visual Studio integration.

 Although Iron* are open-source (which is great, obviously), they
 aren't typical open-source communities, because of the (somewhat
 understandable) restriction about accepting code, and the leadership
 all (AFAIK) being within Microsoft.  Microsoft have created this
 environment (which has worked fairly well so far), and it's not clear
 how easily that can transition to something that's lead by someone (or
 ones) outside of Microsoft.

 Leadership (or at least involvement) within Microsoft opens
 opportunities for Iron* development to influence .NET.  I'm not overly
 familiar with the details, but I gather than the DLR approach is
 significantly superior to the IPy 1 CLR approach, and that some of the
 new dynamic features of C# have benefited from this.  It's hard to see
 how a community IronPython could have developed the DLR, and it seems
 unlikely that Microsoft would make changes to the CLR to assist it.
 (Does the latest Microsoft Javascript engine use the DLR (Managed
 JScript?) - if so, then there's hope, I guess).

 Projects often need 'angels', especially in the early stages (and I
 would argue that Iron* are still in early stages).  Working on a
 project of this size takes a lot of resources, and having corporate
 sponsors makes that a lot easier.  Would Python have succeeded if CWI,
 CNRI, and BeOpen hadn't supported Guido (and others)'s work in the
 early days?  These days the PSF takes this role, but projects need
 time to build to that sort of size.

 [Iron]Python (I don't really know much about [Iron]Ruby) is a great
 language for beginners (students, kids, hobbyists, etc

Re: [IronPython] Fwd: [DB-SIG] How can I reliably detect whether an SQL statement is a Query?

2010-08-10 Thread Hank Fay
Hi Vernon,

have you looked at Microsoft.Data.Database, which comes with LightSwitch?  I
think it might have what you need in terms of methods and properties.  It
does require .Net 4.0.


On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Vernon Cole wrote:

 I am afraid Lukas is very correct.  (Thanks, you really saved me a lot of
 debugging time.)

 This will be an anti-announcement.  I got a version (2.4.1A1) of adodbapi
 working (sort of) on ADO.NET and splatted up against enough difficulties
 that I have shelved the effort for the present time.  I have committed my
 efforts to a new branch (named on the mercurial source tree at for anyone who would like
 to take up the effort.  It might be worthwhile to continue development on an
 SQL-server specific version, especially if someone has MONO in mind.  Since
 I intended adodbapi to be as universal as possible, I did not want to go
 that direction.

 The problems I found were:
 1) Lukas was right -- only one datareader per connection. Messes up cursor
 usage as per the api.
 2) cursor.rowcount becomes useless for SELECTs.
 3) Connection timeouts are only supported by adding text to the connection
 strings -- which breaks JET.
 4) The internal size for cursor.description[3] cannot be retrieved.
 5) fine control of cursor location and isolation level is lost.
 6) MS documentation vaguely suggests that using ExecuteReader for a command
 which returns no dataset is a bad idea, which may mean that there is a
 problem with a stored procedure which may not return a dataset.
 7) MS documentation hints that schema results (which are processed into
 cursor.description) may be incorrect unless a keyinfo flag is passed to
 ExecuteReader, the use of which will cause several possible side effects to
 the data retrieval.
 8) Use of a datareader implies no recordset, so I have to emulate a
 recordset within my SQLrows object.
 9) ADO.NET still uses a COM interface internally to communicate with ADO
 data adapters -- so what's the point of not using COM directly in my code
 and keeping all of the lost features?

 So the COM implementation of adodbapi v2.4.0 will remain as the official
 latest and greatest for IronPython.

 Thanks for all the fish...
 Vernon Cole

 On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Lukas Cenovsky cenov...@bakalari.czwrote:

  On 3.8.2010 1:24, Vernon Cole wrote:

 What are the consequences of using ExecuteReader() when there is
  nothing to read? If none, i.e. you get an empty set of results, then I
  would say to use that all the time, and don't bother to examine your
  SQL at all.

 I think ExecuteReader should work for everything. I use only ExecuteReader
 in my private tool (but I do not use stored procedures).

 You will have a bigger problem with ADO.NET than this. According to the
 Python dbapi specification, you can have as many cursors per connection as
 you want. You can have many cursors in ADO.NET too, but you can have only
 one SqlDataReader per connections which makes several cursors per connection

 -- Lukas

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Re: [IronPython] IronPython / DLR Direction

2010-08-09 Thread Hank Fay
Hi Tony,

I have to agree about the barrier being lower if IPy is Microsoft-supported
(as all the Iron* languages were announced to be).  I had a discussion in
January with a market-leader in another country, and their project manager
could accept IronPython, barely.  His take was: I want to be able to easily
hire programmers for customization and/or sourcecode escrow clause
necessity.  Customization wasn't really an issue (the program uses hooks for
customization), as he could hire his bevy of C# developers to do that, but
if he had to maintain sourcecode that would be a different story.

Having come from a very productive dynamic language (Visual FoxPro) that MS
first said could not be ported to .Net, and then when it obviously was
possible (in 2005) made no attempt to do so, I'm having a deja vu experience
all over again.  I'll try not to be as cynical and sarcastic as last time,
but I'm having to hold my arm down (shades of Dr. Strangelove) and hold my
tongue to prevent shouting out Middle Management Uber Alles! (referencing
Jimmy's blog post).

And so it goes...


On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Tony Meyer wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 6:19 AM, Jeff Hardy wrote:
  if [Iron*] die, doesn't that mean MS made the right choice after all?

 I don't think that's true.  .NET isn't just another platform - it's
 Microsoft's own platform.  Some thoughts:

 Like it or not, and whether it *should* be the case or not, in many
 organisations (or even teams) if a technology is from Microsoft then
 it's automatically approved, or at least much easier to approve.  The
 barrier to using Iron* is much lower because they are Microsoft
 products - this is even more the case with Visual Studio integration.

 Although Iron* are open-source (which is great, obviously), they
 aren't typical open-source communities, because of the (somewhat
 understandable) restriction about accepting code, and the leadership
 all (AFAIK) being within Microsoft.  Microsoft have created this
 environment (which has worked fairly well so far), and it's not clear
 how easily that can transition to something that's lead by someone (or
 ones) outside of Microsoft.

 Leadership (or at least involvement) within Microsoft opens
 opportunities for Iron* development to influence .NET.  I'm not overly
 familiar with the details, but I gather than the DLR approach is
 significantly superior to the IPy 1 CLR approach, and that some of the
 new dynamic features of C# have benefited from this.  It's hard to see
 how a community IronPython could have developed the DLR, and it seems
 unlikely that Microsoft would make changes to the CLR to assist it.
 (Does the latest Microsoft Javascript engine use the DLR (Managed
 JScript?) - if so, then there's hope, I guess).

 Projects often need 'angels', especially in the early stages (and I
 would argue that Iron* are still in early stages).  Working on a
 project of this size takes a lot of resources, and having corporate
 sponsors makes that a lot easier.  Would Python have succeeded if CWI,
 CNRI, and BeOpen hadn't supported Guido (and others)'s work in the
 early days?  These days the PSF takes this role, but projects need
 time to build to that sort of size.

 [Iron]Python (I don't really know much about [Iron]Ruby) is a great
 language for beginners (students, kids, hobbyists, etc).  The Iron
 variants provide a very smooth path into other .NET development (e.g.
 C# - which I would say is not at all a great beginner's language).
 You could argue that Visual Basic provides this functionality as well
 - I personally find Python much superior to Visual Basic, and since
 nearly all other BASIC variants are dead now, it doesn't provide an
 easy road into the .NET world (you have to start there with an
 unfamiliar language).

 This last point is the most relevant to me.  Over the last few years,
 NorthTec have switched to using CPython as the first-course
 programming language, and IronPython as the second-course language.
 The students *need* to end up with some .NET and Visual Studio
 experience, because realistically that's what they are most likely to
 come across in the real world.  Many of the students are not capable
 of starting with C#.  If IronPython wasn't a Microsoft project, it
 would have been considerably more difficult to adopt it - that would
 likely have meant using Visual Basic (possibly in both courses,
 because these students struggle learning two languages in their first
 year).  Although this is my unique case, I suspect that there are
 similar ones, where being a Microsoft product is a deciding factor in
 whether Iron* can be used (which then impacts the adoption of the
 language, and therefore whether the language survives).

  I think Microsoft is throwing their weight behind JavaScript as their
  dynamic language of choice, and I can't really blame them.

 My hope is that Microsoft realises they have enough weight to throw it
 in more than once 

Re: [IronPython] .Net attributes/decorators

2010-05-18 Thread Hank Fay
Thanks for the explanation.  I like the opt in idea -- taken to its
fullest, that could allow .Net-style decorators on an opt-in module basis,
could it not?   And I see the point about the many platforms in one
codebase approach you describe as a way of enabling the larger Python
community.  By pursuing both approaches, the many-in-one and the opt-in to
the fullest, I think IPy can continue to fulfill what I understand now to
have been the original goal, of serving the Python community, while also
providing an enticing alternative to static .Net languages for
non-Pythonistas looking for a more comfortable home.

In the meantime, I know where to go when I get stuck on how to use to use .Net attributes. You probably know where I can go, too,
but we're probably thinking of different places. s

thanks again,


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Dino Viehland wrote:

  The answer is kind of both.  When it comes to the core language grammar
 we are (and I believe will always be) an equivalent set.  That’s rather
 important in that any code which is .NET specific can still be parsed by
 other Python implementations and therefore you can do various if I’m running
 on IronPython do this else if I’m on Jython do that or if I’m on CPython do
 something else – which is a fairly common pattern and even shows up in the
 standard library.  When it comes to the various builtin types we intend to
 be a superset but that superset is only available after the user has
 specifically opted in to IronPython.

 So let’s look at some examples how this has played out.  To add generic
 support we used Python’s existing indexing support rather than adding
 parsing support for something like Dictionaryint, int which would have
 matched C#.  But at the same time we don’t want to modify the core objects
 too much – for example a future version of CPython could choose to add
 indexing support to built-in functions to add some new feature of their
 own.  Therefore our built-in functions which are generic are actually a
 subtype of the normal built-in function type and add indexing.  Our normal
 built-in functions don’t support indexing (types/generic types actually
 still need this treatment of not having indexing by default but I haven’t
 gotten around to fixing that one yet).

 And of course we try and make sure that all of the extensions that we do
 offer are only available on an opt-in basis and that opt-in basis is
 per-module rather than tainting all code in the interpreter.  That enables
 some code to be Python specific and other code to be Ipy specific.  That’s
 done via “import clr” (or importing any other .NET namespace actually) which
 makes any additional attributes that we’ve added to types available (for
 example __clrtype__ is not visible until you do an import clr).  That
 enables us to expose things which are .NET specific but still allows pure
 Python code to run without seeing anything change – so for example if some
 code as doing dir() it’s not going to freak out because there’s some
 unexpected attributes.

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Hank Fay
 *Sent:* Tuesday, May 18, 2010 11:11 AM
 *To:* Discussion of IronPython
 *Subject:* [IronPython] .Net attributes/decorators

 In reviewing the discussion of .Net decorators in the list (thank you
 Google Groups), I did not come across a discussion of what I saw as the
 central issue: is IronPython to be a Superset of Python (every Python
 program will run in IronPython, not every IronPython program will run in
 Python), or is IronPython to be an equivalent set (every Python program will
 run in IPy, and every IPy will run in Python).

 Has there been a discernment on this issue?

 For me, coming from a non-Python world, it makes sense to view IPy as a
 superset of Python.  This perspective would, e.g., allow the use of .Net
 decorators on classes (which in turn would facilitate returning .Net
 objects).  I've read about the ways of using __clrtype__ to do this in a
 Pythonic manner.  My interest is in simplicity and clarity in my
 programs, rather than maintaining two-way compatibility (which I could not
 port to Python, in any case, for a .Net program using .Net features).


 Hank Fay

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[IronPython] .Net assembly expects array object, sees list

2010-05-17 Thread Hank Fay
I don't know whether this is a bug or a feature. s

I'm using the Advantage data provider.  On the AdsExtendedReader
object is a method to Seek a value.  The first parameter is supposed to be
an array object, .Net type.

Here's my code:

_myArray = [dProd]
_ok = loReader.Seek(_myArray,AdsExtendedReader.SeekType.HardSeek)

and here is the result (in 2.6.1003.1), run in SharpDevelop:

Microsoft.Scripting.ArgumentTypeException: expected Array[object], got list
   at Caller.Call
   at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute7
   at IronPython.Runtime.Importer.Import
   at IronPython.Runtime.Operations.PythonOps.InitializeModule
   at PythonMain.Main


Hank Fay
Users mailing list

[IronPython] Eventhandling in the IDE: Who is the audience?

2010-05-05 Thread Hank Fay
In VB, eventhandling can be done by switching to the partial class,
selecting the object in the left dropdown at the top of the editor, and then
selecting the event in the right dropdown.  The function gets created, and
of course in VB uses Handles in order to connect the event-handler.

This is a style of working with events that is familiar with at least a
hundred thousand VFP programmers who have been stranded by MS, and are
looking for a way into .Net.  And I believe it's familiar with the million
plus VB programmers who have not made the switch to .Net (the last figure I
read was over 2 million, but that was nearly 2 years ago).

I would make the argument that this way of working is straight-forward,
involves less typing, and allows clearer thinking: the same kinds of
arguments made for Py in general and IPy in particular.  I can create a
framework that makes working with data, and the IDE, easy for users, and
straight-forward in a way that will be familiar to VFP developers -- and am
doing so (open source fwiw), hence my special interest in making the rest of
the development experience as familiar as possible.

So, this is a request.  I'll have others, but much of what I need is already
in the plan (working with VSX in Python is huge, btw, so thanks in advance
for that one).


Hank Fay
Users mailing list

[IronPython] XAML attribute edit = Unhandled Exception

2010-05-04 Thread Hank Fay
Maybe this is already known?

In IPyTools CTP2:

Create new WPF IPY app; add a button; in Button XAML, add MouseEnter=

Result: a good chance at this point the unhandled exception will have
occurred.  If not, this is a 100% occurrence at the next step: enter text
between the empty double-quotes after MouseEnter=

Pressing the Click here to reload the designer link refreshes the designer

Here's the stack trace:

Server stack trace:
md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean
fExecuteInContext, Object[] outArgs)
msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage
reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData
msgData, Int32 type)
   at MS.Internal.Host.PersistenceSubsystem.Loadb__8(AssemblyReferences
   at Microsoft.Windows.Design.SubscribeContextCallback.Invoke(ContextItem
sender, MessageKey key, MessageArguments args)
consumer, MessageKey`1 key, T args)
key, T args, Boolean isPrivateMessage)
key, T args)
tree, Damage damage)
   at Microsoft.Windows.Design.DocumentModel.MarkupProducer.Update()
sender, MessageKey key, MessageArguments args)
sender, MessageKey key, MessageArguments args)
key, T args, Boolean isPrivateMessage)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate
callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object
source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
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[IronPython] Events button?

2010-05-04 Thread Hank Fay
Not being WPF-fluent in VS, I went to read the very useful WPF Designer for
Windows Forms Developers at  It
mentions using the Events button in the Properties page for the object
selected in the designer.  Which would be fine except that there isn't one.

Nor does right-clicking on the eventhandler name in the XAML lead to a
dropdown with a Navigate to Eventhandler etc. option.

I assume these are on the development list, but thought I'd check: 40 years
ago s we partied for an extra week during an ice storm in Atlanta because
no one told the power company that our apartment complex was out.


Hank Fay
Users mailing list

[IronPython] Advantage Database provider difficulties

2010-04-27 Thread Hank Fay
I'm trying to use the Advantage Database provider ( working
in IronPython (2.6.1003.1).  OS is Win7 x64; IDE is #develop
 I'm getting an error that isn't telling me much.  This is based on a C#
example I have running on the same machine, in VS2010 RTM.

Here's the code (Advantage.Data.Provider.dll is referenced in the project).
 It blows up on the last line, with the error noted below the code.  My hope
is that the error will mean more to those with more experience than I and
point me in a useful direction.  FYI: the code references a directory as a
database, and the CommandText selects a field from a DBF that is a free
table, that is, not part of a VFP database container (if you were to get the
idea that I'm retreading in IP after 24 years developing in xBase languages,
you would hit the mark s).

import Advantage.Data.Provider
from Advantage.Data.Provider import *

_conn = Advantage.Data.Provider.AdsConnection(data
ServerType=local; TableType=CDX)
_cmd = _conn.CreateCommand()
_cmd.CommandText = select name from ddent
_reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader()

And the error:

Advantage.Data.Provider.AdsException: System error.
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Actions.Calls.MethodCandidate+Caller.Call(Object[]
args, Boolean shouldOptimize)
site, CodeContext context, Object func, String arg0, PythonDictionary arg1,
PythonDictionary arg2, PythonTuple arg3, Int32 arg4)
   at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute7(CallSite site, Object
arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5,
Object arg6)
   at IronPython.Runtime.Importer.Import(CodeContext context, String
fullName, PythonTuple from, Int32 level)
   at IronPython.Runtime.Operations.PythonOps.InitializeModule(Assembly
precompiled, String main, String[] references)
   at PythonMain.Main()


Hank Fay
Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Advantage Database provider difficulties

2010-04-27 Thread Hank Fay
That's even better than a direction: that's the answer! s



On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:15 PM, Dino Viehland wrote:

  My initial guess would be that you want your string literal to be a raw
 string literal.  That is it should have the r prefix such as r”data
 source=…”.  I’m guessing the C# code might have been doing @”data source=…”
 because of the “\n” in the connection string.

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Hank Fay
 *Sent:* Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:09 PM

 *Subject:* [IronPython] Advantage Database provider difficulties

 I'm trying to use the Advantage Database provider (
 working in IronPython (2.6.1003.1).  OS is Win7 x64; IDE is #develop  I'm getting an error that isn't telling me much.  This is based
 on a C# example I have running on the same machine, in VS2010 RTM.

 Here's the code (Advantage.Data.Provider.dll is referenced in the project).
  It blows up on the last line, with the error noted below the code.  My hope
 is that the error will mean more to those with more experience than I and
 point me in a useful direction.  FYI: the code references a directory as a
 database, and the CommandText selects a field from a DBF that is a free
 table, that is, not part of a VFP database container (if you were to get the
 idea that I'm retreading in IP after 24 years developing in xBase languages,
 you would hit the mark s).

 *import* Advantage.Data.Provider
 *from* Advantage.Data.Provider *import* *

 _conn = Advantage.Data.Provider.*AdsConnection*(data
 ServerType=local; TableType=CDX)
 _cmd = _conn.*CreateCommand*()
 _cmd.CommandText = select name from ddent
 _reader = _cmd.*ExecuteReader*()

 And the error:

 Advantage.Data.Provider.AdsException: System error.

 Microsoft.Scripting.Actions.Calls.MethodCandidate+Caller.Call(Object[] args,
 Boolean shouldOptimize)

 site, CodeContext context, Object func, String arg0, PythonDictionary arg1,
 PythonDictionary arg2, PythonTuple arg3, Int32 arg4)

at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute7(CallSite site,
 Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object
 arg5, Object arg6)

at IronPython.Runtime.Importer.Import(CodeContext context, String
 fullName, PythonTuple from, Int32 level)

at IronPython.Runtime.Operations.PythonOps.InitializeModule(Assembly
 precompiled, String main, String[] references)

at PythonMain.Main()


 Hank Fay

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] IronPython Tools for Visual Studio

2010-04-27 Thread Hank Fay
I've been getting everyone (relatives including kids, anyone, programming
experience not necessary s) I can cajole into going to MS Connect to vote
up Michael's issue on the IP IDE in VS.  My latest effort is a LInkedIn
group for IP, with a permanent discussion item pointing to the Connect

Of course, I would imagine everyone here is one of the nearly 600 now who
have voted it up.

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:17 PM, Dino Viehland wrote:

  Not yet L We were trying to push through some internal processes for a
 more optimal release.  We’ll release this week whether or not we can push
 through that part of the process.  Sorry for the delay!

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Prasanna Jaganathan
 *Sent:* Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:13 PM

 *To:* Discussion of IronPython
 *Subject:* Re: [IronPython] IronPython Tools for Visual Studio


 Is this available now? Two weeks are up! :-)


 On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 11:29 PM, Dino Viehland

 It’s not yet publicly available – the preview was given out exclusively to
 PyCon attendees on a CD.  We’ll be putting out an updated version within a
 couple of weeks after VS 2010 launches which is April 12th.

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Marty Nelson
 *Sent:* Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:45 AM
 *To:* Discussion of IronPython
 *Subject:* Re: [IronPython] IronPython Tools for Visual Studio

 We offer extensive Iron Python extension points for our customers in our
 application and would be very interested in this technology as well.

 Marty Nelson

 Symyx Technologies.

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Prasanna Jaganathan
 *Sent:* Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:36 AM
 *Subject:* [IronPython] IronPython Tools for Visual Studio


 I am trying to get a good IDE for working with Iron Python, I chanced upon
 this page and found about IronPython Tools for Visual Studio.

 I have installed Visual Studio 2010 beta and would like to install this
 plugin. Can you point me to a place where I can download this?

 Thank you very much!



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RE: [IronPython] IronPython and Visual Studio --

2005-06-07 Thread Hank Fay
An area where IronPython could be especially useful, I think, would be in
making dynamic working with the IDE.  In Visual Foxpro, with a dialog open,
from the Command Window I can issue:

loForm = aArray[1]
loForm.height = loForm.height + 50  makes it 50 pixels higher, etc.

Making Python the scripting language for the IDE, so that it became dynamic,
would put Python in front of many more .Net developers that simply hoping
they adopt it because it's a great language (which of course it is s).
Ken Levy, who is on the VSData team, actually created a whole system of
builders for VFP: he would be a great resource for this project.

Hank Fay

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