Re: [OMPI users] MPI and C++ (Boost)

2009-07-07 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Luis,

Luis Vitorio Cargnini wrote:
Your suggestion is a great and interesting idea. I only have the fear to 
get used to the Boost and could not get rid of Boost anymore, because 
one thing is sure the abstraction added by Boost is impressive, it turn 

I should add that I fully understand what it is you are saying and despite all 
the good things there were being said about Boost, I was avoiding it for a very 
long time because of the dependency issue.  For two reasons -- the dependency 
issue for myself (exactly like what you said) and distributing it means users 
will have to do an extra step (regardless of how easy/hard the step is, it's an 
extra step).

I finally switched over :-) and the "prototype" idea was just a way to ease you 
into it.  MPI programs are hard to get right, and Boost aside, it is a good idea 
to have something working that is easy to do and then you can remove the parts 
that you don't like later.

By the way, it seems that less-used parts of MPI do not have equivalents in 
Boost.MPI, so just using Boost won't solve all of your problems.  There is a 
list here (the table with the entries that say "unsupported"):

Good luck!


Re: [OMPI users] MPI and C++ (Boost)

2009-07-06 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Luis,

Luis Vitorio Cargnini wrote:

Thanks, but I really do not want to use Boost.
Is easier ? certainly is, but I want to make it using only MPI itself 
and not been dependent of a Library, or templates like the majority of 
boost a huge set of templates and wrappers for different libraries, 
implemented in C, supplying a wrapper for C++.
I admit Boost is a valuable tool, but in my case, as much independent I 
could be from additional libs, better.

I've used Boost MPI before and it really isn't that bad and shouldn't be seen as 
"just another library".  Many parts of Boost are on their way to being part of 
the standard and are discussed and debated on.  And so, it isn't the same as 
going to some random person's web page and downloading their library/template. 
Of course, it takes time to make it into the standard and I'm not entirely sure 
if everything will (probably not).

(One "annoying" thing about Boost MPI is that you have to compile it...if you 
are distributing your code, end-users might find that bothersome...oh, and 
serialization as well.)

One suggestion might be to make use of Boost and once you got your code working, 
 start changing it back.  At least you will have a working program to compare 
against.  Kind of like writing a prototype first...


Re: [OMPI users] Error connecting to nodes ?

2009-07-02 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Ashika,

Ashika Umanga Umagiliya wrote:
In my MPI environment I have 3 Debian machines all setup openMPI in 

configured PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly.
And I have also configured passwordless SSH login in each node.

But when I execute my application , it gives following error , what 
seems to be the problem ?

Have you check whether or not mpirun works on a single machine (i.e., 
mpirun -np 4 -host localhost mandel)?  Did you install openmpi from 
source or via the apt-get package manager?  I used the pkg mgr and orted 
is located at /usr/bin/orted -- do you have this file on all 3 systems?

And this is Debian stable?


Re: [OMPI users] Compiling ompi for use on another machine

2009-03-14 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Ben,

ben rodriguez wrote:

I have compiled ompi and another program for use on another rhel5/x86_64 
machine, after transfering the binaries and setting up environment variables is 
there anything else I need to do for ompi to run properly? When executing my 
prog I get:
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD 
with errorcode 1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

Just a few thoughts about your problem...

Are the two machines identical in architecture and RH installation?  Is there any reason 
why you cannot compile on the other machine too?  (Sometimes the location of dynamic 
libraries, etc. changes so I try to make a note to always recompile on each machine.)  
Are you having problems running your program on each node individually first?  If not, 
you might try that first (i.e., with "--np 1").


[OMPI users] Can't start program across network

2009-03-13 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi all,

I'm having a problem running mpirun and I was wondering if there are 
suggestions on how to find out the cause.  I have 3 machines that I can use:  
X, Y, and Z.  The important thing is that X is different from Y and Z (the 
software installed, version of Linux, etc.  Y and Z are identical software 

All of this works:

[On X]  mpirun --host Y,Z --np 2 uname -a
[On X]  mpirun --host X,Y,Z --np 3 uname -a
[On Y]  mpirun --host Y --np 2 uname -a

(and likewise, other combinations)

What doesn't work is:

[On Y] mpirun --host Y,Z --np 2 uname -a
[On Y] mpirun --host X,Y,Z --np 3 uname -a

...and similarly for machine Z.  I can confirm that from any of the 3 machines, I can ssh to the other without typing in a 
password.  I set up the RSA keys correctly [I think].  When I run the above commands, it just hangs.  Adding 
"--verbose" doesn't produce any information...I don't know what it's doing.  I had a longer running program than 
"uname" and I didn't see it appear on any of the machines.  In fact [since it hangs], I don't see uname on 
"top", either.  I do, however, see "mpirun" and "orted" on top, though.

I guess some setup is missing that X has that the other two do not have.  Any 
suggestions on how to find out the cause of this problem?  Thank you!


PS:  It has been a long time since I got X working...I might have done 
something that I no longer remember; but I don't remember seeing this problem 

Re: [OMPI users] round-robin scheduling question [hostfile]

2009-02-23 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Ralph,

Ralph Castain wrote:
The man page will describe all the various options. Which one is best 
for your app really depends on what the app is doing, the capabilities 
and topology of your cluster, etc. A little experimentation can help you 
get a feel for when to use which one.

Thank you for the explanation!  So far, I've only been using -np and letting the rest work itself through magic :-) --  but, I'll try the options you suggested and also other options in the man page of mpirun to see what works for my application...  

Thanks again!


[OMPI users] round-robin scheduling question [hostfile]

2009-02-20 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi all,

According to FAQ 14 (How do I control how my processes are scheduled across nodes?) [], it says that the default scheduling policy is by slot and not by node.  I'm curious why the default is "by slot" since I am thinking of explicitly specifying by node but I'm wondering if there is an issue which I haven't considered.  

I would think that one reason for "by node" is to distribute HDD access across machines 
[as is the case for me since my program is HDD access intensive].  Or perhaps I am mistaken?  I'm 
now thinking that "by slot" is the default because processes with ranks that are close 
together might do similar tasks and you would want them on the same node?  Is that the reason?

Also, at the end of this FAQ, it says "NOTE:  This is the scheduling policy in Open MPI because of a long historical 
precendent..." --  does this "This" refer to "the fact that there are two scheduling policies" or 
"the fact that 'by slot' is the default"?  If the latter, then that explains why "by slot" is the default, I 

Thank you!


Re: [OMPI users] running as rank 0 of 1 for 2 processor

2009-02-13 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Ramya,

Ramya Narasimhan wrote:

 I have installed openmpi-1.3. When I checked for the example programs,
the output shows only rank 0 of size 1 for 2 processors. When I gave the
command: *mpirun -hostfile node -np 2 hello_c*
the output is
Hello, world, I am 0 of 1
Hello, world, I am 0 of 1

In my node file, I have
*IP address* slots=2 max_slots=2
I don't know why it is not giving as 0 of 2 and 1 of 2.

Other than the text output, can you confirm that this is happening?  I'm no expert, but as a sanity check, I would put an 
infinite loop after printing "hello, world".  Then opening another terminal and run "top".  I'm not sure if 
all top's are the same, but I would hit "f" to include more fields and then "J" to include the "Last 
used cpu".  Check the help manual for your top if its different for you.  On my top, this information is not included by 
default.  Then return to the previous screen.

Ideally, you should see two processes running on your computer.  One on processor "0" and the other 
on "1".  Can you confirm this is not the case and both are set to "0"?


Re: [OMPI users] Compilers

2009-01-28 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Amos,

Amos Leffler wrote:

 I want to compile Open-mpi  using intel compilers.
Unfortunately the Series 10 C compiler(icc) license has expired.  I
downloaded and looked at the Series 11 C++ compiler (no C compiler listed)
and would like to know if you can use this together with an enclosed or
obtained C compiler from Intel.  The release notes are a bit overwhelming!
Is it possible to use the standard Linux gcc instead?

Yes you can use gcc/g++ as that is what I use.  I do not know about Intel's 
compilers though as I don't use them.  However, this answer in the FAQ seems to 
address your query:

...and the answer seems to be "yes" (in fact, Intel compilers is the example 


Re: [OMPI users] Only the root can run mpirun? other users how to do ?

2008-12-09 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Chong,

Chong Su wrote:

Now the mpi can be used normally . But we need let the non-root user run the
MPI program too, HOW can we do ?


What type of operating system?

Generally, anyone can run mpirun and mpic/mpic++/etc.  Are you unable to 
do that?  What kind of error message are you getting?  And are you sure 
that it was installed properly?  i.e., Can root run it and not normal users?


Re: [OMPI users] OpenMPI on a LAN

2008-11-29 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Heitor,

Heitor Florido wrote:

I have installed OpenMPI on both computers and my application works on on
both of them, but when I try to communicate between them, the method
MPI_Lookup_name can't resolve the name published by the other machine.

I've tried to run the example from mpi-forum that uses MPI_Open_port too,
but it didn't work either.
After reading about it on some FAQs e some other threads from the forum, I
believe that I need to config my ssh options.


Honestly, when I installed Open MPI, I didn't perform any configuration 
of the ssh options, as far as I can remember.  I'm not sure if someone 
else can help you.  I can imagine networks being set up incorrectly, but 
I can't imagine what incorrect ssh option there would be to prevent one 
computer from finding another.  In addition to some FAQs, Gus suggested 
running a simple example called hello_c.c.  Have you tried that?

It is hard to give any suggestions unless you give more information such 
as a shortened version of your source code and what is the command line 
that you ran mpirun with.  It might help if you ran some existing code 
(such as, too.


Re: [OMPI users] OpenMPI on a LAN

2008-11-27 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Heitor,

Heitor Florido wrote:

I have built an application using opemmpi 1.2.8 that is a client/server
application that uses MPI_publish_name and MPI_Lookup_name to start the
This application works fine on a single computer.
However, i'd like to run it on 2 pcs using linux (ubuntu) connected by a
If I start the server on a computer, my cliente can't find the name
published by the server and crashes.
What should I do make this work?
I believe that my application is correct, so I think I need to install some
other service to make MPI see the other computer.

Have you installed Open MPI on both computers?  And can you run your 
application as a single computer on both computers?  (i.e., each one 
working independently)

If you are concerned about your Open MPI installation, you can try some 
simple code from the web that has been shown to work to confirm that the 
problem is not with your application (I'm not saying it is :-), just 
suggesting that you should remove it from the equation, if you can).


Re: [OMPI users] timing + /usr/bin/time

2008-11-14 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Reuti,

I have to admit that I'm so familiar with SGE, but I'll take a look at 
it so that I'll learn something.  In my current situation, I don't 
/need/ to report a user time.  I was just wondering if it has any 
meaning and what people mean when they show numbers or a graph and just 
says "time".

But thank you for pointing this out!


Reuti wrote:

Hi Ray,

with the Tight Integration of Open MPI into SGE 
( you will get a correct accouting. 
Every process created with qrsh (a replacement for ssh) will have an 
additional group id attached and SGE will accumulate them all.

Depending on the size of the cluster, you might want to look into a 
batch queuing system. In fact: we use it even local on some machines 
to serialize the workflow.

-- Reuti

Re: [OMPI users] timing + /usr/bin/time

2008-11-14 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Fabian,

Thank you for clarifying things and confirming some of the things that I 
thought.  I guess I have a clearer understanding now.

Fabian Hänsel wrote:

H, I guess user time does not matter since it is real time that
we are interested in reducing.

Right. Even if we *could* measure user time of every MPI worker process
correctly this was not what you are interested in: Depending on the
algorithm a significant amount of time could  get spend waiting for MPI
messages to arrive - and that time would not count as user time, but
also was not 'wasted' as something important happens.

The reason why I was wondering is that some people in research papers 
compare their algorithm (system) with another one by measuring user time 
since it removes some of the effects of what the system does on behalf 
of the user's process.  And some people, I guess, see this as a fairer 

On the other hand, I guess I've realized the obvious -- that Open MPI 
doesn't reduce the efficiency of the algorithm.  Even worse, increases 
in user time is an artifact of Open MPI, so it is somewhat misleading if 
we are analyzing an algorithm.  What MPI should do (if properly used) is 
to reduce the real time and that's what we should be reporting...even if 
it includes other things that we did not want previously, like the time 
spent by the OS in swapping memory, etc.

[Papers I've read with graphs that have "time" on the y-axis and 
"processors" on the x-axis rarely mention what time they are 
measuring...but it seems obviously now that it must be real time since 
user time should [???] increase with more processors.I think...of 
course, assuming we can total the user time across machines accurately.]

Thank you for your message(s)!  Think I got it now...  :-)


Re: [OMPI users] timing + /usr/bin/time

2008-11-12 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Fabian,

Fabian Hänsel wrote:

On a separate topic, but related to your post here, how did you do
the timing?  [Especially to so many digits of accuracy.  :-) ]

two things to consider:

i) What do I actually (want to) measure?
ii) How accurate can I do that?

Option iA) execution time of the whole program

One could use /usr/bin/time. Simple, but that is not that accurate. If
you do not need microsecond accuracy and measure all the things you
want to compare in the same fashion a run like "/usr/bin/time mpirun
-np X myprog" should perfectly suits your needs.

So, to make sure I understand what happens...  This command:

mpirun -np 2 myprog

starts the program "mpirun" and two processes of "myprog".  So, what the 
"real time" of /usr/bin/time reports is the wall clock for mpirun.

Does the user time have any meaning here?  I'm not very good with the 
theory behind multi-processor programming...but Perl (for example)has a 
"times" function ( which 
"Returns a ... list ... for this process and the children of this 
process".  Are the two instances of myprog considered children of mpirun?

H, I guess user time does not matter since it is real time that we 
are interested in reducing.

Option iB) time my 'crunching core' runs

Something in rank0 like
"time1=gettime(); crunch_alot(); time2=gettime(); time_used=time2-time1;"
is much better suited to actually measure only the important parts,
esp. if they can run shortly compared to overall programm execution
time. (this assumes that crunch_alot() has a barrier character, e.g. by
collecting values from all processes at the end)

MPI_Wtime() is generally considered the best way, as it is platform
independent and usually MPI libs try to use the most accurate
measurement method available on every certain platform.

Yes, gettimg () would work also.  I didn' t know there was a MPI_Wtime 
() function, though.  Thanks!

I've just used gettimeofday(), because some of my demo apps are
intended to run independent of MPI. So my accuracy is at most micro
seconds (on some platforms that might be different; e.g. only 10ms-steps).

[Especially to so many digits of accuracy.  :-) ]

By unsuitably using printf("%.9f",time)   ;-)
I've just not cleared up that part. (But still the thing
I wanted to demonstrate became quite apparent.)

Ah!  You demonstrated that well -- thanks!

However, I saw all those digits of accuracy and I thought you were doing 
some magic with timing MPI programs that I'd like to know -- it was only 
a "%.9f", after all...  :-)

Thank you!


Re: [OMPI users] dual cores --> timing + /usr/bin/time

2008-11-11 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Fabian,

On a separate topic, but related to your post here, how did you do the 
timing?  [Especially to so many digits of accuracy.  :-) ]

I will have to time my program and I don't think /usr/bin/time would do 
it.  Are the numbers it report accurate [for an MPI program]?  I think 
the "user time" would be inaccurate since I need to get the user time of 
all the processes...but the "real time" of the main process should be ok?


Fabian Hänsel wrote:

Be warned that at least in default config running more MPI threads than
you have cores results in dog slow code.

Single core machine:

$ cat my-hosts
localhost slots=1
$ mpirun -np 1 -hostfile my-hosts ./sort selectionsort 1024
  1024  0.009905000seconds
$ mpirun -np 2 -hostfile my-hosts ./sort selectionsort 1024
  1024  4.113605000 seconds

(on dual core both -np 1 and -np 2 run almost equally fast (only
slightly speedup due to poor algorithm (developed for demonstration

Re: [OMPI users] Open MPI programs with autoconf/automake?

2008-11-10 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Jeff,

Jeff Squyres wrote:

On Nov 10, 2008, at 6:41 AM, Jed Brown wrote:

With #define's and compiler flags, I think that can be  easily done --
was wondering if this is something that developers using MPI do and
whether AC/AM  supports it.

AC will allow you to #define whatever you want -- look at the 
documentation for AC_DEFINE and AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED.  You can also tell 
your configure script to accept various --with- and 
--enable- arguments; see the docs for AC_ARG_WITH and AC_ARG_ENABLE.

Thanks for this!  I know "it's in the document", but I've been going 
through it with much difficulty.  Definitely complete, but hard to get 
into and know what it is I need.  So, some keywords to search for will 
definitely help!

If --with-mpi is not specified, the following will happen:

1. You don't set CC (and friends), so AC_PROG_CC will find the default 
compilers.  Hence, your app will not be compiled and linked against 
the MPI libraries.
2. #define BUILDING_WITH_MPI to 0, so the code above will compile out 
the call to MPI_Send().

Both of these are valid techniques -- use whichever suits your app the 

I see; thank you for giving me this second option.  I guess I'm more 
attracted to this since it allows me to continue working with Open MPI.  
As I am writing the system [now], I'll have to keep in mind to make it 
modular so that parts can be #define'd in and out easily.

Thank you for your careful explanation! 


Re: [OMPI users] dual cores

2008-11-10 Thread Raymond Wan

Dear Erin,

I'm nowhere near a guru, so I hope you don't what I have to say (it 
might be wrong...).

But what I did was just put a long loop into the program and while it 
was running, I opened another window and looked at the output of "top".  
Obviously, without the loop, the program would terminate too fast.

If you have two CPUs and the total of the process exceeds 100% (i.e., if 
you run with np=2, you might have 98% and 98%), then I would think this 
is enough proof that both cores are being used.

I'm saying this on the list hoping that someone can correct my knowledge 
of it, too... 


Hodgess, Erin wrote:

Dear Open MPI gurus:

I have just installed Open MPI this evening.

I have a dual core laptop and I would like to have both cores running.

Here is the following my-hosts file:
localhost slots=2

and here is the command and output:
 mpirun --hostfile my-hosts -np 4 --byslot hello_c |sort
Hello, world, I am 0 of 4
Hello, world, I am 1 of 4
Hello, world, I am 2 of 4
Hello, world, I am 3 of 4

How do I know if both cores are running, please?

Re: [OMPI users] Open MPI programs with autoconf/automake?

2008-11-09 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Nuno,

Thank you for the link and your update to it.  I definitely don't mind 
that it isn't "pretty"!  :-)

Since your post, I've been trying to understand it and how to work it 
in.  But, I think I've been making some progress over the weekend.

Thank you!


Nuno Sucena Almeida wrote:

see if this macro solves your problem:

	it requires some improvement, but might be a start. Since I only have OpenMPI 
I use it in the following way(it's not pretty):
dnl Check for MPI
dnl This check will set the MPICC and MPICXX variables to the MPI compiler 

dnl if the library is found, or to the regular compilers if not.
AC_ARG_WITH(mpi, [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-mpi],
 [enable MPI support [default=yes]])],
 [case "${withval}" in
   yes|no) with_mpi=$withval;;
   AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${withval} for --with-mpi);;
if test "x$with_mpi" = "xyes"; then
ACX_MPI([], [AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find mpi library for --with-mpi)])
MPI_CXXLIBS=`mpicxx --showme:link`
MPI_CXXFLAGS=`mpicxx --showme:compile`
AM_CONDITIONAL([WE_HAVE_MPI],[test "x$with_mpi" = "xyes"])
# MPI headers/libraries:

I would start by improving the mentioned macro with specific support for each 
MPI implementation...


On Thursday 06 November 2008 06:35:33 am Raymond Wan wrote:

I'm not sure if this is relevant to this mailing list, but I'm trying to
get autoconf/automake working with an Open MPI program I am writing (in


Re: [OMPI users] Open MPI programs with autoconf/automake?

2008-11-09 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for your reply!

Indeed, I was never going to look at OMPI's use of AC/ doubt that 
would be far too complex for me.  :-)

The AC/AM documents I have found so far are quite difficult for me -- I 
really am starting from zero.  Prior to using MPI, I have been writing 
my own Makefiles and for the projects I work on [usually alone], that 
was sufficient.  However, your tip did help me; I dropped "MPI" from my 
search and added "tutorial" instead and the hits are better.

As a starting point, I probably will only support open source MPIs.  One 
thing I was wondering about was whether it is possible, though the use 
of #define's, to create code that is both multi-processor (MPI/mpic++) 
and single-processor (normal g++).  That is, if users do not have any 
MPI installed, it compiles it with g++. 

With #define's and compiler flags, I think that can be  easily done -- 
was wondering if this is something that developers using MPI do and 
whether AC/AM  supports it.

But thanks and I'll try more phrase combinations in google...


Jeff Squyres wrote:
OMPI itself uses AC/AM to build itself, but our and some 
of our's are fairly complex -- I wouldn't use these as 
starting points.

You probably want to start with some general AC/AM tutorials (the AM 
documentation reads somewhat like a tutorial -- you might want to look 
there?).  Just google around for AC/AM tutorials; leave "MPI" out of 
your searching.  Indeed, all you really want to do is build your 
software -- the only real difference between your app and other apps 
is that you want to use mpicc and friends to build it (vs. gcc and 
friends).  Most other aspects should be the same.

Hence, the big difference for building an MPI application with AC/AM 
is that you want to set the C, C++, and Fortran compilers to the 
various "wrapper" MPI compilers (e.g., CC=mpicc, CXX=mpic++, 
FC=mpif90, F77=mpif77).  Then AC_PROG_CC (etc.) will find the wrapper 
compiler instead of gcc (for example).

It gets tricky, though, because not all MPI implementations have 
wrapper compilers -- so it's up to you to decide how portable you want 
to be.  The open source MPI's both have wrapper compilers by the same 
names (mpicc et al.), but some of the vendor/MPP platform-specific 
MPI's may not.

Good luck.

On Nov 6, 2008, at 6:35 AM, Raymond Wan wrote:

Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is relevant to this mailing list, but I'm trying 
to get autoconf/automake working with an Open MPI program I am 
writing (in C++) but unfortunately, I don't know where to begin.  I'm 
new to both tools but have it working well enough for a non-MPI 
program.  When I google for these terms, I end up with results of 
people who have problems with autoconf/automake and *installing* Open 
MPI -- which isn't what I am looking for.  Or, I get results that are 
well beyond what I need...I just need something to start with and 
won't be combining programming languages, etc.

Does anyone have a brief example of and/or 
to start me off or know of a tutorial that describes how they can be 
adapted for Open MPI from a non-MPI program?

Thank you -- any help appreciated!


users mailing list

[OMPI users] Debian MPI -- mpirun missing

2008-10-17 Thread Raymond Wan

Hi all,

I'm very new to MPI and am trying to install it on to a Debian Etch 
system.  I did have mpich installed and I believe that is causing me 
problems.  I completely uninstalled it and then ran:

update-alternatives --remove-all mpicc

Then, I installed the following packages:

libibverbs1 openmpi-bin openmpi-common openmpi-libs0 openmpi-dbg openmpi-dev

And it now says:

>> update-alternatives --display mpicc
mpicc - status is auto.
link currently points to /usr/bin/mpicc.openmpi
/usr/bin/mpicc.openmpi - priority 40
slave mpif90: /usr/bin/mpif90.openmpi
slave mpiCC: /usr/bin/mpic++.openmpi
slave mpic++: /usr/bin/mpic++.openmpi
slave mpif77: /usr/bin/mpif77.openmpi
slave mpicxx: /usr/bin/mpic++.openmpi
Current `best' version is /usr/bin/mpicc.openmpi.

which seems ok to me...  So, I tried to compile something (I had sample 
code from a book I purchased a while back, but for mpich), however, I 
can run the program as-is, but I think I should be running it with 
mpirun -- the FAQ suggests there is one?  But, there is no mpirun 
anywhere.  It's not in /usr/bin.  I updated the filename database 
(updatedb) and tried a "locate mpirun", and I get only one hit:


Is there a package that I neglected to install?  I did an "aptitude 
search openmpi" and installed everything listed...  :-)  Or perhaps I 
haven't removed all trace of mpich?

Thank you in advance!
